- $Id: sgb2alt-doc.txt,v 1.1 1996/10/04 13:29:27 ewz Exp $
- Name: sgb2alt
- Function: converts from sgb format to alternative format.
- Usage: sgb2old <sgfile> <oldfile>
- Details:
- The alternative format is as follows:
- GRAPH (#nodes #edges id uu vv ww xx yy zz):
- <#nodes> <#edges> <id> [all integer utility fields]
- VERTICES (index name u v w x y z):
- 0 <name-node0> [all integer utility fields for node0]
- 1 <name-node1> [all integer utility fields for node1]
- ....
- EDGES (from-node to-node length a b):
- <from-node> <to-node> <length> [all integer utility fields]
- ....
- For example, here is a 10 node graph represented first in SGB file format
- and then in the alternative format. (Note that the SGB format is not intended
- to be easily read by humans.)
- ------------------------- SGB Format Starts Here --------------------------
- * GraphBase graph (util_types ZZZIIZIZIZZZZZ,14V,102A)
- "geo(0,{10,10,3,0.200,0.500,0.500})",10,28,10
- * Vertices
- "0",A4,3,4
- "1",A6,8,6
- "2",A8,7,6
- "3",A14,6,0
- "4",A18,8,1
- "5",A22,0,3
- "6",A17,4,0
- "7",A24,3,6
- "8",A26,1,5
- "9",A27,7,2
- "",0,0,0
- "",0,0,0
- "",0,0,0
- "",0,0,0
- * Arcs
- V2,0,4,0
- V0,0,4,0
- V4,A0,6,0
- V0,0,6,0
- V9,A2,4,0
- V0,0,4,0
- V8,0,7,0
- V1,0,7,0
- V6,A1,7,0
- V2,0,7,0
- V5,0,7,0
- V3,0,7,0
- V8,A10,7,0
- V3,A7,7,0
- V9,A12,2,0
- V3,A5,2,0
- V6,A3,4,0
- V4,A9,4,0
- V7,A16,7,0
- V4,0,7,0
- V7,A11,4,0
- V5,A19,4,0
- V9,A20,7,0
- V5,A15,7,0
- V9,A21,6,0
- V7,A23,6,0
- V9,A13,7,0
- V8,A25,7,0
- 0,0,0,0
- [NOTE: 70 lines of 0,0,0,0 deleted]
- 0,0,0,0
- 0,0,0,0
- 0,0,0,0
- * Checksum 1029917895
- ---------------- SGB Format Ends Here; Alternative Format Starts Here -----------------
- GRAPH (#nodes #edges id uu vv ww xx yy zz):
- 10 28 geo(0,{10,10,3,0.200,0.500,0.500}) 10
- VERTICES (index name u v w x y z):
- 0 0 3 4
- 1 1 8 6
- 2 2 7 6
- 3 3 6 0
- 4 4 8 1
- 5 5 0 3
- 6 6 4 0
- 7 7 3 6
- 8 8 1 5
- 9 9 7 2
- EDGES (from-node to-node length a b):
- 0 9 4 0
- 0 4 6 0
- 0 2 4 0
- 1 8 7 0
- 2 6 7 0
- 3 9 2 0
- 3 8 7 0
- 3 5 7 0
- 4 7 7 0
- 4 6 4 0
- 5 9 7 0
- 5 7 4 0
- 7 9 6 0
- 8 9 7 0
- ------------- Alternative Format Ends Here -----------------------------------------