- chapter{TCP Agents}
- label{sec:tcpAgents}
- This section describes the operation of the TCP agents in ns.
- There are two major types of TCP agents: one-way agents
- and a two-way agent.
- One-way agents are further subdivided into a set of TCP senders
- (which obey different congestion and error control techniques)
- and receivers (``sinks'').
- The two-way agent is symmetric in the sense that it represents
- both a sender and receiver.
- It is still under development.
- The files described in this section are too numerous to enumerate here.
- Basically it covers most files matching the regular expression
- nsf{tcp*.{cc, h}}.
- The one-way TCP sending agents currently supported are:
- begin{itemize}itemsep0pt
- item Agent/TCP - a ``tahoe'' TCP sender
- item Agent/TCP/Reno - a ``Reno'' TCP sender
- item Agent/TCP/Newreno - Reno with a modification
- item Agent/TCP/Sack1 - TCP with selective repeat (follows RFC2018)
- item Agent/TCP/Vegas - TCP Vegas
- item Agent/TCP/Fack - Reno TCP with ``forward acknowledgment''
- item Agent/TCP/Linux - a TCP sender with SACK support that runs TCP congestion control modules from Linux kernel
- end{itemize}
- The one-way TCP receiving agents currently supported are:
- begin{itemize}itemsep0pt
- item Agent/TCPSink - TCP sink with one ACK per packet
- item Agent/TCPSink/DelAck - TCP sink with configurable delay per ACK
- item Agent/TCPSink/Sack1 - selective ACK sink (follows RFC2018)
- item Agent/TCPSink/Sack1/DelAck - Sack1 with DelAck
- end{itemize}
- The two-way experimental sender currently supports only a Reno form of TCP:
- begin{itemize}
- item Agent/TCP/FullTcp
- end{itemize}
- The section comprises three parts:
- the first part is a simple overview and example of configuring
- the base TCP send/sink agents (the sink requires no configuration).
- The second part describes the internals of the base send agent,
- and last part is a description of the extensions
- for the other types of agents that have been included in the
- simulator.
- section{One-Way TCP Senders}
- label{sec:oneWayTcp}
- The simulator supports several versions of an abstracted TCP sender.
- These objects attempt to capture the essence of the TCP congestion
- and error control behaviors, but are not intended to be faithful
- replicas of real-world TCP implementations.
- They do not contain a dynamic window advertisement, they do segment
- number and ACK number computations entirely in packet units,
- there is no SYN/FIN connection establishment/teardown, and no
- data is ever transferred (e.g. no checksums or urgent data).
- subsection{The Base TCP Sender (Tahoe TCP)}
- label{sec:tahoetcp}
- The ``Tahoe'' TCP agent code{Agent/TCP} performs congestion
- control and round-trip-time estimation
- in a way similar to the version of TCP released with the
- 4.3BSD ``Tahoe'' UN'X system release from UC Berkeley.
- The congestion window is increased by one packet per new ACK received
- during slow-start (when $cwnd_ < ssthresh_$) and is increased
- by $frac{1}{cwnd_}$ for each new ACK received during congestion avoidance
- (when $cwnd_ geq ssthresh_$).
- paragraph{Responses to Congestion}
- Tahoe TCP assumes a packet has been lost (due to congestion)
- when it observes {tt NUMDUPACKS} (defined in code{tcp.h}, currently 3)
- duplicate ACKs, or when a retransmission timer expires.
- In either case, Tahoe TCP reacts by setting {tt ssthresh_} to half
- of the current window size (the minimum of {tt cwnd_} and {tt window_})
- or 2, whichever is larger.
- It then initializes {tt cwnd_} back to the value of
- {tt windowInit_}. This will typically cause the TCP to
- enter slow-start.
- paragraph{Round-Trip Time Estimation and RTO Timeout Selection}
- Four variables are used to estimate the round-trip time and
- set the retransmission timer: {tt rtt_, srtt_, rttvar_, tcpTick_,
- and backoff_}.
- TCP initializes rttvar to $3/tcpTick_$ and backoff to 1.
- When any future retransmission timer is set, it's timeout
- is set to the current time plus $max(bt(a+4v+1), 64)$ seconds,
- where $b$ is the current backoff value, $t$ is the value of tcpTick,
- $a$ is the value of srtt, and $v$ is the value of rttvar.
- Round-trip time samples arrive with new ACKs.
- The RTT sample is computed as the difference between the current
- time and a ``time echo'' field in the ACK packet.
- When the first sample is taken, its value is used as the initial
- value for {tt srtt_}. Half the first sample is used as the initial
- value for {tt rttvar_}.
- For subsequent samples, the values are updated as follows:
- [ srtt = frac{7}{8} times srtt + frac{1}{8} times sample ]
- [ rttvar = frac{3}{4} times rttvar + frac{1}{4} times |sample-srtt| ]
- subsection{Configuration}
- label{sec:tcp-config}
- Running an TCP simulation requires
- creating and configuring the agent,
- attaching an application-level data source (a traffic generator), and
- starting the agent and the traffic generator.
- subsection{Simple Configuration}
- paragraph{Creating the Agent}
- begin{program}
- set ns [new Simulator] ; preamble initialization;
- set node1 [$ns node] ; agent to reside on this node;
- set node2 [$ns node] ; agent to reside on this node;
- {bfseries{}set tcp1 [$ns create-connection TCP $node1 TCPSink $node2 42]}
- $tcp set window_ 50 ; configure the TCP agent;
- {bfseries{}set ftp1 [new Application/FTP]}
- {bfseries{}$ftp1 attach-agent $tcp1}
- $ns at 0.0 "$ftp start"
- end{program}
- This example illustrates the use of the simulator built-in
- function {tt create-connection}.
- The arguments to this function are: the source agent to create,
- the source node, the target agent to create, the target node, and
- the flow ID to be used on the connection.
- The function operates by creating the two agents, setting the
- flow ID fields in the agents, attaching the source and target agents
- to their respective nodes, and finally connecting the agents
- (i.e. setting appropriate source and destination addresses and ports).
- The return value of the function is the name of the source agent created.
- paragraph{TCP Data Source}
- The TCP agent does not generate any application data on its own;
- instead, the simulation user can connect any traffic generation
- module to the TCP agent to generate data.
- Two applications are commonly used for TCP: FTP and Telnet.
- FTP represents a bulk data transfer of large size, and telnet chooses
- its transfer sizes randomly from tcplib (see the file
- code{}.
- Details on configuring these application source objects are in
- Section~ref{sec:simapps}.
- subsection{Other Configuration Parameters}
- label{sec:other-tcp-config}
- In addition to the code{window_} parameter listed above,
- the TCP agent supports additional configuration variables.
- Each of the variables described in this subsection is
- both a class variable and an instance variable.
- Changing the class variable changes the default value
- for all agents that are created subsequently.
- Changing the instance variable of a particular agent
- only affects the values used by that agent.
- For example,
- begin{program}
- Agent/TCP set window_ 100 ; Changes the class variable;
- $tcp set window_ 2.0 ; Changes window_ for the $tcp object only;
- end{program}
- The default parameters for each TCP agent are:
- begin{program}
- Agent/TCP set window_ 20 ; max bound on window size;
- Agent/TCP set windowInit_ 1 ; initial/reset value of cwnd;
- Agent/TCP set windowOption_ 1 ; cong avoid algorithm (1: standard);
- Agent/TCP set windowConstant_ 4 ; used only when windowOption != 1;
- Agent/TCP set windowThresh_ 0.002 ; used in computing averaged window;
- Agent/TCP set overhead_ 0 ; !=0 adds random time between sends;
- Agent/TCP set ecn_ 0 ; TCP should react to ecn bit ;
- Agent/TCP set packetSize_ 1000 ; packet size used by sender (bytes);
- Agent/TCP set bugFix_ true ; see explanation;
- Agent/TCP set slow_start_restart_ true ; see explanation;
- Agent/TCP set tcpTick_ 0.1 ; timer granulatiry in sec (.1 is NONSTANDARD);
- Agent/TCP set maxrto_ 64 ; bound on RTO (seconds);
- Agent/TCP set dupacks_ 0 ; duplicate ACK counter;
- Agent/TCP set ack_ 0 ; highest ACK received;
- Agent/TCP set cwnd_ 0 ; congestion window (packets);
- Agent/TCP set awnd_ 0 ; averaged cwnd (experimental);
- Agent/TCP set ssthresh_ 0 ; slow-stat threshold (packets);
- Agent/TCP set rtt_ 0 ; rtt sample;
- Agent/TCP set srtt_ 0 ; smoothed (averaged) rtt;
- Agent/TCP set rttvar_ 0 ; mean deviation of rtt samples;
- Agent/TCP set backoff_ 0 ; current RTO backoff factor;
- Agent/TCP set maxseq_ 0 ; max (packet) seq number sent;
- end{program}
- For many simulations, few of the configuration parameters are likely
- to require modification.
