- chapter{Unicast Routing}
- label{chap:unicast}
- This section describes the structure of unicast routing in ns.
- We begin by describing
- href{the interface to the user}{Section}{sec:API},
- through methods in the clsref{Simulator}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl}
- and the clsref{RouteLogic}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl}.
- We then describe
- href{configuration mechanisms for specialized routing}{%
- Section}{sec:uni:specroute}
- such as asymmetric routing, or equal cost multipath routing
- The next section describes the
- href{the configuration mechanisms for individual routing strategies
- and protocols}{Section}{sec:uni:protconfig}.
- We conclude with a comprehensive look at
- href{the internal architecture}{Section}{sec:rtg-internals}
- of routing in ns.
- The procedures and functions described in this chapter can be found in
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-route.tcl}, nsf{tcl/rtglib/route-proto.tcl},
- nsf{tcl/mcast/McastProto.tcl}, and nsf{rtProtoDV.{cc, h}}.
- section{The Interface to the Simulation Operator (The API)}
- label{sec:API}
- The user level simulation script requires one command:
- to specify the unicast routing strategy or protocols for the simulation.
- A routing strategy is a general mechanism by which ns
- will compute routes for the simulation.
- There are four routing strategies in ns:
- Static, Session, Dynamic and Manual.
- Conversely, a routing protocol is a realization of a specific algorithm.
- Currently, Static and Session routing use
- the
- fcnref{Dijkstra's all-pairs SPF algorithm cite{}}{../ns-2/route.cc}{%
- RouteLogic::compute_routes};
- one type of dynamic routing strategy is currently implemented: the
- fcnref{Distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm cite{}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{%
- Agent/rtProto/DV::compute_routes}.
- In ns, we blur the distinction between strategy and protocol for
- static and session routing, considering them simply as protocols%
- footnote{The consideration is that static and session routing
- strategies/protocols are implemented as agents derived from
- the clsref{Agent/rtProto},
- similar to how the different dynamic routing protocols are implemented;
- hence the blurred distinctions.}.
- fcnref{proc[]{rtproto}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Simulator::rtproto}
- is the instance procedure in the clsref{Simulator}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl}
- that specifies the unicast routing protocol to be used in the simulation.
- It takes multiple arguments, the first of which is mandatory;
- this first argument identifies the routing protocol to be used.
- Subsequent arguments specify the nodes
- that will run the instance of this protocol.
- The default is to run the same routing protocol
- on all the nodes in the topology.
- As an example, the following commands illustrate the use of the
- proc[]{rtproto} command.
- begin{program}
- $ns rtproto Static ; Enable static route strategy for the simulation;
- $ns rtproto Session ; Enable session routing for this simulation;
- $ns rtproto DV $n1 $n2 $n3 ; Run DV agents on nodes $n1, $n2, and $n3;
- $ns rtproto LS $n1 $n2 ; Run link state routing on specified nodes;
- end{program}
- If a simulation script does not specify any proc[]{rtproto} command,
- then ns will run Static routing on all the nodes in the topology.
- Multiple proc[]{rtproto} lines for the same or different routing
- protocols can occur in a simulation script.
- However, a simulation cannot use both
- centralized routing mechanisms such as static or session routing and
- detailed dynamic routing protocols such as DV.
- In dynamic routing, each node can be running more than one routing protocol.
- In such situations, more than one routing protocol can have a route to the
- same destination.
- Therefore, each protocol affixes a preference value to each of its routes.
- These values are non-negative integers in the range 0ldots255.
- The lower the value, the more preferred the route.
- When multiple routing protocol agents have a route to the same destination,
- the most preferred route is chosen and
- installed in the node's forwarding tables.
- If more than one agent has the most preferred routes,
- the ones with the lowest metric is chosen.
- We call the least cost route from the most preferred protocol the
- ``candidate'' route.
- If there are multiple candidate routes from the same or different protocols,
- then, currently,
- one of the agent's routes is randomly chosenfootnote{
- This really is undesirable, and may be fixed at some point.
- The fix will probably be to favor the agents in class preference order.
- A user level simulation relying on this behavior,
- or getting into this situation in specific topologies is
- not recommended.}.
- paragraph{Preference Assignment and Control}
- Each protocol agent stores an array of route preferences, code{rtpref_}.
- There is one element per destination, indexed by the node handle.
- The default preference values used by each protocol are derived from
- a class variable, code{preference_}, for that protocol.
