- chapter{Restructuring ns node and new node APIs}
- label{chap:newnode}
- There has been recent changes made to structure of
- clsref{Node}{../ns-2/node.h} in ns. This revised node architecture would
- allow more flexible and modularised construction of different node
- definitions like a MobileNode capable of wireless communication or a
- HierNode that supports hierarchical routing or just a simple Node or a
- completely new node type. In this chapter we will introduce the new node
- APIs, discuss the differences between the old and new
- OTcl interfaces and compare the advantages of this new structure over the
- old one. The functions and procedures relevant to the new node APIs may be
- found in ns/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl.
- section{New Node API}
- label{sec:newnode-API}
- The new node API consists of two parts. The first part consists of
- node-configuration and second part consists of node-creation. So in order
- to create a particular type of nodes, we first have to configure for the
- node type and then create the required number of nodes.
- subsection{Node configuration}
- label{sec:nodeconfig}
- Node configuration essentially consists of defining the different node
- characteristics before creating them. They may consist of the type of
- addressing structure used in the simulation, defining the network
- components for mobilenodes, turning on or off the trace options at
- Agent/Router/MAC levels, selecting the type of adhoc routing protocol for
- wirelessnodes or defining their energy model.
- The node configuration API in its entirety looks as the following:
- begin{program}
- ------------- --------------------------
- $ns_ node-config -addressingType flat or hierarchical or expanded
- -adhocRouting DSDV or DSR or TORA or AODV
- -llType LL
- -macType Mac/802_11
- -propType Propagation/TwoRayGround
- -ifqType Queue/DropTail/PriQueue
- -ifqLen 50
- -phyType Phy/WirelessPhy
- -antType Antenna/OmniAntenna
- -channelType Channel/WirelessChannel
- -topoInstance $topo_instance
- -wiredRouting ON or OFF
- -mobileIP ON or OFF
- -energyModel EnergyModel
- -initialEnergy (in Joules)
- -rxPower (in W)
- -txPower (in W)
- -agentTrace ON or OFF
- -routerTrace ON or OFF
- -macTrace ON or OFF
- -movementTrace ON or OFF
- -reset
- end{program}
- The default values for all the above options are NULL except -addressingType
- whose default value is flat. The option -reset can be used to reset all
- node-config parameters to their default value.
- Thus node-configuration for a wireless, mobile node that runs AODV as its
- adhoc routing protocol in a hierarchical topology would be as shown below.
- We decide to turn tracing on at the agent and router level only. Also we
- assume a topology has been instantiated with "set topo [new Topography]".
- The node-config command would look like the following:
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -addressingType hierarchical
- -adhocRouting AODV
- -llType LL
- -macType Mac/802_11
- -ifqType Queue/DropTail/PriQueue
- -ifqLen 50
- -antType Antenna/OmniAntenna
- -propType Propagation/TwoRayGround
- -phyType Phy/WirelessPhy
- -topoInstance $topo
- -channelType Channel/WirelessChannel
- -agentTrace ON
- -routerTrace ON
- -macTrace OFF
- -movementTrace OFF
- end{program}
- Note that the config command can be broken down into separate lines like
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -addressingType hier
- $ns_ node-config -macTrace ON
- end{program}
- The options that need to be changed may only be called. For example after
- configuring for AODV mobilenodes as shown above (and after creating AODV
- mobilenodes), we may configure for AODV base-station nodes in the
- following way:
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -wiredRouting ON
- end{program}
- While all other features for base-station nodes and mobilenodes are same,
- the base-station nodes are capable of wired routing, while mobilenodes are
- not. In this way we can change node-configuration only when it is required.
- All node instances created after a given node-configuration command will
- have the same property unless a part or all of the node-config command is
- executed with different parameter values. And all parameter values remain
- unchanged unless they are expicitly changed. So after creation of the AODV
- base-station and mobilenodes, if we want to create simple nodes, we will
- use the following node-configuration command:
- begin{program}
- $ns_ node-config -reset
- end{program}
- This will set all parameter values to their default setting which
- basically defines configuration of a simple node.
