- %
- % personal commentary:
- % - KFALL
- % RNG section reviewed and revised 11-Sep-98, johnh.
- %
- % RNG section revised 28-Aug-02 by Tim Buchheim to include material
- % from Michelle Weigle which describes the new implementation of RNG
- chapter{Mathematical Support}
- label{chap:math}
- The simulator includes a small collection of mathematical
- functions used to implement random variate generation and integration.
- This area of the simulator is currently undergoing some
- changes.
- The procedures and functions described in this chapter can be found in
- nsf{tools/rng.{cc, h}},
- nsf{tools/random.{cc, h}},
- nsf{tools/ranvar.{cc, h}},
- nsf{tools/pareto.{cc, h}},
- nsf{tools/expoo.{cc, h}},
- nsf{tools/integrator.{cc, h}}, and
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-random.tcl}.
- section{Random Number Generation}
- label{sec:random}
- The RNG class contains an implementation of the combined multiple
- recursive generator MRG32k3a proposed by L'Ecuyer
- cite{lecuyer99}. The C++ code was adapted from cite{lecuyer01}.
- This replaces the previous implementation of code{RNG}, which used
- the minimal standard multiplicative linear congruential generator of
- Park and Miller~cite{Park88:Random}. The newer (MRG32k3a) code{RNG} is
- used in ns versions 2.1b9 and later.
- The MRG32k3a generator provides $1.8$x$10^{19}$ independent
- streams of random numbers, each of which consists of
- $2.3$x$10^{15}$ substreams. Each substream has a period
- (emph{i.e.}, the number of random numbers before overlap) of
- $7.6$x$10^{22}$. The period of the entire generator is
- $3.1$x$10^{57}$. Figure ref{streams} provides a graphical idea of
- how the streams and substreams fit together.
- begin{figure}[ht]
- centering
- includegraphics[angle=270,width=6 in]{rng-streams.eps}
- caption{Overall arrangement of streams and substreams.
- cite{lecuyer01}} label{streams}
- end{figure}
- A default RNG ({tt defaultRNG}), created at simulator initialization
- time, is provided. If multiple random variables are used in a
- simulation, each random variable should use a separate RNG object.
- When a new RNG object is created, it is automatically seeded to
- the beginning of the next independent stream of random numbers.
- Used in this manner, the implementation allows for a maximum of
- $1.8$x$10^{19}$ random variables.
- Often, multiple independent replications of a simulation are
- needed (emph{i.e.}, to perform statistical analysis given
- multiple runs with fixed parameters). For each replication, a
- different substream should be used to ensure that the random
- number streams are independent. (This process is given as an OTcl
- example later.) This implementation allows for a maximum of
- $2.3$x$10^{15}$ independent replications. Each random variable in
- a single replication can produce up to $7.6$x$10^{22}$ random
- numbers before overlapping.
- {bf Note:} Only the most common functions are described here. For
- more information, see cite{lecuyer01} and the source code found
- in {tt tools/rng.h} and {tt tools/}. For a comparison of this RNG to
- the more common LCG16807 RNG (and why LCG16807 is not a good RNG),
- see cite{lecuyer-wsc}.
- subsection{Seeding The RNG}
- Due to the nature of the RNG and its implementation, it is not
- necessary to set a seed (the default is 12345). If you wish to
- change the seed, functions are available. You should only set the
- seed of the default RNG. Any other RNGs you create are
- automatically seeded such that they produce independent streams.
- The range of valid seeds is 1 to {tt MAXINT}.
- To get non-deterministic behavior, set the seed of the default RNG
- to 0. This will set the seed based on the current time of day and
- a counter. {bf This method should not be used to set seeds for
- independent replications.} There is no guarantee that the streams
- produced by two random seeds will not overlap. The only way to
- guarantee that two streams do not overlap is to use the substream
- capability provided by the RNG implementation.
