- chapter{Emulation}
- label{sec:emulation}
- This chapter describes the {em emulation} facility
- of ns.
- Emulation refers to the ability to introduce the
- simulator into a live network.
- Special objects within the simulator are capable
- of introducing live traffic into the simulator and
- injecting traffic from the simulator into the
- live network.
- textbf{Emulator caveats:}
- begin{itemize}
- item While the interfaces described below
- are not expected to change drastically,
- this facility is still under development and
- should be considered experimental and subject to change.
- item The facility described here has been
- developed under FreeBSD 2.2.5, and use on other systems
- has not been tested by the author.
- item Because of the currently limited portability of emulation, it
- is only compiled into emph{nse}
- (build it with ``make nse''),
- not standard ns.
- end{itemize}
- section{Introduction}
- The emulation facility can be subdivided into
- two modes:
- begin{enumerate}
- item {sf opaque mode} -- live data treated as opaque data packets
- item {sf protocol mode} -- live data may be interpreted/generated by simulator
- end{enumerate}
- In opaque mode, the simulator
- treats network data as uninterpreted packets.
- In particular, real-world protocol fields
- are not directly manipulated by the simulator.
- In opaque mode, live data packets may be dropped, delayed, re-ordered, or
- duplicated, but because no protocol processing is performed,
- protocol-specific traffic manipulation scenarios (e.g. ``drop the TCP segment
- containing a retransmission of sequence number 23045'') may not be performed.
- In protocol mode, the simulator is able to interpret and/or generate
- live network traffic containing arbitrary field assignments.
- {bf To date (Mar 1998), only Opaque Mode is currently implemented}.
- The interface between the simulator and live network is provided by
- a collection of objects including {em tap agents} and {em network objects}.
- Tap agents embed live network data into simulated packets and
- vice-versa.
- Network objects are installed in tap agents and provide an entrypoint
- for the sending and receipt of live data.
- Both objects are described in the following sections.
- When using the emulation mode, a special version of the system
- scheduler is used: the {tt RealTime} scheduler.
- This scheduler uses the same underlying structure as the
- standard calendar-queue based scheduler, but ties the execution of
- events to real-time.
- It is described below.
- section{Real-Time Scheduler}
- The real-time scheduler implements a soft real-time scheduler
- which ties event execution within the simulator to real time.
- Provided sufficient CPU horsepower is available to keep up
- with arriving packets, the simulator virtual time should closely
- track real-time.
- If the simulator becomes too slow to keep up with elapsing real
- time, a warning is continually produced if the skew exceeds a
- pre-specified constant ``slop factor'' (currently 10ms).
- The main dispatch loop is found in the routine {tt RealTimeScheduler::run()},
- in the file {tt scheduler.cc}.
- It follows essentially the following algorithm:
- begin{itemize}
- item While simulator is not halted
- begin{itemize}
- item get current real time (``now'')
- item dispatch all pending simulator events prior to now
- item fetch next (future) event if there is one
- item delay until the next simulator event is ready or a Tcl event occurs
- item if a tcl event occured, re-insert next event in simulator event queue and continue
- item otherwise, dispatch simulator event, continue
- item if there was no future even, check for Tcl events and continue
- end{itemize}
- end{itemize}
- The real-time scheduler should always be used with the emulation facility.
- Failure to do so may easily result in the simulator running faster
- than real-time.
- In such cases, traffic passing through the simulated network will
- not be delayed by the proper amount of time.
- Enabling the real-time scheduler requires the
- following specification at the beginning of a simulation script:
- begin{program}
- set ns [new Simulator]
- $ns use-scheduler RealTime
- end{program}
- section{Tap Agents}
- The class {tt TapAgent} is a simple class derived from the base
- {tt Agent} class.
- As such, it is able to generate simulator packets containing
- arbitrarily-assigned values within the ns~common header.
- The tap agent handles the setting of the common header packet
- size field and the type field.
- It uses the packet type {tt PT_LIVE} for packets injected
- into the simulator.
- Each tap agent can have at most one associated network object, although
- more than one tap agent may be instantiated on a single simulator node.
- paragraph{Configuration}
- Tap agents are able to send and receive packets to/from an
- associated {tt Network} object.
- Assuming a network object {tt $netobj} refers to a network
- object, a tap agent is configured using the {tt network} method:
- begin{verbatim}
- set a0 [new Agent/Tap]
- $a0 network $netobj
- $a0 set fid_ 26
- $a0 set prio_ 2
- $ns connect $a0 $a1
- end{verbatim}
- Note that the configuration of the flow ID and priority are
- handled through the {tt Agent} base class.
