- chapter{Session-level Packet Distribution}
- label{chap:session}
- This section describes the internals of the Session-level Packet Distribution
- implementation in ns.
- The section is in two parts:
- the first part is an overview of
- a basic Session configuration,
- and a ``complete'' description of the configuration parameters
- of a Session.
- The second part describes the architecture, internals, and the code path
- of the Session-level Packet distribution.
- Session-level Packet Distribution enables simulations with large-scale
- topologies. A 2048 node and 8 connectivity degree topology takes roughly
- 40 MB in memory, 2049-4096 node topology takes about 167 MB, and 4097-
- 8194 node topology takes about 671 MB. However, the queuing delays that
- may occur in routers are ignored. Therefore, if simulations are involved
- with high source rate or multiple sources merging at some point resulting
- a high aggregated rate, please avoid using Session-level Packet Distribution.
- section{Configuration}
- subsection{Basic Configuration}
- label{sec:basic-config}
- Each Session (i.e., a multicast tree) must be configured strictly in
- this order:
- creating(obtaining) the session source,
- assigning the destination address,
- creating the session helper,
- attaching to session source, and
- the session members joining the group.
- begin{program}
- set ns [new SessionSim] ; preamble initialization;
- set node [$ns node] ; source and receiver to reside on this node;
- set group [$ns allocaddr] ; multicast group for this session;
- set src [new Agent/CBR]
- $src set dst_ $group ; configure the source;
- $ns attach-agent $node $src
- $ns create-session $node $src ; creating the session helper and attaching to the source;
- set rcvr [new Agent/NULL] ; configure the receiver;
- $ns attach-agent $node $rcvr
- $ns at 0.0 "$node join-group $rcvr $group" ; joining the session;
- $ns at 0.1 "$src start" ; start the source;
- end{program}
- subsection{Inserting a Loss Module}
- label{sec:loss-config}
- When simulating mechanism robustness(e.g., SRM error recovery mechanism),
- modules like lossy links are desired to create error senarios. This
- subsection is describe how to create a lossy link, meaning inserting
- a loss module for a 'virtual link' (a link directly connecting source
- and receiver with accumulative bandwidth and delay).
- Please note that packets dropped at a particular link in a
- multicast tree will not be received by
- the receivers in the particular downstream subtree. We have worked
- on this dependency problem and now the loss modules for the downstream
- receivers will be installed automatically when a lossy link is created.
- paragraph{Creating a Loss Module}
- Before we can insert a loss module in between a source-receiver pair,
- we have to create the loss module. Basically,
- a loss module compares two values to decide whether to drop a packet.
- The first value is obtained every time when the loss module receives
- a packet from a random variable. The second value
- is fixed and configured when the loss module is created.
- The following code gives an example to create a uniform
- 0.1 loss rate.
- begin{program}
- # creating the uniform distribution random variable
- set loss_random_variable [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
- # setting the range of random variable
- $loss_random_variable set min_ 0
- $loss_random_variable set max_ 100
- # creating an error module;
- set loss_module [new ErrorModel]
- # set target for dropped packets;
- $loss_module drop-target [new Agent/Null]
- # setting error rate to 0.1, 10/(100-0);
- $loss_module set rate_ 10
- # attaching the random variable to the loss module;
- $loss_module ranvar $loss_random_variable
- end{program}
- Several random variable distributions are available.
- %%% Need xref to ranvar pages
- Please refer to tcl/ex/ranvar.tcl.
- paragraph{Inserting a Loss Module}
- If it is intended to insert a loss module for a receiver, keep a handle to the
- loss module when created. Loss modules can only be inserted after the
- corresponding receivers finish joining the group.
- begin{program}
- # keep a handle to the loss module;
- set sessionhelper [$ns create-session $node $src]
- # insert the loss module;
- $ns at 0.1 "$sessionhelper insert-depended-loss $loss_module $rcvr"
- end{program}
- section{Architecture}
- label{sec:session-arch}
- The purpose of Session-level packet distribution is to
- speed up simulations and reduce memory consumption while
- maintaining reasonable accuracy(if no queuing involved). The first
- bottleneck observed is the memory consumption by heavy-weight
- links and nodes. Therefore, in SessionSim (Simulator for Session-level
- packet distribution), we keep only minimal amount of
- states for links and nodes, and connect the higher level source and
- receiver applications with appropriate delay and loss modules. When
- a connection is a multicast group, we attach a replicator
- to the source application, so the replicator replicates packets
- to all loss or delay modules attached to the receiver applications.
- In short, almost the entire network layer(routing and queuing)
- is abstract out. Packets in SessionSim do not get routed.
- They only follow the established Session.
- section{Internals}
- In this section, we explain the internals of Session-level Packet
- Distribution. The implementation is split into two parts:
- begin{list}{}{}
- item Linkage of objects to make a Session in OTcl
- item Packet forwarding activities are executed by C++ methods.
- end{list}
- subsection{Object Linkage}
- label{sec:session-objlink}
- begin{list}{}{}
- item Simplified links and nodes.
- item Replicator
- item Delay and loss modules
- end{list}
- paragraph{Nodes and Links}
- A link only contains the values of
- its bandwidth and delay, and a node contains only its id and port number
- for next agent.
- begin{program}
- SessionSim instproc simplex-link { n1 n2 bw delay type } {
- $self instvar bw_ delay_
- set sid [$n1 id]
- set did [$n2 id]
- set bw_($sid:$did) [expr [string trimright $bw Mb] * 1000000]
- set delay_($sid:$did) [expr [string trimright $delay ms] * 0.001]
- }
- SessionNode instproc init {} {
- $self instvar id_ np_
- set id_ [Node getid]
- set np_ 0
- }
- end{program}
- paragraph{Replicator}
- One replicator is required per source. While the source is configured,
- a replicator (session helper) need to be attached to the source. By
- calling proc[]{create-session}, a replicator is:
- created,
- attached to the source application, and
- kept in a SessionSim instance variable code{session_} array with
- its source and destination addresses as the index.
- Note that the destination of source agent must be set before
- calling proc[]{create-session}.
- begin{program}
- SessionSim instproc create-session { node agent } {
- $self instvar session_
- set nid [$node id] ; get source address;
- set dst [$agent set dst_] ; get destination address;
- set session_($nid:$dst) [new Classifier/Replicator/Demuxer] ; creating the replicator;
- $agent target $session_($nid:$dst) ; attach the replicator to the source;
- return $session_($nid:$dst) ; keep the replicator in the SessionSim instance variable session_ array;
- }
- end{program}
- paragraph{Delay and Loss Modules}
- At least one delay module is required per receiver.
- See Section~ref{sec:loss-config} for inserting a loss module for a receiver.
- When a receiver joins a group,
- the proc[]{join-group} method goes through
- all replicators (session helpers) maintained in code{session_}.
- If the destination index matches the group address
- the receiver are joining, then the following actions are performed.
- 1. A new slot of the replicator (session helper) is created and assigned to the receiver.
- 2. An accumulated bandwidth and delay between the source and receiver are obtained by SessionSim instance procedure proc[]{get-bw} and proc[]{get-delay}.
- 3. A constant random variable is created and assigned with the
- accumulative delay.
- 4. A delay module is created and assigned with the constant random
- variable and the accumulative bandwidth.
- 5. The delay module in inserted into the replicator slot in
- front of the receiver.
- begin{program}
- SessionSim instproc join-group { agent group } {
- $self instvar session_
- foreach index [array names session_] {
- set pair [split $index :]
- if {[lindex $pair 1] == $group} {
- # Note: must insert the chain of loss, delay,
- # and destination agent in this order:
- #1. insert destination agent into session replicator
- $session_($index) insert $agent
- #2. find accumulative bandwidth and delay
- set src [lindex $pair 0]
- set dst [[$agent set node_] id]
- set accu_bw [$self get-bw $dst $src]
- set delay [$self get-delay $dst $src]
- #3. set up a constant delay random variable
- set random_variable [new RandomVariable/Constant]
- $random_variable set avg_ $delay
- #4. set up the delay module
- set delay_module [new DelayModel]
- $delay_module bandwidth $accu_bw
- $delay_module ranvar $random_variable
- #5. insert the delay module in front of the dest agent
- $session_($index) insert-module $delay_module $agent
- }
- }
- }
- end{program}
- subsection{Packet Forwarding}
- label{sec:session-pktforward}
- Packet forwarding activities are executed in C++. A source application
- generates a packet and forwards to its target which must be a replicator
- (session helper). The replicator copies the packet and forwards
- to targets in the active slots which are either delay modules or loss modules. If loss modules, a decision is made whether to drop the packet.
- If yes, the packet is forwarded to the loss modules drop target. If not,
- the loss module forwards it to its target which must be a delay module.
- The delay module will forward the packet with a delay to its target which
- must be a receiver application.
- %% PH: not sure this will come out right
- %% PH: make .eps picture but not sure how to import that
- begin{program}
- / Loss module - Delay module - Receiver 1
- Source - Replicator --------------- Delay module - Receiver 2
- (Session Helper)bs Loss module - Delay module - Receiver 3
- end{program}
- endinput
- ### Local Variables:
- ### mode: latex
- ### comment-column: 60
- ### backup-by-copying-when-linked: t
- ### file-precious-flag: nil
- ### End: