- #
- # Copyright (C) 1998 by USC/ISI
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- # provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- # duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- # materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- # acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of
- # Southern California, Information Sciences Institute. The name of the
- # University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- # this software without specific prior written permission.
- #
- #
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/nam-1/tcl/anim-ctrl.tcl,v 1.37 2002/12/17 01:06:28 buchheim Exp $
- Class AnimControl
- # Build main menu
- AnimControl instproc init {trace_file args} {
- AnimControl instvar PORT_FILE_
- catch "array set opts $args"
- if [info exists opts(s)] {
- AnimControl instvar isSync_
- set isSync_ 1
- }
- if [info exists opts(a)] {
- set flag 1
- } elseif {[file exists $PORT_FILE_] && [file readable $PORT_FILE_]} {
- set flag 0
- } else {
- set flag 1
- }
- if [info exists opts(k)] {
- AnimControl instvar INIT_PORT_
- set INIT_PORT_ $opts(k)
- }
- if $flag {
- # If forced, or we are the first instance, start a
- # new instance of nam
- $self local-create-animator $trace_file [join $args]
- } else {
- # Try to connect to a "main" instance of nam, then terminate
- $self remote-create-animator $trace_file [join $args]
- }
- }
- # Stub proc to trigger a AnimControl method
- proc ::AnimCtrlOnRemoteRequest args {
- eval [AnimControl instance] on-remote-request $args
- }
- AnimControl instproc on-remote-request { newsock addr port } {
- # XXX We don't have any admission control!!!
- # Read one line and process the request.
- # XXX Require all request commands are within a single line, and
- # every word in the command is separated by a *single* white space
- gets $newsock line
- set buf [split $line]
- switch [lindex $buf 0] {
- CA {
- # Create a new animator
- set trace_file [lindex $buf 1]
- # protect any backslashes in the filename
- regsub -all {\} $trace_file {\\} trace_file
- set args [lrange $buf 2 end]
- eval $self create-animator $trace_file $args
- }
- default {
- puts "Unsupported command [lindex $buf 0]"
- }
- }
- close $newsock
- }
- # Find an appropriate port
- AnimControl instproc start-server {} {
- $self instvar NAM_PORT_ NAM_SOCK_
- AnimControl instvar INIT_PORT_ PORT_FILE_
- set ret 1
- while {$ret} {
- incr NAM_PORT_
- set ret [catch {set NAM_SOCK_
- [socket -server ::AnimCtrlOnRemoteRequest $NAM_PORT_]}]
- if {$ret} {
- # Failed, delete the socket if it's opened
- # It seems that on FreeBSD if socket fails no file descriptor is left open
- # but this is not the case on solaris. :(
- if [info exists NAM_SOCK_] {
- close $NAM_SOCK_
- }
- if {$NAM_PORT_ - $INIT_PORT_ > 254} {
- error "Nam failed to create a socket ranging
- from $INIT_PORT_ to $NAM_PORT_."
- }
- }
- }
- # Write that to a lock file, which resides under home directory
- # and is read-only by the user
- set f [open $PORT_FILE_ w 0600]
- puts -nonewline $f $NAM_PORT_
- close $f
- }
- AnimControl instproc remote-create-animator {trace_file args} {
- catch "array set opts $args"
- AnimControl instvar PORT_FILE_
- if [catch {set f [open $PORT_FILE_ RDONLY]}] {
- error "Cannot read server port from $PORT_FILE_"
- }
- set port [read $f]
- close $f
- if [catch {set sock [socket localhost $port]}] {
- puts -nonewline "Cannot connect to existing nam instance. "
- puts "Starting a new one..."
- $self local-create-animator $trace_file [join $args]
- } else {
- if {$trace_file == ""} {
- puts "A nam instance already exists. Use nam <trace file> to view an animation"
- close $sock
- } else {
- global tcl_platform
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
- if [regexp {^(\\|[A-Za-z]:[/\])} $trace_file] {
- set tf $trace_file ;# Absolute pathname
- } else {
- set tf [pwd]/$trace_file ;# Relative pathname
- }
- } else {
- if [regexp {^[~/]} $trace_file] {
- set tf $trace_file ;# Absolute pathname
- } else {
- set tf [pwd]/$trace_file ;# Relative pathname
- }
- }
- puts $sock "CA $tf [join $args]"
- flush $sock
- close $sock
- }
- }
- }
- AnimControl instproc local-init {} {
- $self instvar nam_name wix tagnum animators_
- # TK-related initialization
- . configure -background [option get . background Nam]
- set_app_options [tk appname]
- set nam_name "NAM - The Network Animator v[version]"
- set wix 0
- set tagnum 0
- set animators_ {}
- $self build-menu
- $self new_webhome
- $self bind-window .
