- Emacs BibTeX mode:
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- Article C-c C-e C-a Book C-c C-e C-b
- InBook C-c C-e TAB InCollection C-c C-e i
- InProceedings C-c C-e C-c InProceedings C-c C-e I
- Manual C-c C-e RET MastersThesis C-c C-e m
- Misc C-c C-e M PhdThesis C-c C-e C-p
- preamble C-c C-e P Proceedings C-c C-e p
- string C-c C-e C-s TechReport C-c C-e C-t
- Unpublished C-c C-e C-u
- MACRO {jan} {"January"} MACRO {jul} {"July"}
- MACRO {feb} {"February"} MACRO {aug} {"August"}
- MACRO {mar} {"March"} MACRO {sep} {"September"}
- MACRO {apr} {"April"} MACRO {oct} {"October"}
- MACRO {may} {"May"} MACRO {nov} {"November"}
- MACRO {jun} {"June"} MACRO {dec} {"December"}
- MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"}
- MACRO {acta} {"Acta Informatica"}
- MACRO {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"}
- MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"}
- MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"}
- MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"}
- MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"}
- MACRO {ieeetcad}
- MACRO {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"}
- MACRO {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"}
- MACRO {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"}
- MACRO {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"}
- MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"}
- MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"}
- MACRO {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"}
- MACRO {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"}
- MACRO {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"}
- MACRO {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"}
- MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"}
- MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"}
- @preamble{ "defurl#1{texttt{{small #1}}}" }
- %string{cacm = "Communications of the ACM"}
- @string{acmcr = "ACM Computing Reviews"}
- @string{acmcs = "ACM Computing Surveys"}
- @string{cn = "Computer Networks"}
- @string{cnis = "Computer Networks and {ISDN} Systems"}
- %string{jacm = "Journal of the ACM"}
- @string{sigcomm = "ACM SIG Computer Communications Review"}
- % Proceedings
- @string{ proceedings = "Proceedings of the"}
- @string{ p-sigcomm = proceedings # "~ACM SIGCOMM"}
- @string{ p-infocom = "IEEE~" # proceedings # "~INFOCOM"}
- @string{ p-i3cn = proceedings # "~International Conference on Computer
- Communications and Networks"}
- @string{ p-simulation = "Annual Simulation Symposium"}
- @string{ p-swtesting = proceedings # "~International Symposium on
- Software Testing and Analysis"}
- @string{ joi = "Internetworking: Research and Experience"}
- @string{ ieeecomm = "IEEE Transactions on Communications"}
- @string{ ieeenet = "IEEE Network"}
- @string{ ton = "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking"}
- @string{ ieeejsac = "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications"}
- @string{ jpadc = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computation"}
- @string{ spe = "Software---Practise and Experience"}
- @string{ jsys = "Journal of Systems Software"}
- @string{ ieeeproceedings = "Proceedings of the IEEE"}
- @string{ acmccr = "ACM Computer Communications Review"}
- @string{ pstv = "Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification"}
- @string{ lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}
- @string{ elseiver = "Elseiver Science Publishing B.V. (North-Holland)"}
- string{ sigcomm = proceedings # "~ACM SIGCOMM"}
- string{ infocom = "IEEE~" # proceedings # "~INFOCOM"}
- @string{ i3cn = proceedings # "~International Conference on Computer
- Communications and Networks"}
- @string{ simulation = "Annual Simulation Symposium"}
- @string{ swtesting = proceedings # "~International Symposium on
- Software Testing and Analysis"}
- @STRING{rfceds = "USC/Information Sciences Institute"}
- @Misc{nam,
- crossref = "McCaXX:nam"
- }
- @Misc{ns,
- crossref = "McCaXX:ns"
- }
- @Article{Alae94:Design,
- author = "Alaettinou{g}lu, C. and Shankar, A.U. and
- Dussa-Zeiger, K. and Matta, I.",
- title = "Design and Implementation of {MaRS}: A Routing Testbed",
- journal = joi,
- year = 1994,
- volume = 5,
- pages = "17--41"
- }
- @InProceedings{Brak94:TCP,
- author = "Brakmo, L.S. and O'Malley, S. and Peterson, L.L.",
- title = "{TCP} Vegas: New Techniques for Congestion Detection
- and Avoidance",
- pages = "24--35",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1994,
- month = oct
- }
- @Unpublished{Almq91:Ruminations,
- author = "Almquist, P.",
- title = "Ruminations on Route Leaking",
- note = "Work in Progress; Document is available from the author",
- year = 1991,
- month = jul,
- summary = "The paper discusses some issues related to route
- leaking between different routing domains.
- Different models of route exchange are considered,
- as well as summarization, control, route attributes etc."
- }
- @Unpublished{Almq93:Ruminations,
- author = "Almquist, P.",
- title = "Ruminations on the Next Hop",
- note = "Work in Progress; Document is available from the author",
- year = 1993,
- month = mar,
- summary = "The paper is concerned with how a router arbitrates
- between the multiple routing protocols that compute
- routes to any particular destination, and how it
- arbitrates between them to compute its next hop.
- This document, and its companion document,
- cite{Almq91:Ruminations} was written up to better
- understand gateway design by the router requirements
- working group."
- }
- @InProceedings{Barf98:WebWorkload,
- author = {Paul Barford and Mark Crovella},
- title = {Generating Representative Web Workloads for Network and Server Peformance Evaluation},
- booktitle = proceedings # "~ACM SIGMETRICS",
- pages = {151-160},
- year = 1998,
- month = jun
- }
- @InProceedings{Cao97:CacheConsistency,
- author = {Pei Cao and Chengjie Liu},
- title = {Maintaining Strong Cache Consistency in the {World-Wide Web}},
- booktitle = proceedings # "~IEEE ICDCS",
- pages = {12-21},
- year = 1997,
- month = may
- }
- @InProceedings{BarN90:Topology,
- author = "Bar-Noy, A. and Gopal, M.",
- title = "Topology Distribution Cost vs. Efficient Routing in
- Large Networks",
- pages = "242--252",
- year = 1990,
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- month = sep
- }
- @Article{Bert82:Dynamic,
- author = "Bertsekas, D.P.",
- title = "Dynamic Behavior of Shortest Path Routing
- Algorithms for Communication Networks",
- journal = "IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control",
- year = 1982,
- volume = "{AC-27}",
- number = 1,
- pages = "60--74",
- month = feb,
- annote = "*"
- }
- @TechReport{Brak94a:TCP,
- author = "Brakmo, L.S. and O'Malley, S. and Peterson, L.L.",
- title = "{TCP} Vegas: New Techniques for Congestion Detection
- and Avoidance",
- institution = "Department of Computer Science, The University of Arizona",
- year = 1994,
- number = "TR 94 04",
- address = "Tucson, AZ 85721",
- month = feb,
- keyword = "Network/Transport"
- }
- @InProceedings{Brak96:Experiences,
- author = "Brakmo, L.S. and Peterson, L.L.",
- title = "Experiences with Network Simulation",
- booktitle = proceedings # "~ACM SIGMETRICS",
- year = 1996,
- month = may
- }
- @Article{Brow88:Calendar,
- author = "Brown, R.",
- title = "Calendar Queues: A Fast {O(1)} Priority Queue
- Implementation for the Simulation Event Set Problem",
- journal = cacm,
- year = 1988,
- volume = 31,
- number = 10,
- month = oct,
- pages = "1220--1227"
- }
- @TechReport{Brya77:Simulation,
- author = "Bryant, R.E.",
- title = "Simulation of Packet Communication Architecture
- Computer Systems",
- institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
- year = 1977,
- number = "MIT/LCS/TR-188"
- }
- @InProceedings{CBT,
- crossref = "Ball93:Architecture"
- }
- @InProceedings{Cace91:Characteristics,
- author = "C`aceres, R. and Danzig, P. and Jamin, S. and
- Mitzel, D.",
- title = "Characteristics of Wide-area {TCP/IP} Conversations",
- pages = "101--112",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1991,
- month = sep
- }
- @InProceedings{Ches89:XTP,
- author = "Chesson, G.",
- title = "{XTP/PE} Design Considerations",
- booktitle = "Protocols for High-Speed Networks",
- editor = "Rudin, H. and Williamson, R.",
- year = 1989,
- organization = "IFIP",
- publisher = elseiver,
- pages = "27--33"
- }
- @InProceedings{Chin93:Dynamics,
- author = "Chinoy, B.",
- title = "Dynamics of {I}nternet Routing Information",
- pages = "45--52",
- year = 1993,
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- annote = "The paper comparisons the size of the network
- failure as a cluster, and its relation to the
- distance of its occurrence."
- }
- @Misc{ChriXX:Nachos,
- author = "Christopher, W.A. and Procter, S.J. and Anderson, T.E.",
- title = "The Nachos Instructional Operating System",
- howpublished = "Nachos is available at
- url{ftp://sprite.berkeley.edu/nachos/}"
- }
- @InProceedings{Clar88:Design,
- author = "Clark, D.D.",
- title = "The Design Philosophy of the {DARPA} {I}nternet Protocols",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1988,
- pages = "106--114"
- }
- @InProceedings{Clar90:Architectural,
- author = "Clark, D.D. and Tennenhouse, D.L.",
- title = "Architectural Considerations for a New Generation of
- Protocols",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1990,
- pages = "200--208",
- }
- @InProceedings{Clar92:Supporting,
- author = "Clark, D.D. and Shenker, S. and Zhang, L.",
- title = "Supporting Real-time Applications in an Integrated
- Services Packet Network: Architecture and Mechanism",
- pages = "14--26",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1992,
- month = aug
- }
- @Article{Colt89:OSPF,
- author = "Coltun, R.",
- title = "The {OSPF} Routing Protocol",
- key = "COL89",
- journal = "ConneXions: The Interoperability Report",
- year = 1989,
- volume = 3,
- number = 8,
- pages = "19--25",
- month = aug
- }
- @Article{Dala78:Reverse,
- author = "Dalal, Y.K. and Metcalfe, R.M.",
- title = "Reverse Path Forwarding of Broadcast Packets",
- journal = cacm,
- year = 1978,
- volume = 21,
- number = 12,
- month = dec,
- pages = "1040-1048"
- }
- @TechReport{Danz91:tcplib,
- author = "Danzig, P. and Jamin, S.",
- title = "tcp-lib: A Library of {TCP/IP} Traffic
- Characteristics",
- institution = "University of Southern California",
- year = 1991,
- number = "CS-SYS-91-01",
- address = "Networks and Distributed Systems Laboratory,
- Department of Computer Science",
- month = oct,
- note = "Available at url{ftp://catarina.usc.edu/pub/jamin/tcplib}"
- }
- @Article{Deer90:Multicast,
- author = "Deering, S. and Cheriton, D.R.",
- title = "Multicast Routing in Datagram Internetworks and
- Extended {LAN}s",
- journal = tocs,
- year = 1990,
- volume = 8,
- number = 2,
- month = may,
- pages = "85--110",
- summary = "2 key ideas are ``efficient multi-destination
- delivery'', and ``robust unknown destination
- delivery''. Multicast groups as the indirection
- between sources and group members, Reverse Path
- Forwarding for data delivery, routing protocols, DV
- and LS to detect group members.",
- keyword = "Routing/multicast"
- }
- @InProceedings{Deer94:Architecture,
- author = "Deering, S. and Estrin, D. and Farinacci, D. and
- Jacobson, V. and Liu, C-G. and Wei, L.",
- title = "An Architecture for Wise-area Multicast ROuting",
- pages = "126--135",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1994,
- month = sep,
- annote = "PIM",
- summary = "See Deer94a:Architecture"
- }
- @TechReport{Deer94a:Architecture,
- author = "Deering, S. and Estrin, D. and Farinacci, D. and
- Jacobson, V. and Liu, Ching-{G}ung and Wei, L.",
- title = "An Architecture for Wise-area Multicast ROuting",
- institution = "Computer Science Department, University of Southern California",
- year = 1994,
- number = "USC-SC-94-565",
- address = "Los Angeles, CA 90089.",
- summary = "Protocol Independent Multicast: A combination of
- Dense Mode DVMRP-like multicast for local groups,
- and Sparse Mode, Core-Based-Tree-like multicast for
- wide area multicast groups",
- keyword = "Routing/multicast"
- }
- @Article{Deme90:Analysis,
- author = "Demers, A. and Keshav, S. and Shenker, S.",
- title = "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm",
- journal = joi,
- year = 1990,
- volume = 1,
- number = 1,
- pages = "3--26",
- month = jan,
- summary = "bit-wise implementation of weighted fair queueing,
- with simulation and analysis.",
- keyword = "Network/intserv"
- }
- @InProceedings{Math96:Forward,
- author = "Mathis, M. and Mahdavi, J.",
- title = "Forward Acknowledgement: Refining {TCP} Congestion Control",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1996,
- month = aug
- }
- @Article{Dijk59:Note,
- author = "Dijkstra, E. W.",
- title = "A Note on Two Problems in Connection with Graphs",
- journal = "Numerical Mathematics",
- year = 1959,
- volume = 1,
- pages = "269--271"
- }
- @Article{Doer96:Routing,
- author = "Doeringer, W. and Karjoth, G. and Nassehi, M.",
- title = "Routing on Longest-Matching Prefixes",
- journal = ton,
- year = 1996,
- volume = 4,
- number = 1,
- month = feb,
- pages = "86--97",
- abstract = "This article describes the Dynamic Prefix Tries - a
- novel data structure with algorithms for insertion,
- deletion and retrieval to build and maintain a
- dynamic database of binary keys of arbitrary
- length. These tries extend the concepts of compact
- digital (Patricia) tries to support the storage of
- prefixes and to guarantee retrieval times at most
- linear in the length of the input key irrespective
- of the trie size, even when searching for
- longest-matching prefixes. The new design permits
- very efficient, simple and non-recursive
- implementations of small code size and minimal
- storage requirements. Insert and delete operations
- have strictly local effects, and their particular
- sequence is irrelevant for the structure of the
- resulting trie, thus maintaining at all times the
- desired storage and computational efficiency. The
- algorithms have been successfully employed in
- experimental communication systems and products for
- a variety of networking functions such as address
- resolution, maintenance and verification of access
- control lists, and high-performance routing tables
- in operating system kernels",
- keyword = "Trie, binary trie, Patricia trie, dynamic prefix
- trie, DP-Trie, routing table, address prefixes,
- longest matching prefix, searches, pattern matching,
- dictionary, address resolution, access control
- lists.",
- comments = "Talks about patricia trees for route lookup
- algorithms. Suggests modifications for delete
- operations. Compares via simulation the operation
- of patricia for fixed length keys with AVL balanced trees."
- }
- @Article{Dupu90:NEST,
- author = "Dupuy, A. and Schwartz, J. and Yemini, Y. and Bacon, D.",
- title = "{NEST}: A Network Simulation and Prototyping Method",
- journal = cacm,
- year = 1990,
- volume = 33,
- number = 10,
- pages = "64--74",
- month = oct
- }
- @TechReport{Estr91:Protocol,
- author = "Estrin, D. and Breslau, L. and Zhang, L.",
- title = "Protocol Mechanisms for Adaptive Routing in Global
- Multimedia Internets",
- institution = "University of Southern California",
- year = 1991,
- number = "CS-SYS-91-04",
- month = nov
- }
- @TechReport{Fall95:Simulation-Based,
- author = "Fall, K. and Floyd, S.",
- title = "Simulation-based Comparisons of {T}ahoe, {R}eno, and
- {SACK} {TCP}",
- institution = "Lawrence Berkeley Labs",
- year = 1995,
- month = dec,
- note = "Available at url{ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/sacks.ps.Z}"
- }
- @Article{Fall96:Simulation-Based,
- author = "Fall, K. and Floyd, S.",
- title = "Simulation-based Comparisons of {T}ahoe, {R}eno, and
- {SACK} {TCP}",
- journal = sigcomm-ccr,
- year = 1996,
- volume = 26,
- number = 3,
- pages = "5--21",
- month = jul,
- summary = " A simulation based comparison of SACK in TCP
- against Reno and Tahoe flavours in ns. It shwos
- that Reno outperforms Tahoe with 1-packet loss, and
- is comparable to SACK. With 2 packet loss in a
- single window, Reno waits for a retransmit timeout
- and then goes into slow start. A variant of Reno
- that stays in the fast retransmit phase performs as
- well as SACK. With 3 packet losses in a window,
- Reno goes into slow start, while the variant
- sputters and then recovers, and SACK goes along
- swimmingly. (Hows that for a technical summary? :-)
- With multiple packet drops, SACK clearly performs
- better than the other protocols.",
- keyword = "Network/real-time"
- }
- @InProceedings{Floy93:Synchronization,
- author = "Floyd, S. and Jacobson, V.",
- title = "The Synchronization of Periodic Routing Messages",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- pages = "33--44",
- year = 1993,
- month = sep
- }
- @InProceedings{BPF93,
- author = "McCanne, S. and Jacobson, V.",
- title = "The BSD Packet Filter: A New Architecture for User-level Packet Capture",
- pages = "259--269",
- year = 1993,
- month = jan
- }
- @Article{Floy94:Synchronisation,
- author = "Floyd, S. and Jacobson, V.",
- title = "The Synchronisation of Periodic Routing Messages",
- journal = ton,
- year = 1994,
- month = apr
- }
- @Article{Floy94:Synchronization,
- author = "Floyd, S. and Jacobson, V.",
- title = "The Synchronization of Periodic Routing Messages",
- journal = ton,
- year = 1994,
- month = apr,
- annote = "This paper is an expanded version of
- cite{Floy93:Synchronization}"
- }
- @InProceedings{Floy95:Reliable,
- author = "Floyd, S. and Jacobson, V. and Liu, C. and McCanne,
- S. and Zhang, L.",
- title = "A Reliable Multicast Framework for Light-weight
- Sessions and Application Level Framing",
- pages = "342--356",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1995,
- month = aug,
- annote = "SRM"
- }
- @Misc{Floy95:Simulator,
- author = "Floyd, S.",
- title = "Simulator Tests",
- howpublished = "url{ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/simtests.ps.Z}",
- year = 1995,
- month = jul
- }
- @TechReport{Floy95a:Reliable,
- institution = "Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory",
- year = 1995,
- crossref = "Floy95:Reliable",
- address = "University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720",
- month = nov,
- note = "This is an extended version of cite{Floy95:Reliable}"
- }
- @Misc{Floy96:Ns,
- author = "Floyd, S.",
- title = "Ns Simulator Tests for Class-Based Queueing",
- howpublished = "url{ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/cbqsims.ps.Z}",
- year = 1996,
- month = feb
- }
- @Unpublished{Floy96:Phase,
- author = "Floyd, S.",
- title = "Phase Effects in Simulation Studies",
- note = "Personal Communication",
- year = 1997,
- month = aug
- }
- @Article{Floy97:Reliable,
- author = "Floyd, S. and Jacobson, V. and McCanne, S. and Liu,
- C-G. and Zhang, L.",
- title = "A Reliable Multicast Framework for Light-weight
- Sessions and Application Level Framing",
- journal = ton,
- year = 1997,
- note = "To appear"
- }
- @Unpublished{FloyXX:Reliable,
- author = "Floyd, S. and Jacobson, V. and McCanne, S. and Liu,
- C-G. and Zhang, L.",
- title = "A Reliable Multicast Framework for Light-weight
- Sessions and Application Level Framing",
- note = "Sumbitted to~" # ton
- }
- @Book{Ford62:Flows,
- author = "Ford, L.R. and Fulkerson, D.R.",
- title = "Flows in Networks",
- publisher = "Princeton University Press",
- year = 1962,
- address = "Princeton, N.J., U.S.A.",
- summary = "Bellman-Ford or Ford-Fulkerson reference"
- }
- @Unpublished{Halp91:Modifications,
- author = "Halpern, J.M.",
- title = "Modifications of Patricia Trees fir Handling Values
- with Discontiguous Masks with Emphasis on Internet
- Routing Applications",
- note = "Pre-publication copy",
- year = 1991,
- month = oct # "~15",
- summary = ""
- }
- @Article{Hethcote00inf,
- author = "H. W. Hethcote ",
- title = "The Mathematics of Infectious Diseases",
- journal = "SIAM Review",
- volume = "42",
- number = "4",
- pages = "599--653",
- year = 2000,
- month = oct,
- keywords ="thresholds, basic reproduction number, contact number, epidemiology, infectious diseases",
- url = "http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/37190",
- }
- @Manual{Heyb89:Netsim,
- title = "Netsim Manual",
- author = "Heybey, A.",
- organization = "MIT",
- year = 1989,
- annote = "Netsim"
- }
- @Article{Hutc91:x-kernel,
- author = "Hutchinson, N.C. and Peterson, L.L.",
- title = "The $x$-kernel: An Architecture for Implementing
- Network Protocols",
- journal = "ieeese",
- year = 1991,
- volume = 17,
- number = 1,
- pages = "64--76",
- month = jan
- }
- @InProceedings{Jaco88:Congestion,
- author = "Jacobson, V.",
- title = "Congestion Avoidance and Control",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1988,
- month = aug,
- address = "Stanford, CA, U.S.A.",
- pages = "314--329"
- }
- @Book{Jain91:Art,
- author = "Jain, R.",
- title = "The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis",
- publisher = "John Wiley and Sons, Inc.",
- year = 1996,
- LOCnumber = "LOC: QA76.9.E94J32 1991"
- }
- @TechReport{Kesh88:REAL,
- author = "Keshav, S.",
- title = "{REAL}: A Network Simulator",
- institution = "University of California, Berkeley",
- year = 1988,
- number = "UCB/CSD 88/472"
- }
- @Article{Klie77:Hierarchical,
- author = "Kleinrock, L. and Kamoun, F.",
- title = "Hierarchical Routing for Large Networks: Performance
- Evaluation and Optimization",
- journal = cn,
- year = 1977,
- volume = 1,
- pages = "155--174"
- }
- @InProceedings{Labo97:Internet,
- author = "Labovitz, C. and Malan, G.R. and Jahanian, F.",
- title = "Internet Routing Instability",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1997,
- organization = "ACM",
- month = sep,
- abstract = "This paper examines the network inter-domain routing
- information exchanged between backbone service
- providers at the major U.S. public Internet exchange
- points. Internet routing instability, or the rapid
- fluctuation of network reachability information, is
- an important problem currently facing the Internet
- engineering community. High levels of network
- instability can lead to packet loss, increased
- network latency and time to convergence. At the
- extreme, high levels of routing instability have
- lead to the loss of internal connectivity in
- wide-area, national networks. In this paper, we
- describe several unexpected trends in routing
- instability, and examine a number of anomalies and
- pathologies observed in the exchange of inter-domain
- routing information. The analysis in this paper is
- based on data collected from BGP routing messages
- generated by border routers at five of the Internet
- core's public exchange points during a nine month
- period. We show that the volume of these routing
- updates is several orders of magnitude more than
- expected and that the majority of this routing
- information is redundant, or
- pathological. Furthermore, our analysis reveals
- several unexpected trends and ill-behaved systematic
- properties in Internet routing. We finally posit a
- number of explanations for these anomalies and
- evaluate their potential impact on the Internet
- infrastructure.",
- location = "http://www.merit.edu/ipma/analysis/"
- }
- @InProceedings{McCa95:Joint,
- author = "McCanne, S. and Vetterli, M.",
- title = "Joint Source/Channel Coding for Multicast Packet Video",
- booktitle = proceedings # "~IEEE International Conference on
