- /* $Id: geog.c,v 1.1 1996/10/04 13:36:46 calvert Exp $
- *
- * geog.c -- routines to construct various flavors of semi-geometric graphs
- * using the Stanford GraphBase tools.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* #include <sys/types.h> for NBBY */
- /* instead define as foll */
- #ifndef NBBY
- #define NBBY 8
- #endif
- #ifndef FBSD
- #include <alloca.h>
- #endif
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h> /* for strchr() */
- #include "gb_graph.h"
- #include "math.h"
- #include "geog.h"
- #include "limits.h"
- #define STACKMAX 0x400 /* 1K bytes max in stack */
- /* Convention for trouble codes:
- * - GEO adds 1-3,
- * - HIER adds 4-6,
- * - TS adds 7-9,
- */
- #define GEO_TRBL 1
- #define HIER_TRBL 4
- #define sub u.G /* domain graph vertex expands into */
- #ifndef u_char
- typedef unsigned char u_char;
- #endif
- #ifndef u_long
- typedef unsigned long u_long;
- #endif
- static char geogId[]="$Id: geog.c,v 1.1 1996/10/04 13:36:46 calvert Exp $";
- double
- distance(Vertex *u, Vertex *v)
- {
- double dx, dy;
- double foo;
- dx = (double) u->xpos - v->xpos;
- dy = (double) u->ypos - v->ypos;
- foo = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy);
- return sqrt(foo);
- }
- /* Distance between two vertices, rounded to the nearest integer. */
- long
- idist(Vertex *u, Vertex *v)
- {
- double dx, dy;
- double foo;
- dx = (double) u->xpos - v->xpos;
- dy = (double) u->ypos - v->ypos;
- foo = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy);
- return (long) rint(sqrt(foo));
- }
- int
- printparms(char *buf,geo_parms *pp)
- {
- sprintf(buf,"{%ld,%d,%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f}",
- pp->n, pp->scale,pp->method,
- pp->alpha,pp->beta, pp->gamma);
- /* with Sys V this would be easier */
- return strlen(buf);
- }
- /* randomize an array of longs, keeping the mean constant */
- /* doesn't let anything get below 1, i.e. won't work with negatives */
- void
- randomize(long* a, long size, long mean, int iters)
- {
- register i,indx;
- for (i=0; i<size; i++) /* initialize */
- a[i] = mean;
- if (size < 2) return; /* no point */
- for (i=0; i<iters; i++) {
- indx = gb_next_rand()%size;
- if (a[indx] > 1) { /* first decrease one */
- a[indx]--;
- a[gb_next_rand()%size]++; /* then increase one */
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * geo(seed, <param structure>)
- * Creates a gb_graph of n nodes with edges distributed probabilistically.
- * These graphs are constructed so as to be easy to display graphically.
- * 0. nodes are placed on a grid "scale" units on a side, at most one
- * node per grid point.
- * Each node's (integer) position on the grid is kept in the aux fields
- * x.I and y.I, which are renamed (in geog.h) to xpos and ypos.
- * If perturb is nonzero, each node's position will also be
- * offset by a random amount that is uniformly distributed over the
- * interval [0,resolution/2*scale].
- * 1. Edge is placed between two nodes by a probabilistic method, which
- * is determined by the "method" parameter. Edge is placed with
- * probability p, where p is calculated by one of the methods below,
- * using:
- * alpha, beta, gamma: input parameters,
- * L is scale * sqrt(2.0): the max distance between two points,
- * d: the Euclidean distance between two nodes.
