- %documentstyle[11pt,fullpage]{article}
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- %begin{document}
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- % personal commentary:
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- chapter{Local Area Networks}
- label{chap:lan}
- The characteristics of the wireless and local area networks (LAN) are
- inherently different from those of point-to-point links. A network
- consisting of multiple point-to-point links cannot capture the sharing
- and contention properties of a LAN. To simulate these properties, we
- created a new type of a Node, called code{LanNode}. The OTcl
- configurations and interfaces for code{LanNode} reside in the following
- two files in the main ns directory:
- begin{verbatim}
- tcl/lan/vlan.tcl
- tcl/lan/ns-ll.tcl
- tcl/lan/ns-mac.tcl
- end{verbatim}
- section{Tcl configuration}
- label{sec:lan_tcl}
- The interface for creating and configuring a LAN slightly differs from
- those of point-to-point link. At the top level, the OTcl class
- code{Simulator} exports a new method called code{make-lan}. The
- parameters to this method are similar to the method code{duplex-link},
- except that code{make-lan} only accepts a list of nodes as a single
- parameter instead of 2 parameters as in code{duplex-link}:
- begin{verbatim}
- Simulator instproc make-lan {nodes bw delay lltype ifqtype mactype chantype}
- end{verbatim}
- The optional parameters to code{make-lan} specify the type of objects
- to be created for the link layer (code{LL}), the interface queue, the
- MAC layer (code{Mac}), and the physical layer (code{Channel}). Below
- is an example of how a new CSMA/CD (Ethernet) LAN is created.
- Example:
- begin{program}
- $ns make-lan "$n1 $n2" $bw $delay LL Queue/DropTail Mac/Csma/Cd
- end{program}
- creates a LAN with basic link-layer, drop-tail queue, and CSMA/CD MAC.
- section{Components of a LAN}
- label{sec:lan_components}
- LanLink captures the functionality of the three lowest layers in the
- network stack:
- begin{enumerate}
- item
- Link Layer (LL)
- item
- Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer
- item
- Physical (PHY) Layer
- end{enumerate}
- begin{figure}[tb]
- centerline{includegraphics{lan1}}
- caption{Connectivity within a LAN}
- label{fig:lan-connectivity}
- end{figure}
- Figure~ref{fig:lan-connectivity} illustrates the extended network
- stack that makes simulations of local area network possible in ns. A
- packet sent down the stack flows
- through the link layer (code{Queue} and code{LL}), the MAC layer
- (code{Mac}), and the physical layer (code{Channel} to
- code{Classifier/Mac}). The packet then makes its way up the stack through
- the code{Mac}, and the code{LL}.
- At the bottom of the stack, the physical layer is composed of two
- simulation objects: the code{Channel} and code{Classifier/Mac}. The
- code{Channel} object simulates the shared medium and supports the medium
- access mechanisms of the MAC objects on the sending side of the
- transmission. On the receiving side, the code{Classifier/Mac} is
- responsible for delivering and optionally replicating packets to the
- receiving MAC objects.
- Depending on the type of physical layer, the MAC layer must contain a
- certain set of functionalities such as: carrier sense, collision
- detection, collision avoidance, etc. Since these functionalities affect
- both the sending and receiving sides, they are implemented in a single
- code{Mac} object. For sending, the code{Mac} object must follow a certain
- medium access protocol before transmitting the packet on the channel.
- For receiving, the MAC layer is responsible for delivering the packet to
- the link layer.
- Above the MAC layer, the link layer can potentially have many
- functionalities such as queuing and link-level retransmission. The
- need of having a wide variety of link-level schemes leads to the
- division of functionality into two components: code{Queue} and
- code{LL} (link-layer). The code{Queue} object, simulating the
- interface queue, belongs to the same code{Queue} class that is
- described in Chapter~ref{chap:qmgmt}. The code{LL} object implements
- a particular data link protocol, such as ARQ. By combining both the
- sending and receiving functionalities into one module, the code{LL}
- object can also support other mechanisms such as piggybacking.
- section{Channel Class}
- label{sec:channel}
- The code{Channel} class simulates the actual transmission of the packet
- at the physical layer. The basic code{Channel} implements a shared
- medium with support for contention mechanisms. It allows the MAC to
- carry out carrier sense, contention, and collision detection. If more
- than one transmissions overlaps in time, a channel raises the collision
- flag. By checking this flag, the MAC object can implement collision detection
- and handling.
