- /*-*- Mode:C++; c-basic-offset:8; tab-width:8; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1997 by the University of Southern California
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation in source and binary forms for non-commercial purposes
- * and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
- * notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and
- * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. and that
- * any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related
- * to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was
- * developed by the University of Southern California, Information
- * Sciences Institute. The name of the University may not be used to
- * endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- *
- * THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA makes no representations about
- * the suitability of this software for any purpose. THIS SOFTWARE IS
- *
- * Other copyrights might apply to parts of this software and are so
- * noted when applicable.
- *
- * sgb2comns.c -- a common converter from sgb format to ns format which may be used
- * for creating hierarchical as well as flat topology.
- *
- * usage : sgb2hierns -sgb <sgbgraph.file> -out <outfile> {optional-arguments -hier 1
- * -topo <topo.file -used for scenario generation>}
- *
- * Based on sgb2ns & sgb2hierns converters
- * Maintainer: Padma Haldar (
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include "gb_graph.h"
- #include "gb_save.h"
- #include "geog.h"
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TINY 16
- #define SMALL 64
- #define MED 256
- #define LARGE 4096
- #define HUGE 655536
- void print_error();
- void parse_input(int argc, char** argv, int* flag, FILE** output);
- void sgb2hierns(Graph *g, FILE *output, FILE *topofile);
- void sgb2flatns(Graph *g, FILE *output) ;
- void create_hierarchy(Graph *g, int *domain, char *transits, int *n,
- int *l, int *q, int *stubnode, int *stubsize,
- char **address, char *node_per_cluster);
- void print_topofile(FILE *output, int domain, char *transits, int n,
- int l, int *stubnode, int *stubsize);
- void print_hier(FILE *fout, char **address, Graph *g,
- int domain, char *node_per_cluster, int *q);
- void print_flat(FILE *fout, Graph *g);
- void print_hdr(FILE *fout, Graph *g);
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int hier_flag=0;
- FILE *output=NULL;
- FILE *fout=NULL;
- Graph *g;
- if (argc < 3) {
- print_error();
- }
- fout = fopen(argv[2],"w");
- if (argc > 3) {
- parse_input(argc, argv, &hier_flag, &output);
- }
- g = restore_graph(argv[1]);
- if (g == NULL) {
- printf("%s does not contain a correct SGB graphn",argv[1]);
- return;
- }
- if (hier_flag)
- sgb2hierns (g, fout, output);
- else
- sgb2flatns (g, fout);
- }
- void print_error()
- {
- /* for the purpose of scenario generator,
- need to return a list of transits & stubs
- and num of nodes in each - hence the optional
- third arg topofile */
- printf("sgb2comns <sgb-graph> <outfile.tcl>noptional args:
- -hier(turn on hierarchy flag) -topo <topofile>(generate topology file for scenario generator)nn");
- printf("Example : "sgb2comns hts100.tcl -hier -topo hts100.topofile"nn");
- exit(1);
- }
- void parse_input(int argc, char** argv, int* flag, FILE** output)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) {
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-hier") == 0)
- *flag = 1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-topo") == 0) {
- i++;
- *output = fopen(argv[i], "w");
- }
- else
- print_error();
- }
- }
- void sgb2hierns(Graph *g, FILE *output, FILE *topofile)
- {
- int domain = 0,
- n = 0,
- l = 0;
- char transits[LARGE],
- node_per_cluster[HUGE];
- int q[HUGE],
- stubsize[LARGE],
- stubnode[LARGE];
- char *address[HUGE];
- // transits[0] = ' ';
- // node_per_cluster[0] = ' ';
- create_hierarchy(g, &domain, transits, &n, &l, q, stubnode,
- stubsize, address, node_per_cluster);
- if (topofile != NULL)
- print_topofile(topofile, domain, transits, n, l,
- stubnode, stubsize);
- print_hier(output, address, g, domain, node_per_cluster, q);
- }
- void sgb2flatns(Graph *g, FILE *output)
- {
- print_flat(output, g);
- }
- void create_hierarchy(Graph *g, int *domain, char *transits, int *num,
