


Visual C++

  1. documentclass{report}
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  9. makeindex
  10. % xxx: change title in post-process.pl if you change it here, too.
  11. title{The ns Manual \ (formerly ns Notes and Documentation)}
  12. author{The VINT Project\[2ex]
  13. A Collaboration between researchers at\
  14. UC Berkeley, LBL, USC/ISI, and Xerox PARC.\[2ex]
  15. Kevin Fall tup{kfall@ee.lbl.gov}, Editor\
  16. Kannan Varadhan tup{kannan@catarina.usc.edu}, Editor}
  17. date{timestamp}
  18. begin{document}
  19. % End-Of-Header
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  31.   par  vfil
  32.   begin{quote}small
  33.     xref{ns}{http://www-nrg.ee.lbl.gov/ns/}
  34.     xref{copyright}{../copyright.html}
  35.     is LBNL's underline{N}etwork underline{S}imulator cite{ns}.
  36.     The simulator is written in C++;
  37.     it uses OTcl as a command and configuration interface.
  38.     ns~v2 has three substantial changes from ns~v1:
  39.     (1) the more complex objects in ns~v1
  40.         have been decomposed into simpler components
  41.         for greater flexibility and composability;
  42.     (2) the configuration interface is now OTcl, 
  43.         an object oriented version of Tcl; and
  44.     (3) the interface code to the OTcl interpreter is
  45.         separate from the main simulator.
  46.   par
  47.     Ns documentation is available in
  48.         html,
  49.         Postscript,
  50.         and PDF formats.
  51.     See url{http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-documentation.html}
  52.         for pointers to these.
  53.   end{quote}
  54.   footnotetext{
  55.     The VINT project is a joint effort by people from
  56.     UC Berkeley, USC/ISI, LBL, and Xerox PARC.
  57.     The project is supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
  58.     Agency (DARPA) 
  59.     at LBL under DARPA grant DABT63-96-C-0105,
  60.     at USC/ISI under DARPA grant ABT63-96-C-0054,
  61.     at Xerox PARC under DARPA grant DABT63-96-C-0105.
  62.   Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed 
  63.   in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
  64.   reflect the views of the DARPA.}
  65.   vfil
  66. end{titlepage}
  67. clearpage
  68. tableofcontents
  69. bibliographystyle{plain}
  70. include{basic}
  71. include{undocumented}
  72. part{Interface to the Interpreter}
  73. include{otcl}
  74. part{Simulator Basics}
  75. include{sim}
  76. include{nodes}
  77. include{links}
  78. include{queue_mgmt}
  79. include{delays}
  80. include{diffserv}
  81. include{agents}
  82. include{timers}
  83. include{events}
  84. include{packet_format}
  85. include{error_model}
  86. include{lan}
  87. include{address}
  88. include{mobility}
  89. include{satellite}
  90. include{propagation}
  91. include{energymodel}
  92. include{diffusion}
  93. include{xcp}
  94. include{delaybox}
  95. include{wpan}
  96. part{Support}
  97. include{debug}
  98. include{math}
  99. include{trace}
  100. include{testsuite}
  101. include{dynlib}
  102. include{codestyle}
  103. part{Routing}
  104. include{unicast}
  105. include{multicast}
  106. include{dynamics}
  107. include{hier-rtg}
  108. part{Transport}
  109. include{udp}
  110. include{tcp}
  111. include{sctp}
  112. include{srm}
  113. include{plm}
  114. part{Application}
  115. include{applications}
  116. include{webcache}
  117. include{worm-model}
  118. include{packmime}
  119. part{Scale}
  120. include{session}
  121. include{asim}
  122. part{Emulation}
  123. include{emulation}
  124. part{Visualization with Nam - The Network Animator}
  125. include{nam}
  126. include{namtrace}
  127. part{Other}
  128. include{educational}
  129. %include{debugging}
  130. % Start-Of-Trailer
  131. bibliography{ns}
  132. printindex
  133. end{document}