- The purpose of setting the flow id field in the common header
- is to label packets belonging to particular flows of live data.
- Such packets can be differentially treated with respect
- to drops, reorderings, etc.
- The {tt connect} method instructs agent {tt $a0} to send
- its live traffic to the {tt $a1} agent via the current
- route through the simulated topology.
- section{Network Objects}
- label{sec:networkobj}
- Network objects provide access to a live network.
- There are several forms of network objects, depending on the
- protocol layer specified for access to the underlying network,
- in addition to the facilities provided by the host operating system.
- Use of some network objects requires special access
- privileges where noted.
- Generally, network objects provide an entrypoint into the live
- network at a particular protocol layer (e.g. link, raw IP, UDP, etc)
- and with a particular access mode (read-only, write-only, or read-write).
- Some network objects provide specialized facilities such as filtering
- or promiscuous access (i.e. the pcap/bpf network object)
- or group membership (i.e. UDP/IP multicast).
- The C++ class {tt Network} is provided as a base class from
- which specific network objects are derived.
- Three network objects are currently supported: pcap/bpf, raw IP,
- and UDP/IP.
- Each are described below.
- subsection{Pcap/BPF Network Objects}
- These objects provide an extended interface to the LBNL packet capture
- library (libpcap).
- (See {tt ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/libpcap.tar.Z} for more info).
- This library provides the ability to capture link-layer frames
- in a promiscuous fashion from network interface drivers
- (i.e. a copy is made for those programs making use of libpcap).
- It also provides the ability to read and write packet trace
- files in the ``tcpdump'' format.
- The extended interface provided by ns~also allows for writing
- frames out to the network interface driver, provided the driver
- itself allows this action.
- Use of the library to capture or create live traffic may be protected;
- one generally requires at least read access to the system's packet filter
- facility which may need to be arranged through a system administrator.
- The packet capture library works on several UNIX-based platforms.
- It is optimized for use with the
- Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF)~cite{BPF93},
- and provides a filter compiler for the BPF pseudomachine machine code.
- On most systems supporting it,
- a kernel-resident BPF implementation processes the filter code, and
- applies the resulting pattern matching instructions to received frames.
- Those frames matching the patterns are received through the BPF machinery;
- those not matching the pattern are otherwise unaffected.
- BPF also supports sending link-layer frames.
- This is generally not suggested, as an entire properly-formatted frame
- must be created prior to handing it off to BPF.
- This may be problematic with respect to assigning proper link-layer headers
- for next-hop destinations.
- It is generally preferable to use the raw IP network object for sending
- IP packets, as the system's routing function will be used to determine
- proper link-layer encapsulating headers.
- paragraph{Configuration}
- Pcap network objects may be configured as either associated with a
- live network or with a trace file.
- If associated with a live network, the particular network interface
- to be used may be specified, as well as an optional promiscuous flag.
- As with all network objects, they may be opened for reading or writing.
- Here is an example:
- begin{verbatim}
- set me [exec hostname]
- set pf1 [new Network/Pcap/Live]
- $pf1 set promisc_ true
- set intf [$pf1 open readonly]
- puts "pf1 configured on interface $intf"
- set filt "(ip src host foobar) and (not ether broadcast)"
- set nbytes [$pf1 filter $filt]
- puts "filter compiled to $nbytes bytes"
- puts "drops: [$pf1 pdrops], pkts: [$pf1 pkts]"
- end{verbatim}
- This example first determines the name of the local system which
- will be used in constructing a BPF/libpcap filter predicate.
- The {tt new Network/Pcap/Live} call creates an instance of the
- pcap network object for capturing live traffic.
- The {tt promisc_} flag tells the packet filter whether it should
- configure the undelying interface in promiscuous mode (if it is supported).
- The {tt open} call activates the packet filter, and may be specified
- as {tt readonly}, {tt writeonly}, or {tt readwrite}.
- It returns the name of the network interface the filter is associated
- with.
- The {tt open} call takes an optional extra parameter (not illustrated)
- indicating the name of the interface to use in cases where a particular
- interface should be used on a multi-homed host.
- The {tt filter} method is used to create a BPF-compatible packet
- filter program which is loaded into the underlying BPF machinery.
- The {tt filter} method returns the number of bytes used by the
- filter predicate.
- The {tt pdrops} and {tt pkts} methods are available for statistics
- collection.
- They report the number of packets dropped by the filter due to
- buffer exhaustion and the
- total number of packets that arrived at the filter, respectively
- ({em not} the number of packets accepted by the filter).
- subsection{IP Network Objects}
- These objects provide raw access to the IP protocol, and allow
- the complete specification of IP packets (including header).
- The implementation makes use of a {em raw socket}.
- In most UNIX systems, access to such sockets requires super-user privileges.
- In addition, the interface to raw sockets is somewhat less standard than
- other types of sockets.
- The class {tt Network/IP} provides raw IP functionality plus a
- base class from
- which other network objects implementing higher-layer protocols
- are derived.
- paragraph{Configuration}
- The configuration of a raw IP network object is comparatively
- simple.
- The object is not associated with any particular physical network
- interface; the system's IP routing capability will be used to
- emit the specified datagram out whichever interface is required
- to reach the destination address contained in the header.
- Here is an example of configuring an IP object:
- begin{verbatim}
- set ipnet [new Network/IP]
- $ipnet open writeonly
- ...
- $ipnet close
- end{verbatim}
- The IP network object supports only the {tt open} and {tt close}
- methods.
- subsection{IP/UDP Network Objects}
- These objects provide access to the system's UDP implementation
- along with support for IP multicast group membership operations.
- section{An Example}
- The following code illustrates a small but complete
- simulation script for setting up an emulation test using BPF and
- IP network objects.
- It was run on a multi-homed machine, and the simulator essentially
- provides routing capability by reading frames from one interface,
- passing them through the simulated network, and writing them
- out via the raw IP network object:
- begin{program}
- set me ""
- set ns [new Simulator]
- $ns use-scheduler RealTime
- #
- # we want the test machine to have ip forwarding disabled, so
- # check this (this is how to do so under FreeBSD at least)
- #
- set ipforw [exec sysctl -n net.inet.ip.forwarding]
- if { $ipforw } {
- puts "can not run with ip forwarding enabled"
- exit 1
- }
- #
- # allocate a BPF type network object and a raw-IP object
- #
- set bpf0 [new Network/Pcap/Live]
- set bpf1 [new Network/Pcap/Live]
- $bpf0 set promisc_ true
- $bpf1 set promisc_ true
- set ipnet [new Network/IP]
- set nd0 [$bpf0 open readonly fxp0]
- set nd1 [$bpf1 open readonly fxp1]
- $ipnet open writeonly
- #
- # try to filter out weird stuff like netbios pkts, arp requests, dns,
- # also, don't catch stuff to/from myself or broadcasted
- #
- set notme "(not ip host $me)"
- set notbcast "(not ether broadcast)"
- set ftp "and port ftp-data"
- set f0len [$bpf0 filter "(ip dst host bit) and $notme and $notbcast"]
- set f1len [$bpf1 filter "(ip src host bit) and $notme and $notbcast"]
- puts "filter lengths: $f0len (bpf0), $f1len (bpf1)"
- puts "dev $nd0 has address [$bpf0 linkaddr]"
- puts "dev $nd1 has address [$bpf1 linkaddr]"
- set a0 [new Agent/Tap]
- set a1 [new Agent/Tap]
- set a2 [new Agent/Tap]
- puts "install nets into taps..."
- $a0 network $bpf0
- $a1 network $bpf1
- $a2 network $ipnet
- set node0 [$ns node]
- set node1 [$ns node]
- set node2 [$ns node]
- $ns simplex-link $node0 $node2 10Mb 10ms DropTail
- $ns simplex-link $node1 $node2 10Mb 10ms DropTail
- $ns attach-agent $node0 $a0
- $ns attach-agent $node1 $a1
- $ns attach-agent $node2 $a2
- $ns connect $a0 $a2
- $ns connect $a1 $a2
- puts "okey"
- $ns run
- end{program}
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:emulationcommand}
- Following is a list of emulation related commands:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ use-scheduler RealTime}\
- This command sets up the real-time scheduler. Note that a real-time scheduler
- should be used with any emulation facility. Otherwise it may result the simulated network
- running faster than real-time.
- code{set netob [new Network/<network-object-type>]}\
- This command creates an instance of a network object. Network objects are used
- to access a live network. Currently the types of network objects available
- are Network/Pcap/Live, Network/IP and Network/IP/UDP. See section
- ref{sec:networkobj} for details on network objects.
- end{flushleft}
- endinput