


Visual C++

  1. * File "words.dat" from the Stanford GraphBase (C) 1993 Stanford University
  2. * A database of English five-letter words
  3. * This file may be freely copied but please do not change it in any way!
  4. * (Checksum parameters 5757,526296596)
  5. aargh
  6. abaca 2
  7. abaci+1
  8. aback*2,2,3
  9. abaft
  10. abase+,,,,3
  11. abash+
  12. abate*,,2,,2
  13. abbey*3,1,3
  14. abbot*3,1
  15. abeam
  16. abend
  17. abets+1
  18. abhor*,,,,19
  19. abide*10,6,3,,34,1
  20. abled
  21. abler*,2
  22. abode+5,4,3,,11
  23. abort*,,,,,7
  24. about*12496,1813,1898,186,846,325,181
  25. above*2298,295,296,24,174,181,31
  26. absit ,,2
  27. abuse*9,16,10,12,13,1,3
  28. abuts+,,1,,,1
  29. abuzz
  30. abyss*5,4,4,,7
  31. ached*27,3,7
  32. aches*10,1
  33. achoo+1
  34. acids*59,7,1
  35. acing*
  36. acked
  37. acmes+
  38. acned
  39. acnes*
  40. acorn*10,,1
  41. acres*159,42,31,,1
  42. acrid*1,1,3,1
  43. acted*83,18,21,2,38,3
  44. actin
  45. actor*44,24,18,2
  46. acute*38,13,21,2,,5
  47. adage*1,3,4
  48. adapt*25,5,5,,,7
  49. added*972,172,221,5,29,67,18
  50. adder*2,,,,4
  51. addle+
  52. adept*4,4,1,2
  53. adieu+14,1,1
  54. adios*,1,2
  55. adlib+
  56. adman+
  57. admen 2
  58. admit*74,37,46,2,4,,2
  59. admix+
  60. adobe*40,2
  61. adopt*16,13,23,9,2,4,3
  62. adore*4,2,4
  63. adorn*6,1,4,1,8
  64. adult*152,25,36,6,,,1
  65. adzes*,,1
  66. aegis+,1
  67. aerie+1
  68. affix*5,1,22
  69. afire*13,1
  70. afoot*14,1,2
  71. afore*7,,1
  72. afoul+2
  73. after*5915,1067,1120,86,704,571,109
  74. again*3892,576,663,36,486,113,78
  75. agape 1,,2,,1
  76. agars
  77. agate*2,,,,5
  78. agave+2
  79. agent*79,44,29,,1
  80. agile*11,2,2,,1
  81. aging*13,4,,,1
  82. agley
  83. aglow+3,,2,,1
  84. agone
  85. agony*23,9,23,,5
  86. agora+
  87. agree*262,51,107,23,15,14,1
  88. agues+
  89. ahead*639,109,92,17,23,35,2
  90. ahhhh+,,1
  91. ahold+
  92. ahoys
  93. aided*25,11,8,,3
  94. aider
  95. aides*6,4,1
  96. ailed*1
  97. aimed*45,24,21,8,1
  98. aimer+
  99. aioli
  100. aired*,2,3
  101. airer
  102. aisle*15,6,5
  103. aitch
  104. ajuga
  105. alack+6
  106. alarm*105,16,28,1,17,1
  107. album*11,6,1
  108. alder*8
  109. aleck+2,2
  110. aleph+4
  111. alert*63,32,16,3,3,2,1
  112. algae*64,7,4
  113. algal 1
  114. algin
  115. alias*,1,1
  116. alibi*3,8,3
  117. alien*17,16,26,2,21
  118. align+4,2,,,,1
  119. alike*463,20,24,8,29
  120. alive*376,57,52,3,132,4
  121. alkyd
  122. alkyl
  123. allay*2,1,2,1
  124. alley*43,8,4,1
  125. allot*3,1,,,5
  126. allow*229,72,75,24,15,33,16
  127. alloy*34,3,14,,1
  128. aloes+1,2,,,5
  129. aloft*25,3,4,,3
  130. aloha+8
  131. alone*825,194,218,10,167,2,5
  132. along*2835,355,250,15,114,10,11
  133. aloof*8,5,6,1,6
  134. aloud*230,13,13,1,51,,1
  135. alpha+9,,1,,,6
  136. altar*24,4,13,,432
  137. alter*32,15,14,2,3,1
  138. altho ,4,2
  139. altos*3,,1,,,1
  140. alums*
  141. alway 2
  142. amahs ,,2
  143. amass*2,2
  144. amaze*2,3
  145. amber*14,3,6
  146. ambit ,,2
  147. amble*1,,2
  148. ameba+23
  149. amend*2,2,4,1,5
  150. amens+
  151. amide ,1
  152. amigo*5,2
  153. amine
  154. amino+38,1
  155. amiss*2,2,2,2,4,2
  156. amity+1,1,1
  157. ammos
  158. among*1308,369,313,40,1021,9,22
  159. amour+
  160. amped
  161. ample*18,16,15,1,4
  162. amply+2,4,4,1,1,,1
  163. amuck+2
  164. amuse*23,3,3
  165. amyls
  166. anded+
  167. anent
  168. angel*45,9,13,,242
  169. anger*108,48,39,,316
  170. angle*462,51,40,,,67,2
  171. angry*402,44,42,4,117
  172. angst+
  173. anile
  174. anima ,,1
  175. anion+,1,4
  176. anise+1,2
  177. ankhs+
  178. ankle*40,8,8
  179. annas 4
  180. annex*14,1,2
  181. annoy*13,2,,,3
  182. annul+1,,1,,4
  183. annum+5,3,17
  184. anode*4,77,5
  185. anole 3
  186. anted+
  187. antes+
  188. antic*2,1
  189. antis
  190. antsy+
  191. anvil*33,1,,,2
  192. aorta*5,3
  193. apace+2,,1,,2
  194. apart*414,57,134,10,57,23,8
  195. apers
  196. aphid*4
  197. aphis 1,,1
  198. apian
  199. aping*,,1
  200. apish
  201. apnea
  202. aport
  203. apple*294,9,7,,8,,3
  204. apply*192,56,67,9,5,42,56
  205. apron*96,7,12
  206. apses+,1
  207. apsos
  208. aptly*5,4,2,2
  209. aquae
  210. aquas+
  211. arbor*7,,1
  212. arced*
  213. ardor*3,3
  214. areal 1
  215. areas*689,236,117,27,,3,4
  216. arena*26,7,5,,2
  217. argon*15,6,1
  218. argot+,1
  219. argue*49,29,27,10,6,,3
  220. arias+,,2
  221. arise*52,28,33,3,76,18,23
  222. arity
  223. armed*103,35,22,8,49,1,1
  224. armor*60,4,,,32
  225. aroma*9,3,5,,2
  226. arose*77,18,20,2,153,2
  227. arras
  228. array*57,11,3,,20,12,16
  229. arrow*193,13,1,,25,13
  230. arses
  231. arson*2,2,1
  232. artsy+
  233. arums
  234. asana
  235. ascot+
  236. ashen*2,2,1
  237. ashes*87,6,5,1,64
  238. aside*182,66,38,11,118,,1
  239. asked*2924,398,448,30,178,12,6
  240. asker
  241. askew*2,1,2
  242. aspen*9,2
  243. aspic*1
  244. assai
  245. assay*,1,3,,1
  246. assed
  247. asses*6,2,,,64
  248. asset*13,5,11,1
  249. aster*3
  250. astir*7,,1
  251. astro 1
  252. atilt
  253. atlas*39,,4,,,1
  254. atoll*6
  255. atoms*332,41,9,,,24
  256. atone*,1,1,,3
  257. atria
  258. attar
  259. attic*45,14,15
  260. audio+9,2
  261. audit+,4
  262. auger*13,,4
  263. aught 4
  264. augur+,,1,,1
  265. aunts*26,4,1
  266. aurae
  267. aural 1,1,3
  268. auras+
  269. auric
  270. autos*8,4
  271. avail+9,4,4,,11
  272. avant+4,1,1
  273. avast 3
  274. avers*
  275. avert*6,1,3,,7
  276. avian+
  277. avoid*246,58,69,14,13,42,6
  278. avows+
  279. await*19,9,8,1,5
  280. awake*134,19,13,1,29
  281. award*30,38,25,,1
  282. aware*172,84,83,7,14,6,2
  283. awash+3,1,,1
  284. aways+2
  285. awful*2,17,19,1,1,4
  286. awing
  287. awoke*54,9,6,,19
  288. axels
  289. axial+2,2
  290. axing+
  291. axiom+10,1,5
  292. axled
  293. axles*7,1,1,,4
  294. axman+
  295. axmen 1
  296. axons+2
  297. ayins+
  298. azine
  299. azoic
  300. azure+8
  301. babel+,,1
  302. babes*1,3,1,,15
  303. backs*99,15,3,,12,3
  304. bacon*99,8,21,,,2
  305. baddy
  306. badge*12,5,1
  307. badly*159,34,44,1,3,3
  308. bagel*
  309. baggy*11,4,3
  310. bahts
  311. bails*,,1
  312. bairn
  313. baits*1
  314. baize+,,1
  315. baked*93,8,5,,16,1
  316. baker*19,10,2,,9
  317. bakes*10,1,,,1
  318. balds
  319. baldy
  320. baled*3
  321. baler+1,,1
  322. bales*21,3,8
  323. balks+,1,,,,1
  324. balky+1
  325. balls*170,17,3,2,,,2
  326. bally 1
  327. balms+
  328. balmy*3,2
  329. balsa*6
  330. banal+1,2
  331. bands*142,11,28,2,10,1
  332. bandy+3
  333. banes*
  334. bangs*10,4
  335. banjo*32,1
  336. banks*219,23,24,5,1
  337. banns+,,2
  338. barbs*16,2
  339. bards+2,2
  340. bared*14,,1,,2
  341. barer*
  342. bares*1,,1
  343. barfs
  344. barfy
  345. barge*35,7,11
  346. baric
  347. barks*19,,1
  348. barky
  349. barms
  350. barmy+
  351. barns*44,4,,,4
  352. baron*13,2,2,,,1
  353. basal+3,,3
  354. based*361,119,140,25,5,73,31
  355. baser*1,1,2
  356. bases*131,23,26,2,54,5
  357. basic*517,170,81,14,,45,42
  358. basil+5
  359. basin*62,5,11,,17
  360. basis*189,184,144,10,1,6,15
  361. basks*
  362. bassi
  363. basso+1,1
  364. baste*5,,1
  365. batch*9,5,11,1
  366. bated+2
  367. bates
  368. bathe*22,4,6,1,29
  369. baths*18,5,14,,9
  370. batik+
  371. baton*11,5,5
  372. batty+
  373. bauds
  374. baulk ,,1
  375. bawdy+1,3
  376. bawls*
  377. bayed*,3
  378. bayou*3
  379. bazar ,,2
  380. beach*308,33,35,7,5
  381. beads*143,3,7,,1,,2
  382. beady+7,1,2,1
  383. beaks*29,,2
  384. beaky ,,1
  385. beams*66,13,2,,14
  386. beamy
  387. beano
  388. beans*199,9,7,,2
  389. beard*89,25,7,,18
  390. bears*195,17,20,1,37,,1
  391. beast*103,7,10,,147
  392. beats*210,4,7
  393. beaus*
  394. beaut+1
  395. beaux ,,1
  396. bebop+,1
  397. bebug
  398. becks
  399. bedew
  400. bedim
  401. beech*19,2,5
  402. beefs*
  403. beefy+,1,1
  404. beeps*5,3
  405. beers*1,1,1
  406. beery
  407. beets*44,2
  408. befit*1,,,,1
  409. befog+
  410. began*2491,312,270,6,226,17,8
  411. begat 1
  412. beget+1,1,2,,3
  413. begin*976,84,86,15,27,69,18
  414. begot 2,,,,5
  415. begun*205,51,53,9,15,14,1
  416. beige*15,1,3
  417. being*2092,709,962,86,303,187,28
  418. belay 2
  419. belch*1,2,,,1
  420. belie+,,1
  421. belle+3,1,2
  422. belli ,,1
  423. bells*303,6,10,,5,1
  424. belly*46,23,6,,22
  425. below*3276,145,150,16,19,123,14
  426. belts*86,8,2,,3,,1
  427. bench*140,28,28,6
  428. bends*73,2,5,,5,11
  429. bents
  430. beret*4,,2,1
  431. bergs ,1
  432. berms
  433. berry*16,4,3,,,1
  434. berth*14,3
  435. beryl+6,,,,6
  436. beset*6,7,4,,8
  437. besot
  438. bests*
  439. betas+
  440. betel+1
  441. beths
  442. bevel*27,2,1
  443. bezel
  444. bhang
  445. bhoys ,,1
  446. bibbs+
  447. bible*1,1,6
  448. biddy+
  449. bided*
  450. bider
  451. bides*
  452. bidet+,,3
  453. biers*
  454. biffs
  455. biffy
  456. biggy
  457. bight
  458. bigly
  459. bigot*
  460. biked*
  461. biker+
  462. bikes*19,,,1
  463. biles
  464. bilge+1,2
  465. bilgy
  466. bilks+
  467. bills*96,45,17,1,,2
  468. billy+15,,,1
  469. bimbo+
  470. binds*4,2,1,2,14
  471. binge+1,1
  472. bingo*1,,1
  473. biome
  474. biped+
  475. bipod 1
  476. birch*33,1,1
  477. birds*1203,47,70,1,109
  478. birth*147,63,63,6,79
  479. bison*18,1
  480. bitch*4,6,1
  481. biter+,1
  482. bites*41,8,3,,5
  483. bitsy 2
  484. bitty 3
  485. blabs+
  486. black*1556,162,164,4,16,52
  487. blade*137,13,17,,4,1
  488. blahs+
  489. blame*79,34,27,12,8
  490. bland*6,3,6,4
  491. blank*255,14,10,,,113,1
  492. blare*5
  493. blash ,,,,,2
  494. blast*74,15,15,,11
  495. blats+
  496. blaze*34,7,7,,2
  497. bleak*19,9,22,3
  498. blear
  499. bleat*8,1,,,1
  500. blebs ,1
  501. bleed*13,2,1
  502. blend*175,9,10,,,3
  503. bless*36,9,11,,13
  504. blest+6,3
  505. blimp*
  506. blind*181,47,25,2,82
  507. blini
  508. blink*16,4,2
  509. blips+,1
  510. bliss*60,4,5
  511. blitz*,2,1,1
  512. bloat*2,8
  513. blobs*2,,2,,,1
  514. block*328,66,45,8,16,8,1
  515. blocs+2,,1
  516. bloke+,1,4
  517. blond*22,11,11
  518. blood*705,119,168,2,466
  519. bloom*63,11,4,,4
  520. blots*,4,1,,2,1
  521. blown*88,9,12,,9
  522. blows*124,8,12,,16
  523. blowy 1
  524. blued+1
  525. bluer*1
  526. blues*35,13,5
  527. bluff*27,8,6,2
  528. blunt*25,9,9,,1,4
  529. blurb*,,1
  530. blurs*1
  531. blurt*
  532. blush*13,1,5,,4
  533. board*536,174,179,26,6,1,5
  534. boars*2,,,,1
  535. boast*18,8,5,,53
  536. boats*391,50,19,5,1
  537. bobby+7,13
  538. bocce
  539. bocci
  540. bocks
  541. boded+,,1
  542. bodes+1,1
  543. bodge
  544. boffo+
  545. boffs
  546. bogey*,5
  547. boggy 2
  548. bogie*
  549. bogus+1,3,4
  550. boils*23,2,1,1,6,1,2
  551. bolas 2
  552. bolls+9
  553. bolos
  554. bolts*37,1,4,2,7
  555. bombe+
  556. bombs*38,35,16
  557. bonds*50,47,7,,23
  558. boned*1
  559. boner*
  560. bones*491,20,17,1,101
  561. bongo+4,1
  562. bongs*1
  563. bonks
  564. bonne ,,2
  565. bonny+8,,2
  566. bonus*21,2,18,,,3,11
  567. boobs+
  568. booby*7,4
  569. booed*4
  570. books*902,95,156,3,17,24,1
  571. booky
  572. booms*9,,,1
  573. boomy
  574. boons+
  575. boors+,1
  576. boost*12,15,5,3
  577. booth*32,5,2,,5
  578. boots*176,19,26,,,,5
  579. booty*5,2,3,,23
  580. booze*,4,1
  581. boozy+
  582. borax+14,1,4
  583. bored*48,14,15,,1,1
  584. borer+2,1
  585. bores*2,2,4
  586. boric+4
  587. borne+25,8,13,,44
  588. boron+6
  589. bosky
  590. bosom*16,8,6,,42
  591. boson
  592. bossa+
  593. bossy*8,,1
  594. bosun+
  595. botch+
  596. bough*20,2,1,,3
  597. boule
  598. bound*170,42,74,5,103,8,35
  599. bouts*6,3,7
  600. bowed*66,7,10,,72
  601. bowel*1,,1
  602. bower+4,1
  603. bowie+1
  604. bowls*53,3,5,,32,1
  605. boxed*11,2,1,,,1
  606. boxer*23,1,5,1
  607. boxes*331,14,24,2,1,245,3
  608. bozos+
  609. brace*20,11,4,,,47
  610. brack ,,1
  611. bract
  612. brads+2
  613. braes
  614. brags*4
  615. braid*20,,4
  616. brain*330,44,4
  617. brake*73,2,7
  618. brand*52,17,22,1,2,3,1
  619. brans*
  620. brant
  621. brash+2,1,3
  622. brass*191,18,33,1,11
  623. brats*,,4
  624. brava
  625. brave*282,20,20,1,13,2
  626. bravo*7
  627. brawl*3,1,1
  628. brawn*2
  629. brays*1
  630. braze+1
  631. bread*515,41,41,2,347
  632. break*516,88,75,6,141,183,1
  633. bream ,,23
  634. breed*47,16,21,1,4
  635. brent ,,1
  636. breve+2,,,,,3
  637. brews*3,,1
  638. briar*2,,3
  639. bribe*6,1,1,,22,,1
  640. brick*132,18,12,,4,,3
  641. bride*53,32,17,,24
  642. brief*160,73,60,2,8,5
  643. brier+6,,1,,3
  644. bries+
  645. brigs+
  646. brims*1
  647. brine*14
  648. bring*1016,158,191,16,702,5,4
  649. brink*13,3,4,4,5
  650. briny+3
  651. brisk*26,7,3
  652. broad*292,83,37,10,38,1
  653. broil*9,2
  654. broke*396,71,70,3,101,1,2
  655. bromo
  656. bronc+1,3
  657. bronx 1
  658. brood*20,9,4,,11
  659. brook*76,1,1,,37
  660. broom*78,2,1,1,5
  661. broth*16,3,8,,4
  662. brown*557,68,68,3,,1
  663. brows*12,5,6
  664. bruin+
  665. bruit
  666. brung 4
  667. brunt*2,1,1
  668. brush*251,42,14,2,1,1
  669. brusk
  670. brute*11,6,4,,,1,1
  671. bubba
  672. bucks*10,5
  673. buddy*9,12
  674. budge*21,3,2
  675. buena
  676. bueno 1,1
  677. buffa 1,,1
  678. buffo
  679. buffs*2,1
  680. buggy*51,6,,,,1
  681. bugle*48,1,,,1
  682. build*857,86,43,12,164,9,2
  683. built*1249,102,150,14,249,26,2
  684. bulbs*40,3,2,,,1
  685. bulge*14,4,9
  686. bulgy+1,,1
  687. bulks*2,1
  688. bulky*25,9,6
  689. bulls*20,2,6,,63
  690. bully*16,4,6
  691. bumph
  692. bumps*24,1,1,,,2
  693. bumpy+17,,1
  694. bunch*105,17,12,,1,8,5
  695. bunco+
  696. bunds
  697. bungs
  698. bunko
  699. bunks*11,17,2
  700. bunny*5
  701. bunts*
  702. buoys*7,1
  703. buret
  704. burgs+
  705. burls+
  706. burly*10,3,5
  707. burns*91,16,2,1,20,1
  708. burnt*43,5,11,,334
  709. burps+
  710. burro*55
  711. burrs*8,1
  712. burry
  713. burst*194,33,28,,2
  714. busby
  715. bused*
  716. buses*61,6,12,9
  717. bushy*25,,1
  718. busks
  719. busts*,3,3
  720. busty+
  721. butch+1
  722. butte*4
  723. butts*3,5,2
  724. butyl+
  725. buxom*,1,1
  726. buyer*30,2,6,1,5
  727. buzzy
  728. bwana
  729. bylaw*
  730. byres ,,1
  731. bytes+,,,,,12
  732. byway+
  733. cabal+
  734. cabby+
  735. cabin*404,21,26,1,,,1
  736. cable*66,5,23
  737. cacao*26,1
  738. cache*5,1,1
  739. cacti+16
  740. caddy+,,2
  741. cadet*6,2,3
  742. cadge+
  743. cadre+,3,2
  744. cafes*9,5,4
  745. caged*7,1,2
  746. cager+
  747. cages*42,2,5
  748. cagey+,2
  749. cairn+