- * e: a random number uniformly distributed in [0,L]
- *
- * Method 1: (Waxman's RG2, with alpha,beta := beta,alpha)
- * p = alpha * exp(-e/L*beta)
- * Method 2: (Waxmans's RG1, with alpha,beta := beta, alpha)
- * p = alpha * exp(-d/L*beta)
- * Method 3: (Pure random graph)
- * p = alpha
- * Method 4: ("EXP" - another distance varying function)
- * p = alpha * exp(-d/(L-d))
- * Method 5: (Doar-Leslie, with alpha,beta := beta,alpha, ke=gamma)
- * p = (gamma/n) * alpha * exp(-d/(L*beta))
- * Method 6: (Locality with two regions)
- * p = alpha if d <= L*gamma,
- * p = beta if d > L*gamma
- *
- * 2. Constraints (checked upon entry)
- * 0.0 <= alpha <= 1.0 [alpha is a probability: bad_specs+1]
- * 0.0 <= beta [beta is nonnegative: bad_specs+3]
- * 0.0 <= gamma [gamma is nonnegative: bad_specs+2]
- * n < scale*scale [enough room for nodes: bad_specs+4]
- *
- * Note carefully the following:
- * - Output of this routine depends on sequence of values returned by
- * gb_next_rand(). If the seed parameter is nonzero, it will be
- * used to seed the random number generator before createing the graph.
- * if it is zero, whatever random values are next are used.
- * Thus, successive calls to this function with the same parameters
- * do not, in general, return the same graph if seed=0.
- *
- * - The returned graph is NOT guaranteed to be connected. Checking
- * connectivity is the responsibility of the caller.
- *
- */
- Graph *
- geo(long seed, geo_parms *pp)
- {
- double p,d,L,radius,r;
- u_char *occ;
- register int scale;
- unsigned nbytes, index, x, y;
- u_long units,pertrange;
- int mallocd;
- register i,j;
- Graph *G;
- Vertex *up,*vp;
- char namestr[128];
- gb_trouble_code = 0;
- if (seed) /* zero seed means "already init'd */
- gb_init_rand(seed);
- scale = pp->scale;
- L = sqrt(2.0) * scale;
- gb_trouble_code = 0;
- if ((pp->alpha <= 0.0) || (pp->alpha > 1.0)) gb_trouble_code=bad_specs+1;
- if (pp->gamma < 0.0) gb_trouble_code=bad_specs+GEO_TRBL;
- if (pp->beta < 0.0) gb_trouble_code=bad_specs+GEO_TRBL;
- if (pp->n > (scale * scale)) gb_trouble_code=bad_specs+GEO_TRBL;
- if (gb_trouble_code)
- return NULL;
- radius = pp->gamma * L; /* comes in as a fraction of diagonal */
- #define posn(x,y) ((x)*scale)+(y)
- #define bitset(v,i) (v[(i)/NBBY]&(1<<((i)%NBBY)))
- #define setbit(v,i) v[(i)/NBBY] |= (1<<((i)%NBBY))
- /* create a new graph structure */
- if ((G=gb_new_graph(pp->n)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- nbytes = ((scale*scale)%NBBY ? (scale*scale/NBBY)+1 : (scale*scale)/NBBY);
- if (nbytes < STACKMAX) { /* small amount - just do it in the stack */
- occ = (u_char *) alloca(nbytes);
- mallocd = 0;
- } else {
- occ = (u_char *) malloc(nbytes);
- mallocd = 1;
- }
- for (i=0; i<nbytes; i++) occ[i] = 0;
- /* place each of n points in the plane */
- for (i=0,vp = G->vertices; i<pp->n; i++,vp++) {
- sprintf(namestr,"%d",i); /* name is just node number */
- vp->name = gb_save_string(namestr);
- do {
- vp->xpos = gb_next_rand()%scale; /* position: 0..scale-1 */
- vp->ypos = gb_next_rand()%scale; /* position: 0..scale-1 */
- index = posn(vp->xpos,vp->ypos);
- } while (bitset(occ,index));
- setbit(occ,index);
- }
- /* Now go back and add the edges */
- for (i=0,up = G->vertices; i<(pp->n)-1; i++,up++)
- for (j=i+1, vp = &G->vertices[i+1]; j<pp->n; j++,vp++) {
- d = distance(up,vp);
- switch (pp->method) {
- case RG2: /* Waxman's */
- d = randfrac()*L;
- /* fall through */
- case RG1: /* Waxman's */
- p = pp->alpha * exp(-d/(L*pp->beta));
- break;
- case RANDOM: /* the classic */
- p = pp->alpha;
- break;
- case EXP:
- p = pp->alpha * exp(-d/(L-d));
- break;
- case DL: /* Doar-Leslie */
- p = pp->alpha * (pp->gamma/pp->n) * exp(-d/(L*pp->beta));
- break;
- case LOC: /* Locality model, two probabilities */
- if (d <= radius) p = pp->alpha;
- else p = pp->beta;
- break;
- default:
- die("Bad edge method in geo()!");
- }
- if (randfrac() < p)
- gb_new_edge(up,vp,(int)rint(d));
- }
- /* Fill in the "id" string to say how the graph was created */
- G->Gscale = scale;
- sprintf(G->id,"geo(%ld,", seed);
- i = strlen(G->id);
- i += printparms(G->id+i,pp);
- G->id[i] = ')';
- G->id[i+1] = (char) 0;
- strcpy(G->util_types,GEO_UTIL);
- /* clean up */
- if (mallocd) free(occ);
- return G;
- }
- #define NOLEAF 0
- #define LEAFOK 1
- /* Return pointer to node with least degree (least degree > 1, if lflag==0)
- * Such a node is guaranteed to exist, provided the graph is connected and
- * has > 2 nodes.
