- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- % PostScript is a registered trade mark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- deftitle{ASSIGN_,LISA}
- def<#1>{$langle${rm#1}$rangle$}
- defdash{mathrel-joinreljoinrelmathrel-} % adjacent vertices
- defddash{mathrel{above.2exhbox to1.1em{}}} % matched vertices
- prerequisite{GB_,LISA}
- @* The assignment problem.
- This demonstration program takes a matrix of numbers
- constructed by the {sc GB_,LISA} module and chooses at most one number from
- each row and column in such a way as to maximize the sum of the numbers
- chosen. It also reports the number of ``mems'' (memory references)
- expended during its computations, so that the algorithm it uses
- can be compared with alternative procedures.
- The matrix has $m$ rows and $n$ columns. If $mle n$, one number will
- be chosen in each row; if $mge n$, one number will be chosen in each column.
- The numbers in the matrix are brightness levels (pixel values) in
- a digitized version of the Mona Lisa.
- Of course the author does not pretend that the location of ``highlights'' in
- da Vinci's painting, one per row and one per column, has any application
- to art appreciation. However, this program does seem to have pedagogic value,
- because the relation between pixel values and shades of gray allows us
- to visualize the data underlying this special case of the
- assignment problem; ordinary matrices of numeric data are much harder
- to perceive. The nonrandom nature of pixels
- in a work of art might also have similarities to the ``organic'' properties
- of data in real-world applications.
- This program is optionally able to produce an encapsulated PostScript file
- from which the solution can be displayed graphically, with halftone shading.
- @ As explained in {sc GB_,LISA}, the subroutine call
- |lisa(m,n,d,m0,m1,n0,n1,d0,d1,@[@t\{area}@>@])| constructs an $mtimes n$
- matrix of integers between $0$ and~$d$, inclusive, based on the brightness
- levels in a rectangular region of a digitized Mona Lisa, where |m0|,
- |m1|, |n0|, and |n1| define that region. The raw data is obtained as a
- sum of |(m1-m0)(n1-n0)| pixel values between $0$ and~$255$, then
- scaled in such a way that sums |<=d0| are mapped to zero, sums |>=d1|
- are mapped to~$d$, and intermediate sums are mapped linearly to
- intermediate values. Default values |m1=360|, |n1=250|, |m=m1-m0|,
- |n=n1-n0|, |d=255|, and |d1=255(m1-m0)(n1-n0)| are substituted if any
- of the parameters |m|, |n|, |d|, |m1|, |n1|, or |d1| are zero.
- The user can specify the nine parameters |(m,n,d,m0,m1,n0,n1,d0,d1)|
- on the command line, at least in a UNIX/ implementation, thereby
- obtaining a variety of special effects; the relevant
- command-line options are .{m=}<number>, .{m0=}<number>, and so on,
- with no spaces before or after the .= signs that separate parameter
- names from parameter values. Additional options are also provided:
- .{-s} (use only Mona Lisa's $16times32$ ``smile'');
- .{-e} (use only her $20times50$ eyes);
- .{-c} (complement black/white); .{-p} (print the matrix and solution);
- .{-P} (produce a PostScript file .{lisa.eps} for graphic output);
- .{-h} (use a heuristic that applies only when $m=n$); and
- .{-v} or .{-V} (print verbose or Very verbose commentary about the
- algorithm's performance).