- AnimControl instvar instance_
- if {$instance_ == ""} {
- set instance_ $self
- } else {
- error "Couldn't instantiate more than one AnimControl!"
- }
- # Set window title
- #wm title . "[tk appname] console"
- wm title . "Nam Console v[version]"
- global nam_local_display
- set nam_local_display 1
- }
- AnimControl proc instance {} {
- set ac [AnimControl set instance_]
- if {$ac != ""} {
- return $ac
- }
- error "Couldn't find instance of AnimControl"
- }
- AnimControl instproc bind-window { w } {
- bind $w <Control-o> "$self on-open"
- bind $w <Control-O> "$self on-open"
- bind $w <Control-q> "$self done"
- bind $w <Control-Q> "$self done"
- bind $w <Control-n> "$self on-new"
- bind $w <Control-N> "$self on-new"
- bind $w <Control-w> "$self on-winlist"
- bind $w <Control-W> "$self on-winlist"
- bind $w <q> "$self done"
- wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self done"
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create nam console menubar
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- AnimControl instproc build-menu {} {
- $self instvar nam_name
- frame .menu -relief groove -bd 2
- pack .menu -side top -fill x
- set padx 4
- set mb .menu.file
- set m $mb.m
- menubutton $mb -text "File" -menu $m -underline 0
- -borderwidth 1
- menu $m
- # Launch nam editor
- $m add command -label "New Nam Editor... Ctrl+N" -command "$self on-new"
- $m add command -label "Open... Ctrl+O" -command "$self on-open"
- $m add command -label "WinList Ctrl+W" -command "$self on-winlist"
- $m add separator
- $m add command -label "Quit Ctrl+Q" -command "$self done"
- pack $mb -side left -padx $padx
- label -text $nam_name -font [smallfont]
- -width 30 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
- pack -side left -fill x -expand true -padx 4 -pady 1
- set mb
- set m $mb.m
- menubutton $mb -text "Help" -menu $m -underline 0
- -borderwidth 1
- menu $m
- $m add command -label "Help" -command "$self new_web help"
- $m add command -label "About nam" -command "$self new_web about"
- pack $mb -side right -padx $padx
- }
- AnimControl instproc done {} {
- AnimControl instvar PORT_FILE_
- $self instvar animators_ NAM_SOCK_ NAM_PORT_
- if {[llength $animators_] > 0 &&
- [tk_messageBox -message "Really quit?" -type yesno -icon question
- -title "nam" -default "no"] == "no"} {
- return
- }
- close $NAM_SOCK_
- if [catch "set f [open $PORT_FILE_ r]"] {
- puts "Nam port file already deleted."
- } else {
- set buf [gets $f]
- close $f
- if {$buf == $NAM_PORT_} {
- file delete $PORT_FILE_
- } else {
- puts "Another nam instance is running..."
- }
- }
- foreach a $animators_ {
- $a done
- }
- destroy .
- }
- AnimControl instproc on-open {} {
- $self tkvar openFile_ openPeer_
- set openFile_ [tk_getOpenFile
- -filetypes {{{NAM} {.nam .nam.gz}} {{Nam Editor} {.ns .enam}}}
- -parent .]
- if {$openFile_ == ""} {return}
- set w .openFile
- set openPeer_ ""
- $self do-open-tracefile $w
- return
- #XXX all cold below is useless
- set openPeer_ ""
- toplevel .openFile
- set w .openFile
- wm title $w "Open Trace File"
- frame $w.f -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
- pack $w.f -side top -fill both -expand true
- filesel $w.f.sel $w -variable [$self tkvarname openFile_]
- -command "$self do-open-tracefile $w.f.sel"
- -label "Trace file to open:"
- pack $w.f.sel -side top -fill both -expand true
- # Peer dialogs
- label $w.pl0 -text "Peer:"
- pack $w.pl0 -side top -anchor w
- entry $w.peerentry -width 50 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvar openPeer_]
- pack $w.peerentry -side top -fill both -expand true
- frame $w.f.btns -borderwidth 0
- pack $w.f.btns -side top -fill x
- button $ -text Open
- -command "$self do-open-tracefile $w"
- pack $ -side left -fill x -expand true
- button $w.f.btns.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"
- pack $w.f.btns.cancel -side left -fill x -expand true
- set openFile_ [pwd]
- }
- AnimControl instproc do-open-tracefile {w} {
- $self tkvar openFile_ openPeer_
- checkfile $openFile_ "r" $w.f.sel $w
- "$self create-animator $openFile_ p=$openPeer_"
- }
- AnimControl instproc local-create-animator { trace_file args } {
- $self local-init
- $self start-server
- if {$trace_file != ""} {
- $self create-animator $trace_file [join $args]
- }
- }
- AnimControl instproc create-animator { tracefile args } {
- $self instvar animators_
- AnimControl instvar ANIMATOR_CLASS_
- set fnsets [split $tracefile "."]
- set fnlength [llength $fnsets]
- set ftype [lindex $fnsets [expr $fnlength-1]]
- set ftype [string tolower $ftype]
- if {[string compare $ftype "ns"] == 0 ||
- [string compare $ftype "enam"] == 0 } {
- # editable nam file
- set ANIMATOR_CLASS_ Editor
- set editor [new $ANIMATOR_CLASS_ $tracefile]
- return
- }
- set ANIMATOR_CLASS_ Animator
- AnimControl instvar isSync_
- if {[info exist isSync_]} {
- lappend args {s 1}
- }
- if ![catch {eval set anim [new $ANIMATOR_CLASS_ $tracefile
- [join $args]]} errMsg] {
- lappend animators_ $anim
- $self instvar winlist_
- if [info exists winlist_] {
- $winlist_ insert end [$anim get-name]
- }
- } else {
- global errorInfo
- puts "Failed to start animator: "
- puts "$errMsg"
- puts "$errorInfo"
- }
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Launch nam editor
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- AnimControl instproc on-new {} {
- $self instvar animators_
- AnimControl instvar ANIMATOR_CLASS_
- set ANIMATOR_CLASS_ Editor
- set editor [new $ANIMATOR_CLASS_ ""]
- }
- AnimControl instproc close-animator { animator } {
- $self instvar animators_
- set pos [lsearch $animators_ $animator]
- set animators_ [lreplace $animators_ $pos $pos]
- $self instvar winlist_
- if [info exists winlist_] {
- $winlist_ delete $pos
- }
- }
- # Create a listbox which lists all active windows
- AnimControl instproc on-winlist {} {
- $self instvar winlist_
- if [info exists winlist_] {
- return
- }
- set w .winList
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Active Animations"
- frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
- frame $w.f.f
- listbox $w.f.f.a -xscrollcommand "$w.f.f.ah set"
- -yscrollcommand "$w.f.f2.av set" -height 10
- -selectmode single
- pack $w.f.f.a -fill both -side top -expand true
- set winlist_ $w.f.f.a
- scrollbar $w.f.f.ah -orient horizontal -width 10 -borderwidth 1
- -command "$w.f.f.a xview"
- $w.f.f.ah set 0.0 1.0
- pack $w.f.f.ah -side bottom -fill x -expand true
- frame $w.f.f2
- pack $w.f.f2 -side left -fill y
- scrollbar $w.f.f2.av -orient vertical -width 10 -borderwidth 1
- -command "$w.f.f.a yview"
- $w.f.f2.av set 0.0 1.0
- pack $w.f.f2.av -side top -fill y -expand true
- pack $w.f.f -side left -fill both -expand true
- pack $w.f -side left -fill both -expand true
- bind $w.f.f.a <Double-ButtonPress-1> "$self winlist_show $w.f.f.a"
- bind $w.f.f.a <Destroy> "+$self unset winlist_"
- bind $w <Control-q> "[AnimControl instance] done"
- bind $w <Control-Q> "[AnimControl instance] done"
- bind $w <Control-w> "destroy $w"
- bind $w <Control-W> "destroy $w"
- bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w"
- # Fill window list
- $self instvar animators_
- foreach a $animators_ {
- $w.f.f.a insert end [$a get-name]
- }
- }
- AnimControl instproc winlist_show { wlbox } {
- set idx [$wlbox index active]
- $self instvar animators_
- if [llength $animators_] then {
- raise [[lindex $animators_ $idx] get-tkwin]
- }
- }