- %
- % personal commentary:
- % - KFALL
- %
- chapter{Queue Management and Packet Scheduling}
- label{chap:qmgmt}
- Queues represent locations where packets may be held (or dropped).
- Packet scheduling refers to the decision process used to choose
- which packets should be serviced or dropped.
- Buffer management refers to any particular discipline used
- to regulate the occupancy of a particular queue.
- At present, support is included for drop-tail (FIFO) queueing,
- RED buffer management, CBQ (including a priority and round-robin scheduler),
- and
- variants of Fair Queueing including, Fair Queueing (FQ),
- Stochastic Fair Queueing (SFQ), and Deficit Round-Robin (DRR).
- In the common case where a {em delay} element is downstream from
- a queue, the queue may be {em blocked} until it is re-enabled
- by its downstream neighbor.
- This is the mechanism by which transmission delay is simulated.
- In addition, queues may be forcibly blocked or unblocked at arbitrary
- times by their neighbors (which is used to implement multi-queue
- aggregate queues with inter-queue flow control).
- Packet drops are implemented in such a way that queues contain
- a ``drop destination''; that is, an object that receives all packets
- dropped by a queue.
- This can be useful to (for example) keep statistics on dropped packets.
- section{The C++ Queue Class}
- label{sec:qclass}
- The code{Queue} class is derived from a code{Connector} base class.
- It provides a base class used by particular types of (derived) queue classes,
- as well as a call-back function to implement blocking (see next section).
- The following definitions are provided in code{queue.h}:
- begin{program}
- class Queue : public Connector {
- public:
- virtual void enque(Packet*) = 0;
- virtual Packet* deque() = 0;
- void recv(Packet*, Handler*);
- void resume();
- int blocked();
- void unblock();
- void block();
- protected:
- Queue();
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- int qlim_; * maximum allowed pkts in queue */
- int blocked_;
- int unblock_on_resume_; * unblock q on idle? */
- QueueHandler qh_;
- };
- end{program}
- The code{enque} and code{deque} functions are pure virtual, indicating
- the code{Queue} class is to be used as a base class;
- particular queues are derived
- from code{Queue} and implement these two functions as necessary.
- Particular queues do not, in general, override the code{recv} function
- because it invokes the
- the particular code{enque} and code{deque}.
- The code{Queue} class does not contain much internal state.
- Often these are
- href{special monitoring objects}{Chapter}{chap:trace}.
- The code{qlim_} member is constructed to dictate a bound on the maximum
- queue occupancy, but this is not enforced by the code{Queue} class itself; it
- must be used by the particular queue subclasses if they need this value.
- The code{blocked_} member is a boolean indicating whether the
- queue is able to send a packet immediately to its downstream neighbor.
- When a queue is blocked, it is able to enqueue packets but not send them.
- subsection{Queue blocking}
- label{sec:qblock}
- A queue may be either blocked or unblocked at any given time.
- Generally, a queue is blocked when a packet is in transit between it
- and its downstream neighbor (most of the time if the queue is occupied).
- A blocked queue will remain blocked as long as it downstream link is
- busy and the queue has at least one packet to send.
- A queue becomes unblocked only when its code{resume} function is
- invoked (by means of a downstream neighbor scheduling it via
- a callback), usually when no packets are queued.
- The callback is implemented by using the following class and
- methods:
- begin{program}
- class QueueHandler : public Handler {
- public:
- inline QueueHandler(Queue& q) : queue_(q) {}
- void handle(Event*); /* calls queue_.resume() */
- private:
- Queue& queue_;
- };
- void QueueHandler::handle(Event*)
- {
- queue_.resume();
- }
- Queue::Queue() : drop_(0), blocked_(0), qh_(*this)
- {
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- bind("limit_", &qlim_);
- }
- void Queue::recv(Packet* p, Handler*)
- {
- enque(p);
- if (!blocked_) {
- /*
- * We're not block. Get a packet and send it on.
- * We perform an extra check because the queue
- * might drop the packet even if it was
- * previously empty! (e.g., RED can do this.)
- */
- p = deque();
- if (p != 0) {
- blocked_ = 1;
- target_->recv(p, &qh_);
- }
- }
- }
- void Queue::resume()
- {
- Packet* p = deque();
- if (p != 0)
- target_->recv(p, &qh_);
- else {
- if (unblock_on_resume_)
- blocked_ = 0;
- else
- blocked_ = 1;
- }
- }
- end{program}
- The handler management here is somewhat subtle.