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- Here is the overall layout of this CEE/ program:
- @p
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* the GraphBase data structures */
- #include "gb_lisa.h" /* the |lisa| routine */
- @h@#
- @<Global variables@>@;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */
- char *argv[]; /* an array of strings containing those arguments */
- {@+@<Local variables@>@;@#
- @<Scan the command-line options@>;
- mtx=lisa(m,n,d,m0,m1,n0,n1,d0,d1,working_storage);
- if (mtx==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, can't create the matrix! (error code %ld)n",
- panic_code);
- return -1;
- }
- printf("Assignment problem for %s%sn",lisa_id,(compl?", complemented":""));
- sscanf(lisa_id,"lisa(%lu,%lu,%lu",&m,&n,&d); /* adjust for defaults */
- if (m!=n) heur=0;
- if (printing) @<Display the input matrix@>;
- if (PostScript) @<Output the input matrix in PostScript format@>;
- mems=0;
- @<Solve the assignment problem@>;
- if (printing) @<Display the solution@>;
- if (PostScript) @<Output the solution in PostScript format@>;
- printf("Solved in %ld mems%s.n",mems,
- (heur?" with square-matrix heuristic":""));
- return 0; /* normal exit */
- }
- @ @<Glob...@>=
- Area working_storage; /* where to put the input data and auxiliary arrays */
- long *mtx; /* input data for the assignment problem */
- long mems; /* the number of memory references counted
- while solving the problem */
- @ The following local variables are related to the command-line options:
- @<Local v...@>=
- unsigned long m=0,n=0; /* number of rows and columns desired */
- unsigned long d=0; /* number of pixel values desired, minus~1 */
- unsigned long m0=0,m1=0; /* input will be from rows $[|m0|,.,.,|m1|)$ */
- unsigned long n0=0,n1=0; /* and from columns $[|n0|,.,.,|n1|)$ */
- unsigned long d0=0,d1=0; /* lower and upper threshold of raw pixel scores */
- long compl=0; /* should the input values be complemented? */
- long heur=0; /* should the square-matrix heuristic be used? */
- long printing=0; /* should the input matrix and solution be printed? */
- long PostScript=0; /* should an encapsulated PostScript file be produced? */
- @ @<Scan the command-line options@>=
- while (--argc) {
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- if (sscanf(argv[argc],"m=%lu",&m)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"n=%lu",&n)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"d=%lu",&d)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"m0=%lu",&m0)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"m1=%lu",&m1)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"n0=%lu",&n0)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"n1=%lu",&n1)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"d0=%lu",&d0)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"d1=%lu",&d1)==1) ;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-s")==0) {
- smile; /* sets |m0|, |m1|, |n0|, |n1| */
- d1=100000; /* makes the pixels brighter */
- } else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-e")==0) {
- eyes;
- d1=200000;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-c")==0) compl=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-h")==0) heur=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-v")==0) verbose=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-V")==0) verbose=2; /* terrifically verbose */
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-p")==0) printing=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-P")==0) PostScript=1;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Usage: %s [param=value] [-s] [-c] [-h] [-v] [-p] [-P]n",argv[0]);
- return -2;
- }
- }
- @ @<Display the input matrix@>=
- for (k=0;k<m;k++) {
- for (l=0;l<n;l++) printf("% 4ld",compl?d-*(mtx+k*n+l):*(mtx+k*n+l));
- printf("n");
- }
- @ We obtain a crude but useful estimate of the computation time
- by counting mem units, as explained in the {sc MILES_,SPAN} program.
- @d o mems++
- @d oo mems+=2
- @d ooo mems+=3
- @* Algorithmic overview. The assignment problem is the classical
- problem of weighted bipartite matching: to choose
- a maximum-weight set of disjoint edges in a bipartite graph. We will consider
- only the case of complete bipartite graphs, when the weights are
- specified by an $mtimes n$ matrix.
- An algorithm is most easily developed if we begin with the assumption
- that the matrix is square (i.e., that $m=n$), and if we change from
- maximization to minimization. Then the assignment problem is the task
- of finding a permutation $pi[0]ldotspi[n-1]$ of ${0,ldots,n-1}$
- such that $sum_{k=0}^{n-1} a_{kpi[k]}$ is minimized, where
- $A=(a_{kl})$ is a given matrix of numbers $a_{kl}$ for $0le k,l<n$.
- The algorithm below works for arbitrary real numbers $a_{kl}$, but we
- will assume in our implementation that the matrix entries are integers.
- One way to approach the assignment problem is to make three simple
- observations: (a)~Adding a constant to any row of the matrix does not
- change the solution $pi[0]ldotspi[n-1]$. (b)~Adding a constant to
- any column of the matrix does not change the solution. (c)~If $a_{kl}ge0$
- for all $k$ and~$l$, and if $pi[0]ldotspi[n-1]$ is a permutation
- with the property that $a_{kpi[k]}=0$ for all~$k$, then $pi[0]ldotspi[n-1]$
- solves the assignment problem.