- Since the transmission time is a function of the number of bits in the
- packet and the modulation speed of each individual interface (MAC), the
- code{Channel} object only sets its busy signal for the duration
- requested by the MAC object. It also schedules the packets to be
- delivered to the destination MAC objects after the transmission time
- plus the propagation delay.
- subsection{Channel State}
- label{sec:channelstate}
- The C++ clsref{Channel}{../ns-2/channel.h} includes enough internal
- state to schedule packet delivery and detect collisions. It exports the
- following OTcl configuration parameter:
- begin{tabularx}{linewidth}{rX}
- code{delay_} & propagation delay on the channel \
- end{tabularx}
- subsection{Example: Channel and classifier of the physical layer}
- label{ex:channel}
- begin{verbatim}
- set channel_ [new Channel]
- $channel_ set delay_ 4us # propagation delay
- set mcl_ [new Classifier/Mac]
- $channel_ target $mcl_
- $mcl_ install $mac_DA $recv_iface
- . . .
- end{verbatim}
- subsection{Channel Class in C++}
- label{sec:channelcplus}
- In C++, the class Channel extends the Connector object
- with several new methods to
- support a variety of MAC protocols. The class is defined as follow in
- nsf{channel.h}:
- begin{program}
- class Channel : public Connector {
- public:
- Channel();
- void recv(Packet* p, Handler*);
- virtual int send(Packet* p, double txtime);
- virtual void contention(Packet*, Handler*);
- int hold(double txtime);
- virtual int collision() { return numtx_ > 1; }
- virtual double txstop() { return txstop_; }
- . . .
- };
- end{program}
- The important methods of the class code{Channel} are:
- begin{itemize}
- item code{txstop()} method returns the time when the channel will become
- idle, which can be used by the MAC to implement carrier sense.
- item code{contention()} method allows the MAC to contend for the channel
- before sending a packet. The channel then use this packet to signal the
- corresponding code{Mac} object at the end of each contention period.
- item code{collision()} method indicates whether a collision occurs
- during the contention period. When the code{Channel} signal the end of
- the contention period, the MAC can use the code{collision()} method to
- detect collision.
- item code{send()} method allows the MAC object to transmit a packet on the
- channel for a specified duration of time.
- item code{hold()} method allows the MAC object to hold the channel for a
- specified duration of time without actually transmitting any packets.
- This is useful in simulating the jamming mechanism of some MAC
- protocols.
- end{itemize}
- section{MacClassifier Class}
- label{sec:mac_classifier}
- The code{MacClassifier} class extends the code{Classifier} class to
- implement a simple broadcasting mechanism. It modifies the
- code{recv()} method in the following way: since the replication of a
- packet is expensive, normally a unicast packet will be classified by
- the MAC destination address code{macDA_} and delivered directly to
- the MAC object with such an address. However, if the destination
- object cannot be found or if the MAC destination address is explicitly
- set to the broadcast address code{BCAST_ADDR}, the packet will be
- replicated and sent to all MACs on the lan excluding the one that is
- the source of the packet. Finally, by setting the bound variable
- code{MacClassifier::bcast_} to a non--zero value, will cause
- code{MacClassifier} always to replicate packets.
- begin{program}
- class MacClassifier : public Classifier {
- public:
- void recv(Packet*, Handler*);
- };
- void MacClassifier::recv(Packet* p, Handler*)
- {
- Mac* mac;
- hdr_mac* mh = hdr_mac::access(p);
- if (bcast_ || mh->macDA() == BCAST_ADDR || (mac = (Mac *)find(p)) == 0) {
- // Replicate packets to all slots (broadcast)
- . . .
- return;
- }
- mac->recv(p);
- }
- end{program}
- section{MAC Class}
- label{sec:mac}
- The code{Mac} object simulates the medium access protocols that are
- necessary in the shared medium environment such as the wireless and
- local area networks. Since the sending and receiving mechanisms are
- tightly coupled in most types of MAC layers,
- it is essential for the code{Mac} object to be duplex.
- On the sending side, the code{Mac} object is responsible for adding the
- MAC header and transmitting the packet onto the channel. On the
- receiving side, the code{Mac} object asynchronously receives packets
- from the classifier of the physical layer. After MAC protocol
- processing, it passes the data packet to the link layer.
- subsection{Mac State}
- label{sec:macstate}
- The C++ clsref{Mac}{../ns-2/mac.h} class contains enough internal state
- to simulate the particular MAC protocol. It also exports the following
- OTcl configuration parameter:
- begin{tabularx}{linewidth}{rX}
- code{bandwidth_} & modulation rate of the MAC \
- code{hlen_} & additional bytes added to packet for MAC header \
- code{label_} & MAC address \
- end{tabularx}
- subsection{Mac Methods}
- label{sec:macmethods}
- The clsref{Mac}{../ns-2/} class added several Tcl methods for
- configuration, in particular, linking with other simulation objects:
- begin{tabularx}{linewidth}{rX}
- code{channel} & specify the channel for transmission \
- code{classifier} & the classifier that deliver packets to receiving MAC \
- code{maclist} & a link list of MAC interfaces on the same node \
- end{tabularx}
- subsection{Mac Class in C++}
- label{sec:maccplus}
- In C++, the code{Mac} class derives from code{Connector}. When the
- code{recv()} method gets a packet, it identifies the direction of the
- packet based on the presence of a callback handler. If there is a
- callback handler, the packet is outgoing, otherwise, it is incoming.
- begin{program}
- class Mac : public Connector {
- public:
- Mac();
- virtual void recv(Packet* p, Handler* h);
- virtual void send(Packet* p);
- virtual void resume(Packet* p = 0);
- . . .
- };
- end{program}
- When a code{Mac} object receives a packet via its code{recv()} method,
- it checks whether the packet is outgoing or incoming. For an outgoing
- packet, it assumes that the link-layer of the sender has obtained the
- destination MAC address and filled in the code{macDA_} field of the
- MAC header, code{hdr_mac}. The code{Mac} object fills in the rest of
- the MAC header with the source MAC address and the frame type. It then
- passes the packet to its code{send()} method, which carries out the
- medium access protocol. For the basic code{Mac} object, the
- code{send} method calls code{txtime()} to compute the transmission
- time, then invokes code{Channel::send} to transmit the packet.
- Finally, it
- schedules itself to resume after the transmission time has elapsed.
- For an incoming packet, the MAC object does its protocol processing and
- passes the packet to the link-layer.
- subsection{CSMA-based MAC}
- The clsref{CsmaMac}{../ns-2/} extends the code{Mac} class
- with new methods that implements carrier sense and backoff mechanisms.
- The code{CsmaMac::send()} method detects when the channel becomes idle
- using code{Channel::txtime()}. If the channel is busy, the MAC
- schedules the next carrier sense at the moment the channel turns idle.
- Once the channel is idle, the code{CsmaMac} object initiates the
- contention period with code{Channel::contention()}. At the end of the
- contention period, the code{endofContention()} method is invoked. At
- this time, the basic code{CsmaMac} just transmits the packet using
- code{Channel::send}.
- begin{program}
- class CsmaMac : public Mac {
- public:
- CsmaMac();
- void send(Packet* p);
- void resume(Packet* p = 0);
- virtual void endofContention(Packet* p);
- virtual void backoff(Handler* h, Packet* p, double delay=0);
- . . .
- };
- class CsmaCdMac : public CsmaMac {
- public:
- CsmaCdMac();
- void endofContention(Packet*);
- };
- class CsmaCaMac : public CsmaMac {
- public:
- CsmaCaMac();
- virtual void send(Packet*);
- };
- end{program}
- The code{CsmaCdMac} extends code{CsmaMac} to carry out collision
- detection procedure of the CSMA/CD (Ethernet) protocol. When the
- channel signals the end of contention period, the code{endofContention}
- method checks for collision using the code{Channel::collision()}
- method. If there is a collision, the MAC invokes its code{backoff}
- method to schedule the next carrier sense to retransmit the packet.
- The code{CsmaCaMac} extends the code{send} method of code{CsmaMac} to
- carry out the collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) procedure. Instead of
- transmitting immediately when the channel is idle, the code{CsmaCaMac}
- object backs off a random number of slots, then transmits if the channel
- remains idle until the end of the backoff period.
- section{LL (link-layer) Class}
- label{sec:linklayer}
- The link-layer object is responsible for simulating the data link
- protocols. Many protocols can be implemented within this layer such
- as packet fragmentation and reassembly, and reliable link protocol.
- Another important function of the link layer is setting the MAC
- destination address in the MAC header of the packet. In the current
- implementation this task involves two separate issues: finding the
- next--hop--node's IP address (routing) and resolving this IP address
- into the correct MAC address (ARP). For simplicity, the default
- mapping between MAC and IP addresses is one--to--one, which means that
- IP addresses are re--used at the MAC layer.
