- %documentstyle[11pt,fullpage]{article}
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- %begin{document}
- chapter{Mobile Networking in ns}
- label{chap:mobility}
- This chapter describes the wireless model that was originally ported as CMU's Monarch group's mobility extension to ns.
- This chapter consists of two sections and several subsections. The
- first section covers the original mobility model ported from
- CMU/Monarch group. In this section, we cover the internals of a
- mobilenode, routing mechanisms and network components that are used to
- construct the network stack for a mobilenode. The components that are
- covered briefly are Channel, Network-interface, Radio propagation
- model, MAC protocols, Interface Queue, Link layer and Address
- resolution protocol model (ARP). CMU trace support and Generation of
- node movement and traffic scenario files are also covered in this
- section.
- The original CMU model allows simulation of pure wireless LANs or
- multihop ad-hoc networks. Further extensions were made to this model
- to allow combined simulation of wired and wireless networks. MobileIP
- was also extended to the wireless model. These are
- discussed in the second section of this chapter.
- section{The basic wireless model in ns}
- label{sec:basic-model}
- The wireless model essentially consists of the MobileNode at the core,with
- additional supporting features that allows simulations of multi-hop ad-hoc
- networks, wireless LANs etc. The MobileNode object is a split object. The
- C++ clsref{MobileNode}{../ns-2/mobilenode.h} is derived from parent
- clsref{Node}{../ns-2/node.h}. Refer to Chapter~ref{chap:nodes} for
- details on code{Node}. A code{MobileNode} thus is the basic code{Node}
- object with added functionalities of a wireless and mobile node like
- ability to move within a given topology, ability to receive and transmit
- signals to and from a wireless channel etc. A major difference between
- them, though, is that a code{MobileNode} is not connected by means of
- code{Links} to other nodes or mobilenodes. In this section we shall
- describe the internals of code{MobileNode}, its routing mechanisms, the
- routing protocols dsdv, aodv, tora and dsr, creation of network stack
- allowing channel
- access in code{MobileNode}, brief description of each stack component,
- trace support and movement/traffic scenario generation for wireless
- simulations.
- subsection{Mobilenode: creating wireless topology}
- label{sec:mobilenode-creation}
- code{MobileNode} is the basic ns code{Node} object with added
- functionalities like movement, ability to transmit and receive on a
- channel that allows it to be used to create mobile, wireless simulation
- environments. The class MobileNode is derived from the base class Node.
- code{MobileNode} is a split object. The mobility features including node
- movement, periodic position updates, maintaining topology boundary etc are
- implemented in C++ while plumbing of network components within
- code{MobileNode} itself (like classifiers, dmux , LL, Mac, Channel etc)
- have been implemented in Otcl. The functions and procedures described in
- this subsection can be found in nsf{mobilenode.{cc,h}},
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl}, nsf{tcl/mobility/dsdv.tcl},
- nsf{tcl/mobility/dsr.tcl}, nsf{tcl/mobility/tora.tcl}. Example scripts
- can be found in
- nsf{tcl/ex/wireless-test.tcl} and nsf{tcl/ex/wireless.tcl}. While the
- first example uses a small topology of 3 nodes, the second example runs
- over a topology of 50 nodes. These scripts can be run simply by typing
- begin{program}
- $ns tcl/ex/wireless.tcl (or /wireless-test.tcl)
- end{program} %$
- %code{$opt(rp)} and $opt(rp) dont work ---xuanc
- The four ad-hoc routing protocols that are currently supported are
- Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV), Dynamic Source Routing
- (DSR), Temporally ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and Adhoc On-demand
- Distance Vector (AODV).
- The primitive to create a mobilenode is described below. Please note that the old APIs for creating a mobilenode depended on which routing protocol was used, like
- begin{program} set mnode [$opt(rp)-create-mobile-node $id] end{program}
- where
- begin{program} $opt(rp) end{program}
- defines "dsdv", "aodv", "tora" or "dsr" and id is the index for the mobilenode. But the old API's use is being deprecated and the new API is described as follows:.
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting)
- -llType $opt(ll)
- -macType $opt(mac)
- -ifqType $opt(ifq)
- -ifqLen $opt(ifqlen)
- -antType $opt(ant)
- -propInstance [new $opt(prop)]
- -phyType $opt(netif)
- -channel [new $opt(chan)]
- -topoInstance $topo
- -wiredRouting OFF
- -agentTrace ON
- -routerTrace OFF
- -macTrace OFF
- end{program} %$
- The above API configures for a mobilenode with all the given values of adhoc-routing protocol, network stack, channel,topography, propagation model, with wired routing turned on or off (required for wired-cum-wireless scenarios) and tracing turned on or off at different levels (router, mac, agent). Incase hierarchical addressing is being used, the hier address of the node needs to be passed as well. For more info about this command (part of new node APIs) see chapter titled "Restructuring ns node and new Node APIs" in ns Notes and Documentation.
- Next actually create the mobilenodes as follows:
- begin{program}
- for { set j 0 } { $j < $opt(nn)} {incr j} {
- set node_($j) [ $ns_ node ]
- $node_($i) random-motion 0 ;# disable random motion
- }
- end{program} %$
- The above procedure creates a mobilenode (split)object, creates an adhoc-routing routing agent as specified, creates the network stack consisting of a link layer, interface queue, mac layer, and a network interface with an antenna, uses the defined propagation model, interconnects these components and connects the stack to the channel. The mobilenode now looks like the schematic in Figure~ref{fig:mobilenode-dsdv}.
- begin{figure}
- centerline{includegraphics{dsdv}}
- caption{Schematic of a mobilenode under the CMU monarch's
- wireless extensions to ns}
- label{fig:mobilenode-dsdv}
- end{figure}
- The mobilenode structure used for DSR routing is slightly different from
- the mobilenode described above. The class SRNode is derived from class
- MobileNode. SRNode doesnot use address demux or classifiers and all
- packets received by the node are handed dow
- n to the DSR routing agent by default. The DSR routing agent either
- receives pkts for itself by handing it over to the port dmux or forwards
- pkts as per source routes in the pkt hdr or sends out route requests and
- route replies for fresh packets. Details
- on DSR routing agent may be found in section~ref{sec:dsr}. The schematic
- model for a SRNode is shown in Figure~ref{fig:mobilenode-dsr}.
- begin{figure}[tb]
- centerline{includegraphics{dsr}}
- caption{Schematic of a SRNode under the CMU monarch's wireless
- extensions to ns}
- label{fig:mobilenode-dsr}
- end{figure}
- subsection{Creating Node movements}
- label{sec:mobilenode-movements}
- The mobilenode is designed to move in a three dimensional topology. However the third dimension (Z) is not used. That is the mobilenode is assumed to move always on a flat terrain with Z always equal to 0.
- Thus the mobilenode has X, Y, Z(=0) co-ordinates that is continually adjusted as the node moves. There are two mechanisms to induce movement in mobilenodes.
- In the first method, starting position of the node and its future destinations may be set explicitly. These directives are normally included in a separate movement scenario file.
- The start-position and future destinations for a mobilenode may be set
- by using the following APIs:
- begin{program}
- $node set X_ <x1>
- $node set Y_ <y1>
- $node set Z_ <z1>
- $ns at $time $node setdest <x2> <y2> <speed>
- end{program}
- At $time sec, the node would start moving from its initial position
- of (x1,y1) towards a destination (x2,y2) at the defined speed.
- In this method the node-movement-updates are triggered whenever the
- position of the node at a given time is required to be known. This
- may be triggered by a query from a neighbouring node seeking to know
- the distance between them, or the setdest directive
- described above that changes the direction and speed of the node.
- An example of a movement scenario file using the above APIs, can be
- found in nsf{tcl/mobility/scene/scen-670x670-50-600-20-0}. Here
- 670x670 defines the length and width of the topology with 50 nodes
- moving at a maximum speed of 20m/s with average pause time of
- 600s. These node movement files may be generated using CMU's scenario
- generator to be found under
- nsf{indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest}. See
- subsection~ref{sec:mobile-scen-generator} for details on generation
- of node movement scenarios.
