- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- chapter{Radio Propagation Models}
- label{chap:propagation}
- This chapter describes the radio propagation models implemented in ns.
- These models are used to predict the received signal power of
- each packet. At the physical layer of each wireless node, there is a receiving
- threshold. When a packet is received, if its signal power is below the receiving
- threshold, it is marked as error and dropped by the MAC layer.
- Up to now there are three propagation models in ns, which are the free
- space modelfootnote{Based on the code contributed to ns~from the CMU Monarch
- project.}, two-ray ground reflection modelfootnote{Contributed to ns~from the
- CMU Monarch project.} and the shadowing modelfootnote{Implemented in ns~by
- Wei Ye at USC/ISI}. Their implementation can be found in nsf{propagation.{cc,h}},
- nsf{tworayground.{cc,h}} and nsf{shadowing.{cc,h}}. This documentation
- reflects the APIs in ns-2.1b7.
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- section{Free space model}
- label{sec:freespace}
- The free space propagation model assumes the ideal propagation condition
- that there is only one clear line-of-sight path between the transmitter and
- receiver. H. T. Friis presented the following equation to
- calculate the received signal power in free space at distance $d$ from the
- transmitter cite{Friis46}.
- begin{equation}
- P_r (d) = frac{P_t G_t G_r lambda^2}{(4pi)^2 d^2 L}
- label{eqn:freespace}
- end{equation}
- where $P_t$ is the transmitted signal power. $G_t$ and $G_r$ are the antenna
- gains of the transmitter and the receiver respectively. $L (Lge1)$ is the
- system loss, and $lambda$ is the wavelength. It is common to select
- $G_t = G_r = 1$ and $L = 1$ in ns~ simulations.
- The free space model basically represents the communication range as a circle
- around the transmitter. If a receiver is within the circle, it receives all
- packets. Otherwise, it loses all packets
- The OTcl interface for utilizing a propagation model is the code{node-config}
- command. One way to use it here is
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -propType Propagation/FreeSpace
- end{program}
- Another way is
- begin{program}
- set prop [new Propagation/FreeSpace]
- $ns_ node-config -propInstance $prop
- end{program}
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- section{Two-ray ground reflection model}
- label{sec:tworay}
- A single line-of-sight path between two mobile nodes is seldom the only means
- of propation. The two-ray ground reflection model considers both the direct
- path and a ground reflection path. It is shown cite{Rappaport96} that this
- model gives more accurate prediction at a long distance than the free space
- model. The received power at distance $d$ is predicted by
- begin{equation}
- P_r (d) = frac{P_t G_t G_r {h_t}^2 {h_r}^2}{d^4 L}
- label{eqn:tworay}
- end{equation}
- where $h_t$ and $h_r$ are the heights of the transmit and receive antennas
- respectively. Note that the original equation in cite{Rappaport96} assumes
- $L = 1$. To be consistent with the free space model, $L$ is added here.
- The above equation shows a faster power loss than Eqn. (ref{eqn:freespace})
- as distance increases. However, The two-ray model does not give a good result
- for a short distance due to the oscillation caused by the constructive and
- destructive combination of the two rays. Instead, the free space model is
- still used when $d$ is small.
- Therefore, a cross-over distance $d_c$ is calculated in this model. When
- $d < d_c$, Eqn. (ref{eqn:freespace}) is used. When $d > d_c$, Eqn.
- (ref{eqn:tworay}) is used. At the cross-over distance, Eqns. (ref{eqn:freespace})
- and (ref{eqn:tworay}) give the same result. So $d_c$ can be calculated as
- begin{equation}
- % d_c = frac{4pi h_t h_r}{lambda}
- d_c = left( 4pi h_t h_r right) / lambda
- label{eqn:crossover}
- end{equation}
- Similarly, the OTcl interface for utilizing the two-ray ground reflection model
- is as follows.
