- #Copyright (C) 1998 by USC/ISI
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- # provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- # duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- # materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- # acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of
- # Southern California, Information Sciences Institute. The name of the
- # University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- # this software without specific prior written permission.
- #
- #
- Class NamgraphView -superclass Observer
- NamgraphView set WinWidth 600
- NamgraphView set WinHeight 400
- NamgraphView instproc init { title ob minx maxx miny maxy tag } {
- $self next
- $self instvar id_ title_ modelobj_ winname_ minx_ maxx_ miny_ maxy_
- $self instvar slidetag_ timeslider
- set title_ $title
- set modelobj_ $ob
- set slidetag_ $tag
- #window's name
- set winname_ .namgraph-$id_
- set minx_ $minx
- set miny_ $miny
- set maxx_ $maxx
- set maxy_ $maxy
- if { $slidetag_ != 1 } {
- set timeslider(swidth) [$modelobj_ set timeslider_swidth_]
- }
- $self formwindow
- }
- NamgraphView instproc formwindow {} {
- $self instvar title_ winname_ minx_ maxx_ miny_ maxy_ id_ modelobj_
- $self instvar slidetag_ timeslider
- toplevel $winname_
- set s $winname_
- wm title $s "$title_-$id_"
- set welcome [Animator set welcome]
- #
- # Menubar
- #
- set width_ [NamgraphView set WinWidth]
- set height_ [NamgraphView set WinHeight]
- frame $s.menubar -bd 2 -width $width_ -relief raised
- menubutton $s.menubar.file -underline 0 -text "File"
- -menu $s.menubar.file.menu
- menu $s.menubar.file.menu
- $s.menubar.file.menu add command -label "Save As ..."
- -underline 0 -command "puts OJ"
- -state disabled
- # collect garbage ???
- $s.menubar.file.menu add command -label "Close"
- -underline 1 -command "destroy $winname_"
- menubutton $s.menubar.edit -underline 0 -text "Edit"
- -menu $s.menubar.edit.menu -state disabled
- menu $s.menubar.edit.menu
- $s.menubar.edit.menu add command -label "Preferences"
- -underline 0 -command "puts OJ" -state disabled
- # find menu items in the model
- menubutton $s.menubar.view -underline 0 -text "View"
- -menu $s.menubar.view.menu
- menu $s.menubar.view.menu
- foreach menuindex_ [$modelobj_ array names dataname] {
- set menuname_ [$modelobj_ set dataname($menuindex_)]
- $self tkvar $menuindex_
- set $menuindex_ 1
- $s.menubar.view.menu add checkbutton -label $menuname_
- -variable [$self tkvarname $menuindex_]
- -command "$self RefreshWin $menuindex_"
- }
- # Mix old pack with new grid
- pack $s.menubar.file -side left
- pack $s.menubar.edit -side left
- pack $s.menubar.view -side left
- #
- # keyboard shortcuts
- #
- bind $s <Control-w> "destroy $s"
- bind $s <Control-W> "destroy $s"
- bind $s <Control-q> "[AnimControl instance] done"
- bind $s <Control-Q> "[AnimControl instance] done"
- #
- # Main Area
- #
- frame $s.main -bd 2
- canvas $s.main.c -width $width_ -height $height_ -background #ffffff
- # bind action for zoom etc.