- The current defaults are:
- begin{program}
- Agent/rtProto set preference_ 200 ; global default preference;
- Agent/rtProto/Directfootnote{Direct is a special routing strategy that is used in conjunction with Dynamic routing. We will describe this in greater detail as part of the route architecture description.} set preference_ 100
- Agent/rtProto/DV set preference_ 120
- end{program}
- A simulation script can control routing by altering the preference
- for routes in one of three ways:
- alter the preference
- for a specific route learned via a particular protocol agent,
- alter the preference for all routes learned by the agent, or
- alter the class variables for the agent before the agent is created.
- paragraph{Link Cost Assignment and Control}
- In the currently implemented route protocols,
- the metric of a route to a destination, at a node,
- is the cost to reach the destination from that node.
- It is possible to change the link costs at each of the links.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{cost}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Simulator::cost}
- is invoked as code{$ns cost tup{node1} tup{node2} tup{cost}},%$
- and sets the cost of the link from tup{node1} to tup{node2}
- to tup{cost}.
- begin{program}
- $ns cost $n1 $n2 10 ; set cost of link textbf{from} $n1 textbf{to} $n2 to 10;
- $ns cost $n2 $n1 5 ; set cost of link in reverse direction to 5;
- [$ns link $n1 $n2] cost? ; query cost of link from $n1 to $n2;
- [$ns link $n2 $n1] cost? ; query cost of link in reverse direction;
- end{program}
- Notice that the procedure sets the cost along one direction only.
- Similarly, the procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{cost?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Link::cost?}
- returns the cost of traversing the specified unidirectional link.
- The default cost of a link is 1.
- section{Other Configuration Mechanisms for Specialised Routing}
- label{sec:uni:specroute}
- It is possible to adjust preference and cost mechanisms to get two
- special types of route configurations:
- asymmetric routing, and multipath routing.
- paragraph{Asymmetric Routing}
- Asymmetric routing occurs when the path from node $n_1$ to node $n_2$
- is different from the path from $n_2$ to $n_1$.
- The following shows a simple topology, and cost configuration
- that can achieve such a result:
- hfil
- begin{minipage}{1.85in}
- Nodes $n_1$ and $n_2$ use different paths to reach each other.
- All other pairs of nodes use symmetric paths to reach each other.
- end{minipage}
- hfil
- begin{minipage}{1.in}
- includegraphics[height=1in]{asymmetric_routing.eps}
- end{minipage}
- hfil
- begin{minipage}{1.85in}
- begin{program}
- $ns cost $n1 $r1 2
- $ns cost $n2 $r2 2
- $ns cost $r1 $n2 3
- end{program}%$
- end{minipage}
- hfil
- Any routing protocol that uses link costs as the metric can observe
- such asymmetric routing if the link costs are appropriately configured%
- footnote{Link costs can also be used to favour or disregard
- specific links in order to achieve particular topology configurations.}.
- paragraph{MultiPath Routing}
- Each node can be individually configured
- to use multiple separate paths to a particular destination.
- The instance variable code{multiPath_} determines whether or not
- that node will use multiple paths to any destination.
- Each node initialises its instance variable from a class variable
- of the same name.
- If multiple candidate routes to a destination are available,
- all of which are learned through the same protocol,
- then that node can use
- all of the different routes to the destination simultaneously.
- A typical configuration is as shown below:
- begin{program}
- Node set multiPath_ 1 ; All new nodes in the simulation use multiPaths where applicable;
- {rm or alternately}
- set n1 [$ns Node] ; only enable $n1 to use multiPaths where applicable;
- $n1 set multiPath_ 1
- end{program}%$
- Currently, only DV routing can generate multipath routes.
- section{Protocol Specific Configuration Parameters}
- label{sec:uni:protconfig}
- paragraph{Static Routing}
- The static route computation strategy is
- the default route computation mechanism in ns.
- This strategy uses the
- fcnref{Dijkstra's all-pairs SPF algorithm cite{}}{../ns-2/route.cc}{%
- RouteLogic::compute_routes}.
- The route computation algorithm is run exactly once
- prior to the start of the simulation.
- The routes are computed
- using an adjacency matrix and link costs of all the links in the topology.
- (Note that static routing is static in the sense that it is computed
- once when the simulation starts, as opposed to session
- and DV routing that allow routes to change mid-simulation.
- An alternative to static routing is Manual routing
- where routes are not computed but instead are set (manually) by the user.)
- paragraph{Session Routing}
- The static routing strategy described earlier
- only computes routes for the topology once in the course of a simulation.
- If the above static routing is used and the topology changes while the
- simulation is in progress, some sources and destinations may become
- temporarily unreachable from each other for a short time.