- When a new code{Queue} object is created,
- it includes a code{QueueHandler} object (code{qh_})
- which is initialized to contain a reference to the new code{Queue} object
- (code{Queue& QueueHandler::queue_}).
- This is performed by the code{Queue} constructor using the expression
- code{qh_(*this)}.
- When a Queue receives a packet it calls the subclass
- (i.e. queueing discipline-specific) version of
- the code{enque} function with the packet.
- If the queue is not blocked, it is allowed to send a packet and
- calls the specific code{deque} function which determines which
- packet to send, blocks the queue (because a packet is now in transit), and
- sends the packet to the queue's downstream neighbor.
- Note that any future packets received from upstream neighbors
- will arrive to a blocked queue.
- When a downstream neighbor wishes to cause the queue to become unblocked
- it schedules the QueueHandler's code{handle} function by
- passing code{&qh_} to the simulator scheduler.
- The code{handle} function invokes code{resume}, which
- will send the next-scheduled packet downstream (and leave the queue blocked),
- or unblock the queue when no packet is ready to be sent.
- This process is made more clear by also referring to the
- href{fcn[]{LinkDelay::recv} method}{Section}{sec:delayclass}.
- subsection{PacketQueue Class}
- label{sec:packetqclass}
- The code{Queue} class may implement buffer management and scheduling but
- do not implement the low-level operations on a particular queue.
- The code{PacketQueue} class is used for this purpose, and is defined as follows
- (see code{queue.h}):
- begin{program}
- class PacketQueue {
- public:
- PacketQueue();
- int length(); /* queue length in packets */
- void enque(Packet* p);
- Packet* deque();
- Packet* lookup(int n);
- /* remove a specific packet, which must be in the queue */
- void remove(Packet*);
- protected:
- Packet* head_;
- Packet** tail_;
- int len_; // packet count
- };
- end{program}
- This class maintains a linked-list of packets, and is commonly
- used by particular scheduling and buffer management disciplines
- to hold an ordered set of packets.
- Particular scheduling or buffer management schemes may make
- use of several code{PacketQueue} objects.
- The code{PacketQueue} class maintains current counts of the number of
- packets held in the queue which is returned by the fcn[]{length} method.
- The code{enque} function places the specified packet at the end of
- the queue and updates the code{len_} member variable.
- The code{deque} function returns the packet at the head of the
- queue and removes it from the queue (and updates the counters), or
- returns NULL if the queue is empty.
- The code{lookup} function returns the $n$th packet from the head
- of the queue, or NULL otherwise.
- The code{remove} function deletes the packet stored in the given address
- from the queue (and updates the counters).
- It causes an abnormal program termination if the packet does not exist.
- section{Example: Drop Tail}
- label{sec:droptail}
- The following example illustrates the implementation of the
- code{Queue/DropTail} object,
- which implements FIFO scheduling and
- drop-on-overflow buffer management typical of most present-day
- Internet routers.
- The following definitions declare the class and its OTcl linkage:
- begin{program}
- /*
- * {cf A bounded, drop-tail queue}
- */
- class DropTail : public Queue {
- protected:
- void enque(Packet*);
- Packet* deque();
- PacketQueue q_;
- };
- end{program}
- The base class code{Queue},
- from which code{DropTail} is derived, provides most
- of the needed functionality.
- The drop-tail queue maintains exactly one FIFO queue, implemented
- by including an object of the code{PacketQueue} class.
- Drop-tail implements its own versions of code{enque} and code{deque}
- as follows:
- begin{program}
- /*
- * {cf drop-tail}
- */
- void DropTail::enque(Packet* p)
- {
- q_.enque(p);
- if (q_.length() >= qlim_) {
- q_.remove(p);
- drop(p);
- }
- }
- Packet* DropTail::deque()
- {
- return (q_.deque());
- }
- end{program}
- Here, the code{enque} function first stores the packet in the
- internal packet queue (which has no size restrictions), and then
- checks the size of the packet queue versus code{qlim_}.
- Drop-on-overflow is implemented by dropping the packet most recently
- added to the packet queue if the limit is reached or exceeded.
- emph{Note:} in the implementation of code{enque} above,
- setting code{qlim_} to code{n} actually means a queue size of code{n-1}.
- Simple FIFO scheduling is implemented in the code{deque} function
- by always returning the first packet in the packet queue.
- section{Different types of Queue objects}
- label{sec:queueobjects}
- A queue object is a general class of object capable of holding and
- possibly marking or discarding packets as they travel through the
- simulated topology. Configuration Parameters used for queue objects are:
- begin{description}
- item[limit_] The queue size in packets.
- item[blocked_] Set to false by default, this is true if the queue is
- blocked (unable to send a packet to its downstream neighbor).
- item[unblock_on_resume_] Set to true by default, indicates a queue
- should unblock itself at the time the last packet packet sent has been
- transmitted (but not necessarily received).
- end{description}
- Other queue objects derived from the base class Queue are drop-tail, FQ,
- SFQ, DRR, RED and CBQ queue objects. Each are described as follows:
- begin{itemize}
- item Drop-tail objects:
- Drop-tail objects are a subclass of Queue objects that implement simple
- FIFO queue. There are no methods, configuration parameter, or state
- variables that are specific to drop-tail objects.
- item FQ objects:
- FQ objects are a subclass of Queue objects that implement Fair queuing.
- There are no methods that are specific to FQ objects.
- Configuration Parameters are:
- begin{description}
- item[secsPerByte_]
- end{description}
- There are no state variables associated with this object.
- item SFQ objects:
- SFQ objects are a subclass of Queue objects that implement Stochastic Fair
- queuing. There are no methods that are specific to SFQ objects.
- Configuration Parameters are:
- begin{description}
- item[maxqueue_]
- item[buckets_]
- end{description}
- There are no state variables associated with this object.
- item DRR objects:
- DRR objects are a subclass of Queue objects that implement deficit round
- robin scheduling. These objects implement deficit round robin scheduling
- amongst different flows ( A particular flow is one which has packets with
- the same node and port id OR packets which have the same node id alone).
- Also unlike other multi-queue objects, this queue object implements a
- single shared buffer space for its different flows. Configuration
- Parameters are:
- begin{description}
- item[buckets_] Indicates the total number of buckets to be used for
- hashing each of the flows.
- item[blimit_] Indicates the shared buffer size in bytes.
- item[quantum_] Indicates (in bytes) how much each flow can send during
- its turn.
- item[mask_] mask_, when set to 1, means that a particular flow consists
- of packets having the same node id (and possibly different port ids),
- otherwise a flow consists of packets having the same node and port ids.
- end{description}
- item RED objects:
- RED objects are a subclass of Queue objects that implement random
- early-detection gateways. The object can be configured to either drop or
- ``mark'' packets. There are no methods that are specific to RED objects.
- Configuration Parameters are:
- begin{description}
- item[bytes_] Set to "true" to enable ``byte-mode'' RED, where the size
- of arriving packets affect the likelihood of marking (dropping) packets.
- item[queue-in-bytes_]
- Set to "true" to measure the average queue size in bytes rather than
- packets. Enabling this option also causes thresh_ and maxthresh_ to be
- automatically scaled by mean_pktsize_ (see below).
- item[thresh_]
- The minimum threshold for the average queue size in packets.
- item[maxthresh_]
- The maximum threshold for the average queue size in packets.
- item[mean_pktsize_]
- A rough estimate of the average packet size in bytes. Used in updating the
- calculated average queue size after an idle period.
- item[q_weight_]
- The queue weight, used in the exponential-weighted moving average for
- calculating the average queue size.
- item[wait_]
- Set to true to maintain an interval between dropped packets.
- item[linterm_]
- As the average queue size varies between "thresh_" and "maxthresh_", the
- packet dropping probability varies between 0 and "1/linterm".
- item[setbit_]
- Set to "true" to mark packets by setting the congestion indication bit in
- packet headers rather than drop packets.
- item[drop-tail_]
- Set to true to use drop-tail rather than randomdrop when the queue
- overflows or the average queue size exceeds "maxthresh_". For a further
- explanation of these variables, see [2].
- end{description}
- None of the state variables of the RED implementation are accessible.
- item CBQ objects:
- CBQ objects are a subclass of Queue objects that implement class-based
- queueing.
- code{$cbq insert <class>}\
- Insert traffic class class into the link-sharing structure associated with
- link object cbq.
