- /* -*- c++ -*-
- packet-stamp.h
- $Id: packet-stamp.h,v 1.3 1999/03/13 03:52:58 haoboy Exp $
- Information carried by a packet to allow a receive to decide if it
- will recieve the packet or not.
- */
- #ifndef _cmu_packetstamp_h_
- #define _cmu_packetstamp_h_
- class MobileNode;
- /* to avoid a pretty wild circular dependence among header files
- (between packet.h and queue.h), I can't do the #include here:
- #include <cmu/node.h>
- Since PacketStamp is just a container class, it doesn't really matter .
- -dam 8/8/98
- */
- #include <antenna.h>
- class PacketStamp {
- public:
- PacketStamp() : ant(0), node(0), Pr(-1), lambda(-1) { }
- void init(const PacketStamp *s) {
- Antenna* ant;
- if (s->ant != NULL)
- ant = s->ant->copy();
- else
- ant = 0;
- //Antenna *ant = (s->ant) ? s->ant->copy(): 0;
- stamp(s->node, ant, s->Pr, s->lambda);
- }
- void stamp(MobileNode *n, Antenna *a, double xmitPr, double lam) {
- ant = a;
- node = n;
- Pr = xmitPr;
- lambda = lam;
- }
- inline Antenna * getAntenna() {return ant;}
- inline MobileNode * getNode() {return node;}
- inline double getTxPr() {return Pr;}
- inline double getLambda() {return lambda;}
- /* WILD HACK: The following two variables are a wild hack.
- They will go away in the next release...
- They're used by the mac-802_11 object to determine
- capture. This will be moved into the net-if family of
- objects in the future. */
- double RxPr; // power with which pkt is received
- double CPThresh; // capture threshold for recving interface
- protected:
- Antenna *ant;
- MobileNode *node;
- double Pr; // power pkt sent with
- double lambda; // wavelength of signal
- };
- #endif /* !_cmu_packetstamp_h_ */