- chapter{PLM}
- {sloppy
- label{sec:PLM}
- This chapter describes the ns implementation of the PLM protocol
- cite{legout_sigmetrics2000}. The code of the PLM
- protocol is written in both C++ and OTcl. The PLM Packet Pair generator is
- written in C++ and the PLM core machinery is written in OTcl. The chapter has simply
- three parts: the first part shows how to create and configure a PLM session; the
- second part describes the Packet Pair source generator; the third part describes
- the architecture and internals of the PLM protocol. In this last part, rather
- than giving a list of procedures and functions, we introduce the main
- procedures per functionality (instantiation of a PLM source, instantiation of a
- PLM receiver, reception of a packet, detection of a loss, etc.).
- The procedures, functions, and variables described in this chapter can be found in:
- nsf{plm/}, nsf{plm/}, nsf{tcl/plm/plm.tcl},
- nsf{tcl/plm/plm-ns.tcl}, nsf{tcl/plm/plm-topo.tcl}, nsf{tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl}.
- section{Configuration}
- label{sec:Configuration}
- paragraph{Creating a simple scenario with one PLM flow (only one receiver)\}
- This simple example can be run as is (several complex scenarios can be found in
- the file nsf{tcl/ex/simple-plm.tcl}).
- begin{program}
- set packetSize 500 ;Packet size (in bytes);
- set plm_debug_flag 2 ;Debugging output;
- set rates "50e3 50e3 50e3 50e3 50e3" ;Rate of each layer;
- set rates_cum [calc_cum $rates] ;Cumulated rate of the layers (mandatory);
- set level [llength $rates] ;Number of layers (mandatory);
- set Queue_sched_ FQ ;Scheduling of the queues;
- set PP_burst_length 2 ;PP burst length (in packets);
- set PP_estimation_length 3 ;Minimum number of PP required to make an estimate;
- Class Scenario0 -superclass PLMTopology
- Scenario0 instproc init args {
- eval $self next $args
- $self instvar ns node
- $self build_link 1 2 100ms 256Kb ;Build a link;
- set addr(1) [$self place_source 1 3] ;Set a PLM source;
- $self place_receiver 2 $addr(1) 5 1 ;Set a PLM receiver;
- {cf #set up the multicast routing}
- DM set PruneTimeout 1000 ;A large PruneTimeout value is required;
- set mproto DM
- set mrthandle [$ns mrtproto $mproto {} ]
- }
- set ns [new Simulator -multicast on] ;PLM needs multicast routing;
- $ns multicast
- $ns namtrace-all [open out.nam w] ;Nam output;
- set scn [new Scenario0 $ns] ;Call of the scenario;
- $ns at 20 "exit 0"
- $ns run
- end{program}
- Several variables are introduced in this example. They all need to be set in the
- simulation script (there is no default value for these variables). In particular
- the two following lines are mandatory and must not be omitted:
- begin{program}
- set rates_cum [calc_cum $rates]
- set level [llength $rates]
- end{program}
- We describe now in detail each variable:
- begin{description}
- item[tt packetSize] represents the size of the packets in bytes sent by the PLM
- source.
- item [tt plm_debug_flag] represents the verbose level of debugging output: from 0 no
- output to 3 full output. For code{plm_debug_flag} set to 3 (full output), long
- lines output are
- generated which is not compatible with nam visualization.
- item [tt rates] is a list specifying
- the bandwidth of each layer (this is not the cumulated bandwidth!).
- item [tt rates_cum] is a list specifying the cumulated bandwidth of the
- layers: the first element of code{rates_cum} is the bandwidth a layer 1, the
- second element of code{rates_cum} is the sum of the bandwidth of layer 1 and
- layer 2, etc. The proc proc{calc_cum} computes the cumulated rates.
- item [tt level] is the number of layers.
- item [tt Queue_sched_] represents the scheduling of the queues. This is used by the
- PLMTopology instproc code{build_link}. PLM requires FQ scheduling or a
- variation.
- item [tt PP_burst_length] represents the size of the Packet Pair bursts
- in packets.
- item [tt PP_estimation_length] represents the minimum number of Packet
- Pair required to compute an estimate (see
- section~ref{sec:PLMReception-Packet}).
- end{description}
- All the simulations for PLM should be setup using the PLMTopology environment (as
- in the example script where we define a PLMTopology superclass called Scenario0). The
- user interface is (all the instproc can be found in nsf{tcl/plm/plm-topo.tcl}):
- begin{description}
- item[tt build_link a b d bw] creates a duplex link between node
- code{a} and code{b} with a delay code{d} and a bandwidth code{bw}. If
- either node does not exist, code{build_link} creates it.
- item[tt place_source n t] creates and places a PLM source at node code{n} and
- starts it at time code{t}. code{place_source} returns code{addr} which
- allows to attach receivers to this source.
- item[tt place_receiver n addr C nb] creates and places a PLM receiver at node
- code{n} and attached it to the source which return the address code{addr}. The
- check value for this PLM receiver is code{C}. An optional parameter code{nb}
- allows to get an instance of the PLM receiver called code{PLMrcvr($nb)}. This
- instance is only useful to get some specific statistics about this receiver
- (mainly the number of packets received or lost). %$
- end{description}
- section{The Packet Pair Source Generator}
- This section describes the Packet Pair source generator; the relevant files are:
- nsf{plm/}, nsf{tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl}. The OTcl class name of
- the PP source is: Application/Traffic/CBR_PP.
- The Packet Pair (PP) source generator is in the file
- nsf{plm/}. This source
- generator is a variation of the CBR source generator in nsf{}.
- We just describe the salient differences between the code of
- the CBR source and the code of the PP source.
- The default values in nsf{tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl} for the PP source generator are the same
- than for the CBR source. We need for the PP source generator a new parameter {tt PBM_}:
- begin{program}
- Application/Traffic/CBR_PP set PBM_ 2 ;Default value;
- end{program}
- The OTcl instvar bounded variable {tt PBM_} (same name in C++ and in OTcl)
- specifies the number of back-to-back packets to be sent. For {tt PBM_}=1 we
- have a CBR source, for {tt PBM_}=2 we have a Packet Pair source (a source which
- sends two packets back-to-back), etc. The mean rate of the PP source is
- code{rate_}, but the packets are sent in burst of code{PBM_} packets. Note
- that we also use the terminology Packet Pair source and Packet Pair burst for
- {tt PBM_$>$2}.
- We compute the code{next_interval} as:
- begin{program}
- double CBR_PP_Traffic::next_interval(int& size)
- {
- {cf /*(PP_ - 1) is the number of packets in the current burst.*/}
- if (PP_ >= (PBM_ - 1)){
- interval_ = PBM_*(double)(size_ << 3)/(double)rate_;
- PP_ = 0;
- }
- else {
- interval_ = 1e-100; //zero
- PP_ += 1 ;
- }
- ...
- }
- end{program}
- The proc{timeout} method puts the {tt NEW_BURST} flag in the first packet of a
- burst. This is useful for the PLM protocol to identify the beginning of a PP
- burst.
- begin{program}
- void CBR_PP_Traffic::timeout()
- {
- ...
- if (PP_ == 0)
- agent_->sendmsg(size_, "NEW_BURST");
- else
- agent_->sendmsg(size_);
- ...
- }
- end{program}
- section{Architecture of the PLM Protocol}
- The code of the PLM protocol is divided in three files: nsf{tcl/plm/plm.tcl},
- which contains the PLM protocol machinery without any specific interface with
- ns; nsf{tcl/plm/plm-ns.tcl}, which contains the specific ns interface.
- However, we do not guarantee the strict validity of this ns interfacing;
- nsf{tcl/plm/plm-topo.tcl}, which contains a user interface to build simulation
- scenarios with PLM flows.
- In the following we do not discuss the various procedures per object (for
- instance all the instproc of the PLM class) but rather per functionality (for
- instance which instproc among the various classes are involved in the instantiation
- of a PLM receiver). For a given functionality, we do not describe in details all
- the code involved, but we give the principal steps.
- subsection{Instantiation of a PLM Source}
- To create a PLM source, place it at node code{n}, and start it at {tt t$_0$}, we call
- the PLMTopology instproc {tt place_source n t$_0$}. This instproc return {tt
- addr}, the address required to attach a receiver to this source. {tt
- place_source} calls the Simulator instproc code{PLMbuild_source_set} that
- creates as many
- Application/Traffic/CBR_PP instances as there are layers (in the following we call an
- instance of the class Application/Traffic/CBR_PP a layer). Each layer corresponds to a
- different multicast group.
