- %
- % personal commentary:
- % - KFALL
- %
- section{shdr{Packet Headers and Formats}{packet.h}{sec:pformat}}
- Objects of the class code{Packet} are the fundamental unit of
- exchange between objects in the simulation.
- The code{Packet} class provides enough information to
- link a packet on to a list (i.e. in a code{PacketQueue} or on a free
- list of packets), refer to a buffer containing packet headers
- which are defined on a per-protocol basis, and to refer to a buffer
- of packet data.
- New protocols may define their own packet headers or may extend
- existing headers with additional fields.
- New packet headers are introduced into the simulator
- by defining a C++ structure with the needed
- fields, defining a static class to provide
- OTcl linkage, and then modifying some of the simulator initialization
- code to assign a byte offset in each packet where the new header
- is to be located relative to others.
- When the simulator is initialized through OTcl,
- a user may choose to enable
- only a subset of the compiled-in packet formats, resulting in
- a modest savings of memory during the execution of the simulation.
- Presently, all configured-in packet formats are enabled.
- The management of which packet formats are currently enabled
- in a simulation is handled by a special packet header manager
- object described below.
- This object supports an OTcl method used to specify
- which packet headers will be used in a simulation.
- If an object in the simulator makes use of a field in a header
- which has not been enabled, a run-time fatal program abort occurs.
- subsection{shdr{A Protocol-Specific Packet Header}{rtp.h}{sec:ppackethdr}}
- Protocol developers
- will often wish to provide a specific header type to be used in packets.
- Doing so allows a new protocol implementation
- to avoid overloading already-existing header fields.
- We consider a simplified version of RTP as an example.
- The RTP header will require a sequence number fields and a source
- identifier field.
- The following classes create the needed header
- (see code{rtp.h} and code{}):
- begin{small}
- begin{verbatim}
- From rtp.h:
- /* rtp packet. For now, just have srcid + seqno. */
- struct hdr_rtp {
- u_int32_t srcid_;
- int seqno_;
- /* per-field member functions */
- u_int32_t& srcid() { return (srcid_); }
- int& seqno() { return (seqno_); }
- };
- From
- class RTPAgent: public CBR_Agent {
- ...
- int off_rtp_;
- };
- class RTPHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
- public:
- RTPHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/RTP",
- sizeof(hdr_rtp)) {}
- } class_rtphdr;
- void RTPAgent::sendpkt()
- {
- Packet* p = allocpkt();
- hdr_rtp *rh = (hdr_rtp*)p->access(off_rtp_);
- lastpkttime_ = Scheduler::instance().clock();
- /* Fill in srcid_ and seqno */
- rh->seqno() = seqno_++;
- rh->srcid() = session_->srcid();
- target_->recv(p, 0);
- }
- RTPAgent::RTPAgent()
- : session_(0), lastpkttime_(-1e6)
- {
- type_ = PT_RTP;
- bind("seqno_", &seqno_);
- bind("off_rtp_", &off_rtp_);
- }
- end{verbatim}
- end{small}
- The first structure defines the layout (in terms of words and their
- placement): which fields are needed and how big they are.
- This structure definition is only used by the
- compiler to compute byte offsets of fields;
- no objects of this structure type are ever directly allocated.
- The structure also provides member functions
- which in turn
- provide a layer of data hiding for objects wishing to read
- or modify header fields of packets.
- Note that the variable code{off_rtp_} is used
- to find the byte offset at which the rtp header is located
- in an arbitrary packet.
- To access any packet header other than the ``common'' header
- (see below, sectionref{sec:commonhdr}), the accessing code
- must obtain the appropriate header offset.
- This is accomplished by declaring and binding
- the integer variable code{off_<hdrname>_}
- where code{<hdrname>} refers to a shorthand name
- of the header of interest which must match the
- name assigned in code{tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl}.
- This is performed above by the RTPAgent's constructor.
- Generally, one header object for each type of header
- in the simulation is instantiated at simulator run-time.
- A particular header is enabled via OTcl in the simulation during
- simulator configuration time (see ref{sec:configpacket}).
