- section{Queue/JoBS}
- label{sec:jobsx}
- emph{JoBS is developed and contributed by Nicolas Christin <>}
- This chapter describes the implementation of the Joint Buffer Management
- and Scheduling (JoBS) algorithm in {em ns}. This chapter is in three parts.
- The first part summarizes the objectives of the JoBS algorithm. The second
- part explains how to configure a JoBS queue in {em ns}. The third part
- focuses on the tracing mechanisms implemented for JoBS.
- The procedures and functions described in this chapter can be found in
- ns/jobs.{cc, h},
- ns/marker.{cc, h},
- ns/demarker.{cc, h}.
- Example scripts can be found
- in ns/tcl/ex/jobs-{lossdel, cn2002}.tcl.
- noindent Additional information
- can be found at
- subsection{The JoBS algorithm}
- This section gives an overview of the objectives the JoBS algorithm
- aims at achieving, and of the mechanisms employed to reach these
- objectives. The original JoBS algorithm, as described in
- cite{LiCh01}, was using the solution to a non-linear optimization
- problem. This {em ns-2} implementation uses the feedback-control
- based heuristic described in cite{ChLiAb02a}.
- noindent{em Important Note:}
- This {em ns-2} implementation results from the
- merge between old code for {em ns-2.1b5}, and code derived from the
- BSD kernel-level
- implementation of the JoBS algorithm. {bf It is still considered experimental.}
- Due to the absence of binding facilities for arrays
- between Tcl and C++ in {em tclcl} at the moment, {em the number of
- traffic classes is
- statically set to 4 and cannot be changed without modifying the C++ code.}
- subsubsection{Objective}
- The objective of the JoBS algorithm is to provide absolute and
- relative (proportional) loss and delay differentiation independently
- at each node for {em classes} of traffic. JoBS therefore provides
- service guarantees on a {em per-hop} basis. The set of performance
- requirements are specified to the algorithm as a set of per-class
- Qualtiy of Service (QoS) constraints. As an example, for three
- classes, the QoS constraints could be of the form:
- begin{itemize}
- item{$mbox{Class-1 Delay} approx 2 cdot mbox{Class-2 Delay}$},
- item{$mbox{Class-2 Loss Rate} approx 10^{-1} cdotmbox{Class-3 Loss Rate}$, or}
- item{$mbox{Class-3 Delay} leq 5~ms$.}
- end{itemize}
- Here, the first two constraints are relative constraints and the last
- one is an absolute constraint. The set of constraints can be
- any mix of relative and absolute constraints.
- More specifically, JoBS supports the five following types of constraints:
- begin{itemize}
- item{{bf Relative delay constraints (RDC)} specify a proportional
- delay differentiation between classes. As an example, for two classes $1$ and $2$, the RDC enforces a relationship
- [
- frac{mbox{Delay of Class 2}}{mbox{Delay of Class 1}}approx mbox{constant} .nonumber
- ]
- }
- item{{bf Absolute delay constraints (ADC)}: An ADC on class~$i$ requires that the delays of class~$i$ satisfy a worst-case bound $d_i$.}
- item{{bf Relative loss constraints (RLC)} specify a proportional
- loss differentiation between classes.}
- item{{bf Absolute loss constraints (ALC)}: An ALC on class~$i$ requires that the loss rate of class~$i$ be bounded by an upper bound $L_i$.}
- item{{bf Absolute rate constraints (ARC)}: An ARC on class~$i$ means that the throughput of class~$i$ is bounded by a lower bound $mu_i$.}
- end{itemize}
- JoBS does not rely on admission control or traffic policing, nor does it
- make any assumption on traffic arrivals.
- Therefore, a system of constraints may become infeasible, and
- some constraints may need to be relaxed.
- QoS constraints are prioritized in the following order.
- [
- mbox{ALC} > mbox{ADC, ARC} > mbox{Relative Constraints} .
- ]
- That is, if JoBS is unable to satisfy both absolute and relative constraints,
- it will give preference to the absolute constraints.
- subsubsection{Mechanisms}
- JoBS performs scheduling and buffer management in a
- single pass. JoBS dynamically allocates service rates to
- classes in order to satisfy the delay constraints. The service rates needed
- for enforcing absolute delay constraints
- are allocated upon each packet arrival,
- while service rates derived from
- relative delay constraints are computed only
- every $N$ packet arrivals. If no feasible
- service rate allocation existsfootnote{For instance,
- if the sum of the service
- rates needed is greater than the output link capacity.},
- or if the packet buffer overflows,
- packets are dropped according to the loss constraints.
- The service rates are translated into packet scheduling decisions by
- an algorithm resembling Deficit Round Robin. That is, the scheduler
- tries to achieve the desired service rates by keeping track of the
- difference between the actual transmission rate for each class and the
- desired service rate for each class. Scheduling in JoBS is work-conserving.
- subsection{Configuration}
- Running a JoBS simulation requires to create and configure the JoBS
- ``link(s)'', to create and configure the Markers and Demarkers in charge
- of marking/demarking the traffic, to attach an application-level data
- source (traffic generator), and to start the traffic generator.
- subsubsection{Initial Setup}
- begin{program}
- set ns [new Simulator] ; preamble initialization;
- {bfseries{}Queue/JoBS set drop_front_ false} ; use drop-tail;
- {bfseries{}Queue/JoBS set trace_hop_ true} ; enable statistic traces;
- {bfseries{}Queue/JoBS set adc_resolution_type_ 0} ; see ``commands at a glance'';
- {bfseries{}Queue/JoBS set shared_buffer_ 1} ; all classes share a common buffer;
- {bfseries{}Queue/JoBS set mean_pkt_size_ 4000}; we expect to receive 500-Byte pkts;
- {bfseries{}Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs1_ 0}; reset arrivals everywhere;
- {bfseries{}Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs2_ 0}
- {bfseries{}Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs3_ 0}
- {bfseries{}Queue/Demarker set demarker_arrvs4_ 0}
- {bfseries{}Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs1_ 0}
- {bfseries{}Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs2_ 0}
- {bfseries{}Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs3_ 0}
- {bfseries{}Queue/Marker set marker_arrvs4_ 0}
- set router(1) [$ns node] ; set first router;
- set router(2) [$ns node] ; set second router;
- set source [$ns node] ; set source;
- set sink [$ns node] ; set traffic sink;
- set bw 10000000 ; 10 Mbps;
- set delay 0.001 ; 1 ms;
- set buff 500 ; 500 packets;
- end{program}
- subsubsection{Creating the JoBS links}
- begin{program}
- {bfseries{}$ns duplex-link $router(1) $router(2) $bw $delay JoBS} ; Creates the JoBS link;
- $ns_ queue-limit $router(1) $router(2) $buff
- set l [$ns_ get-link $router(1) $router(2)]
- set q [$l queue]
- {bfseries{}$q init-rdcs -1 2 2 2} ; Classes 2, 3 and 4 are bound by proportional delay differentiation with a factor of 2;
- {bfseries{}$q init-rlcs -1 2 2 2} ; Classes 2, 3 and 4 are bound by proportional loss differentiation with a factor of 2;
- {bfseries{}$q init-alcs 0.01 -1 -1 -1} ; Class 1 is provided with a loss rate bound of 1%;
- {bfseries{}$q init-adcs 0.005 -1 -1 -1} ; Class 1 is provided with a delay bound of 5 ms;
- {bfseries{}$q init-arcs -1 -1 -1 500000} ; Class 4 is provided with a minimumthroughput of 500 Kbps;
- {bfseries{}$q link [$l link]} ; The link is attached to the queue (required);
- {bfseries{}$q trace-file jobstrace} ; Trace per-hop, per-class metrics to the file jobstrace;
- {bfseries{}$q sampling-period 1} ; Reevaluate rate allocation upon each arrival;
- {bfseries{}$q id 1}; Assigns an ID of 1 to the JoBS queue;
- {bfseries{}$q initialize}; Proceed with the initialization;
- end{program}
- subsubsection{Marking the traffic}
- Marking the traffic is handled by Marker objects. Markers are FIFO queues that
- set the class index of each packet. To ensure accuracy of the simulations,
- it is best to configure these queues to have a very large buffer, so that no
- packets are dropped in the Marker. Demarkers are used to gather end-to-end
- delay statistics.
- begin{program}
- {bfseries{}$ns_ simplex-link $source $router(1) $bw $delay Marker} ; set-up marker;
- $ns_ queue-limit $source $router(1) [expr $buff*10] ; Select huge buffers for markers;
- $ns_ queue-limit $router(1) $source [expr $buff*10] ; to avoid traffic drops;
- set q [$ns_ get-queue $source $router(1)] ;in the marker;
- {bfseries{}$q marker_type 2} ; Statistical marker;
- {bfseries{}$q marker_frc 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4} ; 10% Class 1, 20% Class 2, 30% Class 3, 40% Class 4.;
- {bfseries{}$ns_ simplex-link $router(2) $sink $bw $delay Demarker} ; set-up demarker;
- $ns_ queue-limit $router(2) $sink [expr $buff*10]
- {bfseries{}$q trace-file e2e} ; trace end-to-end delays to file e2e;
- end{program}
- The remaining steps (attaching agents and traffic generators or applications
- to the nodes) are explained in
- Chapters~ref{sec:agents} and ref{chap:applications}, and are handled as
- usual. We refer to these chapters and the example scripts provided with your
- {em ns} distribution.
- subsection{Tracing}
- Tracing in JoBS is handled internally, by the scheduler.
- Each JoBS queue can generate a
- trace file containing the following information.
- Each line of the tracefile consists of 17 columns. The first column is the
- simulation time, columns 2 to 5 represent the loss rates over the current busy
- period for classes 1 to 4, columns 6 to 9 represent the delays for each class
- (average over a 0.5 seconds sliding window), columns 10 to 13 represent the
- average service rates allocated to each class over the last 0.5 seconds, and
- columns 14 to 17 represent the instantaneous queue length in packets.
- Additionally, Demarkers can be used to trace end-to-end delays.
- subsection{Variables}
- This section summarizes the variables that are used by JoBS, Marker and Demarker objects.
- subsubsection{JoBS objects}
- begin{description}
- item[trace_hop_] Can be true or false. If set to true, per-hop, per-class metrics will be traced. (Trace files have then to be specified, using code{<JoBS object> trace-file <filename>}.) Defaults to false.
- item[drop_front_] Can be true or false. If set to true, traffic will be dropped from the front of the queue. Defaults to false (drop-tail).
- item[adc_resolution_type_] Can be 0 or 1.
- If set to 0, traffic will be dropped from classes that have an ADC if the ADC
- cannot be met by adjusting the service rates. If set to 1, traffic will be
- dropped from all classes. A resolution mode set to
- 1 is therefore fairer, in the sense that the pain is shared by all classes,
- but can lead to more deadline violations. Defaults to 0.
- item[shared_buffer_] Can be 0 or 1. If set to 0, all classes use a separate
- per-class
- buffer (which is required if only rate guarantees are to provided). All
- per-class buffers have the same size.
- If set to
- 1, all classes share the same buffer (which is required if loss differentiation
- is to be provided). Defaults to 1.
- item[mean_pkt_size_]
- Used to set the expected mean packet size of packets arriving at a JoBS link.
- Setting this variable is required to ensure proper delay differentiation.
- end{description}
- subsubsection{Marker objects}
- begin{description}
- item[marker_arrvs1_]
- Number of Class-1 packets to have entered a Marker link.
- item[marker_arrvs2_]
- Number of Class-2 packets to have entered a Marker link.
- item[marker_arrvs3_]
- Number of Class-3 packets to have entered a Marker link.
- item[marker_arrvs4_]
- Number of Class-4 packets to have entered a Marker link.
- end{description}
- subsubsection{Demarker objects}
- begin{description}
- item[demarker_arrvs1_]
- Number of Class-1 packets to have entered a Demarker link.
- item[demarker_arrvs2_]
- Number of Class-2 packets to have entered a Demarker link.
- item[demarker_arrvs3_]
- Number of Class-3 packets to have entered a Demarker link.
- item[demarker_arrvs4_]
- Number of Class-4 packets to have entered a Demarker link.
- end{description}
- subsection{Commands at a glance}
- The following is a list of commands used to configure the JoBS, Marker and
- Demarker objects.
- subsubsection{JoBS objects}
- begin{flushleft}
- code{set q [new Queue/JoBS]}\
- This creates an instance of the JoBS queue.
- code{$q init-rdcs <k1> <k2> <k3> <k4>}\
- This assigns the RDCs for the four JoBS classes. For instance, using a value
- of 4 for k2 means that Class-3 delays will be roughly equal to four times
- Class-2 delays. A value of -1 indicates that
- the class is not concerned by RDCs.
- noindent{em Important Note:} Since RDCs bound two classes, one would
- expect only three parameters to be passed (k1, k2, and k3, since k4
- theoretically binds Classes 4 and 5, and Class~5 does not exist).
- However, in this prototype implementation, it is imperative to specify a value
- different from 0 and -1 to k4 if Class~4 is to be concerned by RDCs.