- To speed up the simulations when the PLM sources start we use the
- following trick:
- At $t=0$, code{PLMbuild_source_set} restricts each
- layer to send
- only one packet ({tt maxpkts_} set to 1). That allows to build the multicast trees
- -- one multicast tree per layer -- without flooding the whole network. Indeed,
- each layer only sends one packet to build the corresponding multicast tree.
- The multicast trees take at most the maximum RTT of the network to be established and
- must be established before {tt t$_0$}, the PLM source starting time. Therefore,
- {tt t$_0$} must be carrefully chosen, otherwise the source sends a large number of
- useless packets. However, as
- we just need to start the PLM source after the multicast trees are estabished,
- {tt t$_0$} can be largely overestimated.
- At time {tt t$_0$}, we set {it maxpkts_} to 268435456 for all the layers.
- It is fundamental, in order to have persistent multicast trees, that the
- prune timeout is set to a large value. For instance, with DM routing:
- begin{program}
- DM set PruneTimeout 1000
- end{program}
- Each layer of a same PLM source has the same flow id {tt fid_}. Consequently,
- each PLM source is considered as a single flow for a Fair Queueing
- scheduler. The PLM code manages automatically the {tt fid_} to prevent different
- sources to have the same {tt fid_}. The {tt fid_} starts at 1 for the first
- source and is increased by one for each new source. Be careful to avoid other
- flows (for instance concurrent TCP flows) to have the same {tt fid_} than the
- PLM sources. Additionally, If you consider {tt fid_} larger than 32, do not
- forget to increase the {tt MAXFLOW} in nsf{} ({tt MAXFLOW} must be set
- to the highest {tt fid_} considered in the simulation).
- subsection{Instantiation of a PLM Receiver}
- begin{figure}[tbp]
- centerline{includegraphics{instanPLMrecv.eps}}
- caption{Inheritance and instantiation when we create a receiver.}
- label{fig:instanPLMrecv}
- end{figure}
- All the PLM machinery is implemented at the receiver. In this section we decribe
- the instantiation process of a receiver. To create, place at node
- {tt n}, attach to source {tt S}, and start at {tt t$_1$} a PLM receiver we
- call the PLMTopology instproc {tt
- build_receiver n addr t$_1$ C} where {tt addr} is the address returned
- by {tt place_source} when {tt S} was created, and {tt C} is the check value. The
- receiver created by {tt build_receiver} is an instance of the class PLM/ns,
- the ns interface to the PLM
- machinery. At the initialisation of the receiver, the PLM instproc {tt init} is
- called due to inheritance. {tt init} calls the PLM/ns instproc
- {tt create-layer} and, by this way, creates as many instances of the class
- PLMLayer/ns (the ns interface to the PLMLayer class) as there are layers. Each
- instance of PLMLayer/ns creates an instance of the class PLMLossTrace which is
- reponsible for
- monitoring the received and lost packets thanks to the fact that the class
- PLMLossTrace inherits from the class Agent/LossMonitor/PLM.
- Fig.~ref{fig:instanPLMrecv} schematically describes the process of a PLM
- receiver instantiation. In the following we describe the behavior of a PLM
- receiver when it receives a packet and when it detects a loss.
- subsection{Reception of a Packet}
- label{sec:PLMReception-Packet}
- We create a new c++ class PLMLossMonitor (nsf{plm/}) that
- inherits from LossMonitor. The OTcl class name of the c++ PLMLossMonitor class is
- Agent/LossMonitor/PLM.
- begin{program}
- class PLMLossMonitor : public LossMonitor {
- public:
- PLMLossMonitor();
- virtual void recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*);
- protected:
- // PLM only
- int flag_PP_;
- double packet_time_PP_;
- int fid_PP_;
- };
- static class PLMLossMonitorClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- PLMLossMonitorClass() : TclClass("Agent/LossMonitor/PLM") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new PLMLossMonitor());
- }
- } class_loss_mon_plm;
- end{program}
- We add in {tt void PLMLossMonitor::recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*)} a Tcl call to the
- Agent/LossMonitor/PLM instproc {tt log-PP} each time a packet is received :
- begin{program}
- void LossMonitor::recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*)
- {
- ...
