- # Copyright (C) 1998 by USC/ISI
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- # provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- # duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- # materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- # acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of
- # Southern California, Information Sciences Institute. The name of the
- # University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- # this software without specific prior written permission.
- #
- #
- # $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/nam-1/tcl/build-ui.tcl,v 1.32 2002/11/25 20:14:32 buchheim Exp $
- Animator instproc build-ui {} {
- $self instvar netView id_ tlw_ balloon_
- # Start our own toplevel widget
- set tlw_ .model$id_
- toplevel $tlw_
- # Create balloon help for this animator
- set balloon_ [new BalloonHelp $tlw_]
- # build the menu bar
- frame $ -borderwidth 0
- $self build-menus $
- pack $ -side top -fill x
- # Every netmodel has: view (zoom bar, scroll bar,
- # monitor pane, layout pane, annotation pane, time slider)
- frame $tlw_.view
- $self build-view $tlw_.view
- # build the control panel with rew, ffwd, play, etc
- frame $tlw_.ctrl0 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
- $self build-animation-ctrl $tlw_.ctrl0
- pack $tlw_.ctrl0 -side top -fill x
- frame $tlw_.ctrl -relief flat -borderwidth 0
- $self build-view-ctrl $tlw_.ctrl
- set windows(control) $tlw_.ctrl
- pack $tlw_.ctrl -side bottom -fill x
- pack $tlw_.view -side top -fill both -expand true
- wm minsize $tlw_ 200 200
- $self window_bind $tlw_
- $self view_bind $netView
- # Stop the animation if the window is destroyed by the window manager
- bind $netView <Destroy> "$self stop 1"
- # Set window title to "nam #instance: trace_file_name"
- $self instvar tracefile
- wm title $tlw_ "[tk appname]: $tracefile"
- }
- Animator instproc build-view w {
- $self tkvar showpanel
- $self instvar netModel netView netViews tlw_ windows
- # View
- frame $w.f
- #frame is just to sink the netview
- frame $w.f.f -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
- # $netModel view $
- $netModel editview $
- set netView $
- set netViews $netView
- pack $ -side top -expand true -fill both
- # X scroll bar
- $netView xscroll $w.f.hsb
- scrollbar $w.f.hsb -orient horizontal -width 10
- -borderwidth 1 -command "$netView xview"
- $w.f.hsb set 0.0 1.0
- pack $w.f.hsb -side bottom -fill x
- pack $w.f.f -side top -fill both -expand true
- # Y scroll bar
- frame $w.f2
- $netView yscroll $w.f2.vsb
- scrollbar $w.f2.vsb -orient vertical -width 10
- -borderwidth 1 -command "$netView yview"
- $w.f2.vsb set 0.0 1.0
- pack $w.f2.vsb -side top -fill y -expand true
- frame $w.f2.l -width 12 -height 12
- pack $w.f2.l -side top
- # zoom bar
- frame $w.ctrl -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
- $self build-zoombar $netView $w.ctrl $w
- pack $w.ctrl -side left -fill y
- pack $w.f2 -side right -fill y
- pack $w.f -side left -fill both -expand true
- # monitor pane
- frame $tlw_.monwin -relief groove -borderwidth 2
- button $tlw_.monwin.l -bitmap monitors -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
- -command "$self closepanel monitor"
- pack $tlw_.monwin.l -side left -fill y
- set windows(monitor) $tlw_.monwin
- trace variable showpanel(monitor) w
- "$self displaypanel $tlw_.monwin $w monitor top x false"
- set showpanel(monitor) 0
- }
- Animator instproc build-view-ctrl {w} {
- $self tkvar showpanel
- $self instvar NETWORK_MODEL mintime maxtime now mslider pipemode
- vslider
- # Time slider pane
- frame $w.p0b -relief flat -borderwidth 0
- # $self build-slider $w.p0b
- set mslider [new TimesliderModel $mintime $maxtime $now $self]
- set vslider [new TimesliderView $w.p0b $mslider]
- $mslider addObserver $vslider
- $mslider setpipemode $pipemode
- # annotation pane
- frame $ -relief flat -borderwidth 0
- $self build-annotation $
- set showpanel(annotate) 1
- if {$NETWORK_MODEL == "NetworkModel/Auto"} {
- set showpanel(autolayout) 1
- trace variable showpanel(autolayout) w
- "$self displaypanel $w.p2 $w.p0b autolayout
- top x false"
- frame $w.p2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
- $self build-layout $w.p2
- pack $w.p0b $w.p2 $
- -side top -fill x
- } else {
- set showpanel(autolayout) 0
- pack $w.p0b $ -side top -fill x
- }
- }
- Animator instproc build-menus w {
- $self tkvar nam_record_animation nam_auto_ff showpanel isSync_
- $self tkvar showData_ showRouting_ showMac_
- $self instvar NETWORK_MODEL netModel nam_name windows
- frame $ -relief groove -bd 2
- pack $ -side top -fill x
- set padx 4
- set mb $
- set m $mb.m
- menubutton $mb -text "File" -menu $m -underline 0
- -borderwidth 1
- menu $m
- #$m add command -label "Open..." -state disabled
- $m add command -label "Save layout" -command "$self save_layout"
- $m add command -label "Print" -command "$self print_view $netModel nam"
- $m add separator
- # NEEDSWORK: record animation should prompt for the
- # prefix to use (nam_record_filename) in a dialog box.