- The remarkable fact is that these three observations actually suffice. In
- other words, there is always a sequence of constants $(sigma_0,ldots,sigma_
- {n-1})$ and $(tau_0,ldots,tau_{n-1})$ and a permutation $pi[0]ldots
- pi[n-1]$ such that
- $$vbox{halign{$#$,hfil&quad for #hfilcr
- a_{kl}-sigma_k+tau_{,l}ge0& $0le k<n$ and $0le l<n$;cr
- a_{kpi[k]}-sigma_k+tau_{pi[k]}=0& $0le k<n$.cr}}$$
- @ To prove the remarkable fact just stated, we start by reviewing the
- theory of {sl unweighted/} bipartite matching. Any $mtimes n$ matrix
- $A=(a_{kl})$ defines a bipartite graph on the vertices $(r_0,ldots,r_{m-1})$
- and $(c_0,ldots,c_{n-1})$ if we say that $r_kdash c_l$ whenever
- $a_{kl}=0$; in other words, the edges of the bipartite graph are the zeroes
- of the matrix. Two zeroes of~$A$ are called {sl independent/} if they appear
- in different rows and columns; this means that the corresponding edges have
- no vertices in common. A set of mutually independent zeroes of the matrix
- therefore corresponds to a set of mutually disjoint edges, also called a
- {sl matching/} between rows and columns.
- The Hungarian mathematicians Egerv'ary and K"onig proved
- @^Egerv'ary, Eugen (= JenH{o})@>
- @:Konig}{K"onig, D'enes@>
- [{sl Matematikai 'es Fizikai Lapok/ bf38} (1931), 16--28, 116--119]
- that the maximum number of independent zeroes in a matrix is equal to
- the minimum number of rows and/or columns that are needed to ``cover''
- every zero. In other words, if we can find $p$ independent zeroes but
- not~$p+1$, then there is a way to choose $p$ lines in such a way that
- every zero of the matrix is included in at least one of the chosen lines,
- where a ``line'' is either a row or a column.
- Their proof was constructive, and it leads to a useful computer algorithm.
- Given a set of $p$ independent zeroes of a matrix, let us write
- $r_kddash c_l$ or $c_lddash r_k$ and say that $r_k$ is matched with $c_l$
- if $a_{kl}$ is one of these $p$ special
- zeroes, while we continue to write $r_kdash c_l$ or $c_ldash r_k$
- if $a_{kl}$ is one of the nonspecial zeroes. A given set of $p$
- special zeroes defines a choice of $p$ lines in the following way: Column~$c$
- is chosen if and only if it is reachable by a path of the form
- $$r^{(0)}dash c^{(1)}ddash r^{(1)}dash c^{(2)}ddashcdots
- dash c^{(q)}ddash r^{(q)},,eqno(*)$$
- where $r^{(0)}$ is unmatched, $qge1$, and $c=c^{(q)}$. Row~$r$ is chosen if
- and only if it is matched with a column that is not chosen. Thus exactly
- $p$ lines are chosen. We can now prove that the chosen lines cover
- all the zeroes, unless there is a way to find $p+1$ independent zeroes.
- For if $cddash r$, either $c$ or $r$ has been chosen. And
- if $cdash r$, one of the following cases must arise. (1)~If $r$ and~$c$
- are both unmatched, we can increase~$p$ by matching them to each other.
- (2)~If $r$ is unmatched and $cddash r'$, then $c$ has been chosen, so
- the zero has been covered. (3)~If $r$ is matched to $c'ne c$, then
- either $r$ has been chosen or $c'$ has been chosen. In the latter case,
- there is a path of the form
- $$r^{(0)}dash c^{(1)}ddash r^{(1)}dash c^{(2)}ddashcdotsddash
- r^{(q-1)}dash c'ddash rdash c,,$$
- where $r^{(0)}$ is unmatched and $qge1$.
- If $c$ is matched, it has therefore been chosen; otherwise we can increase $p$
- by redefining the matching to include
- $$r^{(0)}ddash c^{(1)}dash r^{(1)}ddash c^{(2)}dashcdotsdash
- r^{(q-1)}ddash c'dash rddash c,.$$
- @ Now suppose $A$ is a {sl nonnegative/} matrix, of size $ntimes n$.