- code{$cbq bind <cbqclass> <id1> [$id2]}\
- Cause packets containing flow id id1 (or those in the range id1 to
- id2 inclusive) to be associated with the traffic class cbqclass.
- code{$cbq algorithm <alg>}\
- Select the CBQ internal algorithm. <alg> may be set to one of:
- "ancestor-only", "top-level", or "formal".
- item CBQ/WRR objects:
- CBQ/WRR objects are a subclass of CBQ objects that implement weighted
- round-robin scheduling among classes of the same priority level. In
- contrast, CBQ objects implement packet-by-packet round-robin scheduling
- among classes of the same priority level. Configuration Parameters are:
- begin{description}
- item[maxpkt_] The maximum size of a packet in bytes. This is used only
- by CBQ/WRR objects in computing maximum bandwidth allocations for the
- weighted round-robin scheduler.
- end{description}
- end{itemize}
- textsc{CBQclass Objects}\
- CBQClass objects implement the traffic classes associated with CBQ
- objects.
- code{$cbqclass setparams <parent> <okborrow> <allot> <maxidle> <prio> <level>}\
- Sets several of the configuration parameters for the CBQ traffic class
- (see below).
- code{$cbqclass parent <cbqcl|none>}\
- specify the parent of this class in the link-sharing tree. The parent may
- be specified as ``none'' to indicate this class is a root.
- code{$cbqclass newallot <a>}\
- Change the link allocation of this class to the specified amount (in range
- 0.0 to 1.0). Note that only the specified class is affected.
- code{$cbqclass install-queue <q>}\
- Install a Queue object into the compound CBQ or CBQ/WRR link structure.
- When a CBQ object is initially created, it includes no internal queue
- (only a packet classifier and scheduler).
- Configuration Parameters are:
- begin{description}
- item[okborrow_] is a boolean indicating the class is permitted to borrow
- bandwidth from its parent.
- item[allot_] is the maximum fraction of link bandwidth allocated to the
- class expressed as a real number between 0.0 and 1.0.
- item[maxidle_] is the maximum amount of time a class may be required to
- have its packets queued before they are permitted to be forwarded
- item[priority_]
- is the class' priority level with respect to other classes. This value may
- range from 0 to 10, and more than one class may exist at the same
- priority. Priority 0 is the highest priority.
- item[level_]
- is the level of this class in the link-sharing tree. Leaf nodes in the
- tree are considered to be at level 1; their parents are at level 2, etc.
- item[extradelay_]
- increase the delay experienced by a delayed class by the specified time
- end{description}
- textsc{Queue-monitor objects}\
- QueueMonitor Objects are used to monitor a set of packet and byte arrival,
- departure and drop counters. It also includes support for aggregate
- statistics such as average queue size, etc.
- code{$queuemonitor}\
- reset all the cumulative counters described below (arrivals, departures,
- and drops) to zero. Also, reset the integrators and delay sampler, if
- defined.
- code{$queuemonitor set-delay-samples <delaySamp_>}\
- Set up the Samples object delaySamp_ to record statistics about queue
- delays. delaySamp_ is a handle to a Samples object i.e the Samples object
- should have already been created.
- code{$queuemonitor get-bytes-integrator}\
- Returns an Integrator object that can be used to find the integral of the
- queue size in bytes.
- code{$queuemonitor get-pkts-integrator}\
- Returns an Integrator object that can be used to find the integral of the
- queue size in packets.
- code{$queuemonitor get-delay-samples}\
- Returns a Samples object delaySamp_ to record statistics about queue
- delays.
- \
- There are no configuration parameters specific to this object.
- \
- State Variables are:
- begin{description}
- item[size_] Instantaneous queue size in bytes.
- item[pkts_] Instantaneous queue size in packets.
- item[parrivals_] Running total of packets that have arrived.
- item[barrivals_] Running total of bytes contained in packets that have
- arrived.
- item[pdepartures_] Running total of packets that have departed (not
- dropped).
- item[bdepartures_] Running total of bytes contained in packets that have
- departed (not dropped).
- item[pdrops_] Total number of packets dropped.
- item[bdrops_] Total number of bytes dropped.
- item[bytesInt_] Integrator object that computes the integral of the
- queue size in bytes. The sum_ variable of this object has the running sum
- (integral) of the queue size in bytes.
- item[pktsInt_] Integrator object that computes the integral of the queue
- size in packets. The sum_ variable of this object has the running sum
- (integral) of the queue size in packets.
- end{description}
- textsc{QUEUEMONITOR/ED Objects}\
- This derived object is capable of differentiating regular packet drops
- from early drops. Some queues distinguish regular drops (e.g. drops due to
- buffer exhaustion) from other drops (e.g. random drops in RED queues).
- Under some circumstances, it is useful to distinguish these two types of
- drops.
- \
- State Variables are:
- begin{description}
- item[epdrops_] The number of packets that have been dropped ``early''.
- item[ebdrops_] The number of bytes comprising packets that have been
- dropped ``early''.
- end{description}
- Note: because this class is a subclass of QueueMonitor, objects of this
- type also have fields such as pdrops_ and bdrops_. These fields describe
- the total number of dropped packets and bytes, including both early and
- non-early drops.
- textsc{QueueMonitor/ED/Flowmon Objects}\
- These objects may be used in the place of a conventional QueueMonitor
- object when wishing to collect per-flow counts and statistics in addition
- to the aggregate counts and statistics provided by the basic QueueMonitor.
- code{$fmon classifier <cl>}\
- This inserts (read) the specified classifier into (from) the flow monitor
- object. This is used to map incoming packets to which flows they are
- associated with.
- code{$fmon dump}\
- Dump the current per-flow counters and statistics to the I/O channel
- specified in a previous attach operation.
- code{$fmon flows}\
- Return a character string containing the names of all flow objects known
- by this flow monitor. Each of these objects are of type
- QueueMonitor/ED/Flow.
- code{$fmon attach <chan>}\
- Attach a tcl I/O channel to the flow monitor. Flow statistics are written
- to the channel when the dump operation is executed.
- Configuration Parameters are:
- begin{description}
- item[enable_in_] Set to true by default, indicates that per-flow
- arrival state should be kept by the flow monitor. If set to false, only
- the aggregate arrival information is kept.
- item[enable_out_]
- Set to true by default, indicates that per-flow departure state should be
- kept by the flow monitor. If set to false, only the aggregate departure
- information is kept.
- item[enable_drop_]
- Set to true by default, indicates that per-flow drop state should be kept
- by the flow monitor. If set to false, only the aggregate drop information
- is kept.
- item[enable_edrop_]
- Set to true by default, indicates that per-flow early drop state should be
- kept by the flow monitor. If set to false, only the aggregate early drop
- information is kept.
- end{description}
- textsc{QueueMonitor/ED/Flow Objects}\
- These objects contain per-flow counts and statistics managed by a
- QueueMonitor/ED/Flowmon object. They are generally created in an OTcl
- callback procedure when a flow monitor is given a packet it cannot map on
- to a known flow. Note that the flow monitor's classifier is responsible
- for mapping packets to flows in some arbitrary way. Thus, depending on the
- type of classifier used, not all of the state variables may be relevant
- (e.g. one may classify packets based only on flow id, in which case the
- source and destination addresses may not be significant).
- State Variables are:
- begin{description}
- item[src_] The source address of packets belonging to this flow.
- item[dst_] The destination address of packets belonging to this flow.
- item[flowid_] The flow id of packets belonging to this flow.
- end{description}
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:queuecommand}
- Following is a list of queue commands used in simulation scripts:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ queue-limit <n1> <n2> <limit>}\
- This sets a limit on the maximum buffer size of the queue in the link between
- nodes <n1> and <n2>.
- code{$ns_ trace-queue <n1> <n2> <optional:file>}\
- This sets up trace objects to log events in the queue. If tracefile is not
- passed, it uses code{traceAllFile_} to write the events.
- code{$ns_ namtrace-queue <n1> <n2> <optional:file>}\
- Similar to trace-queue above, this sets up nam-tracing in the queue.
- code{$ns_ monitor-queue <n1> <n2> <optional:qtrace> <optional:sampleinterval>}\
- This command inserts objects that allows us to monitor the queue size. This
- returns a handle to the object that may be queried to determine the average
- queue size. The default value for sampleinterval is 0.1.
- end{flushleft}
- % JoBS contributed by Nicolas Christin <nicolas@cs.virginia.edu>
- input{jobs}
- endinput