- chapter{Network Dynamics}
- label{chap:net-dynamics}
- This chapter describes the capabilities in ns
- to make the simulation topologies dynamic.
- We start with the instance procedures to the class Simulator
- that are href{useful to a simulation script}{Section}{sec:userAPI}.
- The next section describes
- href{the internal architecture}{Section}{sec:nd-internal-arch},
- including the different classes and instance variables and procedures;
- the following section describes
- href{the interaction with unicast routing}{Section}{sec:unicast-int}.
- This aspect of network dynamics is still somewhat experimental in ns.
- The last section of this chapter outlines some of
- href{the deficiencies in the current realization}{Section}{sec:deficiencies}
- of network dynamics, some one or which
- may be fixed in the future.
- The procedures and functions described in this chapter can be found in
- nsf{tcl/rtglib/dynamics.tcl} and nsf{tcl/lib/route-proto.tcl}.
- section{The user level API}
- label{sec:userAPI}
- The user level interface to network dynamics is a collection
- of instance procedures in the class Simulator,
- and one procedure to trace and log the dynamics activity.
- Reflecting a rather poor choice of names,
- these procedures are
- code{rtmodel}, code{rtmodel-delete}, and code{rtmodel-at}.
- There is one other procedure, code{rtmodel-configure},
- that is used internally by the class Simulator to configure
- the rtmodels just prior to simulation start.
- We describe this method href{later}{Section}{sec:nd-internal-arch}.
- begin{list}{---}{}
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{rtmodel}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Simulator::rtmodel}
- defines a model to be applied to the nodes and links in the topology.
- Some examples of this command as it would be used in a simulation script are:
- begin{program}
- $ns rtmodel Exponential {0.8 1.0 1.0} $n1
- $ns rtmodel Trace dynamics.trc $n2 $n3
- $ns rtmodel Deterministic {20.0 20.0} $node(1) $node(5)
- end{program}
- The procedure requires at least three arguments:
- begin{itemize}
- item % the model definition
- The first two arguments define the model that will be used, and the
- parameters to configure the model.
- The currently implemented models in ns are
- Exponential (On/Off), Deterministic (On/Off), Trace (driven), or
- Manual (one-shot) models.
- item % the parameters
- The number, format, and interpretation of the configuration parameters
- is specific to the particular model.
- begin{enumerate}itemsep0pt
- item The exponential on/off model takes four parameters:
- tup{[start time], up interval, down interval, [finish time]}.
- tup{start time} defaults to $0.5s.$ from the start of the simulation,
- tup{finish time} defaults to the end of the simulation.
- tup{up interval} and tup{down interval} specify
- the mean of the exponential distribution defining the time
- that the node or link will be up and down respectively.
- The default up and down interval values are $10s.$ and $1s.$ respectively.
- Any of these values can be specified as ``$-$'' to default to the
- original value.
- The following are example specifications of parameters to this model:
- begin{program}
- 0.8 1.0 1.0 ; start at (0.8s.), up/down = (1.0s.), finish is default;
- 5.0 0.5 ; start is default, up/down = (5.0s, 0.5s.), finish is default;
- - 0.7 ; start, up interval are default, down = (0.7s.), finish is default;
- - - - 10 ; start, up, down are default, finish at (10s.);
- end{program}
- item The deterministic on/off model
- is similar to the exponential model above, and takes four parameters:
- tup{[start time], up interval, down interval, [finish time]}.
- tup{start time} defaults to the start of the simulation,
- tup{finish time} defaults to the end of the simulation.
- Only the interpretation of the up and down interval is different;
- tup{up interval} and tup{down interval} specify the exact duration
- that the node or link will be up and down respectively.
- The default values for these parameters are:
- tup{start time} is $0.5s.$ from start of simulation,
- tup{up interval} is $2.0s.$,
- tup{down interval} is $1.0s.$, and
- tup{finish time} is the duration of the simulation.
- item The trace driven model takes one parameter:
- the name of the trace file.
- The format of the input trace file is identical to that
- output by the dynamics trace modules, viz,
- code{v tup{time} link-tup{operation} tup{node1} tup{node2}}.
- Lines that do not correspond to the node or link specified are ignored.
- {small
- begin{verbatim}
- v 0.8123 link-up 3 5
- v 3.5124 link-down 3 5
- end{verbatim}
- }
- item The manual one-shot model takes two parameters:
- the operation to be performed, and the time that it is to be
- performed.
- end{enumerate}
- item % the elements
- The rest of the arguments to the proc[]{rtmodel} procedure
- define the node or link that the model will be applied to.
- If only one node is specified,
- it is assumed that the node will fail.