- if (expected_ >= 0) {
- ...
- }
- Tcl::instance().evalf("%s log-PP", name());
- }
- end{program}
- The Agent/LossMonitor/PLM instproc {tt log-PP} is empty. In fact, we define the {tt
- log-PP} instproc for the class PLMLossTrace. {tt log-PP}
- computes an estimate of the available bandwidth based on a single PP burst (of
- length {tt PP_burst_length} in packets). Once {tt log-PP} has received the
- {tt PP_burst_length} packets of the burst, it computes the estimate and
- calls the PLM instproc {tt make_estimate} with the computed estimate as
- argument.
- {tt make_estimate} puts the estimate based on a single PP
- ({tt PP_value}) in an array of estimate samples ({tt PP_estimate}). If {tt
- PP_value} is lower than the current subscription level (i.e.~lower than the
- throughput achieved according to the current number of layers subscribed), {tt
- make_estimate} calls the PLM instproc {tt stability-drop} which simply drops
- layers until the current subscription level becomes lower than {tt PP_value}.
- {tt make_estimate} makes an estimate {tt PP_estimate_value} by taking the
- minimum {tt PP_value} received during the last {tt check_estimate} period
- (if there are at
- least {tt PP_estimation_length} single PP estimate received). Once {tt
- make_estimate} has a {tt PP_estimate_value} it calls the PLM instproc {tt
- choose_layer} which joins or drops layer(s) according to the current subscription
- level and to the {tt PP_estimate_value}. For details about the PLM instproc
- code{make_estimate}, refer to its code in nsf{tcl/plm/plm.tcl}.
- subsection{Detection of a Loss}
- Each time a loss is detected by an instance of the class PLMLossMonitor, a call to
- the Agent/LossMonitor/PLM instproc {tt log-loss} is triggered. The
- Agent/LossMonitor/PLM instproc {tt log-loss}
- is empty. In fact, we define the {tt log-loss} instproc for the class
- PLMLossTrace. The PLMLossTrace instproc {tt log-loss} simply
- calls the PLM instproc {tt log-loss} which contains the PLM machinery in case
- of loss. In summary, {tt log-loss} only drops a layer when the loss rate
- exceeds 10% (this test is executed by the PLM instproc {tt
- exeed_loss_thresh}). After a layer drop {tt log-loss} precludes any
- other layer drop due to loss for 500ms. For details about the PLM instproc {tt
- log-loss}, refer to its code in nsf{tcl/plm/plm.tcl}.
- subsection{Joining or Leaving a Layer}
- To join a layer the PLM instproc {tt add-layer} is called. This instproc
- calls the PLMLayer instproc {tt join-group} which calls the PLMLayer/ns instproc {tt
- join-group}.
- To leave a layer the PLM instproc {tt drop-layer} is called. This instproc
- calls the PLMLayer instproc {tt leave-group} which calls the PLMLayer/ns instproc {tt
- leave-group}.
- section{Commands at a Glance}
- Note: This section is a copy paste of the end of
- section~ref{sec:Configuration}. We add this section to preserve homogeneity with
- the ns manual.
- All the simulations for PLM should be set using the PLMTopology environment (as
- in the example script where we define a PLMTopology superclass called Scenario0). The
- user interface is (all the instproc can be found in nsf{tcl/plm/plm-topo.tcl}):
- begin{description}
- item[tt build_link a b d bw] creates a duplex link between node
- code{a} and code{b} with a delay code{d} and a bandwidth code{bw}. If
- either node does not exist, code{build_link} creates it.
- item[tt place_source n t] creates and places a PLM source at node code{n} and
- starts it at time code{t}. code{place_source} returns code{addr} which
- allows to attach receivers to this source.
- item[tt place_receiver n addr C nb] creates and places a PLM receiver at node
- code{n} and attached it to the source which return the address code{addr}. The
- check value for this PLM receiver is code{C}. An optional parameter code{nb}
- allows to get an instance of the PLM receiver called code{PLMrcvr($nb)}. This
- instance is only useful to get some specific statistics about this receiver
- (mainly the number of packets received or lost). %$
- end{description}
- }