- The second method employs random movement of the node. The primitive
- to be used is:
- begin{program}
- $mobilenode start
- end{program} %$
- which starts the mobilenode with a random position and have routined
- updates to change the direction and speed of the node. The destination
- and speed values are generated in a random fashion. We have not used
- the second method and leave it to the user to
- explore the details.
- The mobilenode movement is implemented in C++. See methods in
- nsf{mobilenode.{cc.h}} for the implementational details.
- Irrespective of the methods used to generate node movement,
- the topography for mobilenodes needs to be defined. It should be
- defined before creating mobilenodes. Normally flat topology is created
- by specifying the length and width of the topography using the
- following primitive:
- begin{program}
- set topo [new Topography]
- $topo load_flatgrid $opt(x) $opt(y)
- end{program} %$
- where opt(x) and opt(y) are the boundaries used in simulation.
- The movement of mobilenodes may be logged by using a procedure like
- the following:
- begin{program}
- proc log-movement {} {
- global logtimer ns_ ns
- set ns $ns_
- source ../mobility/timer.tcl
- Class LogTimer -superclass Timer
- LogTimer instproc timeout {} {
- global opt node_;
- for {set i 0} {$i < $opt(nn)} {incr i} {
- $node_($i) log-movement
- }
- $self sched 0.1
- }
- set logtimer [new LogTimer]
- $logtimer sched 0.1
- }
- end{program} %$
- In this case, mobilenode positions would be logged every 0.1 sec.
- subsection{Network Components in a mobilenode}
- label{sec:mobilenode-components}
- The network stack for a mobilenode consists of a link layer(LL), an
- ARP module connected to LL, an interface priority queue(IFq), a mac
- layer(MAC), a network interface(netIF), all connected to the channel.
- These network components are created and plumbed together in OTcl.
- The relevant MobileNode method add-interface() in
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl} is shown below:
- begin{program}
- #
- # The following setups up link layer, mac layer, network interface
- # and physical layer structures for the mobile node.
- #
- Node/MobileNode instproc add-interface { channel pmodel
- lltype mactype qtype qlen iftype anttype } {
- $self instvar arptable_ nifs_
- $self instvar netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_
- global ns_ MacTrace opt
- set t $nifs_
- incr nifs_
- set netif_($t) [new $iftype] ;# net-interface
- set mac_($t) [new $mactype] ;# mac layer
- set ifq_($t) [new $qtype] ;# interface queue
- set ll_($t) [new $lltype] ;# link layer
- set ant_($t) [new $anttype]
- #
- # Local Variables
- #
- set nullAgent_ [$ns_ set nullAgent_]
- set netif $netif_($t)
- set mac $mac_($t)
- set ifq $ifq_($t)
- set ll $ll_($t)
- #
- # Initialize ARP table only once.
- #
- if { $arptable_ == "" } {
- set arptable_ [new ARPTable $self $mac]
- set drpT [cmu-trace Drop "IFQ" $self]
- $arptable_ drop-target $drpT
- }
- #
- # Link Layer
- #
- $ll arptable $arptable_
- $ll mac $mac
- $ll up-target [$self entry]
- $ll down-target $ifq
- #
- # Interface Queue
- #
- $ifq target $mac
- $ifq set qlim_ $qlen
- set drpT [cmu-trace Drop "IFQ" $self]
- $ifq drop-target $drpT
- #
- # Mac Layer
- #
- $mac netif $netif
- $mac up-target $ll
- $mac down-target $netif
- $mac nodes $opt(nn)
- #
- # Network Interface
- #
- $netif channel $channel
- $netif up-target $mac
- $netif propagation $pmodel ;# Propagation Model
- $netif node $self ;# Bind node <---> interface
- $netif antenna $ant_($t) ;# attach antenna
- #
- # Physical Channel
- #
- $channel addif $netif ;# add to list of interfaces
- # ============================================================
- # Setting up trace objects
- if { $MacTrace == "ON" } {
- #
- # Trace RTS/CTS/ACK Packets
- #
- set rcvT [cmu-trace Recv "MAC" $self]
- $mac log-target $rcvT
- #
- # Trace Sent Packets
- #
- set sndT [cmu-trace Send "MAC" $self]
- $sndT target [$mac sendtarget]
- $mac sendtarget $sndT
- #
- # Trace Received Packets
- #
- set rcvT [cmu-trace Recv "MAC" $self]
- $rcvT target [$mac recvtarget]
- $mac recvtarget $rcvT
- #
- # Trace Dropped Packets
- #
- set drpT [cmu-trace Drop "MAC" $self]
- $mac drop-target $drpT
- } else {
- $mac log-target [$ns_ set nullAgent_]
- $mac drop-target [$ns_ set nullAgent_]
- }
- # ============================================================
- $self addif $netif
- }
- end{program} %$
- The plumbing in the above method creates the network stack we see in
- Figure~ref{fig:mobilenode-dsdv}.
- Each component is briefly described here. Hopefully more detailed
- docuentation from CMU shall be available in the future.
- begin{description}
- item[{bf Link Layer}] The code{LL} used by mobilenode is same as
- described in Chapter~ref{chap:lan}. The only difference being the
- link layer for mobilenode, has an ARP module connected to it which
- resolves all IP to hardware (Mac) address conversions. Normally for
- all outgoing (into the channel) packets, the packets are handed down
- to the code{LL} by the Routing Agent. The code{LL} hands down
- packets to the interface queue. For all incoming packets (out of the
- channel), the mac layer hands up packets to the code{LL} which is
- then handed off at the code{node_entry_} point. The
- clsref{LL}{../ns-2/ll.h} is implemented in nsf{ll.{cc,h}} and
- nsf{tcl/lan/ns-ll.tcl}.
- item [{bf ARP}] The Address Resolution Protocol (implemented in BSD
- style) module receives queries from Link layer. If ARP has the
- hardware address for destination, it writes it into the mac header
- of the packet. Otherwise it broadcasts an ARP query, and caches the
- packet temporarily. For each unknown destination hardware address,
- there is a buffer for a single packet. Incase additional packets to
- the same destination is sent to ARP, the earlier buffered packet is
- dropped. Once the hardware address of a
- packet's next hop is known, the packet is inserted into the
- interface queue. The clsref{ARPTable}{../ns-2/arp.h} is implemented
- in nsf{arp.{cc,h}} and nsf{tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl}.
- item[{bf Interface Queue}] The clsref{PriQueue}{../ns-2/priqueue.h}
- is implemented as a priority queue which gives priority to routing
- rotocol packets, inserting them at the head of the queue. It supports
- running a filter over all packets in the queue and removes those with
- a specified destination address. See nsf{priqueue.{cc,h}} for
- interface queue implementation.
- item[{bf Mac Layer}] Historically, ns-2 (prior to release ns-2.33)
- has used the implementation of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination
- function (DCF) from CMU. Starting with ns-2.33, several 802.11
- implementations are available. See section ref{sec:802_11} for
- more information.
- item[{bf Tap Agents}] code{Agents} that subclass themselves as
- clsref{Tap}{../ns-2/mac.h} defined in mac.h can register themselves
- with the mac object using method installTap(). If the particular Mac
- protocol permits it, the tap will promiscuously be
- given all packets received by the mac layer, before address filtering
- is done. See nsf{mac.{cc,h}} for clsref{Tap} implementation.
- item[{bf Network Interfaces}] The Network Interphase layer serves as
- a hardware interface which is used by mobilenode to access the
- channel. The wireless shared media interface is implemented as
- clsref{Phy/WirelessPhy}{../ns-2/wireless-phy.h}. This interface
- subject to collisions and the radio propagation model receives
- packets transmitted by other node interfaces to the channel. The
- interface stamps each transmitted packet with the meta-data related
- to the transmitting interface like the transmission power,
- wavelength etc. This meta-data in pkt header is used by the
- propagation model in receiving network interface to determine if the
- packet has minimum power to be received and/or captured and/or
- detected (carrier sense) by the receiving node. The model
- approximates the DSSS radio interface (Lucent WaveLan
- direct-sequence spread-spectrum). See nsf{phy.{cc.h}} and
- nsf{wireless-phy.{cc,h}} for network interface implementations.
