- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- deftitle{MULTIPLY}
- prerequisite{GB_,GATES}
- @* Introduction. This demonstration program uses graphs
- constructed by the |prod| procedure in the {sc GB_,GATES} module to produce
- an interactive program called .{multiply}, which multiplies and divides
- small numbers the slow way---by simulating the behavior of
- a logical circuit, one gate at a time.
- The program assumes that UNIX/ conventions are being used. Some code in
- sections listed under `UNIX/ dependencies' in the index might need to change
- if this program is ported to other operating systems.
- def<#1>{$langle${rm#1}$rangle$}
- To run the program under UNIX/, say `.{multiply} $m$ $n$ [|seed|]', where
- $m$ and $n$ are the sizes of the numbers to be multiplied, in bits,
- and where |seed| is given if and only if you want the multiplier
- to be a special-purpose circuit for multiplying a given $m$-bit
- number by a randomly chosen $n$-bit constant.
- The program will prompt you for two numbers (or for just one, if the
- random constant option has been selected), and it will use the gate
- network to compute their product. Then it will ask for more input, and so on.
- @ Here is the general layout of this program, as seen by the CEE/ compiler:
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- @p
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* the standard GraphBase data structures */
- #include "gb_gates.h" /* routines for gate graphs */
- @h@#
- @<Global variables@>@;
- @<Handy subroutines@>@;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */
- char *argv[]; /* an array of strings containing those arguments */
- {
- @<Declare variables that ought to be in registers@>;
- @<Obtain |m|, |n|, and optional |seed| from the command line@>;
- @<Make sure |m| and |n| are valid; generate the |prod| graph |g|@>;
- if (seed<0) /* no seed given */
- printf("Here I am, ready to multiply %ld-bit numbers by %ld-bit numbers.n",
- m,n);
- else {
- g=partial_gates(g,m,0L,seed,buffer);
- if (g) {
- @<Set |y| to the decimal value of the second input@>;
- printf("OK, I'm ready to multiply any %ld-bit number by %s.n",m,y);
- }@+else { /* there was enough memory to make the original |g|, but
- not enough to reduce it; this probably can't happen,
- but who knows? */
- printf("Sorry, I couldn't process the graph (trouble code %ld)!n",
- panic_code);
- return -9;
- }
- }
- printf("(I'm simulating a logic circuit with %ld gates, depth %ld.)n",
- g->n,depth(g));
- while(1) {
- @<Prompt for one or two numbers; |break| if unsuccessful@>;
- @<Use the network to compute the product@>;
- printf("%sx%s=%s%s.n",x,y,(strlen(x)+strlen(y)>35?"n ":""),z);
- }
- return 0; /* normal exit */
- }
- @ @<Make sure |m| and |n| are valid; generate the |prod| graph |g|@>=
- if (m<2) m=2;
- if (n<2) n=2;
- if (m>999 || n>999) {
- printf("Sorry, I'm set up only for precision less than 1000 bits.n");
- return -1;
- }
- if ((g=prod(m,n))==NULL) {
- printf("Sorry, I couldn't generate the graph (not enough memory for %s)!n",
- panic_code==no_room? "the gates": panic_code==alloc_fault? "the wires":
- "local optimization");
- return -3;
- }
- @ To figure the maximum length of strings |x| and |y|, we note that
- $2^{999}approx5.4times10^{300}$.
