- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- deftitle{GB_WORDS}
- fontlogosl=logosl10
- prerequisites{GB_,GRAPH}{GB_,IO}
- @* Introduction. This GraphBase module provides two external subroutines:
- $$vcenter{halign{#hfilcr
- |words|, a routine that creates a graph based on five-letter words;cr
- |find_word|, a routine that looks for a given vertex in such a}}$$
- Examples of the use of these routines can be found in two demo programs,
- @(gb_words.h@>=
- extern Graph *words();
- extern Vertex *find_word();
- @ The subroutine call |words(n,wt_vector,wt_threshold,seed)|
- constructs a graph based on the five-letter words in .{words.dat}.
- Each vertex of the graph corresponds to a single five-letter word. Two
- words are adjacent in the graph if they are the same except in one
- letter position. For example, `.{words}' is adjacent to other words such as
- `.{cords}', `.{wards}', `.{woods}', `.{worms}', and `.{wordy}'.
- The constructed graph has at most |n| vertices; indeed, it has exactly
- |n| vertices if there are enough qualifying words. A word qualifies
- if its ``weight'' is |wt_threshold| or more, when weights are
- computed from a table pointed to by~|wt_vector| according to rules
- described below. (If parameter~|wt_vector|
- is |NULL|, i.e., .{NULL}, default weights are used.) The fourth parameter,
- |seed|, is the seed of a random number generator.
- All words of .{words.dat} will be sorted by weight. The first vertex of
- the graph will be the word of largest
- weight, the second vertex will have second-largest weight, and so on.
- Words of equal weight will appear in pseudo-random order, as determined
- by the value of |seed| in a system-independent fashion.
- The first |n| words in order of decreasing weight are chosen to be
- vertices of the graph. However, if fewer than |n| words have weight |>=
- wt_threshold|, the graph will contain only the words that qualify. In
- such cases the graph will have fewer than |n| vertices---possibly none at all.
- Exception: The special case |n=0| is equivalent to the case when |n|
- has been set to the highest possible value. It causes all qualifying
- words to appear.
- @ Every word in .{words.dat} has been classified as `common' (.*), `advanced'
- (.+), or `unusual' (. ). Each word has also been assigned seven
- frequency counts $c_1$, dots,~$c_7$, separated by commas; these counts show
- how often the word has occurred in different publication contexts:
- $$vcenter{halign{$c_#$ times in &#hfilcr
- 1&the American Heritage Intermediate Corpus of elementary school material;cr
- 2&the Brown Corpus of reading material from America;cr
- 3&the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus of reading material from Britain;cr
- 4&the Melbourne-Surrey Corpus of newspaper material from Australia;cr
- 5&the Revised Standard Version of the Bible;cr
- 6&{sl The TEX/book/} and {sl The {logosl METAFONTkern1pt}book/}
- by D. E. Knuth;cr
- 7&{sl Concrete Mathematics/} by Graham, Knuth, and}}$$
- @^Graham, Ronald Lewis@>
- @^Knuth, Donald Ervin@>
- @^Patashnik, Oren@>
- For example, one of the entries in .{words.dat} is
- $$.{happy*774,92,121,2,26,8,1}$$
- indicating a common word with $c_1=774$, dots, $c_7=1$.
- Parameter |wt_vector| points to an array of nine integers
- $(a,b,w_1,ldots,w_7)$.
- The weight of each word is computed from these nine numbers by using the
- formula
- $$c_1w_1+cdots+c_7w_7+
- cases{a,&if the word is `common';cr
- b,&if the word is `advanced';cr
- 0,&if the word is `unusual'.cr}$$
- The components of |wt_vector| must be chosen so that
- $$maxbigl(vert avert, vert bvertbigr)
- + C_1vert w_1vert + cdots +C_7vert w_7vert < 2^{30},$$
- where $C_j$ is the maximum value of $c_j$ in the file; this restriction
- ensures that the |words| procedure will produce the same results on all
- computer systems.