- Cover the zeroes of~$A$ with a minimum number of lines, $p$, using the
- algorithm of Egerv'ary and K"onig. If $p<n$, some elements are still
- uncovered, so those elements are positive. Suppose the minimum uncovered
- value is $delta>0$. Then we can subtract $delta$ from each unchosen row
- and add $delta$ to each chosen column. The net effect is to subtract~$delta$
- from all uncovered elements and to add~$delta$ to all doubly covered
- elements, while leaving all singly covered elements unchanged. This
- transformation causes a new zero to appear, while preserving
- $p$ independent zeroes of the previous matrix (since they were each
- vadjust{goodbreak}%
- covered only once). If we repeat the Egerv'ary-K"onig construction
- with the same $p$ independent zeroes, we find that either $p$~is no
- longer maximum or at least one more column has been chosen.
- (The new zero $rdash c$ occurs in a row~$r$ that was either unmatched
- or matched to a previously chosen column, because row~$r$ was not
- chosen.) Therefore if we repeat the process, we must eventually
- be able to increase $p$ until finally $p=n$. This will solve the
- assignment problem, proving the remarkable claim made earlier.
- @ If the given matrix $A$ has $m$ rows and $n>m$ columns,
- we can extend it artificially
- until it is square, by setting $a_{kl}=0$ for all $mle k<n$ and
- $0le l<n$. The construction above will then apply. But we need not
- waste time making such an extension, because it suffices to run the
- algorithm on the original $mtimes n$ matrix until $m$ independent zeroes
- have been found. The reason is that the set of matched vertices always
- grows monotonically in the Egerv'ary-K"onig construction: If a
- column is matched at some stage, it will remain matched from that time on,
- although it might well change partners. The $n-m$ dummy rows at the bottom
- of~$A$ are always chosen to be part of the covering; so the dummy entries
- become nonzero only in the columns that are part of some covering.
- Such columns are part of some matching, so they are part of the
- final matching. Therefore at most $m$ columns of the dummy entries
- become nonzero during the procedure. We can always find $n-m$ independent
- zeroes in the $n-m$ dummy rows of the matrix, so we need not deal with the
- dummy elements explicitly.
- @ It has been convenient to describe the algorithm by saying that
- we add and subtract constants to and from the columns and rows of~$A$.
- But all those additions and subtractions can take a lot of time. So we will
- merely pretend to make the adjustments that the method calls for; we will
- represent them implicitly by two vectors $(sigma_0,ldots,sigma_{m-1})$
- and $(tau_0,ldots,tau_{n-1})$. Then the current value of each matrix
- entry will be $a_{kl}-sigma_k+tau_{,l}$, instead of $a_{kl}$. The
- ``zeroes'' will be positions such that $a_{kl}=sigma_k-tau_{,l}$.
- Initially we will set $tau_{,l}=0$ for $0le l<n$ and $sigma_k=
- min{a_{k0},ldots,a_{k(n-1)}}$ for $0le k<m$. If $m=n$ we can also
- make sure that there's a zero in every column by subtracting
- $min{a_{0l},ldots,a_{(n-1)l}}$ from $a_{kl}$ for all $k$ and~$l$.
- (This initial adjustment can conveniently be made to the original
- matrix entries, instead of indirectly via the $tau$'s.) Users can
- discover if such a transformation is worthwhile by trying the program
- both with and without the .{-h} option.
- We have been saying a lot of things and proving a bunch of theorems,
- without writing any code. Let's get back into programming mode
- by writing the routine that is called into
- action when the .{-h} option has been specified:
- @d aa(k,l) *(mtx+k*n+l) /* a macro to access the matrix elements */
- @<Subtract column minima in order to start with lots of zeroes@>=
- {
- for (l=0; l<n; l++) {
- o,s=aa(0,l); /* the |o| macro counts one mem */
- for (k=1;k<n;k++)
- if (o,aa(k,l)<s) s=aa(k,l);
- if (s!=0)
- for (k=0;k<n;k++)
- oo,aa(k,l)-=s; /* |oo| counts two mems */
- }
- if (verbose) printf(" The heuristic has cost %ld mems.n",mems);
- }
- @ @<Local var...@>=
- register long k; /* the current row of interest */
- register long l; /* the current column of interest */
- register long j; /* another interesting column */
- register long s; /* the current matrix element of interest */
- @* Algorithmic details.
