- /*
- * smac.h
- * Copyright (C) 2000 by the University of Southern California
- * $Id: smac.h,v 1.11 2005/08/25 18:58:07 johnh Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- *
- * The copyright of this module includes the following
- * linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- * this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- * dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- * libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- * included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- * license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- * requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- * license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- * terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- * other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- * that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- * source code.
- *
- * Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- * are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- * modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- * General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- * version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- * possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- * exception.
- *
- */
- // smac is designed and developed by Wei Ye (SCADDS/ISI)
- // and is ported into ns by Padma Haldar, June'02.
- // Contributors: Yuan Li
- // This module implements Sensor-MAC
- // See for details
- //
- // It has the following functions.
- // 1) Both virtual and physical carrier sense
- // 2) RTS/CTS for hidden terminal problem
- // 3) Backoff and retry
- // 4) Broadcast packets are sent directly without using RTS/CTS/ACK.
- // 5) A long unicast message is divided into multiple TOS_MSG (by upper
- // layer). The RTS/CTS reserves the medium for the entire message.
- // ACK is used for each TOS_MSG for immediate error recovery.
- // 6) Node goes to sleep when its neighbor is communicating with another
- // node.
- // 7) Each node follows a periodic listen/sleep schedule
- // 8.1) At bootup time each node listens for a fixed SYNCPERIOD and then
- // tries to send out a sync packet. It suppresses sending out of sync pkt
- // if it happens to receive a sync pkt from a neighbor and follows the
- // neighbor's schedule.
- // 8.2) Or a node can choose its own schecule instead of following others, the
- // schedule start time is user configurable
- // 9) Neighbor Discovery: in order to prevent that two neighbors can not
- // find each other due to following complete different schedules, each
- // node periodically listen for a whole period of the SYNCPERIOD
- // 10) Duty cycle is user configurable
- // New features including adaptive listen
- // See
- #ifndef NS_SMAC
- #define NS_SMAC
- //test features described in Journal paper, adaptive listen, etc
- //#ifndef JOURNAL_PAPER
- //#define JOURNAL_PAPER
- //#endif
- #include "mac.h"
- #include "mac-802_11.h"
- #include "cmu-trace.h"
- #include "random.h"
- #include "timer-handler.h"
- /* User-adjustable MAC parameters
- *--------------------------------
- * The default values can be overriden in Each application's Makefile
- * SMAC_MAX_NUM_NEIGHB: maximum number of neighbors.
- * SMAC_MAX_NUM_SCHED: maximum number of different schedules.
- * SMAC_DUTY_CYCLE: duty cycle in percentage. It controls the length of sleep
- * interval.
- * SMAC_RETRY_LIMIT: maximum number of RTS retries for sending a single message.
- * SMAC_EXTEND_LIMIT: maximum number of times to extend Tx time when ACK timeout
- happens.
- */
- #endif
- #endif
- #define SMAC_DUTY_CYCLE 10
- #endif
- #define SMAC_RETRY_LIMIT 5
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef GUARDTIME
- #define GUARDTIME 0.001
- #endif
- #endif
- /* Internal MAC parameters
- *--------------------------
- * Do NOT change them unless for tuning S-MAC
- * SYNC_CW: number of slots in the sync contention window, must be 2^n - 1
- * DATA_CW: number of slots in the data contention window, must be 2^n - 1
- * SYNC_PERIOD: period to send a sync pkt, in cycles.
- * SRCH_CYCLES_LONG: # of SYNC periods during which a node performs a neighbor discovery
- * SRCH_CYCLES_SHORT: if there is no known neighbor, a node need to seach neighbor more aggressively
- */
- #define SYNC_CW 31
- #define DATA_CW 63
- #define SYNCPERIOD 10
- #define SYNCPKTTIME 3 // an adhoc value used for now later shld converge with durSyncPkt_
- #define SRCH_CYCLES_LONG 22
- /* Physical layer parameters
- *---------------------------
- * Based on the parameters from PHY_RADIO and RADIO_CONTROL
- * CLOCK_RES: clock resolution in ms.