- subsubsection{Example}
- begin{verbatim}
- # Usage: ns rng-test.tcl [replication number]
- if {$argc > 1} {
- puts "Usage: ns rng-test.tcl [replication number]"
- exit
- }
- set run 1
- if {$argc == 1} {
- set run [lindex $argv 0]
- }
- if {$run < 1} {
- set run 1
- }
- # seed the default RNG
- global defaultRNG
- $defaultRNG seed 9999
- # create the RNGs and set them to the correct substream
- set arrivalRNG [new RNG]
- set sizeRNG [new RNG]
- for {set j 1} {$j < $run} {incr j} {
- $arrivalRNG next-substream
- $sizeRNG next-substream
- }
- # arrival_ is a exponential random variable describing the time
- # between consecutive packet arrivals
- set arrival_ [new RandomVariable/Exponential]
- $arrival_ set avg_ 5
- $arrival_ use-rng $arrivalRNG
- # size_ is a uniform random variable describing packet sizes
- set size_ [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
- $size_ set min_ 100
- $size_ set max_ 5000
- $size_ use-rng $sizeRNG
- # print the first 5 arrival times and sizes
- for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
- puts [format "%-8.3f %-4d" [$arrival_ value]
- [expr round([$size_ value])]]
- }
- end{verbatim}
- subsubsection{Output}
- begin{verbatim}
- % ns rng-test.tcl 1
- 6.358 4783
- 5.828 1732
- 1.469 2188
- 0.732 3076
- 4.002 626
- % ns rng-test.tcl 5
- 0.691 1187
- 0.204 4924
- 8.849 857
- 2.111 4505
- 3.200 1143
- end{verbatim}
- subsection{OTcl Support}
- subsubsection{Commands}
- The following commands on the RNG class can be accessed from OTcl
- and are found in {tt tools/}:
- begin{description}
- item[{tt seed $n$}] -- seed the RNG to $n$, if $n == 0$, the seed
- is set according to the current time and a counter
- item[{tt next-random}] -- return the next random number
- item[{tt seed}] -- return the current value of the seed
- item[{tt next-substream}] -- advance to the next substream
- item[{tt reset-start-substream}] -- reset the stream to the beginning
- of the current substream
- item[{tt normal $avg$ $std$}] -- return a number sampled from a normal
- distribution with the given average and standard deviation
- item[{tt lognormal $avg$ $std$}] -- return a number sampled from a
- lognormal distribution with the given average and standard deviation
- end{description}
- The following commands on the RNG class can be accessed from OTcl
- and are found in {tt tcl/lib/ns-random.tcl}:
- begin{description}
- item[{tt exponential $mu$}] -- return a number sampled from an
- exponential distribution with mean $mu$
- item[{tt uniform $min$ $max$}] -- return an integer sampled from a
- uniform distribution on [$min$, $max$]
- item[{tt integer $k$}] -- return an integer sampled from a uniform
- distribution on [0, $k$-1]
- end{description}
- subsubsection{Example}
- begin{verbatim}
- # Usage: ns rng-test2.tcl [replication number]
- if {$argc > 1} {
- puts "Usage: ns rng-test2.tcl [replication number]"
- exit
- }
- set run 1
- if {$argc == 1} {
- set run [lindex $argv 0]
- }
- if {$run < 1} {
- set run 1
- }
- # the default RNG is seeded with 12345
- # create the RNGs and set them to the correct substream
- set arrivalRNG [new RNG]
- set sizeRNG [new RNG]
- for {set j 1} {$j < $run} {incr j} {
- $arrivalRNG next-substream
- $sizeRNG next-substream
- }
- # print the first 5 arrival times and sizes
- for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
- puts [format "%-8.3f %-4d" [$arrivalRNG lognormal 5 0.1]
- [expr round([$sizeRNG normal 5000 100])]]
- }
- end{verbatim}
- subsubsection{Output}
- begin{verbatim}
- % ns rng-test2.tcl 1
- 142.776 5038
- 174.365 5024
- 147.160 4984
- 169.693 4981
- 187.972 4982
- % ns rng-test2.tcl 5
- 160.993 4907
- 119.895 4956
- 149.468 5131
- 137.678 4985
- 158.936 4871
- end{verbatim}
- subsection{C++ Support}
- subsubsection{Member Functions}
- The random number generator is implemented by the RNG class and is
- defined in {tt tools/rng.h}.
- {bf Note:} The Random class in {tt tools/random.h} is an older
- interface to the standard random number stream.