- The algorithm sketched above is quite simple, except that we did not
- discuss how to determine the chosen columns~$c^{(q)}$ that
- are reachable by paths of the stated form $(*)$. It is easy to find
- all such columns by constructing an unordered forest whose nodes are rows,
- beginning with all unmatched rows~$r^{(0)}$ and adding a row~$r$
- for which $cddash r$ when $c$ is adjacent to a row already in the forest.
- Our data structure, which is based on suggestions of Papadimitriou and
- @^Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos@>
- @^Steiglitz, Kenneth@>
- Steiglitz [{sl Combinatorial Optimization/} (Prentice-Hall, 1982),
- $mathchar"278$11.1], will use several arrays. If row~$r$ is matched
- with column~$c$, we will have |col_mate[r]=c| and |row_mate[c]=r|;
- if row~$r$ is unmatched, |col_mate[r]| will be |-1|, and
- if column~$c$ is unmatched, |row_mate[c]| will be |-1|.
- If column~$c$ has a mate and is also reachable in a path of the form $(*)$,
- we will have $|parent_row|[c]=r'$ for some $r'$ in the forest. Otherwise
- column~$c$ is not chosen, and we will have |parent_row[c]=-1|. The rows
- in the current forest will be called |unchosen_row[0]| through
- |unchosen_row[t-1]|, where |t| is the current total number of nodes.
- The amount $sigma_k$ subtracted from row $k$ is called |row_dec[k]|; the
- amount $tau_{,l}$ added to column~$l$ is called |col_inc[l]|. To
- compute the minimum uncovered element efficiently, we maintain a
- quantity called |slack[l]|, which represents the minimum uncovered element
- in each column. More precisely, if column~$l$ is not chosen,
- |slack[l]| is the minimum of $a_{kl}
- -sigma_k+tau_{,l}$ for $kin{|unchosen_row|[0],ldots,allowbreak
- |unchosen_row|[q-1]}$, where $qle t$ is the number of rows in the
- forest that we have explored so far. We also remember |slack_row[l]|,
- the number of a row where the stated minimum occurs.
- Column $l$ is chosen if and only if |parent_row[l]>=0|. We will arrange
- things so that we also have |slack[l]=0| in every chosen column.
- @<Local var...@>=
- long* col_mate; /* the column matching a given row, or $-1$ */
- long* row_mate; /* the row matching a given column, or $-1$ */
- long* parent_row; /* ancestor of a given column's mate, or $-1$ */
- long* unchosen_row; /* node in the forest */
- long t; /* total number of nodes in the forest */
- long q; /* total number of explored nodes in the forest */
- long* row_dec; /* $sigma_k$, the amount subtracted from a given row */
- long* col_inc; /* $tau_{,l}$, the amount added to a given column */
- long* slack; /* minimum uncovered entry seen in a given column */
- long* slack_row; /* where the |slack| in a given column can be found */
- long unmatched; /* this many rows have yet to be matched */
- @ @<Allocate the intermediate data structures@>=
- col_mate=gb_typed_alloc(m,long,working_storage);
- row_mate=gb_typed_alloc(n,long,working_storage);
- parent_row=gb_typed_alloc(n,long,working_storage);
- unchosen_row=gb_typed_alloc(m,long,working_storage);
- row_dec=gb_typed_alloc(m,long,working_storage);
- col_inc=gb_typed_alloc(n,long,working_storage);
- slack=gb_typed_alloc(n,long,working_storage);
- slack_row=gb_typed_alloc(n,long,working_storage);
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, out of memory!n"); return -3;
- }
- @ The algorithm operates in stages, where each stage terminates
- when we are able to increase the number of matched elements.
- The first stage is different from the others; it simply goes through
- the matrix and looks for zeroes, matching as many rows and columns
- as it can. This stage also initializes table entries that will be
- useful in later stages.
