- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- deftitle{GB_,RAND}
- prerequisite{GB_,GRAPH}
- @*Random graphs. This GraphBase module provides two external
- subroutines called |random_graph| and |random_bigraph|, which generate
- graphs in which the arcs or edges have been selected ``at random.'' A
- third subroutine, |random_lengths|, randomizes the lengths of the arcs
- of a given graph. The performance of algorithms on such graphs can
- fruitfully be compared to their performance on the nonrandom graphs
- generated by other GraphBase routines.
- Before reading this code, the reader should be familiar with the basic
- data structures and conventions described in {sc GB_,GRAPH}. The
- routines in {sc GB_,GRAPH} are loaded together with all GraphBase
- applications, and the programs below are typical illustrations of how
- to use them.
- @d random_graph r_graph /* abbreviations for Procrustean external linkage */
- @d random_bigraph r_bigraph
- @d random_lengths r_lengths
- @(gb_rand.h@>=
- #define random_graph r_graph
- /* users of {sc GB_,RAND} should include this header info */
- #define random_bigraph r_bigraph
- #define random_lengths r_lengths
- extern Graph *random_graph();
- extern Graph *random_bigraph();
- extern long random_lengths();
- @ Here is an overview of the file .{gb_rand.c}, the CEE/ code for the
- routines in question.
- @p
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* this header file teaches CEE/ about GraphBase */
- #include "gb_flip.h"
- /* we will use the {sc GB_,FLIP} routines for random numbers */
- @h@#
- @<Private declarations@>@;
- @<Internal functions@>@;
- @<External functions@>
- @ The procedure |random_graph(n,m,multi,self,directed,dist_from,dist_to,
- min_len,max_len,seed)| is designed to produce a pseudo-random graph with
- |n| vertices and |m| arcs or edges, using pseudo-random numbers that
- depend on |seed| in a system-independent fashion. The remaining parameters
- specify a variety of options:
- $$vcenter{halign{#hfilcr
- |multi!=0| permits duplicate arcs;cr
- |self!=0| permits self-loops (arcs from a vertex to itself);cr
- |directed!=0| makes the graph directed; otherwise each arc becomes
- an undirected edge;cr
- |dist_from| and |dist_to| specify probability distributions on the arcs;cr
- |min_len| and |max_len| bound the arc lengths, which will be uniformly
- distributed between these
- }}$$
- If |dist_from| or |dist_to| are |NULL|, the probability distribution is
- uniform over vertices; otherwise the \{dist} parameter points to an array of
- |n| nonnegative integers that sum to $2^{30}$, specifying the respective
- probabilities (times $2^{30}$) that each given vertex will appear as the
- source or destination of the random arcs.
- A special option |multi=-1| is provided. This acts exactly like
- |multi=1|, except that arcs are not physically duplicated in computer
- memory---they are replaced by a single arc whose length is the minimum
- of all arcs having a common source and destination.
- The vertices are named simply |"0"|, |"1"|, |"2"|, and so on.
- Warning: Users need to initialize the random number generator before
- calling |random_graph|, or any other GraphBase procedure that
- consumes random numbers. (See {sc GB_,FLIP}.)
- @ Examples: |random_graph(1000,5000,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,1,1,0)| creates a random
- undirected graph with 1000 vertices and 5000 edges (hence 10000 arcs) of
- length~1, having
- no duplicate edges or self-loops. There are ${1000choose2}=499500$ possible
- undirected edges on 1000 vertices; hence there are exactly $499500choose5000$
- possible graphs meeting these specifications. Every such graph would be
- equally likely, if |random_graph| had access to an ideal source of
- random numbers. The GraphBase programs are designed to be
- system-independent, so that identical graphs will be obtained by
- everybody who asks for |random_graph(1000,5000,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,1,1,0)|.
- Equivalent experiments on algorithms for graph manipulation can therefore
- be performed by researchers in different parts of the world.
- The subroutine call |random_graph(1000,5000,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,1,1,s)|
- will produce different graphs when the random seed |s| varies;
- however, the graph for any particular value of~|s| will be the same on
- all computers. The seed value can be any integer in the range $0le s<2^{31}$.