- Session routing strategy is almost identical to static routing,
- in that it runs the Dijkstra all-pairs SPF algorithm
- prior to the start of the simulation, using the
- adjacency matrix and link costs of the links in the topology.
- However, it will also run the same algorithm to recompute routes
- in the event that the topology changes during the course of a
- simulation.
- In other words, route recomputation and recovery is done
- instantaneously and there will not be transient routing outage as in
- static routing.
- Session routing provides complete and instantaneous routing changes
- in the presence of topology dynamics.
- If the topology is always connected, there is
- end-to-end connectivity at all times during the course of the simulation.
- However, the user should note that the instantaneous route recomputation
- of session routing does not prevent temporary violations of causality,
- such as packet reordering, around the instant that the topology
- changes.
- paragraph{DV Routing}
- DV routing is the implementation of
- Distributed Bellman-Ford (or Distance Vector) routing in ns.
- The implementation sends periodic route updates every code{advertInterval}.
- This variable is a class variable in the clsref{Agent/rtProto/DV}{../ns-2/tcl/rtglib/route-proto.tcl}.
- Its default value is 2 seconds.
- In addition to periodic updates, each agent also sends triggered updates;
- it does this whenever the forwarding tables in the node change.
- This occurs either due to changes in the topology,
- or because an agent at the node received a route update,
- and recomputed and installed new routes.
- Each agent employs the split horizon with poisoned reverse mechanisms
- to advertise its routes to adjacent peers.
- ``Split horizon'' is the mechanism by which an agent will not advertise
- the route to a destination out of the interface that it is using to
- reach that destination.
- In a ``Split horizon with poisoned reverse'' mechanism,
- the agent will advertise that route out of that interface with
- a metric of infinity.
- Each DV agent uses a default code{preference_} of 120.
- The value is determined by the class variable of the same name.
- Each agent uses the class variable code{INFINITY} (set at 32)
- to determine the validity of a route.
- paragraph{Manual Routing}
- Manual routing is not a route computation protocol (like the others),
- but simply a way for users to configure the routing table by hand,
- much as you would with the ``route'' command on a workstation.
- To use manual routing, enable it with rtproto, then set each
- nodes routing tables with the add-route-to-adj-node command.
- For example:
- begin{program}
- $ns rtproto Manual
- set n1 [$ns node]
- set n2 [$ns node]
- $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 10Mb 100ms DropTail
- $n1 add-route-to-adj-node -default $n2
- $n2 add-route-to-adj-node -default $n1
- end{program}
- For a more complete example, see code{tcl/ex/many_tcp.tcl}.
- section{Internals and Architecture of Routing}
- label{sec:rtg-internals}
- We start with a discussion of the classes associated with
- unicast routing, and the code path used to configure and execute
- each of the different routing protocols.
- We conclude with a description of
- the interface between unicast routing and network dynamics, and
- that between unicast and multicast routing.
- subsection{The classes}
- There are four main classes,
- the class RouteLogic, the class rtObject, the class rtPeer, and the
- base class Agent/rtProto for all protocols.
- In addition, the routing architecture extends
- the classes Simulator, Link, Node and Classifier.
- paragraph{protectclsref{RouteLogic}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}}
- This class defines two methods to configure unicast routing,
- and one method to query it for route information.
- It also defines an instance procedure that is applicable when
- the topology is dynamic.
- We discuss this last procedure in conjunction
- with the interface to network dynamics.
- begin{itemize}
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{register}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{RouteLogic::register}
- is invoked by proc[]{Simulator::rtproto}.
- It takes the protocol and a list of nodes as arguments,
- and constructs an instance variable, code{rtprotos_}, as an array;
- the array index is the name of the protocol, and the value is the list
- of nodes that will run this protocol.
- item The
- fcnref{proc[]{configure}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{RouteLogic::configure}
- reads the code{rtprotos_} instance variable, and
- for each element in the array,
- invokes route protocol methods to perform the appropriate initializations.
- It is invoked by
- fcnref{the simulator run procedure}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl}{Simulator::run}.
- For each protocol tup{rt-proto} indexed in the code{rtprotos_} array,
- this routine invokes
- code{Agent/rtProto/tup{rt-proto} init-all rtprotos_(tup{rt-proto})}.
- If there are no elements in code{rtprotos_},
- the routine invokes Static routing, as
- code{Agent/rtProto/Static init-all}.
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{lookup}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{RouteLogic::lookup}
- takes two node numbers, $nodeId_1$ and $nodeId_2$, as argument;
- it returns the id of the neighbor node that $nodeId_1$ uses to
- reach $nodeId_2$.
