- # This file tests the tclFCmd.c file.
- #
- # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
- # built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
- # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- #
- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: fCmd.test,v 2007/05/17 14:18:42 dgp Exp $
- #
- if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
- package require tcltest 2
- namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
- }
- tcltest::testConstraint testsetplatform [string equal testsetplatform [info commands testsetplatform]]
- tcltest::testConstraint testchmod [string equal testchmod [info commands testchmod]]
- tcltest::testConstraint notNetworkFilesystem 0
- testConstraint 95or98 [expr {[testConstraint 95] || [testConstraint 98]}]
- testConstraint 2000orNewer [expr {![testConstraint 95or98]}]
- # Several tests require need to match results against the unix username
- set user {}
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- catch {set user [exec whoami]}
- if {$user == ""} {
- catch {regexp {^[^(]*(([^)]*))} [exec id] dummy user}
- }
- if {$user == ""} {
- set user "root"
- }
- }
- proc createfile {file {string a}} {
- set f [open $file w]
- puts -nonewline $f $string
- close $f
- return $string
- }
- #
- # checkcontent --
- #
- # Ensures that file "file" contains only the string "matchString"
- # returns 0 if the file does not exist, or has a different content
- #
- proc checkcontent {file matchString} {
- if {[catch {
- set f [open $file]
- set fileString [read $f]
- close $f
- }]} {
- return 0
- }
- return [string match $matchString $fileString]
- }
- proc openup {path} {
- testchmod 777 $path
- if {[file isdirectory $path]} {
- catch {
- foreach p [glob -directory $path *] {
- openup $p
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc cleanup {args} {
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
- set wd [list :]
- } else {
- set wd [list .]
- }
- foreach p [concat $wd $args] {
- set x ""
- catch {
- set x [glob -directory $p tf* td*]
- }
- foreach file $x {
- if {[catch {file delete -force -- $file}]} {
- catch {openup $file}
- catch {file delete -force -- $file}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc contents {file} {
- set f [open $file r]
- set r [read $f]
- close $f
- set r
- }
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set ::tcltest::testConstraints(fileSharing) 0
- set ::tcltest::testConstraints(notFileSharing) 1
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
- catch {file delete -force foo.dir}
- file mkdir foo.dir
- if {[catch {file attributes foo.dir -readonly 1}] == 0} {
- set ::tcltest::testConstraints(fileSharing) 1
- set ::tcltest::testConstraints(notFileSharing) 0
- }
- file delete -force foo.dir
- }
- set ::tcltest::testConstraints(xdev) 0
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- if {[catch {set m1 [exec df .]; set m2 [exec df /tmp]}] == 0} {
- set m1 [string range $m1 0 [expr [string first " " $m1]-1]]
- set m2 [string range $m2 0 [expr [string first " " $m2]-1]]
- if {$m1 != "" && $m2 != "" && $m1 != $m2 && [file exists $m1] && [file exists $m2]} {
- set ::tcltest::testConstraints(xdev) 1
- }
- }
- }
- set root [lindex [file split [pwd]] 0]
- # A really long file name
- # length of long is 1216 chars, which should be greater than any static
- # buffer or allowable filename.
- set long "abcdefghihjllmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890"
- append long $long
- append long $long
- append long $long
- append long $long
- append long $long
- test fCmd-1.1 {TclFileRenameCmd} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file rename tf1 tf2
- glob tf*
- } {tf2}
- test fCmd-2.1 {TclFileCopyCmd} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file copy tf1 tf2
- lsort [glob tf*]
- } {tf1 tf2}
- test fCmd-3.1 {FileCopyRename: FileForceOption fails} {notRoot} {
- list [catch {file rename -xyz} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "-xyz": should be -force or --}}
- test fCmd-3.2 {FileCopyRename: not enough args} {notRoot} {
- list [catch {file rename xyz} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "file rename ?options? source ?source ...? target"}}
- test fCmd-3.3 {FileCopyRename: Tcl_TranslateFileName fails} {notRoot} {
- list [catch {file rename xyz ~_totally_bogus_user} msg] $msg
- } {1 {user "_totally_bogus_user" doesn't exist}}
- test fCmd-3.4 {FileCopyRename: Tcl_TranslateFileName passes} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file copy tf1 ~} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error copying "tf1": no such file or directory}}
- test fCmd-3.5 {FileCopyRename: target doesn't exist: stat(target) != 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
- test fCmd-3.6 {FileCopyRename: target tf3 is not a dir: !S_ISDIR(target)}
- {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf3
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
- test fCmd-3.7 {FileCopyRename: target exists & is directory} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1 tf1
- file rename tf1 td1
- contents [file join td1 tf1]
- } {tf1}
- test fCmd-3.8 {FileCopyRename: too many arguments: argc - i > 2} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
- test fCmd-3.9 {FileCopyRename: too many arguments: argc - i > 2} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file copy -force -- tf1 tf2 tf3} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error copying: target "tf3" is not a directory}}
- test fCmd-3.10 {FileCopyRename: just 2 arguments} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- file rename tf1 tf2
- contents tf2
- } {tf1}
- test fCmd-3.11 {FileCopyRename: just 2 arguments} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- file rename -force -force -- tf1 tf2
- contents tf2
- } {tf1}
- test fCmd-3.12 {FileCopyRename: move each source: 1 source} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- file mkdir td1
- file rename tf1 td1
- contents [file join td1 tf1]
- } {tf1}
- test fCmd-3.13 {FileCopyRename: move each source: multiple sources} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- createfile tf2 tf2
- createfile tf3 tf3
- createfile tf4 tf4
- file mkdir td1
- file rename tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 td1
- list [contents [file join td1 tf1]] [contents [file join td1 tf2]]
- [contents [file join td1 tf3]] [contents [file join td1 tf4]]
- } {tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4}
- test fCmd-3.14 {FileCopyRename: FileBasename fails} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {file rename ~_totally_bogus_user td1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {user "_totally_bogus_user" doesn't exist}}
- test fCmd-3.15 {FileCopyRename: source[0] == ' '} {notRoot unixOrPc} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [catch {file rename / td1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming "/" to "td1": file already exists}}
- test fCmd-3.16 {FileCopyRename: break on first error} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- createfile tf3
- createfile tf4
- file mkdir td1
- createfile [file join td1 tf3]
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 td1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {error renaming "tf3" to "[file join td1 tf3]": file already exists}}]
- test fCmd-4.1 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: make each dir: 1 dir} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- glob td*
- } {td1}
- test fCmd-4.2 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: make each dir: multiple dirs} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1 td2 td3
- lsort [glob td*]
- } {td1 td2 td3}
- test fCmd-4.3 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: stops on first error} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- catch {file mkdir td1 td2 tf1 td3 td4}
- glob td1 td2 tf1 td3 td4
- } {td1 td2 tf1}
- test fCmd-4.4 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: Tcl_TranslateFileName fails} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file mkdir ~_totally_bogus_user} msg] $msg
- } {1 {user "_totally_bogus_user" doesn't exist}}
- test fCmd-4.5 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: Tcl_SplitPath returns 0: *name == ' '}
- {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file mkdir ""} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't create directory "": no such file or directory}}
- test fCmd-4.6 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: one level deep} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- glob td1
- } {td1}
- test fCmd-4.7 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: multi levels deep} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2 td3 td4]
- glob td1 [file join td1 td2]
- } "td1 [file join td1 td2]"
- test fCmd-4.8 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: already exist: lstat(target) == 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- set x [file exists td1]
- file mkdir td1
- list $x [file exists td1]
- } {1 1}