- This is modeled by making the links incident on the node fail.
- If two nodes are specified, then the command assumes that
- the two are adjacent to each other, and the model is applied to the
- link incident on the two nodes.
- If more than two nodes are specified, only the first is considered,
- the subsequent arguments are ignored.
- item % proc[]{rtmodel} will also enable tracing if the Simulator
- instance variable, code{traceAllFile_} is set.
- end{itemize}
- The command returns the handle to the model that was created in this call.
- Internally, proc[]{rtmodel} stores the list of route models created
- in the class Simulator instance variable, code{rtModel_}.
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{rtmodel-delete}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Simulator::rtmodel-delete}
- takes the handle of a route model as argument, removes it from the
- code{rtModel_} list, and deletes the route model.
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{rtmodel-at}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Simulator::rtmodel-at}
- is a special interface to the Manual model of network dynamics.
- The command takes the time, operation, and node or link as arguments,
- and applies the operation to the node or link at the specified time.
- Example uses of this command are:
- begin{program}
- $ns rtmodel-at 3.5 up $n0
- $ns rtmodel-at 3.9 up $n(3) $n(5)
- $ns rtmodel-at 40 down $n4
- end{program}
- end{list}
- Finally, the instance procedure proc[]{trace-dynamics} of the class rtModel
- enables tracing of the dynamics effected by this model.
- It is used as:
- begin{program}
- set fh [open "dyn.tr" w]
- $rtmodel1 trace-dynamics $fh
- $rtmodel2 trace-dynamics $fh
- $rtmodel1 trace-dynamics stdout
- end{program}
- In this example, code{$rtmodel1} writes out trace entries to both
- dyn.tr and stdout; code{$rtmodel2} only writes out trace entries to dyn.tr.
- A typical sequence of trace entries written out by either model might be:
- {small
- begin{verbatim}
- v 0.8123 link-up 3 5
- v 0.8123 link-up 5 3
- v 3.5124 link-down 3 5
- v 3.5124 link-down 5 3
- end{verbatim}
- }
- These lines above indicate that Link~tup{3, 5} failed at $0.8123s.$,
- and recovered at time $3.5124s.$
- section{The Internal Architecture}
- label{sec:nd-internal-arch}
- Each model of network dynamics is implemented as a separate class,
- derived from the base clsref{rtModel}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}.
- We begin by describing
- href{the base class rtModel and the derived classes}{Section}{sec:rtmodel}.
- The network dynamics models use an internal queuing structure
- to ensure that simultaneous events are correctly handled,
- the clsref{rtQueue}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}.
- href{The next subsection}{Section}{sec:rtqueue}
- describes the internals of this structure.
- Finally, we describe
- href{the extensions to the existing classes}{Section}{sec:nd-extensions}:
- the Node, Link, and others.
- subsection{The class rtModel}
- label{sec:rtmodel}
- To use a new route model, the routine proc[]{rtmodel}
- creates an instance of the appropriate type,
- defines the node or link that the model will operate upon,
- configures the model,
- and possibly enables tracing;
- The individual instance procedures that accomplish this in pieces are:
- begin{list}{}{}
- item The
- fcnref{constructor for the base class}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::init}
- stores a reference to the Simulator in its instance variable, code{ns_}.
- It also initializes the code{startTime_} and code{finishTime_}
- from the class variables of the same name.
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{set-elements}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::set-elements}
- identifies the node or link that the model will operate upon.
- The command stores two arrays: code{links_}, of the links that the
- model will act upon; code{nodes_}, of the incident nodes
- that will be affected by the link failure or recovery caused by the model.
- item The default procedure in the base class
- to set the model configuration parameters is
- fcnref{set-parms}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::set-parms}.
- It assumes a well defined
- start time, up interval, down interval, and a finish time,
- and sets up configuration parameters for some class of models.
- It stores these values in the instance variables:
- code{startTime_}, code{upInterval_}, code{downInterval_},
- code{finishTime_}.
- The exponential and deterministic models use this default routine,
- the trace based and manual models define their own procedures.
- item % trace
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{trace}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::trace}
- enables proc[]{trace-dynamics} on each of the links that it affects.
- Additional details on proc[]{trace-dynamics} is discussed in the
- href{section on extensions to the class Link}{Section}{sec:nd-extensions}.
- end{list}
- The next sequence of configuration steps are taken just prior to
- the start of the simulator.
- ns invokes
- fcnref{proc[]{rtmodel-configure}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Simulator::rtmodel-configure}
- just before starting the simulation.
- This instance procedure first acquires an instance of the class rtQueue,
- and then invokes proc[]{configure} for each route model in its list,
- code{rtModel_}.