- subsection{LL Class in C++}
- label{sec:llcplus}
- The C++ class code{LL} derives from the code{LinkDelay} class. Since
- it is a duplex object, it keeps a separate pointer for the send target,
- code{sendtarget}, and the receive target, code{recvtarget}. It also
- defines the methods code{recvfrom()} and code{sendto()} to handle the
- incoming and outgoing packets respectively.
- begin{program}
- class LL : public LinkDelay {
- public:
- LL();
- virtual void recv(Packet* p, Handler* h);
- virtual Packet* sendto(Packet* p, Handler* h = 0);
- virtual Packet* recvfrom(Packet* p);
- inline int seqno() { return seqno_; }
- inline int ackno() { return ackno_; }
- inline int macDA() { return macDA_; }
- inline Queue *ifq() { return ifq_; }
- inline NsObject* sendtarget() { return sendtarget_; }
- inline NsObject* recvtarget() { return recvtarget_; }
- protected:
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- void handle(Event* e) { recv((Packet*)e, 0); }
- inline virtual int arp (int ip_addr) { return ip_addr; }
- int seqno_; // link-layer sequence number
- int ackno_; // ACK received so far
- int macDA_; // destination MAC address
- Queue* ifq_; // interface queue
- NsObject* sendtarget_; // for outgoing packet
- NsObject* recvtarget_; // for incoming packet
- LanRouter* lanrouter_; // for lookups of the next hop
- };
- end{program}
- subsection{Example: Link Layer configuration}
- label{ex:linklayer}
- begin{program}
- set ll_ [new LL]
- set ifq_ [new Queue/DropTail]
- $ll_ lanrouter [new LanRouter $ns $lan] # LanRouter is one object
- # per LAN
- $ll_ set delay_ $delay # link-level overhead
- $ll_ set bandwidth_ $bw # bandwidth
- $ll_ sendtarget $mac # interface queue at the sender side
- $ll_ recvtarget $iif # input interface of the receiver
- . . .
- end{program}
- section{code{LanRouter} class}
- By default, there is just one code{LanRouter} object per LAN, which
- is created when a new code{LanNode} is initialized. For every node
- on the LAN, the link layer object (code{LL}) has a pointer to the
- code{LanRouter}, so it is able to find the next hop for the packet
- that is sent on the LAN:
- begin{program}
- Packet* LL::sendto(Packet* p, Handler* h)
- {
- int nh = (lanrouter_) ? lanrouter_->next_hop(p) : -1;
- . . .
- }
- end{program}
- code{LanRouter} is able to find the next hop by querying the current
- code{RouteLogic}:
- begin{program}
- int LanRouter::next_hop(Packet *p) {
- int next_hopIP;
- if (enableHrouting_) {
- routelogic_->lookup_hier(lanaddr_, adst, next_hopIP);
- } else {
- routelogic_->lookup_flat(lanaddr_, adst, next_hopIP);
- }
- end{program}
- One limitation of this is that code{RouteLogic} may not be aware of
- dynamic changes to the routing. But it is always possible to derive a
- new class from code{LanRouter} so that to re--define its
- code{next_hop} method to handle dynamic changes appopriately.
- section{Other Components}
- label{sec:lan_others}
- In addition to the C++ components described above, simulating local area
- networks also requires a number of existing components in ns such as
- code{Classifier}, code{Queue}, and code{Trace},
- code{networkinterface}, etc. Configuring these
- objects requires knowledge of what the user wants to simulate. The
- default configuration is implemented in the two Tcl files mentioned at
- the beginning of this chapter. To obtain more realistic simulations
- of wireless networks, one can use the code{ErrorModel} described in
- Chapter~ref{chap:error_model}.
- section{LANs and ns routing}
- label{sec:lan_ns-routing}
- When a LAN is created using either code{make-lan} or code{newLan}, a
- ``textit{virtual LAN node}'' code{LanNode} is created.
- code{LanNode} keeps together all shared objects on the LAN:
- code{Channel}, code{Classifier/Mac}, and code{LanRouter}. Then for
- each node on the LAN, a code{LanIface} object is created.
- code{LanIface} contains all other objects that are needed on the
- per--node basis: a code{Queue}, a link layer (code{LL}),
- code{Mac}, etc. It should be emphasized that code{LanNode} is a
- node only for routing algorithms: code{Node} and code{LanNode} have
- very little in common. One of few things that they share is an
- identifier taken from the code{Node} ID--space. If
- textit{hierarchical routing} is used, code{LanNode} textit{has to be
- assigned a hierarchical address} just like any other node. From the
- point of view of ns (static) routing, code{LanNode} is just another
- node connected to every node on the LAN.
- begin{figure}[hbt]
- centerline{includegraphics{lan2}}
- caption{Actual LAN configuration (left) and as seen by
- ns routing (right)}
- label{fig:lan-routing1}
- end{figure}
- Links connecting the code{LanNode} with the nodes on the LAN are also
- ``virtual'' (code{Vlink}). The default routing cost of such a link
- is $1/2$, so the cost of traversing two code{Vlink}s
- (e.g. textbf{n1 $rightarrow$ LAN $rightarrow$ n2}) is counted as just one
- hop.
- Most important method of code{Vlink} is the one that gives the head
- of the link:
- begin{program}
- Vlink instproc head {} {
- $self instvar lan_ dst_ src_
- if {$src_ == [$lan_ set id_]} {
- # if this is a link FROM the lan vnode,
- # it doesn't matter what we return, because
- # it's only used by $lan add-route (empty)
- return ""
- } else {
- # if this is a link TO the lan vnode,
- # return the entry to the lanIface object
- set src_lif [$lan_ set lanIface_($src_)]
- return [$src_lif entry]
- }
- }
- end{program}
- This method is used by static (default) routing to install correct
- routes at a node (see code{Simulator} methods \ code{compute-flat-routes} and
- code{compute-hier-routes} in code{tcl/lib/ns-route.tcl}, as well
- as code{Node} methods code{add-route} and code{add-hroute} in
- code{tcl/lib/ns-node.tcl}).
- From the code fragment above it can be seen that it returns LAN
- interface of the node as a head of the link to be installed in the
- appropriate classifier.
- Thus, code{Vlink} textit{does not impose any delay on the packet}
- and serves the only purpose to install LAN interfaces instead of
- normal links at nodes' classifiers.
- Note, that this design allows to have nodes connected by parallel
- LANs, while in the current implementation it is impossible to have
- nodes connected by parallel simple links and use them both (the array
- code{Simulator instvar link_} holds the link object for each
- connected pair of source and destination, and it can be only one
- object per source/destination pair).
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:lancommand}
- The following is a list of lan related commands commonly used in
- simulation scripts:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ make-lan <nodelist> <bw> <delay> <LL> <ifq> <MAC> <channel> <phy>}\
- Creates a lan from a set of nodes given by <nodelist>. Bandwidth, delay characteristics
- along with the link-layer, Interface queue, Mac layer and channel type for the
- lan also needs to be defined. Default values used are as follows:\
- <LL> .. LL\
- <ifq>.. Queue/DropTail\
- <MAC>.. Mac\
- <channel>.. Channel and \
- <phy>.. Phy/WiredPhy
- code{$ns_ newLan <nodelist> <BW> <delay> <args>}\
- This command creates a lan similar to make-lan described above. But this
- command can be used for finer control whereas make-lan is a more convinient and
- easier command. For example newLan maybe used to create a lan with hierarchical
- addresses. See ns/tcl/ex/{vlantest-hier.tcl, vlantest-mcst.tcl, lantest.tcl,
- mac-test.tcl} for usage of newLan. The possible argument types that can be
- passed are LL, ifq, MAC, channel, phy and address.
- code{$lannode cost <c>}\
- This assigns a cost of c/2 to each of the (uni-directional) links in the lan.
- code{$lannode cost?}\
- Returns the cost of (bi-directional) links in the lan, i.e c.
- Internal procedures :
- code{$lannode addNode <nodes> <bw> <delay> <LL> <ifq> <MAC> <phy>}\
- Lan is implemented as a virtual node. The LanNode mimics a real node and uses
- an address (id) from node's address space.
- This command adds a list of <nodes> to the lan represented by lannode.
- The bandwidth, delay and network characteristics of nodes are given by
- the above arguments. This is an internal command used by make-lan and newLan.
- code{$lannode id}\
- Returns the virtual node's id.
- code{$lannode node-addr}\
- Returns virtual nodes's address.
- code{$lannode dump-namconfig}\
- This command creates a given lan layout in nam. This function may be changed
- to redefine the lan layout in a different way.
- code{$lannode is-lan?}\
- This command always returns 1, since the node here is a virtual node
- representing a lan. The corresponding command for base class Node
- code{$node is-lan?} always returns a 0.
- end{flushleft}
- %end{document}
- endinput