- test fCmd-4.9 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: exists, not dir} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file mkdir tf1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {can't create directory "[file join tf1]": file already exists}}]
- test fCmd-4.10 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: exists, is dir} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- set x [file exists td1]
- file mkdir td1
- list $x [file exists td1]
- } {1 1}
- test fCmd-4.11 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: doesn't exist: errno != ENOENT}
- {unixOnly notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- testchmod 000 td1/td2
- set msg [list [catch {file mkdir td1/td2/td3/td4} msg] $msg]
- testchmod 755 td1/td2
- set msg
- } {1 {can't create directory "td1/td2/td3": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-4.12 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: doesn't exist: errno != ENOENT} {macOnly} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file mkdir nonexistentvolume:} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't create directory "nonexistentvolume:": invalid argument}}
- test fCmd-4.13 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: doesn't exist: errno == ENOENT} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- set x [file exists td1]
- file mkdir td1
- list $x [file exists td1]
- } {0 1}
- test fCmd-4.14 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: TclpCreateDirectory fails}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file delete -force foo
- file mkdir foo
- file attr foo -perm 040000
- set result [list [catch {file mkdir foo/tf1} msg] $msg]
- file delete -force foo
- set result
- } {1 {can't create directory "foo/tf1": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-4.15 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: TclpCreateDirectory fails} {macOnly} {
- list [catch {file mkdir ${root}:} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {can't create directory "${root}:": no such file or directory}}]
- test fCmd-4.16 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: TclpCreateDirectory succeeds} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir tf1
- file exists tf1
- } {1}
- test fCmd-5.1 {TclFileDeleteCmd: FileForceOption fails} {notRoot} {
- list [catch {file delete -xyz} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "-xyz": should be -force or --}}
- test fCmd-5.2 {TclFileDeleteCmd: not enough args} {notRoot} {
- list [catch {file delete -force -force} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "file delete ?options? file ?file ...?"}}
- test fCmd-5.3 {TclFileDeleteCmd: 1 file} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- file mkdir td1
- file delete tf2
- glob tf* td*
- } {tf1 td1}
- test fCmd-5.4 {TclFileDeleteCmd: multiple files} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- file mkdir td1
- set x [list [file exists tf1] [file exists tf2] [file exists td1]]
- file delete tf1 td1 tf2
- lappend x [file exists tf1] [file exists tf2] [file exists tf3]
- } {1 1 1 0 0 0}
- test fCmd-5.5 {TclFileDeleteCmd: stop at first error} {notRoot unixOrPc} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- file mkdir td1
- catch {file delete tf1 td1 $root tf2}
- list [file exists tf1] [file exists tf2] [file exists td1]
- } {0 1 0}
- test fCmd-5.6 {TclFileDeleteCmd: Tcl_TranslateFileName fails} {notRoot} {
- list [catch {file delete ~_totally_bogus_user} msg] $msg
- } {1 {user "_totally_bogus_user" doesn't exist}}
- test fCmd-5.7 {TclFileDeleteCmd: Tcl_TranslateFileName succeeds} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete ~/tf1}
- createfile ~/tf1
- file delete ~/tf1
- } {}
- test fCmd-5.8 {TclFileDeleteCmd: file doesn't exist: lstat(name) != 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- set x [file exists tf1]
- file delete tf1
- list $x [file exists tf1]
- } {0 0}
- test fCmd-5.9 {TclFileDeleteCmd: is directory} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file delete td1
- file exists td1
- } {0}
- test fCmd-5.10 {TclFileDeleteCmd: TclpRemoveDirectory fails} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
- list [catch {file delete td1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error deleting "td1": directory not empty}}
- test fCmd-5.11 {TclFileDeleteCmd: TclpRemoveDirectory with cwd inside} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- set dir [pwd]
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
- cd [file join td1 td2]
- set res [list [catch {file delete -force [file dirname [pwd]]} msg]]
- cd $dir
- lappend res [file exists td1] $msg
- } {0 0 {}}
- test fCmd-5.12 {TclFileDeleteCmd: TclpRemoveDirectory with bad perms} {unixOnly} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
- #exec chmod u-rwx [file join td1 td2]
- file attributes [file join td1 td2] -permissions u+rwx
- set res [list [catch {file delete -force td1} msg]]
- lappend res [file exists td1] $msg
- } {0 0 {}}
- test fCmd-6.1 {CopyRenameOneFile: bad source} {notRoot} {
- # can't test this, because it's caught by FileCopyRename
- } {}
- test fCmd-6.2 {CopyRenameOneFile: bad target} {notRoot} {
- # can't test this, because it's caught by FileCopyRename
- } {}
- test fCmd-6.3 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(source) != 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming "tf1": no such file or directory}}
- test fCmd-6.4 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(source) == 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file rename tf1 tf2
- glob tf*
- } {tf2}
- test fCmd-6.5 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(target) != 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file rename tf1 tf2
- glob tf*
- } {tf2}
- test fCmd-6.6 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != ENOENT} {unixOnly notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 000 td1
- createfile tf1
- set msg [list [catch {file rename tf1 td1} msg] $msg]
- testchmod 755 td1
- set msg
- } {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "td1/tf1": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-6.7 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != ENOENT} {pcOnly 95} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file rename tf1 $long} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "$long": file name too long}}]
- test fCmd-6.8 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != ENOENT} {macOnly} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file rename tf1 $long} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "$long": file name too long}}]
- test fCmd-6.9 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == ENOENT} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file rename tf1 tf2
- glob tf*
- } {tf2}
- test fCmd-6.10 {CopyRenameOneFile: lstat(target) == 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}}
- test fCmd-6.11 {CopyRenameOneFile: force == 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}}
- test fCmd-6.12 {CopyRenameOneFile: force != 0} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- file rename -force tf1 tf2
- glob tf*
- } {tf2}
- test fCmd-6.13 {CopyRenameOneFile: source is dir, target is file} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2
- createfile [file join td2 td1]
- list [catch {file rename -force td1 td2} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {can't overwrite file "[file join td2 td1]" with directory "td1"}}]
- test fCmd-6.14 {CopyRenameOneFile: source is file, target is dir} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- file mkdir [file join td1 tf1]
- list [catch {file rename -force tf1 td1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {can't overwrite directory "[file join td1 tf1]" with file "tf1"}}]
- test fCmd-6.15 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpRenameFile succeeds} {notRoot notNetworkFilesystem} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
- file mkdir td2
- createfile [file join td2 tf1]
- file rename -force td2 td1
- file exists [file join td1 td2 tf1]
- } {1}
- test fCmd-6.16 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyRenameOneFile fails} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
- createfile [file join td1 td2 tf1]
- file mkdir td2
- list [catch {file rename -force td2 td1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {error renaming "td2" to "[file join td1 td2]": file already exists}}]
- test fCmd-6.17 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == EINVAL} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file rename -force $root tf1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {error renaming "$root" to "tf1": trying to rename a volume or move a directory into itself}}]
- test fCmd-6.18 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno != EXDEV} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2]
- createfile [file join td1 td2 tf1]
- file mkdir td2
- list [catch {file rename -force td2 td1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {error renaming "td2" to "[file join td1 td2]": file already exists}}]
- test fCmd-6.19 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == EXDEV} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup /tmp
- createfile tf1
- file rename tf1 /tmp
- glob tf* /tmp/tf1
- } {/tmp/tf1}
- test fCmd-6.20 {CopyRenameOneFile: errno == EXDEV} {pcOnly} {
- catch {file delete -force c:/tcl8975@ d:/tcl8975@}
- file mkdir c:/tcl8975@
- if [catch {file rename c:/tcl8975@ d:/}] {
- set msg d:/tcl8975@
- } else {
- set msg [glob c:/tcl8975@ d:/tcl8975@]
- file delete -force d:/tcl8975@
- }
- file delete -force c:/tcl8975@
- set msg
- } {d:/tcl8975@}
- test fCmd-6.21 {CopyRenameOneFile: copy/rename: S_ISDIR(source)}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup /tmp
- file mkdir td1
- file rename td1 /tmp
- glob td* /tmp/td*
- } {/tmp/td1}
- test fCmd-6.22 {CopyRenameOneFile: copy/rename: !S_ISDIR(source)}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup /tmp
- createfile tf1
- file rename tf1 /tmp
- glob tf* /tmp/tf*
- } {/tmp/tf1}
- test fCmd-6.23 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory failed}
- {unixOnly notRoot xdev} {
- cleanup /tmp
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- file attributes td1 -permissions 0000
- set msg [list [catch {file rename td1 /tmp} msg] $msg]
- file attributes td1 -permissions 0755
- set msg
- } {1 {error renaming "td1": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-6.24 {CopyRenameOneFile: error uses original name}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir ~/td1/td2
- set td1name [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1]
- file attributes $td1name -permissions 0000
- set msg [list [catch {file copy ~/td1 td1} msg] $msg]
- file attributes $td1name -permissions 0755
- file delete -force ~/td1
- set msg
- } {1 {error copying "~/td1": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-6.25 {CopyRenameOneFile: error uses original name}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td2
- file mkdir ~/td1
- set td1name [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1]
- file attributes $td1name -permissions 0000
- set msg [list [catch {file copy td2 ~/td1} msg] $msg]
- file attributes $td1name -permissions 0755
- file delete -force ~/td1
- set msg
- } {1 {error copying "td2" to "~/td1/td2": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-6.26 {CopyRenameOneFile: doesn't use original name}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir ~/td1/td2
- set td2name [file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1 td2]
- file attributes $td2name -permissions 0000
- set msg [list [catch {file copy ~/td1 td1} msg] $msg]
- file attributes $td2name -permissions 0755
- file delete -force ~/td1
- set msg
- } "1 {error copying "~/td1" to "td1": "[file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1 td2]": permission denied}"
- test fCmd-6.27 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory failed}
- {unixOnly notRoot xdev} {
- cleanup /tmp
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- file mkdir /tmp/td1
- createfile /tmp/td1/tf1
- list [catch {file rename -force td1 /tmp} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming "td1" to "/tmp/td1": file already exists}}
- test fCmd-6.28 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory failed}
- {unixOnly notRoot xdev} {
- cleanup /tmp
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- file attributes td1/td2/td3 -permissions 0000
- set msg [list [catch {file rename td1 /tmp} msg] $msg]
- file attributes td1/td2/td3 -permissions 0755
- set msg
- } {1 {error renaming "td1" to "/tmp/td1": "td1/td2/td3": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-6.29 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory passed}
- {unixOnly notRoot xdev} {
- cleanup /tmp
- file mkdir td1/td2/td3
- file rename td1 /tmp
- glob td* /tmp/td1/t*
- } {/tmp/td1/td2}
- test fCmd-6.30 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpRemoveDirectory failed}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir foo/bar
- file attr foo -perm 040555
- set catchResult [catch {file rename foo/bar /tmp} msg]
- set msg [lindex [split $msg :] end]
- catch {file delete /tmp/bar}
- catch {file attr foo -perm 040777}
- catch {file delete -force foo}
- list $catchResult $msg
- } {1 { permission denied}}
- test fCmd-6.31 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpDeleteFile passed}
- {unixOnly notRoot xdev} {
- catch {cleanup /tmp}
- file mkdir /tmp/td1
- createfile /tmp/td1/tf1
- file rename /tmp/td1/tf1 tf1
- list [file exists /tmp/td1/tf1] [file exists tf1]
- } {0 1}
- test fCmd-6.32 {CopyRenameOneFile: copy} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file copy tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error copying "tf1": no such file or directory}}
- catch {cleanup /tmp}
- test fCmd-7.1 {FileForceOption: none} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join tf1 tf2]
- list [catch {file delete tf1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error deleting "tf1": directory not empty}}
- test fCmd-7.2 {FileForceOption: -force} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join tf1 tf2]
- file delete -force tf1
- } {}
- test fCmd-7.3 {FileForceOption: --} {notRoot} {
- createfile -tf1
- file delete -- -tf1
- } {}
- test fCmd-7.4 {FileForceOption: bad option} {notRoot} {
- createfile -tf1
- set msg [list [catch {file delete -tf1} msg] $msg]
- file delete -- -tf1
- set msg
- } {1 {bad option "-tf1": should be -force or --}}
- test fCmd-7.5 {FileForceOption: multiple times through loop} {notRoot} {
- createfile --
- createfile -force
- file delete -force -force -- -- -force
- list [catch {glob -- -- -force} msg] $msg
- } {1 {no files matched glob patterns "-- -force"}}
- test fCmd-8.1 {FileBasename: basename of ~user: argc == 1 && *path == ~}
- {unixOnly notRoot knownBug} {
- # Labelled knownBug because it is dangerous [Bug: 3881]
- file mkdir td1
- file attr td1 -perm 040000
- set result [list [catch {file rename ~$user td1} msg] $msg]
- file delete -force td1
- set result
- } "1 {error renaming "~$user" to "td1/[file tail ~$user]": permission denied}"
- test fCmd-8.2 {FileBasename: basename of ~user: argc == 1 && *path == ~} {
- string equal [file tail ~$user] ~$user
- } 0
- test fCmd-8.3 {file copy and path translation: ensure correct error} {
- list [catch {file copy ~ [file join this file doesnt exist]} res] $res
- } [list 1
- "error copying "~" to "[file join this file doesnt exist]":
- no such file or directory"]
- test fCmd-9.1 {file rename: comprehensive: EACCES} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2
- file attr td2 -perm 040000
- set result [list [catch {file rename td1 td2/} msg] $msg]
- file delete -force td2
- file delete -force td1
- set result
- } {1 {error renaming "td1" to "td2/td1": permission denied}}
- test fCmd-9.2 {file rename: comprehensive: source doesn't exist} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming "tf1": no such file or directory}}
- test fCmd-9.3 {file rename: comprehensive: file to new name} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- testchmod 444 tf2
- file rename tf1 tf3
- file rename tf2 tf4
- list [lsort [glob tf*]] [file writable tf3] [file writable tf4]
- } {{tf3 tf4} 1 0}
- test fCmd-9.4 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to new name} {unixOrPc notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1 td2
- testchmod 555 td2
- file rename td1 td3
- file rename td2 td4
- list [lsort [glob td*]] [file writable td3] [file writable td4]
- } {{td3 td4} 1 0}
- test fCmd-9.5 {file rename: comprehensive: file to self} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- createfile tf2 tf2
- testchmod 444 tf2
- file rename -force tf1 tf1
- file rename -force tf2 tf2
- list [contents tf1] [contents tf2] [file writable tf1] [file writable tf2]
- } {tf1 tf2 1 0}
- test fCmd-9.6 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to self} {notRoot unixOrPc testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2
- testchmod 555 td2
- file rename -force td1 .
- file rename -force td2 .
- list [lsort [glob td*]] [file writable td1] [file writable td2]
- } {{td1 td2} 1 0}
- test fCmd-9.7 {file rename: comprehensive: file to existing file} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- createfile tfs1
- createfile tfs2
- createfile tfs3
- createfile tfs4
- createfile tfd1
- createfile tfd2
- createfile tfd3
- createfile tfd4
- testchmod 444 tfs3
- testchmod 444 tfs4
- testchmod 444 tfd2
- testchmod 444 tfd4
- set msg [list [catch {file rename tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
- file rename -force tfs1 tfd1
- file rename -force tfs2 tfd2
- file rename -force tfs3 tfd3
- file rename -force tfs4 tfd4
- list [lsort [glob tf*]] $msg [file writable tfd1] [file writable tfd2] [file writable tfd3] [file writable tfd4]
- } {{tf1 tf2 tfd1 tfd2 tfd3 tfd4} {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}} 1 1 0 0}
- test fCmd-9.8 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to empty dir} {notRoot testchmod notNetworkFilesystem} {
- # Under unix, you can rename a read-only directory, but you can't
- # move it into another directory.
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir [file join td2 td1]
- file mkdir tds1
- file mkdir tds2
- file mkdir tds3
- file mkdir tds4
- file mkdir [file join tdd1 tds1]
- file mkdir [file join tdd2 tds2]
- file mkdir [file join tdd3 tds3]
- file mkdir [file join tdd4 tds4]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix" && $tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 555 tds3
- testchmod 555 tds4
- }
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 555 [file join tdd2 tds2]
- testchmod 555 [file join tdd4 tds4]
- }
- set msg [list [catch {file rename td1 td2} msg] $msg]
- file rename -force tds1 tdd1
- file rename -force tds2 tdd2
- file rename -force tds3 tdd3
- file rename -force tds4 tdd4
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix" && $tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- set w3 [file writable [file join tdd3 tds3]]
- set w4 [file writable [file join tdd4 tds4]]
- } else {
- set w3 0
- set w4 0
- }
- list [lsort [glob td*]] $msg [file writable [file join tdd1 tds1]]
- [file writable [file join tdd2 tds2]] $w3 $w4
- } [subst {{td1 td2 tdd1 tdd2 tdd3 tdd4} {1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}} 1 1 0 0}]
- test fCmd-9.9 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to non-empty dir} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir tds1
- file mkdir tds2
- file mkdir [file join tdd1 tds1 xxx]
- file mkdir [file join tdd2 tds2 xxx]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix" && $tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 555 tds2
- }
- set a1 [list [catch {file rename -force tds1 tdd1} msg] $msg]
- set a2 [list [catch {file rename -force tds2 tdd2} msg] $msg]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix" && $tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- set w2 [file writable tds2]
- } else {
- set w2 0
- }
- list [lsort [glob td*]] $a1 $a2 [file writable tds1] $w2
- } [subst {{tdd1 tdd2 tds1 tds2} {1 {error renaming "tds1" to "[file join tdd1 tds1]": file already exists}} {1 {error renaming "tds2" to "[file join tdd2 tds2]": file already exists}} 1 0}]
- test fCmd-9.10 {file rename: comprehensive: file to new name and dir} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 444 tf2
- file rename tf1 [file join td1 tf3]
- file rename tf2 [file join td1 tf4]
- list [catch {glob tf*}] [lsort [glob -directory td1 t*]]
- [file writable [file join td1 tf3]] [file writable [file join td1 tf4]]
- } [subst {1 {[file join td1 tf3] [file join td1 tf4]} 1 0}]
- test fCmd-9.11 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to new name and dir} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2
- file mkdir td3
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix" && $tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 555 td2
- }
- file rename td1 [file join td3 td3]
- file rename td2 [file join td3 td4]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "unix" && $tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- set w4 [file writable [file join td3 td4]]
- } else {
- set w4 0
- }
- list [lsort [glob td*]] [lsort [glob -directory td3 t*]]
- [file writable [file join td3 td3]] $w4
- } [subst {td3 {[file join td3 td3] [file join td3 td4]} 1 0}]
- test fCmd-9.12 {file rename: comprehensive: target exists} {notRoot testchmod notNetworkFilesystem} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2] [file join td2 td1]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 555 [file join td2 td1]
- }
- file mkdir [file join td3 td4] [file join td4 td3]
- file rename -force td3 td4
- set msg [list [file exists td3] [file exists [file join td4 td3 td4]]
- [catch {file rename td1 td2} msg] $msg]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 755 [file join td2 td1]
- }
- set msg
- } [subst {0 1 1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}}]
- test fCmd-9.13 {file rename: comprehensive: can't overwrite target} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 td2] [file join td2 td1 td4]
- list [catch {file rename -force td1 td2} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}}]
- test fCmd-9.14 {file rename: comprehensive: dir into self} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- list [glob td*] [list [catch {file rename td1 td1} msg] $msg]
- } [subst {td1 {1 {error renaming "td1" to "[file join td1 td1]": trying to rename a volume or move a directory into itself}}}]
- test fCmd-9.15 {file rename: comprehensive: source and target incompatible}
- {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file rename -force td1 tf1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't overwrite file "tf1" with directory "td1"}}
- test fCmd-9.16 {file rename: comprehensive: source and target incompatible}
- {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1/tf1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file rename -force tf1 td1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {can't overwrite directory "[file join td1 tf1]" with file "tf1"}}]
- test fCmd-10.1 {file copy: comprehensive: source doesn't exist} {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- list [catch {file copy tf1 tf2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error copying "tf1": no such file or directory}}
- test fCmd-10.2 {file copy: comprehensive: file to new name} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1 tf1
- createfile tf2 tf2
- testchmod 444 tf2
- file copy tf1 tf3
- file copy tf2 tf4
- list [lsort [glob tf*]] [contents tf3] [contents tf4] [file writable tf3] [file writable tf4]
- } {{tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4} tf1 tf2 1 0}
- test fCmd-10.3 {file copy: comprehensive: dir to new name} {notRoot unixOrPc 95or98 testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 tdx]
- file mkdir [file join td2 tdy]
- testchmod 555 td2
- file copy td1 td3
- file copy td2 td4
- set msg [list [lsort [glob td*]] [glob -directory td3 t*]
- [glob -directory td4 t*] [file writable td3] [file writable td4]]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 755 td2
- testchmod 755 td4
- }
- set msg
- } [subst {{td1 td2 td3 td4} [file join td3 tdx] [file join td4 tdy] 1 0}]
- test fCmd-10.3.1 {file copy: comprehensive: dir to new name} {notRoot pc 2000orNewer testchmod} {
- # On Windows with ACLs, copying a directory is defined like this
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 tdx]
- file mkdir [file join td2 tdy]
- testchmod 555 td2
- file copy td1 td3
- file copy td2 td4
- set msg [list [lsort [glob td*]] [glob -directory td3 t*]
- [glob -directory td4 t*] [file writable td3] [file writable td4]]
- testchmod 755 td2
- testchmod 755 td4
- set msg
- } [subst {{td1 td2 td3 td4} [file join td3 tdx] [file join td4 tdy] 1 1}]
- test fCmd-10.4 {file copy: comprehensive: file to existing file} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- createfile tfs1
- createfile tfs2
- createfile tfs3
- createfile tfs4
- createfile tfd1
- createfile tfd2
- createfile tfd3
- createfile tfd4
- testchmod 444 tfs3
- testchmod 444 tfs4
- testchmod 444 tfd2
- testchmod 444 tfd4
- set msg [list [catch {file copy tf1 tf2} msg] $msg]
- file copy -force tfs1 tfd1
- file copy -force tfs2 tfd2
- file copy -force tfs3 tfd3
- file copy -force tfs4 tfd4
- list [lsort [glob tf*]] $msg [file writable tfd1] [file writable tfd2] [file writable tfd3] [file writable tfd4]
- } {{tf1 tf2 tfd1 tfd2 tfd3 tfd4 tfs1 tfs2 tfs3 tfs4} {1 {error copying "tf1" to "tf2": file already exists}} 1 1 0 0}
- test fCmd-10.5 {file copy: comprehensive: dir to empty dir} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir [file join td2 td1]
- file mkdir tds1
- file mkdir tds2
- file mkdir tds3
- file mkdir tds4
- file mkdir [file join tdd1 tds1]
- file mkdir [file join tdd2 tds2]
- file mkdir [file join tdd3 tds3]
- file mkdir [file join tdd4 tds4]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "macintosh"} {
- testchmod 555 tds3
- testchmod 555 tds4
- testchmod 555 [file join tdd2 tds2]
- testchmod 555 [file join tdd4 tds4]
- }
- set a1 [list [catch {file copy td1 td2} msg] $msg]
- set a2 [list [catch {file copy -force tds1 tdd1} msg] $msg]
- set a3 [catch {file copy -force tds2 tdd2}]
- set a4 [catch {file copy -force tds3 tdd3}]
- set a5 [catch {file copy -force tds4 tdd4}]
- list [lsort [glob td*]] $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $a5
- } [subst {{td1 td2 tdd1 tdd2 tdd3 tdd4 tds1 tds2 tds3 tds4} {1 {error copying "td1" to "[file join td2 td1]": file already exists}} {1 {error copying "tds1" to "[file join tdd1 tds1]": file already exists}} 1 1 1}]
- test fCmd-10.6 {file copy: comprehensive: dir to non-empty dir}
- {notRoot unixOrPc testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir tds1
- file mkdir tds2
- file mkdir [file join tdd1 tds1 xxx]
- file mkdir [file join tdd2 tds2 xxx]
- testchmod 555 tds2
- set a1 [list [catch {file copy -force tds1 tdd1} msg] $msg]
- set a2 [list [catch {file copy -force tds2 tdd2} msg] $msg]
- list [lsort [glob td*]] $a1 $a2 [file writable tds1] [file writable tds2]
- } [subst {{tdd1 tdd2 tds1 tds2} {1 {error copying "tds1" to "[file join tdd1 tds1]": file already exists}} {1 {error copying "tds2" to "[file join tdd2 tds2]": file already exists}} 1 0}]
- test fCmd-10.7 {file rename: comprehensive: file to new name and dir} {notRoot testchmod} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- createfile tf2
- file mkdir td1
- testchmod 444 tf2
- file copy tf1 [file join td1 tf3]
- file copy tf2 [file join td1 tf4]
- list [lsort [glob tf*]] [lsort [glob -directory td1 t*]]
- [file writable [file join td1 tf3]] [file writable [file join td1 tf4]]
- } [subst {{tf1 tf2} {[file join td1 tf3] [file join td1 tf4]} 1 0}]
- test fCmd-10.8 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to new name and dir}
- {notRoot unixOrPc 95or98 testchmod} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2
- file mkdir td3
- testchmod 555 td2
- file copy td1 [file join td3 td3]
- file copy td2 [file join td3 td4]
- list [lsort [glob td*]] [lsort [glob -directory td3 t*]]
- [file writable [file join td3 td3]] [file writable [file join td3 td4]]
- } [subst {{td1 td2 td3} {[file join td3 td3] [file join td3 td4]} 1 0}]
- test fCmd-10.8.1 {file rename: comprehensive: dir to new name and dir}
- {notRoot pc 2000orNewer testchmod} {
- # On Windows with ACLs, copying a directory is defined like this
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- file mkdir td2
- file mkdir td3
- testchmod 555 td2
- file copy td1 [file join td3 td3]
- file copy td2 [file join td3 td4]
- list [lsort [glob td*]] [lsort [glob -directory td3 t*]]
- [file writable [file join td3 td3]] [file writable [file join td3 td4]]
- } [subst {{td1 td2 td3} {[file join td3 td3] [file join td3 td4]} 1 1}]
- test fCmd-10.9 {file copy: comprehensive: source and target incompatible}
- {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir td1
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file copy -force td1 tf1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't overwrite file "tf1" with directory "td1"}}
- test fCmd-10.10 {file copy: comprehensive: source and target incompatible}
- {notRoot} {
- cleanup
- file mkdir [file join td1 tf1]
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file copy -force tf1 td1} msg] $msg
- } [subst {1 {can't overwrite directory "[file join td1 tf1]" with file "tf1"}}]
- test fCmd-10.11 {file copy: copy to empty file name} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file copy tf1 ""} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error copying "tf1" to "": no such file or directory}}
- test fCmd-10.12 {file rename: rename to empty file name} {
- cleanup
- createfile tf1
- list [catch {file rename tf1 ""} msg] $msg
- } {1 {error renaming "tf1" to "": no such file or directory}}
- cleanup
- # old tests
- test fCmd-11.1 {TclFileRenameCmd: -- option } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- -tfa1}
- set s [createfile -tfa1]
- file rename -- -tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && ![file exists -tfa1]]
- file delete tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-11.2 {TclFileRenameCmd: bad option } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- set r1 [catch {file rename -x tfa1 tfa2}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa1 $s] && ![file exists tfa2]]
- file delete tfa1
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-11.3 {TclFileRenameCmd: bad # args} {
- catch {file rename -- }
- } {1}
- test fCmd-11.4 {TclFileRenameCmd: target filename translation failing} {notRoot} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set result [catch {file rename tfa ~/foobar }]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-11.5 {TclFileRenameCmd: > 1 source & target is not a dir} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}
- createfile tfa1
- createfile tfa2
- createfile tfa3
- set result [catch {file rename tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-11.6 {TclFileRenameCmd: : single file into directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file mkdir tfad
- file rename tfa1 tfad
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s] && ![file exists tfa1]]
- file delete -force tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-11.7 {TclFileRenameCmd: : multiple files into directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfad}
- set s1 [createfile tfa1 ]
- set s2 [createfile tfa2 ]
- file mkdir tfad
- file rename tfa1 tfa2 tfad
- set r1 [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s1]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa2 $s2]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]]
- file delete -force tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-11.8 {TclFileRenameCmd: error renaming file to directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- set s [createfile tfa ]
- file mkdir tfad
- file mkdir tfad/tfa
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Coverage tests for renamefile() ;
- #
- test fCmd-12.1 {renamefile: source filename translation failing} {notRoot} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set result [catch {file rename ~/tfa1 tfa2}]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.2 {renamefile: src filename translation failing} {notRoot} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file mkdir tfad
- set result [catch {file rename tfa1 ~/tfa2 tfad}]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- file delete -force tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.3 {renamefile: stat failing on source} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa1 tfa2}]
- expr {$r1 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]}
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.4 {renamefile: error renaming file to directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- set s1 [createfile tfa ]
- file mkdir tfad
- file mkdir tfad/tfa
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s1]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad/tfa]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.5 {renamefile: error renaming directory to file} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa
- file mkdir tfad
- set s [createfile tfad/tfa]
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa $s]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad]
- set r4 [file isdir tfa]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.6 {renamefile: TclRenameFile succeeding} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file rename tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && ![file exists tfa1]]
- file delete tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.7 {renamefile: renaming directory into offspring} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad}
- file mkdir tfad
- file mkdir tfad/dir
- set result [catch {file rename tfad tfad/dir}]
- file delete -force tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.8 {renamefile: generic error} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- file mkdir tfa/dir
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0555
- set result [catch {file rename tfa/dir tfa2}]
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0777
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.9 {renamefile: moving a file across volumes} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa /tmp/tfa}
- set s [createfile tfa ]
- file rename tfa /tmp
- set result [expr [checkcontent /tmp/tfa $s] && ![file exists tfa]]
- file delete /tmp/tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-12.10 {renamefile: moving a directory across volumes }
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad /tmp/tfad}
- file mkdir tfad
- set s [createfile tfad/a ]
- file rename tfad /tmp
- set restul [expr [checkcontent /tmp/tfad/a $s] && ![file exists tfad]]
- file delete -force /tmp/tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Coverage tests for TclCopyFilesCmd()
- #
- test fCmd-13.1 {TclCopyFilesCmd: -force option} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file copy -force tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.2 {TclCopyFilesCmd: -- option} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- set s [createfile -tfa1]
- file copy -- -tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent -tfa1 $s]]
- file delete -- -tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.3 {TclCopyFilesCmd: bad option} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- set r1 [catch {file copy -x tfa1 tfa2}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa1 $s] && ![file exists tfa2]]
- file delete tfa1
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.4 {TclCopyFilesCmd: bad # args} {notRoot} {
- catch {file copy -- }
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.5 {TclCopyFilesCmd: target filename translation failing} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set result [catch {file copy tfa ~/foobar }]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.6 {TclCopyFilesCmd: > 1 source & target is not a dir} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}
- createfile tfa1
- createfile tfa2
- createfile tfa3
- set result [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.7 {TclCopyFilesCmd: single file into directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file mkdir tfad
- file copy tfa1 tfad
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
- file delete -force tfad tfa1
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.8 {TclCopyFilesCmd: multiple files into directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfad}
- set s1 [createfile tfa1 ]
- set s2 [createfile tfa2 ]
- file mkdir tfad
- file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfad
- set r1 [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s1]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa2 $s2]
- set r3 [checkcontent tfa1 $s1]
- set r4 [checkcontent tfa2 $s2]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
- file delete -force tfad tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-13.9 {TclCopyFilesCmd: error copying file to directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- set s [createfile tfa ]
- file mkdir tfad
- file mkdir tfad/tfa
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
- set r2 [expr [checkcontent tfa $s] && [file isdir tfad/tfa]]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Coverage tests for copyfile()
- #
- test fCmd-14.1 {copyfile: source filename translation failing} {notRoot} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set result [catch {file copy ~/tfa1 tfa2}]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-14.2 {copyfile: dst filename translation failing} {notRoot} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file mkdir tfad
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa1 ~/tfa2 tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s]]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- file delete -force tfa1 tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-14.3 {copyfile: stat failing on source} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2}]
- expr $r1 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]
- } {1}
- test fCmd-14.4 {copyfile: error copying file to directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- set s1 [createfile tfa ]
- file mkdir tfad
- file mkdir tfad/tfa
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s1]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad]
- set r4 [file isdir tfad/tfa]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-14.5 {copyfile: error copying directory to file} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa
- file mkdir tfad
- set s [createfile tfad/tfa]
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa $s]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad]
- set r4 [file isdir tfa]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4 ]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-14.6 {copyfile: copy file succeeding} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfa2}
- set s [createfile tfa]
- file copy tfa tfa2
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfa $s] && [checkcontent tfa2 $s]]
- file delete tfa tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-14.7 {copyfile: copy directory succeeding} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfa2}
- file mkdir tfa
- set s [createfile tfa/file]
- file copy tfa tfa2
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfa/file $s] && [checkcontent tfa2/file $s]]
- file delete -force tfa tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-14.8 {copyfile: copy directory failing} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa/dir/a/b/c
- file attributes tfa/dir -permissions 0000
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfa2}]
- file attributes tfa/dir -permissions 0777
- set result $r1
- file delete -force tfa tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Coverage tests for TclMkdirCmd()
- #
- test fCmd-15.1 {TclMakeDirsCmd: target filename translation failing} {notRoot} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set result [catch {file mkdir ~/tfa}]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Can Tcl_SplitPath return argc == 0? If so them we need a
- # test for that code.
- #
- test fCmd-15.2 {TclMakeDirsCmd - one directory } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- set result [file isdirectory tfa]
- file delete tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-15.3 {TclMakeDirsCmd: - two directories} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- file mkdir tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [file isdirectory tfa1] && [file isdirectory tfa2]]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-15.4 {TclMakeDirsCmd - stat failing} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- createfile tfa/file
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0000
- set result [catch {file mkdir tfa/file}]
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0777
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-15.5 {TclMakeDirsCmd: - making a directory several levels deep}
- {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa/a/b/c
- set result [file isdir tfa/a/b/c]
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-15.6 {TclMakeDirsCmd: - trying to overwrite a file} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- set s [createfile tfa]
- set r1 [catch {file mkdir tfa}]
- set r2 [file isdir tfa]
- set r3 [file exists tfa]
- set result [expr $r1 && !$r2 && $r3 && [checkcontent tfa $s]]
- file delete tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-15.7 {TclMakeDirsCmd - making several directories} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- file mkdir tfa1 tfa2/a/b/c
- set result [expr [file isdir tfa1] && [file isdir tfa2/a/b/c]]
- file delete -force tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-15.8 {TclFileMakeDirsCmd: trying to create an existing dir} {notRoot} {
- file mkdir tfa
- file mkdir tfa
- set result [file isdir tfa]
- file delete tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- # Coverage tests for TclDeleteFilesCommand()
- test fCmd-16.1 {test the -- argument} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- createfile tfa
- file delete -- tfa
- file exists tfa
- } {0}
- test fCmd-16.2 {test the -force and -- arguments} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- createfile tfa
- file delete -force -- tfa
- file exists tfa
- } {0}
- test fCmd-16.3 {test bad option} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- createfile tfa
- set result [catch {file delete -dog tfa}]
- file delete tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.4 {test not enough args} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete}
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.5 {test not enough args with options} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete --}
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.6 {delete: source filename translation failing} {notRoot} {
- global env
- set temp $env(HOME)
- unset env(HOME)
- set result [catch {file delete ~/tfa}]
- set env(HOME) $temp
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.7 {remove a non-empty directory without -force } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- createfile tfa/a
- set result [catch {file delete tfa }]
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.8 {remove a normal file } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- createfile tfa/a
- set result [catch {file delete tfa }]
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.9 {error while deleting file } {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- createfile tfa/a
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0555
- set result [catch {file delete tfa/a }]
- #######
- ####### If any directory in a tree that is being removed does not
- ####### have write permission, the process will fail!
- ####### This is also the case with "rm -rf"
- #######
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0777
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.10 {deleting multiple files} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- createfile tfa1
- createfile tfa2
- file delete tfa1 tfa2
- expr ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]
- } {1}
- test fCmd-16.11 {TclFileDeleteCmd: removing a nonexistant file} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file delete tfa
- set result 1
- } {1}
- # More coverage tests for mkpath()
- test fCmd-17.1 {mkdir stat failing on target but not ENOENT} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- file mkdir tfa1
- file attributes tfa1 -permissions 0555
- set result [catch {file mkdir tfa1/tfa2}]
- file attributes tfa1 -permissions 0777
- file delete -force tfa1
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-17.2 {mkdir several levels deep - relative } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa/a/b
- set result [file isdir tfa/a/b ]
- file delete tfa/a/b tfa/a tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-17.3 {mkdir several levels deep - absolute } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- set f [file join [pwd] tfa a ]
- file mkdir $f
- set result [file isdir $f ]
- file delete $f [file join [pwd] tfa]
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Functionality tests for TclFileRenameCmd()
- #
- test fCmd-18.1 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename (first form) in the same directory}
- {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad}
- file mkdir tfad/dir
- cd tfad/dir
- set s [createfile foo ]
- file rename foo bar
- file rename bar ./foo
- file rename ./foo bar
- file rename ./bar ./foo
- file rename foo ../dir/bar
- file rename ../dir/bar ./foo
- file rename ../../tfad/dir/foo ../../tfad/dir/bar
- file rename [file join [pwd] bar] foo
- file rename foo [file join [pwd] bar]
- set result [expr [checkcontent bar $s] && ![file exists foo]]
- cd ../..
- file delete -force tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.2 {TclFileRenameCmd: single dir to nonexistant} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- file mkdir tfa1
- file rename tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [file exists tfa2] && ![file exists tfa1]]
- file delete tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.3 {TclFileRenameCmd: mixed dirs and files into directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad1 tfad2}
- set s [createfile tfa1 ]
- file mkdir tfad1 tfad2
- file rename tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
- set r1 [checkcontent tfad2/tfa1 $s]
- set r2 [file isdir tfad2/tfad1]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfad1]]
- file delete tfad2/tfa1
- file delete -force tfad2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.4 {TclFileRenameCmd: attempt to replace non-dir with dir} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- set s [createfile tfa ]
- file mkdir tfad
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfad tfa}]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
- file delete tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.5 {TclFileRenameCmd: attempt to replace dir with non-dir} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- set s [createfile tfa ]
- file mkdir tfad/tfa
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfa $s]
- set r3 [file isdir tfad/tfa]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 ]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # On Windows there is no easy way to determine if two files are the same
- #
- test fCmd-18.6 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename a file to itself} {macOrUnix notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- set s [createfile tfa]
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfa}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa $s]]
- file delete tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.7 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of another empty dir w/o -force}
- {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa]]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.8 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of another empty dir w/ -force}
- {notRoot notNetworkFilesystem} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa
- file rename -force tfa tfad
- set result [expr ![file isdir tfa]]
- file delete -force tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.9 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of a non-empty dir w/o -force}
- {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa/file
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir tfad/tfa/file]]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.10 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename dir on top of a non-empty dir w/ -force}
- {notRoot notNetworkFilesystem} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa tfad/tfa/file
- set r1 [catch {file rename -force tfa tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir tfad/tfa/file]]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.11 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename a non-existant file} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- set r1 [catch {file rename tfa1 tfa2}]
- set result [expr $r1 && ![file exists tfa1] && ![file exists tfa2]]
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.12 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a symbolic link to file}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file link -symbolic tfa2 tfa1
- file rename tfa2 tfa3
- set t [file type tfa3]
- set result [expr {$t eq "link"}]
- file delete tfa1 tfa3
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.13 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a symbolic link to dir}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}
- file mkdir tfa1
- file link -symbolic tfa2 tfa1
- file rename tfa2 tfa3
- set t [file type tfa3]
- set result [expr {$t eq "link"}]
- file delete tfa1 tfa3
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.14 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a path with sym link}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}
- file mkdir tfa1/a/b/c/d
- file mkdir tfa2