- item[{bf Radio Propagation Model}] It uses Friss-space attenuation
- ($1/r^2$) at near distances and an approximation to Two ray Ground
- ($1/r^4$) at far distances. The approximation assumes specular
- reflection off a flat ground plane. See nsf{tworayground.{cc,h}}
- for implementation.
- item[{bf Antenna}] An omni-directional antenna having unity gain is
- used by mobilenodes. See nsf{antenna.{cc,h}} for implementation
- details.
- end{description}
- subsection{Different MAC layer protocols for mobile networking}
- label{sec:mobilenode-mac}
- In ns, two MAC layer protocols are implemented for mobile networks,
- which are 802.11 and TDMA.
- In this section
- we briefly discuss each of them.
- subsubsection{802.11 MAC protocol}
- label{sec:802_11_brief}
- Historically, ns-2 (prior to release ns-2.33)
- has used the implementation of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination
- function (DCF) from CMU. Starting with ns-2.33, several 802.11
- implementations are available. See section ref{sec:802_11} for
- more information.
- subsubsection{Preamble based TDMA protocol}
- label{sec:tdma}
- {bf Note:} this works is still at a preliminary stage,
- some practical issues, such as:
- contention in the preamble phase and
- time slot reuse in a multi-hop environment are not considered.
- Unlike contention based MAC protocol (802.11, for example),
- a TDMA MAC protocol allocates different time slots for nodes to
- send and receive packets.
- The superset of these time slots is called a TDMA frame.
- Currently, ns supports a single hop,
- preamble-based TDMA MAC protocol.
- With this protocl,
- a TDMA frame contains preamble besides the data transmission slots.
- Within the preamble,
- every node has a dedicated subslot and
- uses it to broadcast the destination node id of outgoing packet.
- Other nodes listen in the preamble and record
- the time slots to receive packets.
- Like other common TDMA protocols (GSM, for example),
- each node has a data transmission slot to send packets.
- To avoid unnecessary power consumption,
- each node turns its radio on and off explicitly
- by invoking node API code{set_node_sleep()}.
- The radio only needs to be on when:
- in the pramble phase (takes one slot time) and
- there is a packet to send and receive.
- The preamble is implemented as a central data structure
- code{tdma_preamble_},
- which is accessible to all the nodes.
- At the beginning of a frame,
- each node writes the destination node id into
- its subslot in preamble if it has a packet to send.
- Following preamble phase,
- each node sends packet in its data transmission slot and
- checks the preamble to determine if
- there is a packet to receive in other slots.
- The following parameters are user configurable:
- the wireless link bandwidth code{bandwith_},
- the slot length code{packet_slot_len_},
- and the number of nodes code{max_node_num_}.
- See nsf{mac-tdma.{cc,h}} for implementation details.
- subsection{Different types of Routing Agents in mobile networking}
- label{sec:mobilenode-routing}
- The four different ad-hoc routing protocols currently implemented
- for mobile networking in ns are dsdv, dsr, aodv and tora. In this section
- we shall briefly discuss each of them.
- subsubsection{DSDV}
- label{sec:dsdv}
- In this routing protocol routing messages are exchanged between
- neighbouring mobilenodes (i.e mobilenodes that are within range of one
- another). Routing updates may be triggered or routine. Updates are
- triggered in case a routing information from one of t
- he neighbours forces a change in the routing table.
- A packet for which the route to its destination is not known is cached
- while routing queries are sent out. The pkts are cached until
- route-replies are received from the destination. There is a maximum buffer
- size for caching the pkts waiting for routing information beyond which
- pkts are dropped.
- All packets destined for the mobilenode are routed directly by the address
- dmux to its port dmux. The port dmux hands the packets to the respective
- destination agents. A port number of 255 is used to attach routing agent
- in mobilenodes. The mobilenodes al
- so use a default-target in their classifier (or address demux). In the
- event a target is not found for the destination in the classifier (which
- happens when the destination of the packet is not the mobilenode itself),
- the pkts are handed to the default-ta
- rget which is the routing agent. The routing agent assigns the next hop
- for the packet and sends it down to the link layer.
- The routing protocol is mainly implemented in C++. See nsf{dsdv}
- directory and nsf{tcl/mobility/}l for all procedures related to
- DSDV protocol implementation.
- subsubsection{DSR}
- label{sec:dsr}
- This section briefly describes the functionality of the dynamic source
- routing protocol. As mentioned earlier the code{SRNode} is different from
- the code{MobileNode}. The code{SRNode}'s code{entry_} points to the
- DSR routing agent, thus forcing all
- packets received by the node to be handed down to the routing agent. This
- model is required for future implementation of piggy-backed routing
- information on data packets which otherwise would not flow through the
- routing agent.
- The DSR agent checks every data packet for source-route information. It
- forwards the packet as per the routing information. Incase it doesnot find
- routing information in the packet, it provides the source route, if route
- is known, or caches the packet and
- sends out route queries if route to destination is not known. Routing
- queries, always triggered by a data packet with no route to its
- destination, are initially broadcast to all neighbours. Route-replies are
- send back either by intermediate nodes or the
- destination node, to the source, if it can find routing info for the
- destination in the route-query. It hands over all packets destined to
- itself to the port dmux.
- In code{SRNode} the port number 255 points to a null agent since the
- packet has already been processed by the routing agent.
- See nsf{dsr} directory and nsf{tcl/mobility/dsr.tcl} for implementation
- of DSR protocol.
- subsubsection{TORA}
- label{sec:tora}
- Tora is a distributed routing protocol based on "link reversal" algorithm.
- At every node a separate copy of TORA is run for every destination. When a
- node needs a route to a given destination it broadcasts a QUERY message
- containing the address of the destination for which it requires a route.
- This packet travels through the network until it reaches the destination
- or an intermediate node that has a route to the destination node.
- This recepient node node then broadcasts an UPDATE packet listing its
- height wrt the destination. As this node propagates through the network
- each node updates its height to a value greater than the height of the
- neighbour from which it receives the UPDATE. This results in a series of
- directed links from the node that originated the QUERY to the destination
- node. If a node discovers a particular destination to be unreachable it
- sets a local maximum value of height for that destination. Incase the node
- cannot find any neighbour having finite height wrt this destination it
- attempts to find a new route. In case of network partition, the node
- broadcasts a CLEAR message that resets all routing states and removes
- invalid routes from the network.
- TORA operates on top of IMEP (Internet MANET Encapsulation Protocol) that
- provides reliable delivery of route-messages and informs the routing
- protocol of any changes of the links to its neighbours. IMEP tries to
- aggregate IMEP and TORA messages into a single packet (called block) in
- order to reduce overhead. For link-status sensing and maintaining a list
- of neighbour nodes, IMEP sends out periodic BEACON messages which is
- answered by each node that hears it by a HELLO reply message.
- See ns/tora directory and ns/tcl/mobility/tora.tcl for implementation of
- tora in ns.
- subsubsection{AODV}
- label{sec:AODV}
- AODV is a combination of both DSR and DSDV protocols. It has the basic
- route-discovery and route-maintenance of DSR and uses the hop-by-hop
- routing, sequence numbers and beacons of DSDV. The node that wants to know
- a route to a given destination generates a ROUTE REQUEST. The route
- request is forwarded by intermediate nodes that also creates a reverse
- route for itself from the destination. When the request reaches a node
- with route to destination it generates a ROUTE REPLY containing the number
- of hops requires to reach destination. All nodes that participates in
- forwarding this reply to the source node creates a forward route to
- destination. This state created from each node from source to destination
- is a hop-by-hop state and not the entire route as is done in source
- routing.
- See ns/aodv and ns/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl for implementational details
- of aodv.
- subsection{Trace Support}
- label{sec:mobile-trace}
- The trace support for wireless simulations currently use cmu-trace
- objects. In the future this shall be extended to merge with trace and
- monitoring support available in ns, which would also include nam support
- for wireless modules. For now we will explain briefly with cmu-trace
- objects and how they may be used to trace packets for wireless scenarios.