- */
- Vertex *
- find_small_deg(Graph *g,int lflag)
- {
- int i,deg,least=INT_MAX;
- Arc *ep;
- Vertex *vp,*foo;
- foo = NULL;
- for (i=0,vp=g->vertices; i<g->n; i++,vp++) {
- deg = 0;
- for (ep=vp->arcs;ep;ep=ep->next) deg++;
- if (deg < least)
- if (lflag == LEAFOK || deg > 1) {
- least = deg;
- foo = vp;
- }
- }
- return foo;
- }
- /* find_thresh_deg returns the lowest-numbered node with degree less than
- * threshold, IF such exists. If all node degrees exceed threshold,
- * returns lowest-numbered node, i.e. g->vertices.
- */
- Vertex *
- find_thresh_deg(Graph *g,int thresh)
- {
- int i,deg;
- Arc *ep;
- Vertex *vp;
- for (i=0,vp=g->vertices; i<g->n; i++,vp++) {
- deg = 0;
- for (ep=vp->arcs;ep;ep=ep->next) deg++;
- if (deg < thresh)
- return vp;
- }
- return g->vertices;
- }
- /* Determines what "level" in the graph the edge between u and v is,
- * based on the longest common substring of their "name" strings.
- */
- int
- edge_level(Vertex *u, Vertex *v, int nlev)
- {
- register char *s=ss, *t=tt, *b, *c;
- nlev -= 1;
- strcpy(ss,u->name);
- strcpy(tt,v->name);
- b = strchr(s,'.');
- c = strchr(t,'.');
- if (b && c) {
- *b++ = ' ';
- *c++ = ' ';
- }
- while (!strcmp(s,t)) { /* still equal => must still be a '.' */
- s = b;
- t = c;
- b = strchr(s,'.');
- c = strchr(t,'.');
- if (b && c) {
- *b++ = ' ';
- *c++ = ' ';
- }
- nlev -= 1;
- }
- return nlev;
- }
- Graph *
- geo_hier(long seed,
- int nlevels, /* number of levels (=size of following array) */
- int edgemeth, /* method of attaching edges */
- int aux, /* auxiliary parameter for edge method (threshold) */
- geo_parms *pp) /* array of parameter structures, one per level */
- {
- Graph *newG, *tG, *GG, *srcG, *dstG;
- long *numv; /* array of sizes of lower-level graphs */
- geo_parms *curparms, workparms[MAXLEVEL];
- register i,k,indx;
- long dst;
- int temp,total,lowsize,otherend,blen,level;
- long maxP[MAXLEVEL], maxDiam[MAXLEVEL], wt[MAXLEVEL];
- Vertex *np,*vp,*up,*base;
- Arc *ap;
- char vnamestr[MAXNAMELEN];
- if (seed) /* convention: zero seed means don't use */
- gb_init_rand(seed);
- if (nlevels < 1 || nlevels > MAXLEVEL) {
- gb_trouble_code = bad_specs+HIER_TRBL;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* 1 <= nlevels <= MAXLEVEL */
- /* copy the parameters so we can modify them, and caller doesn't
- * see the changes.