- @ The maximum frequency counts actually present are $C_1=15194$, $C_2=3560$,
- $C_3=4467$, $C_4=460$, $C_5=6976$, $C_6=756$, and $C_7=362$; these can be
- found in the entries for the common words `.{shall}', `.{there}',
- `.{which}', and `.{would}'.
- The default weights are $a=100$, $b=10$, $c_1=4$, $c_2=c_3=2$, $c_4=c_5=
- c_6=c_7=1$.
- File .{words.dat} contains 5757 words, of which 3300 are `common', 1194 are
- `advanced', and 1263 are `unusual'. Included among the unusual words are
- 891 having $c_1=cdots=c_7=0$; such words
- will always have weight zero, regardless of the weight vector parameter.
- @<Private variables@>=
- static long max_c[]={15194,3560,4467,460,6976,756,362};
- /* maximum counts $C_j$ */
- static long default_wt_vector[]={100,10,4,2,2,1,1,1,1};
- /* use this if |wt_vector=NULL| */
- @ Examples: If you call |words(2000,NULL,0,0)|, you get a graph with
- 2000 of the most common five-letter words of English, using the
- default weights. The GraphBase programs are designed to be
- system-independent, so that identical graphs will be obtained by
- everybody who asks for |words(2000,NULL,0,0)|. Equivalent experiments
- on algorithms for graph manipulation can therefore be performed by
- researchers in different parts of the world.
- The subroutine call |words(2000,NULL,0,s)| will produce slightly
- different graphs when the random seed |s| varies, because some words
- have equal weight. However, the graph for any particular value of~|s|
- will be the same on all computers. The seed value can be any integer
- in the range $0le s<2^{31}$.
- Suppose you call |words(0,w,1,0)|, with |w| defined by the CEE/ declaration
- $$hbox{|long w[9] = {1};|}$$
- this means that $a=1$ and $b=w_1=cdots=w_7=0$. Therefore you'll get a graph
- containing only the 3300 `common' words. Similarly, it's possible to obtain
- only the $3300+1194=4494$ non-`unusual' words, by specifying the weight vector
- $$hbox{|long w[9] = {1,1};|}$$
- this makes $a=b=1$ and $w_1=cdots=w_7=0$. In both of these examples, the
- qualifying words all have weight~1, so the vertices of the graph will appear
- in pseudo-random order.
- If |w| points to an array of nine 0's, the call |words(n,w,0,s)| gives a
- random sample of |n| words, depending on |s| in a system-independent fashion.
- If the entries of the weight vector are all nonnegative, and if the
- weight threshold is zero, every word of .{words.dat} will qualify. Thus
- you will obtain a graph with $min(n,5757)$ vertices.
- If |w| points to an array with {sl negative/} weights, the call
- |words(n,w,-0x7fffffff,0)| selects |n| of the {sl least/} common
- words in .{words.dat}.
- @ If the |words| routine encounters a problem, it returns |NULL|, after putting
- a code number into the external variable |panic_code|. This code number
- identifies the type of failure. Otherwise |words| returns a pointer to the
- newly created graph, which will be represented with the data structures
- explained in {sc GB_,GRAPH}. (The external variable |panic_code| is itself
- defined in {sc GB_,GRAPH}.)
- @d panic(c) @+{@+gb_free(node_blocks);
- panic_code=c;@+gb_trouble_code=0;@+return NULL;@+}
- @ Now let's get going on the program. The CEE/ file .{gb_words.c} begins
- as follows:
- @p
- #include "gb_io.h" /* we will use the {sc GB_,IO} routines for input */
- #include "gb_flip.h"
- /* we will use the {sc GB_,FLIP} routines for random numbers */
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* we will use the {sc GB_,GRAPH} data structures */
- #include "gb_sort.h" /* and |gb_linksort| for sorting */
- @h@#
- @<Type declarations@>@;
- @<Private variables@>@;
- @<Private functions@>@;
- @#
- Graph *words(n,wt_vector,wt_threshold,seed)
- unsigned long n; /* maximum number of vertices desired */
- long wt_vector[]; /* pointer to array of weights */
- long wt_threshold; /* minimum qualifying weight */
- long seed; /* random number seed */
- {@+@<Local variables@>@;@#
- gb_init_rand(seed);
- @<Check that |wt_vector| is valid@>;
- @<Input the qualifying words to a linked list, computing their weights@>;
- @<Sort and output the words, determining adjacencies@>;
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_recycle(new_graph);
- panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
- }
- return new_graph;
- }
- @ @<Local var...@>=
- Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |words| */
- @* Validating the weights. The first job that |words| needs to tackle is
- comparatively trivial:
- We want to verify the condition
- $$maxbigl(vert avert, vert bvertbigr)
- + C_1vert w_1vert + cdots +C_7vert w_7vert < 2^{30}.eqno(*)$$
- This proves to be an interesting exercise in ``portable
- CEE/ programming,'' because we don't want to risk integer overflow.
- Our approach is to do the
- calculation first in floating point arithmetic, thereby ruling out cases
- that are clearly unacceptable. Once that test is passed, we can safely
- test the condition with ordinary integer arithmetic. Floating
- point arithmetic is system dependent, but we use it carefully so that
- system-independent results are obtained.
- @<Check that |wt_vector| is valid@>=
- if (!wt_vector) wt_vector=default_wt_vector;
- else {@+register double flacc;
- register long *p,*q;
- register long acc;
- @<Use floating point arithmetic to check that |wt_vector| isn't
- totally off base@>;
- @<Use integer arithmetic to check that |wt_vector| is truly OK@>;
- }
- @ The floating-point calculations are facilitated by a routine that
- converts an integer to its absolute value, expressed as a |double|:
- @<Private functions@>=
- static double flabs(x)
- long x;
- {@+if (x>=0) return (double)x;
- return -((double)x);
- }
- @ Although floating point arithmetic is system dependent, we can certainly
- assume that at least 16 bits of precision are used. This implies that
- the difference between |flabs(x)| and $vert xvert$ must be less
- than $2^{14}$. Also, if $x$ and $y$ are nonnegative values less than $2^{31}$,
- the difference between their floating-point sum and their true sum must be
- less than $2^{14}$.
- The floating point calculations in the following test will never reject a
- valid weight vector. For if condition $(*)$ holds, the floating-point value of
- $max(hbox{|flabs(a)|},hbox{|flabs(b)|})+C_1*|flabs|(w_1)+cdots
- +C_7*|flabs|(w_7)$ will be less than $2^{30}+(8+C_1+cdots+C_7)2^{14}$,
- which is less than $2^{30}+2^{29}$.
- @<Use float...@>=
- p=wt_vector;
- flacc=flabs(*p++);
- if (flacc<flabs(*p)) flacc=flabs(*p);
- /* now $|flacc|=max(vert avert,vert bvert)$ */
- for (q=&max_c[0]; q<&max_c[7]; q++)
- flacc += *q * flabs(*++p);
- if (flacc>=(double)0x60000000) /* this constant is
- $6times2^{28}=2^{30}+2^{29}$ */
- panic(very_bad_specs); /* whoa; the weight vector is way too big */
- @ Conversely, if the floating point test just made is passed, the true
- value of the sum will be less than $2^{30}+2^{29}+2^{29}=2^{31}$; hence
- integer overflow will never occur when we make the following more
- refined test:
- @<Use int...@>=
- p=wt_vector;
- acc=iabs(*p++);
- if (acc<iabs(*p)) acc=iabs(*p);
- /* now $|acc|=max(vert avert,vert bvert)$ */
- for (q=&max_c[0]; q<&max_c[7]; q++)
- acc += *q * iabs(*++p);
- if (acc>=0x40000000)
- panic(bad_specs); /* the weight vector is a bit too big */
- @ @<Private f...@>=
- static long iabs(x)
- long x;
- {@+if (x>=0) return (long)x;
- return -((long)x);
- }
- @* The input phase. Now we're ready to read .{words.dat}.
- @<Local...@>=
- register long wt; /* the weight of the current word */
- char word[5]; /* the current five-letter word */
- long nn=0; /* the number of qualifying words found so far */
- @ As we read the words, we will form a linked list of nodes containing
- each qualifying word and its weight, using the memory management
- routines of {sc GB_,GRAPH} to allocate space for 111 nodes at a
- time. These nodes should be returned to available memory later, so we
- will keep them in a separate area under local control.
- The nodes start out with |key| and |link| fields, as required by the
- |gb_linksort| routine, which we'll use to sort by weight. The sort key must be
- nonnegative; we obtain it by adding $2^{30}$ to the weight.
- @d nodes_per_block 111
- @<Type...@>=
- typedef struct node_struct {
- long key; /* the sort key (weight plus $2^{30}$) */
- struct node_struct *link; /* links the nodes together */
- char wd[5]; /* five-letter word
- (which typically consumes eight bytes, too bad) */
- } node;
- @ @<Local...@>=
- node *next_node; /* the next node available for allocation */
- node *bad_node; /* if |next_node=bad_node|, the node isn't really there */
- node *stack_ptr; /* the most recently created node */
- node *cur_node; /* current node being created or examined */
- @ @<Private v...@>=
- static Area node_blocks; /* the memory area for blocks of nodes */
- @ @<Input the qualifying words...@>=
- next_node=bad_node=stack_ptr=NULL;
- if (gb_open("words.dat")!=0)
- panic(early_data_fault);
- /* couldn't open |"words.dat"| using GraphBase conventions;
- |io_errors| tells why */
- do @<Read one word, and put it on the stack if it qualifies@>@;
- while (!gb_eof());
- if (gb_close()!=0)
- panic(late_data_fault);
- /* something's wrong with |"words.dat"|; see |io_errors| */
- @ @<Read one...@>=
- {@+register long j; /* position in |word| */
- for (j=0; j<5; j++) word[j]=gb_char();
- @<Compute the weight |wt|@>;
- if (wt>=wt_threshold) { /* it qualifies */
- @<Install |word| and |wt| in a new node@>;
- nn++;
- }
- gb_newline();
- }
- @ @d copy5(y,x) {@+
- *(y)=*(x);@+
- *((y)+1)=*((x)+1);@+
- *((y)+2)=*((x)+2);
- *((y)+3)=*((x)+3);@+
- *((y)+4)=*((x)+4);@+
- }
- @<Install...@>=
- if (next_node==bad_node) {
- cur_node=gb_typed_alloc(nodes_per_block,node,node_blocks);
- if (cur_node==NULL)
- panic(no_room+1); /* out of memory already */
- next_node=cur_node+1;
- bad_node=cur_node+nodes_per_block;
- }@+else cur_node=next_node++;
- cur_node->key=wt+0x40000000;
- cur_node->link=stack_ptr;
- copy5(cur_node->wd,word);
- stack_ptr=cur_node;
- @ Recall that |gb_number()| returns 0, without giving an error, if no
- digit is present in the current position of the file being read. This
- implies that the .{words.dat} file need not include zero counts
- explicitly. Furthermore, we can arrange things so that trailing zero
- counts are unnecessary; commas can be omitted if all counts
- following them on the current line are zero.
- @<Compute the weight...@>=
- {@+register long *p,*q; /* pointers to $C_j$ and $w_j$ */
- register long c; /* current count */
- switch (gb_char()) {
- case '*': wt=wt_vector[0];@+break; /* `common' word */
- case '+': wt=wt_vector[1];@+break; /* `advanced' word */
- case ' ': case'n': wt=0;@+break; /* `unusual' word */
- default: panic(syntax_error); /* unknown type of word */
- }
- p=&max_c[0]; q=&wt_vector[2];
- do@+{
- if (p==&max_c[7])
- panic(syntax_error+1); /* too many counts */
- c=gb_number(10);
- if (c>*p++)
- panic(syntax_error+2); /* count too large */
- wt += c * *q++;
- }@+while (gb_char()==',');
- }
- @* The output phase. Once the input phase has examined all of
- .{words.dat}, we are left with a stack of |nn| nodes containing the
- qualifying words, starting at |stack_ptr|.
- The next step is to call |gb_linksort|, which takes the qualifying words
- and distributes them into the 128 lists |gb_sorted[j]|, for |0<=j<128|.
- We can then access the words in order of decreasing weight by reading through
- these lists, starting with |gb_sorted[127]| and ending with |gb_sorted[0]|.
- (See the documentation of |gb_linksort| in the {sc GB_,SORT} module.)
- The output phase therefore has the following general outline:
- @<Sort and output...@>=
- gb_linksort(stack_ptr);
- @<Allocate storage for the new graph; adjust |n| if it is zero or too large@>;
- if (gb_trouble_code==0 && n) {
- register long j; /* runs through sorted lists */
- register node *p; /* the current node being output */
- nn=n;
- for (j=127; j>=0; j--)
- for (p=(node*)gb_sorted[j]; p; p=p->link) {
- @<Add the word |p->wd| to the graph@>;
- if (--nn==0) goto done;
- }
- }
- done:gb_free(node_blocks);
- @ The only slightly unusual data structure needed is a set of five hash tables,
- one for each of the strings of four letters obtained by suppressing
- a single letter of a five-letter word. For example, a word like `.{words}'
- will lead to entries for `.{ ords}', `.{w rds}, `.{wo ds}', `.{wor s}',
- and `.{word }', one in each of the hash tables.
- @d hash_prime 6997 /* a prime number larger than the total number of words */
- @<Type...@>=
- typedef Vertex *hash_table[hash_prime];
- @ @<Local...@>=
- Vertex *cur_vertex; /* the current vertex being created or examined */
- char *next_string; /* where we'll store the next five-letter word */
- @ @<Private v...@>=
- static hash_table *htab; /* five dynamically allocated hash tables */
- @ The weight of each word will be stored in the utility field |u.I| of its
- |Vertex| record. The position in which adjacent words differ will be
- stored in utility field |a.I| of the |Arc| records between them.
- @d weight u.I /* weighted frequencies */
- @d loc a.I /* index of difference (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) */
- @(gb_words.h@>=
- #define weight @[u.I@] /* repeat the definitions in the header file */
- #define loc @[a.I@]
- @ @<Allocate storage for the new graph...@>=
- if (n==0 || nn<n)
- n=nn;
- new_graph=gb_new_graph(n);
- if (new_graph==NULL)
- panic(no_room); /* out of memory before we're even started */
- if (wt_vector==default_wt_vector)
- sprintf(new_graph->id,"words(%lu,0,%ld,%ld)",n,wt_threshold,seed);
- else sprintf(new_graph->id,
- "words(%lu,{%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld},%ld,%ld)",
- n,wt_vector[0],wt_vector[1],wt_vector[2],wt_vector[3],wt_vector[4],
- wt_vector[5],wt_vector[6],wt_vector[7],wt_vector[8],wt_threshold,seed);
- strcpy(new_graph->util_types,"IZZZZZIZZZZZZZ");
- cur_vertex=new_graph->vertices;
- next_string=gb_typed_alloc(6*n,char,new_graph->data);
- htab=gb_typed_alloc(5,hash_table,new_graph->aux_data);
- @ @<Add the word...@>=
- {@+register char *q; /* the new word */
- q=cur_vertex->name=next_string;
- next_string+=6;
- copy5(q,p->wd);
- cur_vertex->weight=p->key-0x40000000;
- @<Add edges for all previous words |r| that nearly match |q|@>;
- cur_vertex++;
- }
- @ The length of each edge in a |words| graph is set to~1; the
- calling routine can change it later if desired.