- @d INF 0x7fffffff /* infinity (or darn near) */
- @<Do the initial stage@>=
- t=0; /* the forest starts out empty */
- for (l=0; l<n; l++) {
- o,row_mate[l]=-1;
- o,parent_row[l]=-1;
- o,col_inc[l]=0;
- o,slack[l]=INF;
- }
- for (k=0; k<m; k++) {
- o,s=aa(k,0); /* get ready to calculate the minimum entry of row $k$ */
- for (l=1; l<n; l++) if (o,aa(k,l)<s) s=aa(k,l);
- o,row_dec[k]=s;
- for (l=0; l<n; l++)
- if ((o,s==aa(k,l)) && (o,row_mate[l]<0)) {
- o,col_mate[k]=l;
- o,row_mate[l]=k;
- if (verbose>1) printf(" matching col %ld==row %ldn",l,k);
- goto row_done;
- }
- o,col_mate[k]=-1;
- if (verbose>1) printf(" node %ld: unmatched row %ldn",t,k);
- o,unchosen_row[t++]=k;
- row_done:;
- }
- @ If a subsequent stage has not succeeded in matching every row,
- we prepare for a new stage by reinitializing the forest as follows.
- @<Get ready for another stage@>=
- t=0;
- for (l=0; l<n; l++) {
- o,parent_row[l]=-1;
- o,slack[l]=INF;
- }
- for (k=0; k<m; k++)
- if (o,col_mate[k]<0) {
- if (verbose>1) printf(" node %ld: unmatched row %ldn",t,k);
- o,unchosen_row[t++]=k;
- }
- @ Here, then, is the algorithm's overall control structure.
- There are at most $m$ stages, and each stage does $O(mn)$ operations,
- so the total running time is $O(m^2n)$.
- @<Do the Hungarian algorithm@>=
- @<Do the initial stage@>;
- if (t==0) goto done;
- unmatched=t;
- while(1) {
- if (verbose) printf(" After %ld mems I've matched %ld rows.n",mems,m-t);
- q=0;
- while(1) {
- while (q<t) {
- @<Explore node |q| of the forest;
- if the matching can be increased, |goto breakthru|@>;
- q++;
- }
- @<Introduce a new zero into the matrix by modifying |row_dec| and
- |col_inc|; if the matching can be increased, |goto breakthru|@>;
- }
- breakthru: @<Update the matching by pairing row $k$ with column $l$@>;
- if(--unmatched==0) goto done;
- @<Get ready for another stage@>;
- }
- done: @<Doublecheck the solution@>;
- @ @<Explore node |q| of the forest;
- if the matching can be increased, |goto breakthru|@>=
- {
- o,k=unchosen_row[q];
- o,s=row_dec[k];
- for (l=0; l<n; l++)
- if (o,slack[l]) {@+register long del;
- oo,del=aa(k,l)-s+col_inc[l];
- if (del<slack[l]) {
- if (del==0) { /* we found a new zero */
- if (o,row_mate[l]<0) goto breakthru;
- o,slack[l]=0; /* this column will now be chosen */
- o,parent_row[l]=k;
- if (verbose>1) printf(" node %ld: row %ld==col %ld--row %ldn",
- t,row_mate[l],l,k);
- oo,unchosen_row[t++]=row_mate[l];
- }@+else {
- o,slack[l]=del;
- o,slack_row[l]=k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @ At this point, column $l$ is unmatched, and row $k$ is in
- the forest. By following parent links in the forest,
- we can rematch rows and columns so that a previously unmatched row~$r^{(0)}$
- gets a mate.
- @<Update the matching by pairing row $k$ with column $l$@>=
- if (verbose) printf(" Breakthrough at node %ld of %ld!n",q,t);
- while (1) {
- o,j=col_mate[k];
- o,col_mate[k]=l;
- o,row_mate[l]=k;
- if (verbose>1) printf(" rematching col %ld==row %ldn",l,k);
- if (j<0) break;
- o,k=parent_row[j];
- l=j;
- }
- @ If we get to this point, we have explored the entire forest; none of
- the unchosen rows has led to a breakthrough. An unchosen column with
- smallest |slack| will allow us to make further progress.