- @<Glob...@>=
- Graph *g; /* graph that defines a logical network for multiplication */
- long m,n; /* length of binary numbers to be multiplied */
- long seed; /* optional seed value, or $-1$ */
- char x[302], y[302], z[603]; /* input and output numbers, as decimal strings */
- char buffer[2000]; /* workspace for communication between routines */
- @ @<Declare variables...@>=
- register char *p,*q,*r; /* pointers for string manipulation */
- register long a,b; /* amounts being carried over while doing radix conversion */
- @ @<Obtain |m|, |n|, and...@>=
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- if (argc<3 || argc>4 || sscanf(argv[1],"%ld",&m)!=1 ||
- sscanf(argv[2],"%ld",&n)!=1) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s m n [seed]n",argv[0]);
- return -2;
- }
- if (m<0) m=-m; /* maybe the user attached |'-'| to the argument */
- if (n<0) n=-n;
- seed=-1;
- if (argc==4 && sscanf(argv[3],"%ld",&seed)==1 && seed<0)
- seed=-seed;
- @ This program may not be user-friendly, but at least it is polite.
- @d prompt(s)
- {@+printf(s);@+fflush(stdout); /* make sure the user sees the prompt */
- if (fgets(buffer,999,stdin)==NULL) break;@+}
- @d retry(s,t)
- {@+printf(s);@+goto t;@+}
- @<Prompt...@>=
- step1: prompt("nNumber, please? ");
- for (p=buffer;*p=='0';p++) ; /* bypass leading zeroes */
- if (*p=='n') {
- if (p>buffer) p--; /* zero is acceptable */
- else break; /* empty input terminates the run */
- }
- for (q=p;*q>='0' && *q<='9';q++) ; /* check for digits */
- if (*q!='n') retry(
- "Excuse me... I'm looking for a nonnegative sequence of decimal digits.",
- step1);
- *q=0;
- if (strlen(p)>301)
- retry("Sorry, that's too big.",step1);
- strcpy(x,p);
- if (seed<0) {
- @<Do the same thing for |y| instead of |x|@>;
- }
- @ @<Do the same...@>=
- step2: prompt("Another? ");
- for (p=buffer;*p=='0';p++) ; /* bypass leading zeroes */
- if (*p=='n') {
- if (p>buffer) p--; /* zero is acceptable */
- else break; /* empty input terminates the run */
- }
- for (q=p;*q>='0' && *q<='9';q++) ; /* check for digits */
- if (*q!='n') retry(
- "Excuse me... I'm looking for a nonnegative sequence of decimal digits.",
- step2);
- *q=0;
- if (strlen(p)>301)
- retry("Sorry, that's too big.",step2);
- strcpy(y,p);
- @ The binary value chosen at random by |partial_gates| appears as a
- string of 0s and 1s in |buffer|, in little-endian order. We compute
- the corresponding decimal value by repeated doubling.
- If the value turns out to be zero, the whole network will have collapsed.
- Otherwise, however, the |m| inputs from the first operand
- will all remain present, because they all affect the output.
- @<Set |y| to the decimal value of the second input@>=
- *y='0';@+*(y+1)=0; /* now |y| is |"0"| */
- for (r=buffer+strlen(buffer)-1;r>=buffer;r--) {
- /* we will set $y=2y+t$ where $t$ is the next bit, |*r| */
- if (*y>='5') a=0,p=y;
- else a=*y-'0',p=y+1;
- for (q=y;*p;a=b,p++,q++) {
- if (*p>='5') {
- b=*p-'5';
- *q=2*a+'1';
- }@+else {
- b=*p-'0';
- *q=2*a+'0';
- }
- }
- if (*r=='1') *q=2*a+'1';
- else *q=2*a+'0';
- *++q=0; /* terminate the string */
- }
- if (strcmp(y,"0")==0) {
- printf("Please try another seed value; %d makes the answer zero!n",seed);
- return(-5);
- }
- @* Using the network. The reader of the code in the previous section
- will have noticed that we are representing high-precision decimal
- numbers as strings. We might as well do that, since the only
- operations we need to perform on them are input, output, doubling, and
- halving. In fact, arithmetic on strings is kind of fun, if you like
- that sort of thing.
- Here is a subroutine that converts a decimal string to a binary string.
- The decimal string is big-endian as usual, but the binary string is
- little-endian. The decimal string is decimated in the process; it
- should end up empty, unless the original value was too big.
- @<Handy subroutines@>=
- decimal_to_binary(x,s,n)
- char *x; /* decimal string */
- char *s; /* binary string */
- long n; /* length of |s| */
- {@+register long k;
- register char *p,*q; /* pointers for string manipulation */
- register long r; /* remainder */
- for (k=0;k<n;k++,s++) {
- if (*x==0) *s='0';
- else { /* we will divide |x| by 2 */
- if (*x>'1') p=x,r=0;
- else p=x+1,r=*x-'0';
- for (q=x;*p;p++,q++) {
- r=10*r+*p-'0';
- *q=(r>>1)+'0';
- r=r&1;
- }
- *q=0; /* terminate string |x| */
- *s='0'+r;
- }
- }
- *s=0; /* terminate the output string */
- }
- @ @<Use the network to compute the product@>=
- strcpy(z,x);
- decimal_to_binary(z,buffer,m);
- if (*z) {
- printf("(Sorry, %s has more than %ld bits.)n",x,m);
- continue;
- }
- if (seed<0) {
- strcpy(z,y);
- decimal_to_binary(z,buffer+m,n);
- if (*z) {
- printf("(Sorry, %s has more than %ld bits.)n",y,n);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (gate_eval(g,buffer,buffer)<0) {
- printf("??? An internal error occurred!");
- return 666; /* this can't happen */
- }
- @<Convert the binary number in |buffer| to the decimal string |z|@>;
- @ The remaining task is almost identical to what we needed to do
- when computing the value of |y| after a random seed was specified.
- But this time the binary number in |buffer| is big-endian.
- @<Convert the binary number in |buffer| to the decimal string |z|@>=
- *z='0';@+*(z+1)=0;
- for (r=buffer;*r;r++) {
- /* we'll set $z=2z+t$ where $t$ is the next bit, |*r| */
- if (*z>='5') a=0,p=z;
- else a=*z-'0',p=z+1;
- for (q=z;*p;a=b,p++,q++) {
- if (*p>='5') {
- b=*p-'5';
- *q=2*a+'1';
- }@+else {
- b=*p-'0';
- *q=2*a+'0';
- }
- }
- if (*r=='1') *q=2*a+'1';
- else *q=2*a+'0';
- *++q=0; /* terminate the string */
- }
- @* Calculating the depth. The depth of a gate network produced by {sc
- GB_,GATES} is easily discovered by making one pass over the
- vertices. An input gate or a constant has depth~0; every other gate
- has depth one greater than the maximum of its inputs.
- This routine is more general than it needs to be for the circuits output
- by |prod|. The result of a latch is considered to have depth~0.
- Utility field |u.I| is set to the depth of each individual gate.
- @d dp u.I
- @<Handy...@>=
- long depth(g)
- Graph *g; /* graph with gates as vertices */
- {@+register Vertex *v; /* the current vertex of interest */
- register Arc *a; /* the current arc of interest */
- long d; /* depth of current vertex */
- if (!g) return -1; /* no graph supplied! */
- for (v=g->vertices; v<g->vertices+g->n; v++) {
- switch (v->typ) { /* branch on type of gate */
- case 'I': case 'L': case 'C': v->dp=0;@+break;
- default: @<Set |d| to the maximum depth of an operand of |v|@>;
- v->dp=1+d;
- }
- }
- @<Set |d| to the maximum depth of an output of |g|@>;
- return d;
- }
- @ @<Set |d| to the maximum depth of an operand of |v|@>=
- d=0;
- for (a=v->arcs; a; a=a->next)
- if (a->tip->dp>d) d=a->tip->dp;
- @ @<Set |d| to the maximum depth of an output of |g|@>=
- d=0;
- for (a=g->outs; a; a=a->next)
- if (!is_boolean(a->tip) && a->tip->dp>d) d=a->tip->dp;
- @* Index. Finally, here's a list that shows where the identifiers of this
- program are defined and used.