- # -*- tcl -*-
- # Commands covered: info
- #
- # This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
- # built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
- # generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- # Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- # Copyright (c) 2006 ActiveState
- #
- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: info.test,v 2006/11/28 22:20:02 andreas_kupries Exp $
- if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
- package require tcltest 2
- namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
- }
- # Set up namespaces needed to test operation of "info args", "info body",
- # "info default", and "info procs" with imported procedures.
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info1 test_ns_info2}
- namespace eval test_ns_info1 {
- namespace export *
- proc p {x} {return "x=$x"}
- proc q {{y 27} {z {}}} {return "y=$y"}
- }
- testConstraint tip280 [info exists tcl_platform(tip,280)]
- testConstraint !tip280 [expr {![info exists tcl_platform(tip,280)]}]
- test info-1.1 {info args option} {
- proc t1 {a bbb c} {return foo}
- info args t1
- } {a bbb c}
- test info-1.2 {info args option} {
- proc t1 {{a default1} {bbb default2} {c default3} args} {return foo}
- info a t1
- } {a bbb c args}
- test info-1.3 {info args option} {
- proc t1 "" {return foo}
- info args t1
- } {}
- test info-1.4 {info args option} {
- catch {rename t1 {}}
- list [catch {info args t1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {"t1" isn't a procedure}}
- test info-1.5 {info args option} {
- list [catch {info args set} msg] $msg
- } {1 {"set" isn't a procedure}}
- test info-1.6 {info args option} {
- proc t1 {a b} {set c 123; set d $c}
- t1 1 2
- info args t1
- } {a b}
- test info-1.7 {info args option} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- namespace import ::test_ns_info1::*
- list [info args p] [info args q]
- }
- } {x {y z}}
- test info-2.1 {info body option} {
- proc t1 {} {body of t1}
- info body t1
- } {body of t1}
- test info-2.2 {info body option} {
- list [catch {info body set} msg] $msg
- } {1 {"set" isn't a procedure}}
- test info-2.3 {info body option} {
- list [catch {info args set 1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info args procname"}}
- test info-2.4 {info body option} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- namespace import ::test_ns_info1::*
- list [info body p] [info body q]
- }
- } {{return "x=$x"} {return "y=$y"}}
- # Prior to 8.3.0 this would cause a crash because [info body]
- # would return the bytecompiled version of foo, which the catch
- # would then try and eval out of the foo context, accessing
- # compiled local indices
- test info-2.5 {info body option, returning bytecompiled bodies} {
- catch {unset args}
- proc foo {args} {
- foreach v $args {
- upvar $v var
- return "variable $v existence: [info exists var]"
- }
- }
- foo a
- list [catch [info body foo] msg] $msg
- } {1 {can't read "args": no such variable}}
- # Fix for problem tested for in info-2.5 caused problems when
- # procedure body had no string rep (i.e. was not yet bytecode)
- # causing an empty string to be returned [Bug #545644]
- test info-2.6 {info body option, returning list bodies} {
- proc foo args [list subst bar]
- list [string bytelength [info body foo]]
- [foo; string bytelength [info body foo]]
- } {9 9}
- # "info cmdcount" is no longer accurate for compiled commands!
- # The expected result for info-3.1 used to be "3" and is now "1"
- # since the "set"s have been compiled away. info-3.2 was corrected
- # in 8.3 because the eval'ed body won't be compiled.
- proc testinfocmdcount {} {
- set x [info cmdcount]
- set y 12345
- set z [info cm]
- expr $z-$x
- }
- test info-3.1 {info cmdcount compiled} {
- testinfocmdcount
- } 1
- test info-3.2 {info cmdcount evaled} {
- set x [info cmdcount]
- set y 12345
- set z [info cm]
- expr $z-$x
- } 3
- test info-3.3 {info cmdcount evaled} [info body testinfocmdcount] 3
- test info-3.4 {info cmdcount option} {
- list [catch {info cmdcount 1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info cmdcount"}}
- test info-4.1 {info commands option} {
- proc t1 {} {}
- proc t2 {} {}
- set x " [info commands] "
- list [string match {* t1 *} $x] [string match {* t2 *} $x]
- [string match {* set *} $x] [string match {* list *} $x]
- } {1 1 1 1}
- test info-4.2 {info commands option} {
- proc t1 {} {}
- rename t1 {}
- set x [info comm]
- string match {* t1 *} $x
- } 0
- test info-4.3 {info commands option} {
- proc _t1_ {} {}
- proc _t2_ {} {}
- info commands _t1_
- } _t1_
- test info-4.4 {info commands option} {
- proc _t1_ {} {}
- proc _t2_ {} {}
- lsort [info commands _t*]
- } {_t1_ _t2_}
- catch {rename _t1_ {}}
- catch {rename _t2_ {}}
- test info-4.5 {info commands option} {
- list [catch {info commands a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info commands ?pattern?"}}
- test info-5.1 {info complete option} {
- list [catch {info complete} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info complete command"}}
- test info-5.2 {info complete option} {
- info complete abc
- } 1
- test info-5.3 {info complete option} {
- info complete "{abcd "
- } 0
- test info-5.4 {info complete option} {
- info complete {# Comment should be complete command}
- } 1
- test info-5.5 {info complete option} {
- info complete {[a [b] }
- } 0
- test info-5.6 {info complete option} {
- info complete {[a [b]}
- } 0
- test info-6.1 {info default option} {
- proc t1 {a b {c d} {e "long default value"}} {}
- info default t1 a value
- } 0
- test info-6.2 {info default option} {
- proc t1 {a b {c d} {e "long default value"}} {}
- set value 12345
- info d t1 a value
- set value
- } {}
- test info-6.3 {info default option} {
- proc t1 {a b {c d} {e "long default value"}} {}
- info default t1 c value
- } 1
- test info-6.4 {info default option} {
- proc t1 {a b {c d} {e "long default value"}} {}
- set value 12345
- info default t1 c value
- set value
- } d
- test info-6.5 {info default option} {
- proc t1 {a b {c d} {e "long default value"}} {}
- set value 12345
- set x [info default t1 e value]
- list $x $value
- } {1 {long default value}}
- test info-6.6 {info default option} {
- list [catch {info default a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info default procname arg varname"}}
- test info-6.7 {info default option} {
- list [catch {info default _nonexistent_ a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {"_nonexistent_" isn't a procedure}}
- test info-6.8 {info default option} {
- proc t1 {a b} {}
- list [catch {info default t1 x value} msg] $msg
- } {1 {procedure "t1" doesn't have an argument "x"}}
- test info-6.9 {info default option} {
- catch {unset a}
- set a(0) 88
- proc t1 {a b} {}
- list [catch {info default t1 a a} msg] $msg
- } {1 {couldn't store default value in variable "a"}}
- test info-6.10 {info default option} {
- catch {unset a}
- set a(0) 88
- proc t1 {{a 18} b} {}
- list [catch {info default t1 a a} msg] $msg
- } {1 {couldn't store default value in variable "a"}}
- test info-6.11 {info default option} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- namespace import ::test_ns_info1::*
- list [info default p x foo] $foo [info default q y bar] $bar
- }
- } {0 {} 1 27}
- catch {unset a}
- test info-7.1 {info exists option} {
- set value foo
- info exists value
- } 1
- catch {unset _nonexistent_}
- test info-7.2 {info exists option} {
- info exists _nonexistent_
- } 0
- test info-7.3 {info exists option} {
- proc t1 {x} {return [info exists x]}
- t1 2
- } 1
- test info-7.4 {info exists option} {
- proc t1 {x} {
- global _nonexistent_
- return [info exists _nonexistent_]
- }
- t1 2
- } 0
- test info-7.5 {info exists option} {
- proc t1 {x} {
- set y 47
- return [info exists y]
- }
- t1 2
- } 1
- test info-7.6 {info exists option} {
- proc t1 {x} {return [info exists value]}
- t1 2
- } 0
- test info-7.7 {info exists option} {
- catch {unset x}
- set x(2) 44
- list [info exists x] [info exists x(1)] [info exists x(2)]
- } {1 0 1}
- catch {unset x}
- test info-7.8 {info exists option} {
- list [catch {info exists} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info exists varName"}}
- test info-7.9 {info exists option} {
- list [catch {info exists 1 2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info exists varName"}}
- test info-8.1 {info globals option} {
- set x 1
- set y 2
- set value 23
- set a " [info globals] "
- list [string match {* x *} $a] [string match {* y *} $a]
- [string match {* value *} $a] [string match {* _foobar_ *} $a]
- } {1 1 1 0}
- test info-8.2 {info globals option} {
- set _xxx1 1
- set _xxx2 2
- lsort [info g _xxx*]
- } {_xxx1 _xxx2}
- test info-8.3 {info globals option} {
- list [catch {info globals 1 2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info globals ?pattern?"}}
- test info-8.4 {info globals option: may have leading namespace qualifiers} {
- set x 0
- list [info globals x] [info globals :x] [info globals ::x] [info globals :::x] [info globals ::::x]
- } {x {} x x x}
- test info-8.5 {info globals option: only return existing global variables} {
- -setup {
- catch {unset ::NO_SUCH_VAR}
- proc evalInProc script {eval $script}
- }
- -body {
- evalInProc {global NO_SUCH_VAR; info globals NO_SUCH_VAR}
- }
- -cleanup {
- rename evalInProc {}
- }
- -result {}
- }
- test info-9.1 {info level option} {
- info level
- } 0
- test info-9.2 {info level option} {
- proc t1 {a b} {
- set x [info le]
- set y [info level 1]
- list $x $y
- }
- t1 146 testString
- } {1 {t1 146 testString}}
- test info-9.3 {info level option} {
- proc t1 {a b} {
- t2 [expr $a*2] $b
- }
- proc t2 {x y} {
- list [info level] [info level 1] [info level 2] [info level -1]
- [info level 0]
- }
- t1 146 {a {b c} {{{c}}}}
- } {2 {t1 146 {a {b c} {{{c}}}}} {t2 292 {a {b c} {{{c}}}}} {t1 146 {a {b c} {{{c}}}}} {t2 292 {a {b c} {{{c}}}}}}
- test info-9.4 {info level option} {
- proc t1 {} {
- set x [info level]
- set y [info level 1]
- list $x $y
- }
- t1
- } {1 t1}
- test info-9.5 {info level option} {
- list [catch {info level 1 2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info level ?number?"}}
- test info-9.6 {info level option} {
- list [catch {info level 123a} msg] $msg
- } {1 {expected integer but got "123a"}}
- test info-9.7 {info level option} {
- list [catch {info level 0} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad level "0"}}
- test info-9.8 {info level option} {
- proc t1 {} {info level -1}
- list [catch {t1} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad level "-1"}}
- test info-9.9 {info level option} {
- proc t1 {x} {info level $x}
- list [catch {t1 -3} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad level "-3"}}
- test info-9.10 {info level option, namespaces} {
- set msg [namespace eval t {info level 0}]
- namespace delete t
- set msg
- } {namespace eval t {info level 0}}
- set savedLibrary $tcl_library
- test info-10.1 {info library option} {
- list [catch {info library x} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info library"}}
- test info-10.2 {info library option} {
- set tcl_library 12345
- info library
- } {12345}
- test info-10.3 {info library option} {
- unset tcl_library
- list [catch {info library} msg] $msg
- } {1 {no library has been specified for Tcl}}
- set tcl_library $savedLibrary
- test info-11.1 {info loaded option} {
- list [catch {info loaded a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info loaded ?interp?"}}
- test info-11.2 {info loaded option} {
- list [catch {info loaded {}}] [catch {info loaded gorp} msg] $msg
- } {0 1 {could not find interpreter "gorp"}}
- test info-12.1 {info locals option} {
- set a 22
- proc t1 {x y} {
- set b 13
- set c testing
- global a
- global aa
- set aa 23
- return [info locals]
- }
- lsort [t1 23 24]
- } {b c x y}
- test info-12.2 {info locals option} {
- proc t1 {x y} {
- set xx1 2
- set xx2 3
- set y 4
- return [info loc x*]
- }
- lsort [t1 2 3]
- } {x xx1 xx2}
- test info-12.3 {info locals option} {
- list [catch {info locals 1 2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info locals ?pattern?"}}
- test info-12.4 {info locals option} {
- info locals
- } {}
- test info-12.5 {info locals option} {
- proc t1 {} {return [info locals]}
- t1
- } {}
- test info-12.6 {info locals vs unset compiled locals} {
- proc t1 {lst} {
- foreach $lst $lst {}
- unset lst
- return [info locals]
- }
- lsort [t1 {a b c c d e f}]
- } {a b c d e f}
- test info-12.7 {info locals with temporary variables} {
- proc t1 {} {
- foreach a {b c} {}
- info locals
- }
- t1
- } {a}
- test info-13.1 {info nameofexecutable option} {
- list [catch {info nameofexecutable foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info nameofexecutable"}}
- test info-14.1 {info patchlevel option} {
- set a [info patchlevel]
- regexp {[0-9]+.[0-9]+([p[0-9]+)?} $a
- } 1
- test info-14.2 {info patchlevel option} {
- list [catch {info patchlevel a} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info patchlevel"}}
- test info-14.3 {info patchlevel option} {
- set t $tcl_patchLevel
- unset tcl_patchLevel
- set result [list [catch {info patchlevel} msg] $msg]
- set tcl_patchLevel $t
- set result
- } {1 {can't read "tcl_patchLevel": no such variable}}
- test info-15.1 {info procs option} {
- proc t1 {} {}
- proc t2 {} {}
- set x " [info procs] "
- list [string match {* t1 *} $x] [string match {* t2 *} $x]
- [string match {* _undefined_ *} $x]
- } {1 1 0}
- test info-15.2 {info procs option} {
- proc _tt1 {} {}
- proc _tt2 {} {}
- lsort [info pr _tt*]
- } {_tt1 _tt2}
- catch {rename _tt1 {}}
- catch {rename _tt2 {}}
- test info-15.3 {info procs option} {
- list [catch {info procs 2 3} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info procs ?pattern?"}}
- test info-15.4 {info procs option} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- namespace import ::test_ns_info1::*
- proc r {} {}
- list [info procs] [info procs p*]
- }
- } {{p q r} p}
- test info-15.5 {info procs option with a proc in a namespace} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- proc p1 { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- proc p2 { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- }
- info procs ::test_ns_info2::p1
- } {::test_ns_info2::p1}
- test info-15.6 {info procs option with a pattern in a namespace} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- proc p1 { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- proc p2 { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- }
- lsort [info procs ::test_ns_info2::p*]
- } [lsort [list ::test_ns_info2::p1 ::test_ns_info2::p2]]
- test info-15.7 {info procs option with a global shadowing proc} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- proc string_cmd { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- proc string_cmd { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- }
- info procs test_ns_info2::string*
- } {::test_ns_info2::string_cmd}
- # This regression test is currently commented out because it requires
- # that the implementation of "info procs" looks into the global namespace,
- # which it does not (in contrast to "info commands")
- if {0} {
- test info-15.8 {info procs option with a global shadowing proc} {
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info2}
- proc string_cmd { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- proc string_cmd2 { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- proc string_cmd { arg } {
- puts cmd
- }
- }
- namespace eval test_ns_info2 {
- lsort [info procs string*]
- }
- } [lsort [list string_cmd string_cmd2]]
- }
- test info-16.1 {info script option} {
- list [catch {info script x x} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info script ?filename?"}}
- test info-16.2 {info script option} {
- file tail [info sc]
- } "info.test"
- set gorpfile [makeFile "info scriptn"]
- test info-16.3 {info script option} {
- list [source $gorpfile] [file tail [info script]]
- } [list $gorpfile info.test]
- test info-16.4 {resetting "info script" after errors} {
- catch {source ~_nobody_/foo}
- file tail [info script]
- } "info.test"
- test info-16.5 {resetting "info script" after errors} {
- catch {source _nonexistent_}
- file tail [info script]
- } "info.test"
- test info-16.6 {info script option} {
- set script [info script]
- list [file tail [info script]]
- [info script newname.txt]
- [file tail [info script $script]]
- } [list info.test newname.txt info.test]
- test info-16.7 {info script option} {
- set script [info script]
- info script newname.txt
- list [source $gorpfile] [file tail [info script]]
- [file tail [info script $script]]
- } [list $gorpfile newname.txt info.test]
- removeFile
- set gorpfile [makeFile {list [info script] [info script]}]
- test info-16.8 {info script option} {
- list [source $gorpfile] [file tail [info script]]
- } [list [list $gorpfile] info.test]
- removeFile
- test info-17.1 {info sharedlibextension option} {
- list [catch {info sharedlibextension foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info sharedlibextension"}}
- test info-18.1 {info tclversion option} {
- set x [info tclversion]
- scan $x "%d.%d%c" a b c
- } 2
- test info-18.2 {info tclversion option} {
- list [catch {info t 2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info tclversion"}}
- test info-18.3 {info tclversion option} {
- set t $tcl_version
- unset tcl_version
- set result [list [catch {info tclversion} msg] $msg]
- set tcl_version $t
- set result
- } {1 {can't read "tcl_version": no such variable}}
- test info-19.1 {info vars option} {
- set a 1
- set b 2
- proc t1 {x y} {
- global a b
- set c 33
- return [info vars]
- }
- lsort [t1 18 19]
- } {a b c x y}
- test info-19.2 {info vars option} {
- set xxx1 1
- set xxx2 2
- proc t1 {xxa y} {
- global xxx1 xxx2
- set c 33
- return [info vars x*]
- }
- lsort [t1 18 19]
- } {xxa xxx1 xxx2}
- test info-19.3 {info vars option} {
- lsort [info vars]
- } [lsort [info globals]]
- test info-19.4 {info vars option} {
- list [catch {info vars a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info vars ?pattern?"}}
- test info-19.5 {info vars with temporary variables} {
- proc t1 {} {
- foreach a {b c} {}
- info vars
- }
- t1
- } {a}
- test info-19.6 {info vars: Bug 1072654} -setup {
- namespace eval :: unset -nocomplain foo
- catch {namespace delete x}
- } -body {
- namespace eval x info vars foo
- } -cleanup {
- namespace delete x
- } -result {}
- # Check whether the extra testing functions are defined...
- if {([catch {expr T1()} msg] == 1) && ($msg == {unknown math function "T1"})} {
- set functions {abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh double exp floor fmod hypot int log log10 pow rand round sin sinh sqrt srand tan tanh wide}
- } else {
- set functions {T1 T2 T3 abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh double exp floor fmod hypot int log log10 pow rand round sin sinh sqrt srand tan tanh wide}
- }
- test info-20.1 {info functions option} {info functions sin} sin
- test info-20.2 {info functions option} {lsort [info functions]} $functions
- test info-20.3 {info functions option} {
- lsort [info functions a*]
- } {abs acos asin atan atan2}
- test info-20.4 {info functions option} {
- lsort [info functions *tan*]
- } {atan atan2 tan tanh}
- test info-20.5 {info functions option} {
- list [catch {info functions raise an error} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info functions ?pattern?"}}
- test info-21.1 {miscellaneous error conditions} {
- list [catch {info} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "info option ?arg arg ...?"}}
- test info-21.2 {miscellaneous error conditions} !tip280 {
- list [catch {info gorp} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "gorp": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- test info-21.2-280 {miscellaneous error conditions} tip280 {
- list [catch {info gorp} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "gorp": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, frame, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- test info-21.3 {miscellaneous error conditions} !tip280 {
- list [catch {info c} msg] $msg
- } {1 {ambiguous option "c": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- test info-21.3-280 {miscellaneous error conditions} tip280 {
- list [catch {info c} msg] $msg
- } {1 {ambiguous option "c": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, frame, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- test info-21.4 {miscellaneous error conditions} !tip280 {
- list [catch {info l} msg] $msg
- } {1 {ambiguous option "l": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- test info-21.4-280 {miscellaneous error conditions} tip280 {
- list [catch {info l} msg] $msg
- } {1 {ambiguous option "l": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, frame, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- test info-21.5 {miscellaneous error conditions} !tip280 {
- list [catch {info s} msg] $msg
- } {1 {ambiguous option "s": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- test info-21.5-280 {miscellaneous error conditions} tip280 {
- list [catch {info s} msg] $msg
- } {1 {ambiguous option "s": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default, exists, frame, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable, patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars}}
- ##
- # ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
- ## info frame
- ## Helper
- # For the more complex results we cut the file name down to remove
- # path dependencies, and we use only part of the first line of the
- # reported command. The latter is required because otherwise the whole
- # test case may appear in some results, but the result is part of the
- # testcase. An infinite string would be required to describe that. The
- # cutting-down breaks this.
- proc reduce {frame} {
- set pos [lsearch -exact $frame cmd]
- incr pos
- set cmd [lindex $frame $pos]
- if {[regexp n $cmd]} {
- set first [string range [lindex [split $cmd n] 0] 0 end-11]
- set frame [lreplace $frame $pos $pos $first]
- }
- set pos [lsearch -exact $frame file]
- if {$pos >=0} {
- incr pos
- set tail [file tail [lindex $frame $pos]]
- set frame [lreplace $frame $pos $pos $tail]
- }
- set frame
- }
- ## Helper
- # Generate a stacktrace from the current location to top. This code
- # not only depends on the exact location of things, but also on the
- # implementation of tcltest. Any changes and these tests will have to
- # be updated.
- proc etrace {} {
- set res {}
- set level [info frame]
- while {$level} {
- lappend res [list $level [reduce [info frame $level]]]
- incr level -1
- }
- return $res
- }
- ##
- test info-22.0 {info frame, levels} tip280 {
- info frame
- } 7
- test info-22.1 {info frame, bad level relative} tip280 {
- # catch is another level!, i.e. we have 8, not 7
- catch {info frame -8} msg
- set msg
- } {bad level "-8"}
- test info-22.2 {info frame, bad level absolute} tip280 {
- # catch is another level!, i.e. we have 8, not 7
- catch {info frame 9} msg
- set msg
- } {bad level "9"}
- test info-22.3 {info frame, current, relative} tip280 {
- info frame 0
- } {type eval line 2 cmd {info frame 0}}
- test info-22.4 {info frame, current, relative, nested} tip280 {
- set res [info frame 0]
- } {type eval line 2 cmd {info frame 0}}
- test info-22.5 {info frame, current, absolute} tip280 {
- reduce [info frame 7]
- } {type eval line 2 cmd {info frame 7}}
- test info-22.6 {info frame, global, relative} tip280 {
- reduce [info frame -6]
- } {type source line 759 file info.test cmd test info-22.6 {info frame, global, relativ}
- test info-22.7 {info frame, global, absolute} tip280 {
- reduce [info frame 1]
- } {type source line 763 file info.test cmd test info-22.7 {info frame, global, absolut}
- test info-22.8 {info frame, basic trace} tip280 {
- join [etrace] n
- } {8 {type source line 723 file info.test cmd {info frame $level} proc ::etrace level 0}
- 7 {type eval line 2 cmd etrace}
- 6 {type source line 2277 file tcltest.tcl cmd {uplevel 1 $script} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- 5 {type eval line 1 cmd {::tcltest::RunTest }}
- 4 {type source line 1619 file tcltest.tcl cmd {uplevel 1 $script} proc ::tcltest::Eval}
- 3 {type eval line 1 cmd ::tcltest::Eval {::tcltest::RunTest }
- 2 {type source line 1966 file tcltest.tcl cmd {uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Eval] $command 1]} proc ::tcltest::test}
- 1 {type source line 767 file info.test cmd test info-22.8 {info frame, basic trac}}
- ## The line 1966 is off by 5 from the true value of 1971. This is a knownBug, see testcase 30.0
- test info-23.0 {eval'd info frame} tip280 {
- eval {info frame}
- } 8
- test info-23.1 {eval'd info frame, semi-dynamic} tip280 {
- eval info frame
- } 8
- test info-23.2 {eval'd info frame, dynamic} tip280 {
- set script {info frame}
- eval $script
- } 8
- test info-23.3 {eval'd info frame, literal} tip280 {
- eval {
- info frame 0
- }
- } {type eval line 2 cmd {info frame 0}}
- test info-23.4 {eval'd info frame, semi-dynamic} tip280 {
- eval info frame 0
- } {type eval line 1 cmd {info frame 0}}
- test info-23.5 {eval'd info frame, dynamic} tip280 {
- set script {info frame 0}
- eval $script
- } {type eval line 1 cmd {info frame 0}}
- test info-23.6 {eval'd info frame, trace} tip280 {
- set script {etrace}
- join [eval $script] n
- } {9 {type source line 723 file info.test cmd {info frame $level} proc ::etrace level 0}
- 8 {type eval line 1 cmd etrace}
- 7 {type eval line 3 cmd {eval $script}}
- 6 {type source line 2277 file tcltest.tcl cmd {uplevel 1 $script} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- 5 {type eval line 1 cmd {::tcltest::RunTest }}
- 4 {type source line 1619 file tcltest.tcl cmd {uplevel 1 $script} proc ::tcltest::Eval}
- 3 {type eval line 1 cmd ::tcltest::Eval {::tcltest::RunTest }
- 2 {type source line 1966 file tcltest.tcl cmd {uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin Eval] $command 1]} proc ::tcltest::test}
- 1 {type source line 806 file info.test cmd test info-23.6 {eval'd info frame, trac}}
- ## The line 1966 is off by 5 from the true value of 1971. This is a knownBug, see testcase 30.0
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Procedures defined in scripts which are arguments to control
- # structures (like 'namespace eval', 'interp eval', 'if', 'while',
- # 'switch', 'catch', 'for', 'foreach', etc.) have no absolute
- # location. The command implementations execute such scripts through
- # Tcl_EvalObjEx. Flag 0 causes it to use the bytecode compiler. This
- # causes the connection to the context to be lost. Currently only
- # procedure bodies are able to remember their context.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval foo {
- proc bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- test info-24.0 {info frame, interaction, namespace eval} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 832 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- set flag 1
- if {$flag} {
- namespace eval foo {}
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- test info-24.1 {info frame, interaction, if} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 846 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- set flag 1
- while {$flag} {
- namespace eval foo {}
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- set flag 0
- }
- test info-24.2 {info frame, interaction, while} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 860 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- catch {
- namespace eval foo {}
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- test info-24.3 {info frame, interaction, catch} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 874 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- foreach var val {
- namespace eval foo {}
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- break
- }
- test info-24.4 {info frame, interaction, foreach} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 887 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for {} {1} {} {
- namespace eval foo {}
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- break
- }
- test info-24.5 {info frame, interaction, for} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 901 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- eval {
- proc bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- test info-25.0 {info frame, proc in eval} tip280 {
- reduce [bar]
- } {type source line 914 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::bar level 0}
- proc bar {} {info frame 0}
- test info-25.1 {info frame, regular proc} tip280 {
- reduce [bar]
- } {type source line 921 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::bar level 0}
- rename bar {}
- test info-30.0 {bs+nl in literal words} {tip280 knownBug} {
- if {1} {
- set res
- [reduce [info frame 0]]
- }
- set res
- # This is reporting line 3 instead of the correct 4 because the
- # bs+nl combination is subst by the parser before the 'if'
- # command, and the the bcc sees the word. To fix record the
- # offsets of all bs+nl sequences in literal words, then use the
- # information in the bcc to bump line numbers when parsing over
- # the location. Also affected: testcases 22.8 and 23.6.
- } {type eval line 4 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # See 24.0 - 24.5 for similar situations, using literal scripts.
- set body {set flag 0
- set a c
- set res [info frame 0]} ;# line 3!
- test info-31.0 {ns eval, script in variable} tip280 {
- namespace eval foo $body
- set res
- } {type eval line 3 cmd {info frame 0} level 0}
- catch {namespace delete foo}
- test info-31.1 {if, script in variable} tip280 {
- if 1 $body
- set res
- } {type eval line 3 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- test info-31.1a {if, script in variable} tip280 {
- if 1 then $body
- set res
- } {type eval line 3 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- test info-31.2 {while, script in variable} tip280 {
- set flag 1
- while {$flag} $body
- set res
- } {type eval line 3 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- # .3 - proc - scoping prevent return of result ...
- test info-31.4 {foreach, script in variable} tip280 {
- foreach var val $body
- set res
- } {type eval line 3 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- test info-31.5 {for, script in variable} tip280 {
- set flag 1
- for {} {$flag} {} $body
- set res
- } {type eval line 3 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::tcltest::RunTest}
- test info-31.6 {eval, script in variable} tip280 {
- eval $body
- set res
- } {type eval line 3 cmd {info frame 0}}
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval foo {}
- set x foo
- switch -exact -- $x {
- foo {
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- }
- test info-24.6.0 {info frame, interaction, switch, list body} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 1001 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- unset x
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval foo {}
- set x foo
- switch -exact -- $x foo {
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- test info-24.6.1 {info frame, interaction, switch, multi-body} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type source line 1017 file info.test cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- unset x
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval foo {}
- set x foo
- switch -exact -- $x [list foo {
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- }]
- test info-24.6.2 {info frame, interaction, switch, list body, dynamic} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type proc line 1 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- unset x
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- set body {
- foo {
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- }
- namespace eval foo {}
- set x foo
- switch -exact -- $x $body
- test info-31.7 {info frame, interaction, switch, dynamic} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type proc line 1 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- unset x
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- set body {
- proc ::foo::bar {} {info frame 0}
- }
- namespace eval foo {}
- eval $body
- test info-32.0 {info frame, dynamic procedure} tip280 {
- reduce [foo::bar]
- } {type proc line 1 cmd {info frame 0} proc ::foo::bar level 0}
- namespace delete foo
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # cleanup
- catch {namespace delete test_ns_info1 test_ns_info2}
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return