- @<Introduce a new zero into the matrix by modifying |row_dec| and |col_inc|;
- if the matching can be increased, |goto breakthru|@>=
- s=INF;
- for (l=0; l<n; l++)
- if (o,slack[l] && slack[l]<s)
- s=slack[l];
- for (q=0; q<t; q++)
- ooo,row_dec[unchosen_row[q]]+=s;
- for (l=0; l<n; l++)
- if (o,slack[l]) { /* column $l$ is not chosen */
- o,slack[l]-=s;
- if (slack[l]==0) @<Look at a new zero, and |goto breakthru| with
- |col_inc| up to date if there's a breakthrough@>;
- }@+else oo,col_inc[l]+=s;
- @ There might be several columns tied for smallest slack. If any of them
- leads to a breakthrough, we are very happy; but we must finish the loop on~|l|
- before going to |breakthru|, because the |col_inc| variables
- need to be maintained for the next stage.
- Within column |l|, there might be several rows that produce the same slack;
- we have remembered only one of them, |slack_row[l]|. Fortunately, one is
- sufficient for our purposes. Either we have a breakthrough or we choose
- column~|l|, regardless of which row or rows led us to consider that column.
- @<Look at a new zero, and |goto breakthru| with
- |col_inc| up to date if there's a breakthrough@>=
- {
- o,k=slack_row[l];
- if (verbose>1)
- printf(" Decreasing uncovered elements by %ld produces zero at [%ld,%ld]n",
- s,k,l);
- if (o,row_mate[l]<0) {
- for (j=l+1; j<n; j++)
- if (o,slack[j]==0) oo,col_inc[j]+=s;
- goto breakthru;
- }@+else { /* not a breakthrough, but the forest continues to grow */
- o,parent_row[l]=k;
- if (verbose>1) printf(" node %ld: row %ld==col %ld--row %ldn",
- t,row_mate[l],l,k);
- oo,unchosen_row[t++]=row_mate[l];
- }
- }
- @ The code in the present section is redundant, unless cosmic
- radiation has caused the hardware to malfunction. But there is some
- reassurance whenever we find that mathematics still appears to be
- consistent, so the author could not resist writing these few unnecessary lines,
- which verify that the assignment problem has indeed been solved optimally.
- (We don't count the mems.)
- @^discussion of \{mems}@>
- @<Doublecheck...@>=
- for (k=0;k<m;k++)
- for (l=0;l<n;l++)
- if (aa(k,l)<row_dec[k]-col_inc[l]) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I made a mistake!n");
- return -6; /* can't happen */
- }
- for (k=0;k<m;k++) {
- l=col_mate[k];
- if (l<0 || aa(k,l)!=row_dec[k]-col_inc[l]) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I blew it!n"); return-66; /* can't happen */
- }
- }
- k=0;
- for (l=0;l<n;l++) if (col_inc[l]) k++;
- if (k>m) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I adjusted too many columns!n");
- return-666; /* can't happen */
- }
- @* Interfacing.
- A few nitty-gritty details still need to be handled: Our algorithm
- is not symmetric between rows and columns, and it works only for $mle n$;
- so we will transpose the matrix when
- $m>n$. Furthermore, our algorithm minimizes, but we actually want
- it to maximize (except when |compl| is nonzero).
- Hence, we want to make the following transformations to the data before
- processing it with the algorithm developed above.
- @<Solve the assignment problem@>=
- if (m>n) @<Transpose the matrix@>@;
- else transposed=0;
- @<Allocate the intermediate data structures@>;
- if (compl==0)
- for (k=0; k<m; k++) for (l=0; l<n; l++)
- aa(k,l)=d-aa(k,l);
- if (heur) @<Subtract column minima...@>;
- @<Do the Hungarian algorithm@>;
- @ @<Transpose...@>=
- {
- if (verbose>1) printf("Temporarily transposing rows and columns...n");
- tmtx=gb_typed_alloc(m*n,long,working_storage);
- if (tmtx==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, out of memory!n");@+return -4;
- }
- for (k=0; k<m; k++) for (l=0; l<n; l++)
- *(tmtx+l*m+k)=*(mtx+k*n+l);
- m=n;@+n=k; /* |k| holds the former value of |m| */
- mtx=tmtx;
- transposed=1;
- }
- @ @<Local v...@>=
- long* tmtx; /* the transpose of |mtx| */
- long transposed; /* has the data been transposed? */
- @ @<Display the solution@>=
- {
- printf("The following entries produce an optimum assignment:n");
- for (k=0; k<m; k++)
- printf(" [%ld,%ld]n",@|
- transposed? col_mate[k]:k,@|
- transposed? k:col_mate[k]);
- }
- @* Encapsulated PostScript.
