- chapter{Energy Model in ns}
- label{chap:enerymodel}
- Energy Model, as implemented in ns, is a node attribute. The
- energy model represents level of energy in a mobile host. The energy
- model in a node has a initial value which is the level of energy the node
- has at the beginning of the simulation. This is known as
- code{initialEnergy_}.
- It also has a given energy usage
- for every packet it transmits and receives. These are called
- code{txPower_} and code{rxPower_}.
- The files where the energy model is defined are ~ns/energymodel[.cc and.h].
- Other functions/methods described in this chapter may be found in
- ~ns/, ~ns/, ~ns/tcl/lib[ns-lib.tcl,
- ns-node.tcl, ns-mobilenode.tcl].
- section{The C++ EnergyModel Class}
- label{sec:c++energymodel}
- The basic energy model is very simple and is defined by class EnergyModel
- as shown below:
- begin{program}
- class EnergyModel : public TclObject {
- public:
- EnergyModel(double energy) { energy_ = energy; }
- inline double energy() { return energy_; }
- inline void setenergy(double e) {energy_ = e;}
- virtual void DecrTxEnergy(double txtime, double P_tx) {
- energy_ -= (P_tx * txtime);
- }
- virtual void DecrRcvEnergy(double rcvtime, double P_rcv) {
- energy_ -= (P_rcv * rcvtime);
- }
- protected:
- double energy_;
- };
- end{program}
- As seen from the EnergyModel Class definition above, there is only a
- single class variable code{energy_} which represents the
- level of energy in the node at any given time. The constructor
- EnergyModel(energy) requires the initial-energy to be passed along as a
- parameter. The other class methods are
- used to decrease the energy level of the node for every packet transmitted
- ( code{DecrTxEnergy(txtime, P_tx)}) and every packet received (
- code{DecrRcvEnergy (rcvtime, P_rcv)}) by
- the node. code{P_tx} and code{P_rcv} are the
- transmitting and
- receiving power (respectively) required by the node's interface or PHY.
- At the beginning of simulation, code{energy_} is set to
- code{initialEnergy_} which is then
- decremented for every transmission and reception of packets at the node.
- When the energy level at the node goes down to zero, no more packets can
- be received or transmitted by the node. If tracing is turned on, line
- code{DEBUG: node <node-id> dropping pkts due to energy = 0}
- is printed in the tracefile.
- section{The OTcl interface}
- label{sec:otclenergymodel}
- Since the energy model is a node attribute, it may be defined by the
- following node configuration APIs:
- begin{verbatim}
- $ns_ node-config -energyModel $energymodel
- -rxPower $p_rx
- -txPower $p_tx
- -initialEnergy $initialenergy
- end{verbatim}
- Optional values for above configuration parameters of the energy
- model are given in the following table:
- begin{table}[h]
- begin{center}
- {tt
- begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|}hline
- {bf Attribute} & {bf optional values} & {bf default values}\hline
- rm -energyModel& rm "EnergyModel"& rm none\hline
- rm -rxPower& rm receiving power in watts (e.g 0.3)& rm 281.8mW\hline
- rm -txPower& rm transmitting power in watts (e.g 0.4)& rm
- 281.8mW\hline
- rm -initialEnergy& rm energy in joules (e.g 0.1)& rm 0.0\hline
- end{tabular}
- }
- end{center}
- end{table}
- clearpage