- set stoptime 200.0 ; # simulation end time (seconds)
- set owdelay 10ms ; # 1-way delay
- set virtaddr ""
- #set website ""
- set website ""
- set ns [new Simulator] ; # create simulator object
- $ns use-scheduler RealTime ; # specify the real-time sync'd scheduler
- set bpf1 [new Network/Pcap/Live]; # live traffic -- read IP pkts
- set bpf2 [new Network/Pcap/Live]; # live traffic -- read IP pkts
- $bpf1 set promisc_ true ; # use promiscuous mode
- $bpf2 set promisc_ true ; # use promiscuous mode
- $bpf1 open readonly fxp0 ; # specify interface
- $bpf2 open readonly fxp0 ; # specify interface
- set ipnet [new Network/IP] ; # live traffic -- write IP pkts
- $ipnet open writeonly
- set myrealaddr [$bpf1 netaddr]
- $bpf1 filter "tcp and src $myrealaddr and dst $virtaddr"; #
- $bpf2 filter "tcp and dst $virtaddr and not src $myrealaddr";
- set pfa1 [new Agent/Tap]
- set pfa2 [new Agent/Tap]
- set ipa [new Agent/Tap]
- set outgoingNAT [new Agent/NatAgent/TCPSrcDest]
- set incomingNAT [new Agent/NatAgent/TCPSrcDest]
- $outgoingNAT source $virtaddr
- $outgoingNAT destination $website
- $incomingNAT source $virtaddr
- $incomingNAT destination $myrealaddr
- $pfa1 network $bpf1 ; # associate pf net object w/tap agent
- $pfa2 network $bpf2 ; # associate pf net object w/tap agent
- $ipa network $ipnet ; # associate ip net object w/tap agent
- # create topology in simulator
- set node0 [$ns node]
- set node1 [$ns node]
- set node2 [$ns node]
- $ns simplex-link $node0 $node2 100Mb $owdelay DropTail
- $ns simplex-link $node2 $node1 100Mb $owdelay DropTail
- # place agents in topology
- $ns attach-agent $node0 $pfa1; # packet filter agent
- $ns attach-agent $node0 $pfa2; # packet filter agent
- $ns attach-agent $node1 $ipa; # ip agent (for sending)
- $ns attach-agent $node2 $outgoingNAT
- $ns attach-agent $node2 $incomingNAT
- $ns simplex-connect $pfa1 $outgoingNAT
- $ns simplex-connect $pfa2 $incomingNAT
- $ns simplex-connect $outgoingNAT $ipa
- $ns simplex-connect $incomingNAT $ipa
- puts "[$outgoingNAT set dst_]"
- $ns gen-map
- $ns run ; # start emulation