- # Also, the file opening/closing should be moved to Tcl
- # so I can write to a
- # filename "|xwdtoppm | ppmtogif > sequenceXXX.gif"
- # and have the Right Thing happen.
- # Finally, it would be nice to put the clock
- # actually into the image so it makes it into the mpeg.
- $m add checkbutton -label "Record animation"
- -variable [$self tkvarname nam_record_animation]
- if ![info exists nam_record_animation] {
- set nam_record_animation 0
- }
- $m add checkbutton -label "Auto FastForward"
- -variable [$self tkvarname nam_auto_ff]
- if ![info exists nam_auto_ff] {
- set nam_auto_ff 0
- }
- $m add separator
- $m add command -label "Close" -command "$self done"
- pack $mb -side left -padx $padx
- set mb $
- set m $mb.m
- set mp $m.filter
- set mp1 $mp.type1
- set mp2 $mp.type2
- menubutton $mb -text "Views" -menu $m -underline 0
- -borderwidth 1
- menu $m
- $m add command -label "New view" -command "$self new_view"
- # $m add command -label "Edit view" -command "$self new_editview"
- $m add separator
- $m add command -label "Node energy" -command "$self energy_view"
- #filter menu
- $m add cascade -label "Packet filter" -menu $mp
- menu $mp
- $mp add cascade -label "Packet type" -menu $mp1
- $mp add command -label "Traffic type" -command "$self select-traffic"
- $mp add command -label "Source node" -command "$self select-src"
- $mp add command -label "Destination node" -command "$self select-dst"
- $mp add command -label "Flow id" -command "$self select-fid"
- $mp add command -label "Reset all" -command "$netModel resetFilter"
- menu $mp1
- set showData_ 1
- set showRouting_ 1
- set showMac_ 1
- $mp1 add checkbutton -label "Data"
- -variable [$self tkvarname showData_]
- $mp1 add checkbutton -label "Routing"
- -variable [$self tkvarname showRouting_]
- $mp1 add checkbutton -label "Mac"
- -variable [$self tkvarname showMac_]
- $m add command -label "Highlight leaf trees" -command
- "$self show_subtrees"
- $m add checkbutton -label "Show monitors"
- -variable [$self tkvarname showpanel(monitor)]
- if {$NETWORK_MODEL=="NetworkModel/Auto"} {
- $m add checkbutton -label "Show autolayout"
- -variable [$self tkvarname showpanel(autolayout)]
- } else {
- $m add checkbutton -label "Show autolayout" -state disabled
- }
- $m add checkbutton -label "Show annotations"
- -variable [$self tkvarname showpanel(annotate)]
- $m add checkbutton -label "Sync"
- -variable [$self tkvarname isSync_]
- if ![info exists isSync_] {
- set isSync_ 0
- }
- trace variable isSync_ w "$self on-change-sync"
- pack $mb -side left -padx $padx
- # -----------------------------
- # Analysis Tool
- set mb $
- set m $mb.m
- $self instvar analysis_OK
- if { $analysis_OK == 0 } {
- menubutton $mb -text "Analysis" -menu $m -underline 0
- -borderwidth 1 -state disabled
- } else {
- menubutton $mb -text "Analysis" -menu $m -underline 0
- -borderwidth 1
- }
- menu $m
- $m add command -label "Active Sessions" -command "$self active_sessions"
- $m add command -label "Legend ..." -command "$self auto_legend"
- #$m add command -label "Saving ..." -command "$self manual_legend"
- pack $mb -side left -padx $padx
- # ------------------------------
- label $ -text $nam_name -font [smallfont]
- -width 30 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
- set windows(title) $
- pack $ -side left -fill x -expand true -padx 4 -pady 1
- # Help is moved to main menu
- }
- Animator instproc select-traffic {} {
- $self tkvar trafficType_
- toplevel .selectTraffic
- set w .selectTraffic
- wm title $w "Enter traffic type (CBR,TCP,...)"