- Image Processing",
- year = 1995,
- address = "Washington D.C., U.S.A.",
- month = oct
- }
- @InProceedings{McCa96:Receiver-Driven,
- author = "McCanne, S. and Jacobson, V. and Vetterli, M.",
- title = "Receiver-driven Layered Multicast",
- booktitle = p-sigcomm,
- year = 1996,
- address = "Stanford, CA, U.S.A.",
- month = aug,
- pages = "117--130"
- }
- @Misc{McCaXX:nam,
- author = "McCanne, S. and Jacobson, V.",
- title = "nam---{N}etwork {AN}imator",
- howpublished = "Available from the authors"
- }
- @Misc{McCaXX:ns,
- author = "McCanne, S. and Floyd, S.",
- title = "ns---{N}etwork {S}imulator",
- howpublished = "url{http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/}"
- }
- @Misc{McCaXX:wb,
- author = "McCanne, S. and Jacobson, V.",
- title = "wb--{W}hite{b}oard",
- howpublished = "url{ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/wb.tar.Z}"
- }
- @Misc{McQu77:Routing,
- author = "McQuillan, J.M.",
- title = "Routing Algorithms for Computer Networks---A Survey",
- year = 1977,
- month = dec,
- note = "presented at the National Telecommunication COnference",
- abstract = "Recent developments in routing algorithms for
- computer networks are summarized in a comprehensive
- review covering the period 1974--1977. An
- explanation of some of the basic concepts in routing
- is followed by a survey of various network
- implementations, and a description of the wide
- variety of recent research activities. An extensive
- bibliography is provided."
- }
- @Unpublished{MuraXX:Introduction,
- author = "Murayama, Y. and Fujiwara, K. and Shimizu, A. and
- Nakamura, M. and Aikawa, H. and Yoshida, S. and
- Matsuo, H.",
- title = "An Introduction to Routing by Preference",
- note = "Pre-publication copy",
- summary = " "
- }
- @Article{Park88:Random,
- author = "Park, S.K. and Miller, R.W.",
- title = "Random Number Generation: Good Ones are Hard to Find",
- journal = cacm,
- year = 1988,
- volume = 31,
- number = 10,
- month = oct,
- pages = "1192--1201"
- }
- @Article{Paxs94:Empirically,
- author = "Paxson, V.",
- title = "Empirically-derived Analytic Models of Wide-area
- {TCP} Connections",
- journal = ton,
- year = 1994,
- volume = 2,
- number = 4,
- month = aug
- }
- @Article{Paxs95:Wide,
- author = "Paxson, V. and Floyd, S.",
- title = "Wide Area Traffic: The Failure of Poisson Modeling",
- journal = ton,
- year = 1995,
- volume = 3,
- number = 3,
- pages = "226-244",
- month = jun
- }
- @Article{Perl85:Hierarchical,
- AUTHOR="Perlman, R.",
- TITLE="Hierarchical Networks and the Subnetwork Partition Problem",
- YEAR=1985,
- JOURNAL=cnis,
- PAGES="297--303",
- }
- @TechReport{Perl88:Layer,
- AUTHOR="Perlman, Radia",
- TITLE="Network Layer Protocols With Byzantine Robustness",
- NUMBER="TR-429",
- INSTITUTION="MIT Laboratory for Computer Science",
- MONTH=oct,
- YEAR=1988,
- TYPE="Technical Report",
- }
- @InProceedings{Perl88:Pitfalls,
- AUTHOR="Perlman, R. and Varghese, G.",
- TITLE="Pitfalls in the Design of Distributed Routing Algorithms",
- BOOKTITLE=p-sigcomm,
- ADDRESS="Stanford, CA, U.S.A.",
- YEAR=1988,
- MONTH=aug,
- PAGES="43--54",
- ABSTRACT="The bridge algorithm adopted by the IEEE 802.1
- committee for interconnecting 802 LANs requires the
- topology of the extended LAN to be a spanning tree. A
- distributed algorithm to compute a spanning tree
- dynamically has already been published and adopted by
- the IEEE 802.1 committee. In this paper, however, we
- describe an alternative distributed spanning tree
- algorithm. This algorithm, variants of which have
- been implemented, initially appears simpler than the
- IEEE 802.1 algorithm; we show, however, that it has
- subtle failure modes that make it unattractive in
- practice. We also show some failure modes of the
- spanning tree algorithm introduced in this paper are
- characteristic of a broader class of distributed
- graph algorithms. Such algorithms potentially examine
- all possible path combinations between a source and a
- destination in a graph. Thus, they suffer from
- exponential message overhead in topologies that have
- an exponential number of paths between source and
- destination. Attempts to fix this problem lead to
- extra complexity (in terms of CPU, bandwidth, memory)
- when compared to other algorithms. We briefly
- describe a second example belonging to this class,