- * BANDWIDTH: bandwidth (bit rate) in kbps. Not directly used.
- * PRE_PKT_BYTES: number of extra bytes transmitted before each pkt. It equals
- * preamble + start symbol + sync bytes.
- * ENCODE_RATIO: output/input ratio of the number of bytes of the encoding
- * scheme. In Manchester encoding, 1-byte input generates 2-byte output.
- * PROC_DELAY: processing delay of each packet in physical and MAC layer, in ms
- */
- #define CLOCKRES 1 // clock resolution is 1ms
- //#define BYTE_TX_TIME 4/10 // 0.4 ms to tx one byte => changes when bandwidth does
- #define PRE_PKT_BYTES 5
- #define ENCODE_RATIO 2 /* Manchester encoding has 2x overhead */
- #define PROC_DELAY 1
- // Note everything is in clockticks (CLOCKRES in ms) for tinyOS
- // so we need to convert that to sec for ns
- #define CLKTICK2SEC(x) ((x) * (CLOCKRES / 1.0e3))
- #define SEC2CLKTICK(x) ((x) / (CLOCKRES / 1.0e3))
- // MAC states
- #define SLEEP 0 // radio is turned off, can't Tx or Rx
- #define IDLE 1 // radio in Rx mode, and can start Tx
- //#define CHOOSE_SCHED 2 // node in boot-up phase, needs to choose a schedule
- #define CR_SENSE 2 // medium is free, do it before initiate a Tx
- //#define BACKOFF 3 // medium is busy, and cannot Tx
- #define WAIT_CTS 3 // sent RTS, waiting for CTS
- #define WAIT_DATA 4 // sent CTS, waiting for DATA
- #define WAIT_ACK 5 // sent DATA, waiting for ACK
- #define TX_NEXT_FRAG 6 // send one fragment, waiting for next from upper layer
- #else
- #define WAIT_NEXTFRAG 6 // send one fragment, waiting for next from upper layer
- #endif
- #define DATA_SENSE1 7 // received a RTS destined to another node, keep listening until confirm sender gets a CTS or starts tx data
- #define DATA_SENSE2 8 // received a RTS destined to another node,and did not receive a RTS, keep listening until timeout or receive data
- #define TX_PKT 9 // before sending CTS/DATA/ACK, need to wait for a sifs_ time
- #endif
- // how to send the pkt: broadcast or unicast
- #define BCASTSYNC 0
- #define BCASTDATA 1
- #define UNICAST 2
- #define UNICAST_ADDR 0
- #endif
- // Types of pkt
- #define DATA_PKT 0
- #define RTS_PKT 1
- #define CTS_PKT 2
- #define ACK_PKT 3
- #define SYNC_PKT 4
- // radio states for performance measurement
- #define RADIO_SLP 0 // radio off
- #define RADIO_IDLE 1 // radio idle
- #define RADIO_RX 2 // recv'ing mode
- #define RADIO_TX 3 // transmitting mode
- /* sizeof smac datapkt hdr and smac control and sync packets */
- /* have been hardcoded here to mirror the values in TINY_OS implementation */
- /* The following is the pkt format definitions for tiny_os implementation */
- /* of smac : */
- /* typedef struct MAC_CTRLPKT_VALS{ */
- /* unsigned char length; */
- /* char type; */
- /* short addr; */
- /* unsigned char group; */
- /* short srcAddr; */
- /* unsigned char duration; */
- /* short crc; */
- /* }; */
- /* typedef struct MAC_SYNCPKT_VALS{ */
- /* unsigned char length; */
- /* char type; */
- /* short srcAddr; */
- /* short syncNode; */
- /* unsigned char sleepTime; // my next sleep time from now */
- /* short crc; */
- /* }; */
- /* struct MSG_VALS{ */
- /* unsigned char length; */
- /* char type; */
- /* short addr; */
- /* unsigned char group; */
- /* short srcAddr; */
- /* unsigned char duration; */
- /* char data[DATA_LENGTH]; */
- /* short crc; */
- /* }; */
- #define SIZEOF_SMAC_DATAPKT 50 // hdr(10) + payload - fixed size pkts
- // Following are the ns definitions of the smac frames
- struct smac_sync_frame {
- int type;
- int length;
- int srcAddr;
- //int dstAddr;
- int syncNode;
- double sleepTime; // my next sleep time from now */
- int state; // if node has changed schedule
- #endif
- int crc;
- };
- // RTS, CTS, ACK