- The procedure is used by the static route computation procedure to query
- the computed routes and populate the routes at each of the nodes.
- It is also used by the multicast routing protocols to perform the
- appropriate RPF check.
- Note that this procedure overloads an instproc-like of the same name.
- The procedure queries the appropriate code{rtObject} entities
- if they exist
- (which they will if dynamic routing strategies are used in the simulation);
- otherwise, the procedure invokes the instproc-like to obtain the relevant
- information.
- end{itemize}
- paragraph{protectclsref{rtObject}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}}
- is used in simulations that use dynamic routing.
- Each node has a rtObject associated with it, that
- acts as a co-ordinator for the different routing protocols that
- operate at a node.
- At any node, the rtObject at that node
- tracks each of the protocols operating at that node;
- it computes and installs the nest route to each destination
- available via each of the protocols.
- In the event that the routing tables change, or the topology changes,
- the rtObject will alert the protocols to take the appropriate action.
- The class defines the procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{init-all}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::init-all};
- this procedure takes a list of nodes as arguments,
- and creates a rtObject at each of the nodes in its argument list.
- It subsequently invokes its code{compute-routes}.
- The assumption is that the constructor for each of the new objects
- will instantiate the ``Direct'' route protocol at each of these nodes.
- This route protocol is responsible for computing the routes to
- immediately adjacent neighbors.
- When proc[]{compute-routes} is run by the proc[]{init-all}
- procedure, these direct routes are installed in the node by the
- appropriate route object.
- The other instance procedures in this class are:
- begin{itemize}
- item fcnref{proc[]{init}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::init}
- The constructor sets up pointers from itself to the node,
- in its instance variable code{node_}, and from the node to itself,
- through the Node instance procedure
- proc[]{init-routing} and the Node instance variable code{rtObject_}.
- It then initializes an array of
- code{nextHop_}, code{rtpref_}, code{metric_}, code{rtVia_}.
- The index of each of these arrays is the handle of the destination node.
- The code{nextHop_} contains the link that will be used to reach the
- particular destination;
- code{rtpref_} and code{metric_} are
- the preference and metric for the route installed in the node;
- code{rtVia_} is the name of the agent whose route is installed in the node.
- The constructor also creates the instance of the Direct route protocol,
- and invokes proc[]{compute-routes} for that protocol.
- item
- fcnref{proc[]{add-proto}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::add-proto}
- creates an instance of the protocol, stores a reference to it
- in its array of protocols, code{rtProtos_}.
- The index of the array is the name of the protocol.
- It also attaches the protocol object to the node,
- and returns the handle of the protocol object.
- item fcnref{proc[]{lookup}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::lookup}
- takes a destination node handle, and returns the id of the neighbor node
- that is used to reach the destination.
- If multiple paths are in use, then it returns a list of the
- neighbor nodes that will be used.
- If the node does not have a route to the destination,
- the procedure will return -1.
- item
- fcnref{proc[]{compute-routes}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::compute-routes}
- is the core procedure in this class.
- It first checks to see if any of the routing protocols
- at the node have computed any new routes.
- If they have,
- it will determine the best route to each destination
- from among all the protocols.
- If any routes have changed,
- the procedure will notify each of the protocols of the number of
- such changes, in case any of these protocols wants to send a fresh update.
- Finally, it will also notify any multicast protocol that new unicast route
- tables have been computed.
- The routine checks the protocol agent's instance variable,
- code{rtsChanged_} to see if any of the routes in that protocol
- have changed since the protocol was last examined.
- It then uses the protocol's instance variable arrays,
- code{nextHop_}, code{rtpref_}, and code{metric_}
- to compute its own arrays.
- The rtObject will install or modify any of the routes as the changes are found.
- If any of the routes at the node have changed,
- the rtObject will invoke the protocol agent's instance procedures,
- proc[]{send-updates} with the number of changes as argument.
- It will then invoke the multicast route object, if it exists.
- end{itemize}
- The next set of routines are used to query the rtObject for various state
- information.
- begin{itemize}
- item
- fcnref{proc[]{dump-routes}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::dump-routes}
- takes a output file descriptor as argument, and writes out the
- routing table at that node on that file descriptor.
- A typical dump output is:
- {small
- begin{verbatim}
- end{verbatim}
- }
- item
- fcnref{proc[]{rtProto?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::rtProto?}
- takes a route protocol as argument, and returns a handle to the instance
- of the protocol running at the node.
- item
- fcnref{proc[]{nextHop?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::nextHop?}
- takes a destination node handle, and returns the link that is used to reach
- that destination.