- int *lp, int *q, int *stubnode, int *stubsize,
- char **address, char *node_per_cluster)
- {
- Vertex *v;
- Arc *a;
- int i=0,
- n=0,
- p=0,
- l=0,
- q_b=0,
- r=0;
- char *temp,
- *index;
- char name[SMALL],
- m[420],
- tempstr[TINY];
- /* generating hierarchical topology from transit-stub*/
- q[p] = 0;
- for (v = g->vertices,i; i < g->n; i++,v++) {
- strcpy(name, v->name);
- temp = name;
- temp += 2;
- index = strstr(temp, ".");
- temp[index - temp] = ' ';
- printf("temp = %sn",temp);
- if ( p == atoi(temp)) { /* in same domain as before */
- if (name[0] == 'T') { /* for transits -> single node domains */
- r = 0;
- address[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(v->name));
- sprintf(address[i],"%d.%d.%d",p,q[p],r);
- printf("address[%d] = %d.%d.%dn",i,p,q[p],r);
- strcat(node_per_cluster, "1 ");
- sprintf(tempstr, "%d ", i);
- strcat(transits, tempstr);
- q[p] = q[p] + 1;
- }
- else if (name[0] == 'S') { /* for stubs */
- strcpy(name, v->name);
- temp = name;
- while(temp){
- index = strstr(temp, ".");
- if (index != NULL)
- temp = index + 1;
- else{
- if (atoi(temp) == 0) {
- /* counting stub nodes for scenario gen */
- stubnode[l] = i;
- l++;
- if ( q_b != 0) {
- sprintf(tempstr, "%d ", r + 1);
- strcat(node_per_cluster, tempstr);
- stubsize[n] = r + 1;
- n++;
- }
- r = 0;
- address[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(v->name));
- sprintf(address[i],"%d.%d.%d", p, q[p], r);
- printf("address[%d] = %d.%d.%dn",i,p,q[p],r);
- q_b = q[p];
- q[p] = q[p] + 1;
- }
- else {
- r++;
- address[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(v->name));
- sprintf(address[i],"%d.%d.%d", p, q_b, r);
- printf("address[%d] = %d.%d.%dn",i,p,q_b,r);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- sprintf(tempstr, "%d ", r + 1);
- printf("again...node_per_cluster = %sn",node_per_cluster);
- printf("tempstr = %sn",tempstr);
- strcat(node_per_cluster, tempstr);
- printf("here..stubsize = %dn",stubsize[n]);
- stubsize[n] = r + 1;
- n++;
- p = atoi(temp);
- q[p] = 0;
- q_b = 0;
- r = 0;
- address[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(v->name));
- sprintf(address[i],"%d.%d.%d",p,q[p],r);
- printf("address[%d] = %d.%d.%dn",i,p,q[p],r);
- strcat(node_per_cluster, "1 ");
- printf("again...node_per_cluster = %sn",node_per_cluster);
- sprintf(tempstr, "%d ", i);
- strcat(transits, tempstr);
- q[p] = q[p] + 1;
- }
- }
- (*domain) = p + 1;
- /* assuming all domains have equal # of clusters */
- /* for domains having diff no of clusters , use q[domain num]*/
- sprintf(tempstr, "%d ", r + 1);
- strcat(node_per_cluster, tempstr);
- stubsize[n] = r + 1;
- *num = n;
- *lp = l;
- }
- void print_topofile(FILE *output, int domain, char *transits, int n,
- int l, int *stubnode, int *stubsize)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf(output, "domains %dn", domain);
- fprintf(output, "transits %sn", transits);
- fprintf(output, "total-stubs %dn", n+1);
- fprintf(output, "stubs ");
- for(i = 0; i < l; i++)
- fprintf(output, "%d ", stubnode[i]);
- fprintf(output, "nnodes/stub ");
- for(i = 0; i <= n; i++)
- fprintf(output, "%d ", stubsize[i]);
- fprintf(output, "nnEnd of topology file. n");
- fclose(output);
- }
- void print_hier(FILE *fout, char **address, Graph *g,
- int domain, char *node_per_cluster, int *q )
- {
- int i,
- j,
- nlink;
- Vertex *v;
- Arc *a;
- fprintf(fout,"# Generated by sgb2comnsn");
- print_hdr(fout, g);
- fprintf(fout, "#Creating hierarchical topology from transit-stub graph:nn");
- fprintf(fout, "proc create-hier-topology {nsns node linkBW} {n");
- fprintf(fout, "tupvar $node nn");
- fprintf(fout, "tupvar $nsns nsnn");
- /* fprintf(fout, "tglobal ns nnn"); */
- fprintf(fout,"tset verbose 1nn");
- /* nodes */
- fprintf(fout, "tif {$verbose} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttputs "Creating hierarchical nodes.." nn");
- fprintf(fout, "t}n");
- fprintf(fout, "tset i 0 n");
- fprintf(fout, "tforeach a { nn");
- for (i = 0; i < g->n; i++) {
- fprintf(fout, "tt%sn",address[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fout,"t} { n");
- fprintf(fout,"ttset n($i) [$ns node $a]n");
- fprintf(fout,"ttincr i n");
- fprintf(fout,"ttif {[expr $i %% 100] == 0} {n");