  750. caked*11,2
  751. cakes*133,3,12,,28
  752. calix
  753. calks
  754. calla
  755. calls*216,70,55,3,41,19,5
  756. calms*7,,1
  757. calve+,,1
  758. calyx+5
  759. camel*72,1,5,,1
  760. cameo+3
  761. campo
  762. camps*49,18,8,1,1
  763. campy+
  764. canal*153,,20,1,2
  765. candy*256,16,2
  766. caned*
  767. caner
  768. canes*7,,2
  769. canna
  770. canny*2,2
  771. canoe*164,6,,1
  772. canon*21,3,3
  773. canst+6,,,,4
  774. canto+,3,,,,1
  775. cants
  776. caped+2
  777. caper*3,2,1
  778. capes*6,4
  779. capon+
  780. capos+
  781. carat*5
  782. cards*186,33,19,5,,,26
  783. cared*68,15,9,,4
  784. carer
  785. cares*35,8,3,2,14
  786. caret+1,,,,,4
  787. cargo*106,6,7,,5
  788. carne 3,3
  789. carny+
  790. carob+,1
  791. carol*22,1,3
  792. carom+
  793. caron+,,,,,1
  794. carps*
  795. carpy
  796. carry*940,88,86,12,121,9,16
  797. carte ,1,2
  798. carts*40,5,,,2
  799. carve*30,3,1,1,1
  800. casas
  801. cased*,1
  802. cases*307,148,209,17,11,135,124
  803. casks*4,1,1
  804. caste*16,3,5
  805. casts*23,6,,,16
  806. casus ,,1
  807. catch*679,43,43,1,11,5,1
  808. cater*1,3,5,1
  809. catty+
  810. caulk+
  811. cauls
  812. cause*502,130,119,13,151,47,4
  813. caved+4,1
  814. caves*75,5,3,,9
  815. cavil+
  816. cawed+3
  817. cease*27,15,22,1,51
  818. cedar*31,,2,,55
  819. ceded*1,,,1
  820. ceder
  821. cedes*
  822. ceils
  823. celeb
  824. cello*28
  825. cells*747,81,56,,1,7,6
  826. cento
  827. cents*479,25,4,3,,1,5
  828. chafe*,1,1
  829. chaff*2,,,,16
  830. chain*204,48,38,1,11,,4
  831. chair*421,66,87,1,1,1
  832. chalk*109,3,7
  833. champ*11,,2,,,,1
  834. chant*61,2,1,,2
  835. chaos*16,17,13,5,6,4,1
  836. chaps*12,1,5
  837. chard+
  838. charm*54,26,19,,5
  839. chars ,,,,,1
  840. chart*393,17,4,,,5
  841. chary+,,1
  842. chase*88,10,18,,5,1,1
  843. chasm*2,2,1,,1
  844. chats*1
  845. chaws+
  846. cheap*60,24,38,8,1,1,1
  847. cheat*12,2,8,1,2,,1
  848. check*1024,88,58,3,,32,37
  849. cheek*87,20,22,,9
  850. cheep*6,,1
  851. cheer*88,7,11,,10,1
  852. chefs*1
  853. chert ,,1
  854. chess*21,3,2
  855. chest*231,53,42,,6
  856. chews*8,,,,5
  857. chewy*2
  858. chick*21,2,1
  859. chide*2,2,1,,1
  860. chief*428,89,95,21,187,5
  861. chiff+
  862. child*730,210,245,7,212,3
  863. chile 1
  864. chili*12,6,1
  865. chill*57,14,9
  866. chime*3,,3
  867. chimp*5
  868. china*34,6,5
  869. chine ,,7
  870. chink+1
  871. chino
  872. chins*5,2
  873. chips*42,2,4
  874. chirp*12,,,,1
  875. chits+
  876. chive+1,1
  877. chock+
  878. choir*30,4,8
  879. choke*12,9,5,,2
  880. chomp+,1
  881. choos 1
  882. chops*22,3,3
  883. chord*303,7,6
  884. chore*13,7,1,,,1
  885. chose*171,37,17,3,65,3,3
  886. chows*
  887. chuck*21,11,3
  888. chuff
  889. chugs*4
  890. chump+,1
  891. chums*3,,1
  892. chunk*21,2
  893. churl
  894. churn*21,,,1
  895. chute*17,2
  896. cider*19,2,2,1
  897. cigar*30,10,5
  898. cilia+22,1
  899. cills ,,4
  900. cinch*6,3
  901. circa+,1,3
  902. cirri
  903. cited*7,24,12,2,,1,1
  904. cites*4,10,1
  905. civet*2
  906. civic*12,19,12,5
  907. civil*81,45,95,13
  908. civvy
  909. clack+,,3
  910. clads+
  911. claim*125,97,106,23,8,2,5
  912. clamp*41,,6
  913. clams*50,2
  914. clang*9,1,1
  915. clank*6
  916. clans*,,2,,9
  917. claps*9,2,,,2
  918. clash*11,5,17,,,2
  919. clasp*6,,12,,1
  920. class*1211,166,138,4,1,24,15
  921. clave 3
  922. claws*146,3,1,,3
  923. clays*5,1,3
  924. clean*521,69,70,4,127,3,1
  925. clear*811,219,203,31,43,27,17
  926. cleat*1,1
  927. clefs*3
  928. cleft*12,2,1,,8
  929. clerk*104,34,17,,1
  930. clews
  931. click*31,2,7
  932. cliff*94,9,12,,2
  933. climb*288,12,18,,4,,3
  934. clime+,,1
  935. cling*36,6,2,,2
  936. clink*7
  937. clips*30,2,1
  938. cloak*42,3,10,1,9
  939. clock*330,20,35,2,,2,1
  940. clods*3,4,3,,3
  941. clogs*7,,1
  942. clomp+3
  943. clone+
  944. clops+
  945. close*1288,233,204,18,45,33,17
  946. cloth*427,42,18,,17
  947. clots*4
  948. cloud*314,26,25,5,111
  949. clout*3,1,1,4
  950. clove*3,1
  951. clown*62,3
  952. cloys+
  953. clubs*73,19,31,2,5
  954. cluck*7,2
  955. clued*
  956. clues*125,10,6,1,,6
  957. clump*36,4,1
  958. clung*54,14,9,1,6
  959. clunk+3
  960. coach*147,19,4
  961. coals*42,8,6,,23
  962. coast*594,33,41,5,6
  963. coati+1
  964. coats*120,10,9,,11
  965. cobra*15,3
  966. cocas
  967. cocci*2,,1
  968. cocks*11,,1
  969. cocky*2,3,1
  970. cocoa*57,3,7
  971. cocos*1
  972. codas+
  973. coded*5,1,2,,,4
  974. coder+
  975. codes*10,17,4,,,121
  976. codex+,,12
  977. codon+
  978. coeds*,1
  979. cohos+3
  980. coifs+
  981. coils*32,2,1
  982. coins*161,9,7,,4,,16
  983. coked+
  984. cokes*,,1
  985. colas+
  986. colds*15,2,1
  987. colic*,,,,1
  988. colon*19,2,2,,,22
  989. color*1109,139,,3,9,4,9
  990. colts*30,6,2,,1
  991. comas*,1
  992. combo+9,4
  993. combs*14
  994. comer+2,1
  995. comes*1289,134,133,10,319,103,45
  996. comet*21,1,7
  997. comfy+1
  998. comic*39,8,16
  999. comma*90,2,2,,,27
  1000. comps+
  1001. conch*3
  1002. condo+
  1003. coned+
  1004. cones*62,2,,,,,1
  1005. coney ,1
  1006. conga+2,1
  1007. conic*3,2,,,,,1
  1008. conks+
  1009. cooch ,2
  1010. cooed*4
  1011. cooks*36,8,6,,1
  1012. cooky*13,2
  1013. cools*77,2
  1014. coons+5
  1015. coops*1,1
  1016. coots+1
  1017. coped*2,,1
  1018. coper
  1019. copes*,1,,,,1
  1020. copra*5,2
  1021. copse*1
  1022. coqui 1
  1023. coral*85,1,4,,3
  1024. cords*51,2,15,,34
  1025. cordy
  1026. cored*
  1027. corer+
  1028. cores*14,3,1
  1029. corgi
  1030. corks*2,1
  1031. corky 1
  1032. corms ,,1
  1033. corns*1,2
  1034. cornu 1
  1035. corny*4,1,2
  1036. corps*11,25,9,1
  1037. coset+
  1038. costa ,,1
  1039. costs*159,176,82,25,,4,2
  1040. cotes
  1041. cotta+1
  1042. couch*37,12,9,,13
  1043. cough*30,7,5,,,2
  1044. could*8585,1597,1741,164,258,158,76
  1045. count*435,44,36,2,33,16,1
  1046. coupe+25,2
  1047. coups+,2,2
  1048. court*236,122,166,35,137,1
  1049. couth
  1050. coven
  1051. cover*604,87,92,9,77,12,11
  1052. coves*3,1
  1053. covet*4,1,2,,11
  1054. covey*1,,1
  1055. cowed*,,1
  1056. cower*,,,,4
  1057. cowls*
  1058. cowry+
  1059. coxed+
  1060. coxes+
  1061. coyer
  1062. coyly*3,1,1
  1063. coypu ,,8
  1064. cozen
  1065. crabs*40,2
  1066. crack*144,21,10,,1,,1
  1067. craft*87,22,46,,5,2
  1068. crags*7,2,,,2
  1069. cramp*4,2,13,,,1
  1070. crams*
  1071. crane*36,1,10,,2
  1072. crank*36,1,3,,,1
  1073. craps+
  1074. crash*106,20,10,,7
  1075. crass+,2
  1076. crate*21,2,3
  1077. crave*1,2,1,,2
  1078. crawl*67,11,3,,,,3
  1079. craws+
  1080. craze*2,2,2
  1081. crazy*86,32,22,,,1,1
  1082. creak*12,1,3
  1083. cream*300,20,23
  1084. credo+1,7
  1085. creed*8,6,4
  1086. creek*102,8,5,1
  1087. creel+
  1088. creep*36,10,7,,2
  1089. creme
  1090. crepe+7,1,1
  1091. crept*89,11,5,,,2
  1092. cress*
  1093. crest*41,12,4
  1094. crews*39,2,7
  1095. cribs*2,3
  1096. crick+1
  1097. cried*1043,30,40,,165,8,1
  1098. crier+6
  1099. cries*89,6,20,2,23,,2
  1100. crime*52,33,44,8,14
  1101. crimp+1
  1102. crink
  1103. crisp*62,8,3,,,1
  1104. crits
  1105. croak*9,1,,,1
  1106. crock*3
  1107. crocs 2
  1108. croft+,,2
  1109. crone*,2,1
  1110. crony*
  1111. crook*17,3,3
  1112. croon*3
  1113. crops*536,18,17,,11
  1114. cross*498,44,71,1,45,15,6
  1115. croup*1
  1116. crowd*396,52,62,,84
  1117. crown*87,17,51,1,88
  1118. crows*43,1,,,6
  1119. crude*67,15,13,5,,,1
  1120. cruds
  1121. cruel*95,15,16,,24
  1122. cruet*
  1123. cruft
  1124. crumb*7,,1
  1125. crump
  1126. cruse+,,,,3
  1127. crush*23,3,1,,3
  1128. crust*160,1,4
  1129. crypt+,1
  1130. cubby+,,1
  1131. cubed*2,1,1,,,,1
  1132. cuber
  1133. cubes*73,4,1,,,1,6
  1134. cubic*94,15,9,,,,1
  1135. cubit+6,,,,41
  1136. cuffs*28,2,5
  1137. cuing
  1138. cukes
  1139. culls*,,1,,,1
  1140. culpa 2
  1141. cults+3,4,2
  1142. cumin+2,1
  1143. cunts
  1144. cupid*
  1145. cuppa
  1146. cuppy
  1147. curbs*5,3
  1148. curds*18,1,,,8
  1149. curdy
  1150. cured*24,7,9,,9,3
  1151. curer
  1152. cures*10,3,2,,1
  1153. curia ,,1
  1154. curie+
  1155. curio+,2,1
  1156. curls*42,1,5,,,2
  1157. curly*44,5,3,,,13,1
  1158. curry*13,1,6
  1159. curse*13,11,4,,104
  1160. curve*174,45,47,,,79,9
  1161. curvy+2
  1162. cushy+
  1163. cusps+1,,,,,2
  1164. cuspy+
  1165. cuter*
  1166. cutie+1
  1167. cutup+
  1168. cycad ,,1
  1169. cycle*125,24,26,,1,66,4
  1170. cynic*1,,1
  1171. cysts*,3
  1172. czars*1
  1173. dacha+1
  1174. daddy*14,3,2
  1175. dados+
  1176. daffy+
  1177. daily*229,99,82,3,34
  1178. dairy*131,19,23
  1179. daisy*9,,1
  1180. dales*1,1
  1181. dally*
  1182. dames*,,1
  1183. damns*,,2
  1184. damps*3
  1185. dance*608,84,61,1,15
  1186. dandy*17,4
  1187. dared*68,14,12,,7
  1188. darer
  1189. dares*8,3,1,,3
  1190. darks*3
  1191. darky
  1192. darns*1
  1193. darts*36,,,,2
  1194. dashy
  1195. dated*14,19,7,2
  1196. dater
  1197. dates*109,30,29,,,1
  1198. datum*1,1,1
  1199. daubs*,,1
  1200. daunt*,1,1
  1201. davit
  1202. dawns*2,1,,,4
  1203. dazed*,4,10,,1
  1204. dazes*
  1205. deads*
  1206. deals*37,15,25,3,10,16,3
  1207. dealt*21,22,31,3,61,2
  1208. deans*,1
  1209. dears*3
  1210. deary 5
  1211. death*518,268,229,12,542,1,3
  1212. debar
  1213. debit+
  1214. debts*36,11,10,1,4
  1215. debug+,,,,,1
  1216. debut*5,14,12
  1217. decaf+
  1218. decal*
  1219. decay*67,13,24,,3
  1220. decks*24,6,3,,3
  1221. decor+2,4,3
  1222. decoy*5,,,,1
  1223. decry+,2,1
  1224. deeds*39,8,9,,197
  1225. deems+2,,1,,1
  1226. deeps+4,1,1,,7
  1227. defer*,1,3,3,3,3,2
  1228. defog
  1229. defun
  1230. degas
  1231. degum
  1232. deice+
  1233. deify+
  1234. deign*,,1,,1
  1235. deism+
  1236. deist+
  1237. deity*4,2,1,,2
  1238. delay*42,21,28,8,31,3
  1239. delft
  1240. delis+
  1241. dells*1
  1242. delta*25,,1,,,1,1
  1243. delve*,,2,,,1
  1244. demit
  1245. demon*17,5,9,,28
  1246. demos+
  1247. demur+1,,1
  1248. denim*11
  1249. dense*86,9,6,,1
  1250. dents*4
  1251. depot*19,3,5
  1252. depth*167,53,55,1,8,164,3
  1253. deque
  1254. derby*3,4
  1255. desex
  1256. desks*37,4,3
  1257. deter*5,1,4
  1258. deuce+
  1259. devil*64,20,27,,32
  1260. dewed
  1261. dewey+,2
  1262. dhows
  1263. dials*10,1,2
  1264. diary*57,3,15
  1265. diazo
  1266. diced*1
  1267. dicer
  1268. dices*
  1269. dicey+,,,,,,1
  1270. dicks+,1
  1271. dicky
  1272. dicot 1
  1273. dicta 1,,5
  1274. dictu ,,1
  1275. dicut
  1276. diddy
  1277. didos 1
  1278. didot ,,,,,4
  1279. didst 5,,,,283
  1280. diems
  1281. diest
  1282. dieth ,,2
  1283. diets*17,3,2
  1284. digit*191,1,1,,,25,9
  1285. diked*
  1286. dikes*37
  1287. dildo
  1288. dills*
  1289. dilly+6
  1290. dimer+
  1291. dimes*129,2,,,,,3
  1292. dimly*32,12,2,,2
  1293. dinar+
  1294. dined*11,3,10,,2
  1295. diner*8,,1
  1296. dines*2,1
  1297. dingo+,1
  1298. dings+,,1
  1299. dingy*11,5,1
  1300. dinks
  1301. dinky+2,,1
  1302. dints*
  1303. diode+3
  1304. dippy+
  1305. dipso
  1306. direr
  1307. dirge*,2,,,2
  1308. dirks*
  1309. dirts*
  1310. dirty*143,35,26,1,,4
  1311. disco+
  1312. discs*14,7,8
  1313. dishy
  1314. disks*22,4,,,,,29
  1315. ditch*63,9,3,1
  1316. ditto+,,,,,2
  1317. ditty*2,1,1
  1318. divan*,6,1
  1319. divas+
  1320. dived*62,5,6
  1321. diver*87,1,4
  1322. dives*15,4,1
  1323. divot+1
  1324. divvy+
  1325. dixit
  1326. dizzy*11,4,5
  1327. djinn
  1328. docks*45,1,3
  1329. dodge*11,7,4,1
  1330. dodgy
  1331. dodos*,,1
  1332. doers+7,1,1,,4
  1333. doest ,,,,5
  1334. doeth
  1335. doffs*
  1336. doges
  1337. doggo
  1338. doggy+
  1339. dogie*4
  1340. dogma*3,4,2
  1341. doily*1
  1342. doing*927,163,202,13,140,51,2
  1343. dolce ,,1
  1344. doled*2,1
  1345. doles*,,2
  1346. dolls*73,12,5
  1347. dolly+6,1
  1348. dolor+
  1349. dolts*1
  1350. domed*5,2,1
  1351. domes*6,8
  1352. donee
  1353. donna 1,2
  1354. donor*6,5,3
  1355. donut+
  1356. dooms*,1
  1357. doors*225,36,38,3,84
  1358. doozy+
  1359. doped*1,1,1
  1360. doper+
  1361. dopes*
  1362. dopey+
  1363. dorks+
  1364. dorky+
  1365. dorms+
  1366. dosed*1,2
  1367. doser
  1368. doses*6,13,8
  1369. doted*1,,1,,6
  1370. doter
  1371. dotes*
  1372. dotty+,,3
  1373. doubt*222,114,211,34,10,,4
  1374. dough*55,13,,,6
  1375. douse*1
  1376. doves*23,1,2,,9
  1377. dovey
  1378. dowdy*,,2
  1379. dowel*6,2,1
  1380. dower ,1
  1381. downs+7,3,1
  1382. downy*13
  1383. dowry*3,2,1,,3
  1384. dowse+
  1385. doxie
  1386. doyen+
  1387. dozed*16,5,2
  1388. dozen*253,52,49,4,,7,2
  1389. dozer 1
  1390. dozes*2
  1391. drabs
  1392. draft*57,16,22,5,,3
  1393. drags*19,,,1,2
  1394. drain*43,18,15,2,4
  1395. drake*
  1396. drama*84,43,18,4,,1
  1397. drams+
  1398. drank*106,19,20,,52
  1399. drape*2
  1400. drawl*7,2,1
  1401. drawn*344,70,91,6,31,58,2
  1402. draws*43,14,17,3,13,12
  1403. drays+
  1404. dread*29,9,6,,40,2
  1405. dream*232,60,56,1,85
  1406. drear+1
  1407. dreck
  1408. dregs*1,4,,,2
  1409. dress*396,67,76,,3,1,1
  1410. dribs
  1411. dried*218,28,32,1,28
  1412. drier*23,3,4
  1413. dries*26,1,,,4
  1414. drift*71,18,28,3,1,3
  1415. drill*136,33,53
  1416. drily+
  1417. drink*347,82,112,3,362
  1418. drips*2,1
  1419. drive*543,94,88,6,66,3
  1420. droid+
  1421. droll*
  1422. drone*11,3,3,,,,3
  1423. drool*1
  1424. droop*12,1
  1425. drops*234,18,3,,8,2,3
  1426. dross+1,4,,,7
  1427. drove*361,62,62,,49
  1428. drown*29,3,6,,1
  1429. drubs+
  1430. drugs*96,28,47,12
  1431. druid+
  1432. drums*128,15,8,,1
  1433. drunk*29,36,18,1,52
  1434. dryad
  1435. dryer*8,4,1
  1436. dryly*8,4,2
  1437. duals+
  1438. ducal+1,,1
  1439. ducat+1
  1440. duces
  1441. duchy+
  1442. ducks*149,4,2
  1443. ducky+,,1
  1444. ducts*14,6,4
  1445. duddy
  1446. dudes*2
  1447. duels*1,1
  1448. duets*3,1
  1449. duffs+
  1450. dukes*3
  1451. dulls*1,1
  1452. dully*8,3,4
  1453. dulse
  1454. dummy*7,3,22,,,2
  1455. dumps*8,1,1
  1456. dumpy*6
  1457. dunce*
  1458. dunes*51,8,1
  1459. dungs
  1460. dungy
  1461. dunks*
  1462. dunno+5,,,,,,1
  1463. duomo
  1464. duped*1,1
  1465. duper+
  1466. dupes*
  1467. duple+6
  1468. durst+
  1469. dusks*
  1470. dusky*10,2
  1471. dusts*2,1
  1472. dusty*79,16,17,1
  1473. dutch+
  1474. duvet+
  1475. dwarf*19,3,3,,1
  1476. dweeb
  1477. dwell*27,8,6,1,308,,2
  1478. dwelt*22,1,5,1,184,1
  1479. dyads 2
  1480. dyers+,,2
  1481. dying*108,33,21,,15,1
  1482. dykes+2,,1
  1483. dynes+
  1484. eager*159,27,21,2,14
  1485. eagle*95,4,8,,31
  1486. eared 2,1
  1487. earls*2
  1488. early*1439,352,283,26,82,4,9
  1489. earns*20,2,7,,4
  1490. earth*2690,116,112,8,1064,1,1
  1491. eased*25,8,15,,1
  1492. easel*10,5,3
  1493. eases*3,,1,,1
  1494. easts
  1495. eaten*251,12,24,,91
  1496. eater*24,,,,3
  1497. eaves*11,,1
  1498. ebbed+1,,3,1
  1499. ebony*4,3,3,,1
  1500. echos+2
  1501. eclat 1,1
  1502. edema ,2
  1503. edged*22,7,6,1,,1
  1504. edger+3
  1505. edges*269,37,20,1,9,66,14
  1506. edict*3,,,1,9
  1507. edify+,,,,1
  1508. edits*1,,1
  1509. educe+
  1510. eerie*21,2,7
  1511. egads+
  1512. egged+1,1,2
  1513. egger
  1514. egret*1
  1515. eider*3
  1516. eight*651,101,92,9,68,23,7
  1517. eject*1,1,,,,3
  1518. eking*
  1519. eland
  1520. elans
  1521. elate+
  1522. elbow*52,7,11
  1523. elder*30,9,20,,18
  1524. elect*43,8,11,5,2
  1525. elegy*2,1,1
  1526. elfin*1,1
  1527. elide+
  1528. elite+8,12,2,2
  1529. elope*
  1530. elude*1,,3
  1531. elves*14,,1
  1532. email
  1533. embed*,,1,,,3
  1534. ember*5,,1
  1535. emcee+,1
  1536. emend+,,1
  1537. emery*15
  1538. emirs+1
  1539. emits*3,,,,,1
  1540. emote+
  1541. empty*384,64,70,4,48,121,3
  1542. enact*4,7,2
  1543. ended*240,59,51,4,33,19,3
  1544. ender
  1545. endow*4,2
  1546. endue
  1547. enema*3,,1
  1548. enemy*301,88,36,,171
  1549. enjoy*422,44,58,7,35,11
  1550. ennui+,,1,1
  1551. enrol*,,2,,2
  1552. ensue*,2,,,,3
  1553. enter*249,78,49,1,190,17,2
  1554. entry*162,25,64,1,3,91,8
  1555. envoi+
  1556. envoy*3,,,,2
  1557. epact+
  1558. epees+
  1559. ephah ,,,,5
  1560. ephod ,,,,51
  1561. epics*3,2,1
  1562. epoch*10,6,14
  1563. epoxy+,2
  1564. epsom ,1
  1565. equal*565,90,80,7,28,126,85
  1566. equip*2,1,4,1,3
  1567. erase*14,1,1,1,,24,1
  1568. erect*36,13,12,,1
  1569. erode*4,,,1
  1570. erred*2,3,1,,3
  1571. error*86,36,30,1,24,203,75
  1572. eruct
  1573. erupt*11,2
  1574. essay*44,19,22
  1575. esses+
  1576. ester+27
  1577. estop+
  1578. etext
  1579. ether*,1,1
  1580. ethic+3,4,1
  1581. ethos+,4,3,2
  1582. ethyl+17,4
  1583. etude*1
  1584. evade*4,1,3,1
  1585. evens*
  1586. event*179,81,80,7,,1,9
  1587. every*3398,488,499,49,1089,145,97
  1588. evict*1
  1589. evils*8,9,10,2,29
  1590. evoke*4,6,2
  1591. exact*236,27,39,1,8,16,21
  1592. exalt*,1,1,,69
  1593. exams*6,,4,,,1,1
  1594. excel*2,1,1,,3
  1595. excon
  1596. exeat ,,3
  1597. execs+
  1598. exert*18,11,6,2,2
  1599. exile*17,4,9,1,69
  1600. exist*135,59,30,1,20,13,24
  1601. exits*14,1,,,4
  1602. expat
  1603. expel*3,2,1
  1604. expos
  1605. extol*4,,1,,12
  1606. extra*284,50,71,12,,118,13
  1607. exude+
  1608. exult*1,,,,24
  1609. exurb
  1610. eyers
  1611. eying*5,2
  1612. eyrie+2
  1613. fable*37,2
  1614. faced*130,54,55,10,16,5,6
  1615. facer
  1616. faces*351,71,43,12,86,4,9
  1617. facet*3,2,3
  1618. facie ,,5,1
  1619. facto 2,7,2,2
  1620. facts*519,87,86,5,3,11,18
  1621. faddy+
  1622. faded*63,18,20,,2
  1623. fader
  1624. fades*9,,,1,5
  1625. faery
  1626. fagot+2
  1627. fails*24,14,19,3,13,13,12
  1628. faint*117,25,28,,44
  1629. faire 3
  1630. fairs*14,1,1
  1631. fairy*71,2,17,,,1
  1632. faith*124,106,53,12,281,,1
  1633. faked*3,2
  1634. faker+,1
  1635. fakes*2,,1,,,,1
  1636. fakir+1
  1637. falls*329,23,30,4,50,3,3
  1638. false*225,29,42,5,107,72,12
  1639. famed+23,5,2,,1
  1640. fames ,1
  1641. fancy*103,16,23,,1,3,1
  1642. fangs*23,2,1,,3
  1643. fanin
  1644. fanny+,1
  1645. farad+4,,1
  1646. farce*4,3,8
  1647. fared*3,,5,2,7
  1648. fares*3,3,21,5,2
  1649. farms*481,16,36
  1650. farts
  1651. fasts*1,,3,,2
  1652. fatal*37,19,24,1,1,6
  1653. fated+2,,2
  1654. fates*,3,3
  1655. fatly
  1656. fatso+
  1657. fatty+13,7,1
  1658. fatwa
  1659. fault*120,22,39,3,16,1
  1660. fauna*19,1,1
  1661. fauns
  1662. favor*107,78,1,13,156,1,1
  1663. fawns*6,,,,3
  1664. fawny
  1665. faxed+
  1666. faxer
  1667. faxes+
  1668. fazed+
  1669. fazes+
  1670. fears*37,47,30,15,32,,1
  1671. feast*103,3,16,,166
  1672. feats*16,3,2
  1673. fecal
  1674. feces
  1675. feeds*46,12,3,,5,1
  1676. feels*182,45,46,6,4,2
  1677. feign*1,,,,1
  1678. feint+1,2
  1679. feist 2
  1680. fella+5,6,1
  1681. fells*
  1682. felon+,1,1
  1683. felts*3,,1
  1684. femme ,1,5
  1685. femur+1,,1
  1686. fence*346,30,21,2,3
  1687. fends+
  1688. fenny
  1689. feral
  1690. fermi
  1691. ferns*38,1
  1692. ferny+6
  1693. ferry*41,2,2,1
  1694. fetal 2
  1695. fetch*65,6,12,,12
  1696. feted*,2
  1697. fetes*,1
  1698. fetid+,2
  1699. fetor
  1700. fetus*4
  1701. feuar ,,1
  1702. feuds*3,2,1
  1703. feued ,,1
  1704. fever*150,19,6,,1
  1705. fewer*155,33,21,10,3,9,7
  1706. fiats+
  1707. fiber*57,27
  1708. fibre 3,,3
  1709. fiche+,1
  1710. fichu+,,1
  1711. fiefs*
  1712. field*919,249,256,3,275,44,2
  1713. fiend*10,3,1
  1714. fiery*49,7,1,,26
  1715. fifes*4
  1716. fifth*185,24,32,1,65,9,4
  1717. fifty*306,68,98,,129,1
  1718. fight*529,98,87,18,133
  1719. filar
  1720. filch*
  1721. filed*23,33,3,2,,2
  1722. filer
  1723. files*17,13,9,1,,101
  1724. filet*1,,1
  1725. fills*49,5,7,,15,9
  1726. filly*9,9,3
  1727. films*31,31,74,,5
  1728. filmy*3,1,1
  1729. filth*8,2,1,,6
  1730. final*460,153,152,18,6,110,64
  1731. finch*6
  1732. finds*137,59,50,5,42,25,3
  1733. fined*3,4,12,,3
  1734. finer*35,2,6,,,2
  1735. fines*3,2,11
  1736. finif
  1737. finis
  1738. finks+
  1739. finny
  1740. fiord*7
  1741. fired*131,44,23,,2
  1742. firer
  1743. fires*154,16,9,1,9
  1744. firma ,1
  1745. firms*28,55,54,6
  1746. first*7655,1312,1286,92,484,583,353
  1747. firth*4,,4
  1748. fishy*4,,1
  1749. fists*35,14,5,,1
  1750. fisty
  1751. fitly*1,,,,2
  1752. fiver+
  1753. fives*31,2
  1754. fixed*196,86,68,6,20,33,35
  1755. fixer+
  1756. fixes*9,,1
  1757. fixit+
  1758. fizzy+
  1759. fjord*2
  1760. flabs
  1761. flack+
  1762. flags*66,5,5
  1763. flail*5,1,3,,1
  1764. flair*3,8,2
  1765. flake*8,1
  1766. flaks
  1767. flaky*7,2,1,,,2,2
  1768. flame*151,17,19,1,43,1
  1769. flams 1
  1770. flank*16,2,5,,1
  1771. flaps*31,,2
  1772. flare*14,3,2
  1773. flash*114,21,10,,11,3,2
  1774. flask*59,5,4,,9
  1775. flats*37,3,26,3,,1
  1776. flaws*6,1,4,1
  1777. flays*
  1778. fleas*13,2,1
  1779. fleck*2,1
  1780. flees*,1,1,,9
  1781. fleet*95,13,6,6,1
  1782. flesh*95,52,34,,359
  1783. flick*14,2,5
  1784. flics
  1785. flied*1
  1786. flier*8,1,1
  1787. flies*220,12,11,,16
  1788. fling*17,2,3,,1
  1789. flint*32,1,2,,8
  1790. flips*9,1,,,,,13
  1791. flirt*3,1,1
  1792. flits*
  1793. float*125,3,2,1,1,1
  1794. flock*69,7,15,1,13
  1795. floes*5,1
  1796. flogs*
  1797. flood*127,17,21,2,45
  1798. floor*935,157,136,6,47,15,4
  1799. flops*3,1
  1800. flora*6,1,1
  1801. floss*
  1802. flour*224,8,12,,59
  1803. flout*
  1804. flown*55,4,8
  1805. flows*218,5,11,2,8,1
  1806. flubs+
  1807. flues*
  1808. fluff*11,1
  1809. fluid*55,21,16
  1810. fluke+8,1,1,1
  1811. fluky
  1812. flume+
  1813. flung*70,14,19,,3
  1814. flunk*1
  1815. flush*13,11,4,,,46
  1816. flute*80,1,3,,1
  1817. flyby+1
  1818. flyer*5,3
  1819. foals*4,1
  1820. foams*,22,,,2
  1821. foamy+5,3
  1822. focal+11,8,1,,,2
  1823. focus*56,40,20,3,,4,2
  1824. fogey*
  1825. foggy*37,3
  1826. foils*1,,3
  1827. foist+
  1828. folds*51,3,5,,7
  1829. folia
  1830. folic
  1831. folio+,,1,1,,2
  1832. folks*153,19,6,,,1
  1833. folky ,,2
  1834. folly*7,7,14,2,57
  1835. fondu ,,1
  1836. fonts+,,,,,243,1
  1837. foods*518,44,27,,14
  1838. fools*17,5,3,1,44
  1839. foots ,,1
  1840. foray*4,1,1
  1841. force*651,200,168,30,54,34,3
  1842. fords*,2,,,9
  1843. fores ,,1
  1844. forge*21,4,1
  1845. forgo*1,1,1,1
  1846. forks*20,2,4,,5
  1847. forky
  1848. forma ,2,,,,2
  1849. forms*992,128,124,7,8,30,33
  1850. forte+2,4,1
  1851. forth*412,71,22,2,578,7
  1852. forts*32,4,3,,2
  1853. forty*153,35,45,,114
  1854. forum*4,7,1,1
  1855. fossa ,,1
  1856. fosse ,,1
  1857. fouls*3
  1858. found*3362,536,625,27,456,78,59
  1859. fount+2
  1860. fours*47,2,1,,4
  1861. fovea
  1862. fowls*10,,1,,1
  1863. foxed*,,2
  1864. foxes*57,,3,,5
  1865. foyer*3,3,6,1
  1866. frail*30,8,5,,1
  1867. frame*249,74,45,1,29
  1868. franc*5,1
  1869. frank*10,24,11,2,,1
  1870. frats+
  1871. fraud*7,7,3,1,4
  1872. frays*2
  1873. freak*3,4,2,,,1
  1874. freed*57,12,6,2,14
  1875. freer*4,5,,1,1
  1876. frees*3,2,,,,1
  1877. fresh*573,79,84,7,28,4,1
  1878. frets*3
  1879. friar*3
  1880. fried*61,6,3
  1881. frier
  1882. fries*2
  1883. frigs
  1884. frill*2,,1
  1885. frisk*1,,1
  1886. frizz+1
  1887. frock*2,2,4
  1888. frogs*140,1,5,,15
  1889. frond*1
  1890. front*1438,219,167,13,77,10,6
  1891. frosh+
  1892. frost*83,3,7,,8
  1893. froth*4,1,1
  1894. frown*41,1,4,,,1
  1895. froze*23,5,6
  1896. fruit*456,33,45,1,233
  1897. frump+
  1898. fryer+1
  1899. ftped
  1900. fucks ,1
  1901. fudge*22,,,1,,,3
  1902. fudgy+1
  1903. fuels*41,1,1,1
  1904. fugal
  1905. fugit 1
  1906. fugue+18,,1
  1907. fulls
  1908. fully*141,80,111,6,34,10,8
  1909. fumed*4,1,1
  1910. fumer
  1911. fumes*26,5,6,1
  1912. funds*52,95,29,23,6
  1913. fungi*91,,1
  1914. fungo+
  1915. funks
  1916. funky+1
  1917. funny*312,41,21,1,,13,1
  1918. furls*
  1919. furor+1,3
  1920. furry*31
  1921. furze+
  1922. fused*9,3,2
  1923. fusee
  1924. fuses*10,3,2
  1925. fussy*10,3,4,,,4,1
  1926. fusty 1,1
  1927. futon+
  1928. fuzed
  1929. fuzes
  1930. fuzzy*17,7,2,1
  1931. gabby+
  1932. gable*5,2,2
  1933. gaffe+,,1
  1934. gaffs
  1935. gages 2,2
  1936. gaily*33,5,6,1,1
  1937. gains*41,19,16,12,8,,1
  1938. gaits*
  1939. galas*,,1
  1940. gales*7,,2
  1941. galls*10,1,1
  1942. gamba+3
  1943. gamed+
  1944. gamer
  1945. games*349,53,20,4,1,1,4
  1946. gamey+
  1947. gamic
  1948. gamin+
  1949. gamma+13,4,2
  1950. gamut+3,4,1
  1951. ganef
  1952. gangs*6,6,3,1
  1953. gaols
  1954. gaped*8,3,4,,1
  1955. gaper
  1956. gapes*
  1957. gappy
  1958. garbs*
  1959. garde+3,1,1
  1960. gases*276,7,9,1
  1961. gasps*8,5,4
  1962. gassy+,1
  1963. gated+
  1964. gates*67,13,24,,148
  1965. gator
  1966. gaudy*8,7,3
  1967. gauge*53,12,15,1
  1968. gaunt*20,6,6,1,7
  1969. gauss*,2,,,,,2
  1970. gauze*12,1,4,,1
  1971. gauzy*1,,1
  1972. gavel*5
  1973. gawks*
  1974. gawky*2,1,3
  1975. gayer*4
  1976. gayly*5
  1977. gazed*68,7,10,,3
  1978. gazer+,1
  1979. gazes*7,1
  1980. gears*20,2,3
  1981. gecko+3,,,,1
  1982. geeks
  1983. geese*74,3,36
  1984. gelds+
  1985. genes*37,1,1
  1986. genet
  1987. genie*16,1
  1988. genii 3,1
  1989. genre+7,2,7
  1990. gents+3
  1991. genus*31,2
  1992. geode*
  1993. geoid
  1994. germs*152,1,1
  1995. gesso+
  1996. getup+1
  1997. ghost*138,10,19,1,3,2
  1998. ghoti
  1999. ghoul+2,1
  2000. giant*316,23,21,3,2,,1
  2001. gibed+
  2002. giber
  2003. gibes+,1
  2004. giddy*7,2
  2005. gifts*115,11,16,,93
  2006. gigas 3,,1
  2007. gigue 1
  2008. gilds*
  2009. gills*58,,1
  2010. gilts*
  2011. gimel+
  2012. gimme+1,1,,,,5
  2013. gimps
  2014. gimpy
  2015. ginny
  2016. gipsy ,,2
  2017. girds*,,,,3
  2018. girls*1107,141,122,3,2
  2019. girly+
  2020. giros
  2021. girth*8,1
  2022. girts+
  2023. gismo+
  2024. gists*
  2025. given*1661,377,539,55,589,228,133
  2026. giver+5,1,1,,2
  2027. gives*650,112,127,15,177,81,196
  2028. gizmo+
  2029. glade*6,,1
  2030. glads
  2031. gland*29,9,1
  2032. glans
  2033. glare*36,7,7
  2034. glary
  2035. glass*913,96,99,,6,,1
  2036. glaze*3,11,4,,1
  2037. gleam*28,4,8,,2
  2038. glean+1,1,1,,9
  2039. glebe
  2040. glees ,1
  2041. glens*3,,2
  2042. glide*28,2,1,,,1
  2043. glint*4,2,9
  2044. glitz+
  2045. gloat*2,,3,,2
  2046. globe*278,12,4
  2047. globs+,,,,,4
  2048. gloms
  2049. gloom*28,14,9,,24
  2050. glory*93,18,23,,462,,1
  2051. gloss*8,1,4,2
  2052. glove*42,9,2,1
  2053. glows*12,1
  2054. glued*17,19,12
  2055. gluer
  2056. glues*4,,,,1,1
  2057. gluey 2
  2058. gluon
  2059. gluts*
  2060. glyph+8
  2061. gnarl+
  2062. gnash*,,,,9
  2063. gnats*9,,,,8
  2064. gnaws*3,,,,1
  2065. gnome*1,1,1
  2066. goads*,,,,3
  2067. goals*54,39,21,3,,1,1
  2068. goats*99,,1,,55
  2069. godly*8,,1,,33
  2070. goers
  2071. goest 2,,,,1
  2072. goeth 4
  2073. gofer+
  2074. going*2832,398,517,16,197,35,32
  2075. golds*1
  2076. golem
  2077. golfs*
  2078. golly+14,2,1
  2079. gonad
  2080. goner*
  2081. gongs+4
  2082. gonna+57,16,2
  2083. gonzo+
  2084. goods*420,57,66,14,56
  2085. goody*7,1
  2086. gooey*3,1
  2087. goofs+
  2088. goofy*8,,1
  2089. gooks
  2090. gooky
  2091. goons*
  2092. goony
  2093. goopy 1
  2094. goose*184,2,8,3,,2
  2095. goosy
  2096. gored+3
  2097. gores+,,,,3
  2098. gorge+10,1,,,2
  2099. gorse 2,,1
  2100. goths
  2101. gotta+15,5,2
  2102. gouda+
  2103. gouge*13,1,1,,2
  2104. gourd+17,2
  2105. gouts
  2106. gouty+
  2107. gowns*9,2,5
  2108. goyim+
  2109. grabs*13,3
  2110. grace*55,32,43,1,108
  2111. grade*175,35,19
  2112. grads+,2
  2113. graft*5,1,,1,1
  2114. grail+
  2115. grain*340,27,10,1,127
  2116. grams*29,18,1
  2117. grand*109,31,41,4,,1,1
  2118. grant*31,37,37,4,63,1
  2119. grape*18,3,,,1
  2120. graph*379,17,5,,,14,24
  2121. grapy
  2122. grasp*69,17,25,1,4,1,1
  2123. grass*761,52,64,1,69
  2124. grata ,1,1
  2125. grate*5,3,5
  2126. grave*78,33,28,3,38,3
  2127. gravy*19,4,3
  2128. grays*4
  2129. graze*46,1,,,2
  2130. great*3855,617,654,29,1120,16,15
  2131. grebe 1
  2132. greed*12,3,1,4,7,,2
  2133. greek 3,4,,2,,2
  2134. green*1216,97,109,11,35,1
  2135. greet*42,7,8,1,2
  2136. greps
  2137. greys*3,,3
  2138. grids*5,,7
  2139. grief*48,10,15,,44,,1
  2140. grift+
  2141. grill*8,11,19,,,5
  2142. grime*5
  2143. grimy*3,,1
  2144. grind*38,2,,1,4,1,1
  2145. grins*24,2
  2146. gripe*1
  2147. grips*5,8,5,1
  2148. grist*1,2
  2149. grits*5,1,1
  2150. groan*26,1,4,,21
  2151. groat ,,2
  2152. grody
  2153. grogs
  2154. groin*1,4,5
  2155. groks
  2156. gronk
  2157. grook
  2158. groom*20,4,2
  2159. grope*5,1,,,6
  2160. gross*32,35,28,6,1,2,1
  2161. group*1570,382,313,25,3,122,2
  2162. grout+
  2163. grove*37,7
  2164. growl*25,4,4,,7
  2165. grown*501,43,60,6,43,1
  2166. grows*331,22,16,3,20,1,9
  2167. grubs*15,1
  2168. gruel*5
  2169. gruff*8,4,1
  2170. grump*
  2171. grunt*9,2
  2172. guano
  2173. guard*158,35,43,4,122,2
  2174. guava+,,1
  2175. guess*637,55,35,,1,29,2
  2176. guest*94,35,29,1,7,,1
  2177. guide*347,36,40,3,23,7
  2178. guild*6,3,1
  2179. guile*5,1,,,12
  2180. guilt*12,33,16,,11
  2181. guise*2,6,1,1,,,1
  2182. gulag+
  2183. gulch*
  2184. gules
  2185. gulfs*5,,3
  2186. gulls*66,,1
  2187. gully*12,5,1
  2188. gulps*6,1,2
  2189. gumbo*1
  2190. gummy*3,2
  2191. gunks
  2192. gunky
  2193. gunny+2,2
  2194. guppy*11
  2195. gurus+,,,,,1
  2196. gushy*
  2197. gusto+2,2,2,1
  2198. gusts*16,3,1
  2199. gusty*4,2,1
  2200. gutsy+
  2201. gutta
  2202. gutty
  2203. guyed
  2204. gwine 1
  2205. gyppy
  2206. gypsy*46,4,4
  2207. gyros+,5
  2208. gyved
  2209. gyves ,,1
  2210. habit*130,23,39,4,2,4,1
  2211. hacks*,,3,1,,4
  2212. hadda
  2213. hades
  2214. hadst 4,,,,8
  2215. hafta 1,3
  2216. hafts
  2217. haiku*37
  2218. hails*2,1
  2219. hairs*70,12,4,,15
  2220. hairy*29,5,4,,5,1,2
  2221. haled+
  2222. haler
  2223. hales+
  2224. hallo 3,,3
  2225. halls*47,3,11,1,,2,1
  2226. halma
  2227. halos*3,1
  2228. halts*9,1,,,,1
  2229. halve*3,,1
  2230. hames
  2231. hammy+
  2232. hamza+,,,,,1
  2233. hands*1357,286,236,15,566,2,2
  2234. handy*47,13,8,,,19,13
  2235. hangs*60,4,3,1,3
  2236. hanks
  2237. hanky+1
  2238. hapax+
  2239. haply
  2240. happy*774,92,121,2,26,8,1
  2241. hardy*24,9,4
  2242. harem+1,2,3,,5
  2243. hares*11,,4
  2244. harks
  2245. harms*,,,,1
  2246. harps*3,,,,2
  2247. harpy 2,1
  2248. harry*5,5,1
  2249. harsh*61,12,12,2,9
  2250. harts+,,,,2
  2251. harum 1
  2252. hasps+1,1
  2253. haste*36,9,11,,77
  2254. hasty*10,5,4,2,1
  2255. hatch*114,5,9,,4
  2256. hated*96,28,21,1,56
  2257. hater+,,,,1
  2258. hates*16,4,5,,39
  2259. hauls*5,2,4
  2260. haunt*5,4,4,,7
  2261. haute ,2,1
  2262. haven*7,5,3,,5
  2263. haves*,,,2
  2264. havoc*6,3,4,,1
  2265. hawed+
  2266. hawks*54,1,,2
  2267. hayed+
  2268. hayer
  2269. hayey
  2270. hazed+
  2271. hazel*12,2,1
  2272. hazer
  2273. hazes*,1
  2274. heads*358,43,69,5,207,4,45
  2275. heady+3,2,1,1
  2276. heals*3,,1,,7
  2277. heaps*20,1,6,,22
  2278. heard*1988,240,240,6,721,2
  2279. hears*67,7,8,,61
  2280. heart*1032,171,196,8,830,8
  2281. heath*3,,7
  2282. heats*35,,1
  2283. heave*20,2,3
  2284. heavy*984,109,144,7,63,9,2
  2285. hedge*27,2,17,,6
  2286. heeds*,,,,6
  2287. heels*109,22,22,,5
  2288. heerd 3
  2289. hefts*
  2290. hefty*5,1,2
  2291. heigh
  2292. heirs*13,2,7,,11
  2293. heist+
  2294. helix+1
  2295. hello*162,9,14
  2296. hells*,1
  2297. helms*
  2298. helps*554,30,19,,10,11,13
  2299. hemps*
  2300. hempy
  2301. hence*61,58,54,8,10,100,344
  2302. henge
  2303. henna+,,,,2
  2304. henry ,10,2,1
  2305. herbs*27,3,12,,4
  2306. herby
  2307. herds*126,6,11,,4
  2308. herem ,,1
  2309. heres*1
  2310. heron*9,,,,2
  2311. heros*
  2312. hertz+3
  2313. hewed*4,1,,,1
  2314. hewer+,,,,1
  2315. hexad
  2316. hexed*
  2317. hexer
  2318. hexes*,,,,,1
  2319. hicks+
  2320. hider+
  2321. hides*91,5,4,1,13,1
  2322. highs*7,2
  2323. hiked*11,1
  2324. hiker+1,,1
  2325. hikes*4,4
  2326. hilar ,4
  2327. hills*410,37,21,5,77
  2328. hilly*55,,3
  2329. hilts*
  2330. hilum ,5
  2331. himbo
  2332. hinds*,,,,6
  2333. hinge*19,1,6
  2334. hints*27,9,2,,,4,1
  2335. hippo+2
  2336. hippy*1
  2337. hired*69,25,3,,37,,1
  2338. hirer+
  2339. hires*3,1,1,,2
  2340. hitch*14,4,4,1
  2341. hived
  2342. hiver
  2343. hives*1
  2344. hoagy+1
  2345. hoard*4,,,,1
  2346. hoars
  2347. hoary*5,,,,3
  2348. hobby*74,4,13,,,3
  2349. hobos*
  2350. hocks+3
  2351. hocus+
  2352. hodad
  2353. hoers
  2354. hogan*8,3
  2355. hoist*9,1,2
  2356. hokey+
  2357. hokum+
  2358. holds*228,41,29,6,24,13,91
  2359. holed+1,1
  2360. holer
  2361. holes*278,38,15,,9,1,2
  2362. holey
  2363. holly*24,,1
  2364. holon
  2365. homed+
  2366. homer*3,9,,,9
  2367. homes*581,62,55,4,2
  2368. homey*2
  2369. homme ,,1
  2370. homos 3
  2371. honed+1,,1
  2372. honer
  2373. hones+
  2374. honey*113,23,11,,63
  2375. honks*1
  2376. honky
  2377. honor*204,64,2,3,192,,2
  2378. hooch+,1
  2379. hoods*11,2,1
  2380. hooey+,,1
  2381. hoofs*66,7,1,,9
  2382. hooks*49,2,9,,29,2
  2383. hooky*4
  2384. hoops*8,3,6
  2385. hoots*2,1,1
  2386. hoped*201,48,76,7,9,1,2
  2387. hoper
  2388. hopes*112,48,59,7,10,4,2
  2389. hoppy
  2390. horde*11,2,2,,2
  2391. horns*158,9,6,,69
  2392. horny*2
  2393. horse*1263,112,60,,39,,2
  2394. horsy+
  2395. hosed*
  2396. hoses*10,2
  2397. hosts*10,5,2,,304
  2398. hotel*106,85,112,5
  2399. hotly*10,2,6,,4
  2400. hound*44,4,5
  2401. houri+
  2402. hours*990,175,194,18,5,8
  2403. house*2705,403,415,24,1891,1,4
  2404. hovel*2,2
  2405. hover*9,4
  2406. howdy+15
  2407. howls*10,3,1
  2408. hubba+,1
  2409. hubby+,1
  2410. huffs*1
  2411. huffy+1,,1
  2412. huger*
  2413. hulas+1
  2414. hulks*,2
  2415. hulky+
  2416. hullo 4,,4
  2417. hulls*7,,1
  2418. human*710,297,210,28,57,1
  2419. humid*38,1,2
  2420. humor*72,47
  2421. humpf 1
  2422. humph 11
  2423. humps*13,,1,,1
  2424. humpy+1
  2425. humus*20,,13
  2426. hunch*6,7,2
  2427. hunks*1
  2428. hunky
  2429. hunts*25,2,2,,2
  2430. hurls*,,,,1
  2431. hurly
  2432. hurry*314,36,25,1,1
  2433. hurts*23,4,4,,3
  2434. husks*13,,1
  2435. husky*26,3
  2436. hussy+
  2437. hutch*4,,1
  2438. huzza
  2439. hydra*4
  2440. hydro ,,,3
  2441. hyena*8,1,1,,1
  2442. hying
  2443. hymen ,13
  2444. hymns*24,6,6,,15
  2445. hyped+
  2446. hyper+
  2447. hypes+
  2448. hypos
  2449. iambs
  2450. icers
  2451. ichor
  2452. icier*
  2453. icily*1,,2
  2454. icing*10,1,18
  2455. icons*,,1
  2456. ideal*59,60,36,6,,5,1
  2457. ideas*978,142,128,6,,26,11
  2458. idiom*11,7,2
  2459. idiot*10,2,7,,,1
  2460. idled*,1,1
  2461. idler*1,1,,,1
  2462. idles*1
  2463. idols*7,2,2,,137
  2464. idyll+,2,1
  2465. idyls
  2466. igloo*7,,1
  2467. ikats+
  2468. ikons
  2469. ileum ,1
  2470. ileus
  2471. iliac ,1,3
  2472. ilium
  2473. image*148,119,43,6,90,21,2
  2474. imago ,,1
  2475. imams+2
  2476. imbed
  2477. imbue+,,1
  2478. immix
  2479. impel*2,,3
  2480. imply*11,12,16,2,2,12,8
  2481. impro
  2482. inane*,1,1
  2483. inapt ,1
  2484. incur+1,5,,,7
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  2486. indie
  2487. inept*4,2,1
  2488. inert*16,5,8
  2489. infer*12,1,3
  2490. infix+
  2491. infra ,1
  2492. ingot*1
  2493. injun 1
  2494. inked*9,,,,,1
  2495. inker
  2496. inlay+1
  2497. inlet*12,4,7
  2498. inner*128,53,48,10,75,29,11
  2499. inode
  2500. input*35,20,1,2,,241,1
  2501. inset+4,1
  2502. inter+3,2,4
  2503. intra ,,1
  2504. intro+
  2505. inure+,1
  2506. ioctl
  2507. iodic
  2508. ionic+,4,6
  2509. iotas+
  2510. irate*1,1,2
  2511. irked*1
  2512. irons*15,7,1,,2
  2513. irony*9,12,7,4
  2514. isles*6,,,,5
  2515. islet+1
  2516. issue*97,151,95,29,10,5,3
  2517. itchy+4
  2518. items*196,71,40,,,69,7
  2519. ivied+
  2520. ivies*
  2521. ivory*29,16,8,,13
  2522. ixnay
  2523. jacks*4
  2524. jaded*1,2,1
  2525. jades+
  2526. jaggy+
  2527. jails*4,3,,4
  2528. jakes ,1
  2529. jambs*,,,,18
  2530. jammy
  2531. janes
  2532. japan
  2533. jaunt*1,,1
  2534. jawed*
  2535. jazzy+,1
  2536. jeans*24,1,1
  2537. jeeps*8,,3
  2538. jeers*3,1,2
  2539. jello+2
  2540. jells*
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  2542. jenny
  2543. jerks*8,1,2
  2544. jerky*13,4,4
  2545. jerry
  2546. jests*2
  2547. jetty*4,,3
  2548. jewel*20,1,8,,5
  2549. jibed*1
  2550. jiber
  2551. jibes*2,1
  2552. jiffs
  2553. jiffy*6,2,1
  2554. jihad+1,,1
  2555. jilts+
  2556. jimmy+
  2557. jingo+3,,3
  2558. jings 2
  2559. jinks+
  2560. jinns
  2561. jived+
  2562. jives+
  2563. jocks+
  2564. joeys
  2565. johns
  2566. joins*50,2,7,,1,5,1
  2567. joint*142,32,53,2,5,1,3
  2568. joist*
  2569. joked*8,1
  2570. joker*2,,1
  2571. jokes*77,9,13,1,,8
  2572. jolly*41,3,6
  2573. jolts*2
  2574. joule+,,1
  2575. joust+,1,1
  2576. jowls+2,4
  2577. jowly+
  2578. joyed
  2579. judge*173,43,65,17,161,1,1
  2580. judos*
  2581. juice*170,11,32,,3
  2582. juicy*40,6
  2583. jujus
  2584. jukes
  2585. julep+,2
  2586. jumbo*3,,,,,1
  2587. jumps*82,2,7,,,5,1
  2588. jumpy*6,2,1
  2589. junco
  2590. junks*5,1,1
  2591. junky*1
  2592. junta+8,3,,7
  2593. juror*2,4
  2594. juste ,,1
  2595. jutes*
  2596. kabob+
  2597. kaiak
  2598. kales*
  2599. kapok
  2600. kappa+
  2601. kaput+1
  2602. karat*2
  2603. karma+
  2604. kayak*2
  2605. kayos+
  2606. kazoo+,1
  2607. kebab+
  2608. kebob ,1
  2609. keels*1
  2610. keens
  2611. keeps*288,21,16,3,55,24,3
  2612. kefir+
  2613. kelly+
  2614. kelps*2
  2615. kelpy
  2616. kenaf
  2617. kepis
  2618. kerbs
  2619. kerfs 1
  2620. kerns+,,,,,32
  2621. ketch*7
  2622. keyed*4,3,1
  2623. keyer
  2624. khaki*6,1,2,1
  2625. khans+,,1
  2626. kicks*23,3,2
  2627. kicky
  2628. kiddo+1
  2629. kikes
  2630. kills*37,8,3,,26
  2631. kilns*,,3
  2632. kilos+
  2633. kilts*1,1
  2634. kilty
  2635. kinda+8,5
  2636. kinds*1545,36,44,3,54,49,1
  2637. kings*131,3,7,,343
  2638. kinks*5,,1
  2639. kinky*2
  2640. kiosk+1,1,3
  2641. kirks
  2642. kited 1
  2643. kites*19,,,,1
  2644. kiths
  2645. kitty*22,2,2
  2646. kivas 2
  2647. kiwis+1
  2648. klieg+
  2649. kluge
  2650. klugy
  2651. klunk 1
  2652. klutz+
  2653. knack*8,4,4
  2654. knave*2,,1,,2
  2655. knead*3,1,1,,2
  2656. kneed+1
  2657. kneel*9,5,4,,2
  2658. knees*213,38,28,,29
  2659. knell*1,,1
  2660. knelt*59,8,9,,13
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  2662. knish+
  2663. knits*6
  2664. knobs*24,1
  2665. knock*85,15,18,1,4
  2666. knoll+11,1
  2667. knops ,,1
  2668. knots*60,1,8,,1
  2669. knout
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  2671. knows*505,99,102,9,118,21,8
  2672. knurl+1
  2673. koala*3,,1
  2674. koine
  2675. kooks+1
  2676. kooky+2
  2677. kopek+
  2678. kraal ,,,1
  2679. kraut+,1
  2680. krill+7
  2681. krona
  2682. krone
  2683. kudos*,,1
  2684. kudzu
  2685. kulak
  2686. kyrie ,,1
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  2688. labia
  2689. labor*164,125,,185,81
  2690. laced*15,2,2
  2691. lacer
  2692. laces*11,1,5
  2693. lacey+,2
  2694. lacks*24,6,5,5,18
  2695. laded
  2696. laden*20,6,3,1,5
  2697. lades
  2698. ladle*9,1
  2699. lager+,,2
  2700. laird ,,1
  2701. lairs*1,1,,,1
  2702. laity+,3
  2703. laker
  2704. lakes*261,6,5
  2705. lamas+
  2706. lambs*46,7,11,,95
  2707. lamed*3
  2708. lamer*
  2709. lames*
  2710. lamps*60,6,14,1,39
  2711. lanai+
  2712. lance*18,3,1,1
  2713. lands*602,24,32,,152
  2714. lanes*27,4,3,1,2
  2715. lanky*21,2,2
  2716. lapel*,1,2
  2717. lapin
  2718. lapis+1
  2719. lapse*4,6,6,,1
  2720. larch*1
  2721. lards*
  2722. lardy ,,1
  2723. large*2777,361,435,17,79,140,88
  2724. largo 1
  2725. larks*5,2,1
  2726. larva*26
  2727. lased
  2728. laser*13
  2729. lases
  2730. lasso*17,2
  2731. lasts*40,1,1,1,2,1,2
  2732. latch*12,5,1,,1
  2733. later*1599,396,464,12,24,135,29
  2734. latex*10,2,1
  2735. lathe*37,1,3
  2736. laths*1
  2737. latin+,1,,1
  2738. latus
  2739. laude 1
  2740. lauds*
  2741. laugh*287,28,30,,18
  2742. lavas*3
  2743. laved
  2744. laver ,,,,15
  2745. laves 1
  2746. lawns*37,5,6
  2747. lawny
  2748. lawzy
  2749. laxer+,,1
  2750. laxly*
  2751. layer*259,12,26,1
  2752. layup+
  2753. lazed ,,1
  2754. lazes
  2755. leach*
  2756. leads*120,33,31,4,33,10,33
  2757. leafs*
  2758. leafy*30,1,1,,5
  2759. leaks*14,3,1,2,1
  2760. leaky*10,2
  2761. leans*18,1,2,,4
  2762. leant 5,,8
  2763. leaps*36,4,3,1,3
  2764. leapt*10,2,5
  2765. learn*1674,83,115,2,66,64,15
  2766. lease*11,10,37,1
  2767. leash*16,3,1,,1
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  2769. leave*964,205,216,20,147,31,16
  2770. ledge*61,4,5,,8
  2771. leech*4,,,,1
  2772. leeks*,,,,1
  2773. leers*1
  2774. leery+
  2775. lefts*1
  2776. lefty+,,,,,1
  2777. legal*66,72,50,30,3,28,9
  2778. leggo+
  2779. leggy+,1,1
  2780. legit+,,,,,,1
  2781. legos
  2782. lemma+,4,,,,,12
  2783. lemme 9,1
  2784. lemon*44,15,36
  2785. lemur*2
  2786. lends*14,4,4,,4
  2787. lento 1
  2788. leper*1,,1,,16
  2789. lepta
  2790. letup+2
  2791. levee*2,1
  2792. level*531,212,205,22,13,81,7
  2793. lever*128,13,6
  2794. levis+,2
  2795. liars*1,1,4,,8
  2796. libel+1,1,4
  2797. libra 4
  2798. licit
  2799. licks*9,,,,1
  2800. liege 3
  2801. liens+,1
  2802. liers
  2803. liest
  2804. lieth
  2805. lifer+,1
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  2808. ligne
  2809. liked*610,58,54,,,,1
  2810. liken*,,1,,6
  2811. liker
  2812. likes*229,20,27,4,1,4,1
  2813. lilac*10,1,5
  2814. lilts*
  2815. lilty
  2816. limbo+,1
  2817. limbs*69,5,8,,8
  2818. limby
  2819. limed ,,2
  2820. limen ,,1
  2821. limes*8
  2822. limey+
  2823. limit*92,48,39,11,9,8,42
  2824. limns
  2825. limos+
  2826. limps*,1
  2827. lined*,16,6,,4,4,2
  2828. linen*58,6,13,,105
  2829. liner*19,3,9
  2830. lines*1715,197,152,33,3,486,59
  2831. lingo+4,2,,,,,1
  2832. lings
  2833. links*47,7,19,2,,2
  2834. lints*
  2835. linty+
  2836. lions*128,5,4,,58
  2837. lipid+
  2838. lippy
  2839. liras
  2840. lisle
  2841. lisps*
  2842. lists*98,34,15,,,91,19
  2843. liter*6,2,3
  2844. lites 1
  2845. lithe*6,4
  2846. litho
  2847. litre ,,1,1
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  2849. liven+2
  2850. liver*51,16,7,,17
  2851. lives*742,81,97,8,171,1
  2852. livid*8,1,2
  2853. livre
  2854. llama*18
  2855. loads*80,10,7,,4,4
  2856. loafs*
  2857. loams*
  2858. loamy+1,,1
  2859. loans*26,31,23,3
  2860. loath*5,3,1,1,1,1
  2861. lobar
  2862. lobby*13,19,5
  2863. lobed 3
  2864. lobes*2,5,5,,,1
  2865. local*286,282,402,23,4,50,1
  2866. lochs
  2867. locks*37,7,4,,10,1
  2868. locos 2
  2869. locus+6,2,1
  2870. lodes*1
  2871. lodge*40,11,9,,2
  2872. loess 8
  2873. lofts*
  2874. lofty*32,5,1,,21
  2875. loges
  2876. loggy
  2877. logic*21,16,19,3,1,3,3
  2878. login
  2879. logos+1,,,,,2
  2880. loins*4,2,,,62
  2881. lolls*
  2882. lolly 8,,2
  2883. loner+2
  2884. longs*1,1,1,,7
  2885. looks*756,78,91,6,31,86,36
  2886. looky+1,1
  2887. looms*17,2,2,,1
  2888. loons*2
  2889. loony+
  2890. loops*37,1,1,2,14,24
  2891. loopy+
  2892. loose*227,53,32,,35,16
  2893. loots*
  2894. loped*4,1
  2895. loper
  2896. lopes*1
  2897. loppy
  2898. lords*44,1,1,,43
  2899. lordy
  2900. lores*,,1
  2901. lorry+,,1
  2902. loser*9,1,,2,,,1
  2903. loses*70,15,14,4,10,3,4
  2904. lossy
  2905. lotsa
  2906. lotta 2
  2907. lotto+
  2908. lotus*3,1,1,,2
  2909. louis 1,8,,2
  2910. louse*2,3,2,,,1
  2911. lousy*8,11,2
  2912. louts+1
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  2914. lover*41,16,23,1,6
  2915. loves*75,19,14,,83
  2916. lowed*
  2917. lower*659,119,118,29,19,35,58
  2918. lowly*18,,2,,17
  2919. loxes
  2920. loyal*38,18,15,2,12
  2921. luaus+
  2922. lubes+
  2923. lubra ,2
  2924. lucid*4,4,3
  2925. lucks*,1
  2926. lucky*166,21,39,1,,4,1
  2927. lucre 1
  2928. lulab ,,2
  2929. lulls*2,1
  2930. lulus+
  2931. lumen+,1
  2932. lumps*43,3,5,,1
  2933. lumpy+6,2,1
  2934. lunar*55,10,2
  2935. lunch*357,33,63
  2936. lunes
  2937. lunge*7,1,1
  2938. lungs*207,20,14
  2939. lupus
  2940. lurch*4,3,1
  2941. lured*6,3,1,,1
  2942. lurer
  2943. lures*6,,,1
  2944. lurid*2,3,2
  2945. lurks*1,1,,,2,,1
  2946. lusts+,1,1,,2
  2947. lusty*7,3,1,,1
  2948. luted
  2949. lutes*2,,,,1
  2950. luvya
  2951. luxes
  2952. lycra
  2953. lying*275,36,94,1,82,3
  2954. lymph*7,2,1
  2955. lynch*1,,,3
  2956. lyres*,,,,18
  2957. lyric*21,12,5
  2958. macaw+
  2959. maced
  2960. macer
  2961. maces
  2962. macho+
  2963. macro+,,,,,441
  2964. madam*34,1,2
  2965. madly*19,4,2
  2966. mafia+,,,1
  2967. magic*279,37,15,,8,9,5
  2968. magma+44
  2969. magna ,,1,,,,1
  2970. magus
  2971. mahua ,1
  2972. maids*21,12,2,,23
  2973. mails*8,7,2
  2974. maims*
  2975. mains*8,1,5,1
  2976. maize*8,,7
  2977. major*597,229,110,18,,6
  2978. maker*36,12,7,,7
  2979. makes*1311,172,147,25,168,207,43
  2980. males*44,19,8,1,18
  2981. malls*
  2982. malts*1
  2983. malty
  2984. mamas*1
  2985. mambo+
  2986. mamma*5
  2987. mammy 5
  2988. maned 4
  2989. manes*6,2
  2990. mange+
  2991. mango*7
  2992. mangy+2
  2993. mania*2,5,3
  2994. manic+1,2
  2995. manly*9,2,3,,1
  2996. manna+,,3,,18
  2997. manor*15,3,8
  2998. manse ,1
  2999. manta 2
  3000. maple*94,6
  3001. march*130,23,15,3,24
  3002. mares*12,1,2
  3003. marge 2,,1
  3004. maria
  3005. marks*469,28,30,4,7,63,3
  3006. marls
  3007. marry*141,18,83,,3
  3008. marsh*52,,10,,3
  3009. marts*,1
  3010. maser 3
  3011. mashy
  3012. masks*33,3,1,,1
  3013. mason*6,2,,1
  3014. masse ,,2
  3015. masts*46,2
  3016. match*353,41,57,4,3,25,9
  3017. mated*1,4
  3018. mater 4,1
  3019. mates*20,10,5
  3020. matey+3
  3021. maths*,,1
  3022. matte+
  3023. matzo+,,2
  3024. mauls*
  3025. mauve*1,1,4
  3026. maven+
  3027. mavis ,1
  3028. maxim*6,1,2
  3029. maxis
  3030. maybe*779,132,85,1,,5,15
  3031. mayor*95,12,11,4
  3032. mayst 1,1
  3033. mazed
  3034. mazer
  3035. mazes*1
  3036. meads
  3037. meals*147,26,16,,3,1
  3038. mealy*1
  3039. means*1962,298,317,44,83,176,54
  3040. meant*539,100,113,7,19,11,1
  3041. meany*
  3042. meats*52,12,3,,1
  3043. meaty*3,1
  3044. mebbe 5,,2
  3045. mecca+1,,,1
  3046. mecum ,2
  3047. medal*28,3,37,2
  3048. media*15,13,9,7
  3049. medic*
  3050. meets*,35,25,2,10,3
  3051. melba+1
  3052. melds+
  3053. melee+,3
  3054. melon*16,1,3
  3055. melts*69,,,,9
  3056. memes
  3057. memos*1,1
  3058. mends*3
  3059. menus*11,2
  3060. meows*
  3061. mercy*49,19,24,2,235
  3062. merge*9,10,4,,,,2
  3063. merit*15,27,11,1,1
  3064. merry*97,6,7,,29
  3065. merse ,,1
  3066. mesas*8
  3067. mesne
  3068. meson+
  3069. messy*12,3,2,1,,1,5
  3070. metal*782,60,57,8,1,6
  3071. meted*2,2,1,,1
  3072. meter*206,6,10,,,,2
  3073. metes*
  3074. metre 1,1,5
  3075. metro+,,2
  3076. mewed*3,1
  3077. mezzo ,1
  3078. miaow
  3079. micas*1
  3080. micks
  3081. micro+
  3082. middy*6
  3083. midis
  3084. midst*67,19,14,,295,16
  3085. miens
  3086. miffs+
  3087. might*2824,671,786,85,448,323,105
  3088. miked 1
  3089. mikes*3
  3090. milch ,,,,3
  3091. miler+2
  3092. miles*2146,169,124,,7,1,1
  3093. milks*4,2
  3094. milky*13
  3095. mills*175,14,12,,1,,1
  3096. mimed+
  3097. mimeo+
  3098. mimer
  3099. mimes+
  3100. mimic*5,,1
  3101. mimsy 2
  3102. minas ,,,,9
  3103. mince*8,1,1
  3104. minds*110,56,52,10,38,1
  3105. mined*58,3
  3106. miner*22,1,3
  3107. mines*170,28,19,,1
  3108. minim+1
  3109. minis+
  3110. minks*7
  3111. minor*223,53,49,11,,4
  3112. mints*3,,,1,,,1
  3113. minus*53,8,1,2,,93,15
  3114. mired*5
  3115. mires*
  3116. mirth*10,2,2,,13
  3117. miser*3,,2
  3118. missy ,1
  3119. mists*25,2,2,,2
  3120. misty*19,4,7
  3121. miter*6,1
  3122. mites*5
  3123. mitre 1,1,2
  3124. mitts*1,,1
  3125. mixed*324,37,60,4,58,4
  3126. mixer+9,2,4
  3127. mixes*16,,2,,1,2
  3128. mixup+
  3129. moans*3,1,1,,3
  3130. moats*1,,1
  3131. mocha*
  3132. mocks*4,,1,,5
  3133. modal+8,3
  3134. model*332,63,116,3,2,1
  3135. modem+
  3136. modes*19,8,14,,,70,1
  3137. modus 1,1
  3138. mogul+,,,1
  3139. mohel
  3140. moire+,1
  3141. moist*135,11,7,1,3,1
  3142. molal ,2,1
  3143. molar*3,1
  3144. molas
  3145. molds*63,7,,,2
  3146. moldy*5,,,,2
  3147. moles*10,,,,1
  3148. molls+
  3149. molly 1,1
  3150. molto 1
  3151. molts*9
  3152. momma
  3153. mommy+2
  3154. monad
  3155. mondo+
  3156. money*1694,263,318,56,189,1,4
  3157. monic+,3
  3158. monks*2,10,3
  3159. monte
  3160. month*403,130,95,16,289,7,6
  3161. mooch+
  3162. moods*32,7,8,,,1
  3163. moody*6,2,2
  3164. mooed*2,1
  3165. moola+
  3166. moons*59,3,1,2,13
  3167. moony 1
  3168. moors*4,1,4
  3169. moose*52
  3170. moots
  3171. moped*2
  3172. moper
  3173. mopes*1
  3174. moral*53,140,85,12,,3,1
  3175. moray+1
  3176. morel
  3177. mores*5,7
  3178. morns*3
  3179. moron*2
  3180. morph
  3181. morts 1
  3182. mosey+
  3183. mossy*12,,2
  3184. mosts
  3185. motel*34,20,,1
  3186. motes+2
  3187. motet+,1,1
  3188. moths*58,2,2
  3189. mothy
  3190. motif+3,8,3
  3191. motor*198,53,58,2
  3192. motto*17,3,6,1
  3193. mould+2,1,11,1
  3194. moult+,,2
  3195. mound*51,8,,,9
  3196. mount*42,10,9,7,24,1
  3197. mourn*14,2,1,,55
  3198. mouse*207,9,6,,1
  3199. mousy+,1,2
  3200. mouth*725,103,98,1,395,17
  3201. moved*994,181,140,5,56,20,1
  3202. mover+5,,1
  3203. moves*485,36,22,5,7,20,31
  3204. movie*151,29,4
  3205. mowed*15,1,,,2
  3206. mower*13,,3
  3207. moxie+
  3208. mrads ,2
  3209. mucho 1
  3210. mucks*
  3211. mucky+
  3212. mucus*19,2,3
  3213. muddy*89,10,4
  3214. muffs+
  3215. mufti+
  3216. muggy*8,1
  3217. mujik
  3218. mulch*,6
  3219. mulct
  3220. mules*51,3,3,,12
  3221. muley
  3222. mulls*
  3223. mumbo ,,,,,1
  3224. mummy*14,,2
  3225. mumps*15
  3226. munch*3,1
  3227. munge
  3228. mungs
  3229. mungy
  3230. muons
  3231. mural+5,1,3
  3232. murks*
  3233. murky*11,5,1
  3234. mused*6,4,6,,1
  3235. muser
  3236. muses*
  3237. mushy*4
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  3239. musks*
  3240. musky*2
  3241. musos
  3242. mussy
  3243. musta ,1
  3244. musts*,1
  3245. musty*10,,1
  3246. muted*10,3,2,1
  3247. muter
  3248. mutes*3
  3249. mutts*
  3250. muxes+
  3251. mylar+
  3252. mynah+
  3253. mynas
  3254. myrrh*5,2,,,21
  3255. myths*36,6,10,1,5
  3256. nabla+
  3257. nabob+
  3258. nacho+
  3259. nadir+,2,1
  3260. naiad+
  3261. nails*168,14,11,1,9
  3262. naive*6,7,6,4
  3263. naked*54,32,15,1,41,1
  3264. named*946,84,46,3,95,15,8
  3265. namer+
  3266. names*1016,88,100,8,94,82,11
  3267. nanny+,,1
  3268. napes*
  3269. nappy+1
  3270. narco+
  3271. narcs+
  3272. nards+
  3273. nares
  3274. nasal*22,2,1
  3275. nasty*19,5,8,1,,1,1
  3276. natal+2,2
  3277. natch+,1
  3278. nates
  3279. natty+1,1
  3280. naval*50,21,29
  3281. navel*3,2,,,2,,2
  3282. naves
  3283. nears*8,,,1
  3284. neath ,,1
  3285. neato+
  3286. necks*37,2,5,,14
  3287. needs*616,152,107,42,11,52,15
  3288. needy*10,5,3,2,54
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  3290. neigh*4,,,,1
  3291. neons*
  3292. nerds+
  3293. nerdy
  3294. nerfs
  3295. nerts
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  3297. nervy+,,1
  3298. nests*110,3,3,,8
  3299. never*3115,695,689,25,256,97,3
  3300. newel+1,1,1
  3301. newer*30,20,8,1
  3302. newly*90,28,28,1,3,11,3
  3303. newsy+2
  3304. newts*
  3305. nexus+
  3306. nicad
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  3308. niche*10,3,1,1,1
  3309. nicks*3
  3310. niece*17,8,14
  3311. nifty*
  3312. night*2307,400,373,15,365,1,1
  3313. nihil
  3314. nimbi
  3315. nines*6,,1
  3316. ninja
  3317. ninny+,,1
  3318. ninth*41,15,7,,35,2
  3319. nippy 1
  3320. nisei+
  3321. niter
  3322. nitro+
  3323. nitty
  3324. nixed+
  3325. nixes+
  3326. nixie
  3327. nobby+
  3328. noble*57,23,28,2,44
  3329. nobly+6,,2,,13
  3330. nodal 3,,1
  3331. noddy
  3332. nodes+,2,1,,,,3
  3333. noels+
  3334. nohow
  3335. noire ,1
  3336. noise*411,37,47,,38,3
  3337. noisy*94,6,9,1,3
  3338. nomad*6,,1
  3339. nonce+,1
  3340. nones
  3341. nonny
  3342. nooks*2,1
  3343. nooky
  3344. noons*
  3345. noose*7,3
  3346. norms+,24,4
  3347. north*793,64,98,14,154
  3348. nosed*5,,2
  3349. noses*56,6,4,,1
  3350. nosey+1
  3351. notch*27,6,2,,,,5
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  3353. noter
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  3355. nouns*530,3,9,,,1
  3356. novae*
  3357. novas*1,,,,,1
  3358. novel*71,59,67,3
  3359. noway+
  3360. nuder
  3361. nudes+,2
  3362. nudge*17,2,1
  3363. nudie
  3364. nuked+
  3365. nukes+1
  3366. nulls+,,,,,1
  3367. numbs+
  3368. nurbs
  3369. nurse*16,16,14,,16
  3370. nutsy+
  3371. nutty+3
  3372. nylon*58,1,5
  3373. nymph*22,1,2
  3374. oaken*6,1
  3375. oakum
  3376. oared
  3377. oases*22,2
  3378. oasis*27
  3379. oaten
  3380. oaths*12,3,2,,13
  3381. obeah
  3382. obese+2,,3
  3383. obeys*6,1,3,,6,4,1
  3384. obits+
  3385. oboes*9,,4
  3386. occur*215,43,65,2,3,121,37
  3387. ocean*843,32,9,4
  3388. ocher ,1
  3389. ochre+2,2
  3390. octal+,,,,,26
  3391. octet+
  3392. odder*2,,1
  3393. oddly*28,9,19,1
  3394. odium+,,1,1
  3395. odors*37,7,,,3
  3396. odour ,,5
  3397. offal 1,1,1
  3398. offed
  3399. offen 2
  3400. offer*185,80,103,13,218,1,1
  3401. often*2611,368,416,20,49,122,91
  3402. ogled+,2
  3403. ogler+
  3404. ogles+
  3405. ogres*
  3406. ohhhh 2
  3407. ohmic ,1
  3408. oiled+18,3,4
  3409. oiler
  3410. oinks+
  3411. oinky
  3412. okapi*
  3413. okays*
  3414. okras
  3415. olden*10,1,2,,,2
  3416. older*404,93,102,8,13,,1
  3417. oldie+
  3418. oleos
  3419. olios
  3420. olive*65,4,5,,45
  3421. ombre
  3422. omega+,,,2,,3
  3423. omens*7,,1,,3
  3424. omits*5,2,2,,,4
  3425. oncet 1
  3426. onion*42,15,3
  3427. onset*8,15,3
  3428. oodle+
  3429. oomph+1
  3430. oozed*6,2
  3431. oozes*3
  3432. opals*4
  3433. opens*82,16,20,1,25,3
  3434. opera*177,29,54,2
  3435. opine+
  3436. opium*5,16,1
  3437. opted+,2,2
  3438. optic*3
  3439. orals+
  3440. orate ,1
  3441. orbed
  3442. orbit*233,16,9,3,,,1
  3443. orcas+
  3444. order*1507,363,336,32,187,181,82
  3445. organ*90,12,17,1,2
  3446. oring
  3447. orlon+1
  3448. ortho 1
  3449. osier
  3450. other*10729,1700,1535,181,510,520,272
  3451. otter*29,5,1
  3452. ought*220,68,106,15,56,27,11
  3453. ouija+,,,1
  3454. ounce*48,3,2
  3455. ousel
  3456. ousts*
  3457. outdo*5,3,2,,1
  3458. outen 3
  3459. outer*252,27,29,3,33,34,7
  3460. outgo+1
  3461. outta 1,2
  3462. ouzel 1
  3463. ovals*4,2,,,,,1
  3464. ovary*29
  3465. ovate
  3466. ovens*11,1,6,,1
  3467. overs
  3468. overt+2,11,6,1
  3469. ovoid ,,3
  3470. ovule*2
  3471. owest
  3472. oweth
  3473. owing*20,4,29,2,1
  3474. owlet+
  3475. owned*198,34,21,5,1
  3476. owner*172,33,42,1,24,,2
  3477. oxbow+
  3478. oxeye
  3479. oxide*51,3,2
  3480. oxlip
  3481. ozone*2,3,2
  3482. paced*15,11,3
  3483. pacer+6,1
  3484. paces*22,7,1,,1,1
  3485. packs*25,2,5
  3486. pacts*2,,1
  3487. paddy*16,,2
  3488. padre+6,,1
  3489. paean+,2
  3490. pagan*13,1,10,,,1
  3491. paged*
  3492. pager+
  3493. pages*723,31,42,2,,112,11
  3494. pails*22,4
  3495. pains*33,15,17,1,14,2
  3496. paint*437,37,45,4,4
  3497. pairs*455,14,21,,5,43,29
  3498. paled*6,1,1
  3499. paler*4,,2
  3500. pales*1,1,,,,,1
  3501. palls*1
  3502. pally
  3503. palms*55,8,5,,7
  3504. palmy
  3505. palsy*2,1,1
  3506. pampa+
  3507. panda*9
  3508. paned+
  3509. panel*49,31,33
  3510. panes*18,3,1,,,,1
  3511. panga ,,1
  3512. pangs*10,2,2,,2
  3513. panic*44,22,15,,18,1,4
  3514. pansy*10,6,1
  3515. pants*77,9,2
  3516. panty+
  3517. papal+11,6,3
  3518. papas*
  3519. papaw*
  3520. paper*2372,155,187,23,3,34,5
  3521. pappy 1
  3522. paras ,,3
  3523. parch*
  3524. pards
  3525. pared*,,1
  3526. paren
  3527. parer 1,,,1
  3528. pares*
  3529. parka*4
  3530. parks*92,15,46,9,1
  3531. parry*
  3532. parse+
  3533. parts*2331,110,122,9,65,49,47
  3534. party*625,195,400,209,12
  3535. pasha
  3536. passe
  3537. pasta*1
  3538. paste*96,10,6,,,3
  3539. pasts
  3540. pasty+,2
  3541. patch*97,13,20,2,2,,2
  3542. paten
  3543. pater 2,1
  3544. pates+
  3545. paths*73,14,6,,56,96,1
  3546. patio*8,2
  3547. patsy+,1
  3548. patty*2
  3549. pause*109,21,29,,,5,1
  3550. pavan
  3551. paved*45,5,3,,2
  3552. paver
  3553. paves*,,1
  3554. pawed*7
  3555. pawer
  3556. pawky ,,1
  3557. pawls
  3558. pawns*1
  3559. payed 1
  3560. payee+,,1
  3561. payer+,,1
  3562. peace*343,138,159,16,399,1
  3563. peach*76,2,6
  3564. peaks*102,8,8,,,,1
  3565. peaky+,1
  3566. peals*,1,,,4
  3567. pearl*85,3,7,,2
  3568. pears*31,2
  3569. pease
  3570. peats
  3571. peaty+,,2
  3572. pecan*6,1
  3573. pecks*8
  3574. pedal*39,4,8
  3575. peeks*2,,,,,,1
  3576. peels*1,1
  3577. peens
  3578. peeps*
  3579. peers*8,8,6,1,2
  3580. peeve+
  3581. pekoe+
  3582. pelts*15,9
  3583. penal+1,1,3,2
  3584. pence*4,,5
  3585. pends
  3586. penes
  3587. pengo
  3588. penis*1
  3589. penny*134,10,8,1,3,,2
  3590. peons*2
  3591. peony*1
  3592. peppy*
  3593. perch*36,1,4
  3594. perdu ,,3
  3595. peril*16,8,5,2,9
  3596. perks*,,,2
  3597. perky*1,2,1
  3598. perms+
  3599. pesky+2
  3600. pesos*9,,1
  3601. pesto+
  3602. pests*21,2,5
  3603. petal*9
  3604. peter+,4,,4
  3605. petit 3,1,2
  3606. petri
  3607. petty*7,6,12,1,1
  3608. pewee*
  3609. pewit
  3610. pffft
  3611. phage+
  3612. phase*37,66,39
  3613. phial
  3614. phlox*1
  3615. phone*73,53,21,,,2
  3616. phony*1,12,3,1
  3617. photo*50,5,1
  3618. phyla+,1
  3619. piano*418,30,17,,,4
  3620. picas+,,,,,5
  3621. picks*70,4,4,,3,2
  3622. picky+2,,,,,,1
  3623. picot
  3624. piece*1198,129,107,10,42,16,3
  3625. piers*10,5,2
  3626. pieta
  3627. piety*5,4,4,,13
  3628. piggy*5,,1
  3629. pigmy*2
  3630. piing
  3631. piker+
  3632. pikes*4,,1
  3633. pilaf+
  3634. pilau
  3635. piled*90,16,4,,3
  3636. piles*67,2,3,1
  3637. pills*18,8,2
  3638. pilot*167,44,19,2,2
  3639. pimps+,2,1
  3640. pinch*30,6,5,,,1
  3641. pined*1,,2,,2
  3642. pines*37,2,2,,1
  3643. piney+5
  3644. pings+
  3645. pinko+
  3646. pinks*3,2
  3647. pinky*
  3648. pinto*17,1
  3649. pints*49,,6
  3650. pinup+
  3651. pions ,,3
  3652. pious*7,10,6,,3
  3653. piped*22,2,6,,2
  3654. piper+4,,2