- The static object code{class_rtphdr} of class code{RTPHeaderClass}
- is used to provide linkage to OTcl when the RTP header is
- enabled at configuration time.
- When the simulator executes, this static object calls
- the code{PacketHeaderClass} constructor with arguments
- code{"PacketHeader/RTP"} and code{sizeof(hdr_rtp}.
- This causes the size of the RTP header to be stored
- and made available to the packet header manager
- at configuration time (see below, sectionref{sec:packethdrmgr}).
- The sample member function code{sendpkt()}
- of code{RTPAgent} creates a new packet
- to send by calling code{allocpkt()}, which handles assignment
- of all the network-layer packet header fields (in this case, IP).
- Headers other than IP are handled separately.
- In this case, the agent uses the code{RTPHeader} defined above.
- The code{Packet::access()} member function returns the address
- of the first byte in a buffer used to hold header information (see below).
- Its return value is cast as a pointer to the header of interest,
- after which member functions of the code{RTPHeader}
- object are used to access individual fields.
- subsubsection{adding a new packet header type}
- Assuming we wish to create a new header called code{newhdr}
- the following steps are performed:
- begin{enumerate}
- item create a new structure defining the raw fields (called code{hdr_newhdr})
- item define member functions for needed fields
- item create a static class to perform OTcl linkage (defines code{PacketHeader/Newhdr})
- item edit code{tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl} to enable new packet format (see ref{sec:configpacket})
- end{enumerate}
- subsection{shdr{Packet Classes}{packet.h}{sec:packetclasses}}
- There are three C++ classes relevant to the handling of packets
- and packet headers in general: code{Packet},
- code{PacketHeader}, and code{PacketHeaderManager}.
- The code{Packet} class defines the type for all packets in the
- simulation; it is a subclass of code{Event} so that packets may
- be scheduled (e.g.~for later arrival at some queue).
- The code{PacketHeader} class provides a base class for
- any packet header configured into the simulation.
- It essentially provides
- enough internal state to locate any particular packet
- header in the collection of packet headers present in any given packet.
- The code{PacketHeaderManager} defines a class used to collect
- and manage currently-configured headers.
- It is invoked by a method available to OTcl at simulation configuration
- time to enable some subset of the compiled-in packet headers.
- begin{figure}[h]
- centerline{psfig{figure=packet.eps,width=4in}}
- caption{label{pic:packet}A Packet Object}
- end{figure}
- subsubsection{shdr{the Packet class}{packet.h}{sec:packetclass}}
- The code{Packet} class defines the structure of a
- packet and provides member functions to handle a
- free list for objects of this type.
- It is illustrated in Figure~ref{pic:packet} and
- defined as follows in code{packet.h}:
- begin{small}
- begin{verbatim}
- class Packet : public Event {
- private:
- friend class PacketQueue;
- u_char* bits_;
- u_char* data_; // variable size buffer for 'data'
- u_int datalen_; // length of variable size buffer
- protected:
- static Packet* free_;
- public:
- Packet* next_; // for queues and the free list
- static int hdrlen_;
- Packet() : bits_(0), datalen_(0), next_(0) { }
- u_char* const bits() { return (bits_); }
- Packet* copy() const;
- static Packet* alloc();
- static Packet* alloc(int);
- inline void allocdata(int);
- static void free(Packet*);
- inline u_char* access(int off) { if (off < 0) abort(); return (&bits_[of
- f]); }
- inline u_char* accessdata() {return data_;}
- };
- end{verbatim}
- end{small}
- This class holds a pointer to a generic array of unsigned
- characters (commonly called the ``bag of bits'' or BOB for short)
- where packet header fields are stored.
- It also holds a pointer to packet ``data'' (which is often not used in
- simulations).
- The code{bits_} variable contains the address of
- the first byte of the BOB.
- Effectively BOB is (currently implemented as) a concatenation
- of all the structures defined for each packet header (by convention,
- the structures with names beginning code{hdr_<something>}) that have
- been configured in.
- BOB generally remains a fixed size throughout a simulation, and
- the size is recorded in the code{Packet::hdrlen_} member
- variable.
