- %
- % personal commentary:
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- chapter{Error Model}
- label{chap:error_model}
- This chapter describes the implementation and configuration of error
- models, which introduces packet losses into a simulation.
- In addition to the basic class ErrorModel described in details below,
- there are several other types of error modules not being
- completely documented yet,
- which include:
- begin{itemize}
- item SRMErrorModel, PGMErrorModel:
- error model for SRM and PGM.
- item ErrorModel/Trace:
- error model that reads a loss trace (instead of a math/computed model)
- item MrouteErrorModel:
- error model for multicast routing, now inherits from trace.
- item ErrorModel/Periodic:
- models periodic packet drops (drop every nth packet we see).
- This model can be conveniently combined with a flow-based classifier
- to achieve drops in particular flows
- item SelectErrorModel:
- for Selective packet drop.
- item ErrorModel/TwoState:
- Two-State: error-free and error
- item ErrorModel/TwoStateMarkov, ErrorModel/Expo, ErrorModel/Empirical:
- inerit from ErrorModel/TwoState.
- item ErrorModel/List:
- specify a list of packets/bytes to drop,
- which could be in any order.
- end{itemize}
- Their definitions can be found in nsf{queue/errmodel.{cc, h}} and
- nsf{tcl/lib/ns-errmodel.tcl, ns-default.tcl}.
- section{Implementation}
- The procedures and functions described in this section can be found in
- nsf{errmodel.{cc, h}}.
- Error model simulates link-level errors or loss by either marking the
- packet's error flag or dumping the packet to a drop target. In
- simulations, errors can be generated from a simple model such as the
- packet error rate, or from more complicated statistical and empirical models.
- To support a wide variety of models, the unit of error can be specified
- in term of packet, bits, or time-based.
- The code{ErrorModel} class is derived from the code{Connector} base
- class. As the result, it inherits some methods for hooking up objects
- such as code{target} and code{drop-target}. If the drop target
- exists, it will received corrupted packets from code{ErrorModel}.
- Otherwise, code{ErrorModel} just marks the code{error_} flag of the
- packet's common header, thereby, allowing agents to handle the loss.
- The code{ErrorModel} also defines additional Tcl method code{unit} to
- specify the unit of error and code{ranvar} to specify the random
- variable for generating errors. If not specified, the unit of error
- will be in packets, and the random variable will be uniform distributed
- from 0 to 1. Below is a simple example of creating an error model with
- the packet error rate of 1 percent (0.01):
- begin{program}
- # create a loss_module and set its packet error rate to 1 percent
- set loss_module [new ErrorModel]
- $loss_module set rate_ 0.01
- # {cf optional: set the unit and random variable}
- $loss_module unit pkt ; error unit: packets (the default);
- $loss_module ranvar [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
- # {cf set target for dropped packets}
- $loss_module drop-target [new Agent/Null]
- end{program}
- In C++, the code{ErrorModel} contains both the mechanism and policy for
- dropping packets. The packet dropping mechanism is handled by the
- code{recv} method, and packet corrupting policy is handled by the
- code{corrupt} method.
- begin{program}
- enum ErrorUnit { EU_PKT=0, EU_BIT, EU_TIME };
- class ErrorModel : public Connector {
- public:
- ErrorModel();
- void recv(Packet*, Handler*);
- virtual int corrupt(Packet*);
- inline double rate() { return rate_; }
- protected:
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- ErrorUnit eu_; * error unit in pkt, bit, or time */
- RandomVariable* ranvar_;
- double rate_;
- };
- end{program}
- The code{ErrorModel} only implements a simple policy based on a single
- error rate, either in packets of bits. More sophisticated dropping
- policy can be implemented in C++ by deriving from code{ErrorModel} and
- redefining its code{corrupt} method.
- %{bf To be completed.}
- section{Configuration}
- The previous section talked about error model, in this section we
- discuss how to use error models in ns over either wired networks or
- wireless ones.
- To use an error model for wired networks, at first it has to be
- inserted into a SimpleLink object. Because a SimpleLink is a composite
- object (Chapter ref{chap:links}), an error model can be inserted to
- many places. Currently we provide the following methods to insert an
- error module into three different places.
- begin{itemize}
- item Insert an error module in a SimpleLink BEFORE the queue module.
- This is provided by the following two OTcl methods:
- begin{alist}
- SimpleLink::errormodule args & When an error model is given
- as a parameter, it inserts the error module into the simple link,
- right after the queue module, and set the drop-target of the error
- model to be the drop trace object of the simple link. Note that
- this requires the following configuration order:
- code{ns namtrace-all}
- followed by link configurations, followed by error
- model insertion. When no argument is given, it returns the current
- error model in the link, if there's any. This method is defined in
- ns/tcl/lib/ns-link.tcl \
- Simulator::lossmodel tup{em} tup{src} tup{dst} & Call
- SimpleLink::errormodule to insert the given error module into the
- simple link (src, dst). It's simply a wrapper for the above
- method. This method is defined in ns/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl.
- end{alist}
- item Insert an error module in a SimpleLink AFTER the queue but
- BEFORE the delay link.
- This is provided by the following two methods:
- begin{alist}
- SimpleLink::insert-linkloss args & This method's behavior
- is identical to that of code{SimpleLink::errormodule}, except
- that it inserts an error module immediately after the queue
- object. It's defined in ns/tcl/lib/ns-link.tcl \
- Simulator::link-lossmodel tup{em} tup{src} tup{dst} &
- This is a wrapper for code{SimpleLink::insert-linkloss}. It's
- defined in ns/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl
- end{alist}
- The nam traces generated by error models inserted using these two
- methods do not require special treatment and can be visualized using
- an older version of nam.
- item Insert an error module in a Link AFTER the delay link module.
- This can be done by code{Link::install-error}.
- Currently this API doesn't produce any trace. It only serves as a
- placeholder for possible future extensions.
- end{itemize}
- To add an error model over wireless networks, each node can insert
- a given statistical error model either over outgoing or incoming wireless channels.
- Precisely, the instanciated error model would be stuck between mac and netif modules
- depicted in Figure ref{fig:mobilenode-dsr}. For the outgoing link, the error module
- would be pointed by downtarget_ of the above mac module while for the incoming link
- it would be linked by uptaget_ pointer of the below netif module. And in each case
- the target_ of the error module points to either the netif or the mac respectively.
- The difference of placing over the two different locations is that the outgoing causes
- all the receivers to receive the packet suffering the same degree of errors since the error is
- determined before wireless channel module copies the packet. On the other
- hand, the incoming error module lets each receiver get the packet corrupted with different
- degree of error since the error is independently computed in each error module.
- The insertion into the wireless protocol stack can be done by calling
- node-config command explained in Section~ref{sec:node:nodeconfig} with
- the two options IncomingErrrProc and OutgoingErrProc. We can use these two options
- at the same time or each one separately. The argument of the two option is the
- name of the global procedure which creates an error model object,
- feeds it with necessary initial values appropriate for the new error
- module, and finally returns the object pointer. The following shows a
- simple TCL example script to add an error module into the wireless
- protocol stack.
- begin{program}
- $ns node-config -IncomingErrProc UniformErr -OutgoingErrProc UniformErr
- proc UniformErr {} {
- set err [new ErrorModel]
- $err unit packet
- return $err
- }
- end{program}
- section{Multi-state error model}
- Contributed by Jianping Pan (
- The multi-state error model implements time-based error state
- transitions. Transitions to the next
- error state occur at the end of the duration of the current state. The
- next error state is then selected using the
- transition state matrix.
- To create a multi-state error model, the following parameters should
- be supplied (as defined in ns/tcl/lib/ns-errmodel.tcl):
- begin{itemize}
- item {tt states}: an array of states (error models).
- item {tt periods}: an array of state durations.
- item {tt trans}: the transition state model matrix.
- item {tt transunit}: one of {tt [pkt|byte|time]}.
- item {tt sttype}: type of state transitions to use: either {tt
- time} or {tt pkt}.
- item {tt nstates}: number of states.
- item {tt start}: the start state.
- end{itemize}
- Here is a simple example script to create a multi-state error model:
- begin{program}
- set tmp [new ErrorModel/Uniform 0 pkt]
- set tmp1 [new ErrorModel/Uniform .9 pkt]
- set tmp2 [new ErrorModel/Uniform .5 pkt]
- # {cf Array of states (error models)}
- set m_states [list $tmp $tmp1 $tmp2]
- # {cf Durations for each of the states, tmp, tmp1 and tmp2, respectively}
- set m_periods [list 0 .0075 .00375]
- # {cf Transition state model matrix}
- set m_transmx { {0.95 0.05 0}
- {0 0 1}
- {1 0 0} }
- set m_trunit pkt
- # {cf Use time-based transition}
- set m_sttype time
- set m_nstates 3
- set m_nstart [lindex $m_states 0]
- set em [new ErrorModel/MultiState $m_states $m_periods $m_transmx \
- $m_trunit $m_sttype $m_nstates $m_nstart]
- end{program} %$
- section{Commands at a glance}
- label{sec:errmodelcommand}
- The following is a list of error-model related commands commonly used in
- simulation scripts:
- begin{program}
- set em [new ErrorModel]
- $em unit pkt
- $em set rate_ 0.02
- $em ranvar [new RandomVariable/Uniform]
- $em drop-target [new Agent/Null]
- end{program}
- This is a simple example of how to create and configure an error model.
- The commands to place the error-model in a simple link will be shown next.
- begin{flushleft}
- code{$simplelink errormodule <args>}\
- This commands inserts the error-model before the queue object in simple link.
- However in this case the error-model's drop-target points to the link's
- code{drophead_} element.
- code{$ns_ lossmodel <em> <src> <dst>}\
- This command places the error-model before the queue in a simplelink defined
- by the <src> and <dst> nodes. This is basically a wrapper for the above method.
- code{$simplelink insert-linkloss <args>}\
- This inserts a loss-module after the queue, but right before the delay code{link_}
- element in the simple link. This is because nam can visualize a packet drop
- only if the packet is on the link or in the queue. The error-module's
- drop-target points to the link's code{drophead_} element.
- code{$ns_ link-lossmodel <em> <src> <dst>}\
- This too is a wrapper method for insert-linkloss method described above.
- That is this inserts the error-module right after the queue element in a
- simple link (src-dst).
- end{flushleft}
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