- subsection{Node Creation}
- label{sec:node-creation}
- Once the node of the given type has been configured as shown in the
- href{previous subsection}{subsection}{sec:nodeconfig}, the next step is
- to create the nodes. The node-creation API basically looks very similar
- to the old node creation API. Incase of hierarchical addressing the node
- address has to be passed as an argument as shown below:
- begin{program}
- set node [$ns_ node]
- ## or
- set node [$ns_ node $node_address] ;# incase of hierarchical
- ;# addressing.
- end{program}
- Thus after having configured for AODV mobilenodes as shown in the example
- in the href{previous subsection}{subsection}{sec:nodeconfig}, we create
- "n=4" AODV mobilenodes as follows:
- begin{program}
- set temp {1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3} ;# list of node addresses
- for {set i 0} {$i < $n) } {incr i} {
- set node_($i) [$ns_ node [lindex $temp $i]]
- $node_($i) random-motion 0 ;# disable random motion
- }
- end{program}
- Thus 4 mobilenodes are created in cluster 0 of domain 1 (1.0.*) .
- clearpage
- section{Comparison of new API vs old API}
- label{sec:new-vs-old-api}
- The new node API differs considerably from the old method of creating
- nodes in ns. Following is a list of differences between the two:
- begin{table}[h]
- begin{center}
- begin{tabular}{|c|c|}hline
- {bf New API} & {bf Old API}\hline
- ns_ node-config & ns_ dsdv/dsr/tora-create-mobile-node \
- ns_ node & \ hline
- No global variable dependency & Strong global dependency\hline
- Nam support exists (namtrace-all-wireless) & No nam support\hline
- Energy model support & No energy model\hline
- Global instance for channel and topology removed & Global instances of
- channel and topology\hline
- end{tabular}
- end{center}
- end{table}
- clearpage
- section{Advantages of the new node structure}
- label{sec:advan-newnode}
- The revision of the node structure was mainly made to break up the node
- srtucture into different modules that would allow much easier and
- efficient reconstruction of a new node type and give a cleaner and easily
- extensible node creation interface.
- The several advantages of the new node structure over the old model is
- listed as follows:
- begin{enumerate}
- item
- The new modularised node architecture allows much more flexibility.
- The API can now be easily extended to include other features/options in the
- node structure.
- item
- The node structure has been broken up into different modules like the
- basic node module (default) , the network stack, the wired routing
- agent, the adhoc routing agent, the energy model etc. And this allows
- sharing of common modules within the node structure between different
- types of node.
- item
- Now we can create a new node type by simply plumbing - donot need to
- recreate the whole node. Also there is no need to create node classes
- obeying the Node class-hierarchy.
- item
- The more flexible, modular, efficient and easily extensible node model
- thus promotes easier and faster future development compared to the older,
- more rigid version.
- end{enumerate}
- section{Compatibility}
- label{sec:compat}
- The new node API doesnot interfere with any of the older codes including
- the OTcl interface for old node construction, i.e it is fully backward
- compatible.
- section{Example scripts}
- label{sec:ex}
- Example scripts that demonstrates use of new node API can be found in
- ns/tcl/ex/wireless-demo-csci694.tcl. In this example the new node API is
- used to create mobilenodes for a wireless simulation. You can also see
- examples (wireless1.tcl, wireless2.tcl and wireless3.tcl) used in wireless
- chapters (chap IX and X) in the ns-tutorial available from
- .
- section{Validation tests for new node API}
- label{sec:valid-test}
- Validation test script for new node API can be found in
- ns/tcl/test/test-suite-wireless-lan-newnode.tcl
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:newnodecommand}
- Following is a list of new node APIs that are commonly used in simulation
- scripts:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$ns_ node-config -<config-parameter> <optional-val>}\
- This command is used to configure nodes. The different config-parameters
- are addressingType, different type of the network stack components,
- whether tracing will be turned on or not, mobileIP flag is truned or not,
- energy model is being used or not etc. An option -reset maybe used to set
- the node configuration to its default state. The default setting of
- node-config, i.e if no values are specified, creates a simple node (base
- class Node) with flat addressing/routing. For the syntax details see
- section ref{sec:nodeconfig} of this chapter.
- code{$ns_ node <optional:node-address>}\
- This command creates a node of the type configured by the command
- code{$ns_ node-configure} described above. This returns a handle to the
- node thus created. The optional argument <node-address> is passed only
- incase of creating hierarchical nodes. A node-address is normally a
- string denoting the hierarchical address of the node, viz."3.1.1".
- end{flushleft}