- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- deftitle{WORD_,COMPONENTS}
- prerequisite{GB_WORDS}
- @* Components. kern-.7pt
- This simple demonstration program computes the connected
- components of the GraphBase graph of five-letter words. It prints the
- words in order of decreasing weight, showing the number of edges,
- components, and isolated vertices present in the graph defined by the
- first $n$ words for all~$n$.
- @p
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* the GraphBase data structures */
- #include "gb_words.h" /* the |words| routine */
- @h@#@;
- main()
- {@+Graph *g=words(0L,0L,0L,0L); /* the graph we love */
- Vertex *v; /* the current vertex being added to the component structure */
- Arc *a; /* the current arc of interest */
- long n=0; /* the number of vertices in the component structure */
- long isol=0; /* the number of isolated vertices in the component structure */
- long comp=0; /* the current number of components */
- long m=0; /* the current number of edges */
- printf("Component analysis of %sn",g->id);
- for (v=g->vertices; v<g->vertices+g->n; v++) {
- n++, printf("%4ld: %5ld %s",n,v->weight,v->name);
- @<Add vertex |v| to the component structure, printing out any
- components it joins@>;
- printf("; c=%ld,i=%ld,m=%ldn", comp, isol, m);
- }
- @<Display all unusual components@>;
- return 0; /* normal exit */
- }
- @ The arcs from |v| to previous vertices all appear on the list |v->arcs|
- after the arcs from |v| to future vertices. In this program, we aren't
- interested in the future, only the past; so we skip the initial arcs.
- @<Add vertex |v| to the component structure...@>=
- @<Make |v| a component all by itself@>;
- a=v->arcs;
- while (a && a->tip>v) a=a->next;
- if (!a) printf("[1]"); /* indicate that this word is isolated */
- else {@+long c=0; /* the number of merge steps performed because of |v| */
- for (; a; a=a->next) {@+register Vertex *u=a->tip;
- m++;
- @<Merge the components of |u| and |v|, if they differ@>;
- }
- printf(" in %s[%ld]", v->master->name, v->master->size);
- /* show final component */
- }
- @ We keep track of connected components by using circular lists, a
- procedure that is known to take average time $O(n)$ on truly
- random graphs [Knuth and Sch"onhage, {sl Theoretical Computer Science/
- @^Knuth, Donald Ervin@>
- @^Sch"onhage, Arnold@>
- bf 6} (1978), 281--315].
- Namely, if |v| is a vertex, all the vertices in its component will be
- in the list
- $$hbox{|v|, |v->link|, |v->link->link|, dots,}$$
- eventually returning to |v| again. There is also a master vertex in
- each component, |v->master|; if |v| is the master vertex, |v->size| will
- be the number of vertices in its component.
- @d link z.V /* link to next vertex in component (occupies utility field |z|) */
- @d master y.V /* pointer to master vertex in component */
- @d size x.I /* size of component, kept up to date for master vertices only */
- @<Make |v| a component all by itself@>=
- v->link=v;
- v->master=v;
- v->size=1;
- isol++;
- comp++;
- @ When two components merge together, we change the identity of the master
- vertex in the smaller component. The master vertex representing |v| itself
- will change if |v| is adjacent to any prior vertex.
- @<Merge the components of |u| and |v|, if they differ@>=
- u=u->master;
- if (u!=v->master) {@+register Vertex *w=v->master, *t;
- if (u->size<w->size) {
- if (c++>0) printf("%s %s[%ld]", (c==2? " with": ","), u->name, u->size);
- w->size += u->size;
- if (u->size==1) isol--;
- for (t=u->link; t!=u; t=t->link) t->master=w;
- u->master=w;
- }@+else {
- if (c++>0) printf("%s %s[%ld]", (c==2? " with": ","), w->name, w->size);
- if (u->size==1) isol--;
- u->size += w->size;
- if (w->size==1) isol--;
- for (t=w->link; t!=w; t=t->link) t->master=u;
- w->master=u;
- }
- t=u->link;
- u->link=w->link;
- w->link=t;
- comp--;
- }
- @ The |words| graph has one giant component and lots of isolated vertices.
- We consider all other components unusual, so we print them out when the
- other computation is done.
- @<Display all unusual components@>=
- printf(
- "nThe following non-isolated words didn't join the giant component:n");
- for (v=g->vertices; v<g->vertices+g->n; v++)
- if (v->master==v && v->size>1 && v->size+v->size<g->n) {@+register Vertex *u;
- long c=1; /* count of number printed on current line */
- printf("%s", v->name);
- for (u=v->link; u!=v; u=u->link) {
- if (c++==12) putchar('n'),c=1;
- printf(" %s",u->name);
- }
- putchar('n');
- }
- @* Index. We close with a list that shows where the identifiers of this
- program are defined and used.