- This size is updated during simulator configuration by
- OTcl.footnote{It is not intended to be updated after configuration
- time. Doing so {em should} be possible, but is currently untested.}
- The other methods of the code{Packet} class are for creating new
- packets and storing old (unused) ones on a private free list.
- Such allocation and deallocation is performed by the
- following code (in code{packet.h}):
- begin{small}
- begin{verbatim}
- inline Packet* Packet::alloc()
- {
- Packet* p = free_;
- if (p != 0)
- free_ = p->next_;
- else {
- p = new Packet;
- p->bits_ = new u_char[hdrsize_];
- if (p == 0 || p->bits_ == 0)
- abort();
- }
- return (p);
- }
- /* allocate a packet with an n byte data buffer */
- inline Packet* Packet::alloc(int n)
- {
- Packet* p = alloc();
- if (n > 0)
- p->allocdata(n);
- return (p);
- }
- /* allocate an n byte data buffer to an existing packet */
- inline void Packet::allocdata(int n)
- {
- datalen_ = n;
- data_ = new u_char[n];
- if (data_ == 0)
- abort();
- }
- inline void Packet::free(Packet* p)
- {
- p->next_ = free_;
- free_ = p;
- if (p->datalen_) {
- delete p->data_;
- p->datalen_ = 0;
- }
- }
- inline Packet* Packet::copy() const
- {
- Packet* p = alloc();
- memcpy(p->bits(), bits_, hdrlen_);
- if (datalen_) {
- p->datalen_ = datalen_;
- p->data_ = new u_char[datalen_];
- memcpy(p->data_, data_, datalen_);
- }
- return (p);
- }
- end{verbatim}
- end{small}
- The code{alloc} method is a support function commonly
- used to create new packets.
- It is most often called by the code{Agent::allocpkt()} method on
- behalf of agents and is thus not normally invoked directly by most objects.
- It first attempts to locate an old packet on the free list and
- if this fails allocates a new one using the C++ code{new} operator.
- Note that code{Packet} class objects and BOBs are
- allocated separately.
- The code{free} method frees a packet by returning it to the free
- list.
- Note that {bf packets are never returned to the system's memory
- allocator}.
- Instead, they are stored on a free list when code{Packet::free} is called.
- The code{copy} member creates a new, identical copy of a packet
- with the exception of the code{uid} field, which is unique.
- This function is used by code{Replicator} objects to support
- multicast distribution and LANs.
- subsubsection{shdr{the hdr_cmn class}{packet.h}{sec:commonhdr}}
- Each packet in the simulator has a ``common''
- header which is defined in code{packet.h} as follows:
- begin{small}
- begin{verbatim}
- struct hdr_cmn {
- double ts_; // timestamp: for q-delay measurement
- int ptype_; // packet type (see above)
- int uid_; // unique id
- int size_; // simulated packet size
- int iface_; // receiving interface (label)
- /* per-field member functions */
- int& ptype() { return (ptype_); }
- int& uid() { return (uid_); }
- int& size() { return (size_); }
- int& iface() { return (iface_); }
- double& timestamp() { return (ts_); }
- };
- end{verbatim}
- end{small}
- This structure primarily defines fields used for tracing
- the flow of packets or measuring other quantities.
- The time stamp field is used to measure queueing delay
- at switch nodes.
- The code{ptype_} field is used to identify the
- type of packets, which makes reading traces simpler.
- The code{uid_} field is used by the scheduler in scheduling
- packet arrivals.
- The code{size_} field is of general use and gives the
- simulated packet's size.
- Note that the actual number of bytes consumed in the simulation
- may not relate to the value of this field.
- Rather, it is used most often in computing the time required for a packet
- to be delivered along a network link.
- The code{iface_} field is used by the simulator when performing
- multicast distribution tree computations.
- It is a label indicating (typically) on which link a packet was received.
- subsubsection{shdr{the PacketHeaderManager class}{}{sec:packethdrmgr}}
- An object of the class code{PacketHeaderManager} is used
- to manage the set of currently-active packet header types and
- assign each of them unique offsets in the BOB.
