- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- deftitle{LADDERS}
- prerequisites{GB_WORDS}{GB_,DIJK}
- @* Introduction. This demonstration program uses graphs
- constructed by the {sc GB_WORDS} module to produce
- an interactive program called .{ladders}, which finds shortest paths
- between two given five-letter words of English.
- The program assumes that UNIX/ conventions are being used. Some code in
- sections listed under `UNIX/ dependencies' in the index might need to change
- if this program is ported to other operating systems.
- def<#1>{$langle${rm#1}$rangle$}
- To run the program under UNIX/, say `.{ladders} <options>', where <options>
- consists of zero or more of the following specifications in any order:
- {narrower
- def\#1 {smallskipnoindent
- hbox to 6em{tt#1hfill}hangindent 8emhangafter1 }
- \-v Verbosely print all words encountered during the shortest-path
- computation, showing also their distances from the goal word.
- \-a Use alphabetic distance instead of considering adjacent words to be one
- unit apart; for example, the alphabetic distance from `.{words}' to
- `.{woods}' is~3, because `.r' is three places from `.o' in the
- alphabet.
- \-f Use distance based on frequency (see below), instead of considering
- adjacent words to be one unit apart. This option is ignored if either
- .{-a} or .{-r} has been specified.
- \-h Use a lower-bound heuristic to shorten the search (see below). This option
- is ignored if option .{-f} has been selected.
- \-e Echo the input to the output (useful if input comes from a file instead
- of from the terminal).
- \-n<number> Limit the graph to the |n| most common English words, where |n|
- is the given <number>.
- \-r<number> Limit the graph to <number> randomly selected words. This option
- is incompatible with~.{-n}.
- \-s<number> Use <number> instead of 0 as the seed for random numbers, to get
- different random samples or to explore words of equal frequency in
- a different order.
- smallskip}
- noindent Option .{-f} assigns a cost of 0 to the most common words and a
- cost of 16 to the least common words; a cost between 0 and~16 is assigned to
- words of intermediate frequency. The word ladders that are found will then have
- minimum total cost by this criterion. Experience shows that the .{-f} option
- tends to give the ``friendliest,'' most intuitively appealing ladders.
- smallskip
- Option .{-h} attempts to focus the search by giving priority to words that
- are near the goal. (More precisely, it modifies distances between adjacent
- words by using a heuristic function $\{hh}(v)$, which would be the shortest
- possible distance between $v$ and the goal if every five-letter combination
- happened to be an English word.) The {sc GB_,DIJK} module explains more
- about such heuristics; this option is most interesting to watch when used in
- conjunction with .{-v}.
- @ The program will prompt you for a starting word. If you simply type
- <return>, it exits; otherwise you should enter a five-letter word
- (with no uppercase letters) before typing <return>.
- Then the program will prompt you for a goal word. If you simply type
- <return> at this point, it will go back and ask for a new starting word;
- otherwise you should specify another five-letter word.
- Then the program will find and display an optimal word ladder from the start
- to the goal, if there is a path from one to the other
- that changes only one letter at a time.
- And then you have a chance to start all over again, with another starting word.
- The start and goal words need not be present in the program's graph of
- ``known'' words. They are temporarily added to that graph, but removed
- again whenever new start and goal words are given. If the .{-f} option is
- being used, the cost of the goal word will be 20 when it is not in the
- program's dictionary.
- @ Here is the general layout of this program, as seen by the CEE/ compiler:
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- @p
- #include <ctype.h> /* system file for character types */
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* the standard GraphBase data structures */
- #include "gb_words.h" /* routines for five-letter word graphs */
- #include "gb_dijk.h" /* routines for shortest paths */
- @h@#
- @<Global variables@>@;
- @<Subroutines@>@;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */
- char *argv[]; /* an array of strings containing those arguments */
- {
- @<Scan the command-line options@>;
- @<Set up the graph of words@>;
- while(1) {
- @<Prompt for starting word and goal word; |break| if none given@>;
- @<Find a minimal ladder from |start| to |goal|, if one exists,
- and print it@>;
- }
- return 0; /* normal exit */
- }
- @* Parsing the options. Let's get the UNIX/ command-line junk out of the
- way first, so that we can concentrate on meatier stuff. Our job in this part
- of the program is to see if the default value zero of external variable
- |verbose| should change, and/or if the default values of any of the following
- internal variables should change:
- @<Global variables@>=
- char alph=0; /* nonzero if the alphabetic distance option is selected */
- char freq=0; /* nonzero if the frequency-based distance option is selected */
- char heur=0; /* nonzero if the heuristic search option is selected */
- char echo=0; /* nonzero if the input-echo option is selected */
- unsigned long n=0; /* maximum number of words in the graph (0 means infinity) */
- char randm=0; /* nonzero if we will ignore the weight of words */
- long seed=0; /* seed for random number generator */
- @ @<Scan the command-line options@>=
- while (--argc) {
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-v")==0) verbose=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-a")==0) alph=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-f")==0) freq=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-h")==0) heur=1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-e")==0) echo=1;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-n%lu",&n)==1) randm=0;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-r%lu",&n)==1) randm=1;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-s%ld",&seed)==1) ;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-v][-a][-f][-h][-e][-nN][-rN][-sN]n",argv[0]);
- return -2;
- }
- }
- if (alph || randm) freq=0;
- if (freq) heur=0;
- @*Creating the graph. The GraphBase |words| procedure will produce the
- five-letter words we want, organized in a graph structure.
- @d quit_if(x,c)
- if (x) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Sorry, I couldn't build a dictionary (trouble code %ld)!n",c);
- return c;
- }
- @<Set up the graph of words@>=
- g=words(n,(randm? zero_vector: NULL), 0L,seed);
- quit_if(g==NULL,panic_code);
- @<Confirm the options selected@>;
- @<Modify the edge lengths, if the |alph| or |freq| option was selected@>;
- @<Modify the priority queue algorithm, if unequal edge lengths are possible@>;
- @ @<Glob...@>=
- Graph *g; /* graph created by |words| */
- long zero_vector[9];
- /* weights to use when ignoring all frequency information */
- @ The actual number of words might be decreased to the size of the GraphBase
- dictionary, so we wait until the graph is generated before confirming
- the user-selected options.
- @<Confirm the options selected@>=
- if (verbose) {
- if (alph) printf("(alphabetic distance selected)n");
- if (freq) printf("(frequency-based distances selected)n");
- if (heur)
- printf("(lowerbound heuristic will be used to focus the search)n");
- if (randm) printf("(random selection of %ld words with seed %ld)n",
- g->n,seed);
- else printf("(the graph has %ld words)n",g->n);
- }
- @ The edges in a |words| graph normally have length 1, so we must change them
- if the user has selected |alph| or |freq|. The character position in which
- adjacent words differ is recorded in the |loc| field of each arc. The
- frequency of a word is stored in the |weight| field of its vertex.
- @d a_dist(k) (*(p+k)<*(q+k)? *(q+k)-*(p+k): *(p+k)-*(q+k))
- @<Modify the edge lengths, if the |alph| or |freq| option was selected@>=
- if (alph) {@+register Vertex *u;
- for (u=g->vertices+g->n-1; u>=g->vertices; u--) {@+register Arc *a;
- register char *p=u->name;
- for (a=u->arcs; a; a=a->next) {@+register char *q=a->tip->name;
- a->len = a_dist(a->loc);
- }
- }
- }@+else if (freq) {@+register Vertex *u;
- for (u=g->vertices+g->n-1; u>=g->vertices; u--) {@+register Arc *a;
- for (a=u->arcs; a; a=a->next)
- a->len = freq_cost(a->tip);
- }
- }
- @ The default priority queue algorithm of |dijkstra| is quite efficient
- when all edge lengths are~1. Otherwise we change it to the
- alternative method that works best for edge lengths less than~128.
- @<Modify the priority queue algorithm...@>=
- if (alph || freq || heur) {
- init_queue=init_128;
- del_min=del_128;
- enqueue=enq_128;
- requeue=req_128;
- }
- @ The frequency has been computed with the default weights explained in the
- documentation of |words|; it is usually less than $2^{16}$.
- A word whose frequency is 0 costs~16; a word whose frequency is 1 costs~15;
- a word whose frequency is 2 or 3 costs~14; and the costs keep decreasing
- by~1 as the frequency doubles, until we reach a cost of~0.
- @<Sub...@>=
- long freq_cost(v)
- Vertex *v;
- {@+register long acc=v->weight; /* the frequency, to be shifted right */
- register long k=16;
- while (acc) k--, acc>>=1;
- return (k<0? 0: k);
- }
- @* Minimal ladders. The guts of this program is a routine to compute shortest
- paths between two given words, |start| and |goal|.
- The |dijkstra| procedure does this, in any graph with nonnegative arc lengths.
- The only complication we need to deal with here is that |start| and |goal|
- might not themselves be present in the graph. In that case we want to insert
- them, albeit temporarily.
- The conventions of {sc GB_,GRAPH} allow us to do the desired augmentation
- by creating a new graph |gg| whose vertices are borrowed from~|g|. The
- graph~|g| has space for two more vertices (actually for four), and any
- new memory blocks allocated for the additional arcs present in~|gg| will
- be freed later by the operation |gb_recycle(gg)| without confusion.
- @<Glob...@>=
- Graph *gg; /* clone of |g| with possible additional words */
- char start[6], goal[6];
- /* .{words} dear to the user's .{heart}, plus |' '| */
- Vertex *uu, *vv; /* start and goal vertices in |gg| */
- @ @<Find a minimal ladder from |start| to |goal|...@>=
- @<Build the amplified graph |gg|@>;
- @<Let |dijkstra| do the hard work@>;
- @<Print the answer@>;
- @<Remove all traces of |gg|@>;
- @ @<Build the amplified graph |gg|@>=
- gg=gb_new_graph(0L);
- quit_if(gg==NULL,no_room+5); /* out of memory */
- gg->vertices = g->vertices;
- gg->n = g->n;
- @<Put the |start| word into |gg|, and let |uu| point to it@>;
- @<Put the |goal| word into |gg|, and let |vv| point to it@>;
- if (gg->n==g->n+2) @<Check if |start| is adjacent to |goal|@>;
- quit_if(gb_trouble_code,no_room+6); /* out of memory */
- @ The |find_word| procedure returns |NULL| if it can't find the given word
- in the graph just constructed by |words|. In that case it has applied its
- second argument to every adjacent word. Hence the program logic here
- does everything needed to add a new vertex to~|gg| when necessary.
- @<Put the |start| word into |gg|, and let |uu| point to it@>=
- (gg->vertices+gg->n)->name = start; /* a tentative new vertex */
- uu=find_word(start,plant_new_edge);
- if (!uu)
- uu = gg->vertices + gg->n++; /* recognize the new vertex and refer to it */
- @ @<Put the |goal|...@>=
- if (strncmp(start,goal,5)==0) vv=uu; /* avoid inserting a word twice */
- else {
- (gg->vertices+gg->n)->name = goal; /* a tentative new vertex */
- vv=find_word(goal,plant_new_edge);
- if (!vv)
- vv = gg->vertices + gg->n++; /* recognize the new vertex and refer to it */
- }
- @ The |alph_dist| subroutine calculates the alphabetic distance between
- arbitrary five-letter words, whether they are adjacent or not.
- @<Sub...@>=
- long alph_dist(p,q)
- register char *p, *q;
- {
- return a_dist(0)+a_dist(1)+a_dist(2)+a_dist(3)+a_dist(4);
- }
- @ @<Sub...@>=
- void plant_new_edge(v)
- Vertex *v;
- {@+Vertex *u=gg->vertices+gg->n; /* the new edge runs from |u| to |v| */
- gb_new_edge(u,v,1L);
- if (alph)
- u->arcs->len=(u->arcs-1)->len=alph_dist(u->name,v->name);
- else if (freq) {
- u->arcs->len=20; /* adjust the arc length from |v| to |u| */
- (u->arcs-1)->len=freq_cost(v); /* adjust the arc length from |u| to |v| */
- }
- }
- @ There's a bug in the above logic that could be embarrassing,
- although it will come up only when a user is trying to be clever: The
- |find_word| routine knows only the words of~|g|, so it will fail to
- make any direct connection between |start| and |goal| if they happen
- to be adjacent to each other yet not in the original graph. We had
- better fix this, otherwise the computer will look stupid.
- @<Check if |start|...@>=
- if (hamm_dist(start,goal)==1) {
- gg->n--; /* temporarily pretend |vv| hasn't been added yet */
- plant_new_edge(uu); /* make |vv| adjacent to |uu| */
- gg->n++; /* and recognize it again */
- }
- @ The Hamming distance between words is the number of character positions
- @^Hamming, Richard Wesley, distance@>
- in which they differ.
- @d h_dist(k) (*(p+k)==*(q+k)? 0: 1)
- @<Sub...@>=
- long hamm_dist(p,q)
- register char *p, *q;
- {
- return h_dist(0)+h_dist(1)+h_dist(2)+h_dist(3)+h_dist(4);
- }
- @ OK, now we've got a graph in which |dijkstra| can operate.
- @<Let |dijkstra| do the hard work@>=
- if (!heur) min_dist=dijkstra(uu,vv,gg,NULL);
- else if (alph) min_dist=dijkstra(uu,vv,gg,alph_heur);
- else min_dist=dijkstra(uu,vv,gg,hamm_heur);
- @ @<Sub...@>=
- long alph_heur(v)
- Vertex *v;
- {@+return alph_dist(v->name,goal);@+}
- @#
- long hamm_heur(v)
- Vertex *v;
- {@+return hamm_dist(v->name,goal);@+}
- @ @<Glob...@>=
- long min_dist; /* length of the shortest ladder */
- @ @<Print the answer@>=
- if (min_dist<0) printf("Sorry, there's no ladder from %s to %s.n",start,goal);
- else print_dijkstra_result(vv);
- @ Finally, we have to clean up our tracks. It's easy to remove all arcs
- from the new vertices of~|gg| to the old vertices of~|g|; it's a bit
- trickier to remove the arcs from old to new. The loop here will also
- remove arcs properly between start and goal vertices, if they both
- belong to |gg| not~|g|.
- @<Remove all traces of |gg|@>=
- for (uu=g->vertices+gg->n-1; uu>=g->vertices+g->n; uu--) {@+register Arc *a;
- for (a=uu->arcs; a; a=a->next) {
- vv=a->tip; /* now |vv->arcs==a-1|, since arcs for edges come in pairs */
- vv->arcs=vv->arcs->next;
- }
- uu->arcs=NULL; /* we needn't clear |uu->name| */
- }
- gb_recycle(gg); /* the |gg->data| blocks disappear, but |g->data| remains */
- @* Terminal interaction. We've finished doing all the interesting things.
- Only one minor part of the program still remains to be written.
- @<Prompt for...@>=
- putchar('n'); /* make a blank line for visual punctuation */
- restart: /* if we try to avoid this label,
- the |break| command will be broken */
- if (prompt_for_five("Starting",start)!=0) break;
- if (prompt_for_five(" Goal",goal)!=0) goto restart;
- @ @<Sub...@>=
- long prompt_for_five(s,p)
- char *s; /* string used in prompt message */
- register char *p; /* where to put a string typed by the user */
- {@+register char *q; /* current position to store characters */
- register long c; /* current character of input */
- while (1) {
- printf("%s word: ",s);
- fflush(stdout); /* make sure the user sees the prompt */
- q=p;
- while (1) {
- c=getchar();
- if (c==EOF) return -1; /* end-of-file */
- if (echo) putchar(c);
- if (c=='n') break;
- if (!islower(c)) q=p+5;
- else if (q<p+5) *q=c;
- q++;
- }
- if (q==p+5) return 0; /* got a good five-letter word */
- if (q==p) return 1; /* got just <return> */
- printf("(Please type five lowercase letters and RETURN.)n");
- }
- }
- @* Index. Finally, here's a list that shows where the identifiers of this
- program are defined and used.