  3655. pipes*117,7,13,1,2
  3656. pipet
  3657. pique+2,2,1
  3658. pismo
  3659. pitas+
  3660. pitch*273,22,22,1,15
  3661. piths*
  3662. pithy*2,1
  3663. piton+
  3664. pivot*23,2,2
  3665. pixel+,,,,,151
  3666. pixie*
  3667. pizza*16,3,1,,,,3
  3668. place*4240,551,471,26,905,104,37
  3669. plaid*15,1,1
  3670. plain*338,48,78,7,63,471
  3671. plait*1
  3672. plane*990,114,49,,5,,9
  3673. plank*35,7,2
  3674. plans*308,112,83,27,33,1
  3675. plant*1051,123,85,7,62,3
  3676. plash
  3677. plasm 1,1
  3678. plate*346,20,37,1,21
  3679. plats 1
  3680. playa
  3681. plays*304,66,54,2,2,3,9
  3682. plaza*12
  3683. plead*7,5,5,1,12
  3684. pleas*3,1,3,,1
  3685. pleat*12
  3686. plebe+
  3687. plebs
  3688. plein ,,2
  3689. plena
  3690. plied*8,2
  3691. plies*3
  3692. plink
  3693. plods*2
  3694. plonk
  3695. plops*
  3696. plots*19,8,7,,11,2
  3697. plows*31,3,,,2
  3698. ploys+
  3699. pluck*50,2,,2,19
  3700. plugs*14,2,1
  3701. plumb*15,5,,,5
  3702. plume*10,2,1
  3703. plump*37,4,14,,2
  3704. plums*25,,1
  3705. plumy 1
  3706. plunk 1
  3707. plush*5,3,1
  3708. plyer
  3709. poach*,1,,,,2
  3710. pocks
  3711. pocky
  3712. podgy ,,1
  3713. podia
  3714. poems*156,78,28
  3715. poesy ,1
  3716. poets*79,32,20,,1,1
  3717. point*1904,376,423,35,31,335,42
  3718. poise*14,6,6
  3719. poked*42,4,7
  3720. poker*9,5,1
  3721. pokes*8,3
  3722. pokey*
  3723. polar*85,7,5,1,,,1
  3724. poled*4
  3725. poler
  3726. poles*264,8,9,1,39
  3727. polio*57,1,1
  3728. polis ,1
  3729. polka*12,1,1
  3730. polls*8,10,6,31
  3731. polly+,,,1
  3732. polos
  3733. polyp*7,,4
  3734. pomps
  3735. ponds*70,7,1,,1
  3736. pones
  3737. pooch*
  3738. pooey
  3739. poohs
  3740. pools*57,15,12,1,11
  3741. poops
  3742. popes*6
  3743. poppy*15,2,2
  3744. porch*168,42,9,,3,,1
  3745. pored*3,1,2
  3746. pores*17,3,3
  3747. porgy
  3748. porks
  3749. porky+
  3750. porno+
  3751. ports*79,4,9,,1
  3752. posed*14,7,6,1,,1,1
  3753. poser+,,1
  3754. poses*9,1,4,1
  3755. poset+
  3756. posit+
  3757. posse*5,11,3
  3758. poste
  3759. posts*75,22,9,2,8
  3760. potty+
  3761. pouch*35,2
  3762. poufs+
  3763. pound*227,28,20,,5,7
  3764. pours*40,2,4,,15
  3765. pouts*
  3766. power*1065,329,318,108,348,5,109
  3767. poxed
  3768. poxes
  3769. prams+,1
  3770. prank*,1,1
  3771. prate+
  3772. prats
  3773. prawn+
  3774. prays*3,,3,,14
  3775. preen*3
  3776. preps+
  3777. press*247,109,94,25,29,1,1
  3778. prest
  3779. prexy+
  3780. preys*2,,,,1
  3781. price*289,103,124,17,34,2
  3782. prick+9,2,,,1
  3783. pride*145,40,40,1,73,1
  3784. pried*1
  3785. prier
  3786. pries*2
  3787. prigs+,,1
  3788. prima 1,,5,1
  3789. prime*335,37,14,68,2,13,167
  3790. primo
  3791. primp+
  3792. prims
  3793. prink+
  3794. print*134,18,16,6,1,27
  3795. prior*19,47,28,3,1,3
  3796. prise
  3797. prism*80,,1
  3798. privy+2,1
  3799. prize*173,18,28,3,1
  3800. probe*31,6,11,1,,,5
  3801. prods*1,,1
  3802. proem
  3803. profs+
  3804. promo+
  3805. proms+
  3806. prone*7,14,7,1
  3807. prong*2,,1
  3808. proof*80,40,49,,9,32,11
  3809. props*6,6,1
  3810. prose*30,13,7,1
  3811. prosy+
  3812. proud*361,50,44,5,58
  3813. prove*257,53,81,10,28,10,337
  3814. prowl*10,2,,,2
  3815. prows*1
  3816. proxy*,7
  3817. prude*
  3818. prune*8,1,,2,2
  3819. pruta ,1
  3820. pryer
  3821. psalm*6,2,10,,4
  3822. pseud
  3823. pshaw 1
  3824. psoas ,,1
  3825. pssst 1
  3826. psych+
  3827. pubes
  3828. pubic
  3829. pubis
  3830. pucks*
  3831. pudgy+2
  3832. puffs*27,1,3,,2
  3833. puffy*4,2
  3834. puked+
  3835. pukes+
  3836. pukka 1,,1
  3837. pulls*134,9,4
  3838. pulps*
  3839. pulpy*2,,2
  3840. pulse*53,9,7
  3841. pumas*3
  3842. pumps*51,5,1
  3843. punch*54,5,8,1,,,4
  3844. punks*1,1
  3845. punky
  3846. punny
  3847. punts*,,1
  3848. pupae*19
  3849. pupal
  3850. pupas*1
  3851. pupil*95,20,23,,1
  3852. puppy*87,2
  3853. puree+2
  3854. purer*4,,1,,2
  3855. purge*4,2,6,1,14
  3856. purls 1
  3857. purrs*
  3858. purse*59,12,16,2,6
  3859. purty 3
  3860. pushy+
  3861. pussy*8,5
  3862. putts*
  3863. putty*10,1,1
  3864. pygmy*5
  3865. pylon+2
  3866. pyres*
  3867. pyxie
  3868. qophs
  3869. quack*23,9,3
  3870. quads+1,,,,,2
  3871. quaff*,,1
  3872. quail*22,,1
  3873. quais+
  3874. quake*9,2,,,8
  3875. qualm*
  3876. quals+
  3877. quark+
  3878. quart*85,3,2,,1
  3879. quash+
  3880. quasi+,,1
  3881. quays*3,,1
  3882. queen*206,21,13,3,36,,2
  3883. queer*102,6,14
  3884. quell*1,2,,,,,1
  3885. query*3,1,3
  3886. quest*18,16,12,4,,,2
  3887. queue*4,,7,1
  3888. quick*394,67,70,4,8,7,6
  3889. quids
  3890. quiet*533,75,79,2,48,2
  3891. quiff ,,1
  3892. quill*17,9,1
  3893. quilt*34,,15
  3894. quint+,4,2
  3895. quips*
  3896. quipu+6
  3897. quire+2,,1
  3898. quirk*4,1
  3899. quirt 2,8
  3900. quite*967,281,484,28,6,80,38
  3901. quits*2,1,1
  3902. quoin
  3903. quoit
  3904. quota*12,3,7,3
  3905. quote*13,17,17,1,1,34
  3906. quoth+7
  3907. rabbi*5,7,,,2
  3908. rabid*,2
  3909. raced*181,12,8,,1
  3910. racer*1
  3911. races*109,21,29,,1
  3912. racks*9,2,1,,3
  3913. radar*70,23,1
  3914. radii*7,4,1
  3915. radio*587,113,49,18,,1,1
  3916. radix+16,,,,,3,3
  3917. radon+1
  3918. rafts*16,1,1,,3
  3919. raged*25,8,2,,4
  3920. rages*5,1,,1,2
  3921. raids*19,5,4,,5
  3922. rails*59,9,5
  3923. rains*121,5,3,,5
  3924. rainy*122,4,3,,1
  3925. raise*344,51,38,12,77,3,4
  3926. rajah*,1
  3927. rajas
  3928. raked*18,4,1
  3929. raker+
  3930. rakes*,,1
  3931. rally*63,10,20,1,3
  3932. ramps*1,1,1
  3933. ranch*243,26,5,1,,,1
  3934. rands
  3935. randy+
  3936. range*351,159,141,16,2,24,37
  3937. rangy+1,2
  3938. ranks*51,20,22,3,12,2
  3939. rants+
  3940. raped+2,2
  3941. raper+
  3942. rapes+,1
  3943. rapid*107,43,39,3,,1
  3944. rarer*5,1,2,,,1
  3945. rasae
  3946. rasps*1,1
  3947. raspy+1
  3948. rated*17,9,6,,1,3
  3949. rater
  3950. rates*86,102,77,14,,3,2
  3951. raths 2
  3952. ratio*111,36,61,,,26,44
  3953. ratty+1
  3954. raved*,,1,,2
  3955. ravel*2
  3956. raven*4,,,,7
  3957. raver
  3958. raves*2
  3959. rawer+
  3960. rawly
  3961. rayed 1
  3962. rayon*47,,1
  3963. razed*1,,2,,4
  3964. razer
  3965. razes*
  3966. razor*20,15,5,,8,1
  3967. reach*648,106,83,11,27,17,1
  3968. react*45,15,11,3
  3969. reads*120,16,14,2,3,61,4
  3970. ready*1207,143,138,9,125,27,9
  3971. realm*26,19,19,1,8,1,1
  3972. reals+,,,,,,5
  3973. reams*3,2
  3974. reaps*,,,,2
  3975. rearm+,,1
  3976. rears*,,,,,1
  3977. rebar
  3978. rebel*23,11,17,1,14
  3979. rebid+
  3980. rebox ,,,,,3
  3981. rebus+1
  3982. rebut+,6,1
  3983. recap+,,,,,,1
  3984. recta
  3985. recto+
  3986. recur*4,2,,1,,1
  3987. recut+
  3988. redid+
  3989. redip
  3990. redly 1
  3991. redox
  3992. redux
  3993. reeds*70,,2,,8
  3994. reedy+3,2,2
  3995. reefs*17,1,1
  3996. reeks+
  3997. reeky
  3998. reels*5,,1,,1
  3999. reeve
  4000. refer*202,27,50,2,,43,1
  4001. refit*1,,1
  4002. refix+
  4003. refly
  4004. refry
  4005. regal*5,2,1,,1
  4006. rehab+
  4007. reify+
  4008. reign*30,7,27,1,186,1
  4009. reins*53,9,8,1
  4010. relax*40,18,12,3,2,9,2
  4011. relay*44,2,6
  4012. relet
  4013. relic*4,6,3,,1
  4014. reman
  4015. remap
  4016. remit*,,1,,,1
  4017. remix+
  4018. renal ,1,3
  4019. rends*
  4020. renew*12,4,9,,15
  4021. rente
  4022. rents*7,4,33,2
  4023. repay*15,7,6,,27
  4024. repel*22,8,3,,1
  4025. reply*96,42,83,1,12,6
  4026. repro+
  4027. reran+
  4028. rerun+,,,,,,1
  4029. resaw
  4030. resay
  4031. reset+3,,,,,11
  4032. resew+
  4033. resin*17,9,16
  4034. rests*49,18,13,1,17
  4035. retch+,1,1
  4036. retro+
  4037. retry+
  4038. reuse+
  4039. revel*3,3,1,,3
  4040. revet
  4041. revue+3,,6
  4042. rewed+
  4043. rheas+
  4044. rheum 1,1
  4045. rhino+14,,1
  4046. rhumb
  4047. rhyme*226,3,3,,,2
  4048. rials
  4049. ribby
  4050. riced
  4051. ricer
  4052. rices
  4053. rider*112,12,4,,13
  4054. rides*86,10,8,,5
  4055. ridge*82,12,15,,1
  4056. ridgy
  4057. rifer
  4058. rifle*140,61,2
  4059. rifts*1
  4060. right*4815,607,597,79,480,387,117
  4061. rigid*49,24,23,3,1,5
  4062. rigor*2,,2,,4,,2
  4063. riled+2
  4064. riles+,,1
  4065. rille
  4066. rills*2
  4067. rimed 1
  4068. rimer
  4069. rimes
  4070. rinds*2
  4071. rings*158,6,21,3,47,,1
  4072. rinks*1
  4073. rinse*22,6,2,,1
  4074. riots*15,1,7,1
  4075. ripen*15,,1,,2
  4076. riper*
  4077. risen*44,10,27,1,33
  4078. riser+7,,1
  4079. rises*174,19,19,17,36,1
  4080. risks*21,5,20,4,,1,1
  4081. risky*16,3,4,1
  4082. rites*10,4,4,,6
  4083. ritzy+
  4084. rival*34,11,22,5,5
  4085. rived
  4086. riven+,1,,1
  4087. river*1170,78,83,12,106
  4088. rives
  4089. rivet*22,,2
  4090. roach*3,1,16
  4091. roads*359,55,33,11,8
  4092. roams*1,,1
  4093. roans+
  4094. roars*17,1,2,,3
  4095. roast*55,10,6,,1
  4096. robed*3,1,,,3
  4097. robes*33,4,8,1,29
  4098. robin*57,1,1,2
  4099. roble
  4100. robot*71,1,3
  4101. rocks*740,23,34,3,24
  4102. rocky*144,9,11,,7,,2
  4103. rodeo*52,1
  4104. roger+2,3
  4105. rogue*3,1,1
  4106. roids
  4107. roils+
  4108. roily
  4109. roles*25,34,12,,,,2
  4110. rolls*113,10,9,,,,1
  4111. roman+,,1,4,,77
  4112. romps*
  4113. rondo+27
  4114. roods
  4115. roofs*63,5,8,,4
  4116. rooks*
  4117. rooky
  4118. rooms*209,54,48,1,2
  4119. roomy*5,1,3
  4120. roost*14,1,4
  4121. roots*444,23,24,,24,8,31
  4122. rooty
  4123. roped*13,1,2
  4124. roper+3
  4125. ropes*99,4,11,,17
  4126. roses*82,7,16,,2,1
  4127. rosin+9
  4128. rotor*20,6,14
  4129. rouge*4,2,1
  4130. rough*292,41,29,2,4,2,4
  4131. round*1076,77,335,10,262,37,14
  4132. rouse*12,2,6,,9
  4133. roust+
  4134. route*196,33,21,,2,3,2
  4135. routs*1
  4136. roved*,1
  4137. rover*5
  4138. roves*1,,1
  4139. rowan ,,1
  4140. rowdy+4,4,2
  4141. rowed*43,2,1,,2
  4142. rower+
  4143. royal*105,27,163,7,83,1
  4144. rubes+
  4145. ruble+
  4146. ruche
  4147. ruddy*6,3,2,,4
  4148. ruder*
  4149. ruffs*1,,1
  4150. rugby*2,,5
  4151. ruing
  4152. ruins*56,8,13,2,48
  4153. ruled*130,31,16,6,27,5
  4154. ruler*260,3,28,,82,4,3
  4155. rules*444,76,72,9,30,272,26
  4156. rumba
  4157. rumen+,2
  4158. rummy*,1
  4159. rumor*10,7,,,1
  4160. rumps*4
  4161. runes+2,1
  4162. rungs*4,,1
  4163. runic+3
  4164. runny+1
  4165. runts*2
  4166. runty+1
  4167. rupee+,6
  4168. rural*59,47,37,11,1
  4169. ruses*
  4170. rusks+,,1
  4171. russe ,1
  4172. rusts*4
  4173. rusty*55,7,1
  4174. rutty+
  4175. saber*6,1
  4176. sable*,2,1
  4177. sabra 1
  4178. sabre+2,2,1
  4179. sacks*35,1,7,,1
  4180. sadly*109,12,17,2,1
  4181. safer*50,5,8,4,,3
  4182. safes*1,,1
  4183. sagas*3,,1
  4184. sager
  4185. sages*,1,,,1
  4186. sahib
  4187. sails*110,2,11,,1
  4188. saint*17,10,13,,1
  4189. saith 4,4,3
  4190. sakes*19,,2,,1
  4191. salad*84,9,8
  4192. sales*100,130,66,1
  4193. sally+3,3,,,1
  4194. salon+4,1,3
  4195. salsa+
  4196. salts*14,6,2,,,1
  4197. salty*54,4,3,,1
  4198. salve*1,3,3,,1
  4199. salvo+2,2
  4200. samba+2
  4201. sands*43,7,11,,1
  4202. sandy*117,6,11,,1
  4203. saner*1,1,1
  4204. sappy+,1
  4205. saran
  4206. sarge+
  4207. saris*
  4208. sassy*8
  4209. sated+,,1,,1
  4210. sates
  4211. satin*17,5,3
  4212. satyr*,,,,1
  4213. sauce*62,20,5
  4214. saucy*8,1
  4215. sauna+
  4216. saute+1,1
  4217. saved*256,43,51,7,137,18,4
  4218. saver+4,1
  4219. saves*32,5,1,,16,17,1
  4220. savor*3,1
  4221. savvy+1,1
  4222. sawed*14,,,,1
  4223. sawer
  4224. saxes+,,1
  4225. sayer+
  4226. scabs*2,,,,2
  4227. scads*
  4228. scald*1,1
  4229. scale*737,55,115,4,6,12,4
  4230. scalp*34,4,4,,2
  4231. scaly*9
  4232. scamp*7
  4233. scams+
  4234. scans*4,2,,,,3
  4235. scant*10,5,1,2,4
  4236. scare*55,3,3,3,1
  4237. scarf*50,4,6
  4238. scarp 3
  4239. scars*18,10,4
  4240. scary*23,2,,1,,2,3
  4241. scats
  4242. scene*302,102,100,4
  4243. scent*69,6,15,1,5
  4244. schmo
  4245. schwa*79
  4246. scion+,1
  4247. scoff*7,,1,,7
  4248. scold*19
  4249. scone+
  4250. scoop*16,5
  4251. scoot*3
  4252. scope*24,27,42,12,,8,6
  4253. scops ,1
  4254. score*411,66,77,4,,1,8
  4255. scorn*18,4,6,,2
  4256. scour*2,1,2
  4257. scout*53,6,2
  4258. scowl*7,,1
  4259. scows*3
  4260. scram*2,,1
  4261. scrap*43,8,7,2
  4262. screw*100,20,9
  4263. scrim+,1
  4264. scrip+1,,6
  4265. scrod+
  4266. scrub*36,9,1,1
  4267. scrum ,,1
  4268. scuba*13
  4269. scudi
  4270. scudo
  4271. scuds
  4272. scuff*5,1
  4273. scull*,,1
  4274. scums*
  4275. scurf ,,3
  4276. scuse ,1
  4277. scuzz+
  4278. seals*49,4,7,,11
  4279. seams*82,9,4,,1
  4280. seamy+,,1
  4281. sears*
  4282. seats*143,15,27,49,8
  4283. sebum
  4284. secco ,3
  4285. sects*8,2
  4286. sedan*6,2
  4287. seder+,,3
  4288. sedge*
  4289. sedgy
  4290. sedum
  4291. seeds*560,42,19,1,9
  4292. seedy+1,,2
  4293. seeks*25,10,11,2,41
  4294. seems*638,258,297,101,42,18,43
  4295. seeps*11
  4296. seers*1,1,,,4
  4297. seest ,,,,4
  4298. seeth
  4299. segue+1
  4300. seine+,,9,,2
  4301. seize*40,5,4,,48
  4302. selah
  4303. selfs
  4304. sells*66,13,5,1,12
  4305. semen ,,,,6
  4306. semis+
  4307. sends*82,4,7,,26,5
  4308. sense*556,311,265,32,25,26,27
  4309. sepal+
  4310. sepia+,1
  4311. sepoy
  4312. septa ,6
  4313. serfs*14,1,2
  4314. serge*1,1,1
  4315. serif+,,,,,18
  4316. serum*10,18,22
  4317. serve*317,107,80,10,244,14,1
  4318. servo+,5
  4319. setup+7,8,,,,6,2
  4320. seven*687,106,116,15,488,40,9
  4321. sever*4,3,2,,1
  4322. sewed*33,1,2,,2
  4323. sewer*8,9
  4324. sexed
  4325. sexes*8,11,9,1
  4326. shack*40,1,6
  4327. shade*203,28,30,,18
  4328. shads ,,3
  4329. shady*30,1,4
  4330. shaft*69,11,13,,12
  4331. shags+
  4332. shahs+
  4333. shake*143,17,17,,32
  4334. shako
  4335. shaky*19,5,3,3
  4336. shale*19,,3,1
  4337. shall*1051,266,355,11,6976,113,7
  4338. shalt+22,,8,,2
  4339. shame*67,21,18,1,191
  4340. shams*,1
  4341. shank*13,1,2
  4342. shape*766,84,98,4,,71,2
  4343. shard+
  4344. share*354,96,91,25,53,3
  4345. shark*92
  4346. sharp*499,71,70,2,25,31,1
  4347. shave*15,6,1,,14
  4348. shawl*40,3,1
  4349. shawm
  4350. shays
  4351. sheaf*6,3,2,,7
  4352. shear*10,40,7,,3
  4353. sheds*19,4,1,,6
  4354. sheen*9,2
  4355. sheep*464,23,27,,205
  4356. sheer*50,14,27,,4,,1
  4357. sheet*367,45,46,,2,2,1
  4358. sheik*,4
  4359. shelf*150,12,12,1
  4360. shell*245,21,12
  4361. sherd ,,,,1
  4362. shews
  4363. shied+3,3,,1
  4364. shier
  4365. shies+1,1
  4366. shift*70,41,29,2,,29,17
  4367. shiki
  4368. shill+,1
  4369. shims+1,1
  4370. shine*157,4,5,,36
  4371. shins*3
  4372. shiny*123,3,15
  4373. ships*731,44,37,2,37,2
  4374. shire+
  4375. shirk*1,,1
  4376. shirr
  4377. shirt*222,26,29,,1
  4378. shish+,1
  4379. shits
  4380. shlep
  4381. shmoo
  4382. shnor
  4383. shoal*3,,5,,2
  4384. shoat
  4385. shock*100,31,53,1,2
  4386. shoed+
  4387. shoer
  4388. shoes*461,44,36,,1
  4389. shoji ,1
  4390. shone*119,5,12,,2
  4391. shook*420,57,53,1,14
  4392. shoos*
  4393. shoot*214,27,22,,16,,1
  4394. shops*126,16,64,7
  4395. shore*447,43,29,1,6
  4396. shorn*4,,1,,5
  4397. short*1534,208,228,16,23,58,1
  4398. shots*78,29,36,1
  4399. shout*143,9,10,,46
  4400. shove*15,2,2
  4401. shown*1490,166,230,16,79,84,4
  4402. shows*1184,94,146,6,25,68,52
  4403. showy*15,1,2
  4404. shred*1,3,3
  4405. shrew*4
  4406. shrub*25,1,1,,1
  4407. shrug*11,2,2
  4408. shuck*
  4409. shuns*1,2,1,,1
  4410. shunt+1,1
  4411. shush*2
  4412. shute ,,1
  4413. shuts*9,1,,,5,1
  4414. shyer*1
  4415. shyly*19,4,5
  4416. sibyl
  4417. sicko+
  4418. sicks
  4419. sided*4,1,,1,2
  4420. sides*827,99,87,20,35,18,85
  4421. sidle*2,1
  4422. siege*12,5,3,1,41
  4423. sieve*15,1,5,,3,,1
  4424. sifts*2
  4425. sighs*20,1,3,,1
  4426. sight*565,86,98,4,345,,1
  4427. sigma+,,,,,2,1
  4428. signs*352,68,52,5,101,89,2
  4429. silks*21,,9
  4430. silky*32,1,3
  4431. sills*6,,1
  4432. silly*150,15,29,1,3,4,1
  4433. silos*1,2,1
  4434. silts*2
  4435. silty+
  4436. since*2041,624,541,62,196,373,251
  4437. sines+,,,,,2,1
  4438. sinew*12,,,,3
  4439. singe*1
  4440. sings*127,10,5,,6
  4441. sinks*30,,6,1,5,1
  4442. sinus*1,1
  4443. sired+,3,2
  4444. siree+3
  4445. siren*12,1,1
  4446. sires*
  4447. sirup*1
  4448. sisal*11
  4449. sissy+5,,,1
  4450. sitar+1
  4451. sited 1,,6
  4452. sites*28,16,43,9,1,1
  4453. situs ,5
  4454. sixes*22
  4455. sixth*99,20,14,1,50,4,1
  4456. sixty*108,21,23,1,47
  4457. sized*10,4,3
  4458. sizer
  4459. sizes*201,12,14,,,39,9
  4460. skate*33,1,1
  4461. skeet+,2
  4462. skein*3
  4463. skews*
  4464. skids+,1
  4465. skied*2
  4466. skier*11,,1
  4467. skies*74,9,4,,14
  4468. skiff*14,9
  4469. skill*262,41,42,,19,1
  4470. skimp*1
  4471. skims*3
  4472. skins*168,7,5,,19
  4473. skint ,,2
  4474. skips*21,1,3,,1,6
  4475. skirt*123,21,24,,9
  4476. skits*2,1,1
  4477. skoal+1
  4478. skulk*,1
  4479. skull*77,3,4,,5
  4480. skunk*7
  4481. skyed+
  4482. slabs*23,,5
  4483. slack*13,8,5,,7,1,1
  4484. slags*1
  4485. slain*27,,,,165
  4486. slake*1
  4487. slams*6
  4488. slang*27,2,2
  4489. slant*91,3,4,,,34
  4490. slaps*11,1
  4491. slash*37,3,2,,,22
  4492. slate*20,6,3,,,1
  4493. slats*6,1,2
  4494. slave*175,30,4,,9
  4495. slaws
  4496. slays*1,,,,5
  4497. sleds*34
  4498. sleek*37,2,4,,6
  4499. sleep*717,65,61,6,88
  4500. sleet*22,1,4
  4501. slept*200,27,24,,49
  4502. slews*2
  4503. slice*88,13,17,,,,1
  4504. slick*28,7,1,1,,2,3
  4505. slide*182,20,7
  4506. slier
  4507. slily
  4508. slime*11,,4,,2
  4509. slims+
  4510. slimy*7,,3
  4511. sling*9,1,1,,9
  4512. slink*5,,1
  4513. slips*34,8,3,,8,1
  4514. slits*24,2,1
  4515. slobs+1
  4516. sloes ,,1
  4517. slogs+
  4518. slomo
  4519. sloop*11,1
  4520. slope*146,19,18,,2,8,2
  4521. slops*1
  4522. slosh*4
  4523. sloth*20,,1,,1
  4524. slots*17,5,2,,,1,1
  4525. slows*22,,,,,1
  4526. slued
  4527. slues*
  4528. sluff+
  4529. slugs*7,4,2
  4530. slump*4,8,6,3
  4531. slums*22,7,8
  4532. slung*22,2,5,,2
  4533. slunk*1
  4534. slurp+2
  4535. slurs*3,,,,,1
  4536. slush*2
  4537. sluts+
  4538. slyer*
  4539. slyly*9,2
  4540. smack+14,4,3,,,2
  4541. small*3555,529,522,21,101,86,9
  4542. smart*109,21,11,,3,1,3
  4543. smash*20,4,7
  4544. smear*,2,1
  4545. smell*378,34,30,1,12
  4546. smelt*7,3,4,,1
  4547. smile*281,58,76,,1
  4548. smirk*3,3,1
  4549. smite*3,,,,5
  4550. smith*7,,2,,4
  4551. smock*2,,8
  4552. smogs
  4553. smoke*328,40,42,1,62,20,1
  4554. smoky*12,2,2
  4555. smote*8,,1,,93
  4556. smurf
  4557. smuts
  4558. snack*29,6,2
  4559. snafu+
  4560. snags*5,1,6
  4561. snail*47,1,1,,1
  4562. snake*226,42,18,,2
  4563. snaky*1
  4564. snaps*25,,1,,1
  4565. snare*26,1,2,1,49
  4566. snarf
  4567. snark
  4568. snarl*15,,3
  4569. sneak*25,2,1,,,1
  4570. sneer*5,1,3
  4571. snide+
  4572. sniff*30,2,,,1
  4573. snipe*2
  4574. snips*13,1
  4575. snits+
  4576. snobs*2,1
  4577. snood
  4578. snook
  4579. snoop*,1
  4580. snoot+,,1
  4581. snore*8,,3
  4582. snort*14,3,5
  4583. snots+
  4584. snout*24,1,1,,1
  4585. snows*29,7,,,2
  4586. snowy*56,4,2,1
  4587. snubs*,,1
  4588. snuck+,1
  4589. snuff*10,,1
  4590. snugs
  4591. soaks*16
  4592. soaps*12,3
  4593. soapy*8,1
  4594. soars*5,,,,1
  4595. sober*24,16,7,1,8
  4596. socko+
  4597. socks*78,7,8
  4598. socle
  4599. sodas*5
  4600. sofas*2,3
  4601. softs
  4602. softy+
  4603. soggy*16,3,2
  4604. soils*54,15,26
  4605. solar*198,14,3,6
  4606. soled*,,1
  4607. soles*18,5,4,,8
  4608. solid*390,77,61,3,4,8,1
  4609. solon 1
  4610. solos*10,3
  4611. solum ,,1
  4612. solve*874,20,24,7,4,51,66
  4613. somas
  4614. sonar*25,7
  4615. songs*658,58,33,3,41
  4616. sonic*8,2
  4617. sonly+
  4618. sonny+2,1,2
  4619. sooth+
  4620. soots*
  4621. sooty+4,,1
  4622. soppy+
  4623. sorer*
  4624. sores*5,3,1,,8
  4625. sorry*282,47,70,1,7,6,1
  4626. sorta+3
  4627. sorts*76,12,25,1,14,16
  4628. souls*25,23,11,,48,,1
  4629. sound*4667,202,157,4,161,5
  4630. soups*11,,1
  4631. soupy+3
  4632. sours*,1
  4633. souse+
  4634. south*709,62,107,49,122,1,1
  4635. sowed*6,,2,,12
  4636. sower+1,,1,,9
  4637. soyas
  4638. space*1499,175,114,10,12,551,27
  4639. spacy+
  4640. spade*7,4,2
  4641. spake 8,,,1
  4642. spang
  4643. spank*4
  4644. spans*6,5,1,,,7
  4645. spare*94,23,26,3,51,1
  4646. spark*76,10,6,,4,6
  4647. spars*9
  4648. spasm*4,3,6
  4649. spate+1,2,2
  4650. spats*1,1
  4651. spawn*4,,8,,,2
  4652. spays+
  4653. spazz
  4654. speak*661,109,105,6,399,6,2
  4655. spear*99,6,4,,6
  4656. speck*27,7,3,,7
  4657. specs+1,,,,,1,1
  4658. speed*750,81,103,16,6,20,2
  4659. spell*1052,19,23,1
  4660. spelt+5,,9,,3
  4661. spend*418,53,86,17,36,4,2
  4662. spent*522,104,132,13,33,3
  4663. sperm*6
  4664. spews*1,,,,,1
  4665. spice*19,4,11,,3
  4666. spics
  4667. spicy*10,1
  4668. spied*31,,1,,8
  4669. spiel+1
  4670. spier
  4671. spies*15,2,4,,15
  4672. spiff
  4673. spike*18,2
  4674. spiky*4
  4675. spill*23,1,4,,,1
  4676. spilt*3,,4,,1
  4677. spina
  4678. spine*35,6,5
  4679. spins*52,,3,1
  4680. spiny*16
  4681. spire*4,5,2
  4682. spite*173,56,79,4,14,8,2
  4683. spits*5,,1,,2
  4684. spitz 1
  4685. spivs ,,1
  4686. splat+1
  4687. splay+
  4688. split*159,30,39,3,7,34,11
  4689. spoil*59,3,11,1,85,1,1
  4690. spoke*512,87,111,5,284,1
  4691. spoof+,1
  4692. spook*4
  4693. spool*26
  4694. spoon*92,6,7
  4695. spoor
  4696. spore*22
  4697. sport*117,17,20,3,17
  4698. spots*157,31,15,2,5,2,18
  4699. spout*29,1,5
  4700. sprat 1
  4701. spray*72,16,12,1
  4702. spree*2,4,3,1
  4703. sprig*2,1,,,1
  4704. sprit 5
  4705. sprog
  4706. sprue ,2
  4707. spuds*
  4708. spued 1
  4709. spume ,1,1
  4710. spumy
  4711. spunk*3,,,1
  4712. spurn+1,,1,,8
  4713. spurs*25,3,,,,1
  4714. spurt*12,2,2
  4715. sputa
  4716. squab*1
  4717. squad*16,17,2
  4718. squat*16,7,2
  4719. squaw*16,1
  4720. squib+1
  4721. squid*19,,1
  4722. stabs*3,1,2
  4723. stack*41,7,1,,,39,6
  4724. staff*164,104,129,10,46
  4725. stage*344,172,210,13,2,6,3
  4726. stags*2,1
  4727. stagy
  4728. staid+2,1,1
  4729. stain*19,6,5,,5
  4730. stair*18,2,3
  4731. stake*47,20,11,4,2,,6
  4732. stale*14,4,3
  4733. stalk*72,,1,,2
  4734. stall*95,17,8,1,2
  4735. stamp*76,8,46,3,2,2
  4736. stand*1081,147,158,19,279,41,11
  4737. stank*1,,1,,1
  4738. staph+
  4739. stare*70,14,10,,4,1
  4740. stark*10,4,6
  4741. stars*713,27,55,1,7
  4742. start*1087,153,184,14,1,58,36
  4743. stash+
  4744. state*1281,563,270,135,15,27,14
  4745. stats+
  4746. stave*5,2,3,1,,1
  4747. stays*90,5,7,,7,7,6
  4748. stead*8,5,3,,84
  4749. steak*30,8,1,1
  4750. steal*83,5,7,2,22
  4751. steam*340,17,31
  4752. steed*12,1,1,,1
  4753. steel*565,39,52,1,1
  4754. steep*184,13,6,3,6
  4755. steer*79,9,4,1,,,2
  4756. stein+,4,,,,,1
  4757. stela
  4758. stele
  4759. stems*171,32,30,3,,8,1
  4760. steno
  4761. steps*747,115,93,3,59,15,21
  4762. stern*75,22,17,4,9,1
  4763. stets
  4764. stews*3,1,1
  4765. stick*502,39,40,1,15,23,6
  4766. stied
  4767. sties*1
  4768. stiff*138,21,19,,1
  4769. stile*5,,2
  4770. still*3421,781,823,63,248,72,54
  4771. stilt*1
  4772. sting*34,5,6,1,3
  4773. stink*4,3,2,,1
  4774. stint*7,6,4,,1
  4775. stirs*10,3,4,,14
  4776. stoae
  4777. stoas
  4778. stoat 1,,1
  4779. stock*227,141,86,4,5,5,4
  4780. stogy
  4781. stoic+1
  4782. stoke+1
  4783. stole*52,10,17,,7
  4784. stoma
  4785. stomp*8
  4786. stone*593,47,75,,196
  4787. stony*24,5,2,,2
  4788. stood*1387,212,196,4,284
  4789. stool*58,8,7,,4
  4790. stoop*29,4,,,2
  4791. stops*132,7,13,2,5,19,5
  4792. store*681,72,42,4,14,8,1
  4793. stork*7,,,,5
  4794. storm*319,26,31,,34,,1
  4795. story*2237,149,201,8,26,60,7
  4796. stoup
  4797. stout*48,2,13,,3,2
  4798. stove*183,15,12,,1
  4799. stows*1
  4800. strap*41,2,3
  4801. straw*213,15,13,,21
  4802. stray*38,12,5,,3
  4803. strep+2
  4804. strew*2,,,,2
  4805. strip*230,29,34,2,21,,1
  4806. strop+
  4807. strum*26,,1
  4808. strut*4,2,6,,,14
  4809. stubs*6,2,1
  4810. stuck*186,23,20,2,3,1,2
  4811. studs*8,3,1
  4812. study*2581,241,146,11,4,50,25
  4813. stuff*129,31,37,2,37,12,8
  4814. stump*39,2,3,,7
  4815. stung*27,2,4,,1
  4816. stunk*,1
  4817. stuns*,,1
  4818. stunt*31,1,2
  4819. styes
  4820. style*356,97,101,13,2,140,2
  4821. styli
  4822. suave+,2,2
  4823. sucks*1
  4824. sudsy+
  4825. suede*3,,1
  4826. suers
  4827. suets*
  4828. suety+
  4829. sugar*574,34,61,,,3
  4830. suing*3,1
  4831. suite*26,21,10,,,,1
  4832. suits*108,25,9,4,3
  4833. sulfa*2
  4834. sulks*,1,1
  4835. sulky*3,4,1
  4836. sully+
  4837. sumac+6,1
  4838. summa 1
  4839. sumps+,,1
  4840. sunny*116,12,12,1
  4841. sunup*12
  4842. super*21,7,10,,,3,3
  4843. supes
  4844. supra ,3
  4845. suras+
  4846. surds+,,,,,1
  4847. surer*5,,1
  4848. surfs*
  4849. surge*20,9,5,1,2
  4850. surly*3,2,2
  4851. sushi+,2
  4852. sutra+
  4853. swabs*
  4854. swags
  4855. swain+1
  4856. swami+,1
  4857. swamp*64,5,1,1,1
  4858. swank+1,1
  4859. swans*15,1,,,1
  4860. swaps*1
  4861. sward 3,,1
  4862. sware
  4863. swarf ,,1
  4864. swarm*24,3,1,,9
  4865. swart 2,1
  4866. swash+4
  4867. swath+2,1,1
  4868. swats*
  4869. sways*2,,,,1
  4870. swear*34,10,11,,59
  4871. sweat*105,23,19,,5
  4872. swede
  4873. sweep*81,15,11,2,17
  4874. sweet*319,69,43,,49
  4875. swell*49,7,7,,7,1
  4876. swept*161,34,28,4,19,1
  4877. swift*131,14,19,,29,2
  4878. swigs+
  4879. swill*,,,1
  4880. swims*47,,1
  4881. swine*7,3,1,,15
  4882. swing*189,20,13,12,1
  4883. swipe*,2
  4884. swirl*14,2,3
  4885. swish*36,,2
  4886. swiss+36
  4887. swive
  4888. swoon*1,,1,,1
  4889. swoop*14,2,2,1,2,1
  4890. sword*93,6,13,,48
  4891. swore*28,14,9,,92
  4892. sworn*9,5,4,1,54
  4893. swung*164,48,29,2,3
  4894. sylph 1
  4895. synch+,,,,,1
  4896. syncs
  4897. synod+1
  4898. syrup*50,4,1
  4899. tabby+2,,1
  4900. table*1502,153,279,,110,108,67
  4901. taboo*3,3,1,1
  4902. tabor 5
  4903. tabus
  4904. tacet
  4905. tacit+2,2,1
  4906. tacks*25,,2
  4907. tacky+1
  4908. tacos*3
  4909. tacts
  4910. taels
  4911. taffy*3,1
  4912. tagua 1,1
  4913. tails*123,7,4,,5,,24
  4914. taint*3,1,1
  4915. taken*1015,281,423,36,350,31,11
  4916. taker+1
  4917. takes*835,86,98,12,87,81,28
  4918. talcs*1,,1
  4919. tales*140,19,19
  4920. talks*85,18,91,,,1
  4921. talky ,1
  4922. tally*16,4,3
  4923. talon*
  4924. talus+
  4925. tamed*32,,1,,2
  4926. tamer*1
  4927. tames*1,,,,1
  4928. tamps+
  4929. tango+2,2
  4930. tangs
  4931. tangy*6,1
  4932. tanks*110,18,35
  4933. tansy+,1
  4934. taped*7,1,2
  4935. taper*10,3,19,,,1
  4936. tapes*18,4,1
  4937. tapir*6
  4938. tapis ,1
  4939. tardy*3,1
  4940. tared ,,1
  4941. tares+1,,3
  4942. tarns+
  4943. taros
  4944. tarot+
  4945. tarps+
  4946. tarry*8,1,,,18
  4947. tarts*10,,1
  4948. tasks*63,29,18,1,4,6
  4949. taste*283,57,77,4,28,2
  4950. tasty*29,2,3
  4951. tater
  4952. tatty
  4953. taunt*3,4,,1,17
  4954. taupe+
  4955. tawny*6,4,4,,1
  4956. taxed*10,13,7,3,1
  4957. taxer+
  4958. taxes*104,44,20,15,11,1
  4959. taxis*21,3,2
  4960. taxol
  4961. taxon
  4962. teach*254,41,35,1,102,4
  4963. teaks
  4964. teals*
  4965. teams*150,22,10,1
  4966. tears*223,34,49,1,63,1
  4967. teary 1
  4968. tease*28,6,3
  4969. teats 1,2
  4970. techs+,,1
  4971. techy
  4972. tecum
  4973. teddy*4,2
  4974. teems*1,1,,,2
  4975. teens*35,5,1,1
  4976. teeny+2,,,,,2
  4977. teeth*538,103,62,,54
  4978. telex+
  4979. tells*808,34,47,1,21,51,91
  4980. telly+,,5
  4981. tempi+,,1
  4982. tempo*90,4,7
  4983. temps+,,4
  4984. tempt*4,2,3,1,4,1
  4985. tench ,,1
  4986. tends*62,34,15,2,4,7,4
  4987. tenet+1
  4988. tenon+7
  4989. tenor*18,6,6
  4990. tense*194,15,11,,1,2
  4991. tenth*73,5,12,,68,2,1
  4992. tents*85,10,5,1,6
  4993. tepee*8
  4994. tepid*2,1,3
  4995. terce
  4996. terms*425,162,235,36,19,51,306
  4997. terns+12
  4998. terra+3,1,1
  4999. terry ,1
  5000. terse*,2,2,,,2
  5001. tesla+
  5002. tests*185,61,105,4,6,16
  5003. testy+1
  5004. tetra
  5005. texas+
  5006. texts*9,4,26,,,23,3
  5007. thane+
  5008. thank*301,33,60,,34,5
  5009. thanx 1
  5010. thats 2
  5011. thaws*7
  5012. thees 1
  5013. theft*11,10,8,,5
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  5015. theme*183,55,45,1,1,1,1
  5016. thens
  5017. there*15194,2713,3321,305,2124,427,353
  5018. therm
  5019. these*11611,1571,1504,100,1128,422,241
  5020. theta+,,,,,9,2
  5021. thews+
  5022. thick*540,67,69,,37,35,2
  5023. thief*68,8,7,,28
  5024. thigh*21,9,5,1,36
  5025. thine*13,1,3,,32
  5026. thing*1828,331,341,29,258,74,28
  5027. think*4746,433,575,17,81,64,24
  5028. thins*3
  5029. third*945,182,135,23,208,53,37
  5030. thong*6,1,,,4
  5031. thorn*27,3,5,,7
  5032. those*2647,850,957,136,1669,149,64
  5033. thous
  5034. three*4413,592,698,78,523,228,97
  5035. threw*342,46,54,1,61,,1
  5036. throb*6,,1
  5037. throe+
  5038. throw*281,41,19,6,52,,6
  5039. thrum 1
  5040. thuds*4,1
  5041. thugs+1,2,,2
  5042. thumb*150,11,13,,5,3
  5043. thump*62,3,2
  5044. thunk ,1
  5045. thwap 2
  5046. thyme*4,,1
  5047. tiara*,,3,,2
  5048. tibia+2
  5049. ticks*18,2,,,,1
  5050. tidal*59,1,7
  5051. tided
  5052. tides*110,4,12
  5053. tiers*,3,1,,2
  5054. tiffs+
  5055. tiger*112,6,3
  5056. tight*208,28,32,1,3,7,2
  5057. tikes
  5058. tikis
  5059. tilde+1,,,,,14
  5060. tiled*7,4,1
  5061. tiler
  5062. tiles*44,6,3,,1,,2
  5063. tills*,,,,2
  5064. tilth ,1,1
  5065. tilts*7,2
  5066. timed*17,9,2
  5067. timer+7
  5068. times*2051,264,262,25,207,91,68
  5069. timid*23,5,7,1,4
  5070. tines*5,2
  5071. tinge*2,,2
  5072. tings
  5073. tinny+4
  5074. tints*7,1,3
  5075. tippy*
  5076. tipsy+,2,1
  5077. tired*461,48,52,,2,1,2
  5078. tires*85,12,2
  5079. tiros ,,1
  5080. titan+1,,1
  5081. titer+,4
  5082. tithe*1,,6,,23
  5083. title*302,54,61,1,2,63,2
  5084. titre ,,1
  5085. titty
  5086. tizzy+
  5087. toads*89,,1
  5088. toady+
  5089. toast*57,18,17
  5090. today*1923,282,287,33,115,2,1
  5091. toddy+
  5092. toffs+
  5093. toffy
  5094. togas*
  5095. toile
  5096. toils*3,,2,,7
  5097. toked+
  5098. token*18,10,4,,2,427
  5099. toker+
  5100. tokes+
  5101. tolls*8,2
  5102. tombs*29,2,1,1,23
  5103. tomes+,1
  5104. tommy*1,7
  5105. tonal+99,9,2
  5106. toned*,,1
  5107. toner+,3
  5108. tones*275,15,12
  5109. tongs*12,1,,,3
  5110. tonic*26,1,4
  5111. tools*379,34,34,1,,3,9
  5112. toons+
  5113. tooth*91,20,10,,1
  5114. toots*4
  5115. topaz*2,,,,5
  5116. toped+
  5117. toper+
  5118. topes+
  5119. topic*370,9,12,1,,6,1
  5120. topoi
  5121. topos
  5122. toque ,,2
  5123. torah
  5124. torch*28,2,10,,6
  5125. toric
  5126. torsi
  5127. torso*1,7,2
  5128. torte+
  5129. torts+
  5130. torus+
  5131. total*531,211,197,17,3,45,62
  5132. toted*2
  5133. totem*11,,1
  5134. toter
  5135. totes*3
  5136. totty
  5137. touch*432,86,78,2,43,9,3
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  5139. tours*7,9,3
  5140. touts+
  5141. toves 7
  5142. towed*18,1,4
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  5144. tower*170,12,45,1,31,,15
  5145. towns*337,50,90,1,78
  5146. toxic*6,3,1,1
  5147. toxin+2,1
  5148. toyed*,,2
  5149. toyer
  5150. toyon
  5151. trace*151,23,27,,5,6
  5152. track*312,37,30,1,2,11
  5153. tract*24,15,10,,,4
  5154. trade*479,134,214,30,16,2
  5155. trail*317,29,13
  5156. train*556,77,90,8,6,4
  5157. trait*26,3,4
  5158. tramp*40,1,2
  5159. trams+1,,5,6
  5160. trans 9
  5161. traps*53,8,3,,1,1
  5162. trash*20,2,3
  5163. trawl*1,,19
  5164. trays*19,3,6,,3
  5165. tread*15,5,5,,3
  5166. treap
  5167. treat*113,26,20,,18,20,3
  5168. treed+2
  5169. trees*1645,96,99,3,146,,15
  5170. treks*2,,,1
  5171. trend*27,46,26,12
  5172. tress*2
  5173. trews
  5174. treys
  5175. triad+6,1,1
  5176. trial*130,119,40,11,15,20,1
  5177. tribe*169,4,15,1,253
  5178. tribs
  5179. trice+3,,2
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  5181. tried*1077,170,162,16,42,22,8
  5182. trier
  5183. tries*123,13,20,2,1,25,1
  5184. trike+1
  5185. trill*2,3,2
  5186. trims*2,1,1
  5187. trios*1
  5188. tripe*2,,1
  5189. trips*152,29,8,4,,,3
  5190. trite*1,2,,1
  5191. troll*9
  5192. tromp+
  5193. troop*35,9,3,,3
  5194. troth+1,,,,1
  5195. trots*6
  5196. trout*53,1,3
  5197. trove+
  5198. trows
  5199. truce*8,5
  5200. truck*410,56,10,,,1
  5201. trued
  5202. truer*4,2,1
  5203. trues
  5204. truly*146,57,32,1,59,6,4
  5205. trump+,1
  5206. trunk*186,8,8,,1,3
  5207. truss*13
  5208. trust*103,50,74,3,96,,1
  5209. truth*215,124,151,9,191,18,11
  5210. tryst+
  5211. tsars*2
  5212. tuans ,,1
  5213. tubal
  5214. tubas*
  5215. tubby+,,2
  5216. tubed
  5217. tuber*3
  5218. tubes*177,24,14,,1
  5219. tucks*8,,2
  5220. tufas
  5221. tufts*12,1,1
  5222. tufty+,,1
  5223. tulip*20,3,4
  5224. tulle+1,1,1
  5225. tummy+3,,3,,,1
  5226. tumor*32,13
  5227. tunas*
  5228. tuned*65,3,2,,,,2
  5229. tuner+7
  5230. tunes*79,7,4,,1
  5231. tunic*4,1,1,,5
  5232. tunny
  5233. tuple+
  5234. turbo+1
  5235. turds
  5236. turdy
  5237. turfs*
  5238. turfy
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  5240. turps ,,1
  5241. tusks*38,3,,,1
  5242. tusky ,,1
  5243. tutor*16,4,15
  5244. tutti ,,1
  5245. tutus+
  5246. tuxes+
  5247. twain*7
  5248. twang*8,,1
  5249. twats
  5250. tweak+,,,,,,1
  5251. tweed*6,5,4
  5252. tweet+
  5253. twerp+
  5254. twice*400,74,73,1,30,37,26
  5255. twigs*67,1,3,,2
  5256. twill+3,,2
  5257. twine*19,,,,1
  5258. twink
  5259. twins*67,8,3,,6
  5260. twiny
  5261. twirl*6
  5262. twirp
  5263. twist*81,17,18,,4
  5264. twits+
  5265. twixt+
  5266. tying*22,5,2
  5267. tykes+
  5268. typal
  5269. typed*9,3,4,,,71
  5270. types*334,116,92,5,1,75,2
  5271. typos+,,,,,1
  5272. tyres ,,2
  5273. tyros+
  5274. tzars+
  5275. udder*3
  5276. ukase ,,1
  5277. ulcer*5,5,2
  5278. ulnar
  5279. ulnas
  5280. ultra*2,,3
  5281. umbel
  5282. umber+,4
  5283. umbra*2
  5284. umiak
  5285. umped+2
  5286. umpty+
  5287. unapt
  5288. unarc
  5289. unarm
  5290. unary+1,,,,,2
  5291. unate
  5292. unban
  5293. unbar*1
  5294. unbox ,,,,,1
  5295. uncap ,1
  5296. uncle*196,25,24,1,11
  5297. uncut+3,,,,,1
  5298. under*2987,703,646,84,410,45,24
  5299. undid*8,1,3,,2
  5300. undue*5,13,9,2
  5301. unfed+1
  5302. unfit*9,1,8,,3,1
  5303. unfix
  5304. unhip
  5305. unhit
  5306. unify*4,2,3,,,1
  5307. union*104,83,148,45,3,2,2
  5308. unite*29,10,6,,2
  5309. units*483,87,79,2,1,122,1
  5310. unity*64,66,44,2,4,3,8
  5311. unjam+
  5312. unlit+,,1
  5313. unman
  5314. unmap
  5315. unmet+
  5316. unpeg
  5317. unpin+1
  5318. unrig
  5319. unsay
  5320. unsee ,1
  5321. unset+,,,,,3
  5322. unsew
  5323. unsex
  5324. untie*14,2,,,9
  5325. until*2596,461,478,47,497,115,56
  5326. unwed+,12
  5327. unwon
  5328. unzip+1
  5329. upend+
  5330. upped*1,2
  5331. upper*327,70,60,10,47,35,91
  5332. upset*108,14,21,1,1,3
  5333. urban*50,41,28,3
  5334. ureas
  5335. urged*74,35,27,4,37
  5336. urger
  5337. urges*7,8,2,,1
  5338. urine*20,1,7,,2
  5339. usage*42,14,9,4,,19
  5340. users*13,6,15,2,,46
  5341. usher*7,2,2
  5342. using*1825,143,167,9,5,249,123
  5343. usual*313,96,118,5,,45,16
  5344. usurp*,1
  5345. usury+
  5346. uteri
  5347. utero
  5348. utter*25,13,13,,47
  5349. uvula
  5350. vacua
  5351. vacuo
  5352. vague*30,25,27,4,,2
  5353. vagus+
  5354. vails
  5355. vales*2,,1
  5356. valet*3,2,1
  5357. valid*15,22,31,7,3,12,46
  5358. valor*5,1,,,31
  5359. value*512,200,239,29,22,409,247
  5360. valve*40,3,6
  5361. vamps+
  5362. vaned
  5363. vanes*14
  5364. vapes
  5365. vapid+
  5366. vapor*209,12,,,3
  5367. varia
  5368. vases*10,11,2
  5369. vault*16,2,3,,3
  5370. vaunt+,,1,,2
  5371. veals*
  5372. veeps+
  5373. veers*2,1,,,,1
  5374. vegan+
  5375. veils*7,3,4,,3
  5376. veins*79,6,16
  5377. veiny+
  5378. velar
  5379. velds
  5380. veldt+9,1
  5381. venal+
  5382. vends*
  5383. venom*5,2,1,,7
  5384. vents*2,4,2
  5385. venue+,,2
  5386. verbs*583,7,13
  5387. verge*4,2,5,,,,1
  5388. versa+8,6,3,1,,6,4
  5389. verse*117,28,51,,,4
  5390. verso+,,1
  5391. verst
  5392. verve+3,4,1
  5393. vests*1,1
  5394. vetch+1
  5395. vexed*5,2,4,2,6
  5396. vexes*,1
  5397. vials*1
  5398. viand+
  5399. vibes+,1
  5400. vicar*2,4,13
  5401. vices*,5,1,,1
  5402. video*2,2,,,,3
  5403. viers
  5404. views*117,51,83,12,1
  5405. vigil*8,1,1
  5406. vigor*27,14,,,6
  5407. viler*
  5408. villa*5,3,6
  5409. ville
  5410. villi
  5411. vinca
  5412. vined
  5413. vines*66,8,3,,15
  5414. vinyl*3,4
  5415. viola*24,2
  5416. viols+1
  5417. viper*3,,1,,5
  5418. viral+1
  5419. vireo*
  5420. vires ,,4
  5421. virus*48,13,5
  5422. visas*1
  5423. vised
  5424. vises*
  5425. visit*443,109,143,2,39
  5426. visor*6,,1
  5427. vista*1,2,2
  5428. vitae+2,,1
  5429. vital*65,56,40,7,,1
  5430. vitam
  5431. vitas+
  5432. vitro+,4
  5433. vivas+
  5434. vivid*67,25,14
  5435. vivre ,,1
  5436. vixen*2
  5437. vizor+1
  5438. vocab
  5439. vocal*94,14,26
  5440. vodka+4,,4
  5441. vogue*2,4,3,2,,,1
  5442. voice*1280,221,271,,463,1
  5443. voids*,1
  5444. voila+1
  5445. voile*2
  5446. volts*16,1,1
  5447. vomit*4,,1,,1
  5448. voted*60,27,11,9
  5449. voter*7,4,1,9
  5450. votes*54,20,23,27
  5451. vouch*2
  5452. vowed*8,5,1,,19
  5453. vowel*1484,7
  5454. vower
  5455. voxel
  5456. vroom 2
  5457. vulva
  5458. vying*1,3
  5459. wacko+
  5460. wacky+,1
  5461. waded*33,2,2
  5462. wader+
  5463. wades*5
  5464. wadis+1
  5465. wafer*,,1,,3
  5466. wafts*
  5467. waged*8,7,2,2,4
  5468. wager*8,3,,,2
  5469. wages*74,42,61,7,41
  5470. wagon*356,53,10,,1
  5471. wahoo 1
  5472. waifs*
  5473. wails*2,2,,,2
  5474. waist*80,11,16,,3
  5475. waits*28,2,,1,11,3
  5476. waive*,1,3
  5477. waked*8,2,,,1
  5478. waken*4,,2
  5479. waker
  5480. wakes*23,1,,,2
  5481. waled+
  5482. wales+1,2
  5483. walks*140,13,10,,39,2,1
  5484. walls*478,70,62,5,108
  5485. waltz*29,1,12
  5486. wands*2,,1,,1
  5487. waned*5,2,1,,1
  5488. wanes*2,,,,1
  5489. wanly*1,,1
  5490. wanna 6,5,3
  5491. wanta 6,1
  5492. wants*461,71,72,13,3,23,2
  5493. wards*3,3,4,1
  5494. wares*19,1,2,,14
  5495. warms*31,1,1,,2
  5496. warns*15,3,4,1,2,2
  5497. warps*
  5498. warts*4,5,1
  5499. warty+9,1
  5500. washy
  5501. wasps*15,,,,1
  5502. waspy
  5503. wassa 1
  5504. waste*191,35,55,9,120,2,2
  5505. watch*969,80,80,4,68,17,2
  5506. water*7194,436,387,10,518
  5507. watsa 1
  5508. watts*7
  5509. waved*173,16,13,,13,,1
  5510. waver*5,3,,,3
  5511. waves*647,51,22,1,41
  5512. waxed*173,4,6,,2
  5513. waxen*3,1,2
  5514. waxer+5
  5515. waxes*647
  5516. wazoo
  5517. weald
  5518. weals
  5519. weans*
  5520. wears*74,5,8,1,3,1
  5521. weary*104,16,18,,48,1
  5522. weave*53,4,3,,4
  5523. webby
  5524. weber
  5525. wedge*34,4,1,1,1
  5526. wedgy
  5527. weeds*105,5,8,,12
  5528. weedy*4,,3
  5529. weeks*526,142,127,24,22,,1
  5530. weeny
  5531. weeps*3,,,,2
  5532. weepy+
  5533. weest
  5534. wefts
  5535. weigh*199,4,9,1,1
  5536. weird*32,9,3,,,12,4
  5537. weirs ,1
  5538. welch+,5
  5539. welds*2,,2,,,1
  5540. wells*78,4,1,1,5
  5541. welsh ,1
  5542. welts*2,1,1
  5543. wench+3
  5544. wends*
  5545. wests
  5546. wetly 1,1
  5547. whack*11,1,1,,,2
  5548. whale*274,,8,,1
  5549. whams+
  5550. whang+
  5551. wharf*42,2,6,3
  5552. whats
  5553. wheal
  5554. wheat*342,9,12,10,53
  5555. wheee 1
  5556. wheel*418,54,32,,27,,4
  5557. whelk*1
  5558. whelm
  5559. whelp*1,,,,2
  5560. whens 2
  5561. where*5611,930,1041,86,474,300,321
  5562. whets*
  5563. whews
  5564. wheys*
  5565. which*14016,3560,4467,347,3083,756,362
  5566. whiff*6,1,2
  5567. while*2837,679,590,110,384,132,35
  5568. whims*1,1,1,1
  5569. whine*13,4,2
  5570. whiny+1
  5571. whips*17,1,1,,6
  5572. whipt 1
  5573. whirl*26,3,2,,2
  5574. whirr+5
  5575. whirs*1
  5576. whish+
  5577. whisk*12,,1
  5578. whist+5,,2
  5579. white*2085,260,261,14,71,36,1
  5580. whits*
  5581. whizz+3
  5582. whoas
  5583. whole*1886,309,435,28,384,52,17
  5584. whomp+1
  5585. whooo 1
  5586. whoop*19,1
  5587. whops+
  5588. whore 1,2,1
  5589. whorl+
  5590. whose*799,251,301,40,346,180,103
  5591. whoso
  5592. whump
  5593. wicks*
  5594. widen*14,5,3,2,,1
  5595. wider*83,17,43,10,,17,1
  5596. widow*54,24,28,,70,9
  5597. width*149,14,12,,2,250,2
  5598. wield*3,1,,,5
  5599. wifey
  5600. wilco
  5601. wilds*13
  5602. wiled
  5603. wiles*4,2,,,4
  5604. wills*8,1,2,,8
  5605. wilts*1,,1
  5606. wimps+
  5607. wimpy+
  5608. wince*4
  5609. winch+4,,2
  5610. winds*367,19,16,,32,,1
  5611. windy*53,2,4,1,2
  5612. wined+
  5613. wines*20,24,25,,1
  5614. winey
  5615. wings*514,25,29,2,102
  5616. winks*3,,,,4
  5617. winos+,1
  5618. wiped*79,19,14,1,16,2,3
  5619. wiper+3
  5620. wipes*4,,,,3,2,1
  5621. wired*22,11,1
  5622. wirer
  5623. wires*205,13,6
  5624. wised ,,1
  5625. wiser*21,7,6,2,9
  5626. wises
  5627. wisps*8,1,1
  5628. wispy*,2
  5629. wists
  5630. witch*109,5,2
  5631. withs
  5632. witty*4,10,8
  5633. wives*68,17,50,2,15
  5634. wizen
  5635. woken*,,4
  5636. wolds
  5637. woman*750,217,243,5,409
  5638. wombs*,,,,2
  5639. women*592,184,198,14,251,,1
  5640. wonks
  5641. wonky
  5642. wonts
  5643. woods*557,24,12,,4,1
  5644. woody*24
  5645. wooed*1,1,2,,1
  5646. wooer+
  5647. woofs*1
  5648. wools*
  5649. wooly*
  5650. woosh 3
  5651. woozy+1
  5652. words*11215,272,315,16,660,184,49
  5653. wordy*3,1
  5654. works*485,124,165,15,234,90,45
  5655. world*2799,687,586,81,353,12,11
  5656. worms*119,4,7,,13
  5657. wormy*1,1
  5658. worry*214,55,44,4,5,13,2
  5659. worse*180,50,90,9,37,8,1
  5660. worst*108,34,45,8,3,2,4
  5661. worth*327,91,118,19,18,13,1
  5662. worts
  5663. would*11188,2714,2799,460,696,450,102
  5664. wound*161,28,26,,31
  5665. woven*84,9,3,,13
  5666. wowed*1
  5667. wowee
  5668. wrack+1,1
  5669. wraps*12,2,,,1,,1
  5670. wrath*17,8,4,,278
  5671. wreak*1,1,,,1
  5672. wreck*75,8,8,1,1
  5673. wrens*8
  5674. wrest*4,1,,1
  5675. wrier
  5676. wring*6,2,1,,2
  5677. wrist*61,9,17
  5678. write*9846,106,101,3,89,105,125
  5679. writs+1,1
  5680. wrong*606,129,162,20,101,29,12
  5681. wrote*877,181,120,5,103,6,1
  5682. wroth ,,,,1
  5683. wrung*7,,1,1,2
  5684. wryer+
  5685. wryly*3,3,4
  5686. wurst+
  5687. xenon+3,1
  5688. xerox+
  5689. xored
  5690. xylem+1,4
  5691. yacht*16,1,17
  5692. yahoo
  5693. yanks*3,1,,1
  5694. yards*360,63,57,,1,1
  5695. yarns*63,6,2
  5696. yawed 1
  5697. yawls 2
  5698. yawns+1,,2
  5699. yawny 1
  5700. yawps 1
  5701. yearn*4,1,1,,1
  5702. years*3966,958,1086,185,594,9,15
  5703. yeast*47,3,1
  5704. yecch
  5705. yella 7
  5706. yells*26
  5707. yelps*2,1
  5708. yenta
  5709. yerba
  5710. yeses*
  5711. yield*47,35,42,5,52,16,17
  5712. yikes+
  5713. yipes+1
  5714. yobbo
  5715. yodel*2,1
  5716. yogas*
  5717. yogic
  5718. yogis+
  5719. yoked*2,,,,3
  5720. yokel+1,1
  5721. yokes*4,,,,2
  5722. yolks+12,,1
  5723. yolky
  5724. yores
  5725. young*1920,367,485,22,358
  5726. yourn 1
  5727. yours*170,25,48,,76,2
  5728. youse 1
  5729. youth*201,75,48,8,102
  5730. yowls*
  5731. yoyos+
  5732. yucca*12,1
  5733. yucky+
  5734. yukky
  5735. yules*
  5736. yummy+3
  5737. yurts
  5738. zappy
  5739. zayin
  5740. zeals*
  5741. zebra*25,1
  5742. zebus+1
  5743. zeros*42,2,7,,,2,3
  5744. zests*
  5745. zesty+
  5746. zetas+
  5747. zilch+
  5748. zincs
  5749. zings+
  5750. zingy+
  5751. zippy+
  5752. zloty
  5753. zombi
  5754. zonal+,,2
  5755. zoned*,1
  5756. zones*43,3,9,2
  5757. zonks
  5758. zooey
  5759. zooks
  5760. zooms*3,1
  5761. zowie 4
  5762. * End of file "words.dat"