- The cmu-trace objects are of three types - code{CMUTrace/Drop},
- code{CMUTrace/Recv} and code{CMUTrace/Send}. These are used for tracing
- packets that are dropped, received and sent by agents, routers, mac layers
- or interface queues in ns. The methods and procedures used for
- implementing wireless trace support can be found under
- nsf{trace.{cc,h}} and nsf{tcl/lib/ns-cmutrace.tcl}.
- A cmu-trace object may be created by the following API:
- begin{program}
- set sndT [cmu-trace Send "RTR" $self]
- end{program} %$
- which creates a trace object, sndT, of the type code{CMUTrace/Send}
- for tracing all packets that are sent out in a router. The trace
- objects may be used to trace packets in MAC, agents (routing or
- others), routers or any other NsObject.
- The cmu-trace object code{CMUTrace} is derived from the base class
- code{Trace}. See Chapter~ref{chap:trace} for details on class
- code{Trace}. The class code{CMUTrace} is defined as the following:
- begin{program}
- class CMUTrace : public Trace {
- public:
- CMUTrace(const char *s, char t);
- void recv(Packet *p, Handler *h);
- void recv(Packet *p, const char* why);
- private:
- int off_arp_;
- int off_mac_;
- int off_sr_;
- char tracename[MAX_ID_LEN + 1];
- int tracetype;
- MobileNode *node_;
- int initialized() { return node_ && 1; }
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- void format(Packet *p, const char *why);
- void format_mac(Packet *p, const char *why, int offset);
- void format_ip(Packet *p, int offset);
- void format_arp(Packet *p, int offset);
- void format_dsr(Packet *p, int offset);
- void format_msg(Packet *p, int offset);
- void format_tcp(Packet *p, int offset);
- void format_rtp(Packet *p, int offset);
- };
- end{program}
- The type field (described in code{Trace} class definition) is used to
- differentiate among different types of traces. For cmu-trace this can be
- {bf s} for sending, {bf r} for receiving or {bf D} for dropping a
- packet. A fourth type {bf f} is used to denote forwarding of a packet
- (When the node is not the originator of the packet).
- Similar to the method Trace::format(), the CMUTrace::format() defines and
- dictates the trace file format. The method is shown below:
- begin{program}
- void CMUTrace::format(Packet* p, const char *why)
- {
- hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- int offset = 0;
- /*
- * Log the MAC Header
- */
- format_mac(p, why, offset);
- offset = strlen(wrk_);
- switch(ch->ptype()) {
- case PT_MAC:
- break;
- case PT_ARP:
- format_arp(p, offset);
- break;
- default:
- format_ip(p, offset);
- offset = strlen(wrk_);
- switch(ch->ptype()) {
- case PT_DSR:
- format_dsr(p, offset);
- break;
- case PT_MESSAGE:
- case PT_UDP:
- format_msg(p, offset);
- break;
- case PT_TCP:
- case PT_ACK:
- format_tcp(p, offset);
- break;
- case PT_CBR:
- format_rtp(p, offset);
- break;
- ..........
- }
- }
- }
- end{program}
- The above function calls different format functions depending on the type
- of the packet being traced. All traces are written to the buffer wrk_. A
- count of the offset for the buffer is kept and is passed along the
- different trace functions. The most basic format is defined by
- format_mac() and is used to trace all pkt types. The other format
- functions print additional information as defined by the packet types. The
- mac format prints the following:
- begin{program}
- double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0;
- node_->getLoc(&x, &y, &z);
- #endif
- sprintf(wrk_ + offset,
- "%c %.9f %d (%6.2f %6.2f) %3s %4s %d %s %d [%x %x %x %x] ",
- #else
- "%c %.9f _%d_ %3s %4s %d %s %d [%x %x %x %x] ",
- #endif
- op, // s, r, D or f
- Scheduler::instance().clock(), // time stamp
- src_, // the nodeid for this node
- x, // x co-ord
- y, // y co-ord
- #endif
- tracename, // name of object type tracing
- why, // reason, if any
- ch->uid(), // identifier for this event
->ptype()), // packet type
- ch->size(), // size of cmn header
- mh->dh_duration, // expected time to send data
- ETHER_ADDR(mh->dh_da), // mac_destination address
- ETHER_ADDR(mh->dh_sa), // mac_sender address
- GET_ETHER_TYPE(mh->dh_body)); // type - arp or IP
- end{program}
- If the LOG_POSITION is defined the x and y co-ordinates for the
- mobilenode is also printed. The descriptions for different fields in the
- mac trace are given in the comments above. For all IP packets additional
- IP header fields are also added to the above trace. The IP trace is
- described below:
- begin{program}
- sprintf(wrk_ + offset, "------- [%d:%d %d:%d %d %d] ",
- src, // IP src address
- ih->sport_, // src port number
- dst, // IP dest address
- ih->dport_, // dest port number
- ih->ttl_, // TTL value
- (ch->next_hop_ < 0) ? 0 : ch->next_hop_); // next hopaddress, if any.
- end{program}
- An example of a trace for a tcp packet is as follows:
- begin{program}
- r 160.093884945 _6_ RTR --- 5 tcp 1492 [a2 4 6 800] ------- [655
- 36:0 16777984:0 31 16777984] [1 0] 2 0
- end{program}
- Here we see a TCP data packet being received by a node with id of 6. UID
- of this pkt is 5 with a cmn hdr size of 1492. The mac details shows an IP
- pkt (ETHERTYPE_IP is defined as 0x0800, ETHERTYPE_ARP is 0x0806 ), mac-id
- of this receiving node is 4. That of the sending node is 6 and expected
- time to send this data pkt over the wireless channel is a2 (hex2dec
- conversion: 160+2 sec). Additionally, IP traces information about IP src
- and destination addresses. The src translates (using a 3 level
- hier-address of 8/8/8) to a address string of 0.1.0 with port of 0. The
- dest address is 1.0.3 with port address of 0. The TTL value is 31 and the
- destination was a hop away from the src. Additionally TCP format prints
- information about tcp seqno of 1, ackno of 0. See other formats described
- in nsf/ for DSR, UDP/MESSAGE, TCP/ACK and CBR packet types.
- Other trace formats are also used by the routing agents (TORA and DSR) to
- log certain special routing events like "originating" (adding a SR header
- to a packet) or "ran off the end of a source route" indicating some sort
- of routing problem with the source route etc. These special event traces
- begin with "S" for DSR and "T" for Tora and may
- be found in nsf{tora/} for TORA and nsf{dsr/} for DSR
- routing agent.
- subsection{Revised format for wireless traces}
- label{sec:revtraceformat}
- In an effort to merge wireless trace, using cmu-trace objects, with
- ns tracing, a new, inproved trace format has been introduced. This revised
- trace support is backwards compatible with the old trace formatting and
- can be enabled by the following command:
- begin{program}
- $ns use-newtrace
- end{program}
- This command should be called before the universal trace command
- code{$ns trace-all <trace-fd>}. Primitive code{use-newtrace} sets up new
- format for wireless tracing by setting a simulator variable called
- code{newTraceFormat}. Currently this new trace support is available for
- wireless simulations only and shall be extended to rest of ns in the near
- future.
- An example of the new trace format is shown below:
- begin{program}
- s -t 0.267662078 -Hs 0 -Hd -1 -Ni 0 -Nx 5.00 -Ny 2.00 -Nz 0.00 -Ne
- -1.000000 -Nl RTR -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 0 -Ms 0 -Mt 0 -Is 0.255 -Id -1.255 -It
- message -Il 32 -If 0 -Ii 0 -Iv 32
- s -t 1.511681090 -Hs 1 -Hd -1 -Ni 1 -Nx 390.00 -Ny 385.00 -Nz 0.00 -Ne
- -1.000000 -Nl RTR -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 0 -Ms 0 -Mt 0 -Is 1.255 -Id -1.255 -It
- message -Il 32 -If 0 -Ii 1 -Iv 32
- s -t 10.000000000 -Hs 0 -Hd -2 -Ni 0 -Nx 5.00 -Ny 2.00 -Nz 0.00 -Ne
- -1.000000 -Nl AGT -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 0 -Ms 0 -Mt 0 -Is 0.0 -Id 1.0 -It tcp -Il 1000 -If
- 2 -Ii 2 -Iv 32 -Pn tcp -Ps 0 -Pa 0 -Pf 0 -Po 0
- r -t 10.000000000 -Hs 0 -Hd -2 -Ni 0 -Nx 5.00 -Ny 2.00 -Nz 0.00 -Ne
- -1.000000 -Nl RTR -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 0 -Ms 0 -Mt 0 -Is 0.0 -Id 1.0 -It tcp -Il 1000 -If
- 2 -Ii 2 -Iv 32 -Pn tcp -Ps 0 -Pa 0 -Pf 0 -Po 0
- r -t 100.004776054 -Hs 1 -Hd 1 -Ni 1 -Nx 25.05 -Ny 20.05 -Nz 0.00 -Ne
- -1.000000 -Nl AGT -Nw --- -Ma a2 -Md 1 -Ms 0 -Mt 800 -Is 0.0 -Id 1.0 -It
- tcp -Il 1020 -If 2 -Ii 21 -Iv 32 -Pn tcp -Ps 0 -Pa 0 -Pf 1 -Po 0
- s -t 100.004776054 -Hs 1 -Hd -2 -Ni 1 -Nx 25.05 -Ny 20.05 -Nz 0.00 -Ne
- -1.000000 -Nl AGT -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 0 -Ms 0 -Mt 0 -Is 1.0 -Id 0.0 -It ack -Il 40
- -If 2 -Ii 22 -Iv 32 -Pn tcp -Ps 0 -Pa 0 -Pf 0 -Po 0
- end{program}
- subsubsection{Explanation of new trace format}
- The new trace format as seen above can be can be divided into the
- following fields :
- begin{description}
- item[Event type]
- In the traces above, the first field (as in the older trace format)
- describes the type of event taking place at the node and can be one of the
- four types:
- begin{description}
- item[s] send
- item[r] receive
- item[d] drop
- item[f] forward
- end{description}
- item[General tag]
- The second field starting with "-t" may stand for time or global setting
- begin{description}
- item[-t] time
- item[-t] * (global setting)
- end{description}
- item[Node property tags]
- This field denotes the node properties like node-id, the level at
- which tracing is being done like agent, router or MAC. The tags start
- with a leading "-N" and are listed as below:
- begin{description}
- item[-Ni:] node id
- item[-Nx:] node's x-coordinate
- item[-Ny:] node's y-coordinate
- item[-Nz:] node's z-coordinate
- item[-Ne:] node energy level
- item[-Nl:] trace level, such as AGT, RTR, MAC
- item[-Nw:] reason for the event. The different reasons for dropping a
- packet are given below:
- begin{description}
- item["NRTE"] DROP_RTR_NO_ROUTE i.e no route is available.
- item["LOOP"] DROP_RTR_ROUTE_LOOP i.e there is a routing loop
- item["TTL"] DROP_RTR_TTL i.e TTL has reached zero.
- item["TOUT"] DROP_RTR_QTIMEOUT i.e packet has expired.
- item["IFQ"] DROP_IFQ_QFULL i.e no buffer space in IFQ.
- item["ARP"] DROP_IFQ_ARP_FULL i.e dropped by ARP
- item["OUT"] DROP_OUTSIDE_SUBNET i.e dropped by base stations on
- receiving routing updates from nodes outside its domain.
- end{description}
- end{description}
- item[Packet information at IP level]
- The tags for this field start with a leading "-I" and are listed along
- with their explanations as following:
- begin{description}
- item[-Is:] source address.source port number
- item[-Id:] dest address.dest port number
- item[-It:] packet type
- item[-Il:] packet size
- item[-If:] flow id
- item[-Ii:] unique id
- item[-Iv:] ttl value
- end{description}
- item[Next hop info]
- This field provides next hop info and the tag starts with a leading "-H".
- begin{description}
- item[-Hs:] id for this node
- item[-Hd:] id for next hop towards the destination.
- end{description}
- item[Packet info at MAC level]
- This field gives MAC layer information and starts with a leading "-M" as
- shown below:
- begin{description}
- item[-Ma:] duration
- item[-Md:] dst's ethernet address
- item[-Ms:] src's ethernet address
- item[-Mt:] ethernet type
- end{description}
- item[Packet info at "Application level"]
- The packet information at application level consists of the type of
- application like ARP, TCP, the type of adhoc routing protocol like
- DSDV, DSR, AODV etc being traced. This field consists of a leading "-P"
- and list of tags for different application is listed as below:
- begin{description}
- item[-P arp] Address Resolution Protocol. Details for ARP is given by the
- following tags:
- begin{description}
- item[-Po:] ARP Request/Reply
- item[-Pm:] src mac address
- item[-Ps:] src address
- item[-Pa:] dst mac address
- item[-Pd:] dst address
- end{description}
- item[-P dsr] This denotes the adhoc routing protocol called Dynamic
- source routing. Information on DSR is represented by the following tags:
- begin{description}
- item[-Pn:] how many nodes traversed
- item[-Pq:] routing request flag
- item[-Pi:] route request sequence number
- item[-Pp:] routing reply flag
- item[-Pl:] reply length
- item[-Pe:] src of srcrouting->dst of the source routing
- item[-Pw:] error report flag ?
- item[-Pm:] number of errors
- item[-Pc:] report to whom
- item[-Pb:] link error from linka->linkb
- end{description}
- item[-P cbr] Constant bit rate. Information about the CBR application is
- represented by the following tags:
- begin{description}
- item[-Pi:] sequence number
- item[-Pf:] how many times this pkt was forwarded
- item[-Po:] optimal number of forwards
- end{description}
- item[-P tcp] Information about TCP flow is given by the following
- subtags:
- begin{description}
- item[-Ps:] seq number
- item[-Pa:] ack number
- item[-Pf:] how many times this pkt was forwarded
- item[-Po:] optimal number of forwards
- end{description}
- end{description}
- This field is still under development and new tags shall be added for
- other applications as they get included along the way.
- end{description}
- subsection{Generation of node-movement and traffic-connection for
- wireless scenarios}
- label{sec:mobile-scen-generator}
- Normally for large topologies, the node movement and traffic connection
- patterns are defined in separate files for convinience. These movement and
- traffic files may be generated using CMU's movement- and
- connection-generators. In this section we shall describe both separately.
- subsubsection{MobileNode Movement}
- label{sec:mobile-movement-file}
- Some examples of node movement files may be found in
- nsf{tcl/mobility/scene/scen-670x670-50-600-20-*}. These files
- define a topology of 670 by 670m where 50 nodes move with a speed of 20m/s
- with pause time of 600s. each node is assigned a starting position. The
- information regarding number of hops between the nodes is fed to the
- central object "GOD" (XXX but why/where is this information used??-answer
- awaited from CMU.) Next each node is a speed and a direction to move to.
- The generator for creating node movement files are to be found under
- nsf{indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/setdest/} directory. Compile the files
- under setdest to create an executable. run setdest with arguments in
- the following way:
- begin{program}
- ./setdest -n <num_of_nodes> -p <pausetime> -s <maxspeed> -t <simtime>
- -x <maxx> -y <maxy> > <outdir>/<scenario-file>
- end{program}
- Note that the index used for nodes now start from 0 instead of 1 as
- was in the original CMU version, to match with ns's tradition of
- assigning node indices from 0.
- subsubsection{Generating traffic pattern files}
- label{sec:mobile-traffic-file}
- The examples for traffic patterns may be found in
- nsf{tcl/mobility/scene/cbr-50-{10-4-512, 20-4-512}}.
- The traffic generator is located under nsf{indep-utils/cmu-scen-gen/}
- and are called cbrgen.tcl and tcpgen.tcl. They may be used for
- generating CBR and TCP connections respectively.
- To create CBR connecions, run
- begin{program}
- ns cbrgen.tcl [-type cbr|tcp] [-nn nodes] [-seed seed]
- [-mc connections] [-rate rate]
- end{program}
- To create TCP connections, run
- begin{program}
- ns tcpgen.tcl [-nn nodes] [-seed seed]
- end{program}
- You will need to pipe the outputs from above to a cbr-* or a tcp-* file.
- section{Extensions made to CMU's wireless model}
- label{sec:wireless-extensions}
- As mentioned earlier, the original CMU wireless model allows
- simulation of wireless LANs and ad-hoc networks. However in order to
- use the wireless model for simulations using both wired and wireless
- nodes we had to add certain extensions to cmu model. We
- call this wired-cum-wireless feature. Also SUN's MobileIP (implemented
- for wired nodes) was integrated into the wireless model allowing
- mobileIP to run over wireless mobilenodes. The following two
- subsections describe these two extensions to the wireless
- model in ns.
- subsection{wired-cum-wireless scenarios}
- label{sec:wired-cum-wireless}
- The mobilenodes described so far mainly supports simulation of
- multi-hop ad-hoc networks or wireless LANs. But what if we need to
- simulate a topology of multiple wireless LANs connected through wired
- nodes, or may need to run mobileIP on top of these wireless nodes? The
- extensions made to the CMU wireless model allows us to do that.
- The main problem facing the wired-cum-wireless scenario was the issue
- of routing. In ns, routing information is generated based on the
- connectivity of the topology, i.e how nodes are connected to one
- another through code{Links}. Mobilenodes on the other hand have no
- concept of links. They route packets among themselves, within the
- wireless topology, using their routing protocol. so how would packets
- be exchanged between these two types of nodes?
- So a node called code{BaseStationNode} is created which plays the
- role of a gateway for the wired and wireless domains. The
- code{BaseStationNode} is essentially a hybrid between a Hierarchical
- nodefootnote{Refer to Chapter~ref{chap:hier-rtg} for details on
- hierarchical routing and internals of code{HierNode}.}
- (code{HierNode}) and a code{MobileNode}. The basestation node is
- responsible for delivering packets into and out of the wireless
- domain. In order to achieve this we need Hierarchical routing.
- Each wireless domain along with its base-station would have an unique
- domain address assigned to them. All packets destined to a wireless
- node would reach the base-station attached to the domain of that
- wireless node, who would eventually hand the packet
- over to the destination (mobilenode). And mobilenodes route packets,
- destined to outside their (wireless) domain, to their base-station
- node. The base-station knows how to forward these packets towards the
- (wired) destination.
- begin{figure}
- centerline{includegraphics{basestation}}
- caption{Schematic of a baseStationNode}
- label{fig:mobilenode-basestation}
- end{figure}
- The schematic of a code{BaseStationNode} is shown in
- Figure~ref{fig:mobilenode-basestation}.
- The mobilenodes in wired-cum-wireless scenario are required to support
- hierarchical addressing/routing. Thus the code{MobileNode} looks
- exactly like the code{BaseStationNode}. The SRNode, however, simply
- needs to have its own hier-address since it does not require any
- address demuxes and thus is not required to support hier
- routingfootnote{In order to do away with all these different
- variations of the definition of a node, we are planning to revise
- the node architecture that would allow a more flexible
- and modularised construction of a node without the necessity of having
- to define and be limited to certain Class definitions only.}.
- The DSDV agent on having to forward a packet checks to see if the
- destination is outside its (wireless) subnet. If so, it tries to
- forward the packet to its base-station node. In case no route to
- base-station is found the packet is dropped. Otherwise the
- packet is forwarded to the next_hop towards the base-station. Which
- is then routed towards the wired network by base-station's
- classifiers.
- The DSR agent, on receiving a pkt destined outside its subnet, sends
- out a route-query for its base-station in case the route to
- base-station is not known. The data pkt is temporarily cached while it
- waits to hear route replies from base-station. On getting a reply the
- packet is provided with routing information in its header and send
- away towards the base-station. The base-station address demuxes routes
- it correctly toward the wired network.
- The example script for a wired-cum-wireless simulation can be found at
- nsf{tcl/ex/wired-cum-wireless-sim.tcl}. The methods for
- wired-cum-wireless implementations are defined in
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-bsnode.tcl}, nsf{tcl/mobility/{com.tcl,dsr.tcl,
- dsdv.tcl}}, nsf{dsdv/dsdv.{cc,h}} and
- nsf{dsr/dsragent.{cc,h}}.
- subsection{MobileIP}
- label{sec:mobileip}
- The wired-cum-wireless extensions for the wireless model paved the
- path for supporting wireless MobileIP in ns. Sun Microsystem's
- (Charlie Perkins {em et al}) MobileIP model was based on ns's wired model
- (consisting of code{Node}'s and code{Link}'s) and thus didnot use
- CMU's mobility model.
- Here we briefly describe the wireless MobileIP implementation. We hope
- that Sun would provide the detailed version of the documentation in
- the future.
- The mobileIP scenario consists of Home-Agents(HA) and
- Foreign-Agents(FA) and have Mobile-Hosts(MH) moving between their HA
- and FAs.
- The HA and FA are essentially base-station nodes we have described
- earlier. While MHs are basically the mobileNodes described in
- section~ref{sec:mobilenode-creation}.
- The methods and procedures for MobileIP extensions are described in
- nsf{mip.{cc,h}}, nsf{}, nsf{tcl/lib/ns-mip.tcl} and
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-wireless-mip.tcl}.
- begin{figure}
- centerline{includegraphics{wireless-mip}}
- caption{Schematic of a Wireless MobileIP BaseStation Node}
- label{fig:mobilenode-wireless-mip}
- end{figure}
- The HA and FA nodes are defined as code{MobileNode/MIPBS} having a
- registering agent (regagent_) that sends beacon out to the
- mobilenodes, sets up encapsulator and decapsulator, as required and
- replies to solicitations from MHs.
- The MH nodes are defined as code{MobileNode/MIPMH} which too have a
- regagent_ that receives and responds to beacons and sends out
- solicitations to HA or FAs. Figure~ref{fig:mobilenode-wireless-mip}
- illustrates the schematic of a code{MobileNode/MIPBS}
- node. The code{MobileNode/MIPMH} node is very similar to this except
- for the fact that it doesnot have any encapsulator or decapsulator. As
- for the SRNode version of a MH, it doesnot have the hierarchical
- classifiers and the RA agent forms the entry point of the node. See
- Figure~ref{fig:mobilenode-dsr} for model of a SRNode.
- The code{MobileNode/MIPBS} node routinely broadcasts beacon or
- advertisement messages out to MHs. A solicitation from a mobilenode
- generates an ad that is send directly to the requesting MH. The
- address of the base-station sending out beacon is heard by
- MH and is used as the COA (care-of-address) of the MH. Thus as the MH
- moves from its native to foreign domains, its COA changes.
- Upon receiving reg_request (as reply to ads) from a mobilehost the
- base-station checks to see if it is the HA for the MH. If not, it sets
- up its decapsulator and forwards the reg_request towards the HA of
- the MH.
- In case the base-station {em is} the HA for the requesting MH but the
- COA doesnot match its own, it sets up an encapsulator and sends
- reg-request-reply back to the COA (address of the FA) who has
- forwarded the reg_request to it. so now all packets destined to the
- MH reaching the HA would be tunneled through the encapsulator which
- encapsulates the IP pkthdr with a IPinIP hdr, now destined to the COA
- instead of MH. The FA's decapsulator recives this packet, removes the
- encapsulation and sends it to the MH.
- If the COA matches that of the HA, it just removes the encapsulator it
- might have set up (when its mobilehost was roaming into foreign
- networks) and sends the reply directly back to the MH, as the MH have
- now returned to its native domain.
- The mobilehost sends out solicitations if it doesnot hear any ads from the
- base-stations. Upon receiving ads, it changes its COA to the address of
- the HA/FA it has heard the ad from, and replies back to the COA with a
- request for registration (code{reg-request}).
- Initially the MH maybe in the range of the HA and receives all pkts
- directly from its COA which is HA in this case.
- Eventually as the MH moves out of range of its HA and into the a foreign
- domain of a FA, the MH's COA changes from its HA to that of the FA. The HA
- now sets up an encapsulator and tunnels all pkts destined for MH towards
- the FA. The FA decapsulates the pkts and hands them over to the MH. The
- data from MH destined for the wired world is always routed towards its
- current COA.
- An example script for wireless mobileIP can be found at
- nsf{tcl/ex/wireless-mip-test.tcl}. The simulation consists of a MH moving
- between its HA and a FA. The HA and FA are each connected to a wired
- domain on one side and to their wireless domains on the other. TCP flows
- are set up between the MH and a wired node.
- section{802.11 MAC protocol}
- label{sec:802_11}
- Prior to release ns-2.33, there was only one main-tree 802.11 model,
- although other researchers were maintaining third-party patches
- on the web. Starting with ns-2.33, there are multiple choices in
- the main distribution.
- The first extension described below (infrastructure mode) extends
- the legacy model to include infrastructure mode. However, the last
- two items (802.11Ext and dei802mr) are complete replacements for the
- legacy model.
- Therefore, researchers now have a choice of 802.11 models, and
- should carefully read the documentation and code of each one to
- understand which is the best fit for the job.
- begin{description}
- item[{bf 802.11 DCF from CMU}]
- This model has been the only model available in the main ns source
- tree prior to release ns-2.33. See nsf{mac-802_11.{cc,h}} for
- implementation details. It uses a
- RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK pattern for all unicast packets and simply sends out
- DATA for all broadcast packets. The implementation uses both
- physical and virtual carrier sense. The
- clsref{Mac802_11}{../ns-2/mac-802_11.h} is implemented in
- nsf{mac-802_11.{cc,h}}.
- item[{bf 802.11 infrastructure extensions}]
- Ilango Purushothaman from the University of Washington has implemented
- infrastructure extensions to the above 802.11 model, and fixed some bugs
- along the way. The extensions include passive and active scanning,
- authentication, association, inter-AP communications, and mobility
- support (handoff). Please note that this model still supports
- single-channel scenarios only.
- begin{itemize}
- item {bf Documentation:}
- item {bf Example script:} tcl/ex/infra.tcl
- item {bf Test suite:} tcl/test/test-suite-wireless-infra-mobility.tcl tcl/test/test-suite-wireless-infra.tcl
- end{itemize}
- item[{bf 802.11Ext}]
- A team from Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America and
- from University of Karlsruhe have collaborated to develop a completely
- new 802.11 Mac and Phy model, called Mac802_11Ext and WirelessPhyExt,
- respectively. The new model contains the following features:
- begin{itemize}
- item Structured design of MAC functionality modules: transmission,
- reception, transmission coordination, reception coordination, backoff
- manager, and channel state monitor
- item Cumulative SINR computation
- item MAC frame capture capabbilities
- item Multiple modulation scheme support
- item Packet drop tracing at the PHY layer
- item Nakagami fading model
- end{itemize}
- This model should be used as a replacement for the existing models. The
- example scripts show how to do this.
- begin{itemize}
- item {bf Key files:} apps/pbc.{cc,h}, mac/mac-802_11Ext.{cc,h}, mac/wireless-phyExt.{cc,h}, mobile/nakagami.{cc,h}
- item {bf Documentation:}
- item {bf Example scripts:} tcl/ex/802.11/ directory: IEEE802-11a.tcl IEEE802-11p.tcl broadcast_validation.tcl unicast_validation.tcl
- item {bf Test suite:} tcl/test/test-suite-wireless-lan-newnode-80211Ext.tcl
- end{itemize}
- item[{bf dei80211mr}]
- The dei80211mr library - nicknamed 'multirate' for short - provides an
- 802.11 derived from the CMU implementation.
- This library depends on the Dynamic Library (Chapter ref{chap:dynlib}) and
- is included in the ns-allinone distribution only (see the
- top-level dei80211mr directory in the ns-allinone distribution or
- see
- For step-by-step installation instructions, please refer to the tutorial at
- The following functionalities are provided by the dei80211mr library:
- begin{itemize}
- item support for multiple PHY modes is included; in particolar, dei80211mr simulation of the different transmission rates, modulation and coding schemes defined in the IEEE802.11b/g standards.
- item a SINR-based packet level error model is introduced:
- begin{itemize}
- item the RX Threshold variable which was used in the 802.11 implementation included in standard NS to determine successful receptions has been removed. Instead, Packet Error Rate (PER) is used to determine random packet losses.
- item PER is calculated using pre-determined curves (PER vs SINR and packet size); the curves can be specified by the user via TCL. Some default curves for both 802.11g and 802.11b are provided.
- item SINR is calculated using received signal strength, noise and interference
- item interference is calculated using a gaussian model to account for all transmissions which happen simultaneously to the one which is considered for reception
- item noise power is set via TCL
- end{itemize}
- item the capture model, i.e. the determination of whether a packet can be received when there are other concurrent transmissions are simultaneously ogoing, is now embedded in the above mentioned interference model (no more Capture Threshold)
- item In the wireless channel, the affected nodes distance is no more determined using the CS threshold, but we used a fixed value in meters
- which can be set at the beginning of the simulation. The reason is that, since we use a gaussian interference model, nodes well below the CS threshold often still provide a non-negligible contribution to interference. The default value for the affected nodes distance
- is very conservative, so that all nodes are considered for interference calculation. This default value therefore yields accurate but computationally intensive simulations. The value can be adjusted via TCL to achieve different trade-offs between computational load and simulation accuracy.
- end{itemize}
- begin{itemize}
- item {bf Documentation:}
- item {bf Example script:} dei80211mr-1.1.4/samples/adhoc_tcp.tcl
- item {bf Test suite:} None
- end{itemize}
- end{description}
- In addition, a patch (relating to the CMU implementation) improving ns-2
- 802.11 wireless support is available at
- The patch introduces realistic channel propagation, concurrent multiple
- data transmission rates among stations and ARF mechanisms, has been
- tested with ns-2.29, and features the following contributions:
- begin{itemize}
- item channel propagation improvements by Wu Xiuchao
- item ricean propagation model by Ratish J. Punnoose
- item SNOOPy calendar scheduler by David X. Wei
- item 802.11 bug fixes by Felix Schmidt-Eisenlohr
- item multiple data transmission rates support by Marco Fiore
- item Adaptive Auto Rate Fallback (AARF) by Marco Fiore.
- end{itemize}
- section{Lists of changes for merging code developed in older version of ns (2.1b5 or later) into the current version (2.1b8) }
- label{old-merge}
- The CMU-wireless model developed by David Johnhson's Monarch project was merged into ns around 1998-99 in what was then the ns-2.1b5 version. Since then the ns versions used by Monarch and by us here at ISI have forked quite a bit. Recently we ported a newer version of DSR developed by the Monarch group back into ns and in the process have created a list of changes that were required to be made for the merge. Hopefully this list will be helpful for those who have been working on older versions of ns from around that time or or later, to have their stuff merged in to the current version of ns-2.1b8.
- The following lists of changes are required for merging the cmu version of ns (2.1b5) in to current version of 2.1b8. Each change is followed by a brief explanation for why the change was made.
- begin{flushleft}
- Methods for accessing pkt hdrs have changed from \
- code{(hdr_sr *)p->access(off_sr) } \
- to a static access method defined for each hdr, as \
- code{hdr_sr::access(p)} \
- where for class hdr_sr a static method code{access()} is defined as
- begin{program}
- inline static hdr_sr* access(const Packet* p) {
- return (hdr_sr*)p->access(offset_);
- }
- end{program}
- code{why:} This change avoids using casts everywhere.
- As the method for accessing hdrs have changed, there is no need to explicitly bind the hdr offset values. This is now done while establishing tcl linkage for the individual hdr classes.
- so lines like \
- code{bind("off_SR_", &off_sr_);}\
- code{bind("off_ll_", &off_ll_);}\
- code{bind("off_mac_", &off_mac_);}\
- code{bind("off_ip_", &off_ip_); }\
- should be removed.
- AF_ enumerations replaced by NS_AF_ as in \
- code{enum ns_af_enum { NS_AF_NONE, NS_AF_ILINK, NS_AF_INET };}\
- code{why:} This avoids header clashes between ns and the OS.
- The ip hdr (dst/src) address fields that used be integers are now defined as structures called ns_addr_t. ns_addr_t has 2 members address_ and port_ that are both defined as int.
- Hence lines like \
- code{iph->src()} should change to\
- code{iph->saddr() & iph->sport();} \
- Also lines like \
- code{dst_ = (IP_BROADCAST << 8) | RT_PORT } \
- should be replaced by \
- code{ dst_.addr_ = IP_BROADCAST;} \
- code{dst_.port_ = RT_PORT;} \
- code{Why:} This extension supports 32bit addressing.
- The addrs_ member for hdr_sr class has a separate function for returning its value . Thus need to call code{hsr.addrs()} instead of hsr.addrs.\
- code{why:} addrs_ is now a private variable which is accessed by public function code{addrs()}.
- All includes that had absolute paths by using code{<>} were replaced by code{""}. Thus\
- code{<cmu/dsr/dsragent.h>}\
- was changed to\
- code{"cmu/dsr/dsragent.h"}
- The tcl command "ip-addr" was changed to "addr".\
- Other new tcl commands like "node", "port-dmux" and "trace-target" were added.\
- code{why:} Part of support for mobileIP and wired-cum-wireless simulations.
- Need to convert address in string format into int format;
- so use\
- code{Address::instance().str2addr(argv[2]) }\
- instead of \
- code{atoi(argv[2])}\
- code{why:} This is required for supporting hier-addressing/routing.
- The array code{packet_names[]} has changed to code{}\
- code{why:} In order to remove a bunch of code{#}defines for pkt types, an enumeration called packet_t now describes all packet types in ns. class p_info was created that now describes an array name_ that has replaced packet_names array used previously.
- Have to explicitly set direction of new pkts to DOWN before sending them down to the LL.\
- code{why:} A variable direction_ in hdr_cmn is now used. This is used in the lower layers like LL, mac, phy etc to determine the direction of the pkt flow. All incoming pkts are marked as UP by channel, which should be remarked as DOWN by agents before sending them out into the network again.
- Instead of code{logtarget->buffer}, should now call code{logtarget->pt_->buffer}.\
- code{why:} This change reflects support for eventtracing.
- Tracing has evolved into two types, packet tracing and event tracing.
- Class Trace essentially supports packet tracing.
- However in addition to the basic tracing properties that it derives from a BaseTrace class, pkt-tracing also requires to inherit some of the Connector class properties as well. Hence pt_, a basetrace object represents the pure tracing functionalities required for a trace object.
- The parameter used to describe the reason a pkt was dropped used to be an integer. This was changed to code{char*}. Hence needed to define different pkt-drop reasons in string formats. \
- code{Why:} Allows greater expandibility and flexibility.
- linkHead changed to dsrLinkHead.\
- code{why:} name clashed with linkHead used elsewhere in ns.
- The older cmu model used an incoming_ flag added in all pkts to figure out direction of pkt flow in the lower layers like ll, mac etc. Later this was replaced by a variable called direction_ added in cmn_hdr. direction value can be set to UP, DOWN or NONE. all pkts created with a DOWN dir by default. \
- code{why:} Both these flags were being used which is not really reqd. so incoming_ flag has been replaced with direction_.
- end{flushleft}
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:wirelesscommand}
- Following is a list of commands used in wireless simulations:
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -addressingType <usually flat or hierarchical used for
- wireless topologies>
- -adhocRouting <adhoc rotuing protocol like DSDV, DSR,
- TORA, AODV etc>
- -llType <LinkLayer>
- -macType <MAC type like Mac/802_11>
- -propType <Propagation model like
- Propagation/TwoRayGround>
- -ifqType <interface queue type like
- Queue/DropTail/PriQueue>
- -ifqLen <interface queue length like 50>
- -phyType <network inteface type like
- Phy/WirelessPhy>
- -antType <antenna type like Antenna/OmniAntenna>
- -channelType <Channel type like Channel/WirelessChannel>
- -topoInstance <the topography instance>
- -wiredRouting <turning wired routing ON or OFF>
- -mobileIP <setting the flag for mobileIP ON or OFF>
- -energyModel <EnergyModel type>
- -initialEnergy <specified in Joules>
- -rxPower <specified in W>
- -txPower <specified in W>
- -agentTrace <tracing at agent level turned ON or OFF>
- -routerTrace <tracing at router level turned ON or OFF>
- -macTrace <tracing at mac level turned ON or OFF>
- -movementTrace <mobilenode movement logging turned
- ON or OFF>
- end{program}
- This command is used typically to configure for a mobilenode. For more info
- about this command (part of new node APIs) see chapter titled "Restructuring
- ns node and new Node APIs" in ns Notes and Documentation.
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ node <optional:hier address>}\
- This command is used to create a mobilenode after node configuration is done
- as shown in the node-config command. Incase hierarchical addressing is being
- used, the hier address of the node needs to be passed as well.
- code{$node log-movement}\
- This command previously used to enable logging of mobilenode's movement has now
- been replaced by code{$ns_ node-config -movementTrace <ON or OFF>}.
- code{create-god <num_nodes>}\
- This command is used to create a God instance. The number of mobilenodes
- is passed as argument which is used by God to create a matrix to store
- connectivity information of the topology.
- code{$topo load_flatgrid <X> <Y> <optional:res>}\
- This initializes the grid for the topography object. <X> and <Y> are the x-y
- co-ordinates for the topology and are used for sizing the grid. The grid
- resolution may be passed as <res>. A default value of 1 is normally used.
- code{$topo load_demfile <file-descrptor>}\
- For loading DEMFile objects into topography. See ns/dem.{cc,.h} for details on
- DEMFiles.
- code{$ns_ namtrace-all-wireless <namtrace> <X> <Y>}\
- This command is used to initialize a namtrace file for logging node movements
- to be viewed in nam. The namtrace file descriptor, the X and Y
- co-ordinates of the wireless topology is passed as parameters with
- this command.
- code{$ns_ nam-end-wireless <stop-time>}\
- This command is used to tell nam the simulation stop time given by <stop-time>.
- code{$ns_ initial_node_pos <node> <size>}\
- This command defines the node initial position in nam. <size> denotes the size
- of node in nam. This function must be called after mobility model has been
- defined.
- code{$mobilenode random-motion <0 or 1>}\
- Random-motion is used to turn on random movements for the mobilenode, in which
- case random destinations are assigned to the node. 0 disables and 1 enables
- random-motion.
- code{$mobilenode setdest <X> <Y> <s>}\
- This command is used to setup a destination for the mobilenode. The mobile
- node starts moving towards destination given by <X> and <Y> at a speed of
- <s> m/s.
- code{$mobilenode reset}\
- This command is used to reset all the objects in the nodes (network
- components like LL, MAC, phy etc).
- Internal procedures\
- Following is a list of internal procedures used in wireless networking:
- code{$mobilenode base-station <BSnode-hier-addr>}\
- This is used for wired-cum-wireless scenarios. Here the mobilenode is provided
- with the base-stationnode info for its domain. The address is hierarchical
- since wired-cum-wireless scenarios typically use hierarchical addressing.
- code{$mobilenode log-target <target-object>}\
- The <target-object>, which is normally a trace object, is used to log
- mobilenode movements and their energy usage, if energy model is provided.
- code{$mobilenode topography <topoinstance>}\
- This command is used to provide the node with a handle to the topography
- object.
- code{$mobilenode addif}\
- A mobilenode may have more than one network interface. This command is used
- to pass handle for a network interface to the node.
- code{$mobilenode namattach <namtracefd>}\
- This command is used to attach the namtrace file descriptor <namtracefd>
- to the mobilenode. All nam traces for the node are then written into this
- namtrace file.
- code{$mobilenode radius <r>}\
- The radius <r> denotes the node's range. All mobilenodes that fall within
- the circle of radius <r> with the node at its center are considered as
- neighbours. This info is typically used by the gridkeeper.
- code{$mobilenode start}\
- This command is used to start off the movement of the mobilenode.
- end{flushleft}
- %end{document}
- endinput