- To get a random directed graph, allowing self-loops and repeated arcs,
- and with a uniform distribution on vertices, ask for
- $$hbox{|random_graph(n,m,1,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,1,s)|}.$$
- Each of the $m$ arcs of that digraph has probability $1/n^2$ of being from
- $u$ to $v$, for all $u$ and~$v$. If self-loops are disallowed (by
- changing `|1,1,1|' to `|1,0,1|'), each arc has probability
- $1/(n^2-n)$ of being from $u$ to $v$, for all $une v$.
- To get a random directed graph in which vertex $k$ is twice as likely
- as vertex $k+1$ to be the source of an arc but only half as likely to
- be the destination of an arc, for all~$k$, try
- $$hbox{|random_graph(31,m,1,1,1,d0,d1,0,255,s)|}$$
- where the arrays |d0| and |d1| have the static declarations
- $$vbox{
- hbox{|long d0[31]={0x20000000,0x10000000,@[@tdots@>@],4,2,1,1};|}
- hbox{|long d1[31]={1,1,2,4,@[@tdots@>@],0x10000000,0x20000000};|}}$$
- then about 1/4 of the arcs will run from 0 to 30, while arcs
- from 30 to 0 will be extremely rare (occurring with probability $2^{-60}$).
- Incidentally, the arc lengths in this example will be random bytes,
- uniformly distributed between 0 and 255, because |min_len=0| and
- |max_len=255|.
- If we forbid repeated arcs in this example, by setting |multi=0|, the
- effect is to discard all arcs having the same source and destination
- as a previous arc, regardless of length. In such a case |m|~had better not
- be too large, because the algorithm will keep going until it has found
- |m| distinct arcs, and many arcs are quite rare indeed; they will
- probably not be found until hundreds of centuries have elapsed.
- A random bipartite graph can also be obtained as a special case of
- |random_graph|; this case is explained below.
- Semantics:
- If |multi=directed=0| and |self!=0|, we have an undirected graph without
- duplicate edges but with self-loops permitted. A self-loop then consists of
- two identical self-arcs, in spite of the fact that |multi=0|.
- @ If the |random_graph| routine encounters a problem, it returns
- |NULL|, after putting a code number into the external variable
- |panic_code|. This code number identifies the type of failure.
- Otherwise |random_graph| returns a pointer to the newly created graph
- and leaves |panic_code| unchanged. The |gb_trouble_code| will be
- cleared to zero after |random_graph| has acted.
- @d panic(c) @+{@+panic_code=c;@+gb_trouble_code=0;@+return NULL;@+}
- @<External f...@>=
- Graph *random_graph(n,m,multi,self,directed,dist_from,dist_to,min_len,max_len,
- seed)
- unsigned long n; /* number of vertices desired */
- unsigned long m; /* number of arcs or edges desired */
- long multi; /* allow duplicate arcs? */
- long self; /* allow self loops? */
- long directed; /* directed graph? */
- long *dist_from; /* distribution of arc sources */
- long *dist_to; /* distribution of of arc destinations */
- long min_len,max_len; /* bounds on random lengths */
- long seed; /* random number seed */
- {@+@<Local variables@>@;
- @#
- if (n==0) panic(bad_specs); /* we gotta have a vertex */
- if (min_len>max_len) panic(very_bad_specs); /* what are you trying to do? */
- if (((unsigned long)(max_len))-((unsigned long)(min_len))>=
- ((unsigned long)0x80000000)) panic(bad_specs+1); /* too much range */
- @<Check the distribution parameters@>;
- gb_init_rand(seed);
- @<Create a graph with |n| vertices and no arcs@>;
- @<Build tables for nonuniform distributions, if needed@>;
- for (mm=m; mm; mm--)
- @<Add a random arc or a random edge@>;
- trouble: if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_recycle(new_graph);
- panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
- }
- gb_free(new_graph->aux_data);
- return new_graph;
- }
- @ @<Local var...@>=
- Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |random_graph| */
