- Very Brief Overview of the Stanford GraphBase
- Ken Calvert and Ellen Zegura
- College of Computing
- Georgia Tech
- $Id: README-SGB,v 1.1 1996/10/04 13:28:20 ewz Exp $
- The Georgia Tech Internetwork Topology Models (GT-ITM) are
- built on top of the Stanford GraphBase (SGB), a platform of data
- structures and routines for representing and manipulating
- graphs. SGB was developed by Donald Knuth and is described
- in detail in the (fun) book:
- "The Stanford GraphBase: A Platform for Combinatorial Computing,"
- D. Knuth, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
- Code is available at the following sites:
- You do not need to know much about SGB in order to use
- the topology modeling code, however a brief overview will
- be helpful. We have provided a routine that converts from
- the SGB file format to an alternate file format (src/sgb2alt.c).
- The alternate format may be easier to parse for some users.
- If you want to modify or more deeply understand the topology
- modeling code, you will probably need more information about
- SGB than is provided here.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- A graph is represented by a structure containing seven dedicated
- fields and six utility fields (utility fields are explained
- in more detail below):
- g->vertices Pointer to array of vertices
- g->n Long integer - number of vertices
- g->m Long integer - number of edges
- g->id Character string for graph id
- g->util_types Character string indicating which utility
- fields are used and in what form (see below)
- g->data Space used for graph data
- g->aux_data Auxiliary space used for graph data
- (Note that data and aux_data are not typically
- read or written by application programs.)
- g->uu,vv,ww, Utility fields
- xx,yy,zz
- Each vertex is represented by a structure containing
- two dedicated fields and six utility fields:
- v->arcs Pointer to first arc out of this vertex
- v->name Character string for vertex name
- v->u,v,w,x,y,z Utility fields
- Each arc is represented by a structure containing three
- dedicated fields and two utility fields:
- a->tip Pointer to vertex at tip of arc
- a->next Pointer to next arc in linked list
- a->len Long integer - length
- a->a,b Utility fields
- Note that the arc representation is directed; the platform
- supports undirected edges by representing each edge as
- two arcs.
- The utility fields may be used by the application program to
- associate additional information with vertices and edges.
- Each utility field is a union containing five types:
- u.V Pointer to vertex
- u.A Pointer to arc
- u.G Pointer to graph
- u.S Character string
- u.I Long integer
- The util_types field in the graph structure indicates
- which utility fields in the graph, vertex and arc structures
- are used, and what types are used. util_types contains
- 15 characters; each character is one of V, A, G, S or I
- (corresponding to the types above) or Z (indicating that the
- field is unused. The first six characters are for the vertex
- utility fields, the next two are for the arc and the next six
- are for the graph. (That leaves one more character...I don't
- know what that is for.)
- You can examine the details of SGB representation by
- perusing the file gb_graph.h. Note, however, that this is
- C code generated from CWEB, Knuth's system for structured
- programming and documentation. As such, it is not intended
- for human reading and looks somewhat different than
- standard C code.