- $s.main.c bind clickable <Button-1> "$self startclick %W %x %y"
- $s.main.c bind clickable <Enter> "$self showclick %W %x %y"
- $s.main.c bind clickable <Leave> "$self endshow %W %x %y"
- $s.main.c bind clickable <ButtonRelease-1> "$self endclick %W %x %y"
- bind $s.main.c <Button-1> "$self startrect %W %x %y"
- bind $s.main.c <B1-Motion> "$self dragrect %W %x %y"
- bind $s.main.c <ButtonRelease-1> "$self endrect %W %x %y"
- canvas $s.main.c.cl -width 16 -height 400 -background #6b7787
- canvas $s.main.c.cr -width 16 -height 400 -background #6b7787
- pack $s.main.c.cl -side left -fill y
- pack $s.main.c.cr -side right -fill y
- pack $s.main.c -side left -fill both -expand yes
- $self build.c0 $s.main.c
- # Synchronize timerslider
- # if { $slidetag_ == 1 } {
- # set an_id [$modelobj_ set animator_id_]
- # frame $s.slider -bd 1 -relief flat
- # frame $s.slider.timer -bd 1 -relief flat
- # $an_id build-slider $s.slider.timer
- # pack $s.slider.timer -side left -expand true -fill x
- # }
- if { $slidetag_ == 1 } {
- frame $s.slider -bd 1 -relief flat
- set an_id [$modelobj_ set animator_id_]
- set mslider [$an_id getmainslidermodel]
- set vslider [new TimesliderNamgraphView $s.slider $mslider]
- $vslider setattachedView $self
- set timeslider(swidth) [$vslider set timeslider(swidth)]
- $modelobj_ set timeslider_swidth_ $timeslider(swidth)
- $mslider addObserver $vslider
- }
- # Status Area
- frame $s.status -relief flat -borderwidth 1 -background #6b7787
- label $s.status.rem -text $welcome -textvariable
- remark -relief sunken
- pack $s.status.rem -side left -fill both -expand yes
- # All widgets are in the same column;
- # and each take up one row.
- #
- # Each widget is sticky to all four edges
- # so that it expands to fit.
- #
- grid config $s.menubar -column 0 -row 0
- -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky "snew"
- grid config $s.main -column 0 -row 1
- -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky "snew"
- # set slidetag_ 1
- if { $slidetag_ == 1 } {
- grid config $s.slider -column 0 -row 2
- -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky "snew"
- grid config $s.status -column 0 -row 3
- -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky "snew"
- } else {
- grid config $s.status -column 0 -row 2
- -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 -sticky "snew"
- }
- #
- # Set up grid for resizing.
- #
- # Column 0 (the only one) gets the extra space.
- grid columnconfigure $s 0 -weight 1
- # Row 2 (the main area) gets the extra space.
- grid rowconfigure $s 1 -weight 1
- }
- NamgraphView instproc RefreshWin { indexname } {
- # $self tkvar $indexname
- # $self instvar modelobj_
- $self instvar current_win_
- $self view_callback $current_win_
- # set index_ [set $indexname]
- # set plotdata [$modelobj_ set dataname($indexname)]
- # if { $index_ == 1 } {
- # puts "plot data - $plotdata"
- # } else {
- # puts "delete data - $plotdata"
- # }
- }
- NamgraphView instproc build.c0 { w } {
- $self instvar current_win_ $w
- set current_win_ $w
- bind $w <Configure> "$self view_callback $w"
- }
- NamgraphView instproc view_callback { w } {
- $self instvar modelobj_ slidetag_
- $self instvar minx_ maxx_ miny_ maxy_
- $w delete all
- foreach menuindex_ [$modelobj_ array names dataname] {
- $self tkvar $menuindex_
- set menuvalue [set $menuindex_]
- if { $menuvalue == 1 } {
- set plotx [$modelobj_ set dataplotx($menuindex_)]
- set ploty [$modelobj_ set dataploty($menuindex_)]
- set plotcolor [$modelobj_ set plotcolor($menuindex_)]
- set plotmark [$modelobj_ set plotmark($menuindex_)]
- set cnt 0
- foreach xvalue $plotx {
- if { $xvalue > $minx_ && $xvalue < $maxx_ } {
- $self plot_xy $w $xvalue
- [lindex $ploty $cnt] $minx_ $maxx_
- $miny_ $maxy_ $plotcolor
- $plotmark &slidetag_
- }
- incr cnt
- }
- }
- }
- $self draw_scale_xy 0
- }
- NamgraphView instproc plot_xy { c x y minx maxx miny maxy colorname markname traceflag} {
- $self instvar timeslider
- # if { $x<$minx || $x>$maxx || $y<$miny || $y>$maxy } {
- # $self draw_traceline $c $now $minx $maxx
- # return
- # }
- set scrxr [winfo width $c]
- set scryb [winfo height $c]
- #adjust the width
- set scrxr [expr $scrxr-$timeslider(swidth)]
- set yloc [expr $scryb-(($y-$miny)*$scryb/($maxy-$miny))]
- set xloc [expr $timeslider(swidth)/2 + (($x-$minx)*$scrxr/($maxx-$minx))]
- $c create bitmap $xloc $yloc -bitmap "$markname" -tag clickable
- -foreground $colorname
- # if {$traceflag==1} {
- # $self draw_traceline $c $x $minx $maxx
- # }
- }
- NamgraphView instproc draw_traceline { t } {
- # draw trace line
- $self instvar timeslider minx_ maxx_ current_win_
- $self tkvar traceline
- set c $current_win_
- if { ($t < $minx_ ) || ($t > $maxx_) } {
- $c delete traceline
- return
- }
- set scrxl [expr $timeslider(swidth)/2]
- set scryt 0
- set scrxr [winfo width $c]
- set scryb [winfo height $c]
- set scrxr [expr $scrxr-$timeslider(swidth)]
- #redraw the data on the screen
- set traceline_x [expr $scrxl + ($t-$minx_)*$scrxr/($maxx_-$minx_)]
- $c delete traceline
- $c addtag traceline withtag
- [$c create line $traceline_x 0 $traceline_x $scryb -fill red]
- }
- NamgraphView instproc startclick {w x y} {
- $self instvar draglocation
- catch {unset draglocation}
- set draglocation(obj) [$w find closest $x $y]
- set draglocation(origx) $x
- set draglocation(origy) $y
- }
- # set time to the current point
- NamgraphView instproc endclick { w x y } {
- $self instvar draglocation timeslider maxx_ minx_ modelobj_
- if { $x == $draglocation(origx) && $y == $draglocation(origy)} {
- #decide current time
- set width [winfo width $w]
- #adjust the width
- set width [expr $width-$timeslider(swidth)]
- set x [expr $x-$timeslider(swidth)/2]
- set t [expr $minx_+($maxx_-$minx_)*$x/$width]
- # user control part, good solution ?
- set animator [$modelobj_ animator]
- $animator settime $t
- }
- }
- #show current packet info
- NamgraphView instproc showclick { w x y } {
- set z [$self viewloc_proc $w $x $y]
- set show_msg "Packet # [lindex $z 1] at time [lindex $z 0]"
- catch {destroy $w.f}
- frame $w.f -relief groove -borderwidth 2
- message $w.f.msg -width 8c -text $show_msg
- pack $w.f.msg
- pack $w.f
- catch {place_frame $w $w.f [expr $x+10] [expr $y+10]}
- }
- NamgraphView instproc endshow { w x y } {
- catch {destroy $w.f}
- }
- #Utilities: obj location processing
- NamgraphView instproc viewloc_proc { w x y } {
- $self instvar timeslider
- minx_ maxx_ miny_ maxy_
- #map the x,y to time and seqno range
- set width [winfo width $w]
- set height [winfo height $w]
- #adjust the width
- set width [expr $width-$timeslider(swidth)]
- set x [expr $x-$timeslider(swidth)/2]
- set x [expr $minx_+($maxx_-$minx_)*$x/$width]
- set y [expr $miny_+1.0*($maxy_-$miny_)*($height-$y)/$height]
- set z [format "%7.5f %10.0f" $x $y ]
- return $z
- }
- #define zoom space
- NamgraphView instproc startrect {w x y} {
- $self instvar rectlocation
- catch {unset rectlocation}
- set rectlocation(xorig) $x
- set rectlocation(yorig) $y
- set tx [expr $x + 1]
- set ty [expr $y + 1]
- set rectlocation(obj)
- [$w create rect $x $y $tx $ty -outline gainsboro]
- }
- NamgraphView instproc dragrect {w x y} {
- $self instvar rectlocation
- $w delete $rectlocation(obj)
- set rectlocation(obj)
- [$w create rect $rectlocation(xorig) $rectlocation(yorig)
- $x $y -outline gainsboro]
- }
- NamgraphView instproc endrect {w x y} {
- $self instvar timeslider title_ modelobj_ rectlocation
- $self instvar minx_ maxx_ miny_ maxy_
- $w delete $rectlocation(obj)
- if { $x == $rectlocation(xorig) || $y == $rectlocation(yorig)} {return}
- #map the x,y to time and seqno range
- set width [winfo width $w]
- set height [winfo height $w]
- #adjust the width
- set width [expr $width-$timeslider(swidth)]
- set x [expr $x-$timeslider(swidth)/2]
- set rectlocation(xorig) [expr $rectlocation(xorig)-$timeslider(swidth)/2]
- # XXX adjust the value
- set timestart [expr $minx_+($maxx_-$minx_)*$rectlocation(xorig)/$width]
- set timeend [expr $minx_+($maxx_-$minx_)*$x/$width]
- set seqstart [expr $miny_+1.0*($maxy_-$miny_)*
- ($height-$rectlocation(yorig))/$height]
- set seqend [expr $miny_+1.0*($maxy_-$miny_)*($height-$y)/$height]
- if { $timestart > $timeend } {
- set tmpt $timestart
- set timestart $timeend
- set timeend $tmpt
- }
- if { $seqstart > $seqend } {
- set tmpt $seqstart
- set seqstart $seqend
- set seqend $tmpt
- }
- #create a new NamgraphView (zoomed)
- set zoomview [new NamgraphView $title_ $modelobj_ $timestart
- $timeend $seqstart $seqend "ZOOM"]
- $modelobj_ addObserver $zoomview
- }
- NamgraphView instproc startmove {w o x y} {
- $self instvar rectlocation
- scan [$w coords $o] "%f %f %f %f" x1 y1 x2 y2
- set rectlocation(x) [expr abs($x - $x1)]
- set rectlocation(y) [expr abs($y - $y1)]
- }
- NamgraphView instproc moverect {w o x y} {
- $self instvar rectlocation
- scan [$w coords $o] "%f %f %f %f" x1 y1 x2 y2
- set dx [expr $x - $x1 - $rectlocation(x)]
- set dy [expr $y - $y1 - $rectlocation(y)]
- $w move $o $dx $dy
- }
- #
- # mode = 0: Draw scale in free mode
- # mode = 1: Draw scale in integer (fully) mode
- # mode = 2: Draw scale in integer (evenly) mode
- #
- NamgraphView instproc draw_scale_xy { mode } {
- $self instvar timeslider minx_ maxx_ miny_ maxy_ current_win_
- $self instvar modelobj_
- set c $current_win_
- set scrxl [expr $timeslider(swidth)/2]
- set scryt 0
- set scrxr [winfo width $c]
- set scryb [winfo height $c]
- #adjust the width
- set scrxr [expr $scrxr-$timeslider(swidth)]
- set nxpoints 8
- set nypoints 6
- set yincr [expr ($maxy_-$miny_)/$nypoints.0]
- set xincr [expr ($maxx_-$minx_)/$nxpoints.0]
- for {set i 1} {$i<$nypoints} {incr i} {
- #set ypos [expr $scryb-($scryb/$nypoints.0)*$i]
- set yval [expr $miny_+$i*$yincr]
- set yval [expr int($yval)]
- set ypos [expr $scryb-($scryb*($yval-$miny_)/($maxy_-$miny_))]
- set yval [$modelobj_ verifyymark $yval]
- #set yval [format "%+15.5f" [expr $miny_+$i*$yincr]]
- $c create line $scrxl $ypos [expr $scrxl+10] $ypos -fill #6725a0
- $c create text [expr $scrxl+15] [expr $ypos-7] -text $yval -anchor nw
- -justify left -fill #6725a0
- -font "-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1"
- }
- for {set i 1} {$i<$nxpoints} {incr i} {
- set xpos [expr ($scrxr/$nxpoints.0)*$i + $scrxl]
- set xval [format "%+7.5f" [expr $minx_+($i*$xincr)]]
- $c create line $xpos 0 $xpos 10 -fill #6725a0
- $c create text $xpos 15 -text $xval -anchor n
- -justify left -fill #6725a0
- -font "-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-60-iso8859-1"
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # NamgraphView instproc update { time }
- # - extracts the time value from a nam event
- # and updates the trace line on a namGraph to that point
- #
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NamgraphView instproc update { time } {
- $self instvar now_ winname_ modelobj_
- if ![winfo exists $winname_ ] {
- $modelobj_ deleteObserver $self
- $self destroy
- return
- }
- if { [string compare $time "*"] != 0 } {
- set now_ $time
- $self draw_traceline $now_
- }
- }