- set f [file join [pwd] tfa1/a/b]
- set f2 [file join [pwd] {tfa2/b alias}]
- file link -symbolic $f2 $f
- file rename {tfa2/b alias/c} tfa3
- set r1 [file isdir tfa3]
- set r2 [file exists tfa1/a/b/c]
- set result [expr $r1 && !$r2]
- file delete -force tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.15 {TclFileRenameCmd : rename a file to a symlink dir}
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfalink}
- file mkdir tfa1
- set s [createfile tfa2]
- file link -symbolic tfalink tfa1
- file rename tfa2 tfalink
- set result [checkcontent tfa1/tfa2 $s ]
- file delete -force tfa1 tfalink
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-18.16 {TclFileRenameCmd: rename a dangling symlink} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfalink}
- file mkdir tfa1
- file link -symbolic tfalink tfa1
- file delete tfa1
- file rename tfalink tfa2
- set result [expr [string compare [file type tfa2] "link"] == 0]
- file delete tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Coverage tests for TclUnixRmdir
- #
- test fCmd-19.1 {remove empty directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- file delete tfa
- file exists tfa
- } {0}
- test fCmd-19.2 {rmdir error besides EEXIST} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- file mkdir tfa/a
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0555
- set result [catch {file delete tfa/a}]
- file attributes tfa -permissions 0777
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-19.3 {recursive remove} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- file mkdir tfa/a
- file delete -force tfa
- file exists tfa
- } {0}
- #
- # TclUnixDeleteFile and TraversalDelete are covered by tests from the
- # TclDeleteFilesCmd suite
- #
- #
- #
- # Coverage tests for TraverseUnixTree(), called from TclDeleteFilesCmd
- #
- test fCmd-20.1 {TraverseUnixTree : failure opening a subdirectory directory }
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- file mkdir tfa/a
- file attributes tfa/a -permissions 0000
- set result [catch {file delete -force tfa}]
- file attributes tfa/a -permissions 0777
- file delete -force tfa
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-20.2 {TraverseUnixTree : recursive delete of large directory: Bug 1034337}
- {unix notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa}
- file mkdir tfa
- for {set i 1} {$i <= 300} {incr i} {createfile tfa/testfile_$i}
- set result [catch {file delete -force tfa} msg]
- while {[catch {file delete -force tfa}]} {}
- list $result $msg
- } {0 {}}
- #
- # Feature testing for TclCopyFilesCmd
- #
- test fCmd-21.1 {copy : single file to nonexistant } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file copy tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.2 {copy : single dir to nonexistant } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- file mkdir tfa1
- file copy tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr [file isdir tfa2] && [file isdir tfa1]]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.3 {copy : single file into directory } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file mkdir tfad
- file copy tfa1 tfad
- set result [expr [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
- file delete -force tfa1 tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.4 {copy : more than one source and target is not a directory}
- {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}
- createfile tfa1
- createfile tfa2
- createfile tfa3
- set result [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfa3}]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2 tfa3
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.5 {copy : multiple files into directory } {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2 tfad}
- set s1 [createfile tfa1 ]
- set s2 [createfile tfa2 ]
- file mkdir tfad
- file copy tfa1 tfa2 tfad
- set r1 [checkcontent tfad/tfa1 $s1]
- set r2 [checkcontent tfad/tfa2 $s2]
- set r3 [checkcontent tfa1 $s1]
- set r4 [checkcontent tfa2 $s2]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && $r4]
- file delete -force tfa1 tfa2 tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.6 {copy: mixed dirs and files into directory}
- {notRoot notFileSharing} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfad1 tfad2}
- set s [createfile tfa1 ]
- file mkdir tfad1 tfad2
- file copy tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
- set r1 [checkcontent [file join tfad2 tfa1] $s]
- set r2 [file isdir [file join tfad2 tfad1]]
- set r3 [checkcontent tfa1 $s]
- set result [expr $r1 && $r2 && $r3 && [file isdir tfad1]]
- file delete -force tfa1 tfad1 tfad2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.7.1 {TclCopyFilesCmd: copy a dangling link} {unixOnly notRoot dontCopyLinks} {
- file mkdir tfad1
- file link -symbolic tfalink tfad1
- file delete tfad1
- set result [list [catch {file copy tfalink tfalink2} msg] $msg]
- file delete -force tfalink tfalink2
- set result
- } {1 {error copying "tfalink": the target of this link doesn't exist}}
- test fCmd-21.7.2 {TclCopyFilesCmd: copy a dangling link} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- file mkdir tfad1
- file link -symbolic tfalink tfad1
- file delete tfad1
- file copy tfalink tfalink2
- set result [string match [file type tfalink2] link]
- file delete tfalink tfalink2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.8.1 {TclCopyFilesCmd: copy a link } {unixOnly notRoot dontCopyLinks} {
- file mkdir tfad1
- file link -symbolic tfalink tfad1
- file copy tfalink tfalink2
- set r1 [file type tfalink]; # link
- set r2 [file type tfalink2]; # directory
- set r3 [file isdir tfad1]; # 1
- set result [expr {("$r1" == "link") && ("$r2" == "directory") && $r3}]
- file delete -force tfad1 tfalink tfalink2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.8.2 {TclCopyFilesCmd: copy a link } {unixOnly notRoot} {
- file mkdir tfad1
- file link -symbolic tfalink tfad1
- file copy tfalink tfalink2
- set r1 [file type tfalink]; # link
- set r2 [file type tfalink2]; # link
- set r3 [file isdir tfad1]; # 1
- set result [expr {("$r1" == "link") && ("$r2" == "link") && $r3}]
- file delete -force tfad1 tfalink tfalink2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.9 {TclCopyFilesCmd: copy dir with a link in it} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- file mkdir tfad1
- file link -symbolic tfad1/tfalink "[pwd]/tfad1"
- file copy tfad1 tfad2
- set result [string match [file type tfad2/tfalink] link]
- file delete -force tfad1 tfad2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.10 {TclFileCopyCmd: copy dir on top of another empty dir w/o -force}
- {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa [file join tfad tfa]
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa]]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.11 {TclFileCopyCmd: copy dir on top of a dir w/o -force} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa [file join tfad tfa file]
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir [file join tfad tfa file]]]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-21.12 {TclFileCopyCmd: copy dir on top of a non-empty dir w/ -force}
- {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa tfad}
- file mkdir tfa [file join tfad tfa file]
- set r1 [catch {file copy -force tfa tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir tfa] && [file isdir [file join tfad tfa file]]]
- file delete -force tfa tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Coverage testing for TclpRenameFile
- #
- test fCmd-22.1 {TclpRenameFile: rename and overwrite in a single dir} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- set s2 [createfile tfa2 q]
- set r1 [catch {rename tfa1 tfa2}]
- file rename -force tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa2 $s]]
- file delete [glob tfa1 tfa2]
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-22.2 {TclpRenameFile: attempt to overwrite itself} {macOrUnix notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- file rename -force tfa1 tfa1
- set result [checkcontent tfa1 $s]
- file delete tfa1
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-22.3 {TclpRenameFile: rename dir to existing dir} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- d1 tfad}
- file mkdir d1 [file join tfad d1]
- set r1 [catch {file rename d1 tfad}]
- set result [expr $r1 && [file isdir d1] && [file isdir [file join tfad d1]]]
- file delete -force d1 tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-22.4 {TclpRenameFile: rename dir to dir several levels deep} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- d1 tfad}
- file mkdir d1 [file join tfad a b c]
- file rename d1 [file join tfad a b c d1]
- set result [expr ![file isdir d1] && [file isdir [file join tfad a b c d1]]]
- file delete -force [glob d1 tfad]
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # TclMacCopyFile needs to be redone.
- #
- test fCmd-22.5 {TclMacCopyFile: copy and overwrite in a single dir} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1 tfa2}
- set s [createfile tfa1]
- set s2 [createfile tfa2 q]
- set r1 [catch {file copy tfa1 tfa2}]
- file copy -force tfa1 tfa2
- set result [expr $r1 && [checkcontent tfa2 $s] && [checkcontent tfa1 $s]]
- file delete tfa1 tfa2
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # TclMacMkdir - basic cases are covered elsewhere.
- # Error cases are not covered.
- #
- #
- # TclMacRmdir
- # Error cases are not covered.
- #
- test fCmd-23.1 {TclMacRmdir: trying to remove a nonempty directory} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad}
- file mkdir [file join tfad dir]
- set result [catch {file delete tfad}]
- file delete -force tfad
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # TclMacDeleteFile
- # Error cases are not covered.
- #
- test fCmd-24.1 {TclMacDeleteFile: deleting a normal file} {notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfa1}
- createfile tfa1
- file delete tfa1
- file exists tfa1
- } {0}
- #
- # TclMacCopyDirectory
- # Error cases are not covered.
