- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 by the University of Southern California
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- *
- * The copyright of this module includes the following
- * linking-with-specific-other-licenses addition:
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
- * this module give you permission to combine (via static or
- * dynamic linking) this module with free software programs or
- * libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with code
- * included in the standard release of ns-2 under the Apache 2.0
- * license or under otherwise-compatible licenses with advertising
- * requirements (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged
- * license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
- * terms of the GNU GPL for this module and the licenses of the
- * other code concerned, provided that you include the source code of
- * that other code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of
- * source code.
- *
- * Note that people who make modified versions of this module
- * are not obligated to grant this special exception for their
- * modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
- * General Public License gives permission to release a modified
- * version without this exception; this exception also makes it
- * possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
- * exception.
- *
- * $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/nam-1/enetmodel.cc,v 1.46 2007/02/12 07:08:43 tom_henderson Exp $
- */
- // Network model with Editor layout
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include "random.h"
- #include "view.h"
- #include "netview.h"
- #include "animation.h"
- #include "queue.h"
- #include "edge.h"
- #include "node.h"
- #include "agent.h"
- #include "sincos.h"
- #include "state.h"
- #include "packet.h"
- #include "enetmodel.h"
- #include "trafficsource.h"
- #include "queuehandle.h"
- static int agent_number = 0;
- class EditorNetworkModelClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- EditorNetworkModelClass() : TclClass("NetworkModel/Editor") {}
- TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- if (argc < 5)
- return 0;
- return (new EditorNetModel(argv[4]));
- }
- } editornetworkmodel_class;
- EditorNetModel::EditorNetModel(const char *editor) :
- NetModel(editor) {
- node_id_count = 0;
- traffic_sources_ = NULL;
- lossmodels_ = NULL;
- queue_handles_ = NULL;
- maximum_simulation_time_ = 30.0; // seconds
- playback_speed_ = 2000.0; // default animation speed (in microseconds)
- bind("Wpxmin_", &pxmin_);
- bind("Wpymin_", &pymin_);
- bind("Wpxmax_", &pxmax_);
- bind("Wpymax_", &pymax_);
- bind("maximum_simulation_time_", &maximum_simulation_time_);
- }
- EditorNetModel::~EditorNetModel()
- {
- }
- void EditorNetModel::BoundingBox(BBox& bb)
- {
- // by default, 800X1000 internal drawing area
- bb.xmin = pxmin_;
- bb.ymin = pymin_;
- bb.xmax = pxmax_;
- bb.ymax = pymax_;
- for (Animation* a = drawables_; a != 0; a = a->next()) {
- a->merge(bb);
- }
- pxmin_ = bb.xmin;
- pymin_ = bb.ymin;
- pxmax_ = bb.xmax;
- pymax_ = bb.ymax;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Node *
- // EditorNetModel::addNode(Node * node)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Node *
- EditorNetModel::addNode(Node * node) {
- if (!lookupNode(node->num())) {
- node->next_ = nodes_;
- nodes_ = node;
- node->Animation::insert(&drawables_);
- return node;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addNode(int node_id)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Node *
- EditorNetModel::addNode(int node_id) {
- Node * node = NULL;
- static char name[TRACE_LINE_MAXLEN];
- double size = 10.0; // This is the default node size taken from
- // parser.cc under the 'n' animation event
- sprintf(name, "%d", node_id);
- node = new CircleNode(name, size);
- node->init_color("black");
- if (node_id_count <= node_id) {
- node_id_count = node_id + 1;
- }
- if (!addNode(node)) {
- delete node;
- node = NULL;
- }
- return node;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addNode(float cx, float cy)
- // - Create a node using the specified name
- // and the default size and insert it into this
- // NetModel's list of drawables.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addNode(float cx, float cy) {
- Node * node;
- // Find the next node id number
- if (node_id_count == 0 ) {
- for (node = nodes_; node != 0; node = node->next_) {
- if (node->num() > node_id_count) {
- node_id_count = node->num();
- }
- }
- node_id_count++;
- }
- node = addNode(node_id_count);
- if (node) {
- node->place(cx,cy);
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Edge *
- EditorNetModel::addEdge(Edge * edge) {
- enterEdge(edge); // adds edge to a hash table
- edge->Animation::insert(&drawables_); // adds to list of drawable objects
- placeEdge(edge, edge->getSourceNode());
- return edge;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addLink(Node * src, Node * dst)
- // - All links are duplex links by default
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addLink(Node * src, Node * dst) {
- double bw = 1.0; // Mb/s
- double delay = 20; // ms
- double length = 0.0;
- double angle = 1.0;
- Edge * edge;
- if (!src->find_edge(dst->number()) &&
- !dst->find_edge(src->number())) {
- // Create the forward edge
- edge = new Edge(src, dst, 25, bw, delay, length, angle);
- edge->init_color("black");
- enterEdge(edge);
- edge->Animation::insert(&drawables_);
- src->add_link(edge);
- placeEdge(edge, src);
- // Add queue handle for editing the forward edge's queue properties
- addQueueHandle(edge);
- // Create the reverse edge
- edge = new Edge(dst, src, 25, bw, delay, length, angle);
- edge->init_color("black");
- enterEdge(edge);
- edge->Animation::insert(&drawables_);
- dst->add_link(edge);
- placeEdge(edge, dst);
- // Add queue handle for editing the reverse edge's queue properties
- addQueueHandle(edge);
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int EditorNetModel::addLink(int source_id, int destination_id)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addLink(int source_id, int destination_id) {
- Node * source_node, * destination_node;
- source_node = lookupNode(source_id);
- destination_node = lookupNode(destination_id);
- if (source_node && destination_node) {
- return addLink(source_node, destination_node);
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // agent_type
- // EditorNetModel::classifyAgent(const char * agent)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- agent_type
- EditorNetModel::classifyAgent(const char * agent) {
- if (strcmp(agent, "UDP") == 0) return UDP_SOURCE_AGENT;
- if (strcmp(agent, "Null") == 0) return UDP_SINK_AGENT;
- if ((strcmp(agent, "TCP") == 0) || (strncmp(agent, "TCP/", 4) == 0))
- if (strcmp(agent, "TCPSink") >= 0) return TCP_SINK_AGENT;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // bool
- // EditorNetModel::checkAgentCompatibility(agent_type source, agent_type dest)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- EditorNetModel::checkAgentCompatibility(agent_type source, agent_type dest) {
- return (source == UDP_SOURCE_AGENT && dest == UDP_SINK_AGENT)
- || (source == UDP_SINK_AGENT && dest == UDP_SOURCE_AGENT)
- || (source == TCP_SOURCE_AGENT && dest == TCP_SINK_AGENT)
- || (source == TCP_SINK_AGENT && dest == TCP_SOURCE_AGENT)
- || (source == FULLTCP_AGENT && dest == FULLTCP_AGENT);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // bool
- // EditorNetModel::checkAgentCompatibility(const char * source, const char * dest)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- EditorNetModel::checkAgentCompatibility(const char * source, const char * dest) {
- return checkAgentCompatibility(classifyAgent(source), classifyAgent(dest));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addAgent(Agent * agent, Node * node)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addAgent(Agent * agent, Node * node) {
- placeAgent(agent, node);
- // Add to animations list so that it will be redrawn on all updates
- agent->Animation::insert(&animations_);
- agent->node_ = node;
- node->add_agent(agent);
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addAgent(Node *src, char * agent_type, float cx, float cy)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addAgent(Node * src, const char * agent_type, float cx, float cy) {
- Agent *a;
- Node *n = lookupNode(src->num());
- if (n == 0) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- a = new BoxAgent(agent_type, n->size());
- placeAgent(a, src);
- // Add to animations list so that it will be redrawn on all updates
- a->Animation::insert(&animations_);
- a->node_ = n;
- //a->number_ = agent_number++;
- agent_number++;
- n->add_agent(a);
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addAgentLink(Agent *src_agent, Agent *dst_agent)
- // - Need to add more constraints on which agents can connect to
- // each other
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int EditorNetModel::addAgentLink(Agent *src_agent, Agent *dst_agent) {
- if (!src_agent->AgentPartner_ && !dst_agent->AgentPartner_
- && checkAgentCompatibility(src_agent->name(), dst_agent->name())) {
- // Only connect agents that don't have a partner yet
- // and are compatible with each other
- agent_type src_type = classifyAgent(src_agent->name());
- if ( src_type == UDP_SOURCE_AGENT
- || src_type == TCP_SOURCE_AGENT
- || src_type == FULLTCP_AGENT) {
- src_agent->AgentRole_ = SOURCE;
- dst_agent->AgentRole_ = DESTINATION;
- } else {
- src_agent->AgentRole_ = DESTINATION;
- src_agent->AgentRole_ = SOURCE;
- }
- src_agent->AgentPartner_ = dst_agent;
- dst_agent->AgentPartner_ = src_agent;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addAgentLink(int source_id, int destination_id) {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addAgentLink(int source_id, int destination_id) {
- Agent * source, * destination;
- source = lookupAgent(source_id);
- destination = lookupAgent(destination_id);
- if (source && destination) {
- return addAgentLink(source, destination);
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // trafgen_type
- // EditorNetModel::classifyTrafficSource(const char * source)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- trafgen_type
- EditorNetModel::classifyTrafficSource(const char * source) {
- if ( strcmp(source, "FTP") == 0
- || strcmp(source, "Telnet") == 0) return TCP_APP;
- if ( strcmp(source, "CBR") == 0
- || strcmp(source, "Pareto") == 0
- || strcmp(source, "Exponential") == 0) return UDP_APP;
- return UNKNOWN_APP;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // trafgen_type
- // EditorNetModel::checkAgentTrafficSourceCompatibility(agent_type agent, trafgen_type source)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- EditorNetModel::checkAgentTrafficSourceCompatibility(agent_type agent, trafgen_type source) {
- return (source == UDP_APP && agent == UDP_SOURCE_AGENT)
- || (source == TCP_APP && agent == TCP_SOURCE_AGENT)
- || (source == TCP_APP && agent == FULLTCP_AGENT)
- || (source == FULLTCP_APP && agent == FULLTCP_AGENT);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // trafgen_type
- // EditorNetModel::checkAgentTrafficSourceCompatibility(const char * agent, const char * source)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- EditorNetModel::checkAgentTrafficSourceCompatibility(const char * agent, const char * source) {
- return checkAgentTrafficSourceCompatibility(classifyAgent(agent),
- classifyTrafficSource(source));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addTrafficSource(TrafficSource * traffic_source,
- // Agent * agent)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addTrafficSource(TrafficSource * traffic_source,
- Agent * agent) {
- if (traffic_source && agent
- && checkAgentTrafficSourceCompatibility(agent->name(), traffic_source->name())) {
- traffic_source->attachTo(agent);
- // Add to animations list so that it will be redrawn on all updates
- traffic_source->Animation::insert(&animations_);
- // Add to master list of all trafficsources_ which is used to
- // look up a traffic source for editing purposes
- traffic_source->editornetmodel_next_ = traffic_sources_;
- traffic_sources_ = traffic_source;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::addTrafficSource(Agent * agent, char * type,
- // float cx, float cy)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addTrafficSource(Agent * agent, const char * type,
- float cx, float cy) {
- TrafficSource * traffic_source;
- if (agent) {
- traffic_source = new TrafficSource(type, agent->size());
- return addTrafficSource(traffic_source, agent);
- }
- return (TCL_ERROR);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TrafficSource *
- // EditorNetModel::lookupTrafficSource(int id)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- TrafficSource *
- EditorNetModel::lookupTrafficSource(int id) {
- TrafficSource * ts;
- for (ts = traffic_sources_; ts; ts = ts->editornetmodel_next_) {
- if (ts->number() == id) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return ts;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addLossModel(LossModel * loss_model, Edge * edge) {
- if (loss_model && edge) {
- edge->addLossModel(loss_model);
- loss_model->place();
- // Add to animations list so that it will be redrawn on all updates
- loss_model->Animation::insert(&animations_);
- // Add to master list of all lossmodels_ which is used to
- // look up a lossmodel for editing purposes
- loss_model->next_lossmodel_ = lossmodels_;
- lossmodels_ = loss_model;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::addLossModel(Edge * edge, const char * type,
- double cx, double cy) {
- LossModel * loss_model;
- if (edge && !edge->getLossModel()) {
- loss_model = new LossModel(type, edge->getSourceNode()->size());
- edge->addLossModel(loss_model);
- // Add to animations list so that it will be redrawn on all updates
- loss_model->Animation::insert(&animations_);
- // Add to master list of all lossmodels_ which is used to
- // look up a lossmodel for editing purposes
- loss_model->next_lossmodel_ = lossmodels_;
- lossmodels_ = loss_model;
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TrafficSource *
- // EditorNetModel::lookupLossModel(int id)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- LossModel *
- EditorNetModel::lookupLossModel(int id) {
- LossModel * loss_model;
- for (loss_model = lossmodels_;
- loss_model;
- loss_model = loss_model->next_lossmodel_) {
- if (loss_model->number() == id) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return loss_model;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- QueueHandle *
- EditorNetModel::addQueueHandle(Edge * edge) {
- QueueHandle * queue_handle;
- // Add queue handle for editing the edge's queue properties
- queue_handle = new QueueHandle(edge);
- edge->addQueueHandle(queue_handle);
- queue_handle->Animation::insert(&drawables_);
- queue_handle->next_queue_handle_ = queue_handles_;
- queue_handles_ = queue_handle;
- return queue_handle;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- QueueHandle *
- EditorNetModel::addQueueHandle(Edge * edge, const char * type) {
- QueueHandle * queue_handle;
- queue_handle = addQueueHandle(edge);
- queue_handle->setType(type);
- return queue_handle;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EditorNetModel::setNodeProperty(int id, const char * value, const char * variable) {
- Node * node = lookupNode(id);
- if (node) {
- if (!strcmp(variable, "size_")) {
- node->size(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "color")) {
- node->init_color(value);
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "dlabel_")) {
- node->dlabel(value);
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "X_")) {
- node->place(strtod(value, NULL),node->y());
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "Y_")) {
- node->place(node->x(), strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "Z_")) {
- //
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "EditorNetModel::setNodeProperty - unknown property %sn", variable);
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Node %d does not exist.n", id);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EditorNetModel::setAgentProperty(int id, const char * value, const char * variable) {
- Agent * agent = lookupAgent(id);
- if (agent) {
- if (!strcmp(variable, "windowInit_")) {
- // initial window size
- agent->windowInit(atoi(value));
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "window_")) {
- // window size
- agent->window(atoi(value));
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "maxcwnd_")) {
- // maximum cwnd_
- agent->maxcwnd(atoi(value));
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "flowcolor_")) {
- // Flow ID + Color
- if ((strcmp(value, "(null)") == 0) || (strcmp(value, "") == 0)) {
- agent->flowcolor("black");
- } else {
- agent->flowcolor(value);
- }
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "packetSize_")) {
- agent->packetSize(atoi(value));
- } else {
- // fprintf(stderr, "EditorNetModel::setAgentProperty - unknown property %sn", variable);
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "EditorNetModel::setAgentProperty - Nonexisting agent %d.n", id);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // void
- // EditorNetModel::setLinkProperty(int source_id, int destination_id,
- // char * value, char * variable)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::setLinkProperty(int source_id, int destination_id,
- const char * value, const char * variable) {
- Edge * edge = lookupEdge(source_id, destination_id);
- if (edge) {
- if (!strcmp(variable, "bandwidth_")) {
- edge->setBW(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "color_")) {
- edge->init_color(value);
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "delay_")) {
- edge->setDelay(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "dlabel_")) {
- if (strcmp(value, "")) {
- edge->dlabel(value);
- }
- } else if (!strcmp(variable, "length_")) {
- edge->setLength(strtod(value,NULL));
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::setQueueHandleProperty(int source_id, int destination_id,
- const char * value, const char * variable) {
- Edge * edge;
- QueueHandle * queue;
- edge = lookupEdge(source_id, destination_id);
- if (edge) {
- queue = edge->getQueueHandle();
- if (queue) {
- if (strcmp(variable, "type_") == 0) {
- queue->setType(value);
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "limit_") == 0) {
- queue->setLimit(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "secsPerByte__") == 0) {
- queue->setSecondsPerByte(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "maxqueue_") == 0) {
- queue->setMaxQueue(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "buckets_") == 0) {
- queue->setBuckets(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "blimit_") == 0) {
- queue->setSharedBufferSize(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "quantum_") == 0) {
- queue->setQuantum(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "mask_") == 0) {
- if (atoi(value) == 0) {
- queue->setMask(false);
- } else {
- queue->setMask(true);
- }
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "bytes_") == 0) {
- if (atoi(value) == 0) {
- queue->setBytes(false);
- } else {
- queue->setBytes(true);
- }
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "queue_in_bytes_") == 0) {
- if (atoi(value) == 0) {
- queue->setQueueInBytes(false);
- } else {
- queue->setQueueInBytes(true);
- }
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "thresh_") == 0) {
- queue->setThreshold(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "max_thresh__") == 0) {
- queue->setMaximumThreshold(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "mean_pktsize_") == 0) {
- queue->setMeanPacketSize(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "q_weight_") == 0) {
- queue->setQueueWeight(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "wait_") == 0) {
- if (atoi(value) == 0) {
- queue->setWaitInterval(false);
- } else {
- queue->setWaitInterval(true);
- }
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "linterm_") == 0) {
- queue->setLinterm(strtod(value,NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "setbit_") == 0) {
- if (atoi(value) == 0) {
- queue->setBitMarking(false);
- } else {
- queue->setBitMarking(true);
- }
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "drop_tail_") == 0) {
- if (atoi(value) == 0) {
- queue->setREDDropTail(false);
- } else {
- queue->setREDDropTail(true);
- }
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "EditorNetModel::setQueueHandleProperty() - no queuehandle on edge.n");
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::setTrafficSourceProperty(int id, const char * value,
- const char * variable) {
- TrafficSource * trafficsource;
- trafficsource = lookupTrafficSource(id);
- if (trafficsource) {
- if (strcmp(variable, "start_") == 0) {
- //trafficsource->startAt(atof(value));
- trafficsource->timelist.add(strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "stop_") == 0) {
- //trafficsource->stopAt(atof(value));
- trafficsource->timelist.add(strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "interval_") == 0) {
- trafficsource->setInterval(atof(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "maxpkts_") == 0) {
- trafficsource->setMaxpkts(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "addtime") == 0) {
- trafficsource->timelist.add(atof(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "removetime") == 0) {
- trafficsource->timelist.remove(atof(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "timelist") == 0) {
- trafficsource->timelist.setList(value);
- // --- Exponential Properties
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "burst_time_") == 0) {
- trafficsource->setBurstTime(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "idle_time_") == 0) {
- trafficsource->setIdleTime(atoi(value));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "rate_") == 0) {
- trafficsource->setRate(atoi(value));
- // --- Pareto
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "shape_") == 0) {
- trafficsource->setShape(strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "title") == 0) {
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "agent_name") == 0) {
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, " Unknown traffic source property %sn", variable);
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, " Unable to find traffic source with id %dn", id);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::setLossModelProperty(int id, const char * value,
- const char * variable) {
- LossModel * lossmodel;
- lossmodel = lookupLossModel(id);
- if (lossmodel) {
- if (strcmp(variable, "period_") == 0) {
- lossmodel->setPeriod(strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "offset_") == 0) {
- lossmodel->setOffset(strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "burstlen_") == 0) {
- lossmodel->setBurstLength(strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "rate_") == 0) {
- lossmodel->setRate(strtod(value, NULL));
- } else if (strcmp(variable, "loss_unit_") == 0) {
- lossmodel->setLossUnit(value);
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, " Unable to find loss model with id %dn", id);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int EditorNetModel::command(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
- FILE * file;
- Node * node;
- double time;
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "layout") == 0) {
- layout();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- } else if (argc == 4) {
- // Write out ns script information
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "saveasns") == 0) {
- // argv syntax is as follows:
- // <net> saveasns filename filename_root
- file = fopen(argv[2], "w");
- if (file) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "Writing ns script to %s...",argv[2]);
- writeNsScript(file, argv[2], argv[3]);
- fclose(file);
- // fprintf(stderr, "done.n");
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "nam: Unable to open file: %sn", argv[2]);
- }
- return (TCL_OK);
- } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "removeNodeMovement") == 0) {
- node = lookupNode(atoi(argv[2]));
- time = strtod(argv[3], NULL);
- node->removeMovementDestination(time);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- return (NetModel::command(argc, argv));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EditorNetModel::layout() {
- Node *n;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_)
- for (Edge* e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- placeEdge(e, n);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int
- // EditorNetModel::saveAsNs(FILE * file)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int
- EditorNetModel::writeNsScript(FILE * file, const char * filename, const char * filename_root) {
- Node * node;
- Edge * edge;
- LossModel * loss_model;
- Agent * agent;
- int number_of_wireless_nodes = 0;
- int number_of_wired_nodes = 0;
- double maximum_x, maximum_y;
- double node_x, node_y;
- maximum_x = 500;
- maximum_y = 500;
- // Add a disclaimer
- fprintf(file, "#------------------------------------------------------- n");
- fprintf(file, "# This ns script has been created by the nam editor.n");
- fprintf(file, "# If you edit it manually, the nam editor might notn");
- fprintf(file, "# be able to open it properly in the future.n");
- fprintf(file, "#n");
- fprintf(file, "# EDITING BY HAND IS AT YOUR OWN RISK!n");
- fprintf(file, "#------------------------------------------------------- n");
- fprintf(file, "# Create a new simulator object.n");
- fprintf(file, "set ns [new Simulator]n");
- fprintf(file, "# Create a nam trace datafile.n");
- fprintf(file, "set namfile [open %s.nam w]n", filename_root);
- fprintf(file, "$ns namtrace-all $namfilen");
- // write out node creation infomation
- fprintf(file, "n# Create wired nodes.n");
- for (node = nodes_; node; node = node->next_) {
- if (node->links()) {
- // Only write out wired links here
- node->writeNsScript(file);
- fprintf(file, "n");
- number_of_wired_nodes++;
- } else {
- // If a node has no links it must be a wireless node
- number_of_wireless_nodes++;
- }
- // Find maximum node mobility and placement range
- node_x = node->getMaximumX();
- node_y = node->getMaximumY();
- if (node_x > maximum_x) {
- // Add some extra space to be sure node is within
- // wireless boundary
- maximum_x = node_x + 2.0*node->size();
- }
- if (node_y > maximum_y) {
- // Add some extra space to be sure node is within
- // wireless boundary
- maximum_y = node_y + 2.0*node->size();
- }
- }
- if (number_of_wireless_nodes > 0) {
- fprintf(file, "n# ----- Setup wireless environment. ----n");
- fprintf(file, "set wireless_tracefile [open %s.trace w]n", filename_root);
- fprintf(file, "set topography [new Topography]n");
- fprintf(file, "$ns trace-all $wireless_tracefilen");
- fprintf(file, "$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namfile %f %fn", maximum_x, maximum_y);
- fprintf(file, "$topography load_flatgrid %f %fn", maximum_x, maximum_y);
- fprintf(file, "#n");
- fprintf(file, "# Create Godn");
- fprintf(file, "#n");
- fprintf(file, "set god_ [create-god %d]n", number_of_wireless_nodes);
- fprintf(file, "#global node settingn");
- fprintf(file, "$ns node-config -adhocRouting DSR \n");
- fprintf(file, " -llType LL \n");
- fprintf(file, " -macType Mac/802_11 \n");
- fprintf(file, " -ifqType Queue/DropTail/PriQueue \n");
- fprintf(file, " -ifqLen 50 \n");
- fprintf(file, " -antType Antenna/OmniAntenna \n");
- fprintf(file, " -propType Propagation/TwoRayGround \n");
- fprintf(file, " -phyType Phy/WirelessPhy \n");
- fprintf(file, " -channel [new Channel/WirelessChannel] \n");
- fprintf(file, " -topoInstance $topography \n");
- fprintf(file, " -agentTrace ON \n");
- fprintf(file, " -routerTrace OFF \n");
- fprintf(file, " -macTrace ONn");
- fprintf(file, "n# Create wireless nodes.n");
- for (node = nodes_; node; node = node->next_) {
- if (!node->links()) {
- node->writeNsScript(file);
- node->writeNsMovement(file);
- }
- }
- }
- // write out link information
- fprintf(file, "n# Create links between nodes.n");
- for (node = nodes_; node ; node = node->next_) {
- for (edge = node->links(); edge; edge = edge->next_) {
- edge->writeNsScript(file);
- }
- }
- // Write out lossmodel information
- fprintf(file, "# Add Link Loss Modelsn");
- for (loss_model = lossmodels_;
- loss_model;
- loss_model = loss_model->next_lossmodel_) {
- loss_model->writeNsDefinitionScript(file);
- }
- // write out agents and it's traffic sources
- fprintf(file, "n# Create agents.n");
- for (node = nodes_; node; node = node->next_) {
- for (agent = node->agents(); agent; agent = agent->next_) {
- agent->writeNsDefinitionScript(file);
- }
- }
- // Write out agent connections
- // An agent can connect to only one other agent
- fprintf(file, "n# Connect agents.n");
- for (node = nodes_; node; node = node->next_) {
- for (agent = node->agents(); agent; agent = agent->next_) {
- agent->writeNsConnectionScript(file);
- }
- }
- // Find time at which to stop the simulation
- // for (ts = traffic_sources_; ts; ts = ts->editornetmodel_next_) {
- // if (finish_time < ts->stopAt()) {
- // finish_time = ts->stopAt();
- // }
- // }
- fprintf(file, "# Run the simulationn");
- fprintf(file, "proc finish {} {n global ns namfilen $ns flush-tracen");
- fprintf(file, " close $namfilen exec nam -r %fus %s.nam & n exit 0n }n", playback_speed_, filename_root);
- //fprintf(file, "$ns at %f "finish"n", finish_time);
- fprintf(file, "$ns at %f "finish"n", maximum_simulation_time_);
- fprintf(file, "$ns runn");
- return 0;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // void
- // EditorNetModel::removeNode(Node *n)
- // - remove node n from the nodes_ list and delete it
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EditorNetModel::removeNode(Node *n) {
- Node * previous, * run;
- Edge * edge;
- Agent * agent;
- previous = nodes_;
- for (run = nodes_; run; run = run->next_) {
- if (n->num() == run->num()) {
- // when deleting the last node
- if (run->num() == nodes_->num()) {
- nodes_ = nodes_->next_;
- break;
- } else {
- previous->next_ = run->next_;
- break;
- }
- }
- previous = run;
- }
- run->next_ = NULL;
- // Remove it from list of drawables
- run->detach();
- // delete edges of the nodes_
- for (edge = run->links(); edge != 0; edge = edge->next_) {
- removeLink(edge);
- }
- // delete agents on the nodes_
- for (agent = run->agents(); agent != 0; agent = agent->next_) {
- removeAgent(agent);
- }
- delete run;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // void
- // EditorNetModel::removeLink(Edge *e)
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::removeLink(Edge *e) {
- EdgeHashNode * h, * g;
- Edge * e1, * e2;
- LossModel * lossmodel;
- int src = e->src();
- int dst = e->dst();
- h = lookupEdgeHashNode(src, dst);
- g = lookupEdgeHashNode(dst, src);
- if (h == 0 || g == 0) {
- // h,g = 0 or h,g !=0
- return;
- }
- e1 = h->edge;
- e2 = g->edge;
- lossmodel = e1->getLossModel();
- if (lossmodel) {
- removeLossModel(lossmodel);
- }
- lossmodel = e2->getLossModel();
- if (lossmodel) {
- removeLossModel(lossmodel);
- }
- // defined in netmodel.cc
- removeEdge(e1);
- removeEdge(e2);
- e1->detach();
- e2->detach();
- Node* srcnode = e1->start();
- Node* dstnode = e2->start();
- // it is a duplex by default
- srcnode->delete_link(e1);
- dstnode->delete_link(e2);
- delete e1;
- delete e2;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // void
- // EditorNetModel::removeAgent(Agent *a)
- // - removes and deletes an Agent and all of its Traffic Sources
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::removeAgent(Agent *a) {
- Node * n;
- TrafficSource * ts, * next_ts;
- n = a->node_;
- if (a->AgentPartner_ != NULL) {
- a->AgentPartner_->AgentPartner_ = NULL;
- a->AgentPartner_->AgentRole_ = 0;
- }
- n->delete_agent(a);
- a->detach();
- for (ts = a->traffic_sources_; ts; ts = next_ts) {
- // Save next traffic source in list since this
- // traffic source will be deleted in removeTrafficSource
- next_ts = ts->next_;
- removeTrafficSource(ts);
- }
- delete a;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // void
- // EditorNetModel::removeTrafficSource(TrafficSource * ts) {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::removeTrafficSource(TrafficSource * ts) {
- TrafficSource * run, * previous;
- // Run down the list of traffic sources
- previous = NULL;
- for (run = traffic_sources_; run; run = run->editornetmodel_next_) {
- if (run == ts) {
- break;
- }
- previous = run;
- }
- if (previous) {
- previous->editornetmodel_next_ = ts->editornetmodel_next_;
- } else {
- if (run == traffic_sources_) {
- // ts is at the front of the list
- traffic_sources_ = ts->editornetmodel_next_;
- }
- }
- ts->editornetmodel_next_ = NULL;
- ts->removeFromAgent();
- delete ts;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- EditorNetModel::removeLossModel(LossModel * lossmodel) {
- LossModel * run, * previous;
- // Run down the list of lossmodels
- previous = NULL;
- for (run = lossmodels_; run; run = run->next_lossmodel_) {
- if (run == lossmodel) {
- break;
- }
- previous = run;
- }
- if (previous) {
- previous->next_lossmodel_ = lossmodel->next_lossmodel_;
- } else {
- if (run == lossmodels_) {
- // ts is at the front of the list
- lossmodels_ = lossmodel->next_lossmodel_;
- }
- }
- lossmodel->next_lossmodel_ = NULL;
- lossmodel->clearEdge();
- delete lossmodel;
- }