- The more commonly modified parameters include: {tt window_} and
- {tt packetSize_}.
- The first of these bounds the window TCP uses, and is considered
- to play the role of the receiver's advertised window in real-world
- TCP (although it remains constant).
- The packet size essentially functions like the MSS size in real-world
- TCP.
- Changes to these parameters can have a profound effect on the behavior
- of TCP.
- Generally, those TCPs with larger packet sizes, bigger windows, and
- smaller round trip times (a result of the topology and congestion) are
- more agressive in acquiring network bandwidth.
- subsection{Other One-Way TCP Senders}
- paragraph{Reno TCP}
- The Reno TCP agent is very similar to the Tahoe TCP agent,
- except it also includes {em fast recovery}, where the current
- congestion window is ``inflated'' by the number of duplicate ACKs
- the TCP sender has received before receiving a new ACK.
- A ``new ACK'' refers to any ACK with a value higher than the higest
- seen so far.
- In addition, the Reno TCP agent does not return to slow-start during
- a fast retransmit.
- Rather, it reduces sets the congestion window to half the current
- window and resets {tt ssthresh_} to match this value.
- paragraph{Newreno TCP}
- This agent is based on the Reno TCP agent, but which modifies the
- action taken when receiving new ACKS.
- In order to exit fast recovery, the sender must receive an ACK for the
- highest sequence number sent.
- Thus, new ``partial ACKs'' (those which represent new ACKs but do not
- represent an ACK for all outstanding data) do not deflate the window
- (and possibly lead to a stall, characteristic of Reno).
- paragraph{Vegas TCP}
- This agent implements ``Vegas'' TCP (cite{Brak94:TCP,Brak94a:TCP}).
- It was contributed by Ted Kuo.
- paragraph{Sack TCP}
- This agent implements selective repeat, based on selective ACKs provided
- by the receiver.
- It follows the ACK scheme described in cite{rfc2018}, and was developed
- with Matt Mathis and Jamshid Mahdavi.
- paragraph{Fack TCP}
- This agent implements ``forward ACK'' TCP, a modification of Sack
- TCP described in cite{Math96:Forward}.
- paragraph{Linux TCP}
- This agent runs TCP congestion control modules imported from Linux kernel.
- The agent generates simulation results that are consistent, in congestion window trajectory level, with the behavior of Linux hosts.
- Simulation users can update or import new congestion control modules from Linux kernel source code for this agent.
- The Linux congestion control modules are compiled into the NS-2 binary. Users can select different congestion control algorithms, different
- congestion control module parameters, and different Linux TCP parameters for different instances of this agent.
- This agent supports SACK. A receiver that supports SACK is recommended to work with this agent.
- There is a tutorial for using this agent in cite{Wei07NSLinuxTutorial}.
- The implementation of this agent loosely follows the Linux TCP packet processing routine and calls the congestion control source
- codes from Linux kernel to change congestion control related parameters (e.g. congestion window, slow start threshold and etc).
- The design and implementation details are described in cite{WeiCao06NSLinuxTCP}.