- It is defined in both the C++ and OTcl code:
- begin{small}
- begin{verbatim}
- From tcl/lib/ns-packet.h:
- PacketHeaderManager set hdrlen_ 0
- #XXX could potentially get rid of this by searching having a more
- # uniform offset concept...
- foreach pair {
- { Common off_cmn_ }
- { Mac off_mac_ }
- { LL off_ll_ }
- { Snoop off_snoop_ }
- { IP off_ip_ }
- { TCP off_tcp_ }
- { TCPA off_tcpasym_ }
- { Flags off_flags_ }
- { RTP off_rtp_ }
- { Message off_msg_ }
- { IVS off_ivs_ }
- { rtProtoDV off_DV_ }
- { CtrMcast off_CtrMcast_ }
- { Prune off_prune_ }
- { Tap off_tap_ }
- { aSRM off_asrm_ }
- { SRM off_srm_ }} {
- set cl [lindex $pair 0]
- set var [lindex $pair 1]
- PacketHeaderManager set vartab_($cl) $var
- }
- Simulator instproc create_packetformat { } {
- set pm [new PacketHeaderManager]
- foreach oclass [PacketHeader info subclass] {
- set L [split $oclass /]
- set cl [lindex $L 1]
- set var [PacketHeaderManager set vartab_($cl)]
- set off [$pm allochdr $cl]
- TclObject set $var $off
- }
- $self set packetManager_ $pm
- }
- PacketHeaderManager instproc allochdr cl {
- set size [PacketHeader/$cl set hdrlen_]
- $self instvar hdrlen_
- set NS_ALIGN 8
- # round up to nearest NS_ALIGN bytes
- set incr [expr ($size + ($NS_ALIGN-1)) & ~($NS_ALIGN-1)]
- set base $hdrlen_
- incr hdrlen_ $incr
- return $base
- }
- From
- /* manages active packet header types */
- class PacketHeaderManager : public TclObject {
- public:
- PacketHeaderManager() {
- bind("hdrlen_", &Packet::hdrlen_);
- }
- };
- end{verbatim}
- end{small}
- The code in code{ns-packet.tcl} is executed when the
- simulator initializes.
- Thus, the {tt foreach} statement is executed before the
- simulation begins, and initializes the OTcl class array
- code{vartab_} to contain the mapping between class
- the name and the name of the variable used to contain
- that class's header in a packet (which is initialized later).
- For example, the value of code{vartab_(IP)} is set to
- code{off_ip_}.
- The code{create_packetformat} instance procedure is part of the
- basic Simulator class and is called one time during simulator
- configuration.
- It first creates a single code{PacketHeaderManager} object.
- The C++ constructor links the OTcl instance
- variable code{hdrlen_} (of class code{PacketHeaderManager})
- to the C++ variable code{Packet::hdrlen_} (a static
- member of the code{Packet} class).
- This has the effect of setting code{Packet::hdrlen_} to
- zero.
- Note that binding across class types in this fashion is
- unusual.
- label{sec:configpacket}
- After creating the packet manager, the code{foreach}
- loop enables each of the packet headers of interest.
- This loop iterates through the list of defined
- packet headers of the form
- $(h_i, o_i)$ where $h_i$ is the name of the $i$th header
- and $o_i$ is the name of the variable containing the
- location of the $h_i$ header in BOB.
- The placement of headers is performed by the code{allochdr}
- instproc of the code{PacketHeaderManager} OTcl class.
- The procedure keeps a running variable code{hdrlen_} with
- the current length of BOB as new packet headers are enabled.
- It also arranges for 8-byte alignment for any newly-enabled packet
- header.
- This is needed to ensure that when double-world length quantities
- are used in packet headers on machines where double-word alignment
- is required, access faults are not produced.footnote{In
- some processer architectures, including the
- Sparc and HP-PA, double-word access must be performed on a double-word
- boundary (i.e. addresses ending in 0 mod 8). Attempting to perform
- unaligned accesses result in an abnormal program termination.}.