- @d mtch(i) (*(q+i)==*(r+i))
- @d match(a,b,c,d) (mtch(a)&&mtch(b)&&mtch(c)&&mtch(d))
- @d store_loc_of_diff(k) cur_vertex->arcs->loc=(cur_vertex->arcs-1)->loc=k
- @d ch(q) ((long)*(q))
- @d hdown(k) h==htab[k]? h=htab[k+1]-1: h--
- @<Add edges for all previous words |r| that nearly match |q|@>=
- {@+register char *r; /* previous word possibly adjacent to |q| */
- register Vertex **h; /* hash address for linear probing */
- register long raw_hash; /* five-letter hash code before remaindering */
- raw_hash=(((((((ch(q)<<5)+ch(q+1))<<5)+ch(q+2))<<5)+ch(q+3))<<5)+ch(q+4);
- for (h=htab[0]+(raw_hash-(ch(q)<<20)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(0)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(1,2,3,4))
- gb_new_edge(cur_vertex,*h,1L), store_loc_of_diff(0);
- }
- *h=cur_vertex;
- for (h=htab[1]+(raw_hash-(ch(q+1)<<15)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(1)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,2,3,4))
- gb_new_edge(cur_vertex,*h,1L), store_loc_of_diff(1);
- }
- *h=cur_vertex;
- for (h=htab[2]+(raw_hash-(ch(q+2)<<10)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(2)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,1,3,4))
- gb_new_edge(cur_vertex,*h,1L), store_loc_of_diff(2);
- }
- *h=cur_vertex;
- for (h=htab[3]+(raw_hash-(ch(q+3)<<5)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(3)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,1,2,4))
- gb_new_edge(cur_vertex,*h,1L), store_loc_of_diff(3);
- }
- *h=cur_vertex;
- for (h=htab[4]+(raw_hash-ch(q+4)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(4)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,1,2,3))
- gb_new_edge(cur_vertex,*h,1L), store_loc_of_diff(4);
- }
- *h=cur_vertex;
- }
- @* Finding a word. After |words| has created a graph |g|, the user can
- remove the hash tables by calling |gb_free(g->aux_data)|. But if the
- hash tables have not been removed, another procedure can be used to
- find vertices that match or nearly match a given word.
- The subroutine call |find_word(q,f)| will return a pointer to a vertex
- that matches a given five-letter word~|q|, if that word is in the graph;
- otherwise, it returns |NULL| (i.e., .{NULL}), after calling |f(v)| for
- each vertex~|v| whose word matches |q| in all but one letter position.
- @p Vertex *find_word(q,f)
- char *q;
- void @[@] (*f)(); /* |*f| should take one argument, of type |Vertex *|,
- or |f| should be |NULL| */
- {@+register char *r; /* previous word possibly adjacent to |q| */
- register Vertex **h; /* hash address for linear probing */
- register long raw_hash; /* five-letter hash code before remaindering */
- raw_hash=(((((((ch(q)<<5)+ch(q+1))<<5)+ch(q+2))<<5)+ch(q+3))<<5)+ch(q+4);
- for (h=htab[0]+(raw_hash-(ch(q)<<20)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(0)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (mtch(0) && match(1,2,3,4))
- return *h;
- }
- @<Invoke |f| on every vertex that is adjacent to word~|q|@>;
- return NULL;
- }
- @ @<Invoke |f| on every vertex that is adjacent to word~|q|@>=
- if (f) {
- for (h=htab[0]+(raw_hash-(ch(q)<<20)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(0)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(1,2,3,4))
- (*f)(*h);
- }
- for (h=htab[1]+(raw_hash-(ch(q+1)<<15)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(1)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,2,3,4))
- (*f)(*h);
- }
- for (h=htab[2]+(raw_hash-(ch(q+2)<<10)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(2)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,1,3,4))
- (*f)(*h);
- }
- for (h=htab[3]+(raw_hash-(ch(q+3)<<5)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(3)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,1,2,4))
- (*f)(*h);
- }
- for (h=htab[4]+(raw_hash-ch(q+4)) % hash_prime; *h; hdown(4)) {
- r=(*h)->name;
- if (match(0,1,2,3))
- (*f)(*h);
- }
- }
- @* Index. Here is a list that shows where the identifiers of this program are
- defined and used.