- To achieve simulation results close to Linux performance, this agent changes the default values of the following parameters
- according to the Linux parameters:
- begin{program}
- Agent/TCP/Linux set maxrto_ 120
- Agent/TCP/Linux set ts_resetRTO_ true
- Agent/TCP/Linux set delay_growth_ false
- end{program}
- section{TCP Receivers (sinks)}
- The TCP senders described above represent one-way data senders.
- They must peer with a ``TCP sink'' object.
- subsection{The Base TCP Sink}
- The base TCP sink object ({tt Agent/TCPSink})
- is responsible for returning ACKs to
- a peer TCP source object.
- It generates one ACK per packet received.
- The size of the ACKs may be configured.
- The creation and configuration of the TCP sink object
- is generally performed automatically by a library
- call (see {tt create-connection} above).
- paragraph{configuration parameters}
- begin{program}
- Agent/TCPSink set packetSize_ 40
- end{program}
- subsection{Delayed-ACK TCP Sink}
- A delayed-ACK sink object ({tt Agent/Agent/TCPSink/DelAck}) is available
- for simulating a TCP receiver that ACKs less than once per packet received.
- This object contains a bound variable {tt interval_} which gives the
- number of seconds to wait between ACKs.
- The delayed ACK sink implements an agressive ACK policy whereby
- only ACKs for in-order packets are delayed.
- Out-of-order packets cause immediate ACK generation.
- paragraph{configuration parameters}
- begin{program}
- Agent/TCPSink/DelAck set interval_ 100ms
- end{program}
- subsection{Sack TCP Sink}
- The selective-acknowledgment TCP sink ({tt Agent/TCPSink/Sack1}) implements
- SACK generation modeled after the description of SACK in RFC 2018.
- This object includes a bound variable {tt maxSackBlocks_} which gives
- the maximum number of blocks of information in an ACK available for
- holding SACK information.
- The default value for this variable is 3, in accordance with the expected
- use of SACK with RTTM (see RFC 2018, section 3).
- Delayed and selective ACKs together are implemented by
- an object of type {tt Agent/TCPSink/Sack1/DelAck}.
- paragraph{configuration parameters}
- begin{program}
- Agent/TCPSink set maxSackBlocks_ 3
- end{program}
- section{Two-Way TCP Agents (FullTcp)}
- label{sec:fulltcp}
- The {tt Agent/TCP/FullTcp} object is a new addition to the suite of
- TCP agents supported in the simulator and is still under development.
- It is different from (and incompatible with) the other agents, but
- does use some of the same architecture.
- It differs from these agents in the following ways:
- following ways:
- begin{itemize}itemsep0pt
- item connections may be establised and town down
- (SYN/FIN packets are exchanged)
- item bidirectional data transfer is supported
- item sequence numbers are in bytes rather than packets
- end{itemize}
- The generation of SYN packets (and their ACKs) can be
- of critical importance in trying to model real-world behavior
- when using many very short data transfers.
- This version of TCP currently defaults to sending
- data on the 3rd segment of an initial 3-way handshake, a behavior
- somewhat different than common real-world TCP implementations.
- A ``typical'' TCP connection proceeds with an active opener
- sending a SYN, the passive opener responding with a SYN+ACK,
- the active opener responding with an ACK, and then some time later
- sending the first segment with data (corresponding to the first
- application write).
- Thus, this version of TCP sends data at a time somewhat earlier
- than typical implementations.
- This TCP can also be configured to send data on the initial SYN
- segment.
- Future changes to FullTCP may include a modification to send the
- first data segment later, and possibly to implement T/TCP functionality.
- Currently FullTCP is only implemented with Reno congestion control,
- but ultimately it should be available with the full range of
- congestion control algorithms (e.g., Tahoe, SACK, Vegas, etc.).
- subsection{Simple Configuration}
- label{sec:simpleconfig}
- Running an Full TCP simulation requires
- creating and configuring the agent,
- attaching an application-level data source (a traffic generator), and
- starting the agent and the traffic generator.