- Member functions provide the following operations:
- begin{description}
- item[{tt void set_seed (long seed)}] -- set the seed of the RNG, if
- $seed == 0$, the seed is set according to the current time and a
- counter
- item[{tt long seed (void)}] -- return the current seed
- item[{tt long next (void)}] -- return the next random number as an
- integer on [0, {tt MAXINT}]
- item[{tt double next_double (void)}] -- return the next random number
- on [0, 1]
- item[{tt void reset_start_substream (void)}] -- reset the stream
- to the beginning of the current substream
- item[{tt void reset_next_substream (void)}] -- advance to the next
- substream
- item[{tt int uniform (int k)}] -- return an integer sampled from a
- uniform distribution on [0, k-1]
- item[{tt double uniform (double r)}] -- return a number sampled from a
- uniform distribution on [0, r]
- item[{tt double uniform (double a, double b)}] -- return a number
- sampled from a uniform distribution on [a, b]
- item[{tt double exponential (void)}] -- return a number sampled from an
- exponential distribution with mean 1.0
- item[{tt double exponential (double k)}] -- return a number sampled from
- an exponential distribution with mean k
- item[{tt double normal (double avg, double std)}] -- return a number
- sampled from a normal distribution with the given average and standard
- deviation
- item[{tt double lognormal (double avg, double std)}] -- return a number
- sampled from a lognormal distribution with the given average and
- standard deviation
- end{description}
- subsubsection{Example}
- begin{verbatim}
- /* create new RNGs */
- RNG arrival (23456);
- RNG size;
- /* set the RNGs to the appropriate substream */
- for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
- arrival.reset_next_substream();
- size.reset_next_substream();
- }
- /* print the first 5 arrival times and sizes */
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- printf ("%-8.3f %-4dn", arrival.lognormal(5, 0.1),
- int(size.normal(500, 10)));
- }
- end{verbatim}
- subsubsection{Output}
- begin{verbatim}
- 161.826 506
- 160.591 503
- 157.145 509
- 137.715 507
- 118.573 496
- end{verbatim}
- section{Random Variables}
- label{sec:ranvar}
- The clsref{RandomVariable}{../ns-2/ranvar.h}
- provides a thin layer of functionality on top
- of the base random number generator and the default random number stream.
- It is defined in nsf{ranvar.h}:
- begin{program}
- class RandomVariable : public TclObject {
- public:
- virtual double value() = 0;
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- RandomVariable();
- protected:
- RNG* rng_;
- };
- end{program}
- Classes derived from this abstract class implement specific
- distributions. Each distribution is parameterized with the values of
- appropriate parameters. The value method is used to return a value
- from the distribution.
- The currently defined distributions, and their associated parameters are:
- begin{tabular}{rl}
- clsref{UniformRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{min_}, code{max_} \
- clsref{ExponentialRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{avg_} \
- clsref{ParetoRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{avg_}, code{shape_}\
- clsref{ParetoIIRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{avg_}, code{shape_}\
- clsref{ConstantRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{val_}\
- clsref{HyperExponentialRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{avg_}, code{cov_}\
- clsref{NormalRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{avg_}, code{std_}\
- clsref{LogNormalRandomVariable}{tools/ranvar.h} & code{avg_}, code{std_}\
- end{tabular}
- The RandomVariable class is available in OTcl. For instance, to
- create a random variable that generates number uniformly on [10, 20]:
- begin{program}
- set u [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
- $u set min_ 10
- $u set max_ 20
- $u value
- end{program}
- By default, RandomVariable objects use the default random number
- generator described in the previous section. The use-rng method can
- be used to associate a RandomVariable with a non-default RNG:
- begin{program}
- set rng [new RNG]
- $rng seed 0
- set e [new RandomVariable/Exponential]
- $e use-rng $rng
- end{program}
- section{Integrals}
- label{sec:integral}
- The clsref{Integrator}{../ns-2/integrator.h}
- supports the approximation of (continuous) integration by (discrete)
- sums; it is defined in nsf{integrator.h} as
- begin{program}
- {rm From integrator.h:}
- class Integrator : public TclObject {
- public:
- Integrator();
- void set(double x, double y);
- void newPoint(double x, double y);
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- protected:
- double lastx_;
- double lasty_;
- double sum_;
- };
- {rm From}
- Integrator::Integrator() : lastx_(0.), lasty_(0.), sum_(0.)
- {
- bind("lastx_", &lastx_);
- bind("lasty_", &lasty_);
- bind("sum_", &sum_);
- }
- void Integrator::set(double x, double y)
- {
- lastx_ = x;
- lasty_ = y;
- sum_ = 0.;
- }
- void Integrator::newPoint(double x, double y)
- {
- sum_ += (x - lastx_) * lasty_;
- lastx_ = x;
- lasty_ = y;
- }
- int Integrator::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- if (argc == 4) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "newpoint") == 0) {
- double x = atof(argv[2]);
- double y = atof(argv[3]);
- newPoint(x, y);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- return (TclObject::command(argc, argv));
- }
- end{program}
- This class provides a base class used by other classes such
- as code{QueueMonitor} that keep running sums.