- and propose that designers avoid such algorithms if
- restricting the topology or scale of the network is
- unacceptable.",
- KEYWORDS="spanning tree; LAN interconnection; routing; bridges;
- complexity",
- NOTE="also in {em Computer Communication Review} 18 (4), Aug. 1992",
- SUMMARY="The paper describes a design process of developing an
- algorithm that bridges in a LAN can use to compute
- spanning trees. The algorithm must be reliable,
- robust, and deal with differetn topologies, and
- failure modes. The paper is more interesting for the
- design process methodology than the actual
- algorithms presented.",
- }
- @Article{Rekh91:Border,
- author = "Rekhter, Y. and Katz, D.",
- title = "The Border Gateway Protocol",
- journal = "ConneXions",
- year = 1991,
- volume = 5,
- number = 1,
- month = jan
- }
- @TechReport{Rekh93:Constraints,
- author = "Rekhter, Y. and Hotz, S. and Estrin, D.",
- title = "Constraints on Forming Clusters with Link-State
- Hop-by-Hop Routing",
- institution = "IBM",
- year = 1993,
- number = "RC 19203 (83635) 10/6/93",
- address = "IBM Research Division, T.J.Watson Research Center,
- YorkTown Heights, NY 10598"
- }
- @InProceedings{Shar97:Scalable,
- author = "Sharma, P. and Estrin, D. and Floyd, S. and
- Jacobson, V.",
- title = "Scalable Timers for Soft State Protocols",
- booktitle = p-infocom,
- year = 1997,
- summary = "The paper considers the bandwidth consumed by soft
- state protocols using fixed perioidic timers to
- maintain state in intermediate systems. It
- observes that the bandwidth is proportional to the
- state that must be maintained, which can get
- expensive if the state is large. It proposes an
- alternative of maintaining the bandwidth constant,
- and varying the timers, and discusses the tradeoffs
- that must be made.",
- keyword = "PIM, Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA),
- Control trffic, Soft State"
- }
- @TechReport{Thom94:Generation,
- author = "Thomas, M. and Zegura, E.",
- title = "Generation and Analysis of Random Graphs to Model
- Internetworks",
- institution = "Georgia Institute of Technology",
- year = 1994,
- number = "GIT-CC-94-46"
- }
- @TechReport{Wei95:Multicast,
- author = "Wei, L. and Estrin, D.",
- title = "Multicast Routing in Dense and Sparse Modes:
- Simulation Study of Tradeoffs and Dynamics",
- institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of
- Southern California",
- year = 1995,
- number = "TR 95-613",
- summary = "PIMsim documentation"
- }
- @InProceedings{Zegu96:How,
- author = "Zegura, E.W. and Calvert, K.L. and Bhattacharjee, S.",
- title = "How to Model an Internetwork",
- booktitle = p-infocom,
- volume = 3,
- year = 1996,
- address = "San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.",
- month = mar,
- pages = "594--602",
- LOC_CAT = "TK5105.5 I48 1996 V.3"
- }
- @Manual{rfc1075,
- author = "D. Waitzman and C. Partridge and S.E. Deering.",
- title = "{Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol}",
- edition = "{RFC 1075}",
- year = 1988,
- format = "TXT=54731 bytes",
- annote = rfceds
- }
- @Manual{rfc2018,
- title = "{TCP} Selective Acknowledgement Options",
- author = "Mathis, M. and Mahdavi, J. and Floyd, S. and
- Romanov, A.",
- edition = "{RFC 2018}",
- year = 1996,
- annote = rfceds
- }
- @Misc{wb,
- crossref = "McCaXX:wb"
- }
- @InProceedings{Tan00SNOOPyQueue,
- author = "Kah Leong Tan and Li-Jin Thng",
- title = "SNOOPy Calendar Queue",
- booktitle = "Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation Orlando, Florida",
- pages = {487-495},
- year = 2000
- }
- @InProceedings{WeiCao06NSLinuxTCP,
- author = "Xiaoliang (David) Wei and Pei Cao",
- title = "{NS-2 TCP-Linux: an NS-2 TCP implementation with congestion control algorithms from Linux}",
- booktitle = "{WNS2 '06: Proceeding from the 2006 workshop on ns-2: the IP network simulator}",
- year = {2006},
- pages = {9},
- publisher = {ACM Press},
- address = {New York, NY, USA},
- }
- @string{usc = "University of Southern California"}
- @string{usc-isi = "USC/Information Sciences Institute"}
- @string{ieee-computer = "{IEEE} Computer"};
- @Article{Ousterhout98a,
- author = "John Ousterhout",
- title = "Scripting: Higher-Level Programming for the 21st Century",
- journal = ieee-computer,
- year = 1998,
- volume = 31,
- number = 3,
- month = mar,
- pages = "23--30",