- begin{list}{}{}
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{configure}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::configure}
- makes each link that is is applied to dynamic;
- this is the set of links stored in its instance variable array,
- code{links_}.
- Then the procedure schedules its first event.
- item The default instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{set-first-event}}{../ns-w/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::set-first-event}
- schedules the first event to take all the links ``down'' at \
- code{$startTime_} + code{upInterval_}.
- Individual types of route models derived from this base class should
- redefine tihs function.
- item Two instance procedures in the base class ,
- fcnref{proc[]{set-event}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::set-event} and
- fcnref{proc[]{set-event-exact}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::set-event-exact},
- can be used to schedule events in the route queue.
- proc[interval, operation]{set-event} schedules code{operation}
- after code{interval} seconds from the current time; it uses the
- procedure proc[]{set-event-exact} below.
- proc[fireTime, operation]{set-event-exact} schedules code{operation}
- to execute at code{fireTime}.
- If the time for execution is greater than the code{finishTime_},
- then the only possible action is to take a failed link ``up''.
- item Finally, the base class provides the methods to take the links
- fcnref{proc[]{up}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::up} or
- fcnref{proc[]{down}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::down}.
- Each method invokes the appropriate procedure on each of the links
- in the instance variable, code{links_}.
- end{list}
- paragraph{Exponential}
- The model schedules its first event to take the links down
- at code{startTime_} + E(code{upInterval_});
- It also defines the procedures, proc[]{up} and proc[]{down};
- each procedure invokes the base class procedure to perform the actual operation.
- This routine then reschedules the next event at
- E(code{upInterval}) or E(code{downInterval_}) respectively.
- paragraph{Deterministic}
- The model defines the procedures, proc[]{up} and proc[]{down};
- each procedure invokes the base class procedure to perform the actual operation.
- This routine then reschedules the next event at
- code{upInterval} or code{downInterval_} respectively.
- paragraph{Trace}
- The model redefines the instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{set-parms}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Trace::set-parms}
- to operan a trace file, and set events based on that input.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{get-next-event}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Trace::get-next-event}
- returns the next valid event from the trace file.
- A valid event is an event that is applicable to one of the links
- in this object's code{links_} variable.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{set-trace-events}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Trace::set-trace-events}
- uses proc[]{get-next-event}
- to schedule the next valid event.
- The model redefines
- fcnref{proc[]{set-first-event}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Trace::set-first-event},
- fcnref{proc[]{up}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Trace::up}, and
- fcnref{proc[]{down}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Trace::down}
- to use proc[]{set-trace-events}.
- paragraph{Manual}
- The model is designed to fire exactly once.
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{set-parms}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Manual::set-parms}
- takes an operation and the time to execute that operation as arguments.
- fcnref{proc[]{set-first-event}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Manual::set-first-event}
- will schedule the event at the appropriate moment.
- This routine also redefines
- fcnref{proc[]{notify}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel/Manual::notify}
- to delete the object instance when the operation is completed.
- This notion of the object deleting itself is fragile code.
- Since the object only fires once and does nto have to be rescheduled,
- it does not overload the procedures proc[]{up} or proc[]{down}.
- subsection{protectclsref{rtQueue}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}}
- label{sec:rtqueue}
- The simulator needs to co-ordinate multiple simultaneous network
- dynamics events, especially to ensure the right coherent behaviour.
- Hence, the network dynamics models use their own internal
- route queue to schedule dynamics events.
- There is one instance of this object in the simulator, in the
- class Simulator instance variable code{rtq_}.
- The queue object stores an array of queued operations
- in its instance variable, code{rtq_}.
- The index is the time at which the event will execute.
- Each element is the list of operations that will execute at that time.
- The instance procedures
- fcnref{proc[]{insq}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtQueue::insq} and
- fcnref{proc[]{insq-i}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtQueue::insq-i}
- can insert an element into the queue.
- begin{list}{}{}
- item The first argument is the time at which this operation will execute.
- proc[]{insq} takes the exact time as argument;
- proc[]{insq-i} takes the interval as argument, and schedules the
- operation code{interval} seconds after the current time.
- item The following arguments specify the object, code{$obj},
- the instance procedure of that object, code{$iproc},
- and the arguments to that procedure, code{$args}.
- These arguments are placed into the route queue
- for execution at the appropriate time.
- end{list}
- The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{runq}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtQueue::runq}
- executes code{eval $obj $iproc $args} at the appropriate instant.
- After all the events for that instance are executed,
- proc[]{runq} will proc[]{notify} each object about the execution.
