- '"
- '" Copyright (c) 1989-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
- '" Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- '"
- '" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- '" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- '"
- '" RCS: @(#) $Id: CrtMathFnc.3,v 2003/04/16 22:26:16 dkf Exp $
- '"
- .so man.macros
- .TH Tcl_CreateMathFunc 3 8.4 Tcl "Tcl Library Procedures"
- .BS
- Tcl_CreateMathFunc, Tcl_GetMathFuncInfo, Tcl_ListMathFuncs - Define, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
- .nf
- fB#include <tcl.h>fR
- .sp
- void
- fBTcl_CreateMathFuncfR(fIinterp, name, numArgs, argTypes, proc, clientDatafR)
- .sp
- .VS 8.4
- int
- fBTcl_GetMathFuncInfofR(fIinterp, name, numArgsPtr, argTypesPtr, procPtr, clientDataPtrfR)
- .sp
- Tcl_Obj *
- fBTcl_ListMathFuncsfR(fIinterp, patternfR)
- .VE
- .AS Tcl_ValueType *clientDataPtr
- .AP Tcl_Interp *interp in
- Interpreter in which new function will be defined.
- .VS 8.4
- .AP "CONST char" *name in
- .VE
- Name for new function.
- .AP int numArgs in
- Number of arguments to new function; also gives size of fIargTypesfR array.
- .AP Tcl_ValueType *argTypes in
- Points to an array giving the permissible types for each argument to
- function.
- .AP Tcl_MathProc *proc in
- Procedure that implements the function.
- .AP ClientData clientData in
- Arbitrary one-word value to pass to fIprocfR when it is invoked.
- .AP int *numArgsPtr out
- Points to a variable that will be set to contain the number of
- arguments to the function.
- .AP Tcl_ValueType **argTypesPtr out
- Points to a variable that will be set to contain a pointer to an array
- giving the permissible types for each argument to the function which
- will need to be freed up using fITcl_FreefR.
- .AP Tcl_MathProc **procPtr out
- Points to a variable that will be set to contain a pointer to the
- implementation code for the function (or NULL if the function is
- implemented directly in bytecode.)
- .AP ClientData *clientDataPtr out
- Points to a variable that will be set to contain the clientData
- argument passed to fITcl_CreateMathFuncfR when the function was
- created if the function is not implemented directly in bytecode.
- .AP "CONST char" *pattern in
- Pattern to match against function names so as to filter them (by
- passing to fITcl_StringMatchfR), or NULL to not apply any filter.
- .BE
- .PP
- Tcl allows a number of mathematical functions to be used in
- expressions, such as fBsinfR, fBcosfR, and fBhypotfR.
- fBTcl_CreateMathFuncfR allows applications to add additional functions
- to those already provided by Tcl or to replace existing functions.
- fINamefR is the name of the function as it will appear in expressions.
- If fInamefR doesn't already exist as a function then a new function
- is created. If it does exist, then the existing function is replaced.
- fINumArgsfR and fIargTypesfR describe the arguments to the function.
- Each entry in the fIargTypesfR array must be
- .VS 8.4
- or TCL_EITHER to indicate whether the corresponding argument must be an
- integer, a double-precision floating value, a wide (64-bit) integer,
- or any, respectively.
- .VE 8.4
- .PP
- Whenever the function is invoked in an expression Tcl will invoke
- fIprocfR. fIProcfR should have arguments and result that match
- the type fBTcl_MathProcfR:
- .CS
- typedef int Tcl_MathProc(
- ClientData fIclientDatafR,
- Tcl_Interp *fIinterpfR,
- Tcl_Value *fIargsfR,
- Tcl_Value *fIresultPtrfR);
- .CE
- .PP
- When fIprocfR is invoked the fIclientDatafR and fIinterpfR
- arguments will be the same as those passed to fBTcl_CreateMathFuncfR.
- fIArgsfR will point to an array of fInumArgsfR Tcl_Value structures,
- which describe the actual arguments to the function:
- .VS 8.4
- .CS
- typedef struct Tcl_Value {
- Tcl_ValueType fItypefR;
- long fIintValuefR;
- double fIdoubleValuefR;
- Tcl_WideInt fIwideValuefR;
- } Tcl_Value;
- .CE
- .PP
- The fItypefR field indicates the type of the argument and is
- .VE 8.4
- It will match the fIargTypesfR value specified for the function unless
- the fIargTypesfR value was TCL_EITHER. Tcl converts
- the argument supplied in the expression to the type requested in
- fIargTypesfR, if that is necessary.
- Depending on the value of the fItypefR field, the fIintValuefR,
- .VS 8.4
- fIdoubleValuefR or fIwideValuefR
- .VE 8.4
- field will contain the actual value of the argument.
- .PP
- fIProcfR should compute its result and store it either as an integer
- in fIresultPtr->intValuefR or as a floating value in
- fIresultPtr->doubleValuefR.
- It should set also fIresultPtr->typefR to one of
- .VS 8.4
- .VE 8.4
- to indicate which value was set.
- Under normal circumstances fIprocfR should return TCL_OK.
- If an error occurs while executing the function, fIprocfR should
- return TCL_ERROR and leave an error message in the interpreter's result.
- .PP
- .VS 8.4
- fBTcl_GetMathFuncInfofR retrieves the values associated with
- function fInamefR that were passed to a preceding
- fBTcl_CreateMathFuncfR call. Normally, the return code is
- fBTCL_OKfR but if the named function does not exist, fBTCL_ERRORfR
- is returned and an error message is placed in the interpreter's
- result.
- .PP
- If an error did not occur, the array reference placed in the variable
- pointed to by fIargTypesPtrfR is newly allocated, and should be
- released by passing it to fBTcl_FreefR. Some functions (the
- standard set implemented in the core) are implemented directly at the
- bytecode level; attempting to retrieve values for them causes a NULL
- to be stored in the variable pointed to by fIprocPtrfR and the
- variable pointed to by fIclientDataPtrfR will not be modified.
- .PP
- fBTcl_ListMathFuncsfR returns a Tcl object containing a list of all
- the math functions defined in the interpreter whose name matches
- fIpatternfR. In the case of an error, NULL is returned and an error
- message is left in the interpreter result, and otherwise the returned
- object will have a reference count of zero.
- .VE
- expression, mathematical function
- expr(n), info(n), Tcl_Free(3), Tcl_NewListObj(3)