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- Class NamgraphModel -superclass Observable
- NamgraphModel instproc init { nid obs } {
- $self next
- $self instvar id_ datacount Maxy_ Maxx_ animator_id_ timeslider_swidth_
- set id_ $nid
- set datacount 0
- set animator_id_ $obs
- set Maxy_ [$obs set highest_seq($id_)]
- set Maxx_ [$obs set maxtime]
- }
- NamgraphModel instproc id {} {
- $self instvar id_
- return $id_
- }
- NamgraphModel instproc animator {} {
- $self instvar animator_id_
- return $animator_id_
- }
- NamgraphModel instproc adddata { ob mid x y ymark } {
- $self instvar dataname datacount id_ dataplotx dataploty
- $self instvar plotmark plotcolor dataplotym
- $self tkvar midbuilder
- if ![info exists midbuilder($mid)] {
- set midbuilder($mid) $datacount
- set mname [$ob set filter_id($mid)]
- set pmark [$ob set plotmark($id_.$mid)]
- set pcolor [$ob set plotcolor($id_.$mid)]
- set pcolor [$ob set colorname($pcolor)]
- set dataname($datacount) $mname
- set plotmark($datacount) $pmark
- set plotcolor($datacount) $pcolor
- incr datacount
- }
- set current_index $midbuilder($mid)
- lappend dataplotx($current_index) $x
- lappend dataploty($current_index) $y
- set dataplotym($y) $ymark
- }
- NamgraphModel instproc verifyymark { index } {
- $self instvar dataplotym
- if [info exists dataplotym($index)] {
- return $dataplotym($index)
- }
- return ""
- }
- NamgraphModel instproc startview {title} {
- $self instvar Maxy_ Maxx_
- set vob [new NamgraphView $title $self 0 $Maxx_ 0 $Maxy_ 1]
- $self addObserver $vob
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # NamgraphModel instproc update { arg }
- # - Must have update
- # - two possible args
- # 1. Animator current time - single value
- # 2. trace event - a list
- #
- # - Requires that all trace events have a -t flag with a value
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NamgraphModel instproc update { arg } {
- # Check to see if it is a trace event
- set now [get_trace_item "-t" $arg]
- if { $now == "" } {
- # no -t flag so assume it must be a single value
- set now $arg
- $self notifyObservers $now
- } else {
- # arg is trace event, what to do ?
- }
- }