- /*
- * Network model with wireless net layout
- *
- */
- #ifndef nam_wnetmodel_h
- #define nam_wnetmodel_h
- #include "netmodel.h"
- // The ratio of node radius and mean edge length in the topology
- class WirelessNetModel : public NetModel {
- public:
- WirelessNetModel(const char *animator);
- virtual ~WirelessNetModel();
- void handle(const TraceEvent& e, double now, int direction);
- void removeLink(const TraceEvent& e);
- void removeLink(int src, int dst );
- void BoundingBox(BBox&);
- virtual void moveNode(Node *n);
- inline WirelessNetModel* wobj() { return wobj_; }
- virtual void update(double);
- void addToEdgePool(Edge*);
- Edge* removeFromEdgePool();
- protected:
- void layout();
- virtual void placeEdge(Edge* e, Node* src) const;
- WirelessNetModel *wobj_;
- // we need our own 'cmd layout'
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- struct WEdgeList {
- Edge* wEdge;
- WEdgeList* next;
- };
- private:
- int nNodes_;
- double pxmax_;
- double pymax_;
- WEdgeList* edges_;
- };
- #endif // nam_wnetmodel_h