- location = "johnh: folder: lang/tcl",
- keywords = "tcl, recent paper",
- url = "http://computer.org/computer/co1998/r3023abs.htm",
- }
- @TechReport{Bajaj99a,
- author = "Sandeep Bajaj and Lee Breslau and Deborah
- Estrin and Kevin Fall and Sally Floyd and
- Padma Haldar and Mark Handley and Ahmed Helmy
- and John Heidemann and Polly Huang and Satish
- Kumar and Steven McCanne and Reza Rejaie and
- Puneet Sharma and Kannan Varadhan and Ya Xu
- and Haobo Yu and Daniel Zappala",
- title = "Improving Simulation for Network Research",
- institution = usc,
- year = 1999,
- number = "99-702b",
- month = mar,
- location = "johnh: folder: vint",
- keywords = "vint, ns, nam, network simulation",
- url = "http://www.isi.edu/~johnh/PAPERS/Bajaj99a.html",
- note = "(revised September 1999)",
- copyrightholder = "author",
- organization = usc-isi,
- abstract = "None",
- }
- @InProceedings{legout_sigmetrics2000,
- author = "A. Legout and E.W. Biersack",
- title = "{PLM}: Fast Convergence for Cumulative Layered
- Multicast Transmission Schemes",
- booktitle = proceedings # "~ACM SIGMETRICS",
- year = 2000,
- address = "Santa Clara, CA, U.S.A.",
- month = jun
- }
- @Article{Friis46,
- author = "Friis, H. T.",
- title = "A note on a simple transmission formula",
- journal = "Proc. IRE",
- year = 1946,
- volume = 34,
- }
- @Book{Rappaport96,
- author = "Rappaport, T. S.",
- title = "Wireless communications, principles and practice",
- publisher = "Prentice Hall",
- year = 1996,
- }
- @InProceedings{ChLiAb02a,
- author = "N. Christin and J. Liebeherr and T. Abdelzaher",
- title = "A quantitative assured forwarding service",
- booktitle = "Proceedings of {IEEE INFOCOM 2002}",
- year = 2002,
- address = "New York, NY",
- month = jun,
- volume = 2,
- pages = "864--873"
- }
- @InProceedings{LiCh01,
- author = "J. Liebeherr and N. Christin",
- title = "{JoBS}: Joint buffer management and scheduling for differentiated services",
- booktitle = "Proceedings of {IWQoS 2001}",
- pages = "404--418",
- year = 2001,
- address = "Karlsruhe, Germany",
- month = jun
- }
- @Article{LiCh02,
- author = "J. Liebeherr and N. Christin",
- title = "Rate allocation and buffer management for differentiated services",
- journal = "Computer Networks",
- year = 2002,
- month = sep,
- volume = 40,
- number = 1,
- pages = "89--110"
- }
- @Manual{Diffserv,
- author = "Peter Pieda and Jeremy Ethridge and Mandeep Baines and Farhan Shallwani",
- title = "A Network Simulator, Differentiated Services Implementation",
- organization = "Open IP, Nortel Networks",
- year = 2000,
- annote = "diffserv"
- }
- @InProceedings{Feldmann99a,
- author = "Anja Feldmann and Anna C. Gilbert and Polly Huang and Walter Willinger",
- title = "Dynamics of {IP} traffic: A study of the role of variability and the impact of control",
- booktitle = proc # acm-sigcomm,
- year = 1999,
- publisher = pub-acm,
- address = "Cambridge, MA, USA",
- month = aug,
- pages = "301--313",
- location = "johnh: folder: network/traffic",
- keywords = "network traffic, tcp, wavelet analysis",
- url = "http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/sigcomm99/papers/session8-3.html",
- }
- @Article{lecuyer99,
- author = {Pierre L'Ecuyer},
- title = {Good Parameters and Implementations for Combined Multiple Recursive Random Number Generators},
- journal = {Operations Research},
- year = 1999,
- volume = 47,
- number = 1,
- pages = {159-164},
- }
- @Article{lecuyer01,
- author = {Pierre L'Ecuyer and Richard Simard and E. Jack Chen and W. David Kelton},
- title = {An Object-Oriented Random Number Package with Many Long Streams and Substreams},
- journal = {Operations Research},
- year = 2001,
- }
- @InProceedings{lecuyer-wsc,
- author = {Pierre L'Ecuyer},
- title = {Software for Uniform Random Number Generation: Distinguishing the Good and the Bad},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference},
- pages = {95-105},
- year = 2001,
- month = {December},
- url = {http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lecuyer/myftp/papers/wsc01rng.pdf}
- }
- @Misc{Wei07NSLinuxTutorial,
- author = "Xiaoliang (David) Wei",
- title = "{A mini-tutorial for TCP-Linux in NS-2}",
- howpublished = "url{http://netlab.caltech.edu/projects/ns2tcplinux/}"
- }
- Local Variables:
- bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries: t
- End: