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- centerline{bf The Stanford GraphBase:
- A Platform for Combinatorial Computing}
- smallskip
- centerline{sl Donald E. Knuth, Stanford University}
- noindent
- A highly portable collection of programs and data is now
- available to researchers who study combinatorial algorithms and data
- structures. All files are in the public domain and usable with
- only one restriction: They must not be changed! A~``change file''
- mechanism allows local customization while the master files stay
- intact.
- The programs are intended to be interesting in themselves as examples
- of ``literate programming.'' Thus, the Stanford GraphBase can also be
- regarded as a collection of approximately 30 essays for programmers to
- enjoy reading, whether or not they are doing algorithmic research. The
- programs are written in {tt CWEB}, a~combination of TeX and~C that
- is easy to use by anyone who knows those languages and easy to read by
- anyone familiar with the rudiments of~C. (The {tt CWEB} system is
- itself portable and in the public domain.)
- Four program modules constitute the {it kernel/} of the GraphBase:
- {
- biba
- {sc gb_$,$flip} is a portable random number generator;
- biba
- {sc gb_$,$graph} defines standard data structures for graphs and
- includes routines for storage allocation;
- biba
- {sc gb_$,$io} reads data files and makes sure they are uncorrupted;
- biba
- {sc gb_$,$sort} is a portable sorting routine for 32-bit keys
- in linked lists of nodes.
- }
- noindent
- All of the other programs rely on {sc gb_$,$graph} and some subset
- of the other three parts of the kernel.
- A dozen or so {it generator modules/} construct graphs that are of
- special interest in algorithmic studies. For example, {sc
- gb_$,$basic} contains 12~subroutines to produce standard graphs,
- such as the graphs of queen moves on $d$-dimensional rectangular
- boards with ``wrap-around'' on selected coordinates. Another generator
- module, {sc gb_$,$rand}, produces several varieties of
- random graphs.
- Each graph has a unique identifier that allows researchers all over
- the world to work with exactly the same graphs, even when those graphs
- are ``random.'' Repeatable experiments and standard benchmarks will
- therefore be possible and widely available.
- Most of the generator modules make use of {it data sets}, which the
- author has been collecting for 20~years in an attempt to provide
- interesting and instructive examples for some forthcoming books on
- combinatorial algorithms ({sl The Art of Computer Programming},
- Volumes 4A, 4B, and~4C). For example, one of the data sets is {tt
- words.dat}, a~collection of 5-letter words of English that the author
- believes is ``complete'' from his own reading experience. Each word is
- accompanied by frequency counts in various standard corpuses of text,
- so that the most common terms can be singled out if desired. {sc
- gb_$,$words} makes a subset of words into a graph by saying that two
- words are adjacent when they agree in~4 out of~5 positions. Thus, we
- can get from {tt words} to {tt graph} in seven steps:
- disleft 30pt::
- {tt words, wolds, golds, goads, grads, grade, grape, graph.}
- noindent
- This is in fact the shortest such chain obtainable from {tt
- words.dat}.
- A dozen or so {it demonstration modules/} are also provided, as
- illustrations of how the generated graphs can be used. For example,
- the {sc ladders} module is an interactive program to construct chains
- of 5-letter words like the one just exhibited, using arbitrary subsets
- of the data. If we insist on restricting our choices to the 2000 most
- common words, instead of using the entire collection of about 5700, the
- shortest path from {tt words} to {tt graph} turns out to have
- length~20:
- disleft 30pt::
- {tt words, lords, loads, leads, leaps, leapt, least,}
- vskip-5pt
- disleft 30pt::
- {tt lease, cease, chase, chose, chore, shore, shone,}
- vskip-5pt
- disleft 30pt::
- {tt phone, prone, prove, grove, grave,
- grape, graph.}
- Several variations on this theme have also been implemented. If we consider
- the distance between adjacent words to be alphabetic distance, for
- example, the shortest path from {tt words} to {tt graph} turns out
- to be
- disleft 30pt::
- {tt words} (3) {tt woods} (16) {tt goods} (14) {tt goads} (3)
- {tt grads} (14) {tt grade} (12) {tt grape} (3) {tt graph},
- noindent
- total length 65.
- The {tt LADDERS} module makes use of another GraphBase module called
- {sc gb_$,$dijk}, which carries out Dijkstra's algorithm for
- shortest paths and allows the user to plug in arbitrary
- implementations of priority queues so that the performance of
- different queuing methods can be compared.
- The graphs produced by {sc gb_$,$words} are undirected. Other
- generator modules, like {sc gb_$,$roget}, produce directed graphs.
- Roget's famous {sl Thesaurus/} of 1882 classified all concepts into 1022
- categories, which we can call the vertices of a graph; an arc goes
- from~$u$ to~$v$ when category~$u$ contains a cross reference to
- category~$v$ in Roget's book. A~demonstration module called {sc
- roget_$,$components} determines the strong components of graphs
- generated by {sc gb_$,$roget}. This program is an exposition of
- Tarjan's algorithm for strong components and topological sorting of
- directed graphs.
- Similarly,
- world literature leads to further interesting families of undirected
- graphs via
- the {sc gb_$,$books} module. Five data sets {tt anna.dat}, {tt
- david.dat}, {tt homer.dat}, {tt huck.dat}, and {tt jean.dat} give
- information about {sl Anna Karenina}, {sl David Copperfield}, {sl
- The Iliad}, {sl Huckleberry Finn}, and {sl Les Mis'erables}. As
- you might expect, the characters of each work become the vertices of a
- graph. Two vertices are adjacent if the corresponding characters
- encounter each other, in selected chapters of the book.
- A~demonstration program called
- {sc book_$,$components} finds the blocks (i.e., biconnected
- components) of these graphs using the elegant algorithm of Hopcroft
- and Tarjan.
- Another module, {sc gb_$,$games}, generates graphs based on college
- football scores. All the games from the 1990 season
- between America's leading 120
- teams are recorded in {tt games.dat}; this data leads to ``cliquey''
- graphs, because most of the teams belong to leagues and they play
- every other team in their league. The overall graph is, however,
- connected. A~demonstration module called {sc football} finds long
- chains of scores, to prove for instance that Stanford might have trounced
- Harvard by more than 2000 points if the two teams had met---because
- Stanford beat Notre Dame by~5, and Notre Dame beat Air Force by~30,
- and Air Force beat Hawaii by~24, and dots~, and Yale beat Harvard
- by~15. (Conversely, a~similar ``proof'' also ranks Harvard over
- Stanford by more than 2000 points.) No good algorithm is known for
- finding the optimum solution to problems like this, so the data
- provides an opportunity for researchers to exhibit better and better
- solutions with better and better techniques as algorithmic
- progress is made.
- The {sc gb_$,$econ} module generates directed graphs based on the
- flow of money between industries in the US economy. A~variety of
- graphs can be obtained, as the economy can be divided into any number of
- sectors from~2 to~79 in this model.
- A~demonstration program {sc econ_$,$order}
- attempts to rank the sectors in order from ``suppliers'' to
- ``consumers,'' namely to permute rows and columns of a matrix so as to
- minimize the sum of entries above the diagonal. A reasonably efficient
- algorithm for this problem is known, but it is very complicated. Two
- heuristics are implemented for comparison, one ``greedy'' and the other
- ``cautious.'' Greed appears to be victorious, at least in the economic sphere.
- The highway mileage between 128 North American cities appears in {tt
- miles.dat}, and the {sc gb_$,$miles} module generates a variety of
- graphs from~it. Of special interest is a demonstration module called
- {sc miles_$,$span}, which computes the minimum spanning trees of
- graphs output by {sc gb_$,$miles}. Four algorithms for minimum
- spanning trees are implemented and compared, including some that are
- theoretically appealing but do not seem to fare so well in practice.
- An approach to comparison of algorithms called ``mem counting'' is
- shown in this demonstration to be an easily implemented
- machine-independent measure of efficiency that gives a reasonably fair
- comparison between competing techniques.
- A generator module called {sc gb_$,$raman} produces ``Ramanujan
- graphs,'' which are important because of their role as expander
- graphs, useful for communication. A~demonstration module called {sc
- girth} computes the shortest circuit and the diameter of Ramanujan
- graphs.
- Notice that some graphs, like those produced by {sc gb_$,$basic} or
- {sc gb_$,$raman}, have a rigid mathematical structure; others, like
- those produced by {sc gb_$,$roget} or {sc gb_$,$miles}, are more
- ``organic'' in nature. It is interesting and important to test
- algorithms on both kinds of graphs, in order to see if there is any
- significant difference in performance.
- A generator module called {sc gb_$,$gates} produces graphs of logic
- circuits. One such family of graphs is equivalent to a simple RISC
- chip, a~programmable microcomputer with a variable number of registers.
- Using such a ``meta-network''
- of gates, algorithms for design automation can be tested for a range
- of varying parameters. A~demonstration module {sc take_$,$risc}
- simulates the execution of the chip on a sample program. Another
- meta-network of gates will perform parallel multiplication of $m$-bit
- numbers by $n$-bit numbers or by an $n$-bit constant; the {sc
- multiply} module demonstrates these circuits.
- Planar graphs are generated by {sc gb_$,$plane}, which includes
- among other things an implementation of the best currently known
- algorithm for Delaunay triangulation.
- Pixel data can lead to interesting bipartite graphs. Leonardo's {sl
- Gioconda/} is represented by {tt lisa.dat}, an array of pixels that
- is converted into graphs of different kinds by {sc gb_$,$lisa}.
- A~demonstration routine {sc assign_$,$lisa} solves the assignment
- problem by choosing one pixel in each row and in each column so that
- the total brightness of selected pixels is maximized. Although the
- assignment problem being solved here has no relevance to art
- criticism or art appreciation, it does have great pedagogical value,
- because there is probably no better way to understand the
- characteristics of a large array of numbers than to perceive the array
- as an image.
- A~module called {sc gb_$,$save}
- converts GraphBase graphs to and from an ASCII format that
- readily interfaces with other systems for graph manipulation.
- For further information see {sl The Stanford GraphBase}, published by
- ACM Press in 1993. The book could also be
- called ``Fun and games with the Stanford GraphBase,'' because the
- demonstration programs are great toys to play with. Indeed, the author
- firmly believes that the best serious work is also good fun. We
- needn't apologize if we enjoy doing research.looseness-1
- bye