- long mm; /* the number of arcs or edges we still need to generate */
- register long k; /* vertex being processed */
- @ @d dist_code(x) (x? "dist": "0")
- @<Create a graph with |n| vertices and no arcs@>=
- new_graph=gb_new_graph(n);
- if (new_graph==NULL)
- panic(no_room); /* out of memory before we're even started */
- for (k=0; k<n; k++) {
- sprintf(name_buffer,"%ld",k);
- (new_graph->vertices+k)->name=gb_save_string(name_buffer);
- }
- sprintf(new_graph->id,"random_graph(%lu,%lu,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%ld,%ld,%ld)",@|
- n,m,multi>0?1:multi<0?-1:0,self?1:0,directed?1:0,@|
- dist_code(dist_from),dist_code(dist_to),min_len,max_len,seed);
- @ @<Private d...@>=
- static char name_buffer[]="9999999999";
- @ @d rand_len (min_len==max_len?min_len:min_len+gb_unif_rand(max_len-min_len))
- @<Add a random arc or a random edge@>=
- {@+register Vertex *u,*v;
- repeat:
- if (dist_from)
- @<Generate a random vertex |u| according to |dist_from|@>@;
- else u=new_graph->vertices+gb_unif_rand(n);
- if (dist_to)
- @<Generate a random vertex |v| according to |dist_to|@>@;
- else v=new_graph->vertices+gb_unif_rand(n);
- if (u==v && !self) goto repeat;
- if (multi<=0)
- @<Search for duplicate arcs or edges; |goto repeat| or |done| if found@>;
- if (directed) gb_new_arc(u,v,rand_len);
- else gb_new_edge(u,v,rand_len);
- done:;
- }
- @ When we decrease the length of an existing edge, we use the fact that
- its two arcs are adjacent in memory. If |u==v| in this case, we encounter
- the first of two mated arcs before seeing the second; hence the mate of
- the arc we find is in location |a+1| when |u<=v|, and in location
- |a-1| when |u>v|.
- We must exit to location |trouble| if memory has been exhausted;
- otherwise there is a danger of an infinite loop, with |dummy_arc->next
- =dummy_arc|.
- @<Search for duplicate arcs or edges; |goto repeat| or |done| if found@>=
- if (gb_trouble_code) goto trouble;
- else {@+register Arc *a;
- long len; /* length of new arc or edge being combined with previous */
- for (a=u->arcs; a; a=a->next)
- if (a->tip==v)
- if (multi==0) goto repeat; /* reject a duplicate arc */
- else { /* |multi<0| */
- len=rand_len;
- if (len<a->len) {
- a->len=len;
- if (!directed) {
- if (u<=v) (a+1)->len=len;
- else (a-1)->len=len;
- }
- }
- goto done;
- }
- }
- @* Nonuniform random number generation. The |random_graph| procedure is
- complete except for the parts that handle general distributions |dist_from|
- and |dist_to|. Before attempting to generate those distributions, we had better
- check them to make sure that the specifications are well formed;
- otherwise disaster might ensue later. This part of the program is easy.
- @<Check the distribution parameters@>=
- {@+register long acc; /* sum of probabilities */
- register long *p; /* pointer to current probability of interest */
- if (dist_from) {
- for (acc=0,@,p=dist_from; p<dist_from+n; p++) {
- if (*p<0) panic(invalid_operand);
- /* |dist_from| contains a negative entry */
- if (*p>0x40000000-acc) panic(invalid_operand+1);
- /* probability too high */
- acc+=*p;
- }
- if (acc!=0x40000000)
- panic(invalid_operand+2); /* |dist_from| table doesn't sum to $2^{30}$ */
- }
- if (dist_to) {
- for (acc=0,@,p=dist_to; p<dist_to+n; p++) {
- if (*p<0) panic(invalid_operand+5);
- /* |dist_to| contains a negative entry */
- if (*p>0x40000000-acc) panic(invalid_operand+6);
- /* probability too high */
- acc+=*p;
- }
- if (acc!=0x40000000)
- panic(invalid_operand+7); /* |dist_to| table doesn't sum to $2^{30}$ */
- }
- }
- @ We generate nonuniform distributions by using Walker's alias
- @^Walker, Alistair J.@>
- method (see, for example, {sl Seminumerical Algorithms}, second edition,
- exercise 3.4.1--7). Walker's method involves setting up ``magic'' tables
- of length |nn|, where |nn| is the smallest power of~2 that is |>=n|.
- @f magic_entry int
- @<Local v...@>=
- long nn=1; /* this will be increased to $2^{lceilmskip1mulg nrceil}$ */
- long kk=31; /* this will be decreased to $31-lceilmskip1mulg nrceil$ */
- magic_entry *from_table, *to_table; /* alias tables */
- @ @<Build...@>=
- {
- if (dist_from) {
- while (nn<n) nn+=nn, kk--;
- from_table=walker(n,nn,dist_from,new_graph);
- }
- if (dist_to) {
- while (nn<n) nn+=nn, kk--;
- to_table=walker(n,nn,dist_to,new_graph);
- }
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_recycle(new_graph);
- panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
- }
- }
- @ @<Private...@>=
- typedef struct {
- long prob; /* a probability, multiplied by $2^{31}$ and translated */
- long inx; /* index that might be selected */
- } @[magic_entry@];
- @ Once the magic tables have been set up, we can generate
- nonuniform vertices by using the following code:
- @<Generate a random vertex |u|...@>=
- {@+register magic_entry *magic;
- register long uu=gb_next_rand(); /* uniform random number */
- k=uu>>kk;
- magic=from_table+k;
- if (uu<=magic->prob) u=new_graph->vertices+k;
- else u=new_graph->vertices+magic->inx;
- }
- @ @<Generate a random vertex |v|...@>=
- {@+register magic_entry *magic;
- register long uu=gb_next_rand(); /* uniform random number */
- k=uu>>kk;
- magic=to_table+k;
- if (uu<=magic->prob) v=new_graph->vertices+k;
- else v=new_graph->vertices+magic->inx;
- }
- @ So all we have to do is set up those magic tables. If |uu| is a uniform
- random integer between 0 and $2^{31}-1$, the index |k=uu>>kk| is a
- uniform random integer between 0
- and |nn-1|, because of the relation between |nn| and |kk|. Once |k| is
- computed, the code above selects vertex~|k| with probability
- |(p+1-(k<<kk))|/$2^{31}$, where |p=magic->prob| and |magic| is the $k$th
- element of the magic table; otherwise the code selects
- vertex |magic->inx|. The trick is to set things up so that each vertex
- is selected with the proper overall probability.
- Let's imagine that the given distribution vector has length |nn|,
- instead of~|n|, by extending it if necessary with zeroes. Then the
- average entry among these |nn| integers is exactly $t=2^{30}/|nn|$.
- If some entry, say entry~|i|, exceeds |t|, there must be another entry
- that's less than |t|, say entry~|j|. We can set the $j$th entry
- of the magic table so that its |prob| field selects vertex~$j$ with the
- correct probability, and so that its |inx| field equals~|i|. Then
- we are selecting vertex~|i| with a certain residual probability; so we
- subtract that residual from |i|'s present probability, and repeat the
- process with vertex~|j| eliminated. The average of the remaining entries
- is still~|t|, so we can repeat this procedure until all remaining entries
- are exactly equal to~|t|. The rest is easy.
- During the calculation, we maintain two linked lists of
- |(prob,inx)| pairs. The |hi| list contains entries with |prob>t|,
- and the |lo| list contains the rest. During this part of the computation
- we call these list elements `nodes', and we use the field names
- |key| and~|j| instead of |prob| and |inx|.
- @<Private...@>=
- typedef struct node_struct {
- long key; /* a numeric quantity */
- struct node_struct *link; /* the next node on the list */
- long j; /* a vertex number to be selected with probability $|key|/2^{30}$ */
- } node;
- static Area temp_nodes; /* nodes will be allocated in this area */
- static node *base_node; /* beginning of a block of nodes */
- @ @<Internal...@>=
- static magic_entry *walker(n,nn,dist,g)
- long n; /* length of |dist| vector */
- long nn; /* $2^{lceilmskip1mulg nrceil}$ */
- register long *dist;
- /* start of distribution table, which sums to $2^{30}$ */
- Graph *g; /* tables will be allocated for this graph's vertices */
- {@+magic_entry *table; /* this will be the magic table we compute */
- long t; /* average |key| value */
- node *hi=NULL, *lo=NULL; /* nodes not yet included in magic table */
- register node *p, *q; /* pointer variables for list manipulation */
- base_node=gb_typed_alloc(nn,node,temp_nodes);
- table=gb_typed_alloc(nn,magic_entry,g->aux_data);
- if (!gb_trouble_code) {
- @<Initialize the |hi| and |lo| lists@>;
- while (hi) @<Remove a |lo| element and match it with a |hi| element;
- deduct the residual probability from that |hi|~element@>;
- while (lo) @<Remove a |lo| element of |key| value |t|@>;
- }
- gb_free(temp_nodes);
- return table; /* if |gb_trouble_code| is nonzero, the table is empty */
- }
- @ @<Initialize the |hi| and |lo| lists@>=
- t=0x40000000/nn; /* this division is exact */
- p=base_node;
- while (nn>n) {
- p->key=0;
- p->link=lo;
- p->j=--nn;
- lo=p++;
- }
- for (dist=dist+n-1; n>0; dist--,p++) {
- p->key=*dist;
- p->j=--n;
- if (*dist>t)
- p->link=hi,@, hi=p;
- else p->link=lo,@, lo=p;
- }
- @ When we change the scale factor from $2^{30}$ to $2^{31}$, we need to
- be careful lest integer overflow occur. The introduction of register |x| into
- this code removes the risk.