- A special output file called .{lisa.eps} is written if the user has
- selected the .{-P} option. This file contains a sequence of
- PostScript commands that can be used to generate an illustration
- within many kinds of documents. For example, if TEX/ is being used
- with the .{dvips} output driver from Radical Eye Software and with the
- @.dvips@>
- associated .{epsf.tex} macros, one can say
- $$.{\epsfxsize=10cm \epsfbox{lisa.eps}}$$
- within a TEX/ document and the illustration will be typeset in
- a box that is 10 centimeters wide.
- The conventions of PostScript allow the illustration to be scaled to
- any size. Best results are probably obtained if each pixel is at
- least one millimeter wide (about 1/25 inch) when printed.
- The illustration is formed by first
- ``painting'' the input data as a rectangle of pixels,
- with up to 256 shades of gray. Then the solution pixels are
- framed in black, with a white trim just inside the black edges
- to help make the frame visible in already-dark places. The frames are
- created by painting over the original image; the
- center of each solution pixel retains its original color.
- Encapsulated PostScript files have a simple format that is recognized
- by many software packages and printing devices. We use a subset of
- PostScript that should be easy to convert to other languages if necessary.
- @<Output the input matrix in PostScript format@>=
- {
- eps_file=fopen("lisa.eps","w");
- if (!eps_file) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, I can't open the file `lisa.eps'!n");
- PostScript=0;
- }@+else {
- fprintf(eps_file,"%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0n");
- /* .{1.0} and .{2.0} also OK */
- fprintf(eps_file,"%%%%BoundingBox: -1 -1 %ld %ldn",n+1,m+1);
- fprintf(eps_file,"/buffer %ld string defn",n);
- fprintf(eps_file,"%ld %ld 8 [%ld 0 0 -%ld 0 %ld]n",n,m,n,m,m);
- fprintf(eps_file,"{currentfile buffer readhexstring pop} bindn");
- fprintf(eps_file,"gsave %ld %ld scale imagen",n,m);
- for (k=0;k<m;k++) @<Output row |k| as a hexadecimal string@>;
- fprintf(eps_file,"grestoren");
- }
- }
- @ @<Glob...@>=
- FILE *eps_file; /* file for encapsulated PostScript output */
- @ This program need not produce machine-independent output, so we can
- safely use floating-point arithmetic here. At most 64 characters
- (32 pixel-bytes) are output on each line.
- @<Output row |k|...@>=
- {@+register float conv=255.0/(float)d; register long x;
- for (l=0; l<n; l++) {
- x=(long)(conv*(float)(compl?d-aa(k,l):aa(k,l)));
- fprintf(eps_file,"%02lx",x>255?255L:x);
- if ((l&0x1f)==0x1f) fprintf(eps_file,"n");
- }
- if (n&0x1f) fprintf(eps_file,"n");
- }
- @ @<Output the solution in PostScript format@>=
- {
- fprintf(eps_file,
- "/bx {moveto 0 1 rlineto 1 0 rlineto 0 -1 rlineto closepathn");
- fprintf(eps_file," gsave .3 setlinewidth 1 setgray clip stroke");
- fprintf(eps_file," grestore stroke} bind defn");
- fprintf(eps_file," .1 setlinewidthn");
- for (k=0; k<m; k++)
- fprintf(eps_file," %ld %ld bxn",@|
- transposed? k:col_mate[k],@|
- transposed? n-1-col_mate[k]:m-1-k);
- fclose(eps_file);
- }
- @* Index. As usual, we close with a list of identifier definitions and uses.