- label $w.label -text "Traffic type:"
- entry $w.entry -width 50 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvarname trafficType_]
- pack $w.label $w.entry -side left -fill both -expand true
- bind $w.entry <Return> "$self filter-traffic $w"
- }
- Animator instproc filter-traffic {w} {
- $self tkvar trafficType_
- $self instvar netModel
- destroy $w
- $netModel traffic_filter $trafficType_
- }
- Animator instproc select-src {} {
- $self tkvar srcNode_
- toplevel .selectSrc
- set w .selectSrc
- wm title $w "Enter source node"
- label $w.label -text "Source node:"
- entry $w.entry -width 50 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvarname srcNode_]
- pack $w.label $w.entry -side left -fill both -expand true
- bind $w.entry <Return> "$self filter-src $w"
- }
- Animator instproc filter-src {w} {
- $self tkvar srcNode_
- $self instvar netModel
- destroy $w
- $netModel src_filter $srcNode_
- }
- Animator instproc select-dst {} {
- $self tkvar dstNode_
- toplevel .selectDst
- set w .selectDst
- wm title $w "Enter destination node"
- label $w.label -text "Destination node:"
- entry $w.entry -width 50 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvarname dstNode_]
- pack $w.label $w.entry -side left -fill both -expand true
- bind $w.entry <Return> "$self filter-dst $w"
- }
- Animator instproc filter-dst {w} {
- $self tkvar dstNode_
- $self instvar netModel
- destroy $w
- $netModel dst_filter $dstNode_
- }
- Animator instproc select-fid {} {
- $self tkvar flowId_
- toplevel .selectFlow
- set w .selectFlow
- wm title $w "Enter flow id"
- label $w.label -text "Flow id:"
- entry $w.entry -width 50 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvarname flowId_]
- pack $w.label $w.entry -side left -fill both -expand true
- bind $w.entry <Return> "$self filter-fid $w"
- }
- Animator instproc filter-fid {w} {
- $self tkvar flowId_
- $self instvar netModel
- destroy $w
- $netModel fid_filter $flowId_
- }
- Animator instproc selectColor {} {
- $self colorPaletteReq .colorpalette
- {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00}
- {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00}
- {0000 3300 6600 9900 CC00 FF00}
- .colorsp
- }
- Animator instproc colorPaletteReq { name redlist greenlist bluelist replace } {
- $self instvar SharedEnv netModel
- # Setup
- set w ${name}
- if {[winfo exists $w]} {
- wm deiconify $w
- raise $w
- return
- }
- set SharedEnv($name) $replace
- eval toplevel $w ""
- wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm withdraw $w"
- frame $w.f
- foreach red $redlist {
- frame $w.f.rcol_${red}
- foreach green $greenlist {
- frame $w.f.grow_${red}${green}
- foreach blue $bluelist {
- if { [info exists SharedEnv($w.f.c${red}${green}${blue})] } {
- frame $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue}
- -relief raised -height 2m -width 2m
- -highlightthickness 0
- -bd 1 -bg $SharedEnv($w.f.c${red }${green}${blue})
- } else {
- frame $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue}
- -relief raised -height 2m -width 2m
- -highlightthickness 0
- -bd 1 -bg "#${red}${green}${blue}"
- }
- pack $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} -side left
- -in $w.f.grow_${red}${green} -fill both -expand true
- bind $w.f.c${red}${green}${blue} <ButtonRelease-1> "
- $self setcolor %W
- "
- }
- pack $w.f.grow_${red}${green} -side top
- -in $w.f.rcol_${red} -fill both -expand true
- }
- pack $w.f.rcol_${red} -side left -in $w.f -fill both
- -expand true
- }
- frame $w.f.c_none -width 4m -relief raised -bd 1
- -highlightthickness 0
- pack $w.f.c_none -in $w.f -side left -fill y
- pack $w.f -in $w -expand true -fill both
- # Return
- wm geometry $w 400x100
- }
- Animator instproc setcolor {w} {
- $self instvar netModel colorarea colorn
- $w configure -relief raised
- set colorv [$w cget -bg]
- set rgb [winfo rgb $w $colorv]
- set colorn "[$netModel lookupColorName [lindex $rgb 0]
- [lindex $rgb 1] [lindex $rgb 2]]"
- set rgb [winfo rgb . $colorn]
- set name "[$netModel lookupColorName [lindex $rgb 0]
- [lindex $rgb 1] [lindex $rgb 2]]"
- $netModel select-color $name
- if {[info exists colorarea] && [winfo exists $colorarea]} {
- $colorarea delete 0.0 end
- $colorarea insert 0.0 $colorn
- catch { $colorarea tag add bgcolor 0.0 end }
- $colorarea tag configure bgcolor -background $colorn
- }
- }
- Animator instproc on-change-sync args {
- $self tkvar isSync_
- if $isSync_ {
- $self add-sync $self
- } else {
- $self remove-sync $self
- }
- }
- Animator instproc set_run { w } {
- $self instvar netView running
- focus $netView
- $self set_forward_dir 1
- if { $running != 1 } {
- $self play 1
- #$self renderFrame
- }
- $self highlight $ 1
- }
- Animator instproc set_back { w } {
- $self instvar netView running
- focus $netView
- $self set_backward_dir 1
- if { $running != 1 } {
- $self play 1
- $self renderFrame
- }
- $self highlight $ 1
- }
- Animator instproc on-rateslider-press {} {
- $self instvar currRate prevRate
- set prevRate $currRate
- }
- Animator instproc on-rateslider-motion { v } {
- $self instvar timeStep stepDisp
- set timeStep [expr pow(10, $v / 10.)]
- set stepDisp [step_format $timeStep]
- }
- Animator instproc build-animation-ctrl {w} {
- $self instvar rateSlider granularity timeStep currRate prevRate
- stepDisp running direction balloon_
- set f [smallfont]
- frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 2
- frame $ -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
- scale $ -orient horizontal -width 7p
- -label "Step:" -font [smallfont]
- -from -60 -to -1 -showvalue false
- -relief flat
- -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0
- -troughcolor [option get . background Nam]
- pack $ -side top -fill both -expand true
- set rateSlider $
- set granularity [option get . granularity Nam]
- set timeStep [time2real [option get . rate Nam]]
- set stepDisp [step_format $timeStep]
- set currRate [expr 10*log10($timeStep)]
- set prevRate $currRate
- $rateSlider set $currRate
- bind $rateSlider <ButtonRelease-1> "$self set_rate [%W get] 1"
- bind $rateSlider <ButtonPress-1> "$self on-rateslider-press"
- bind $rateSlider <B1-Motion> "$self on-rateslider-motion [%W get]"
- trace variable stepDisp w "$self displayStep"
- $self tkvar nowDisp
- label $ -textvariable [$self tkvarname nowDisp]
- -width 14 -anchor w -font $f -borderwidth 1
- -relief sunken -anchor e
- frame $
- button $ -bitmap play -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
- -highlightthickness 0 -font $f
- -command "$self set_run $w"
- frame $ -height 5 -relief sunken
- -borderwidth 1
- pack $ -side top -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side top -fill x
- $balloon_ balloon_for $ "play forward" 1000
- frame $
- button $ -bitmap back -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
- -highlightthickness 0 -font $f
- -command "$self set_back $w"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $ "play backward" 1000
- # hilight running labels as $running changes
- trace variable running w "$self trace_running_handler $w"
- frame $ -height 5 -relief sunken
- -borderwidth 1
- pack $ -side top -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side top -fill x
- frame $
- button $ -bitmap stop -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
- -highlightthickness 0 -font $f
- -command "$self stop 1;
- $self renderFrame;
- $self highlight $ 1"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $ "stop" 1000
- frame $ -height 5 -relief sunken
- -borderwidth 1
- pack $ -side top -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side top -fill x
- frame $
- button $ -bitmap rew -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
- -highlightthickness 0 -font $f -command "$self rewind"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $ "rewind" 1000
- frame $ -height 5 -relief sunken
- -borderwidth 1
- pack $ -side top -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side top -fill x
- frame $
- button $ -bitmap ff -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
- -highlightthickness 0 -font $f -command "$self fast_fwd"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $ "fast forward" 1000
- frame $ -height 5 -relief sunken
- -borderwidth 1
- pack $ -side top -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side top -fill x
- # button $ -bitmap eject -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
- # -highlightthickness 0 -font $f -command "$self stop; $self done"
- # $balloon_ balloon_for $ "Quit Animator" 1000
- pack $ -side right -fill y
- pack $ -side right -pady 0
- -ipady 1 -padx 1 -fill y
- # pack $ -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both -expand true
- pack $ -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both -expand true
- # pack $ -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill y
- pack $ -fill x -expand 1 -side right
- $self instvar prevbutton
- set prevbutton $
- # start out stopped
- $self highlight $ 1
- }
- # tb - the name of the edit button
- # db1, db2 - names of the buttons to be enable/disabled
- Animator instproc toggle-edit { view tb db1 db2 } {
- $self instvar enable_edit_ balloon_
- set enable_edit_ [expr !$enable_edit_]
- if {$enable_edit_} {
- $self clear_view_bind $view
- $self editview_bind $view
- $tb configure -relief sunken
- $db1 configure -state normal
- $db2 configure -state normal
- $tb configure -bitmap "netview"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $db1 "NodeUp (enabled)"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $db2 "NodeDown (enabled)"
- } else {
- $self clear_editview_bind $view
- $self view_bind $view
- $tb configure -relief raised
- $db1 configure -state disabled
- $db2 configure -state disabled
- $tb configure -bitmap "netedit"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $db1 "NodeUp (disabled)"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $db2 "NodeDown (disabled)"
- }
- }
- # We need $w to put the control pane into, and $mainW to handle "close"
- Animator instproc build-zoombar {view w mainW} {
- $self instvar magnification viewOffset balloon_
- set magnification 1.0
- set viewOffset(x) 0.0
- set viewOffset(y) 0.0
- frame $w.f
- pack $w.f -side top
- button $w.f.b1 -bitmap "zoomin" -command "$view zoom 1.6"
- -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1
- pack $w.f.b1 -side top -ipady 3
- button $w.f.b2 -bitmap "zoomout" -command "$view zoom 0.625"
- -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1
- pack $w.f.b2 -side top -ipady 3
- # Build edit enable/disable button
- $self instvar enable_edit_
- # By default disable editing
- set enable_edit_ 0
- button $w.f.b3 -bitmap "netedit" -command
- "$self toggle-edit $view $w.f.b3 $w.f.b4 $w.f.b5"
- -highlightthickness 1 -borderwidth 1
- pack $w.f.b3 -side top -ipady 3
- # Node size up/down buttons
- $self instvar netModel
- button $w.f.b4 -bitmap "nodeup" -command
- "$netModel incr-nodesize 1.1" -state disabled
- button $w.f.b5 -bitmap "nodedown" -command
- "$netModel decr-nodesize 1.1" -state disabled
- pack $w.f.b4 -side top -ipady 3
- pack $w.f.b5 -side top -ipady 3
- $balloon_ balloon_for $w.f.b1 "ZoomIn"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $w.f.b2 "ZoomOut"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $w.f.b3 "Edit/View"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $w.f.b4 "NodeUp (disabled)"
- $balloon_ balloon_for $w.f.b5 "NodeDown (disabled)"
- if {[winfo name $mainW] != "view"} {
- button $w.f.b6 -bitmap "eject" -command "destroy $mainW"
- -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1
- pack $w.f.b6 -side top -ipady 3
- }
- }
- Animator instproc setCurrentTime {time} {
- $self tkvar nowDisp
- set nowDisp $time
- }
- Animator instproc build-slider {w} {
- $self instvar timeslider timeslider_width timeslider_tag
- timeslider_pos nowDisp
- frame $w.f -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
- pack $w.f -side top -fill x -expand 1
- set timeslider(height) 12
- set timeslider(swidth) 32
- set timeslider(width) 32
- set timeslider_width($w.f.c) 32
- set timeslider(canvas) $w.f.c
- lappend timeslider(canvas_set) $timeslider(canvas)
- set timeslider(frame) $w
- canvas $w.f.c -height $timeslider(height) -width 300
- -background white -highlightthickness 0
- pack $w.f.c -side left -fill x -expand 1 -padx 0 -pady 0
- label $w.f.c.b -bitmap time -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1
- -relief raised
- set timeslider_tag($w.f.c) [$w.f.c create window
- [expr $timeslider(swidth)/2] 0 -window $w.f.c.b
- -height 12 -width $timeslider(swidth) -anchor n]
- set timeslider_pos($w.f.c) 0
- bind $w.f.c <ButtonPress-1> "$self timeslidertrough $w.f.c %x %y"
- bind $w.f.c.b <ButtonPress-1> "$self timesliderpress $w.f.c %x %y;break"
- bind $w.f.c.b <ButtonRelease-1> "$self timesliderrelease $w.f.c %x %y"
- bind $w.f.c.b <B1-Motion> "$self timeslidermotion $w.f.c %x %y"
- bind $w.f.c <Configure> "$self timeticks $w.f.c"
- }
- Animator instproc timeticks { wfc } {
- $self instvar timeslider mintime range timeslider_width
- timeslider_tag maxtime mid_
- set timeslider(canvas) $wfc
- set st [lindex [split $wfc "."] 2]
- if { [string compare $st "ctrl"] == 0 } {
- set width [winfo width $timeslider(canvas)]
- } else {
- if { [string compare $st "slider"] == 0 } {
- set namgraphname_ [lindex [split $wfc "."] 1]
- set width [winfo width .$namgraphname_.main.c]
- } else {
- set width [winfo width $tlw_.$st.main.c]
- }
- }
- if {$width == $timeslider_width($wfc)} { return }
- set timeslider(width) $width
- set timeslider_width($wfc) $width
- $timeslider(canvas) delete ticks
- #we really shouldn't need to do this but there's a redraw bug in the
- #tk canvas that we need to work around (at least in tk4.2) - mjh
- pack forget $timeslider(canvas)
- update
- update idletasks
- pack $timeslider(canvas) -side left -fill x -expand 1 -padx 0 -pady 0
- set width [winfo width $wfc]
- # We need a more adaptive way to draw the ticks. Otherwise for long
- # and sparse simulations, it'll result in long startup time - haoboy
- set x [expr $timeslider(swidth)/2]
- # Unit of time represented by one pixel
- set tickIncr [expr $range / ($width-$timeslider(swidth))]
- # Should check if range is 0
- if {$range == 0} {
- set intertick [expr ($width - $timeslider(swidth)) / 10]
- } else {
- set intertick [expr ($width-$timeslider(swidth))/(10 * $range)]
- }
- if {$intertick < 2} {
- # This increment should be at least 2 pixel
- set intertick 2
- }
- for {set t $mintime} {$t < ($range+$mintime)} {set t [expr $t+$intertick*$tickIncr]} {
- set intx [expr int($x)]
- $timeslider(canvas) addtag ticks withtag
- [$timeslider(canvas) create line
- $intx [expr $timeslider(height)/2]
- $intx $timeslider(height)]
- set x [expr $x+$intertick]
- }
- set x [expr $timeslider(swidth)/2]
- if {$range == 0} {
- set intertick [expr $width - $timeslider(swidth)]
- } else {
- set intertick [expr ($width-$timeslider(swidth))/($range)]
- }
- if {$intertick < 20} {
- set intertick 20
- }
- for {set t $mintime} {$t < ($range+$mintime)} {set t [expr $t+$intertick*$tickIncr]} {
- set intx [expr int($x)]
- $timeslider(canvas) addtag ticks withtag
- [$timeslider(canvas) create line
- $intx 0 $intx $timeslider(height)]
- set x [expr $x+$intertick]
- }
- set wfc_width [winfo width $wfc]
- if {$maxtime > 0} {
- set x [expr ($wfc_width-$timeslider(swidth))*$now/$maxtime]
- } else {
- set x [expr ($wfc_width-$timeslider(swidth))*$now]
- }
- $wfc coords $timeslider_tag($wfc) [expr $x + $timeslider(swidth)/2] 0
- }
- Animator instproc getmainslidermodel {} {
- $self instvar mslider
- return $mslider
- }
- Animator instproc setsliderPressed {v} {
- $self instvar sliderPressed
- set sliderPressed $v
- }
- Animator instproc getrunning {} {
- $self instvar running
- return $running
- }
- Animator instproc timesliderset {t} {
- $self instvar mslider
- $mslider setcurrenttime $t
- return
- }
- Animator instproc timesliderpress {w x y} {
- $self instvar timeslider sliderPressed
- set timeslider(oldpos) $x
- # set timeslider(width) [winfo width $timeslider(canvas)]
- $w.b configure -relief sunken
- set sliderPressed 1
- }
- Animator instproc timeslidertrough {w x y} {
- $self instvar timeslider sliderPressed timeslider_pos
- if {$timeslider_pos($w)>$x} {
- $self rewind
- } else {
- $self fast_fwd
- }
- }
- Animator instproc timeslidermotion {wc x y} {
- $self instvar timeslider mintime range timeslider_tag
- timeslider_pos timeslider_width
- $self tkvar nowDisp
- set diff [expr $x - $timeslider(oldpos)]
- set timeslider(canvas) $wc
- $timeslider(canvas) move $timeslider_tag($wc)
- $diff 0
- set timeslider_pos($wc) [expr $timeslider_pos($wc) + $diff]
- if {$timeslider_pos($wc)<0} {
- $timeslider(canvas) move $timeslider_tag($wc)
- [expr 0 - $timeslider_pos($wc)] 0
- set timeslider_pos($wc) 0
- }
- if {$timeslider_pos($wc)>[expr $timeslider_width($wc)-$timeslider(swidth)]} {
- $timeslider(canvas) move $timeslider_tag($wc)
- [expr ($timeslider_width($wc) - $timeslider(swidth)) -
- $timeslider_pos($wc)] 0
- set timeslider_pos($wc) [expr $timeslider_width($wc)-$timeslider(swidth)]
- }
- set tick 0
- catch {
- set tick [expr 1000.0*$timeslider_pos($wc)/($timeslider_width($wc)-$timeslider(swidth))]
- }
- set now [expr ($tick * $range) / 1000. + $mintime]
- set nowDisp [format %.6f $now]
- set timeslider(tick) $tick
- $self timesliderset $now
- }
- Animator instproc timesliderrelease {w x y} {
- $self instvar timeslider sliderPressed running
- $self timeslidermotion $w $x $y
- $w.b configure -relief raised
- $self slidetime $timeslider(tick) 1
- set sliderPressed 0
- if $running {
- $self renderFrame
- }
- }
- Animator instproc nam-relayout {} {
- $self tkvar ITERATIONS KCa KCr Recalc
- $self instvar now netModel
- $netModel do_relayout $ITERATIONS $KCa $KCr $Recalc
- $self settime $now
- update idletasks
- }
- Animator instproc set-layout-params { iter kca kcr } {
- $self tkvar ITERATIONS KCa KCr
- set ITERATIONS $iter
- set KCa $kca
- set KCr $kcr
- }
- Animator instproc build-layout {w} {
- $self tkvar ITERATIONS KCa KCr Recalc
- $self instvar NETWORK_MODEL
- if {$NETWORK_MODEL != "NetworkModel/Auto"} {
- return
- }
- set f [smallfont]
- # frame $ -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
- label $w.label -text "Auto layout:" -font $f
- label $w.label_ca -text "Ca" -font $f
- entry $w.inputca -width 6 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvarname KCa] -font $f
- label $w.label_cr -text "Cr" -font $f
- entry $w.inputcr -width 6 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvarname KCr] -font $f
- label $w.label_iter -text "Iterations" -font $f
- entry $w.inputiter -width 6 -relief sunken
- -textvariable [$self tkvarname ITERATIONS]
- set Recalc 1
- checkbutton $w.recalc -text Recalc -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
- -variable [$self tkvarname Recalc] -font $f
- -highlightthickness 0
- $self instvar netModel
- button $w.reset -text reset -relief raised -font $f
- -command "$netModel reset"
- button $w.relayout -text re-layout -relief raised -font $f
- -command "$self nam-relayout"
- pack $w.label -side left -padx 1 -pady 1
- pack $w.label_ca -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill x
- pack $w.inputca -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill x
- pack $w.label_cr -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill x
- pack $w.inputcr -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill x
- pack $w.label_iter -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill x
- pack $w.inputiter -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill x
- pack $w.recalc -side left -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both
- pack $w.reset -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both
- pack $w.relayout -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill both
- # pack $ -fill x -expand 1
- bind $w.inputca <Return> " $self nam-relayout"
- bind $w.inputcr <Return> " $self nam-relayout"
- bind $w.inputiter <Return> "$self nam-relayout"
- }
- # we'll build a new annotation listbox for this
- Animator instproc build-annotation { w } {
- $self tkvar showpanel
- $self instvar annoBox annoBoxHeight annoJump
- frame $w.spaceral -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
- -height 0 -width 10
- pack $w.spaceral -side top -padx 0 -pady 0
- frame $w.f -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
- frame $w.f.f
- set annoJump 0
- set annoBoxHeight 3
- listbox $w.f.f.a -xscrollcommand "$w.f.f.ah set"
- -yscrollcommand "$w.f.f2.av set" -height $annoBoxHeight
- -selectmode single
- pack $w.f.f.a -fill both -side top -expand true
- set annoBox $w.f.f.a
- scrollbar $w.f.f.ah -orient horizontal -width 10 -borderwidth 1
- -command "$w.f.f.a xview"
- $w.f.f.ah set 0.0 1.0
- pack $w.f.f.ah -side bottom -fill x
- frame $w.f.f2
- pack $w.f.f2 -side left -fill y
- scrollbar $w.f.f2.av -orient vertical -width 10 -borderwidth 1
- -command "$w.f.f.a yview"
- $w.f.f2.av set 0.0 1.0
- pack $w.f.f2.av -side top -fill y -expand true
- pack $w.f.f -side left -fill both -expand true
- trace variable showpanel(annotate) w
- "$self displaypanel $w.f $w.spaceral annotate top both true"
- bind $w.f.f.a <Double-ButtonPress-1> "$self jump_to_annotation $w.f.f.a"
- bind $w.f.f.a <ButtonPress-3> "$self popup_annotation $w %x %y"
- }
- #
- # Helper functions
- #
- Animator instproc displaypanel {panel after name side fill expand args} {
- $self tkvar showpanel
- if {$showpanel($name) == 1} {
- set str "pack $panel -side $side -fill $fill -expand $expand"
- if {$after!=""} {
- set str "$str -after $after"
- }
- eval $str
- } else {
- pack forget $panel
- }
- }
- Animator instproc closepanel { name } {
- $self tkvar showpanel
- set showpanel($name) 0
- }
- Animator instproc highlight {w mode} {
- $self instvar prevbutton
- if {$mode==1} {
- $prevbutton.b configure -relief raised
- $prevbutton.f configure -background [option get . background Nam]
- set prevbutton $w
- }
- $w.f configure -background seagreen
- $w.f configure -relief sunken
- }
- Animator instproc trace_running_handler { w args } {
- $self instvar direction running
- # $x == $running
- if {$running == 0} {
- $self highlight $ 1
- } elseif {($direction == 1)} {
- $self highlight $ 1
- } else {
- $self highlight $ 1
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Animator instproc window_bind {w}
- # - Add key and event bindings to the animation window
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Animator instproc window_bind {w} {
- bind $w <q> "$self done"
- bind $w <Q> "$self all_done"
- bind $w <Control-w> "$self done"
- bind $w <Control-W> "$self done"
- bind $w <Control-q> "[AnimControl instance] done"
- bind $w <Control-Q> "[AnimControl instance] done"
- bind $w <Control-c> "$self done"
- wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self done"
- bind $w <b> "$self back_step"
- bind $w <B> "$self back_step"
- bind $w <c> "$self play 1"
- bind $w <C> "$self play 1"
- bind $w <f> "$self fast_fwd"
- bind $w <F> "$self fast_fwd"
- bind $w <n> "$self next_event"
- bind $w <N> "$self next_event"
- bind $w <p> "$self stop 1"
- bind $w <P> "$self stop 1"
- bind $w <r> "$self rewind"
- bind $w <R> "$self rewind"
- bind $w <u> "$self time_undo"
- bind $w <U> "$self time_undo"
- bind $w <x> "$self rate_undo"
- bind $w <X> "$self rate_undo"
- bind $w <period> "$self change_rate 1"
- bind $w <greater> "$self change_rate 1"
- bind $w <comma> "$self change_rate 0"
- bind $w <less> "$self change_rate 0"
- }
- Animator instproc view_bind {netView} {
- # We need these keys in input boxes, so only bind them to .view
- bind $netView <space> "$self toggle_pause"
- bind $netView <Control-d> "$self done"
- bind $netView <Return> "$self single_step"
- bind $netView <BackSpace> "$self back_step"
- bind $netView <Delete> "$self back_step"
- bind $netView <0> "$self reset"
- bind $netView <ButtonPress-1> "$self start_info $netView %x %y left"
- bind $netView <ButtonPress-3> "$self start_info $netView %x %y right"
- bind $netView <ButtonPress-2> "$self view_drag_start $netView %x %y"
- bind $netView <B2-Motion> "$self view_drag_motion $netView %x %y"
- # bind $netView <ButtonRelease-3> "$self end_info $netView"
- }
- Animator instproc clear_view_bind { netView } {
- bind $netView <ButtonPress-1> ""
- bind $netView <ButtonPress-3> ""
- bind $netView <ButtonPress-2> ""
- bind $netView <B2-Motion> ""
- }