- */
- for (level=0; level<nlevels; level++)
- bcopy((char *)&pp[level],&workparms[level],sizeof(geo_parms));
- level = 0;
- gb_trouble_code = 0;
- tG = NULL;
- do {
- gb_recycle(tG);
- tG = geo(0L,workparms);
- } while (tG != NULL && !isconnected(tG));
- if (tG==NULL)
- return tG;
- maxDiam[0] = fdiam(tG);
- maxP[0] = maxDiam[0];
- wt[0] = 1;
- for (i=1; i<nlevels; i++)
- maxDiam[i] = -1;
- curparms = workparms;
- while (++level < nlevels) {
- long tdiam;
- curparms++; /* parameters for graphs @ next level */
- /* spread out the numbers of nodes per graph at this level */
- numv = (long *) calloc(tG->n,sizeof(long));
- lowsize = curparms->n;
- randomize(numv,tG->n,curparms->n,3*tG->n);
- /* create a subordinate graph for each vertex in the "top" graph,
- * and add it into the new graph as a whole.
- * We construct the subgraphs all at once to ensure that each
- * has a unique address.
- */
- for (i=0,vp=tG->vertices; i<tG->n; i++,vp++) {
- curparms->n = numv[i];
- do {
- newG = geo(0L,curparms);
- if (newG==NULL) return NULL;
- } while (!isconnected(newG));
- vp->sub = newG;
- tdiam = fdiam(newG);
- if (tdiam>maxDiam[level])
- maxDiam[level] = tdiam;
- }
- /* do some calculations before "flattening" the top Graph */
- total = 0;
- for (i=0; i<tG->n; i++) { /* translate node numbers */
- temp = numv[i];
- numv[i]= total;
- total += temp;
- }
- if (total != tG->n*lowsize) {
- fprintf(stderr,"bad size of new graph!n");
- fprintf(stderr,"total %d tG->n %d lowsize %dn",total,tG->n,lowsize);
- gb_trouble_code = impossible+HIER_TRBL;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* now create what will become the "new" top-level graph */
- newG = gb_new_graph(total);
- if (newG==NULL) {
- gb_trouble_code += HIER_TRBL;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* resolution of the new graph */
- newG->Gscale = tG->Gscale * curparms->scale;
- /* compute edge weights for this level */
- wt[level] = maxP[level-1] + 1;
- maxP[level] = (maxDiam[level]*wt[level])
- + (maxDiam[level-1]*maxP[level-1]);
- for (i=0,vp=tG->vertices; i<tG->n; i++,vp++) {
- strcpy(vnamestr,vp->name); /* base name for all "offspring" */
- blen = strlen(vnamestr);
- vnamestr[blen] = '.';
- GG = tG->vertices[i].sub;
- base = newG->vertices + numv[i]; /* start of this node's */
- for (k=0,np=base,up=GG->vertices; k<GG->n; k++,np++,up++) {
- /* add the node's edges */
- for (ap=up->arcs; ap; ap=ap->next) {
- otherend = ap->tip - GG->vertices;
- if (k < otherend)
- gb_new_edge(np,base+otherend,ap->len);
- }
- /* now set the new node's position */
- np->xpos = tG->vertices[i].xpos * curparms->scale + up->xpos;
- np->ypos = tG->vertices[i].ypos * curparms->scale + up->ypos;
- /* give the "new" node a name by catenating top & bot names */
- strcpy(vnamestr+blen+1,up->name);
- np->name = gb_save_string(vnamestr);
- } /* loop over GG's vertices */
- } /* loop over top-level vertices */
- /*
- * Now we have to transfer the top-level edges to new graph.