- item
- Similarly,
- fcnref{proc[]{rtpref?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::rtpref?} and
- fcnref{proc[]{metric?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::metric?}
- take a destination node handle as argument, and return the preference
- and metric of the route to the destination installed at the node.
- end{itemize}
- paragraph{The protectclsref{rtPeer}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}}
- is a container class used by the protocol agents.
- Each object stores the address of the peer agent, and the
- metric and preference for each route advertised by that peer.
- A protocol agent will store one object per peer.
- The class maintains the instance variable code{addr_}, and the
- instance variable arrays, code{metric_} and code{rtpref_};
- the array indices are the destination node handles.
- The class instance procedures,
- fcnref{proc[]{metric}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtPeer::metric} and
- fcnref{proc[]{preference}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtPeer::preference},
- take one destination and value, and set the respective array variable.
- The procedures,
- fcnref{proc[]{metric?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtPeer::metric?} and
- fcnref{proc[]{preference?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtPeer::preference?},
- take a destination and return the current value for that destination.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{addr?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtPeer::addr?}
- returns the address of the peer agent.
- paragraph{protectclsref{Agent/rtProto}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}}
- This class is the base class from
- which all routing protocol agents are derived.
- Each protocol agent must define the procedureproc[]{init-all}
- to initialize the complete protocol,
- and possibly instance procedures proc[]{init}, proc[]{compute-routes}, and
- proc[]{send-updates}.
- In addition, if the topology is dynamic, and the protocol supports
- route computation to react to changes in the topology,
- then the protocol should define the procedure proc[]{compute-all}, and
- possibly the instance procedure proc[]{intf-changed}.
- In this section, we will briefly describe the interface for the basic
- procedures.
- We will defer the description of proc[]{compute-all} and
- proc[]{intf-changed}
- to the section on network dynamics.
- We also defer the description of the details of each of the protocols
- to their separate section at the end of the chapter.
- begin{list}{---}{}
- item
- The procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{init-all}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto::init-all}
- is a global initialization procedure for the class.
- It may be given a list of the nodes as an argument.
- This the list of nodes that should run this routing protocol.
- However, centralized routing protocols such as static and session routing
- will ignore this argument;
- detailed dynamic routing protocols such as DV will use this argument
- list to instantiate protocols agents at each of the nodes specified.
- Note that derived classes in OTcl do not inherit the procedures
- defined in the base class.
- Therefore, every derived routing protocol class must define its own
- procedures explicitly.
- item
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{init}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto::init}
- is the constructor for protocol agents that are created.
- The base class constructor initializes the default preference
- for objects in this class,
- identifies the interfaces incident on the node and their current status.
- The interfaces are indexed by the neighbor handle and stored in the instance
- variable array, code{ifs_};
- the corresponding status instance variable array is code{ifstat_}.
- Centralized routing protocols such as static and session routing do not
- create separate agents per node, and therefore do not access any of these
- instance procedures.
- item
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{compute-routes}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto::compute-routes}
- computes the actual routes for the protocol.
- The computation is based on the routes learned by the protocol, and
- varies from protocol to protocol.
- This routine is invoked by the rtObject whenever the topology changes.
- It is also invoked when the node receives an update for the protocol.
- If the routine computes new routes,
- proc[]{rtObject::compute-routes} needs to be invoked
- to recompute and possibly install new routes at the node.
- The actual invoking of the rtObject is done by the procedure
- that invoked this routine in the first place.
- item
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{send-updates}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto::send-updates}
- is invoked by the rtObject whenever the node routing tables have changed,
- and fresh updates have to be sent to all peers.
- The rtObject passes as argument the number of changes that were done.
- This procedure may also be invoked when there are no changes to the routes,
- but the topology incident on the node changes state.
- The number of changes is used to determine the list of peers to which
- a route update must be sent.
- end{list}
- Other procedures relate to responding to topology changes and
- href{are described later}{Section}{sec:rtglibAPI}.
- paragraph{Other Extensions to the Simulator, Node, Link, and Classifier}
- begin{list}{---}{}
- item % class Simulator
- We have discussed the methods proc[]{rtproto} and proc[]{cost}
- in the class Simulator href{earlier}{Section}{sec:API}.
- The one other method used internally is
- fcnref{proc[]{get-routelogic}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Simulator::get-routelogic};
- this procedure returns the instance of routelogic in the simulation.
- The method is used by the class Simulator, and unicast and multicast routing.
- item % class Node
- The class Node contains these additional instance procedures
- to support dynamic unicast routing:
- fcnref{proc[]{init-routing}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Node::init-routing},
- fcnref{proc[]{add-routes}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Node::add-routes},
- fcnref{proc[]{delete-routes}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Node::delete-routes},
- and
- fcnref{proc[]{rtObject?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Node::rtObject?}.