- #
- test fCmd-25.1 {TclMacCopyDirectory: copying a normal directory} {notRoot notFileSharing} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2}
- file mkdir [file join tfad1 a b c]
- file copy tfad1 tfad2
- set result [expr [file isdir [file join tfad1 a b c]] && [file isdir [file join tfad2 a b c]]]
- file delete -force tfad1 tfad2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-25.2 {TclMacCopyDirectory: copying a short path normal directory} {notRoot notFileSharing} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2}
- file mkdir tfad1
- file copy tfad1 tfad2
- set result [expr [file isdir tfad1] && [file isdir tfad2]]
- file delete tfad1 tfad2
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-25.3 {TclMacCopyDirectory: copying dirs between different dirs} {notRoot notFileSharing} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2}
- file mkdir [file join tfad1 x y z]
- file mkdir [file join tfad2 dir]
- file copy tfad1 [file join tfad2 dir]
- set result [expr [file isdir [file join tfad1 x y z]] && [file isdir [file join tfad2 dir tfad1 x y z]]]
- file delete -force tfad1 tfad2
- set result
- } {1}
- #
- # Functionality tests for TclDeleteFilesCmd
- #
- test fCmd-26.1 {TclDeleteFilesCmd: delete symlink} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2}
- file mkdir tfad1
- file link -symbolic tfalink tfad1
- file delete tfalink
- set r1 [file isdir tfad1]
- set r2 [file exists tfalink]
- set result [expr $r1 && !$r2]
- file delete tfad1
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-26.2 {TclDeleteFilesCmd: delete dir with symlink} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2}
- file mkdir tfad1
- file mkdir tfad2
- file link -symbolic [file join tfad2 link] tfad1
- file delete -force tfad2
- set r1 [file isdir tfad1]
- set r2 [file exists tfad2]
- set result [expr $r1 && !$r2]
- file delete tfad1
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-26.3 {TclDeleteFilesCmd: delete dangling symlink} {unixOnly notRoot} {
- catch {file delete -force -- tfad1 tfad2}
- file mkdir tfad1
- file link -symbolic tfad2 tfad1
- file delete tfad1
- file delete tfad2
- set r1 [file exists tfad1]
- set r2 [file exists tfad2]
- set result [expr !$r1 && !$r2]
- set result
- } {1}
- test fCmd-27.2 {TclFileAttrsCmd - Tcl_TranslateFileName fails} {testsetplatform} {
- set platform [testgetplatform]
- testsetplatform unix
- list [catch {file attributes ~_totally_bogus_user} msg] $msg [testsetplatform $platform]
- } {1 {user "_totally_bogus_user" doesn't exist} {}}
- test fCmd-27.3 {TclFileAttrsCmd - all attributes} {
- catch {file delete -force -- foo.tmp}
- createfile foo.tmp
- list [catch {file attributes foo.tmp} msg] [expr {[llength $msg] > 0}] [file delete -force -- foo.tmp]
- } {0 1 {}}
- test fCmd-27.4 {TclFileAttrsCmd - getting one option} {
- catch {file delete -force -- foo.tmp}
- createfile foo.tmp
- set attrs [file attributes foo.tmp]
- list [catch {eval file attributes foo.tmp [lindex $attrs 0]}] [file delete -force -- foo.tmp]
- } {0 {}}
- # Find a group that exists on this Unix system, or else skip tests that
- # require Unix groups.
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- ::tcltest::testConstraint foundGroup 0
- catch {
- set groupList [exec groups]
- set group [lindex $groupList 0]
- ::tcltest::testConstraint foundGroup 1
- }
- } else {
- ::tcltest::testConstraint foundGroup 1
- }
- test fCmd-27.5 {TclFileAttrsCmd - setting one option} {foundGroup} {
- catch {file delete -force -- foo.tmp}
- createfile foo.tmp
- set attrs [file attributes foo.tmp]
- list [catch {eval file attributes foo.tmp [lrange $attrs 0 1]} msg] $msg [file delete -force -- foo.tmp]
- } {0 {} {}}
- test fCmd-27.6 {TclFileAttrsCmd - setting more than one option} {foundGroup} {
- catch {file delete -force -- foo.tmp}
- createfile foo.tmp
- set attrs [file attributes foo.tmp]
- list [catch {eval file attributes foo.tmp [lrange $attrs 0 3]} msg] $msg [file delete -force -- foo.tmp]
- } {0 {} {}}
- if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} {
- if {[string index $tcl_platform(osVersion) 0] >= 5
- && ([lindex [file system [temporaryDirectory]] 1] == "NTFS")} {
- tcltest::testConstraint linkDirectory 1
- tcltest::testConstraint linkFile 1
- } else {
- tcltest::testConstraint linkDirectory 0
- tcltest::testConstraint linkFile 0
- }
- } else {
- tcltest::testConstraint linkFile 1
- tcltest::testConstraint linkDirectory 1
- }
- test fCmd-28.1 {file link} {
- list [catch {file link} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "file link ?-linktype? linkname ?target?"}}
- test fCmd-28.2 {file link} {
- list [catch {file link a b c d} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "file link ?-linktype? linkname ?target?"}}
- test fCmd-28.3 {file link} {
- list [catch {file link abc b c} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad switch "abc": must be -symbolic or -hard}}
- test fCmd-28.4 {file link} {
- list [catch {file link -abc b c} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad switch "-abc": must be -symbolic or -hard}}
- cd [workingDirectory]
- makeDirectory abc.dir
- makeDirectory abc2.dir
- makeFile contents abc.file
- makeFile contents abc2.file
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- test fCmd-28.5 {file link: source already exists} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set res [list [catch {file link abc.dir abc2.dir} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {1 {could not create new link "abc.dir": that path already exists}}
- test fCmd-28.6 {file link: unsupported operation} {linkDirectory macOrWin} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set res [list [catch {file link -hard abc.link abc.dir} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {1 {could not create new link "abc.link" pointing to "abc.dir": illegal operation on a directory}}
- test fCmd-28.7 {file link: source already exists} {linkFile} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set res [list [catch {file link abc.file abc2.file} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {1 {could not create new link "abc.file": that path already exists}}
- test fCmd-28.8 {file link} {linkFile winOnly} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set res [list [catch {file link -symbolic abc.link abc.file} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {1 {could not create new link "abc.link" pointing to "abc.file": not a directory}}
- test fCmd-28.9 {file link: success with file} {linkFile} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- set res [list [catch {file link abc.link abc.file} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {0 abc.file}
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- catch {file delete -force abc.link}
- cd [workingDirectory]
- test fCmd-28.10 {file link: linking to nonexistent path} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- set res [list [catch {file link abc.link abc2.doesnt} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {1 {could not create new link "abc.link" since target "abc2.doesnt" doesn't exist}}
- test fCmd-28.11 {file link: success with directory} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- set res [list [catch {file link abc.link abc.dir} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {0 abc.dir}
- test fCmd-28.12 {file link: cd into a link} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- file link abc.link abc.dir
- set orig [pwd]
- cd abc.link
- set dir [pwd]
- cd ..
- set up [pwd]
- cd $orig
- # now '$up' should be either $orig or [file dirname abc.dir],
- # depending on whether 'cd' actually moves to the destination
- # of a link, or simply treats the link as a directory.
- # (on windows the former, on unix the latter, I believe)
- if {([file normalize $up] != [file normalize $orig])
- && ([file normalize $up] != [file normalize [file dirname abc.dir]])} {
- set res "wrong directory with 'cd $link ; cd ..'"
- } else {
- set res "ok"
- }
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {ok}
- test fCmd-28.13 {file link} {linkDirectory} {
- # duplicate link throws error
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set res [list [catch {file link abc.link abc.dir} msg] $msg]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {1 {could not create new link "abc.link": that path already exists}}
- test fCmd-28.14 {file link: deletes link not dir} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- set res [list [file exists abc.link] [file exists abc.dir]]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {0 1}
- test fCmd-28.15.1 {file link: copies link not dir} {linkDirectory dontCopyLinks} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- file link abc.link abc.dir
- file copy abc.link abc2.link
- # abc2.linkdir was a copy of a link to a dir, so it should end up as
- # a directory, not a link (links trace to endpoint).
- set res [list [file type abc2.link] [file tail [file link abc.link]]]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {directory abc.dir}
- test fCmd-28.15.2 {file link: copies link not dir} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- file link abc.link abc.dir
- file copy abc.link abc2.link
- set res [list [file type abc2.link] [file tail [file link abc2.link]]]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {link abc.dir}
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- file delete -force abc2.link
- file copy abc.file abc.dir
- file copy abc2.file abc.dir
- cd [workingDirectory]
- test fCmd-28.16 {file link: glob inside link} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- file link abc.link abc.dir
- set res [lsort [glob -dir abc.link -tails *]]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } [lsort [list abc.file abc2.file]]
- test fCmd-28.17 {file link: glob -type l} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set res [glob -dir [pwd] -type l -tails abc*]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } {abc.link}
- test fCmd-28.18 {file link: glob -type d} {linkDirectory} {
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- set res [lsort [glob -dir [pwd] -type d -tails abc*]]
- cd [workingDirectory]
- set res
- } [lsort [list abc.link abc.dir abc2.dir]]
- test fCmd-29.1 {weird memory corruption fault} {
- catch {set res [open [file join ~a_totally_bogus_user_id/foo bar]]}
- } 1
- cd [temporaryDirectory]
- file delete -force abc.link
- cd [workingDirectory]
- removeFile abc2.file
- removeFile abc.file
- removeDirectory abc2.dir
- removeDirectory abc.dir
- # cleanup
- cleanup
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return