- # Commands covered: append lappend
- #
- # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
- # built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
- # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
- # Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- #
- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: appendComp.test,v 2004/10/28 00:01:05 dgp Exp $
- if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
- package require tcltest
- namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
- }
- catch {unset x}
- test appendComp-1.1 {append command} {
- catch {unset x}
- proc foo {} {append ::x 1 2 abc "long string"}
- list [foo] $x
- } {{12abclong string} {12abclong string}}
- test appendComp-1.2 {append command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x ""
- list [append x first] [append x second] [append x third] $x
- }
- foo
- } {first firstsecond firstsecondthird firstsecondthird}
- test appendComp-1.3 {append command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "abcd"
- append x
- }
- foo
- } abcd
- test appendComp-2.1 {long appends} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {set i [expr $i+1]} {
- append x "foobar "
- }
- set y "foobar"
- set y "$y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y"
- set y "$y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y"
- set y "$y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y $y "
- expr {$x == $y}
- }
- foo
- } 1
- test appendComp-3.1 {append errors} {
- proc foo {} {append}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "append varName ?value value ...?"}}
- test appendComp-3.2 {append errors} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x ""
- append x(0) 44
- }
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't set "x(0)": variable isn't array}}
- test appendComp-3.3 {append errors} {
- proc foo {} {
- catch {unset x}
- append x
- }
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't read "x": no such variable}}
- test appendComp-4.1 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- global x
- catch {unset x}
- lappend x 1 2 abc "long string"
- }
- list [foo] $x
- } {{1 2 abc {long string}} {1 2 abc {long string}}}
- test appendComp-4.2 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x ""
- list [lappend x first] [lappend x second] [lappend x third] $x
- }
- foo
- } {first {first second} {first second third} {first second third}}
- test appendComp-4.3 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- global x
- set x old
- unset x
- lappend x new
- }
- set result [foo]
- rename foo {}
- set result
- } {new}
- test appendComp-4.4 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x {}
- lappend x { abc
- }
- foo
- } {{ abc}
- test appendComp-4.5 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x {}
- lappend x { abc
- }
- foo
- } {{ abc}
- test appendComp-4.6 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x {1 2 3}
- lappend x
- }
- foo
- } {1 2 3}
- test appendComp-4.7 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "a{"
- lappend x abc
- }
- foo
- } "a\{ abc"
- test appendComp-4.8 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "\{"
- lappend x abc
- }
- foo
- } "\{ abc"
- test appendComp-4.9 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x " {"
- list [catch {lappend x abc} msg] $msg
- }
- foo
- } {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
- test appendComp-4.10 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x " {"
- list [catch {lappend x abc} msg] $msg
- }
- foo
- } {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
- test appendComp-4.11 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "{{{"
- list [catch {lappend x abc} msg] $msg
- }
- foo
- } {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
- test appendComp-4.12 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "x {{{"
- list [catch {lappend x abc} msg] $msg
- }
- foo
- } {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
- test appendComp-4.13 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "x{{{"
- lappend x abc
- }
- foo
- } "x\{\{\{ abc"
- test appendComp-4.14 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x " "
- lappend x abc
- }
- foo
- } "abc"
- test appendComp-4.15 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "\ "
- lappend x abc
- }
- foo
- } "{ } abc"
- test appendComp-4.16 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x "x "
- lappend x abc
- }
- foo
- } "x abc"
- test appendComp-4.17 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} { lappend x }
- foo
- } {}
- test appendComp-4.18 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} { lappend x {} }
- foo
- } {{}}
- test appendComp-4.19 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} { lappend x(0) }
- foo
- } {}
- test appendComp-4.20 {lappend command} {
- proc foo {} { lappend x(0) abc }
- foo
- } {abc}
- proc check {var size} {
- set l [llength $var]
- if {$l != $size} {
- return "length mismatch: should have been $size, was $l"
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {set i [expr $i+1]} {
- set j [lindex $var $i]
- if {$j != "item $i"} {
- return "element $i should have been "item $i", was "$j""
- }
- }
- return ok
- }
- test appendComp-5.1 {long lappends} {
- catch {unset x}
- set x ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < 300} {set i [expr $i+1]} {
- lappend x "item $i"
- }
- check $x 300
- } ok
- test appendComp-6.1 {lappend errors} {
- proc foo {} {lappend}
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "lappend varName ?value value ...?"}}
- test appendComp-6.2 {lappend errors} {
- proc foo {} {
- set x ""
- lappend x(0) 44
- }
- list [catch {foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't set "x(0)": variable isn't array}}
- test appendComp-7.1 {lappendComp-created var and error in trace on that var} {
- proc bar {} {
- global x
- catch {rename foo ""}
- catch {unset x}
- trace variable x w foo
- proc foo {} {global x; unset x}
- catch {lappend x 1}
- proc foo {args} {global x; unset x}
- info exists x
- set x
- lappend x 1
- list [info exists x] [catch {set x} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 1 {can't read "x": no such variable}}
- test appendComp-7.2 {lappend var triggers read trace, index var} {
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- trace variable myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- lappend myvar a
- list [catch {set ::result} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 {myvar {} r}}
- test appendComp-7.3 {lappend var triggers read trace, stack var} {
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset ::myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- trace variable ::myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- lappend ::myvar a
- list [catch {set ::result} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 {::myvar {} r}}
- test appendComp-7.4 {lappend var triggers read trace, array var} {
- # The behavior of read triggers on lappend changed in 8.0 to
- # not trigger them. Maybe not correct, but been there a while.
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- trace variable myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- lappend myvar(b) a
- list [catch {set ::result} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 {myvar b r}}
- test appendComp-7.5 {lappend var triggers read trace, array var} {
- # The behavior of read triggers on lappend changed in 8.0 to
- # not trigger them. Maybe not correct, but been there a while.
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- trace variable myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- lappend myvar(b) a b
- list [catch {set ::result} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 {myvar b r}}
- test appendComp-7.6 {lappend var triggers read trace, array var exists} {
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- set myvar(0) 1
- trace variable myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- lappend myvar(b) a
- list [catch {set ::result} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 {myvar b r}}
- test appendComp-7.7 {lappend var triggers read trace, array stack var} {
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset ::myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- trace variable ::myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- lappend ::myvar(b) a
- list [catch {set ::result} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 {::myvar b r}}
- test appendComp-7.8 {lappend var triggers read trace, array stack var} {
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset ::myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- trace variable ::myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- lappend ::myvar(b) a b
- list [catch {set ::result} msg] $msg
- }
- bar
- } {0 {::myvar b r}}
- test appendComp-7.9 {append var does not trigger read trace} {
- proc bar {} {
- catch {unset myvar}
- catch {unset ::result}
- trace variable myvar r foo
- proc foo {args} {append ::result $args}
- append myvar a
- info exists ::result
- }
- bar
- } {0}
- catch {unset i x result y}
- catch {rename foo ""}
- catch {rename bar ""}
- catch {rename check ""}
- catch {rename bar {}}
- # cleanup
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return