- The instance procedure proc[]{init-routing}
- is invoked by the code{rtObject} at the node.
- It stores a pointer to the rtObject, in its instance variable
- code{rtObject_}, for later manipulation or retrieval.
- It also checks its class variable to see if it should use multiPath routing,
- and sets up an instance variable to that effect.
- If multiPath routing could be used,
- the instance variable array code{routes_} stores a count of the number of
- paths installed for each destination.
- This is the only array in unicast routing that is indexed by the node id,
- rather than the node handle.
- The instance procedure proc[]{rtObject?}
- returns the rtObject handle for that node.
- The instance procedure proc[]{add-routes}
- takes a node id, and a list of links.
- It will add the list of links as the routes to reach the destination
- identified by the node id.
- The realization of multiPath routing is done by using a separate
- Classifier/multiPath.
- For any given destination id $d$, if this node has multiple paths to $d$,
- then the main classifier points to this multipath classifier instead of
- the link to reach the destination.
- Each of the multiple paths identified by the interfaces being used is
- installed in the multipath classifier.
- The multipath classifier will use each of the links installed in it for
- succeeding packets forwarded to it.
- The instance procedure proc[]{delete-routes}
- takes a node id, a list of interfaces, and a nullAgent.
- It removes each of the interfaces in the list from the installed list of
- interfaces.
- If the entry did not previously use a multipath classifier,
- then it must have had only one route, and the route entry is set to point
- to the nullAgent specified.
- item % class Link
- The main extension to the class Link for unicast routing is
- to support the notion of link costs.
- The instance variable code{cost_}
- contains the cost of the unidirectional link.
- The instance procedures
- fcnref{proc[]{cost}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Link::cost}
- and
- fcnref{proc[]{cost?}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Link::cost?}
- set and get the cost on the link.
- Note that proc[]{cost} takes the cost as argument.
- It is preferable to use the simulator method to set the cost variable,
- similar to the simulator instance procedures to set the queue or delay
- on a link.
- item % class Classifier
- The clsref{Classifier}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl}
- contains three new procedures, two of which overloads an existing
- instproc-like, and the other two provide new functionality.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{install}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Classifier::install}
- overloads the existing instproc-like of the same name.
- The procedure stores the entry being installed in the instance
- variable array, code{elements_}, and then invokes the instproc-like.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{installNext}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Classifier::installNext}
- also overloads the existing instproc-like of the same name.
- This instproc-like simply installs the entry into the next available slot.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{adjacents}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Classifier::adjacents}
- returns a list of tup{key, value} pairs of all elements installed in the
- classifier.
- end{list}
- subsection{Interface to Network Dynamics and Multicast}
- label{sec:rtglibAPI}
- This section describes the methods applied in unicast routing to respond
- to changes in the topology.
- The complete sequence of actions that cause the changes in the topology,
- and fire the appropriate actions is described in a different section.
- The response to topology changes falls into two categories:
- actions taken by individual agents at each of the nodes, and
- actions to be taken globally for the entire protocol.
- Detailed routing protocols such as the DV implementation
- require actions to be performed by individual protocol agents at the
- affected nodes.
- Centralized routing protocols such as static and session routing fall into
- the latter category exclusively.
- Detailed routing protocols could use such techniques to gather statistics
- related to the operation of the routing protocol;
- however, no such code is currently implemented in ns.
- paragraph{Actions at the individual nodes}
- Following any change in the topology,
- the network dynamics models will first invoke
- fcnref{proc[]{rtObject::intf-changed}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject:;intf-changed}
- at each of the affected nodes.
- For each of the unicast routing protocols operating at that node,
- proc[]{rtObject::intf-changed} will invoke
- each individual protocol's instance procedure, proc[]{intf-changed},
- followed by that protocol's proc[]{compute-routes}.
- After each protocol has computed its individual routes
- proc[]{rtObject::intf-changed} invokes proc[]{compute-routes}
- to possibly install new routes.
- If new routes were installed in the node,
- proc[]{rtObject::compute-routes} will invoke
- proc[]{send-updates} for each of the protocols operating at the node.
- The procedure will also
- fcnref{flag the multicast route
- object}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{rtObject::flag-multicast}
- of the route changes at the node, indicating the number of changes
- that have been executed.
- proc[]{rtObject::flag-multicast} will, in turn, notify
- the multicast route object to take appropriate action.
- The one exception
- to the interface between unicast and multicast routing is the interaction
- between dynamic dense mode multicast and detailed unicast routing.
- This dynamicDM implementation in ns assumes neighbor nodes
- will send an implicit update whenever their routes change,
- without actually sending the update.
- It then uses this implicit information to compute
- appropriate parent-child relationships for the multicast spanning trees.
- Therefore, detailed unicast routing will invoke
- code{rtObject_ flag-multicast 1} whenever it receives a route update as well,
- even if that update does not result in any change in its own routing tables.
- paragraph{Global Actions}
- Once the detailed actions at each of the affected nodes is completed,
- the network dynamics models will
- fcnref{notify the RouteLogic instance (proc[]{RouteLogic::notify})}{%
- ../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{RouteLogic::notify}
- of changes to topology.
- This procedure invokes the procedure proc[]{compute-all}
- for each of the protocols that were ever installed at any of the nodes.
- Centralized routing protocols such as session routing use this signal to
- recompute the routes to the topology.
- Finally, the proc[]{RouteLogic::notify} procedure notifies
- any instances of centralized multicast that are operating at the node.
- section{Protocol Internals}
- label{sec:protocol-internals}
- In this section, we describe any leftover details of each of the routing
- protocol agents.
- Note that this is the only place where we describe the
- internal route protocol agent, ``Direct'' routing.
- paragraph{Direct Routing}
- This protocol tracks the state of the incident links,
- and maintains routes to immediately adjacent neighbors only.
- As with the other protocols, it maintains instance variable arrays
- of code{nextHop_}, code{rtpref_}, and code{metric_}, indexed by
- the handle of each of the possible destinations in the topology.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{compute-routes}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/Direct::compute-routes}
- computes routes based on the current state of the link, and the previously
- known state of the incident links.
- No other procedures or instance procedures are defined for this protocol.
- paragraph{Static Routing}
- The procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{compute-routes}}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl}{RouteLogic::compute-routes}
- in the clsref{RouteLogic}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl}
- first creates the adjacency matrix, and then
- invokes the C++ method, fcn[]{compute_routes} of the shadow object.
- Finally, the procedure retrieves the result of the route computation,
- and inserts the appropriate routes at each of the nodes in the topology.
- The class only defines the procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{init-all}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/Static::init-all}
- that invokes proc[]{compute-routes}.
- paragraph{Session Routing}
- The class defines the procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{init-all}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/Session::init-all}
- to compute the routes at the start of the simulation.
- It also defines the procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{compute-all}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/Session::compute-all}
- to compute the routes when the topology changes.
- Each of these procedures directly invokes proc[]{compute-routes}.
- paragraph{DV Routing}
- In a dynamic routing strategy, nodes send and receive messages,
- and compute the routes in the topology based on the messages exchanged.
- The procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{init-all}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/DV::init-all}
- takes a list of nodes as the argument;
- the default is the list of nodes in the topology.
- At each of the nodes in the argument, the procedure starts the
- clsref{rtObject}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl} and a
- clsref{Agent/rtProto/DV}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl} agents.
- It then determines the DV peers for each of the newly created DV agents,
- and creates the relevant code{rtPeer} objects.
- The
- fcnref{constructor for the DV agent}{%
- ../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/DV::init}
- initializes a number of instance variables;
- each agent stores an array, indexed by the destination node handle,
- of the preference and metric, the interface (or link) to the next hop,
- and the remote peer incident on the interface,
- for the best route to each destination computed by the agent.
- The agent creates these instance variables, and then
- schedules sending its first update within the first
- 0.5 seconds of simulation start.
- Each agent stores the list of its peers indexed by the handle
- of the peer node.
- Each peer is a separate peer structure that holds
- the address of the peer agent, the metric and preference
- of the route to each destination advertised by that peer.
- We discuss the rtPeer structure later
- when discuss the route architecture.
- The peer structures are initialized by the procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{add-peer}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/DV::add-peer}
- invoked by proc[]{init-all}.
- The routine
- fcnref{proc[]{send-periodic-update}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/DV::send-periodic-update}
- invokes proc[]{send-updates} to send the actual updates.
- It then reschedules sending the next periodic update
- after code{advertInterval} jittered slightly to avoid
- possible synchronization effects.
- fcnref{proc[]{send-updates}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/DV::send-updates}
- will send updates to a select set of peers.
- If any of the routes at that node have changed, or for periodic updates,
- the procedure will send updates to all peers.
- Otherwise, if some incident links have just recovered,
- the procedure will send updates to the adjacent peers on those incident
- links only.
- proc[]{send-updates} uses the procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{send-to-peer}}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{Agent/rtProto/DV::send-to-peer}
- to send the actual updates.
- This procedure packages the update, taking the
- split-horizon and poison reverse mechanisms into account.
- It invokes the instproc-like,
- fcnref{proc[]{send-update} (Note the singular case)}{%
- ../ns-2/rtProto.cc}{rtProtoDV::command}
- to send the actual update.
- The actual route update is stored in the class variable
- code{msg_} indexed by a non-decreasing integer as index.
- The instproc-like only sends the index to code{msg_} to the remote peer.
- This eliminates the need to convert from OTcl strings to alternate formats
- and back.
- When
- fcnref{a peer receives a route update}{../ns-2/route-proto.tcl}{%
- Agent/rtProto/DV::recv-update}
- it first checks to determine if the update from differs from the previous
- ones.
- The agent will compute new routes if the update contains new information.
- section{Unicast routing objects}
- label{sec:routeobjects}
- Routelogic and rtObject are two objects that are significant to unicast
- routing in ns. Routelogic, essentially, represents the routing table
- that is created and maintained centrally for every unicast simulation.
- rtObject is the object that every node taking part in dynamic
- unicast routing, has an instance of. Note that nodes will not have an
- instance of this object if Session routing is done as a detailed
- routing protocol is not being simulated in this case. The methods for
- RouteLogic and rtObject are described in the next section.
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:unicastcommand}
- Following is a list of unicast routing related commands used in simulation
- scripts:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ rtproto <routing-proto> <args>}%$
- where <routing-proto> defines the type of routing protocol to be used, like
- Static, Manual, Session , DV etc. args may define the list of nodes on
- which the protocol is to be run. The node list defaults to all nodes in
- the topology.
- Internal methods:
- code{$ns_ compute-routes}%$
- This command computes code{next_hop} information for all nodes in the
- topology using the topology connectivity. This code{next_hop} info is
- then used to populate the node classifiers or the routing tables.
- compute-routes calls compute-flat-routes or compute-hier-routes depending
- on the type of addressing being used for the simulation.
- code{$ns_ get-routelogic}%$
- This returns a handle to the RouteLogic object (the routing table),
- if one has been created. Otherwise a new routing table object is created.
- code{$ns_ dump-routelogic-nh}%$
- This dumps next hop information in the routing table.
- code{$ns_ dump-routelogic-distance}%$
- This dumps the distance information in the routing table.
- code{$node add-route <dst> <Target>}%$
- This is a method used to add routing entries (nexthop information) in
- the node's
- routing table. The nexthop to <dst> from this node is the <target> object
- and this info is added to the node's classifier.
- code{$routelogic lookup <srcid> <destid>}%$
- Returns the id of the node that is the next hop from the node with id
- srcid to the node with id destid.
- code{$routelogic dump <nodeid>}%$
- Dump the routing tables of all nodes whose id is less than nodeid. Node
- ids are typically assigned to nodes in ascending fashion starting from 0
- by their order of creation.
- code{rtobject dump-routes <fileID>}
- Dump the routing table to the output channel specified by fileID. fileID
- must be a file handle returned by the Tcl open command and it must have
- been opened for writing.
- code{$rtobject rtProto? <proto>}%$
- Returns a handle to the routing protocol agent specified by proto if it
- exists at that node. Returns an empty string otherwise.
- code{$rtobject nextHop? <destID>}%$
- Returns the id of the node that is the next hop to the destination
- specified by the node id, <destID>.
- code{$rtobject rtpref? destID }%$
- Returns the preference for the route to destination node given by destid.
- code{$rtobject metric? destID }%$
- Returns metric for the route to destid.
- end{flushleft}
- endinput
- ### Local Variables:
- ### mode: latex
- ### comment-column: 60
- ### backup-by-copying-when-linked: t
- ### file-precious-flag: nil
- ### End:
- % LocalWords: Unicast unicast API ns lib tcl RouteLogic uni specroute rtg SPF
- % LocalWords: multipath protconfig rtglib mcast McastProto rtProtoDV cc outes
- % LocalWords: rtProto DV rtproto LS rtpref eps multiPath advertInterval rtPeer
- % LocalWords: multicast rtObject rtprotos rt init RPF instproc co nextHop addr
- % LocalWords: rtVia rtProtos rtsChanged intf OTcl ifs ifstat rtglibAPI msg nh
- % LocalWords: routelogic nullAgent MPATHCLASSIFIER installNext adjacents recv
- % LocalWords: dynamicDM rtobject hier dst nexthop nodeid ids fileID destID
- % LocalWords: destid flushleft