- fprintf(fout,"tttputs "creating node $i..." n tt} nt}");
- fprintf(fout,"nn");
- fprintf(fout,"# Topology information :n");
- fprintf(fout, "tlappend domain %dn", domain);
- fprintf(fout, "tAddrParams set domain_num_ $domainn");
- fprintf(fout, "tlappend cluster ");
- for (i = 0; i < domain; i++) {
- fprintf(fout, "%d ",q[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fout, "n");
- fprintf(fout, "tAddrParams set cluster_num_ $clustern");
- fprintf(fout, "tlappend eilastlevel %sn",node_per_cluster);
- fprintf(fout, "tAddrParams set nodes_num_ $eilastleveln");
- fprintf(fout,"nn");
- /* edges */
- fprintf(fout, "t# EDGES (from-node to-node length a b):n");
- nlink = 0;
- fprintf(fout, "tif {$verbose} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttputs "Creating links 0..."n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttflush stdout n");
- fprintf(fout, "t}n");
- fprintf(fout, "tset i 0 n");
- fprintf(fout, "tforeach t { n");
- for (v = g->vertices,i=0; i < g->n; i++,v++)
- for (a = v->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
- j = a->tip - g->vertices;
- if (j > i) {
- fprintf(fout, "tt{%d %d %dms} n",i, j, 10 * a->len);
- nlink++;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fout, "t} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "t$ns duplex-link-of-interfaces $n([lindex $t 0]) $n([lindex $t 1]) $linkBW [lindex $t 2] DropTail n");
- fprintf(fout, "tincr i n");
- fprintf(fout, "tif {[expr $i %% 100] == 0} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttputs "creating link $i..." n");
- fprintf(fout, "t} n } n");
- /* srm members. join-group will be performed by Agent/SRM::start */
- /* return the number of nodes in this topology */
- fprintf(fout, "treturn %dn", g->n);
- fprintf(fout, "}n");
- for (i=0; i < g->n; i++)
- if (address[i] != NULL)
- free(address[i]);
- fprintf(fout,"# end of hier topology generationn");
- fclose(fout);
- }
- void print_hdr(FILE *fout, Graph *g)
- {
- fprintf(fout,"# GRAPH (#nodes #edges id uu vv ww xx yy zz):n");
- fprintf(fout,"# %d %d %s ",g->n, g->m, g->id);
- if (g->util_types[8] == 'I') fprintf(fout,"%ld ",g->uu.I);
- if (g->util_types[9] == 'I') fprintf(fout,"%ld ",g->vv.I);
- if (g->util_types[10] == 'I') fprintf(fout,"%ld ",g->ww.I);
- if (g->util_types[11] == 'I') fprintf(fout,"%ld ",g->xx.I);
- if (g->util_types[12] == 'I') fprintf(fout,"%ld ",g->yy.I);
- if (g->util_types[13] == 'I') fprintf(fout,"%ld ",g->zz.I);
- fprintf(fout,"nn");
- }
- void print_flat(FILE *fout, Graph *g)
- {
- Vertex *v;
- Arc *a;
- int i,
- j;
- print_hdr(fout, g);
- fprintf(fout, "proc create-topology {nsns node linkBW} {n");
- fprintf(fout, "tupvar $node nn");
- fprintf(fout, "tupvar $nsns nsnn");
- fprintf(fout,"tset verbose 1nn");
- /* nodes */
- fprintf(fout, "tif {$verbose} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttputs "Creating nodes..." n");
- fprintf(fout, "}n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttfor {set i 0} {$i < %d} {incr i} {n", g->n);
- fprintf(fout, "tttset n($i) [$ns node]n");
- fprintf(fout, "t}n");
- fprintf(fout, "n");
- /* edges */
- fprintf(fout, "t# EDGES (from-node to-node length a b):n");
- // nlink = 0;
- fprintf(fout, "tif {$verbose} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttputs -nonewline "Creating links 0..."n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttflush stdout n");
- fprintf(fout, "t}n");
- fprintf(fout, "tset i 0 n");
- fprintf(fout, "tforeach t { n");
- for (v = g->vertices,i=0; i < g->n; i++,v++)
- for (a = v->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
- j = a->tip - g->vertices;
- if (j > i) {
- fprintf(fout,"tt{%d %d %dms} n",i,
- j, 10 * a->len);
- // nlink++;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fout, "t} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "t$ns duplex-link-of-interfaces $n([lindex $t 0]) $n([lindex $t 1]) $linkBW [lindex $t 2] DropTail n");
- fprintf(fout, "tincr i n");
- fprintf(fout, "tif {[expr $i %% 100] == 0} { n");
- fprintf(fout, "ttputs "creating link $i..." n");
- fprintf(fout, "t} n } n");
- /* srm members. join-group will be performed by Agent/SRM::start */
- /* return the number of nodes in this topology */
- fprintf(fout, "treturn %d", g->n);
- fprintf(fout, "}n");
- }