- Finally, the instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{delq}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtQueue::delq}
- can remove a queued action with the time and the name of the object.
- section{Interaction with Unicast Routing}
- label{sec:unicast-int}
- In an earlier section,
- we had described how
- href{unicast routing reacts}{Section}{sec:rtglibAPI}
- to changes to the topology.
- This section details the steps by which
- the network dynamics code will notify the nodes and routing
- about the changes to the topology.
- begin{enumerate}
- item proc[]{rtQueue::runq} will invoke the procedures
- specified by each of the route model instances.
- After all of the actions are completed,
- proc[]{runq} will notify each of the models.
- item
- fcnref{proc[]{notify}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{rtModel::notify}
- will then invoke instance procedures at all of the nodes
- that were incident to the affected links.
- Each route model stores the list of nodes in its instance variable
- array, code{nodes_}.
- It will then notify the RouteLogic instance of topology changes.
- item
- The rtModel object invokes the class Node instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{intf-changed}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Node::intf-changed}
- for each of the affected nodes.
- item
- proc[]{Node::intf-changed} will notify any code{rtObject}
- at the node of the possible changes to the topology.
- Recall that these route objects are created when the simulation uses
- detailed dynamic unicast routing.
- end{enumerate}
- subsection{Extensions to Other Classes}
- label{sec:nd-extensions}
- The existing classes assume that the topology is static by default.
- In this section, we document the necessary changes to these
- classes to support dynamic topologies.
- We have already described the instance procedures
- in the clsref{Simulator}{../ns-2/ns-lib.tcl} to create or manipulate
- route models, ie,
- proc[]{rtmodel}, proc[]{rtmodel-at}, proc[]{rtmodel-delete}, and
- proc[]{rtmodel-configure} href{in earlier sections}{Section}{sec:rtmodel}.
- Similarly, the clsref{Node}{../ns-2/ns-node.tcl}
- contains the instance procedure proc[]{intf-changed}
- that we described in href{the previous section}{Section}{sec:unicast-int}.
- The network dynamics code operates on individual links.
- Each model currently translates its specification into
- operations on the appropriate links.
- The following paragraphs describe the class Link and related classes.
- paragraph{protectclsref{DynamicLink}{../ns-2/dynalink.cc.tcl}}
- This class is the only TclObject in the network dynamics code.
- The shadow class is called clsref{DynaLink}{../ns-2/dynalink.h}.
- The class supports one bound variable, code{status_}.
- code{status_} is 1 when the link is up, and 0 when the link is down.
- The shadow object's fcnref{fcn[]{recv}}{../ns-2/dynalink.cc}{DynaLink::recv}
- method checks the code{status_} variable, to decide whether or not
- a packet should be forwarded.
- paragraph{protectclsref{Link}{../ns-2/ns-link.tcl}}
- This class supports the primitives:
- up and down, and up? to set and query code{status_}.
- These primitives are instance procedures of the class.
- begin{list}{}{}
- item The instance procedures
- fcnref{proc[]{up}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Link::up} and
- fcnref{proc[]{down}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Link::down}
- set code{status_} to 1 and 0 respectively.
- In addition, when the link fails, proc[]{down}
- will reset all connectors that make up the link.
- Each connector, including all queues and the delay object
- will flush and drop any packets that it currently stores.
- This emulates the packet drop due to link failure.
- Both procedures then write trace entries to each file handle
- in the list, code{dynT_}.
- item The instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{up?}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Link::up?}
- returns the current value of code{status_}.
- end{list}
- In addition, the class contains the instance procedure
- fcnref{proc[]{all-connectors}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{Link::all-connectors}.
- This procedure takes an operation as argument, and applies
- the operation uniformly to all of the class instance variables
- that are handles for TclObjects.
- paragraph{protectclsref{SimpleLink}{../ns-2/ns-link.tcl}}
- The class supports two instance procedures
- fcnref{proc[]{dynamic}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{SimpleLink::dynamic} and
- fcnref{proc[]{trace-dynamics}}{../ns-2/dynamics.tcl}{SimpleLink::trace-dynamics}.
- We have already described the latter procedure when describing the
- proc[]{trace} procedure in the class rtModel.
- The instance procedure proc[]{dynamic} inserts a
- href{DynamicLink object}{Section}{sec:links:connectors}
- at the head of the queue.
- It points the down-target of the object to the
- drop target of the link, code{drpT_}, if the object is defined,
- or to the code{nullAgent_} in the simulator.
- It also signals each connector in the link that the link is now
- dynamic.
- Most connectors ignore this signal to be become dynamic;
- the exception is code{DelayLink} object.