- @<Remove a |lo| element and match it with a |hi| element...@>=
- {@+register magic_entry *r; register long x;
- p=hi,@, hi=p->link;
- q=lo,@, lo=q->link;
- r=table+q->j;
- x=t*q->j+q->key-1;
- r->prob=x+x+1;
- r->inx=p->j;
- /* we have just given |q->key| units of probability to vertex |q->j|,
- and |t-q->key| units to vertex |p->j| */
- if ((p->key-=t-q->key)>t)
- p->link=hi,@, hi=p;
- else p->link=lo,@, lo=p;
- }
- @ When all remaining entries have the average probability, the
- |inx| component need not be set, because it will never be used.
- @<Remove a |lo| element of |key| value |t|@>=
- {@+register magic_entry *r; register long x;
- q=lo, lo=q->link;
- r=table+q->j;
- x=t*q->j+t-1;
- r->prob=x+x+1;
- /* that's |t| units of probability for vertex |q->j| */
- }
- @*Random bipartite graphs. The procedure call
- $$hbox{|random_bigraph(n1,n2,m,multi,dist1,dist2,min_len,max_len,seed)|}$$
- is designed to produce a pseudo-random bipartite graph
- with |n1| vertices in one part and |n2| in the other, having |m| edges.
- The remaining parameters |multi|, |dist1|, |dist2|, |min_len|, |max_len|,
- and |seed| have the same meaning as the analogous parameters of |random_graph|.
- In fact, |random_bigraph| does its work by reducing its parameters
- to a special case of |random_graph|. Almost all that needs to be done is
- to pad |dist1| with |n2| trailing zeroes and |dist2| with |n1| leading
- zeroes. The only slightly tricky part occurs when |dist1| and/or |dist2| are
- null, since non-null distribution vectors summing exactly to $2^{30}$ must then
- be fabricated.
- @<External f...@>=
- Graph *random_bigraph(n1,n2,m,multi,dist1,dist2,min_len,max_len,seed)
- unsigned long n1,n2; /* number of vertices desired in each part */
- unsigned long m; /* number of edges desired */
- long multi; /* allow duplicate edges? */
- long *dist1, *dist2; /* distribution of edge endpoints */
- long min_len,max_len; /* bounds on random lengths */
- long seed; /* random number seed */
- {@+unsigned long n=n1+n2; /* total number of vertices */
- Area new_dists;
- long *dist_from, *dist_to;
- Graph *new_graph;
- init_area(new_dists);
- if (n1==0 || n2==0) panic(bad_specs); /* illegal options */
- if (min_len>max_len) panic(very_bad_specs); /* what are you trying to do? */
- if (((unsigned long)(max_len))-((unsigned long)(min_len))>=
- ((unsigned long)0x80000000)) panic(bad_specs+1); /* too much range */
- dist_from=gb_typed_alloc(n,long,new_dists);
- dist_to=gb_typed_alloc(n,long,new_dists);
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_free(new_dists);
- panic(no_room+2); /* no room for auxiliary distribution tables */
- }
- @<Compute the entries of |dist_from| and |dist_to|@>;
- new_graph=random_graph(n,m,multi,0L,0L,
- dist_from,dist_to,min_len,max_len,seed);
- sprintf(new_graph->id,"random_bigraph(%lu,%lu,%lu,%d,%s,%s,%ld,%ld,%ld)",@|
- n1,n2,m,multi>0?1:multi<0?-1:0,dist_code(dist1),dist_code(dist2),@|
- min_len,max_len,seed);
- mark_bipartite(new_graph,n1);
- gb_free(new_dists);
- return new_graph;
- }
- @ The relevant identity we need here is the replicative law for the
- floor function:
- $$leftlfloor xover nrightrfloor+leftlfloor x+1over nrightrfloor
- + cdots + leftlfloor x+n-1over nrightrfloor = lfloor xrfloor,.$$
- @<Compute the entries...@>=
- {@+register long *p, *q; /* traversers of the dists */
- register long k; /* vertex count */
- p=dist1; q=dist_from;
- if (p)
- while (p<dist1+n1) *q++=*p++;
- else for (k=0; k<n1; k++) *q++=(0x40000000+k)/n1;
- p=dist2; q=dist_to+n1;
- if (p)
- while (p<dist2+n2) *q++=*p++;
- else for (k=0; k<n2; k++) *q++=(0x40000000+k)/n2;
- }
- @* Random lengths. The subroutine call
- $$hbox{|random_lengths(g,directed,min_len,max_len,dist,seed)|}$$
- takes an existing graph and assigns new lengths to
- each of its arcs. If |dist=NULL|, the lengths will be uniformly distributed
- between |min_len| and |max_len| inclusive; otherwise |dist|
- should be a probability distribution vector of length |max_len-min_len+1|,
- like those in |random_graph|.
- If |directed=0|, pairs of arcs $uto v$ and $vto u$ will be regarded as
- a single edge, both arcs receiving the same length.
- The procedure returns a nonzero value if something goes wrong; in that
- case, graph |g| will not have been changed.
- Alias tables for generating nonuniform random lengths will survive
- in |g->aux_data|.
- @<External f...@>=
- long random_lengths(g,directed,min_len,max_len,dist,seed)
- Graph *g; /* graph whose lengths will be randomized */
- long directed; /* is it directed? */
- long min_len,max_len; /* bounds on random lengths */
- long *dist; /* distribution of lengths */
- long seed; /* random number seed */
- {@+register Vertex *u,*v; /* current vertices of interest */
- register Arc *a; /* current arc of interest */
- long nn=1, kk=31; /* variables for nonuniform generation */
- magic_entry *dist_table; /* alias table for nonuniform generation */
- if (g==NULL) return missing_operand; /* where is |g|? */
- gb_init_rand(seed);
- if (min_len>max_len) return very_bad_specs; /* what are you trying to do? */
- if (((unsigned long)(max_len))-((unsigned long)(min_len))>=
- ((unsigned long)0x80000000)) return bad_specs; /* too much range */
- @<Check |dist| for validity, and set up the |dist_table|@>;
- sprintf(buffer,",%d,%ld,%ld,%s,%ld)",directed?1:0,@|
- min_len,max_len,dist_code(dist),seed);
- make_compound_id(g,"random_lengths(",g,buffer);
- @<Run through all arcs and assign new lengths@>;
- return 0;
- }
- @ @<Private dec...@>=
- static char buffer[]="1,-1000000001,-1000000000,dist,1000000000)";
- @ @<Check |dist| for validity...@>=
- if (dist) {@+register long acc; /* sum of probabilities */
- register long *p; /* pointer to current probability of interest */
- register long n=max_len-min_len+1;
- for (acc=0,p=dist; p<dist+n; p++) {
- if (*p<0) return -1; /* negative probability */
- if (*p>0x40000000-acc) return 1; /* probability too high */
- acc+=*p;
- }
- if (acc!=0x40000000) return 2; /* probabilities don't sum to 1 */
- while (nn<n) nn+=nn,kk--;
- dist_table=walker(n,nn,dist,g);
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_trouble_code=0;
- return alloc_fault; /* not enough room to generate the magic tables */
- }
- }
- @ @<Run through all arcs and assign new lengths@>=
- for (u=g->vertices;u<g->vertices+g->n;u++)
- for (a=u->arcs;a;a=a->next) {
- v=a->tip;
- if (directed==0 && u>v) a->len=(a-1)->len;
- else {@+register long len; /* a random length */
- if (dist==0) len=rand_len;
- else {@+long uu=gb_next_rand();
- long k=uu>>kk;
- magic_entry *magic=dist_table+k;
- if (uu<=magic->prob) len=min_len+k;
- else len=min_len+magic->inx;
- }
- a->len=len;
- if (directed==0 && u==v && a->next==a+1) (++a)->len=len;
- }
- }
- @* Index. Here is a list that shows where the identifiers of this program are
- defined and used.