- $Id: edriver-doc.txt,v 1.1 1996/10/04 13:28:51 ewz Exp $
- Name: edriver
- Function: Driver program to call evaluation routines.
- Usage: edriver <filestem> [-nd] [-<f0><f1>]*
- Details:
- A set of metrics are computed by edriver and stored into
- a set of files. The metrics are divided into two categories:
- scalar metrics and distribution metrics. The scalar metrics
- are all stored in the file "./<filestem>-ev". They are:
- average node degree
- diameter of graph (using each <f0><f1> combination (see below))
- average depth (using each <f0><f1> combination (see below))
- number of biconnected components
- The distribution metrics and filenames are as follows:
- node degree distribution ("./<filestem>-dd")
- depth distribution using <f0><f1> ("./<filestem>-<f0><f1>d")
- The purpose of the <f0><f1> specification(s) are to allow
- computation of metrics using one or more edge weight fields.
- The edges in a graph may have up to three integer valued
- weights. These weights are stored in the SGB arc fields
- named "len", "a" and "b". We use the "len" field to store
- the Euclidean length of the arc; we use the "a" field in
- the hierarchical models to store a routing policy weight.
- The "b" field is currently not used in any of the graph models.
- Each edge can also be assumed to have unit weight.
- For each -<f0><f1> pair, shortest paths will be computed using
- <f0> as the distance metric and <f1> as the measurement metric,
- where <f0> and <f1> are one of {l, a, b, h}, indicating the arc
- field to use (l = len, a = a, b = b) or to use unit weight (h).
- The scalar properties of diameter and average depth will be stored
- in the scalar file; if the -nd option is not present, the depth
- distribution will be stored in the file <filestem>-<f0><f1>d.
- The file "./<filestem>.gb" is expected to contain a
- graph in SGB format, as created by gb_save().
- If the -nd option is given, only the scalar characteristics
- will be computed, and the distribution files will not
- created. They take up lots of space for larger graphs.
- (Though it probably shouldn't be) the default is to evaluate
- the distributions.
- Example usage: edriver r10-0 -nd -hh -ll -hl
- This will evaluate the graph in ./r10-0.gb without creating
- the distribution files. Three types of shortest path metrics
- will be evaluated, corresponding to hops (hh), length (ll) and
- hop-computed-routes with length-computed-metrics (hl).
- Only one file will be produced, namely ./r10-0-0-ev.
- (The output file can be found in sample-graphs/rand/r10.)