- paragraph{Creating the Agent}
- begin{program}
- # {cf set up connection (do not use "create-connection" method because }
- # {cf we need a handle on the sink object)}
- set src [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp] ; create agent;
- set sink [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp] ; create agent;
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(s1) $src ; bind src to node;
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(k1) $sink ; bind sink to node;
- $src set fid_ 0 ; set flow ID field;
- $sink set fid_ 0 ; set flow ID field;
- $ns_ connect $src $sink ; active connection src to sink;
- # {cf set up TCP-level connections}
- $sink listen ; will figure out who its peer is;
- $src set window_ 100;
- end{program}
- The creation of the FullTcp agent is similar to the other agents,
- but the sink is placed in a listening state by the {tt listen} method.
- Because a handle to the receiving side is required in order to make
- this call, the {tt create-connection} call used above cannot be used.
- paragraph{Configuration Parameters}
- The following configuration parameters are available through Tcl
- for the FullTcp agent:
- begin{program}
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set segsperack_ 1 ; segs received before generating ACK;
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set segsize_ 536 ; segment size (MSS size for bulk xfers);
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set tcprexmtthresh_ 3 ; dupACKs thresh to trigger fast rexmt;
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set iss_ 0 ; initial send sequence number;
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set nodelay_ false ; disable sender-side Nagle algorithm;
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set data_on_syn_ false ; send data on initial SYN?;
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set dupseg_fix_ true ; avoid fast rxt due to dup segs+acks;
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set dupack_reset_ false ; reset dupACK ctr on !0 len data segs containing dup ACKs;
- Agent/TCP/FullTcp set interval_ 0.1 ; as in TCP above, (100ms is non-std);
- end{program}
- subsection{BayFullTcp}
- label{sec:bayfulltcp}
- A different implementation of two-way TCP has been ported into ns from Kathy Nicholes/Van Jacobson's group. It is called BayFullTcp. The basic difference between BayFullTcp and FullTcp (the two-way tcp version already present in ns) are as follows:
- begin{itemize}
- item BayTcp supports a client-server application model while FullTcp makes no assumption about its application layer.
- item The tcp-application interface is different for both;
- item FullTcp supports partial ack (BayTcp doesn't).
- item FullTcp supports different flavors of tcp (tahoe, reno etc) which is not the case for baytcp.
- item Both implementations have different set of API's .
- end{itemize}
- There might be other finer differences between the two as well.
- One of our future plans is to redefine the APIs to allow fulltcp to use
- baytcp's client-server model.
- section{Architecture and Internals}
- label{sec:tcparchitecture}
- The base TCP agent (class {tt Agent/TCP}) is constructed
- as a collection of routines for sending packets, processing ACKs,
- managing the send window, and handling timeouts.
- Generally, each of these routines may be over-ridden by a
- function with the same name in a derived class (this is how
- many of the TCP sender variants are implemented).
- paragraph{The TCP header}
- The TCP header is defined by the {tt hdr_tcp} structure
- in the file nsf{tcp.h}.
- The base agent only makes use of the following subset of the fields:
- begin{program}
- ts_ * current time packet was sent from source */
- ts_echo_ * for ACKs: timestamp field from packet associated with this ACK */
- seqno_ * sequence number for this data segment or ACK (Note: overloading!) */
- reason_ * set by sender when (re)transmitting to trace reason for send */
- end{program}
- paragraph{Functions for Sending Data}
- Note that generally the sending TCP never actually sends
- data (it only sets the packet size).
- {bf send_much(force, reason, maxburst)} - this function
- attempts to send as many packets as the current sent window allows.
- It also keeps track of how many packets it has sent, and limits to the
- total to {em maxburst}. \
- The function {tt output(seqno, reason)} sends one packet
- with the given sequence number and updates the maximum sent sequence
- number variable ({tt maxseq_}) to hold the given sequence number if
- it is the greatest sent so far.
- This function also assigns the various fields in the TCP
- header (sequence number, timestamp, reason for transmission).
- This function also sets a retransmission timer if one is not already
- pending.