- * This is done by one of three methods:
- * 0: choose a random node in each subgraph
- * 1: attach to the smallest-degree non-leaf node in each
- * 2: attach to smallest-degree node
- * 3: attach to first node with degree less than aux
- */
- for (i=0; i<tG->n; i++) {
- Vertex *srcp, *dstp;
- Graph *srcG, *dstG;
- srcG = tG->vertices[i].sub;
- if (srcG == NULL) { /* paranoia */
- gb_trouble_code = impossible+HIER_TRBL+1;
- return NULL;
- }
- for (ap=tG->vertices[i].arcs; ap; ap=ap->next) {
- dst = ap->tip - tG->vertices;
- if (i > dst) /* consider each edge only ONCE */
- continue;
- dstG = ap->tip->sub;
- if (dstG == NULL) { /* paranoia */
- gb_trouble_code = impossible+HIER_TRBL+1;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* choose endpoints of the top-level edge */
- switch (edgemeth) {
- case 0: /* choose random node in each */
- srcp = srcG->vertices + gb_next_rand()%srcG->n;
- dstp = dstG->vertices + gb_next_rand()%dstG->n;
- break;
- case 1: /* find nonleaf node of least degree in each */
- /* This causes problems with graph size < 3 */
- if (srcG->n > 2)
- srcp = find_small_deg(srcG,NOLEAF);
- else
- srcp = find_small_deg(srcG,LEAFOK);
- if (dstG->n > 2)
- dstp = find_small_deg(dstG,NOLEAF);
- else
- dstp = find_small_deg(dstG,LEAFOK);
- break;
- case 2: /* find node of smallest degree */
- srcp = find_small_deg(srcG,LEAFOK);
- dstp = find_small_deg(dstG,LEAFOK);
- break;
- case 3: /* first node w/degree < aux */
- srcp = find_thresh_deg(srcG,aux);
- dstp = find_thresh_deg(dstG,aux);
- default:
- gb_trouble_code = bad_specs+HIER_TRBL;
- return NULL;
- } /* switch on edgemeth */
- /* pointer arithmetic: isn't it fun?
- printf("Copying edge from %d to %dn",
- numv[i]+(srcp - srcG->vertices),
- numv[dst] + (dstp - dstG->vertices));
- */
- if (srcp==NULL || dstp==NULL) {
- gb_trouble_code = impossible + HIER_TRBL+2;
- return NULL;
- }
- srcp = newG->vertices + numv[i] + (srcp - srcG->vertices);
- dstp = newG->vertices + numv[dst] + (dstp - dstG->vertices);
- gb_new_edge(srcp,dstp,idist(srcp,dstp));
- } /* for each arc */
- } /* for each vertex of top graph */
- /* now make the "new" graph the "top" graph and recycle others */
- for (i=0,vp=tG->vertices; i<tG->n; i++,vp++)
- gb_recycle(vp->sub);
- gb_recycle(tG);
- tG = newG;
- free(numv);
- } /* while more levels */
- /* Finally, go back and add the policy weights,
- * based upon the computed max diameters
- * and Max Path lengths.
- */
- for (i=0; i<tG->n; i++)
- for (ap=tG->vertices[i].arcs; ap; ap=ap->next) {
- dst = ap->tip - tG->vertices;
- if (i > dst) /* consider each edge only ONCE */
- continue;
- assert(i != dst); /* no self loops */
- /* i < dst: it is safe to refer to ap's mate by ap+1. */
- level = edge_level(&tG->vertices[i],&tG->vertices[dst],nlevels);
- ap->policywt = (ap+1)->policywt = wt[level];
- }
- /* construct the utility and id strings for the new graph.
- * Space constraints will restrict us to keeping about 4 levels'
- * worth of info.
- */
- {
- char buf[ID_FIELD_SIZE+1];
- register char *cp;
- int len, nextlen, left;
- strcpy(tG->util_types,GEO_UTIL); /* same for all geo graphs, */
- /* defined in geo.h */
- cp = tG->id;
- sprintf(cp,"geo_hier(%d,%d,%d,%d,[",seed,nlevels,edgemeth,aux);
- len = strlen(cp);
- left = ID_FIELD_SIZE - len;
- cp += len;
- for (i=0; (i < nlevels) && (left > 0); i++) {
- nextlen = printparms(buf,&pp[i]);
- strncpy(cp,buf,left);
- left -= nextlen;
- cp += nextlen;
- }
- if (left > 0) {
- sprintf(buf,"])");
- nextlen = strlen(buf);
- strncpy(cp,buf,left);
- }
- }
- return tG;
- } /* geo_hier() */