- chapter{The (Revised) Addressing Structure in NS}
- label{chap:Address}
- This chapter describes the internals of the revised addressing format
- implemented in ns. The chapter consists of five sections. We
- describe the APIs that can be used for allocating bits to the ns addressing
- structure. The address space as described in chapter 3, can be thought
- of a contiguous field of {em n} bits, where n may vary as per the
- address requirement of the simulation. The default value of {em n} is
- 16 (as defined by {em MAXADDRSIZE_}). The maximum value of {em n} is
- set to 32 (defined as {em MAXADDRSIZE_}). These default and maximum
- address sizes are defined in nsf{/tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl}.
- The address space consists of 2 parts, the node-id and the port-id.
- The higher bits are assigned as the node's
- address or id_ and remaining lower bits are assigned to form port-id or
- the identification of the agent attached to the node. Of the higher
- bits, 1 bit is assigned for multicast. The address space consists of 32 bits and port id space consists of 32 bits as well.
- The higher 32 bits for node-id, the MSB for multicast and the lower 32
- bits for port-id. Additionally, the address space may
- also be set in hierarchical format, consisting of multiple levels of
- addressing hierarchy.
- We shall be describing the APIs for setting address structure in
- different formats as described above as well as expanding the address
- space.
- The procedures and functions described in this chapter can be found in
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-address.tcl, and address.h}.
- section{The Default Address Format}
- label{sec:defaultFormat}
- The default settings allocates 32 lower bits for port-id, 1 higher bit
- for mcast and the rest 32 higher bits for node-id. The procedure to set
- the address format in default mode is called during initialisation of
- the simulator as:
- begin{program}
- {cf # The preamble}
- set ns [new Simulator] ; initialise the simulation;
- end{program}
- It can also be called explicitly set as:
- begin{program}
- $ns set-address-format def
- end{program}
- section{The Hierarchical Address Format}
- label{sec:hierFormat}
- There are two options for setting an address to hierarchical format, the
- default and the specified.
- subsection{Default Hierarchical Setting}
- label{sec:def-hier}
- The default hierarchical node-id consists of 3 levels with (10 11 11) bits
- in the three levels. The hierarchical configuration may be invoked as
- follows:
- $ns set-address-format hierarchical
- begin{quote}
- This sets :
- * 32 bits for port-id,
- * 32 bits for node-id assigned in
- - 3 levels of hierarchy
- - (10 11 11) bits for the three levels.
- - or (9 11 11) if multicast is enabled.
- end{quote}
- subsection{Specific Hierarchical Setting}
- label{sec:sp-hier}
- The second option allows a hierarchical address to be set with specified
- number of levels with number of bits assigned for each level. The API
- would be as the following:
- $ns set-address-format hierarchical <#n hierarchy levels> <#bits for
- level1> <#bits for level 2> ....<#bits for nth level>
- An example configuration would be:
- $ns set-address-format hierarchical 2 8 15
- where 2 levels of hierarchy is specified, assigning 8 bits for the 1st
- level and 15 bits for the second.
- section{The Expanded Node-Address Format}
- label{sec:expandFormat}
- NOTE: Please note that this command is now obsolete given that node address and port address spaces are 32 bits wide.
- On the event of requirement of more bits to the address space, the
- expanded address API may be used as:
- $ns set-address-format expanded
- This expands the address space to 30 bits, allocating 22 higher bits to
- node-id and lower 8 bits to port-id.
- section{Expanding port-id field}
- label{sec:expandportFormat}
- NOTE: Please note that this command is now obsolete given that node address and port address spaces are 32 bits wide.
- This primitive may be used in case of need to expand portid in the event
- of requirement to attach a large number of agents to the nodes. This may
- be used in conjunction with set-addres-format command (with different
- options) explained above. Synopsis for this command shall be:
- expand-port-field-bits <#bits for portid>
- expand-port-field-bits checks and raises error in the following if the
- requested portsize cannot be accomodated (i.e if sufficient num.of free
- bits are not available) or if requested portsize is less than or equal
- to the existing portsize.
- section{Errors in setting address format}
- label{sec:err-add}
- Errors are returned for both {em set-address-format} and
- {em expand-port-field-bits} primitives in the following cases:
- begin{quote}
- * if number of bits specified is less than 0.
- * if bit positions clash (contiguous number of requested free bits not
- * found).
- * if total number of bits exceed MAXADDRSIZE_.
- * if expand-port-field-bits is attempted with portbits less than or
- * equal to the existing portsize.
- * if number of hierarchy levels donot match with number of bits
- * specified (for each level).
- end{quote}
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:addresscommand}
- The following is a list of address-format related commands used in simulation
- scripts:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ set-address-format def}\
- This command is used internally to set the address format to its default value
- of 32 lower bits for port-id, 1 higher bit for mcast and the rest 31 higher bits
- for node-id. However this API has been replaced by the new node API\
- code{$ns_ node-config -addressType flat}.
- code{$ns_ set-address-format hierarchical}\
- This command is used to set the address format to the hierarchical configuration
- that consists of 3 levels with 8bits assigned to each level and 32 lower bits
- for port-id. However this API has been replaced by the new node API\
- code{$ns_ node-config -addressType hierarchical}.
- code{$ns_ set-address-format hierarchical <levels> <args>}\
- This command is used to set the address format to a specific hierarchical
- setting. The <levels> indicate the number of levels of hierarchy in the addressing
- structure, while the args define number of bits for each level. An example
- would be code{$ns_ set-address-format hierachical 3 4 4 16} , where 4, 4 and
- 16 defines the number of bits to be used for the address space in level 1 , 2
- and 3 respectively.
- code{$ns_ set-address-format expanded}\
- This command was used to expand the address space to 30 bits, allocating
- 22 higher bits for node-id and lower 8 bits for port-id. However this command
- is obsoleted now by 32 bit addressing, i.e node-id field is 32 bit wide.
- code{expand-port-field-bits <bits-for-portid>}\
- Similar to the command above, this was used to expand the address space for
- the port-id field to <bits-for-portid> number of bits. However this command
- is obsolete now that the ports are 32 bit wide.
- end{flushleft}
- endinput