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -propType Propagation/TwoRayGround
- end{program}
- Alternatively, the user can use
- begin{program}
- set prop [new Propagation/TwoRayGround]
- $ns_ node-config -propInstance $prop
- end{program}
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- section{Shadowing model}
- label{sec:shadowing}
- subsection{Backgroud}
- The free space model and the two-ray model predict the received power
- as a deterministic function of distance. They both represent the communication
- range as an ideal circle. In reality, the received power at certain distance
- is a random variable due to multipath propagation effects, which is also
- known as fading effects. In fact, the above two models predicts the mean
- received power at distance $d$. A more general and widely-used model is
- called the shadowing model~cite{Rappaport96}.
- The shadowing model consists of two parts. The first one is known as path
- loss model, which also predicts the mean received power at distance $d$,
- denoted by $overline{P_r(d)}$. It uses a close-in distance $d_0$ as
- a reference. $overline{P_r(d)}$ is computed relative to $P_r(d_0)$
- as follows.
- begin{equation}
- frac{P_r(d_0)}{overline{P_r(d)}} = {left( frac{d}{d_0} right)}^beta
- label{eqn:pathloss}
- end{equation}
- $beta$ is called the path loss exponent, and is usually empirically
- determined by field measurement. From Eqn. (ref{eqn:freespace}) we
- know that $beta = 2$ for free space propagation. Table~ref{tab:pathlossexp}
- gives some typical values of $beta$.
- Larger values correspond to more obstructions and hence faster
- decrease in average received power as distance becomes larger. $P_r(d_0)$
- can be computed from Eqn. (ref{eqn:freespace}).
- begin{table}
- begin{center}
- centering small
- begin{tabular}{|l|l|c|}
- hline multicolumn{2}{|c|}{bf{Environment}} & $beta$ \
- hline Outdoor & Free space & 2 \
- cline{2 - 3} & Shadowed urban area & 2.7 to 5 \
- hline In building & Line-of-sight & 1.6 to 1.8 \
- cline{2 - 3} & Obstructed & 4 to 6 \ hline
- end{tabular}
- caption{Some typical values of path loss exponent $beta$}
- label{tab:pathlossexp}
- end{center}
- end{table}
- begin{table}
- begin{center}
- centering small
- begin{tabular}{|l|c|}
- hline bf{Environment} & $sigma_{dB}$ (dB) \
- hline Outdoor & 4 to 12 \
- hline Office, hard partition & 7 \
- hline Office, soft partition & 9.6 \
- hline Factory, line-of-sight & 3 to 6 \
- hline Factory, obstructed & 6.8 \ hline
- end{tabular}
- caption{Some typical values of shadowing deviation $sigma_{dB}$}
- label{tab:stddb}
- end{center}
- end{table}
- The path loss is usually measured in dB. So from Eqn. (ref{eqn:pathloss})
- we have
- begin{equation}
- {left[ frac{overline{P_r(d)}}{P_r(d_0)} right]}_{dB} =
- -10 beta log left( frac{d}{d_0} right)
- label{eqn:pathlossdb}
- end{equation}
- The second part of the shadowing model reflects the variation of the
- received power at certain distance. It is a log-normal random variable,
- that is, it is of Gaussian distribution if measured in dB. The overall
- shadowing model is represented by
- begin{equation}
- {left[ frac{P_r(d)}{P_r(d_0)} right]}_{dB} =
- -10 beta log left( frac{d}{d_0} right) + X_{dB}
- label{eqn:shadowing}
- end{equation}
- where $X_{dB}$ is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and
- standard deviation $sigma_{dB}$. $sigma_{dB}$ is called the
- shadowing deviation, and is also obtained by measurement. Table
- ~ref{tab:stddb} shows some typical values of $sigma_{dB}$. Eqn.
- (ref{eqn:shadowing}) is also known as a log-normal shadowing model.
- The shadowing model extends the ideal circle model to a richer
- statistic model: nodes can only probabilistically communicate when
- near the edge of the communication range.
- subsection{Using shadowing model}
- Before using the model, the user should select the values of the path
- loss exponent $beta$ and the shadowing deviation $sigma_{dB}$
- according to the simulated environment.
- The OTcl interface is still the code{node-config} command. One way to
- use it is as follows, and the values for these parameters are just examples.
- begin{program}
- # first set values of shadowing model
- Propagation/Shadowing set pathlossExp_ 2.0 ;# path loss exponent
- Propagation/Shadowing set std_db_ 4.0 ;# shadowing deviation (dB)
- Propagation/Shadowing set dist0_ 1.0 ;# reference distance (m)
- Propagation/Shadowing set seed_ 0 ;# seed for RNG
- $ns_ node-config -propType Propagation/Shadowing
- end{program}
- The shadowing model creates a random number generator (RNG) object. The RNG has
- three types of seeds: raw seed, pre-defined seed (a set of known good seeds)
- and the huristic seed (details in Section~ref{sec:random}). The
- above API only uses the pre-defined seed. If a user want different seeding
- method, the following API can be used.
- begin{program}
- set prop [new Propagation/Shadowing]
- $prop set pathlossExp_ 2.0
- $prop set std_db_ 4.0
- $prop set dist0_ 1.0
- $prop seed <seed-type> 0 ;# user can specify seeding method
- $ns_ node-config -propInstance $prop
- end{program}
- The code{<seed-type>} above can be code{raw}, code{predef} or code{heuristic}.
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- section{Communication range}
- label{sec:commrange}
- In some applications, a user may want to specify the communication range of
- wireless nodes. This can be done by set an appropriate value of the receiving
- threshold in the network interface, ie,
- begin{program}
- Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ <value>
- end{program}
- A separate C program is provided at nsf{indep-utils/propagation/}
- to compute the receiving threshold. It can be used for all the
- propagation models discussed in this chapter. Assume you have compiled it and get
- the excutable named as code{threshold}. You can use it to compute the threshold
- as follows
- begin{program}
- threshold -m <propagation-model> [other-options] distance
- end{program}
- where code{<propagation-model>} is either code{FreeSpace}, code{TwoRayGround}
- or code{Shadowing}, and the code{distance} is the communication range in meter.
- code{[other-options]} are used to specify parameters other than their
- default values. For the shadowing model there is a necessary parameter,
- code{-r <receive-rate>}, which specifies the rate of correct reception at the
- code{distance}. Because the communication range in the shadowing model is not
- an ideal circle, an inverse Q-function cite{Rappaport96} is used to calculate the
- receiving threshold. For example, if you want 95% of packets can be correctly
- received at the distance of 50m, you can compute the threshold by
- begin{program}
- threshold -m Shadowing -r 0.95 50
- end{program}
- Other available values of code{[other-options]} are shown below
- begin{program}
- -pl <path-loss-exponent> -std <shadowing-deviation> -Pt <transmit-power>
- -fr <frequency> -Gt <transmit-antenna-gain> -Gr <receive-antenna-gain>
- -L <system-loss> -ht <transmit-antenna-height> -hr <receive-antenna-height>
- -d0 <reference-distance>
- end{program}
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:propcommand}
- Following is a list of commands for propagation models.
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ node-config -propType <propagation-model>}\
- This command selects code{<propagation-model>} in the simulation. the
- code{<propagation model>} can be code{Propagation/FreeSpace},
- code{Propagation/TwoRayGround} or code{Propagation/Shadowing}
- code{$ns_ node-config -propInstance $prop}\
- This command is another way to utilize a propagation model. code{$prop} is
- an instance of the code{<propagation-model>}.
- code{$sprop_ seed <seed-type> <value>}\
- This command seeds the RNG. code{$sprop_} is an instance of the shadowing model.
- code{threshold -m <propagation-model> [other-options] distance}\
- This is a separate program at nsf{indep-utils/propagation/}, which
- is used to compute the receiving threshold for a specified communication range.
- end{flushleft}
- endinput
- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------