- documentclass{report}
- usepackage{floatflt}
- usepackage{times}
- usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
- usepackage{url}
- usepackage{makeidx}
- usepackage{nsdoc}
- usepackage{graphicx}
- makeindex
- % xxx: change title in post-process.pl if you change it here, too.
- title{The ns Manual \ (formerly ns Notes and Documentation)}
- author{The VINT Project\[2ex]
- A Collaboration between researchers at\
- UC Berkeley, LBL, USC/ISI, and Xerox PARC.\[2ex]
- Kevin Fall tup{kfall@ee.lbl.gov}, Editor\
- Kannan Varadhan tup{kannan@catarina.usc.edu}, Editor}
- date{timestamp}
- begin{document}
- % End-Of-Header
- begin{titlepage}
- begin{center}makeatletter%
- {Large@titlefootnotemarkpar}%
- vskip 1.5em%
- {normalsize
- begin{tabular}[t]{c}%
- @author
- end{tabular}par}%
- vskip 1em%
- {large@date}
- makeatotherend{center}
- par vfil
- begin{quote}small
- xref{ns}{http://www-nrg.ee.lbl.gov/ns/}
- xref{copyright}{../copyright.html}
- is LBNL's underline{N}etwork underline{S}imulator cite{ns}.
- The simulator is written in C++;
- it uses OTcl as a command and configuration interface.
- ns~v2 has three substantial changes from ns~v1:
- (1) the more complex objects in ns~v1
- have been decomposed into simpler components
- for greater flexibility and composability;
- (2) the configuration interface is now OTcl,
- an object oriented version of Tcl; and
- (3) the interface code to the OTcl interpreter is
- separate from the main simulator.
- par
- Ns documentation is available in
- html,
- Postscript,
- and PDF formats.
- See url{http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-documentation.html}
- for pointers to these.
- end{quote}
- footnotetext{
- The VINT project is a joint effort by people from
- UC Berkeley, USC/ISI, LBL, and Xerox PARC.
- The project is supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
- Agency (DARPA)
- at LBL under DARPA grant DABT63-96-C-0105,
- at USC/ISI under DARPA grant ABT63-96-C-0054,
- at Xerox PARC under DARPA grant DABT63-96-C-0105.
- Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
- in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
- reflect the views of the DARPA.}
- vfil
- end{titlepage}
- clearpage
- tableofcontents
- bibliographystyle{plain}
- include{basic}
- include{undocumented}
- part{Interface to the Interpreter}
- include{otcl}
- part{Simulator Basics}
- include{sim}
- include{nodes}
- include{links}
- include{queue_mgmt}
- include{delays}
- include{diffserv}
- include{agents}
- include{timers}
- include{events}
- include{packet_format}
- include{error_model}
- include{lan}
- include{address}
- include{mobility}
- include{satellite}
- include{propagation}
- include{energymodel}
- include{diffusion}
- include{xcp}
- include{delaybox}
- include{wpan}
- part{Support}
- include{debug}
- include{math}
- include{trace}
- include{testsuite}
- include{dynlib}
- include{codestyle}
- part{Routing}
- include{unicast}
- include{multicast}
- include{dynamics}
- include{hier-rtg}
- part{Transport}
- include{udp}
- include{tcp}
- include{sctp}
- include{srm}
- include{plm}
- part{Application}
- include{applications}
- include{webcache}
- include{worm-model}
- include{packmime}
- part{Scale}
- include{session}
- include{asim}
- part{Emulation}
- include{emulation}
- part{Visualization with Nam - The Network Animator}
- include{nam}
- include{namtrace}
- part{Other}
- include{educational}
- %include{debugging}
- % Start-Of-Trailer
- bibliography{ns}
- printindex
- end{document}