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- sub bot_navigation_panel {
- '<hr>List of Indices
- <ul>
- <li> <a href=../ns/CClassIndex.html>C++ classes in <em>ns</em></a>
- <li> <a href=../ns/CFuncIndex.html>C++ functions in <em>ns</em></a>
- <li> <a href=../ns/TclClassIndex.html>Tcl classes in <em>ns</em></a>
- <li> <a href=../ns/TclProcIndex.html>Tcl procedures in <em>ns</em></a>
- <li> <a href=../Tcl/CClassIndex.html>C++ classes in <em>ns/Tcl</em></a>
- <li> <a href=../Tcl/CFuncIndex.html>C++ functions in <em>ns/Tcl</em></a>
- <li> <a href=../Tcl/TclClassIndex.html>Tcl classes in <em>ns/Tcl</em></a>
- <li> <a href=../Tcl/TclProcIndex.html>Tcl procedures in <em>ns/Tcl</em></a>
- </ul><P>
- <a href=../ns.html>The main <em>ns</em> page</a>
- ';
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