- noindent{em Examples:} code{$q init-rdcs -1 2 1 -1} specifies that classes~2 and 3
- are bound by a delay differentiation factor of 2, code{$q init-rdcs 4 4 4 4}
- specifies that all classes are bound by a delay differentiation factor of 4 and
- is equivalent to code{$q init-rdcs 4 4 4 1}, since the last coefficient is
- only used to specify that Class~4 is to be bound by proportional
- differentiation.
- code{$q init-rlcs <k'1> <k'2> <k'3> <k'4>}\
- This assigns the RLCs for the four JoBS classes.
- For instance, using a value
- of 3 for k1 means that Class-2 loss rates will be roughly equal to four times
- Class-2 loss rates.
- A value of -1 indicates that
- the class is not concerned by RLCs. As with RDCs, each RLC binds two classes,
- thus, one would
- expect only three parameters to be passed (k'1, k'2, and k'3, since k'4
- theoretically bounds Classes 4 and 5, and Class~5 does not exist).
- As explained above, it is imperative to specify a value
- different from 0 and -1 to k'4 if Class~4 is to be concerned by RLCs.
- code{$q init-alcs <L1> <L2> <L3> <L4>}\
- This assigns the absolute loss guarantees (ALCs) to all four classes. L1 to L4
- are given in fraction of 1. For instance, setting L1 to 0.05 means that Class-1
- loss rate will be guarantees to be less than 5%. A value of -1 indicates that
- the corresponding class is not subject to an ALC.
- code{$q init-adcs <D1> <D2> <D3> <D4>}\
- This assigns the absolute loss guarantees (ADCs) to all four classes. D1 to D4
- are given in milliseconds. A value of -1 indicates that
- the corresponding class is not subject to an ADC.
- code{$q trace-file <filename>}\
- This specifies the trace file for all per-hop metrics. JoBS uses an internal
- module to trace
- loss and delays, service rates, and per-class queue lengths in packets.
- If filename is set to {bf null}, no trace will be provided.
- code{$q link [<link-object> link]}\
- This command is required to bind a link to a JoBS queue. Note that JoBS needs
- to know the capacity of the link. Thus,
- this command {bf has to} be issued before
- the simulation is started.
- code{$q sampling-period <sampling-interval>}\
- This command specifies the sampling interval (in packets) at which the service
- rate adjustments for proportional differentiation will be performed. The
- default is a sampling interval of 1 packet, meaning that the rate allocation
- is reevaluated upon each packet arrival. Larger sampling intervals speed up
- the simulations, but typically result in poorer proportional differentiation.
- code{$q id <num_id>}\
- This command affects a numerical ID to the JoBS queue.
- code{$q initialize}\
- This command is required, and should be run after all configuration operations
- have been performed.
- This command will perform the final checks and configuration of the JoBS queue.
- code{$q copyright-info}\
- Displays authors and copyright information.
- A simple example script (with nam output), fully annotated and commented
- can be found in ns/tcl/ex/jobs-lossdel.tcl.
- A more realistic example of a simulation with JoBS queues can be found in
- ns/tcl/ex/jobs-cn2002.tcl. This script is very similar to what was used in
- a simulation presented in cite{LiCh02}.
- Associated tracefiles and {em gnuplot} scripts for visualization (in case you
- favor {em gnuplot} over {em xgraph}
- can be found in ns/tcl/ex/jobs-lossdel, and ns/tcl/ex/jobs-cn2002.
- end{flushleft}
- subsubsection{Marker objects}
- code{$q marker_type <1|2>}\
- Selects the type of marker. 1 is DETERMINISTIC, 2 is STATISTICAL.
- code{$q marker_class <1|2|3|4>}\
- For a deterministic marker, selects which class packets should be marked with.
- code{$q marker_frc <f1> <f2> <f3> <f4>}\
- For a statistical marker, gives the fraction of packets that should be marked
- from each class. For instance, using 0.1 for f1 means that 10 percent of the
- traffic coming to the Marker link will be marked as Class 1.
- subsubsection{Demarker objects}
- code{$q trace-file <filename>}\
- This command specifies the trace file used for the demarker object.
- filename.1 will contain the end-to-end
- delays of each Class-1 packet to have reached the
- Demarker link, filename.2 will contain the end-to-end
- delays of each Class-2 packet to have reached the
- Demarker link, and so forth. (There will of course be 4 trace files, one
- for each class.)
- endinput
- ### Local Variables:
- ### mode: latex
- ### comment-column: 60
- ### backup-by-copying-when-linked: t
- ### file-precious-flag: nil
- ### End: