- /*
- * Network model with automatic layout
- *
- * Layout code from nem by Elan Amir
- *
- * $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/nam-1/,v 1.25 2000/11/12 23:19:39 mehringe Exp $
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include "random.h"
- #include "view.h"
- #include "netview.h"
- #include "animation.h"
- #include "queue.h"
- #include "edge.h"
- #include "node.h"
- #include "agent.h"
- #include "sincos.h"
- #include "state.h"
- #include "packet.h"
- #include "anetmodel.h"
- class AutoNetworkModelClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- AutoNetworkModelClass() : TclClass("NetworkModel/Auto") {}
- TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {
- if (argc < 5)
- return 0;
- return (new AutoNetModel(argv[4]));
- }
- } autonetworkmodel_class;
- int AutoNetModel::AUTO_ITERATIONS_ = 1;
- int AutoNetModel::INCR_ITERATIONS_ = 200;
- int AutoNetModel::RANDOM_SEED_ = 1;
- int AutoNetModel::recalc_ = 1;
- double AutoNetModel::INIT_TEMP_ = 0.30; // follow Elan's
- double AutoNetModel::MINX_ = 0.0;
- double AutoNetModel::MAXX_ = 1.0;
- double AutoNetModel::MINY_ = 0.0;
- double AutoNetModel::MAXY_ = 1.0;
- AutoNetModel::AutoNetModel(const char *animator) : NetModel(animator)
- {
- iterations_ = AUTO_ITERATIONS_;
- bind("KCa_", &kca_);
- bind("KCr_", &kcr_);
- bind("Recalc_", &recalc_);
- }
- AutoNetModel::~AutoNetModel()
- {
- }
- int AutoNetModel::command(int argc, const char *const *argv)
- {
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "layout") == 0) {
- /*
- * <net> layout
- * compute layout using Elan's nem
- */
- layout();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "relayout") == 0) {
- relayout();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "reset") == 0) {
- reset_layout();
- return (TCL_OK);
- }
- }
- return (NetModel::command(argc, argv));
- }
- void AutoNetModel::reset_layout()
- {
- Node *n;
- Edge *e;
- initEmbedding();
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_)
- for (e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- e->unmark();
- scale_estimate();
- placeEverything();
- for (View *p = views_; p != 0; p = p->next_)
- if ((p->width() > 0) && (p->height() > 0)) {
- p->redrawModel();
- p->draw();
- }
- }
- void AutoNetModel::initEmbedding()
- {
- Node *n;
- double maxx, maxy;
- Random::seed_heuristically();
- maxx = MINX_ + (MAXX_-MINX_) * 0.4;
- maxy = MINY_ + (MAXY_-MINY_) * 0.4;
- // randomize nodes' position within square [(0,0), (1,1)]
- for (nNodes_ = 0, n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_, nNodes_++) {
- n->place(Random::uniform(MINX_, maxx),
- Random::uniform(MINY_, maxy));
- }
- //optk_ = kc_ * sqrt((MAXX_-MINX_)*(MAXY_-MINY_) / (double)nNodes);
- optka_ = kca_ * sqrt((MAXX_-MINX_)*(MAXY_-MINY_) / (double)nNodes_);
- optkr_ = kcr_ * sqrt((MAXX_-MINX_)*(MAXY_-MINY_) / (double)nNodes_);
- temp_ = INIT_TEMP_;
- }
- void AutoNetModel::placeEverything()
- {
- Node *n;
- // Should re-initialize nymin_ and nymax_
- nymin_ = FLT_MAX;
- nymax_ = -FLT_MAX;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- for (Edge *e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- placeEdge(e, n);
- placeAllAgents(n);
- if (nymin_ > n->y())
- nymin_ = n->y();
- if (nymax_ < n->y())
- nymax_ = n->y();
- }
- // Place all routes
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- n->clear_routes();
- n->place_all_routes();
- }
- }
- // do more passes
- void AutoNetModel::relayout()
- {
- Node *n;
- Edge *e;
- temp_ = INIT_TEMP_;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_)
- for (e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- e->unmark();
- //weigh_subtrees();
- //bifucate_graph();
- // in case that the two constants changed
- optka_ = kca_ * sqrt((MAXX_-MINX_)*(MAXY_-MINY_) / (double)nNodes_);
- optkr_ = kcr_ * sqrt((MAXX_-MINX_)*(MAXY_-MINY_) / (double)nNodes_);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- //alternate doses of vigorous shaking and letting it settle a little
- //seem to work best.
- if ((i==0)||(i==60)) temp_ = INIT_TEMP_;
- if ((i==50)||(i==70)) temp_ = INIT_TEMP_/4.0;
- if ((i<50)||((i>=60)&&(i<70)))
- {
- embed_phase1();
- }
- else
- {
- embed_phase2();
- }
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_)
- for (e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- e->unmark();
- scale_estimate();
- placeEverything();
- for (View *p = views_; p != 0; p = p->next_)
- if ((p->width() > 0) && (p->height() > 0)) {
- // XXX assume this means tk has been
- // initialized
- p->redrawModel();
- p->draw();
- }
- }
- }
- // do several passes of embedding
- void AutoNetModel::layout()
- {
- initEmbedding();
- for (int i = 0; i < iterations_; i++) {
- embed_phase2();
- }
- scale_estimate(); // find node size after layout
- placeEverything();
- }
- void AutoNetModel::cool()
- {
- if (temp_ > 0.001)
- temp_ *= 0.95;
- else
- temp_ = 0.001;
- }
- void AutoNetModel::placeAllAgents(Node *src) const
- {
- // clear all marks and clear all angles
- for (Agent *a = src->agents(); a != NULL; a = a->next()) {
- a->mark(0), a->angle(NO_ANGLE);
- placeAgent(a, src);
- }
- }
- // we need to use edge length, instead of delay, to estimate scale
- void AutoNetModel::scale_estimate()
- {
- /* Determine the maximum link delay. */
- double emax = 0., emean = 0., dist;
- Node *n;
- int edges=0;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- for (Edge* e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_) {
- edges++;
- dist = n->distance(*(e->neighbor()));
- emean+=dist;
- if (dist > emax)
- emax = dist;
- }
- }
- emean/=edges;
- /*store this because we need it for monitors*/
- node_size_ = node_sizefac_ * emean;
- /*
- * Check for missing node or edge sizes. If any are found,
- * compute a reasonable default based on the maximum edge
- * dimension.
- */
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- n->size(node_size_);
- for (Edge* e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- e->size(.03 * emean);
- }
- }
- // Fruchterman, T.M.J and Reingold, E.M.,
- // Graph Drawing by Force-directed Placement,
- // Software-Practice and Experience, vol. 21(11), 1129-1164 (Nov. 91)
- //
- // Do one pass of embedding
- void AutoNetModel::embed_phase1()
- {
- Node *v, *u;
- Edge* e;
- double dx, dy, mag, f, minn, rx, ry;
- /*
- * Randomly jitter everything to try and break out of local minima
- */
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- v->displace(0., 0.);
- rx=0.1*(MAXX_-MINX_)*
- ((INIT_TEMP_-temp_)/INIT_TEMP_)*
- ((Random::random()&0xffff)/32768.0 - 1.0);
- ry=0.1*(MAXX_-MINX_)*
- ((INIT_TEMP_-temp_)/INIT_TEMP_)*
- ((Random::random()&0xffff)/32768.0 - 1.0);
- v->displace(rx,ry);
- }
- /*
- * Calculate repulsive forces between all vertices.
- */
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- for (u = nodes_; u != 0; u = u->next_) {
- if (u == v)
- continue;
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- dx = dy = 0.001;
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- f = REP(mag, optkr_);
- v->displace(v->dx() + ((dx / mag) * f),
- v->dy() + ((dy / mag) * f));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- if (recalc_==1) {
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() / mag * minn;
- posy += v->dy() / mag * minn;
- }
- v->place(posx, posy);
- v->displace(0.,0.);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Calculate attractive forces between neighbors.
- */
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- for (e = v->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_) {
- u = e->neighbor();
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- // XXX we consider single direction edge as
- // of single direction attraction. So we only
- // attract one node toward the other. If later
- // we have the other edge, the other node will be
- // attracted too.
- if (mag >= 0) {
- f = ATT(mag, optka_);
- v->displace(v->dx() - dx / mag * f,
- v->dy() - dy / mag * f);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() / mag * minn;
- posy += v->dy() / mag * minn;
- }
- #if 0
- posx = min(MAXX_, max(MINX_, posx));
- posy = min(MAXY_, max(MINY_, posy));
- #endif
- v->place(posx, posy);
- #if 0
- printf("Position of node %s: (%f, %f)n",
- v->name(), posx, posy);
- #endif
- }
- /* Cool the temperature */
- if (temp_ > 0.001)
- temp_ *= 0.95;
- else
- temp_ = 0.001;
- #if 0
- printf("------------------------------n");
- #endif
- }
- void AutoNetModel::embed_phase2()
- {
- Node *v, *u;
- Edge* e;
- double dx, dy, mag, f, minn;
- /*
- * Calculate repulsive forces between all vertices.
- */
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- //XXX why not 0. as in paper?
- v->displace(0.,0.);
- for (u = nodes_; u != 0; u = u->next_) {
- if (u == v)
- continue;
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- dx = dy = 0.001;
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- f = REP(mag, optkr_);
- if (f < 2*u->size()) {
- if (f<temp_)
- {
- f=2*u->size()/(mag/* *temp_*/);
- }
- else
- f=2*u->size()/mag;
- }
- v->displace(v->dx() + ((dx / mag) * f),
- v->dy() + ((dy / mag) * f));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- if (recalc_==1) {
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() / mag * minn;
- posy += v->dy() / mag * minn;
- }
- v->place(posx, posy);
- v->displace(0.,0.);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Calculate attractive forces between neighbors.
- */
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- //if(v->mass()<=0) continue;
- for (e = v->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_) {
- u = e->neighbor();
- //if(u->mass()<=0) continue;
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- // XXX we consider single direction edge as
- // of single direction attraction. So we only
- // attract one node toward the other. If later
- // we have the other edge, the other node will be
- // attracted too.
- if (mag >= ((INIT_TEMP_-temp_)/INIT_TEMP_)*(e->length()+(v->size()+u->size())*0.75)) {
- f = ATT2(mag, optka_);
- v->displace(v->dx() - dx / mag * f,
- v->dy() - dy / mag * f);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- for (v = nodes_; v != 0; v = v->next_) {
- //if(v->mass()<=0) continue;
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() * minn / mag;
- posy += v->dy() * minn / mag;
- }
- #if 0
- posx = min(MAXX_, max(MINX_, posx));
- posy = min(MAXY_, max(MINY_, posy));
- #endif
- v->place(posx, posy);
- #if 0
- printf("Position of node %s: (%f, %f)n",
- v->name(), posx, posy);
- #endif
- }
- /* Cool the temperature */
- if (temp_ > 0.001)
- temp_ *= 0.95;
- else
- temp_ = 0.001;
- #if 0
- printf("------------------------------n");
- #endif
- }
- // packet handling stuff. use new packet
- void AutoNetModel::handle(const TraceEvent& e, double now, int direction)
- {
- switch ( {
- case 'a':
- {
- NetModel::handle(e, now, direction);
- // recalculate bounding box so that all agents will be within
- // view
- for (View *v = views_; v != 0; v = v->next_)
- v->redrawModel();
- break;
- }
- default:
- NetModel::handle(e, now, direction);
- break;
- }
- }
- void AutoNetModel::bifucate_graph()
- {
- Node *n, *m;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- if (n->mass()<=0) continue;
- int remaining=0;
- for (m = nodes_; m != 0; m = m->next_) {
- if (m->mass()>0) remaining++;
- m->mark(0);
- }
- int depth=0;
- int result=2;
- while((result!=0)&&(result!=1))
- {
- depth++;
- for (m = nodes_; m != 0; m = m->next_) {
- if (m->mass()>0) {
- m->mark(0);
- m->color("black");
- }
- }
- result=mark_to_depth(n, depth);
- printf("depth: %d result: %dn", depth, result);
- }
- if (result==1) {
- int ctr=0;
- for (m = nodes_; m != 0; m = m->next_) {
- if (m->marked()==1) ctr++;
- }
- printf("remaining: %d ctr: %dn", remaining, ctr);
- if ((remaining-ctr>1)&&(ctr>1)&&(ctr<remaining/2))
- {
- printf("success!n");
- for (m = nodes_; m != 0; m = m->next_) {
- if (m->marked()==1)
- {
- m->mass(-1);
- m->color("blue");
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- printf("failed at depth %d!n", depth);
- }
- }
- }
- int AutoNetModel::mark_to_depth(Node *n, int depth)
- {
- int sum=0;
- if (depth==0) {
- n->mark(2);
- return 1;
- }
- if (n->marked()==2) sum--;
- n->mark(1);
- for(Edge *e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- {
- Node *dst=e->neighbor();
- if ((dst->mass()>0)&&(dst->marked()==0))
- sum+=mark_to_depth(dst, depth-1);
- }
- return sum;
- }
- void AutoNetModel::weigh_subtrees()
- {
- Node *n, *dst, *newdst;
- Edge* e;
- int nodes=0;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- n->mass(1);
- }
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- int ctr=0;
- for (e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- ctr++;
- if (ctr==1)
- {
- dst=n->links()->neighbor();
- dst->mass(2);
- n->mass(0);
- n->color("green");
- nodes++;
- }
- while(ctr==1) {
- ctr=0;
- for (e = dst->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- if (e->neighbor()->mass()==1) ctr++;
- if (ctr==1)
- {
- for (e = dst->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- if (e->neighbor()->mass()==1) {
- newdst=e->neighbor();
- newdst->mass(1+dst->mass());
- dst->mass(0);
- dst->color("red");
- nodes++;
- dst=newdst;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- printf("massless nodes: %dn", nodes);
- nodes=0;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- if (n->mass()==0) {
- nodes++;
- n->color("grey");
- }
- }
- printf("massless nodes: %dn", nodes);
- }
- void AutoNetModel::place_subtrees()
- {
- Node *n, *dst;
- Edge* e;
- double angle;
- int nodes=0, did_something=1;
- double comx=0.0, comy=0.0, x, y;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- if (n->mass()!=0)
- {
- comx+=n->x();
- comy+=n->y();
- nodes++;
- }
- }
- comx/=nodes;
- comy/=nodes;
- printf("com at %.2f,%.2fn", comx, comy);
- while (did_something) {
- did_something=0;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_) {
- if (n->mass()==0)
- {
- for (e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- if (e->neighbor()->mass()>0)
- {
- dst=e->neighbor();
- n->mass(1);
- n->color("green");
- x=dst->x();
- y=dst->y();
- if (y-comy!=0)
- angle=atan((x-comx)/(y-comy));
- else
- angle=0;
- if (y-comy>0)
- angle+=M_PI;
- n->place(x-2*n->size()*sin(angle),
- y-2*n->size()*cos(angle));
- did_something=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The following is a big hack and I hope it works
- //
- // - It is being done to speed up the layout of realtime dynamic nodes
- // by only laying out that node and not the others
- // - These procedures should be integrated into the main relayout
- // procedure when time permits
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void AutoNetModel::relayoutNode(Node *v) {
- Node *n;
- Edge *e;
- temp_ = INIT_TEMP_;
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_)
- for (e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- e->unmark();
- // in case that the two constants changed
- optka_ = kca_ * sqrt((MAXX_-MINX_)*(MAXY_-MINY_) / (double)nNodes_);
- optkr_ = kcr_ * sqrt((MAXX_-MINX_)*(MAXY_-MINY_) / (double)nNodes_);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- // alternate doses of vigorous shaking and letting it settle a little
- // seem to work best.