- paragraph{Functions for Window Management}
- The usable send window at any time is given by the function {bf window()}.
- It returns the minimum of the congestion window and the variable {tt wnd_},
- which represents the receiver's advertised window.
- {bf opencwnd()} - this function opens the congestion window. It is invoked
- when a new ACK arrives.
- When in slow-start, the function merely increments {tt cwnd_} by each
- ACK received.
- When in congestion avoidance, the standard configuration increments {tt cwnd_}
- by its reciprocal.
- Other window growth options are supported during congestion avoidance,
- but they are experimental (and not documented; contact Sally Floyd for
- details).
- {bf closecwnd(int how)} - this function reduces the congestion window. It
- may be invoked in several ways: when entering fast retransmit, due to
- a timer expiration, or due to a congestion notification (ECN bit set).
- Its argument {tt how} indicates how the congestion window should
- be reduced. The value {bf 0} is used for retransmission timeouts and
- fast retransmit in Tahoe TCP. It typically causes the TCP to enter
- slow-start and reduce {tt ssthresh_} to half the current window.
- The value {bf 1} is used by Reno TCP for implementing fast recovery
- (which avoids returning to slow-start).
- The value {bf 2} is used for reducing the window due to an ECN indication.
- It resets the congestion window to its initial value (usually causing
- slow-start), but does not alter {tt ssthresh_}.
- paragraph{Functions for Processing ACKs}
- {bf recv()} - this function is the main reception path for ACKs.
- Note that because only one direction of data flow is in use, this function
- should only ever be invoked with a pure ACK packet (i.e. no data).
- The function stores the timestamp from the ACK in {tt ts_peer_}, and
- checks for the presence of the ECN bit (reducing the send window if
- appropriate).
- If the ACK is a new ACK, it calls {bf newack()}, and otherwise
- checks to see if it is a duplicate of the last ACK seen.
- If so, it enters fast retransmit by closing the window, resetting the
- retransmission timer, and sending a packet by calling {tt send_much}.
- {bf newack()} - this function processes a ``new'' ACK (one that contains
- an ACK number higher than any seen so far).
- The function sets a new retransmission timer by calling {bf newtimer()},
- updates the RTT estimation by calling {bf rtt_update}, and updates
- the highest and last ACK variables.
- paragraph{Functions for Managing the Retransmission Timer}
- These functions serve two purposes: estimating the round-trip time
- and setting the actual retransmission timer.
- {bf rtt_init} - this function initializes {tt srtt_} and {tt rtt_}
- to zero, sets {tt rttvar_} to $3/tcp_tick_$, and sets the backoff
- multiplier to one.
- {bf rtt_timeout} - this function gives the timeout value in seconds that
- should be used to schedule the next retransmission timer.
- It computes this based on the current estimates of the mean and deviation
- of the round-trip time. In addition, it implements Karn's
- exponential timer backoff for multiple consecutive retransmission timeouts.
- {bf rtt_update} - this function takes as argument the measured RTT
- and averages it in to the running mean and deviation estimators
- according to the description above.
- Note that {tt t_srtt_} and {tt t_rttvar} are both
- stored in fixed-point (integers).
- They have 3 and 2 bits, respectively, to the right of the binary
- point.
- {bf reset_rtx_timer} - This function is invoked during fast retransmit
- or during a timeout.
- It sets a retransmission timer
- by calling {tt set_rtx_timer} and if invoked by a timeout also calls
- {tt rtt_backoff}.
- {bf rtt_backoff} - this function backs off the retransmission timer
- (by doubling it).
- {bf newtimer} - this function called only when a new ACK arrives.
- If the sender's left window edge is beyond the ACK, then
- {tt set_rtx_timer} is called, otherwise if a retransmission timer
- is pending it is cancelled.
- section{Tracing TCP Dynamics}
- label{sec:traceTcpdyn}
- The behavior of TCP is often observed by constructing a
- sequence number-vs-time plot.
- Typically, a trace is performed by enabling tracing on a link
- over which the TCP packets will pass.
- Two trace methods are supported: the default one (used for tracing
- TCP agents), and an extension used only for FullTcP.
- section{One-Way Trace TCP Trace Dynamics}
- label{sec:trace1WayTcpdyn}
- TCP packets generated by one of the one-way TCP agents and destined for
- a TCP sink agent
- passing over a traced link (see section~ref{chap:trace})
- will generate a trace file lines of the form:
- begin{verbatim}
- + 0.94176 2 3 tcp 1000 ------ 0 0.0 3.0 25 40
- + 0.94276 2 3 tcp 1000 ------ 0 0.0 3.0 26 41
- d 0.94276 2 3 tcp 1000 ------ 0 0.0 3.0 26 41
- + 0.95072 2 0 ack 40 ------ 0 3.0 0.0 14 29
- - 0.95072 2 0 ack 40 ------ 0 3.0 0.0 14 29
- - 0.95176 2 3 tcp 1000 ------ 0 0.0 3.0 21 36
- + 0.95176 2 3 tcp 1000 ------ 0 0.0 3.0 27 42
- end{verbatim}
- The exact format of this trace file is given in section~ref{sec:traceformat}.
- When tracing TCP, packets of type {sf tcp} or {sf ack} are relevant.
- Their type, size, sequence number (ack number for ack packets),
- and arrival/depart/drop time are given by field positions
- 5, 6, 11, and 2, respectively.
- The {sf +} indicates a packet arrival, {sf d} a drop, and {sf -} a
- departure.
- A number of scripts process this file to produce graphical output or
- statistical summaries (see, for example, nsf{test-suite.tcl}, the
- {tt finish} procedure.
- section{One-Way Trace TCP Trace Dynamics}
- label{sec:tcpdyn}
- TCP packets generated by FullTcp and
- passing over a traced link contain additional information not displayed
- by default using the regular trace object.
- By enabling the flag {tt show_tcphdr_} on the trace object
- (see section~ref{sec:traceformat}), 3 additional header fields are
- written to the trace file: ack number, tcp-specific flags, and header length.
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:tcpcommand}
- The following is a list of commands used to setup/manipulate TCP flows
- for simulations:
- begin{flushleft}
- code{set tcp0 [new Agent/TCP]}\
- This creates an instance of a TCP agent. There are several flavors of
- TCP-sender and TCP-receiver (or sink) agent currently implemented in ns.
- TCP-senders currently available are:
- Agent/TCP, Agent/TCP/Reno, Agent/TCP/Newreno, Agent/TCP/Sack1, Agent/TCP/Vegas,
- Agent/TCP/Fack. \
- TCP-receivers currently available are:
- Agent/TCPSink, Agent/TCPSink/DelAck, Agent/TCPSink/Sack1,
- Agent/TCPSink/Sack1/DelAck.\
- There is also a two-way implementation of tcp called Agent/TCP/FullTcp. For
- details on the different TCP flavors see earlier sections of this chapter.
- Configuration parameters for TCP flows maybe set as follows:\
- code{$tcp set window_ <wnd-size>}\
- For all possible configuration parameters available for TCP see section
- ref{sec:other-tcp-config}. The default configuration values can also be
- found in ns/tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl.
- Following is an example of a simple TCP connection setup:
- begin{program}
- set tcp [new Agent/TCP] ; create tcp agent;
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(s1) $tcp ; bind src to node;
- $tcp set fid_ 0 ; set flow ID field;
- set ftp [new Application/FTP] ; create ftp traffic;
- $ftp attach-agent $tcp ; bind ftp traffic to tcp agent;
- set sink [new Agent/TCPSink] ; create tcpsink agent;
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(k1) $sink ; bind sink to node;
- $sink set fid_ 0 ; set flow ID field;
- $ns_ connect $ftp $sink ; active connection src to sink;
- $ns_ at $start-time "$ftp start" ; start ftp flow;
- end{program}
- For an example of setting up a full-tcp connection see section
- ref{sec:simpleconfig}.
- end{flushleft}
- endinput