- struct smac_control_frame {
- int type;
- int length;
- int dstAddr;
- int srcAddr;
- double duration;
- int crc;
- };
- // DATA
- struct hdr_smac {
- int type;
- int length;
- int dstAddr;
- int srcAddr;
- double duration;
- //char data[DATA_LENGTH];
- int crc;
- };
- // Used by smac when in sync mode
- struct SchedTable {
- int txSync; // flag indicating need to send sync
- int txData; // flag indicating need to send data
- int numPeriods; // count for number of periods
- int numNodes; // number of nodes on this schedule
- int syncNode; // the node who initialized this schedule
- int chkSched; // flag indicating need to check numNodes
- #endif
- };
- struct NeighbList {
- int nodeId;
- int schedId;
- int active; //flag indicating the node is active recently
- int state; // flag indicating the node has changed schedule
- #endif
- };
- class SMAC;
- // Timers used in smac
- class SmacTimer : public TimerHandler {
- public:
- SmacTimer(SMAC *a) : TimerHandler() {a_ = a; }
- virtual void expire(Event *e) = 0 ;
- int busy() ;
- protected:
- SMAC *a_;
- };
- // timer for updating neighbors periodically
- class SmacUpdateNeighbTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacUpdateNeighbTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) {}
- void expire(Event *e);
- };
- // timer for putting nodes back to sleep after Adaptive Listen
- class SmacAdaptiveListenTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacAdaptiveListenTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) {}
- void expire(Event *e);
- };
- #endif
- // Generic timer used for sync, CTS and ACK timeouts
- class SmacGeneTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacGeneTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) {}
- void expire(Event *e);
- };
- // Receive timer for receiving pkts
- class SmacRecvTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacRecvTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) { stime_ = rtime_ = 0; }
- void sched(double duration);
- void resched(double time);
- void expire(Event *e);
- double timeToExpire();
- protected:
- double stime_;
- double rtime_;
- };
- // Send timer
- class SmacSendTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacSendTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) {}
- void expire(Event *e);
- };
- // Nav- indicating if medium is busy or not
- class SmacNavTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacNavTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) {}
- void expire(Event *e);
- };
- // Neighbor nav - if neighbor is busy or not
- // used for data timeout
- class SmacNeighNavTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacNeighNavTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) { stime_ = rtime_ = 0; }
- void sched(double duration);
- void expire(Event *e);
- double timeToExpire();
- protected:
- double stime_;
- double rtime_;
- };
- // carrier sense timer
- class SmacCsTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- SmacCsTimer(SMAC *a) : SmacTimer(a) {}
- void expire(Event *e);
- void checkToCancel();
- };
- // synchronisation timer, regulates the sleep/wakeup cycles
- class SmacCounterTimer : public SmacTimer {
- public:
- friend class SMAC;
- SmacCounterTimer(SMAC *a, int i) : SmacTimer(a) {index_ = i;}
- void sched(double t);
- void expire(Event *e);
- double timeToSleep();
- protected:
- int index_;
- double value_;
- double syncTime_;
- double dataTime_;
- double listenTime_;
- double sleepTime_;
- double cycleTime_;
- double tts_;
- double stime_;
- };
- // The smac class
- class SMAC : public Mac {
- friend class SmacGeneTimer;
- friend class SmacRecvTimer;
- friend class SmacSendTimer;
- friend class SmacNavTimer;
- friend class SmacNeighNavTimer;
- friend class SmacCsTimer;
- friend class SmacCounterTimer;
- friend class SmacUpdateNeighbTimer;
- friend class SmacAdaptiveListenTimer;
- #endif
- public:
- SMAC(void);
- ~SMAC() {
- for (int i=0; i< SMAC_MAX_NUM_SCHEDULES; i++) {
- delete mhCounter_[i];
- }
- }
- void recv(Packet *p, Handler *h);
- protected:
- // functions for handling timers
- void handleUpdateNeighbTimer();
- void handleAdaptiveListenTimer();
- #endif
- void handleGeneTimer();
- void handleRecvTimer();
- void handleSendTimer();
- void handleNavTimer();
- void handleNeighNavTimer();
- void handleCsTimer();
- //void handleChkSendTimer();
- void handleCounterTimer(int i);
- // Internal MAC parameters
- double slotTime_;
- double slotTime_sec_;
- double difs_;
- double sifs_;
- double eifs_;
- double guardTime_;
- double byte_tx_time_;
- double dutyCycle_;
- private:
- // functions for node schedule folowing sleep-wakeup cycles
- void setMySched(Packet *syncpkt);
- void sleep();
- void wakeup();
- // funtions for update neighbors and schedules
- void check_schedFlag();
- void update_schedTab_neighbList();
- void update_myNeighbList();
- void update_neighbList();
- void checkMySched();
- void dump();
- #endif
- // functions for handling incoming packets
- void rxMsgDone(Packet* p);
- //void rxFragDone(Packet *p); no frag for now
- void rxFragDone(Packet *p);
- #endif
- void handleRTS(Packet *p);
- void handleCTS(Packet *p);
- void handleDATA(Packet *p);
- void handleACK(Packet *p);
- void handleSYNC(Packet *p);
- // functions for handling outgoing packets
- // check for pending data pkt to be tx'ed
- // when smac is not following SYNC (sleep-wakeup) cycles.
- int checkToSend(); // check if can send, start cs
- bool chkRadio(); // checks radiostate
- void transmit(Packet *p); // actually transmits packet
- bool sendMsg(Packet *p, Handler *h);
- bool bcastMsg(Packet *p);
- bool unicastMsg(int n, Packet *p);
- //int sendMoreFrag(Packet *p);
- void txMsgDone();
- // void txFragDone();
- // functions for handling fragmentation
- bool txNextFrag(void* data);
- void txFragDone();
- // functions for handling adaptive listen
- void adaptiveListen();
- #endif
- int startBcast();
- int startUcast();
- bool sendRTS();
- bool sendCTS(double duration);
- bool sendDATA();
- bool sendACK(double duration);
- bool sendSYNC();
- void sentRTS(Packet *p);
- void sentCTS(Packet *p);
- void sentDATA(Packet *p);
- void sentACK(Packet *p);
- void sentSYNC(Packet *p);
- // Misc functions
- void collision(Packet *p);
- void capture(Packet *p);
- double txtime(Packet *p);
- void updateNav(double duration);
- void updateNeighNav(double duration);
- void mac_log(Packet *p) {
- logtarget_->recv(p, (Handler*) 0);
- }
- void discard(Packet *p, const char* why);
- int drop_RTS(Packet *p, const char* why);
- int drop_CTS(Packet *p, const char* why);
- int drop_DATA(Packet *p, const char* why);
- int drop_SYNC(Packet *p, const char* why);
- // smac methods to set dst, src and hdr_type in pkt hdrs
- inline int hdr_dst(char* hdr, int dst = -2) {
- struct hdr_smac *sh = (struct hdr_smac *) hdr;
- if (dst > -2)
- sh->dstAddr = dst;
- return sh->dstAddr;
- }
- inline int hdr_src(char* hdr, int src = -2) {
- struct hdr_smac *sh = (struct hdr_smac *) hdr;
- if (src > -2)
- sh->srcAddr = src;
- return sh->srcAddr;
- }
- inline int hdr_type(char *hdr, u_int16_t type = 0) {
- struct hdr_smac *sh = (struct hdr_smac *) hdr;
- if (type)
- sh->type = type;
- return sh->type;
- }
- // SMAC internal variables
- NsObject* logtarget_;
- // Internal states
- int state_; // MAC state
- int radioState_; // state of radio, rx, tx or sleep