- Each new element of the running sum is added by
- the fcn[x, y]{newPoint} function.
- After the $k$th execution of code{newPoint}, the running sum
- is equal to $sum_{i=1}^{k}y_{i-1}(x_i - x_{i-1})$ where
- $x_0 = y_0 = 0$ unless code{lastx_}, code{lasty_}, or code{sum_}
- are reset via OTcl.
- Note that a new point in the sum can be added either by the
- C++ member code{newPoint} or the OTcl member code{newpoint}.
- The use of integrals to compute certain types of averages
- (e.g. mean queue lengths) is given in (pp. 429--430, cite{Jain91:Art}).
- section{code{ns-random}}
- {bf code{ns-random} is an obsolete way to generate random numbers.
- This information is provided only for backward compatibility.}
- code{ns-random} is implemented in nsf{misc.{cc,h}}.
- When called with no argument, it generates a random number with
- uniform distribution between 0 and code{MAXINT}.
- When an integer argument is provided, it seeds the random generater
- with the given number.
- A special case is when code{ns-random 0} is called, it randomly seeds
- the generator based on current time.
- This feature is useful to produce non-deterministic results across
- runs.
- section{Some mathematical-support related objects}
- label{sec:mathobjects}
- textsc{Integrator objects}
- Integrator Objects support the approximate computation of continuous
- integrals using discrete sums. The running sum(integral) is computed as:
- code{sum_ += [lasty_ * (x lastx_)]} where (x, y) is the last element
- entered and
- (lastx_, lasty_) was the element previous to that added to the sum.
- lastx_ and lasty_ are updated as new elements are added. The first
- sample point defaults to (0,0) that can be changed by changing the values
- of (lastx_,lasty_).
- code{$integrator newpoint <x> <y>}\ %$
- Add the point (x,y) to the sum. Note that it does not make sense for x to
- be less than lastx_.
- There are no configuration parameters specific to this object. \
- State Variables are:
- begin{description}
- item[lastx_]
- x-coordinate of the last sample point.
- item[lasty_]
- y-coordinate of the last sample point.
- item[sum_] Running sum (i.e. the integral) of the sample points.
- end{description}
- textsc{Samples Object}
- Samples Objects support the computation of mean and variance statistics
- for a given sample.
- code{$samples mean}\
- Returns mean of the sample.
- code{$samples variance}\
- Returns variance of the sample.
- code{$samples cnt}\
- Returns a count of the sample points considered.
- code{$samples reset }\
- Reset the Samples object to monitor a fresh set of samples.
- There are no configuration parameters or state variables specific to this
- object.
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:mathcommand}
- Following is a list of mathematical support related commands commonly used
- in simulation scripts:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{set rng [new RNG]}\
- This creates a new random number generator.
- code{$rng seed <0 or n>}\
- This command seeds the RNG. If 0 is specified, the RNG is seeded
- heuristically. Otherwise the RNG is seeded with the value <n>.
- code{$rng next-random}\
- This returns the next random number from RNG.
- code{$rng uniform <a> <b>}\
- This returns a number uniformly distributed on <a> and <b>.
- code{$rng integer <k>}\
- This returns an integer uniformly distributed on 0 and k-1.
- code{$rng exponential}\
- This returns a number that has exponential distribution with average 1.
- code{set rv [new Randomvariable/<type of random-variable>]}\
- This creates an instance of a random variable object that generates random
- variables with specific distribution. The different types of random
- variables derived from the base class are:\
- RandomVariable/Uniform, RandomVariable/Exponential, RandomVariable/Pareto,
- RandomVariable/Constant, RandomVariable/HyperExponential.
- Each of these distribution types are parameterized with values of
- appropriate parameters. For details see section ref{sec:ranvar} of this
- chapter.
- code{$rv use-rng <rng>}\
- This method is used to associated a random variable object with a
- non-default RNG. Otherwise by default, the random variable object is
- associated with the default random number generator.
- end{flushleft}
- % LocalWords: ranvar pareto expoo tcl lib ns cc integrator RNG rng TclObject
- % LocalWords: enum RNGSources PREDEF int MAXINT rX edv prob edp setbit iph ECN
- % LocalWords: ip ecn eed OURCE OTcl RandomVariable argc const argv min avg val
- % LocalWords: UniformRandomVariable ExponentialRandomVariable cov newPoint pp
- % LocalWords: ParetoRandomVariable ConstantRandomVariable lastx lasty strcmp
- % LocalWords: HyperExponentialRandomVariable newpoint atof QueueMonitor