- This object will normally schedule each packet it receives
- for reception by the destination node at the appropriate time.
- When the link is dynamic, the object will queue each packet
- internally; it schedules only one event for the next packet
- that will be delivered, instead of one event per packet normally.
- If the link fails, the route model will signal a code{reset},
- at which point, the shadow object will execute its
- fcnref{reset instproc-like}{../ns-2/dynalink.cc}{DynaLink::command},
- and flush all packets in its internal queue.
- Additional details about the DelayLink can be found
- href{in another chapter}{Chapter}{chap:delays}.
- section{Deficencies in the Current Network Dynamics API}
- label{sec:deficiencies}
- There are a number of deficencies in the current API that should be
- changed in the next iteration:
- begin{enumerate}
- item There is no way to specify a cluster of nodes or links that
- behave in lock-step dynamic synchrony.
- item Node failure should be dealt with as its own mechanism,
- rather than a second grade citizen of link failure.
- This shows up in a number of situations, such as:
- begin{enumerate}
- item The method of emulating node failure as the failure of the
- incident links is broken. Ideally, node failure should cause all
- agents incident on the node to be reset.
- item There is no tracing associated with node failure.
- end{enumerate}
- item If two distinct route models are applied to two separate links
- incident on a common node, and the two links experience a topology change
- at the same instant, then the node will be notified more than once.
- end{enumerate}
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:dynamicscommand}
- Following is a list of commands used to simulate dynamic scenarios in ns:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ rtmodel <model> <model-params> <args>}\
- This command defines the dynamic model (currently implemented models are:
- Deterministic, Exponential, Manual or Trace) to be applied to nodes and
- links in the topology. The first two arguments consists of the rtmodel and
- the parameter to configure the model. <args> stands for different type of
- arguments expected with different dynamic model types. This returns a
- handle to a model object corresponding to the specified model.
- begin{itemize}
- item In the Deterministic model <model-params> is <start-time>,
- <up-interval>, <down-interval>, <finish-time>. Starting from start-time
- the link is made up for up-interval and down for down-interval till
- finish-time is reached. The default values for start-time, up-interval,
- downinterval are 0.5s, 2.0s, 1.0s respectively. finishtime defaults to the
- end of the simulation. The start-time defaults to 0.5s in order to let the
- routing protocol computation quiesce.
- item If the Exponential model is used model-params is of the form
- <up-interval>, <down-interval> where the link up-time is an exponential
- distribution around the mean upinterval and the link down-time is an
- exponential distribution around the mean down-interval. Default values for
- up-interval and down-interval are 10s and 1s respectively.
- item If the Manual distribution is used model-params is <at> <op> where
- at
- specifies the time at which the operation op should occur. op is one of
- up, down. The Manual distribution could be specified alternately using the
- rtmodel-at method described later in the section.
- item If Trace is specified as the model the link/node dynamics is read
- from a
- Tracefile. The model-params argument would in this case be the file-handle
- of the Tracefile that has the dynamics information. The tracefile format
- is identical to the trace output generated by the trace-dynamics link
- end{itemize}
- code{$ns_ rtmodel-delete <model>}\
- This command takes the handle of the routemodel <model> as an argument,
- removes it from the list of rtmodels maintained by simulator and deletes
- the model.
- code{$ns_ rtmodel-at <at> <op> <args>}\
- This command is a special interface to the Manual model of network dynamics.
- It takes the time <at>, type of operation <op> and node or link on which
- to apply the operation <args> as the arguments. At time <at>, the operation <op>
- which maybe up or down is applied to a node or link.
- code{$rtmodel trace <ns> <f> <optional:op>}\
- This enables tracing of dynamics effected by this model in the links. <ns>
- is an instance of the simulator, <f> the output file to write the traces to
- and <op> is an optional argument that may be used to define a type of
- operation (like nam). This is a wrapper for the class Link procedure
- code{trace-dynamics}.
- code{$link trace-dynamics <ns> <f> <optional:op>}\
- This is a class link instance procedure that is used to setup tracing of
- dynamics in that particular link. The arguments are same as that of class
- rtModel's procedure code{trace} described above.
- code{$link dynamic}\
- This command inserts a DynamicLink object at the head of the queue and signals
- to all connectors in the link that the link is now dynamic.
- Internal procedures:\
- code{$ns_ rtmodel-configure}\
- This is an internal procedure that configures all dynamic models that are
- present in the list of models maintained by the simulator.
- end{flushleft}
- endinput
- ### Local Variables:
- ### mode: latex
- ### comment-column: 60
- ### backup-by-copying-when-linked: t
- ### file-precious-flag: nil
- ### End: