- These examples have been collected from ns runs.
- Tahoe1:
- Generated from ns with
- cd ns-2/tcl/test
- ns test-suite-routed.tcl tahoe1
- awk -f ../nam-demo/nstonam.awk < >
- tahoe1.tcl was written by Kannan.
- simple_mcast: (from Daniel Zappala <daniel@ISI.EDU>)
- It's pretty simple ...
- four senders/receivers each join the same group and start sending
- packets. Multicast tree links are shown in red. (It looks like
- it is using a shared tree but it isn't ... there is just one
- shortest path that they all use.)
- This file is out-of-date and is no longer supported.
- srm-example.nam:
- Generated from ns with
- cd ns-2/tcl/test
- ../../ns nam-example.tcl
- The example uses dynamic link, which simulates link up and down. The
- dynamic link will produce traces which calls some user-defined tcl
- functions. dynamic-nam.conf in this directory provides an example of
- those functions. nam has to load the file during startup. The
- following command may be used:
- nam -f dynamic-nam.conf srm-example.nam
- Or you can re-name dynamic-nam.conf to .nam.tcl. nam will load
- .nam.tcl in current directory during startup.
- ts20.nam:
- 10 adaptive SRM agents running in a 20 nodes transit stub network
- generated by ITM network modeler. See
- for detail
- about the modeler.
- There are 4 traffic sources which are colored red,
- all other members are blue. Non-member nodes are black. After
- simulation time 30s, all links on the distribution tree (SPT of node
- 8) are colored blue. Two of the links are red, which means they
- are lossy (drops 50% of SRM data packets).
- ts100.nam:
- Same as above (ts20.nam), except there are 5 lossy links instead of
- 2, and the agents are running in a 100 nodes
- transit stub network, which is the one from
- lan.nam:
- Hand hacked simulation to demonstrate the use of LANs. Should be
- replaced by a more realistic demonstration sometime.
- 9nodetree.nam:
- Result of hand layout using topology editor (edit view).
- rpm-vs-srm.nam
- Comparison between adaptive SRM and RPM (Reliable Policy Multicast)
- with preferred responder. The scenario is a 9 node unbalanced binary
- tree, 2 lossy links with loss rate 0.10 each, all nodes are data
- sources, data rate is 1 packet per 100s.
- tcpsrm.nam:
- One TCP flow and one SRM group, containing information used by SRM
- analysis tool.
- Usage: go to nam's "Analysis" menu, click "Active Sessions". That'll
- bring out a session dialog. Clicking on the "TCP..." button will bring
- out a TCP sequence plot; clicking on the "SRM..." button will bring out
- a SRM event graph.
- TCL scripts used to generate this is at ~ns-2/tcl/ex/tcpsrm.tcl.
- tcpecn.nam:
- Two TCP flows. Containing information used by TCP analysis tool.
- Usage: go to nam's "Analysis" menu, click "Active Sessions". It'll bring
- up a dialog showing all active sessions. Clicking on any buttons to show
- TCP sequence number plot for that session.
- TCL script used to generate this is at ~ns-2/tcl/ex/tcpecn.tcl.
- webcache.nam:
- One-level hierarchical web cache with one server and 5 clients.
- Demostrating the basic multicast cache invalidation, and its
- detection and recovery of a single link failure.
- mcache.nam:
- Multimedia web caching. The demo shows the on-demand prefetching of
- the cache for high-bandwidth client.
- nam11by6fulltorus.gif:
- screenshot of nam doing a complex torus (11 rings of 6 nodes, looped, with
- attached nodes), just to show what 1.0a4 is capable of.
- from
- nam288teledesic.gif:
- rough approximation of 288-satellite Teledesic
- from