- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "packet.h"
- // The following copied from ~tclcl/tcl2c++.c
- /*
- * Define TCL2C_INT if your compiler has problems with long strings.
- */
- #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__hpux)
- #define TCL2C_INT
- #endif
- char** p_info::name_;
- unsigned int p_info::nPkt_ = 0;
- PacketClassifier *p_info::pc_ = 0;
- int p_info::addPacket(char *name)
- {
- if(!nPkt_)
- initName();
- int newID = nPkt_-1;
- PT_NTYPE = nPkt_;
- initName();
- name_[newID] = name;
- return newID;
- }
- void
- printLine(char *s) {
- #ifdef TCL2C_INT
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++)
- if ((i > 0) && ((i % 20) == 0))
- printf("%u,n", s[i]);
- else
- printf("%u,", s[i]);
- printf("%u,%u,n", '\', 'n');
- #else
- printf("%s\n\n", s);
- #endif
- }
- char *
- lcase(const char *s) {
- static char charbuf[512];
- char* to = charbuf;
- while ((*to++ = tolower(*s++)))
- /* NOTHING */;
- *to = ' ';
- return charbuf;
- }
- int main() {
- p_info pinfo;
- #ifdef TCL2C_INT
- printf("static const char code[] = {n");
- #else
- printLine("static const char code[] = "");
- #endif
- printLine("global ptype pvals");
- printLine("set ptype(error) -1");
- printLine("set pvals(-1) error");
- char strbuf[512];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PT_NTYPE; i++) {
- sprintf(strbuf, "set ptype(%s) %d", lcase(, i);
- printLine(strbuf);
- sprintf(strbuf, "set pvals(%d) %s", i,;
- printLine(strbuf);
- }
- printLine("proc ptype2val {str} {");
- printLine("global ptype");
- printLine("set str [string tolower $str]");
- printLine("if ![info exists ptype($str)] {");
- printLine("set str error");
- printLine("}");
- printLine("set ptype($str)");
- printLine("}");
- printLine("proc pval2type {val} {");
- printLine("global pvals");
- printLine("if ![info exists pvals($val)] {");
- printLine("set val -1");
- printLine("}");
- printLine("set pvals($val)");
- printLine("}");
- #ifdef TCL2C_INT
- printf("0 };n");
- #else
- printf("";n");
- #endif
- printf("#include "config.h"n");
- printf("EmbeddedTcl et_ns_ptypes(code);n");
- return 0;
- }