- if ((i==0)||(i==60))
- temp_ = INIT_TEMP_;
- if ((i==50)||(i==70))
- temp_ = INIT_TEMP_/4.0;
- if ((i < 50) || ((i >= 60) && (i < 70))) {
- embed_phase1(v);
- } else {
- embed_phase2(v);
- }
- for (n = nodes_; n != 0; n = n->next_)
- for (e = n->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_)
- e->unmark();
- scale_estimate();
- placeEverything();
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void AutoNetModel::embed_phase1(Node *v) {
- Node *u;
- Edge* e;
- double dx, dy, mag, f, minn, rx, ry;
- /*
- * Randomly jitter everything to try and break out of local minima
- */
- v->displace(0., 0.);
- rx = 0.1 * (MAXX_-MINX_) *
- ((INIT_TEMP_-temp_)/INIT_TEMP_) *
- ((Random::random()&0xffff)/32768.0 - 1.0);
- ry = 0.1 * (MAXX_-MINX_) *
- ((INIT_TEMP_-temp_)/INIT_TEMP_) *
- ((Random::random()&0xffff)/32768.0 - 1.0);
- v->displace(rx,ry);
- /*
- * Calculate repulsive forces between all vertices.
- */
- for (u = nodes_; u != 0; u = u->next_) {
- if (u == v)
- continue;
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- dx = dy = 0.001;
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- f = REP(mag, optkr_);
- v->displace(v->dx() + ((dx / mag) * f),
- v->dy() + ((dy / mag) * f));
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- if (recalc_ == 1) {
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() / mag * minn;
- posy += v->dy() / mag * minn;
- }
- v->place(posx, posy);
- v->displace(0.,0.);
- }
- /*
- * Calculate attractive forces between neighbors.
- */
- for (e = v->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_) {
- u = e->neighbor();
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- // XXX we consider single direction edge as
- // of single direction attraction. So we only
- // attract one node toward the other. If later
- // we have the other edge, the other node will be
- // attracted too.
- if (mag >= 0) {
- f = ATT(mag, optka_);
- v->displace(v->dx() - dx / mag * f,
- v->dy() - dy / mag * f);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() / mag * minn;
- posy += v->dy() / mag * minn;
- }
- v->place(posx, posy);
- /* Cool the temperature */
- if (temp_ > 0.001)
- temp_ *= 0.95;
- else
- temp_ = 0.001;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void AutoNetModel::embed_phase2(Node *v) {
- Node *u;
- Edge* e;
- double dx, dy, mag, f, minn;
- /*
- * Calculate repulsive forces between all vertices.
- */
- //XXX why not 0. as in paper?
- v->displace(0.,0.);
- for (u = nodes_; u != 0; u = u->next_) {
- if (u == v)
- continue;
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- dx = dy = 0.001;
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- f = REP(mag, optkr_);
- if (f < 2*u->size()) {
- if (f<temp_) {
- f=2*u->size()/(mag/* *temp_*/);
- } else {
- f=2*u->size()/mag;
- }
- }
- v->displace(v->dx() + ((dx / mag) * f),
- v->dy() + ((dy / mag) * f));
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- if (recalc_==1) {
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() / mag * minn;
- posy += v->dy() / mag * minn;
- }
- v->place(posx, posy);
- v->displace(0.,0.);
- }
- /*
- * Calculate attractive forces between neighbors.
- */
- for (e = v->links(); e != 0; e = e->next_) {
- u = e->neighbor();
- //if(u->mass()<=0) continue;
- dx = v->x() - u->x();
- dy = v->y() - u->y();
- mag = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- // XXX we consider single direction edge as
- // of single direction attraction. So we only
- // attract one node toward the other. If later
- // we have the other edge, the other node will be
- // attracted too.
- if (mag >= ((INIT_TEMP_-temp_)/INIT_TEMP_) *
- (e->length()+(v->size()+u->size()) *
- 0.75)) {
- f = ATT2(mag, optka_);
- v->displace(v->dx() - dx / mag * f,
- v->dy() - dy / mag * f);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Limit the maximum displacement to the temperature temp;
- * and then prevent from being displaced outside frame.
- */
- mag = sqrt(v->dx()*v->dx() + v->dy() * v->dy());
- double posx = v->x(), posy = v->y();
- if (mag != 0) {
- minn = min(mag, temp_);
- posx += v->dx() * minn / mag;
- posy += v->dy() * minn / mag;
- }
- v->place(posx, posy);
- /* Cool the temperature */
- if (temp_ > 0.001)
- temp_ *= 0.95;
- else
- temp_ = 0.001;
- }