- int tx_active_;
- int mac_collision_;
- int sendAddr_; // node to send data to
- int recvAddr_; // node to receive data from
- double nav_; // network allocation vector. nav>0 -> medium busy
- double neighNav_; // track neighbors' NAV while I'm sending/receiving
- // SMAC Timers
- SmacUpdateNeighbTimer mhUpdateNeighb_; // timer for updating neighbors periodically
- SmacAdaptiveListenTimer mhAdap_; // timer for putting nodes back to sleep after adaptive listen
- #endif
- SmacNavTimer mhNav_; // NAV timer medium is free or not
- SmacNeighNavTimer mhNeighNav_; // neighbor NAV timer for data timeout
- SmacSendTimer mhSend_; // incoming packets
- SmacRecvTimer mhRecv_; // outgoing packets
- SmacGeneTimer mhGene_; // generic timer used sync/CTS/ACK timeout
- SmacCsTimer mhCS_; // carrier sense timer
- // array of countertimer, one for each schedule
- // counter tracking node's sleep/awake cycle
- SmacCounterTimer *mhCounter_[SMAC_MAX_NUM_SCHEDULES];
- int numRetry_; // number of tries for a data pkt
- int numExtend_; // number of extensions on Tx time when frags are lost
- int numFrags_; // number of fragments in this transmission
- int succFrags_; // number of successfully transmitted fragments
- #endif
- //int numFrags_; // number of fragments in this transmission
- //int succFrags_; // number of successfully transmitted fragments
- int lastRxFrag_; // keep track of last data fragment recvd to prevent duplicate data
- int howToSend_; // broadcast or unicast
- double durSyncPkt_; // duration of sync packet
- double durDataPkt_; // duration of data packet XXX caveat fixed packet size
- double durCtrlPkt_; // duration of control packet
- double timeWaitCtrl_; // set timer to wait for a control packet
- struct SchedTable schedTab_[SMAC_MAX_NUM_SCHEDULES]; // schedule table
- struct NeighbList neighbList_[SMAC_MAX_NUM_NEIGHBORS]; // neighbor list
- int mySyncNode_; // nodeid of my synchronizer
- int currSched_; // current schedule I'm talking to
- int numSched_; // number of different schedules
- int numNeighb_; // number of known neighbors
- int numBcast_; // number of times needed to broadcast a packet
- Packet *dataPkt_; // outgoing data packet
- Packet *pktRx_; // buffer for incoming pkt
- Packet *pktTx_; // buffer for outgoing pkt
- // flag to check pending data pkt for tx
- // when smac is not following SYNC (sleep-wakeup) cycles.
- int txData_ ;
- int syncFlag_; // is set to 1 when SMAC uses sleep-wakeup cycle
- int selfConfigFlag_; // is set to 0 when SMAC uses user configurable schedule start time
- double startTime_; // schedule start time (schedule starts from SYNC period)
- // sleep-wakeup cycle times
- double syncTime_;
- double dataTime_;
- double listenTime_;
- double sleepTime_;
- double cycleTime_;
- int adapTime_; // time before getting back to sleep when doing adaptive listen
- int adaptiveListen_;
- int adapSend_;
- int txRequest_;
- int dataSched_;
- int syncSched_;
- int sendAddr;
- int schedState_; // schedule state: first, second schedule...
- int globalSchedule_; // flag indicating if node is in global schedule state
- int updateNeighbList_; // flag indicating if node needs to update neighbor list
- char sendSYNCFlag_; // flag indicating if node has broadcasted SYNC packet or not
- #endif
- // neighbor discovery
- int searchNeighb_; // flag indicating if node is in neighbot discovery period
- int schedListen_; // flag indicating if node is in scheduled listen period
- int numSync_; // used to set/clear searchNeighb flag
- protected:
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- virtual int initialized() {
- return (netif_ && uptarget_ && downtarget_);
- }
- };
- #endif //NS_SMAC